Humans Without Borders

National Network

17 A Hapamonim Street, Flat 7,

09 7413014
Mobile Phone
054 3164224
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
Humans Without Borders (HWB) is a non-government, non-political, recognized charity in Israel (charity no.580493898) that is devoted to helping Palestinian children in the West Bank receive advanced medical  care at Israeli hospitals.  HWB has a small executive board and about 55 active  volunteer drivers and social activists. The NGO is supported by about 150 members. Briefly, the primary activity of HWB is to meet the urgent need among sick Palestinian children from the West Bank for medical care. Children suffering with severe medical problems receive state of the art treatment in major Israeli medical centers. HWB coordinates requests for individual entry permits from Israel’s Civil Administration, and volunteer drivers meet the Palestinian families at the border check-points, escorting them to and from the designated hospitals in Israel. At the hospitals volunteers facilitate communication between staff and parents and make visits to children during hospitalization. Each year more than 1500 trips are made by volunteers. Additionally, HWB organizes outings and picnics for Palestinian sick children and their families and supports educational and social programs. More information can be found on the HWB website .  
Mission and Objectives

HWB believes that it is every child’s right to grow and develop in a caring and supportive environment. HWB is committed to enhancing the safety and well-being of Palestinian children and their communities in the Occupied Territories. By promoting direct, friendly contact between Palestinians and Israelis, and through its efforts to brighten the lives of the children and ease the anxiety of their parents, HWB is regarded by both sides as contributing significantly to greater mutual respect in this troubled area.

Main Projects / Activities

Please find in the following a summary of the most  recent projects and activities of Humans Without Borders.
Humans without Borders (HWB) continued in 2013 its primary mission in assisting to transport sick Palestinian children from the West Bank towns and villages to Israeli hospitals for advanced medical care that is not available under the health care system of the Palestinian Authority. A band of dedicated volunteers works tirelessly to bring the children and families to the hospitals and provide any additional necessary assistance.
As in previous years, HWB members organized several outings and fun happenings to brighten up the lives of the children and parents. HWB believes that it is every child's right to grow and develop in a caring and supportive environment, and is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of Palestinian children and Palestinian communities. By promoting direct, friendly contact between Palestinians and Israelis, HWB hopes to contribute significantly to greater mutual respect in this troubled area.
Highlights of our work in 2013:
*        Transport of sick children. More than 1,500 trips were made by Israeli volunteer drivers – Jewish, Moslem and Christian – from border checkpoints to hospitals in Jerusalem and the greater Tel Aviv area and back.
*       Day at the circus. In May. HWB members organized a visit in Beth Jala, near Bethlehem, of the Israel-Arab circus to entertain 35 sick Palestinian children, their extended families and many of our volunteers. This event was made possible through a grant from the Prelude Foundation.
*         Day at the sea. In July, HWB members arranged a day at the sea for families of Palestinian sick children. The volunteers teamed up with a group of students from the Arabic-Hebrew Bilingual School in Jerusalem. Support for this event was made possible by a grant from the British Shalom Salaam Trust (BSST).
*        Mothers’ workshop. In August, HWB members organized at the Shaarei Zedek Medical Center a workshop for the mothers of sick Palestinian children so they could talk about their roles in the family and their very special circumstances – the loneliness and difficulties they experience as mothers of very sick children. The workshop, moderated by the “Women and their Bodies” organization with two 2-hour sessions, was attended by 15 Palestinian mothers. This event was made possible by donations from private individuals in Israel and abroad and will take place regularly in the future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work with a very unfortunate and very hetrogeneous group of families who live as far north as Jenin and as far south as the villages in the south Hebron hills. The only thing they have in common is the dominant reality of children with life-endangering illnesses who must spend a substanial part of their week in Israeli hospitals. Mothers must leave their households and families to reside at the hospitals along with the children. Or, in the case of dialysis, they must travel to Jerusalem 4 or 5 times a week for treatment (until a kidney transpant can be arranged).There is nothing innovative here. We simply try and ease the lives of these people and assist them in a few small ways, literally to help them surivive during these dreadfully difficult periods.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network to  share our interests and activities with other members of the organization and  to seek  ALF finacial support to help us continue our vital activities.
In 2014 Humans Without Borders is planning to organize two one day outings during the summer. In the first, we plan to take the sick children and their families for a trip to a leisure park near Ramalla in the West Bank. Most of the parents and their children rarely can afford to have the opportunity to spend a day of fun and recreational activities.Staffing and organization will be supervised by Israeli volunteers. 
A second outing  is planned to take place during the Eid-al Fitr celebrations (see previous event was held at the Murad Tourist Resort in Beit Schour, a small town near Bethlehem.Some 50 children with their parents enjoyed a fun and recreation day at the swimming pools, followed by a huge lunch catered by the resort. Eid Al-Fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan (the month of fasting). Muslims usually give zakat (charity) on the occasion to help the poor and distressed and we initially held this event in 2012 in the spirit of the holiday. If funding is available, we will hold this event for about 50 families, i.e. about 200 people in all, on July 29 or 30 2014  

Contact (1) Full Name
Professor Gerald Cohen (emeritus)
Job Title
Co-Director, Humans Without Borders
Head of the organisation
Co-Director Professor Gerald Cohen,
Contact (2) Full Name
Larry Lester
Job Title (2)
Co-Director, Humans Without Borders


National Network


Mobile Phone
+382 (0)68 818 252
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Music School in Tivat was founded on October 29th 1964. The founder of the School is the Municipality of Tivat. Since the school year 2005/06 a branch unit of the School has been opened in Radovići. The school focuses its developmental policies on wind instruments. It is important to emphasize that, as the first music school in Montenegro, we opened the department of BRASS WIND INSTRUMENTS (horn and trumpet) and only after a year after its opening, the branch achieved significant results at various competitions. The school has also organized a series of concerts realized in cooperation with the Music Academy in Cetinje and the Chronicle of Bar festival. Through excellent cooperation with NGO Ars praesentia, international workshops for wind instruments have been realized for eleven years in a row in Tivat, which have been visited not only by the students of musical schools from Montenegro, but also from Italy, Germany, Japan, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, Spain, Cuba, etc. The three-year long cooperation between Music School and the professors of wind instruments from the Royal Academy in Stockholm has contributed to the development of the wind instrument department, which is the School’s trademark also outside Montenegro. It is important to mention some of the eminent names who participated in the realization of wind instruments’ seminars, such as: Ljubiša Jovanović (flute - Serbia), Ognjen Popović and Veljko Klenkovski (clarinet – Serbia),  Nenad Janković ( bassoon - Serbia), Milena and Boštjan Lipovšek (flute, horn – Slovenija), Guy Porat (oboe – Israel), Tibor Kerekeš (trumpet – Slovenia), Aleksandar Benčić (trombone – Serbia), Matej Šarc (oboe – Slovenia), Nataša Paklar Marković and Alenka Zupan (flute - Slovenia), Mladen Đorđević (trumpet – Serbia) and many others. This is complemented by the numerous awards of our students at national and international competitions, which have contributed to our school’s becoming the leading institution for the development of wind instruments in Montenegro. With similar policies of development and the cooperation with many prominent artists and pedagogues, we have achieved the desired goals. In 2012/13, the first generation of students of secondary music school has been admitted, for wind instruments. Thanks to the license of the Ministry of Education and Sports, issued on 31/07/2012, the school realizes the training program of primary music education for the instruments: piano, accordion, guitar, percussions, oboe, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn and trombone and the program of secondary music education for the instruments: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone and piano. Since 2012/13, the official name of the school is Public Institution Music School Tivat. The School Day is the 25th of November.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to aid the teaching faculty and students in the increasing of their intellectual capital, through the application of contemporary educational methods. An active and attractive music life is an efficient and useful complement to everyday teaching activities. It helps our students to better envision the possibilities and guiding lines of their future activities in music, within the school itself. Therefore, our goal is to become the leading school for wind instruments in this part of Europe.
Guided by this vision, we offer the music segment as an important cultural offer of our town. We affirm cultural potential, tradition and cultural specificities of the Municipality, as well as the initiatives and activities aimed at raising the levels of urban culture and the preservation of the Mediterranean heritage.
With a good strategy for development, the school can be one of the main cultural backbones for the local community, which, in the case of Music School Tivat, is especially reflected in the projects it had realized so far.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dunja Vasiljević
Head of the organisation
Pina Bubanja
Contact (2) Full Name
Pina Bubanja
Job Title (2)

association l'arche

National Network

50, rue puvis de chavannes
13002 marseille

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1 salarié journée internationale de la femme, actions et échanges intergénérationnels, promotion des femmes à travers des actions génératrices de revenus (couture, artisanat, confection de vêtements de cérémonie, ateliers d'alphabétisation et de socialisation...) partenariat avec la fondation Emmaus, radio gazelle, télévision, nessma
Mission and Objectives

Promotion des femmes 
Echanges et solidarité
Promouvoir la culture méditerranéenne à travers le vêtement
Renforcer les droits des femmes migrantes

Main Projects / Activities

atelier de couture Kenza Cérémonie
Mouvement Internationnal des Mères Algériennes (MIMA)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'arche a des actions concrètes qui contribuent à l'amélioration des conditions des femmes dans le pourtour méditerranée et en particulier concernant les femmes migrantes. L'expérience et l'expertise de l'association l'Arche depuis 12 ans en faveur des femmes permettra d'apporter une plus value au réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Le réseau ALF a un rayonnement international qui nous encourage à le rejoindre. Notre association travaillant sur les partenariats, échanges entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée, il était impoirtant de rentrer dans ce réseau puisque nous partageons les mêmes valeurs culturelles et solidaires

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

start initiative for community justice and human rights

National Network

sharkea abohamad
elasmailia almostakbal

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Research
General Information
Start Initiative for community justice and human rights was established in January 2013as a simple non-profitable recommendation company to retrain and rehabilitate the freed seeking to strengthen community security and provide them aftercare for reintegration into the national forces as active individuals. That t is achieved by focusing on four main axes : 1.psychosocial rehabilitation 2. legal defense and helping for employment 4.and participating the local community.
Mission and Objectives

Then launching our social initiative that aim to change the society mentality to give the Ex-offenders a second chance in life . over years the rooting of the prison stigma which was an obstacle for all groups that fought the prisoner experience to be able to have active participation in society .There wasn’t any idea about the crowd and supporting of the Re-integration of what is called (ex offenders) .this sector in the field of surrounding environment include (family friends neighbors relatives , full Societal surroundings guided to offer differentiation ,smudge and reaming in zero case square, public and private companies , social organization specially religious groups, clubs and communities). Schools and individuals as well. Our vision : to build the hopes bridges for criminals and their families we contribute in safer community through integration the ex offender in society successfully. Forming society believe in giving second chance to form successful organized life. Our mission : the rehabilitation and reintegration of the ex offender to become contributed and responsible members in society. Our values : integrity, honor secret teamwork regulator, gain the trust of our customers, Success in creating active members. productive Our promises : we help the others and offer our best efforts. Monitor violations and stand against any societal violence resulting from the authority . we get the available chances for training , employment , and systematic persuasion for employers. Voluntary: we force the joiners to respect the initiative , its goals , work value , promises ,the strong desire of assistance , and full conviction of the idea of our project we have 13 employees worked for 8 hours a day we also have 5 volunteers part time we work with amnesty in Sweden for making projects for ex prisoners of women we work also with global its a foundation worked in Usa and its our main founder we have partnership with elnadem center and eiper the Egyptian pirsnola human rights organization

Main Projects / Activities

we have 2 projects till now one of thim is our baisec serves for kegal help and piscalogecal program for healing  stigma providid by Global foundand we have 24 project for one year for  women ex prisoners by Amnesty

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can help in awearniss
we can gave all the groups and organization sharing our work and experience
we can arrange events for studying our psychology program in stigma for all who needed
we can beeing an effective  group in talking and awearniss about human rights

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to know more about your work
share information
learn about working groups
beeing a member will help us to knew about human rights in all over countries

Contact (1) Full Name
nermeen bahtyty
Job Title
Head of the organisation
nermeen elbahtyty
Contact (2) Full Name
mohamed atia
Job Title (2)

medi production art scenique gafsa

National Network

rue 4 decembe ksar gafsa
ksar gafsa
2111 gafsa

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
production et diffusion des arts sceniques
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

cherche partenaire

Contact (1) Full Name
faycel hamdi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
faycel hamdi

Club Friends of Europe

National Network

7 Krakra Str., appt.15

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We do not have at present employed staff in our organization due to the lack of funds this year. The structure is like this we have a chairman- Yani Yanev, former governer of Varna, now MEP. Usually we have funds from members - annual membership and Municipality of Varna, which we use for the cultural projects which we are running. Youth in Action projects, evaluation projects, Municipality of Varna projects varios- European Children's network
Mission and Objectives

Club "Friends of Europe" – Children section was founded as an NGO in December 2002 but we have existed as part of a network of European Bulgarian clubs since 1990. Lobbing for EU policies in Bulgaria and helping with the process of European integration. Most of the members are children and young people, and it has sections in most of the high schools in Varna, the third largest city in Bulgaria, with the scope to help and enable the process of integration in every aspect in Bulgaria regarding integration in the EU.

Main Projects / Activities

Through its teaching process, the organisation enhances the role of the child in society and dwell on the education of the rights of every child. Aiming to protect the rights of children and help them find their place in society and lobby for their rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataliya Nikolova
Head of the organisation
Yani Yanev

Cabinet Dr BADR

National Network

6,Rue Abou Kacim Achabbi Quartier Gauthier

022 22 40 55
022 22 40 55
Mobile Phone
061 30 18 15
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
Nous sommes une association de 3 médecins formés en France : - un ex-directeur de société de communication médicale et de fabrication de générique pour une enseigne Américaine. - une brillante réanimatrice anesthésiste ancienne (vraie) chef de clinique de l'hopital George Pompidou à Paris. - et moi-même : psychiatre ayant expérience du psychotraumatisme (stage en Israel en 1998 chez l'éminent Pr Shalev) et super-spécialisé en un technique inovante jamais introduite ni au Maroc ni en Afrique: la stimulation magnétique transcranienne,utile pour certaine souffrance psychiatrique, pour le parkinson et la douleur. L'un d'entre nous accepterait de nous mettre à disposition les locaux de son entreprise enplein coeur de Casablanca. La location et le bail seraient au DH symbolique.
Mission and Objectives

Nous voudrions crée une unité spéciale anti-douleur à Casablanca. Cela correspond à un projet innovant et concrètement utile pour notre pays.
Ce serait une structure permettant 7 hospitalisations de jour.
Nous enisageons d'embaucher 5 personnes au début de la mise en route de notre projet: 3 infirmières, 1 kinesithérapeute et ainsi qu'une psychologue.

Main Projects / Activities

Malheureusement,nous ne trouvons pas d'aide financière de la part des banques.
Une d'entre elle, la plus importante de la place marocaine, nous a même répondu par l'intermédiaire d'un certain M. Guessous concernant l'achat d'un appareil de 500000 DH que dans cette organisme "En Leasing, nous ne fiançont pas de tel projet, Dr, mais seulement du matériel de chantier ou des voitures!"
C'est une honte pour notre pays et c'est peu dire, si vous me le permettez.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Toi, est une association qui travaille en collaboration avec le Ministère des Affaires Sociales de la RDcongo à cause de ses multiples interventions sur terrain.Budget annuel 200.000 USD, dont 73% don partebaire. Intervention Humanitaire, encadrement des enfants dela rue, orphelins , veuves , filles mères et personnes atteintes du VIF/Sida, lutte contre la malnutrition infantille.
Mission and Objectives

Créer l'égalité de chance entre les peuples sans aucune discrimination, partage et amour entre les communautés existantes.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Installation d'un grand centre informatique pour l'encadrement des anfants en rupture familiale appellé eciole de seconde chance dans 5 provinces types. Cout estimé à 30.000 USD /provinces
2. Formation des filles mère dans les metiers de couturières d'ou necessité d'avoir un centre de formation appeler foyer social.
3. Mise en palce d'une politique d'apprenstissage aux jeunes gens dont l'age varie entre 18 et 40 ans aux metiers manuels, argiculture, élévage et peche afin d'eviter le taux élévé de chomeurs sans emploi dans la province de bandundu , à vanga, ou la moyenne par jouir est de 0,5 usd pour 10 personne à une populaton paysanne estimé à 25.000 personnes sans écoles .

Contact (1) Full Name
MABAYA MANDUNGU MABIZ Emmanuel Vice Président National
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Podravska 21 a

+381 64 184 72 50
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO PARAFIN is an organisation of volunteers who are who are trying to bring some diversity in cultural life of their surrounding through their efforts and creativeness. For now on, we were able to make productions of non-commercial culture thanks to creative energy of artists, friends and families based on good will and support.
Mission and Objectives

• bringing quality new art to audience in our surrounding
• give a chance to artists of different geographies to face each other and exchange their unique experiences and knowledge
• establishing international cultural exchanges
• creating an open space for new cultural experiences
• contribute to tolerance and understanding
• presenting quality art to people in our environment
• presenting that international teamwork is possible and creative

Main Projects / Activities

Promoting and creating non-commercial electronic music, promoting and creating non-commercial art and architecture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Jovanovic
Head of the organisation
Belgrade, Serbia
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikola Cakic

Observatorio Mediterraneo de la Comunicación (OMEC)

National Network

Edificio I. Despacho /I 0026. Campus UAB, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Cerdanyola del Vallés

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
La construction méditerranéenne comme un espace de découverte et échange entre les différents peuples qui la conforment est une de priorités européennes et avec une importante contribution catalane depuis toutes les classes. D’autre coté la communication pour le développement humain et la responsabilité sociales des moyens dans la gouvernabilité démocratique aux pays en développement est un sujet émergent de l’agenda international. L’OMEC, est un réseau interdisciplinaire de personnes et des institutions de deux rives de la Méditerranée, que travaillent au secteur de la communication et les TIC, comme cadre de référence pour des actions de coopération internationales dirigées à fomenter le dialogue, le développement humain et l’exercice des droits humains à leurs domaines d’action.
Mission and Objectives

Favoriser la création de réseaux entre les différents acteurs qui conforment l’ecosystème communicatif méditerranéen (journalistes, moyens de communications, industrie informative, universités, organisations professionnelles).
Renforcer les activités de recherche transdisciplinaire, pour l’incorporation des droits à l’information, à la communications et au cyberespace, dans les universités, centre de recherche et les programmes et projets de coopération internationale au développement.
Augmenter la capacité des universités et centre de captage d’offrir des programmes spécialisés en communication pour le développement et le changement social.
Tomber sur les générateurs d’opinion, avec l’objectif de situer la communication au développement à l’agenda publique.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre de ressources virtuel (Web OMEC)
Concours : Promotion de la Communication pour le développement, entre les générateurs d’opinion publique.
Séminaire International : Communication pour le développement et droits humains

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Velazquez
Head of the organisation
Teresa Velazquez
Contact (2) Full Name
Olga del Rio