Radio Monte Carlo Moyen-Orient (RMC MO)

National Network

116 avenue du Président Kennedy
75220 Paris Cedex 16

00 33 1 56 40 16 84
Telephone (other)
00 33 1 56 40 17 01
00 33 1 40 50 17 00
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 33 6 62 01 58 02
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
1. - SOMERA S.A. - A hundred people including 46 journalists and 15 animators, also 45 correspondents in the world 2. Production of exploitation in 2005: 10.870.383 € 3. - International Radio of France (26,22%) - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (44,80%) - Own Resources (28,98%) 4. - Production of radio programs - Cultural Operations and attributions of price (dance, music and literature) - Training of journalists 5. Radios, European Commission, MAE, France Cultures , SACEM, COPEAM, Intergovernmental Agency for the Francophonie, Institute of the Arab World
Mission and Objectives

- France international radio of Arab expression , RMC MO deals about international , national and regional information .
It's a radio of reference in the Golf countries , in the Near and the Middle-East and all the Maghreb .
International and Pan-Arabic , it has the ambition of being a radio of proximity for its listeners , attentive to social, cultural , political and economic evolutions in the region.

Main Projects / Activities

RMC MO RMC MO emits 24h/24h starting from its 11 relays FM and by satellite and 17h30 per day in average waves. It diffuses all its emissions on the countries of the Gulf, the Near and the Middle East and the Maghreb countries. - Its assets counts on professional and qualified teams, its large network of correspondents, pluralistic information, varied programs and an Arab, French and international musical selection.
In 2005/2006, the accent is put on international and especially regional information, the sport news, the great rendez-vous and the culture. The priority is given to the reports and researches, while giving the word to the political , economic , social actors of the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Emilie Laot
Head of the organisation
Antoine Schwarz
Contact (2) Full Name
Philippe Beauvillard

Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) Projects Coordinatorship

National Network

Florya Yerleskesi
Besyol Mah., Inonu Cad., 40
Sefakoy 34295 Istanbul, Turkey


0090 212 425 61 51 (ext. 1204)
Telephone (other)
0090 212 425 61 51 (ext. 1205)
0090 212 425 57 59
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0090 534 555 3546
Mobile Phone (other)
0090 506 925 33 02
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Administrative Board Rector Prof.Dr.Mehmet Salih ÇELİKKALE Vice Rector Prof.Dr.Mustafa ÇIKRIKÇI Vice Rector Prof.Dr.Sabahattin BALCI Vice Rector Prof.Dr.Nurbay ÖZTÜRK Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof.Dr.Yahya Kemal YOĞURTÇU Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr.Ahmet Ali KARACA Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Prof.Dr.H.İbrahim ŞANLI Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts Nazmi Prof.Dr.Mustafa ERCAN Dean of Faculty of Communication Tamer Prof.Dr.Hamdi İNAL Dean of Faculty of Law With Prof.Dr.Yadigar İZMİRLİ Dean of Faculty of Education Prof.Dr.Hikmet SAVCI General Secretary (Rapporteur) Fehmi BÜYÜKBAYRAM Employed Staff: 654 Current Actions: European Union Projects (Promoting Women's Employment, Social Responsibility), Conferences (International Deliberative Democracy Symposium), Partnership in the Erasmus Exchange Program
Mission and Objectives

Mission is to find the solution to the unemployment problem by educating qualified manpower who private, public institutions, European Union and world require in the long run and who has the ability to implement what they learn . For this reason, our aim is to educate an individual who is equipped with information of computer and informatics technology, adapts contemporary developments in a short time, uses scientific methods and differentiate himself/herself with strong character and skills in business life.
Vision is to be innovative and leader higher education institution which implements training programmes including students who have foreign languages, transform information to production by using technology in high level. Vision is to be one of the leader higher education institution which educates individuals who internalize Atatürk's principles and reforms, believe in the unity of Turkish Republic, has the Republic values, secular and democratic thought.

Main Projects / Activities

Istanbul Aydın University has established on the pieces of Anatolian Foundation of Culture and Education in 2003. After the preparetion, in the 2005-2006 academic year, the total of 2915 students were admitted.
With the preparation programme the total number of day and evening programmes increased to 45. In 2006-2007 academic year, with the new-comers 4767 student in total were admitted in Anadolu BİL Higher School of Professional Education.
In the 2007-2008 academic year, the total number of programmes increased to 20 in evening programmes and 29 in day programmes with a total of 49. For the 2007-2008 academic year, nearly 6039 associate degree students were admitted.
The establishment of the Istanbul Aydın University is directly affiliated to the Higher Education Council and was provided and recommended. The Higher Education Council approved this recommendation. Istanbul Aydın University has been established through monitoring the necessary legal procedures and with the publishing in Official newspaper numbered 26526, law 5656 in Appendix 73 and dated 18.05.2007.
The followings were established in Istanbul Aydın University:
- Faculty of Letters and Science
- Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
- Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
- Faculty of Communication
- Faculty of Fine Arts
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Dentistry
- Higher School of Foreign Languages
- Anadolu Bil Higher School of Professional Education
- Institute of Science
- Institute of Social Sciences

Contact (1) Full Name
Arzu Ozsoy
Head of the organisation
Arzu Ozsoy, Head of Project Coordinatorship of IAU
Contact (2) Full Name
Ismail Numan TELCI, Project Officer of Project Coordinatorship of IAU


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Kars Municipality is local administration which has been operating since 1921. There are almost 600 employee within our institution.
Mission and Objectives

As Kars Municipality we aim to develop sustain relations with NGOs based in our region. Our priority is making people as much as involved with Municipal issues and paying attention to their concerns and contributions. For sure,we are most welcome with formulating project in cooperation with national and international partners.

Main Projects / Activities

We do organise some international festivals by targeting peace building process within the whole southern caucasia, our neighbourhood.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Orcinus Services

National Network

Immeuble Yanas Rue Ahmed Taib Ben Hima Etage 2 Appartement N° 4 Ville Nouvelle Safi Maroc

Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Orcinus Services est un bureau d'études axée sur les études et les formations dans le domaine de développement et de l'environnement et sur l'echange nord-sud et sud-sud
Mission and Objectives

Accompagner la société civile dans leur projet de développement

Main Projects / Activities

Formation - Etudes - Gestion de Projets - Formalités – Communication Comptabilité - Organisation Evénementielle

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

The Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement

National Network

42 Abdullah Deraz Street, off El Thawra Street, Ard El Golf, Heliopolis

+20 (0)2 4147490
Telephone (other)
+20 (0)3 4839999 ext. 1322
+20 (0)2 4147480
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 (0)12 3159993
General Information
The Suzanne Mubarak Women’s International Peace Movement is a non-profit non-governmental international association established in 2003. The first of its kind in the Middle East, it was created to harness the energy and creativity of all segments of society in the realization of a vision of peace. A vision which is based on a spirit of solidarity between peoples, on shared values and a mutual understanding of their common destiny. It is strongly committed to strengthening the involvement of women in peace building initiatives by highlighting alternative perspectives, exploring various options and ensuring that all efforts are attuned to human needs. The Movement works as a coalition-builder. It encourages the use of existing local entities as a means to channel resources for the empowerment of women, in addressing the root causes of insecurity and violence in their communities, and map out peace building effortsto be undertaken.
Mission and Objectives

• Forging Partnerships - working with relevant sectors of the global community to maximize the impact of peace building initiatives.
• Capacity-Building - empowering women and youth to become successful peace builders.
• Awareness Raising - promoting and mainstreaming the values of a culture of peace.
• Enhancing Dialogue - providing a platform for communication and information sharing between individuals and groups working for peace, justice and human security.
• Campaigns and advocacy - geared towards the protection and promotion of all human rights and the prevention and elimination of violence against women and children.
• Research and Publications - developing case study material that illustrate the achievements and challenges in achieving sustainable peace.
• Supporting global efforts - for peace, reconciliation and reconstruction.

Main Projects / Activities

Examples of recent events
- Towards Peace and Prosperity, Women: Engine of Change, January 18-19, 2006, Four Seasons Hotel, Cairo, Egypt
- Summer Peace Camps, August 2005
- Press Release: Progress of Arab Women 2004, Arabic version launch, January 11th, 2006, Cairo, Egypt
- Fundraising Event for Palestininan Children, May 16th, 2005, Cairo, Egypt
- First Ladies of the Nepad States Gather in the City of Peace, April 18th, 2005, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
- Institute for Peace Studies Inauguration, February 15-16, 2006, Bibliotheca Alexandrina
- The UNESCO Colloquium, Women in the Service of Peace, June 8th, 2004, Paris
To just quote a few. Further information and description of more events available on our website.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Heba El Sherkawi
Head of the organisation
Ms. Heba El Sherkawi (Executive Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Shahinaz El Hinnawi

FNTA Maroc

National Network
Contact (1) Full Name
FNTA Maroc

La Fondation des Femmes pour la Méditerranée (FFM)

National Network

1, rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau
75001 Paris


00 33 (1) 42 60 76 63
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 33 (0) 6 12 60 27 94, Mme Narges BEN MLOUKA
Mobile Phone (other)
00 33 (0) 6 15 46 16 64 (Mme Samar SASSINE)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
L'APFFM est l'Association de Préfiguration de la Fondation des Femmes pour la Méditerranée formée d'une équipe de 8 salarié(e)s. ° Les sources de financement sont publiques et privées. ° La FFM a vocation à soutenir des projets de terrain à destination des femmes: en s’appuyant sur la mise en réseau des acteurs de l’égalité et en s’adossant à la connaissance sur l’égalité, les femmes et le genre. ° Quant aux partenaires; La Fondation des Femmes pour la Méditerranée crée le premier réseau euro-méditerranéen qui fédère les acteurs oeuvrant pour l'égalité. Il s'agit des ministères et services chargés des droits des femmes, collectivités territoriales, universités, centres de recherche, ONG, associations, réseaux des femmes et entreprises.
Mission and Objectives

La Fondation des Femmes pour la Méditerranée (FFM) agit pour l’émancipation, l’autonomie et le renforcement du rôle des femmes dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen, afin de construire l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes.

Main Projects / Activities

La Fondation des Femmes pour la Méditerranée développe trois métiers qui constituent les axes fondamentaux de son programme d'action: Fédérer pour mutualiser les expériences; Produire et transmettre les savoirs; Agir pour soutenir les projets de terrain.
Ainsi, la FFM est à la fois un espace de référence de la connaissance, un outil pour la réflexion et un lieu de mise en oeuvre d'actions coordonnées et pérennes.
L'originalité de la FFM est de mettre en synergie l'ensemble des communautés qui oeuvrent pour les droits des femmes. C'est aussi de mettre en relation, au sein d'une même institution, les trois axes métiers interdépendants les uns des autres.
Connaissances et expériences capitalisées et animées par les réseaux se renforcent mutuellement et ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives pour agir et concrétiser l'égalité entre les sexes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Narges BEN MLOUKA, Responsable des associations
Head of the organisation
Mme Nathalie FUSTIERr, Présidente ET Mme Corinne HIRSCH, Déléguée générale
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Samar SASSINE, Cheffe de Projet Liban

Hableh Charitable Association

National Network

Hableh–South Area – Next to Palestinian Red Crescent
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

  Social , Cultural , Educational    All Society Segments (Women , Children ….)

Mission and Objectives

Empowering women and enhancing their role in society Raising the cultural and scientific level in society Providing educational and cultural services and relief projects for the poor and the needy Community development and the promotion of civil peace Promote capacity building for different groups and segments

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ahed Jada'a
Job Title
Association Director
Head of the organisation
Ahed Jada'a

Give Palestine Association

National Network

Betounia – El. Ayyam St. / El. Ayyam Building / 3rd floor.
Palestine – Gaza – Al Remal area, Ahmed Abdul Aziz St., Shurrab building, 3nd floor
Headquarter/ Palestine -Ramallah:
Palestinian Territories

+970 2 2988328
+970 2 2988327
Mobile Phone
+972 522588972
Mobile Phone (other)
+970 597080068
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

- Sustainable Development Program  Empowerment  Vocational training  Solar Power -Cultural program  Establishing and maintaining model libraries for children  Encouraging Reading Campaigns  Theater bands, Gazelle Family and Mama Kareemeh Family  Read and listen App.

Mission and Objectives

Developing the capacities of young volunteers and promoting giving values Effective networking with Palestinian institutions and achieving sustainable partnerships.  Promoting reading as a comprehensive community value. Building capacities of marginalized groups and integrating them into the labor market.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Raja Abu Ghazalah
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Raja Abu Ghazalah