Future Association for Culture and Development

National Network

PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES –Rafah Governorate–Cairo Amman Bank Building-Second Floor
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
حول جمعية تأسست جمعية المستقبل للثقافة والتنمية في عام 2005، من قبل مجموعة من الشبان والشابات الذين يؤمنون دور شركات الخدمات المدنية، كمصدر للتنمية الاجتماعية للفئات المهملة في قطاع غزة عموما ومدينة رفح إذا خاصة عدد الأعضاء 51  
Mission and Objectives

بعثة النقابة 

جمعية المستقبل للثقافة والتنمية تعمل على مساعدة الشباب والشابات لمحاربة الفقر وخلق التنمية الاجتماعية المستدامة
     أهداف Assocation ل- 
 تثبت الإغاثة اللازمة لكلا الجنسين من الشباب وأسرهم
 تقديم الدعم الاجتماعي للشباب وهم أكثر المؤهلين في حدود الموارد المتاحة و- تشجيع الطلاب من خلال البرامج التعليمية لمحو الأمية التعليمية والاجتماعية بشكل أفضل، فضلا عن الدعم المناسب للخريجين تحت وآخر
 حماية التراث والتقاليد الفلسطينية من خلال التعليم التنمية
 تقديم المساندة للأرامل واليتامى والمعاقين وأولئك الذين ليس لديهم دخل ثابت المالية
 تطوير مستوى التعلم والثقافية من خلال التدريب والدورات المهنية للمرأة والأطفال والشباب الفلسطيني من بينهم اثنان من الجنسين
 إطلاق برامج تدريبية لتعزيز الأسر الفلسطينية ' القدرات والمهارات ليتم تكييفها لبيئة العمل
 توفير رعاية خاصة للأطفال من خلال دعم رياض الأطفال ومؤسسات رعاية الأطفال
 تشجيع المزارعين من خلال وضع البرامج الزراعية وحماية حقوقهم

Main Projects / Activities

هذا هو المشروع الذي ينفذ الجمعية

تأثيث غرفة التدريب *
 حزم الغذاء * 
توزيع الحقائب المدرسية للأطفال *
التركيب الحماية للتجمعات الزراعية *
 توزيع الحقائب المدرسية *
 الشباب تعلم الرصاص *
 غذاء آمن للعائلة فقيرة *
    DistirIbution عكس وحدات التناضح *
التمكين الاقتصادي للأسر الفقيرة *
تجهيز مختبر الحاسوب *
  توزيع كهرباء نيون شاحن للأسر الفقيرة في رفح *

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Madi
Job Title
The chairman
Head of the organisation
Ahmad Madi

Asociatia D.G.T.

National Network

Strada Intre Garduri, Nr. 3, Corbeanca, ILFOV
077065 Corbeanca

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
D.G.T. Association is a non-governmental organisation which officialy started it’s activity in March 2011. The base activity and the main reason why we started this is an idea that is a couple of years old. This idea was born from the will and passion to take attitude and change something, first of all, in the community of each of our members and afterwards at a national and european level. Also, at the base of D.G.T.’s coming to life, stays the wish of the founding members to give back all the beautiful things that they learned and experienced in the period of the previous years of volunteering. The name, „ D.G.T. „ represents the acronym from:  „Do Great Things” and the motto is: „Do Great Things and leave your mark...”. Our members are young, dynamic, ambitious and they come from different academical environments, such as, for example The Academy of Economic Studies – Bucharest (the largest economics university from the South-East Europe), Polytechnic University – Bucharest, Bucharest University, Technical University – Cluj Napoca, National School of Political and Administrative Studies – Bucharest. D.G.T. works, for now, as a one united block, in the way that all the members contribute at the realization of the project in the making. In the future, once we will increase our number of members and projects, we are planning to create coordinated departments, each of them having their own projects: Human Resources, Communication, International Relations, Local Projects. Among our local activities we can enumerate intercultural workshops, various social events, round-tables and conferences.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of D.G.T. Association is centered on the creation and setting-up of a national and international network of youngsters, students, trainers and teachers of various nationalities and backgrounds.
This network tackles topics like getting to know other cultures and cultural exchange, non-formal education, ecology and climate change, sustainable development, european citizenship and, not the least, geopolitics.
Among all of these we add facilitation of the youngsters to accumulate, through voluntary activities, the necessary experience to efficiently adapt to the labour market, and also by offering the possibility to students to practice the theory learned in university.

Main Projects / Activities

We have a vast experience regarding international projects like Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.1. Youth Exchange, Action 3.1.a, Action 3.1.b and Action 4.3., and we are also involved in local projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andrei Daicer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Andrei Daicer
Contact (2) Full Name
Alexandra Ionescu
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Yıldız Sarayı Vakfı (Foundation of Yıldız Palace)

National Network

Perpa Ticaret Merkezi B Blok Kat:5 No: 531
34000 iSTANBUL /

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
Foundation of Yıldız Palace is an important place by historically. Yıldız Palace is the palace which is used by the many Sultans of Ottoman State. The palace is used by the 34th Sultan Of Ottoman State II.Abdülhamid during 33 years as a governance centre of the country tahts why The Place has quite high historical and culturel importance. 
Mission and Objectives

Yıldız Palace Foundation mission abjectives are:
to protect historical and culturel heritage
to reach to the local and foreign touruists

Main Projects / Activities

Yıldız Palace Foundation Activities are; 
to organise exibitions, conferences and concerts
to organise educational programs for general target auidence about traditional arts
to publicate bulletins 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a local partner we can organise different activities together. 
Facilitator role is played by us for the general mission of Anna Lindh Foundation in Turkey. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Serap Gürkan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Member of Turkish Grand Assembly Zeynep Karahan Uslu

Fondation Memoires pour l'Avenir

National Network

immeuble CERES appartement 13 rue Emir abdelkader agdal
10080 rabat

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Objectifs de la Fondation 1. Préserver et valoriser le patrimoine culturel et historique du Maroc 2. Participer à l’écriture de l’histoire récente du Maroc, en mettant à disposition des chercheurs les archives dont elle dispose 3. Travailler au rapatriement d’archives privées à travers le monde sur l’histoire récente du  Maroc 4. Œuvrer à faire connaître l’histoire récente du Maroc aux jeunes Marocains afin de les aider à se sentir des « héritiers » et non plus des victimes de l’Histoire 5. Soutenir des projets collectifs qui vont dans le sens du respect du multiculturalisme et du multi confessionnalisme Valeurs auxquelles la Fondation adhère 1. Le savoir comme seul rempart durable contre les dérives 2. La diffusion de ce savoir au plus grand nombre comme garantie de tolérance et de respect mutuel 3. La maîtrise de son histoire personnelle et collective comme condition d’élaboration d’un projet national commun dans lequel se projeter 4. La primauté des idées sur les différences religieuses, ethniques ou culturelles Démarche de la Fondation 1. Identifier au Maroc et à l’étranger les personnes ou les lieux disposant d’archives sur le Maroc, les collecter en tant qu’originaux ou copies 2. Mettre en lumière des moments historiques particulièrement significatifs au regard des valeurs défendues par la Fondation 3. Diffuser ces moments sous forme de brochure, de DVD, d’expositions, de  conférences itinérantes dans des écoles publiques et privées marocaines 4. Mettre en place un lieu qui sera simultanément un lieu de visite (exposition permanente et temporaires), de diffusion (conférences et projections de films) et de recherche (fond documentaire à la disposition de chercheurs en histoire), dans le cadre de partenariat avec l’université 5. Mettre en place un lieu d’accueil, de conseil et de soutien logistique temporaire aux jeunes associations porteuses de projets collectifs en accord avec les valeurs de la Fondation les membres d ela fondation sont tous bénévoles. la FMA fonctionne grace aux subventions de ses membres et donations ainsi que subventions par projet

Mission and Objectives

Objectifs de la Fondation 1. Préserver et valoriser le patrimoine culturel et historique du Maroc 2. Participer à l’écriture de l’histoire récente du Maroc, en mettant à disposition des chercheurs les archives dont elle dispose 3. Travailler au rapatriement d’archives privées à travers le monde sur l’histoire récente du  Maroc 4. Œuvrer à faire connaître l’histoire récente du Maroc aux jeunes Marocains afin de les aider à se sentir des « héritiers » et non plus des victimes de l’Histoire 5. Soutenir des projets collectifs qui vont dans le sens du respect du multiculturalisme et du multi confessionnalisme    

Main Projects / Activities

Archivage, protection et valorisation du fond documentaires sur l’histoire récente du Maroc Ce projet est la vocation centrale de la Fondation. Il consiste en premier lieu à identifier des personnes, au Maroc ou à l’étranger disposant de toutes catégories d’archives personnelles  sur l’histoire récente du Maroc. Ces fonds, après récupération, archivage et préservation, auront pour  vocation d’une part, à être mis à la disposition de chercheurs et, d’autre part, à constituer la base dont seront extraits les matériaux pour la mise en place d’expositions, de conférences et la réalisation d’ouvrages sur l’histoire récente du Maroc. 2. LE PRESENT : diffuser des messages positifs Production et diffusion d’outils pédagogiques et d’ouvrages sur l’histoire récente du Maroc. Sur la base du fond documentaire qui sera mis en place et enrichi continuellement, la Fondation souhaite ouvrir un centre de documentation à la disposition des chercheurs de toutes les nationalités. Ce centre aura pour vocation de produire des CD et des « kits expo » à caractère pédagogique couvrant les domaines culturels et historique, destinés aux établissements scolaires. Ces « kit expos » seront utilisés comme des expositions itinérantes qui se déplaceront dans les écoles afin de sensibiliser et de raconter l’histoire récente du Maroc aux jeunes citoyens. La Fondation encourage la rédaction des mémoires individuelles. Elle offre un soutien logistique et parfois financier, dans la mesure de ses capacités, à la publication de ces ouvrages. Dans le cas des « héros anonymes », marocains ou étrangers, la Fondation en accord avec eux ou leurs ayants droits, récolte et publie le récit de leur vie ou de leur saga familiale, ainsi que les documents familiaux qui sont jugés utiles à la consolidation d’une mémoire collective ouverte et tolérante (lettres, photographies, etc.). Dans les deux cas, les personnes concernées, si elles le souhaitent, sont assistées dans cette rédaction soit par des étudiants en thèse (Master du Temps Présent, Université Mohammed V Rabat Agdal, faculté des Lettres), soi par des personnalités de référence. 3. LE FUTUR : soutenir des actions citoyennes La Fondation se veut un lieu d’accueil, de conseil et de soutien aux initiatives de la société civile qui vont dans le sens de ses objectifs.    

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

de par ses valeurs, la FMA encourage le partage des connaissances afin de le transmettre à la jeunesse. dans cette perspective, la FMA partage les valeurs de la Fondation Anna Lindh. la FMA met à la disposition du reseau ses relations dans le monde et en particuliers en amérique latine et en france. elle souhaite collaborer et renforcer ses leins avec des parteaires d'abord marocains qui partagent ses valeurs afin de consolider ensemble la citoyenneté et la démocratie dans notre pays. enfin la FMA met à la disposition du réseau l'ensemble de ses archives et documentation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

la FMA souhaite entrer dans le réseau de l'ALF parce que celui-ci partage ses valeurs. ainsi la FMA souhaite entrer en contact avec des hommes et des femmes qui s'engagent pour la construction d'un monde meilleur.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lamia RADI
Job Title
Directeur de la Coopération et action culturelles
Head of the organisation
Lamia RADI
Contact (2) Full Name
Hilal Nejjar
Job Title (2)
consultant en développement durable

alliance marocain des amis de l'environnement et le développement durable

National Network

53 rue egypte secteur wiaam laayayda salé

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
un associatiion national creer en 2012 dans la ville de salé
Mission and Objectives

Contribuer à la création d'un mouvement culturel qui progressif et conscient et renforcer le prestige et l'enseignement des jeunes dans le domaine social de régional et local et national et international sur la base de la perception d'une relation participative forte entre l'Association et la communauté.

protection de l'environnement et l'encouragement à maintenir l'équilibre .

Main Projects / Activities

festivale les amis de l'environnment en 2012
projet centre educatif a laayayda 2013

Contact (1) Full Name
abdellatif soualem
Job Title
dessinateur de batiment
Head of the organisation
abdellatif soualem

le petit cowboy

National Network

41 rue Caraman
31400 Toulouse

33(0)6 11 38 84 64
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
LE PETIT COWBOY est un collectif d’individus   venus d’univers différents : cinéma, spectacle vivant, graphisme, informatique... Nous travaillons l’image sous toutes ses formes : fiction, documentaire, reportage, photographie, captation, installation plastique en espace public. Le collectif a été créé en 2002 et depuis lors, son activité n’a cessé d’évoluer, ses membres se sont professionnalisés et le collectif a collaboré avec un grand nombre de structures, d’artistes, d’associations, de villes et de communes, d’institutions. Budget annuel : 120 000€ Financements : Mairie de Toulouse, Mairie de Tournefeuille, Mairie de Roque sur Garonne, Région Midi-Pyrénées, DRAC Languedoc Roussillon, Crowdfunding Modes d'actions : création de documentaires, fictions, supports graphiques,  organisation rencontres audiovisuelles, captations audiovisuelles de spectacles vivants Partenaires : L'Usine, Ensemble Baroque de Toulouse, Planète Science, Université Toulouse Capitole, Université Toulouse le Mirail, Lycée agricole Pierre Paul Riquet de Castenaudary
Mission and Objectives

Favoriser la création audiovisuelle et les échanges culturels

Main Projects / Activities

création de documentaires, fictions, supports graphiques,  organisation rencontres audiovisuelles, captations audiovisuelles de spectacles vivants

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Diffusion de projets audiovisuels, participation aux rencontres euroméditerranéennes, échanges de bonnes pratiques

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour développer les projets du collectif dans l'Euroméditerranée par des échanges avec des acteurs locaux de l'audiovisuel et du cinéma et des populations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurence Larrouy
Job Title
Chargée de mission
Head of the organisation
Erik Damiano

Forsan al-Ghad Youth Association

National Network

Biet Hanoun -Gaza -Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Forsan Al-Ghad Youth Association is a civil nonprofit association . It founded in 2006 according to societies law in the year 2000, with licenses from the ministry of interior ( no. 7158 ) and ministry of youth and sport (no. 82-2006 ) . This association is working in Beit Hannon to enable the youth by achieving community development in all aspects , and also it is working to build and to activate the youth by enabling them to support the community through their ideas and  initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission
The association works to improve the community through empowering the youth to play a crucial role in community development, through the Youth Program, the Human Right Program, the Development and the Community Relief Program.
Forsan Al-Ghad works to accomplish its mission in full conformity with the law and respect for human rights principles and commitment to culture and integrity,

Main Projects / Activities

Project to strengthen the youth capacities to change to become actors. funded by E.U
Youth Council funded by UNRWA
Forsan Center for Training and Education funded by Forsan Al-Ghad Youth Association
Family Center funded by UNICEF
Sports for Development  funded by Norwegian People's Aid
Red ball funded by Norwegian People's Aid
Child protection teams funded by UNICEF
Campaign to encourage reading in Palestine funded by Tamer Foundation for Community Development
After-school program funded by USAID

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Now in existence for over 8 years Forsan Al-Ghad Youth Association continues to strive to expand its programs and offerings to the community.
Our association is located Beit Hanoun city and it is a town in the northeast of the Gaza Strip ,Beit Hanoun , is a Marginalized area   ,and it is a border area .
As we seek through joining Anna Lindh network to offer greater services to the residents of the  Beit Hanoun city, through cooperation in the delivery of all services provided by the network in all aspects and seek to play an integrative role with the network to serve the community

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 Forsan Al-Ghad Youth Association continues to strive to expand its programs and offerings to the community. We hope that you will be able to take part in one or more of our exciting projects that we are offering this year and experience firsthand the pride we take in supporting our cause.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hazem Naim
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Zaher Al Shawesh

The New Fund for Cinema and Television (NFCT)

National Network

5 Yokneam Street
Tel Aviv 67443

03 522 0909
03 523 0909
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
Established in 1993, the New Fund for Cinema and Television (NFCT) is an Israeli non-governmental organization positioned at the intersection of cinema and social change.  Through our financial and professional support to filmmakers, we cultivate artistic excellence and contribute to the creation of outstanding films on a broad array of issues. The NFCT is made up of 7 staff members and 3 interns. Our annual budget is $2.5 million, and we receive financial support from the Israeli Ministry of Culture, the European Union, and a range of Israeli, European and North American foundations and donors. We provide funding and professional guidance to filmmakers; organize training programs, workshops and conferences for filmmakers and students; and implement the international Greenhouse program for filmmakers from the Middle East and North Africa.  
Mission and Objectives

Since its founding, the NFCT has supported the production of hundreds of documentaries, fiction films, and television dramas.  We have initiated innovative international programs such as Greenhouse, while nurturing the artistic and professional development of talented filmmakers from diverse communities.

We believe in the enormous power of cinema to engage, educate and inspire social change. NFCT films help promote the values of tolerance and social justice while enriching the cultural landscape. Through our outreach and education programs, we expose our films to wide audiences in Israel and throughout the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Funding and Professional Support to Filmmakers in Israel 

International Greenhouse Documentary Development Program for Filmmakers from the Middle East and North Africa

Greenhouse Program for Jewish and Arab Women Filmmakers in Israel

Supporting Haredi Filmmakers

Environmental Film Track

Holocaust Historical Preservation Film Program

Mentoring Program for Emerging Israeli Filmmakers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our portfolio of more than 500 films encompasses a diverse array of topics, including human rights, empowerment of women, environmental issues, and minorities. We can contribute to the network our expertise and experience in the field of cinema and social change, intercultural dialogue, and international cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in joining a vibrant network of civil society organizations with whom we can share experiences and expertise, and cooperate on joint projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gila Orkin
Job Title
Director of International Relations
Head of the organisation
Dorit Inbar

ADOPTA - organizatio for support to adoption

National Network

Sostariceva 4

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ADOPTA –is a non profit making organization founded by and for adoptive community  in December 2010. Our desire is to create positive, supportive and inclusive communities for families created through adoption.  Working with experts, institutions and practitioners, ADOPTA is becoming a reference center for adoption in Croatia. With the annual budget in the range of 40.000 euro, raised through national  and local governments, business sector , individual donations and own services, ADOPTA implements specific project, organizes seminars and conferences and engages in public debate and policy development.   ADOPTA is a membership organization which provides services to its members and to the wider community. We function as a  virtual office, with an incredible active and numerous volunteer base. The organization is governed by a Board of Directors. The Development Committee supports the Board and is involved in programme and organizational development.  ADOPTA is a member of AdoptionUK, and works in partnership or close cooperation with the British Association for Adoption and Fostering, North American Council for Adoption, University of Zagreb Faculty for Education and Rehabilitation, University of Zagreb Faculty for Psychology,  Republic of Croatia Ministry for Social Policy and Youth.
Mission and Objectives

Use all the available resources for continuing improvement of adoption process in all its aspects and creating positive, supportive and inclusive environemnt for adoptive families.Vision
Be the referral centre for all adoption related issues and provision of high quality expertize and support to all the stakeholders in the adoption process, as well as to practitioners, institutions and interested groups, for the benefit of adoptive families, adopted children and a wider community.
1. Improving Legal environment and practice of Adoption
2. Improving knowledge, skills and competencies of adoption practitioners and support services about needs of adoptive families, new understanding of issues and methods of support.
3. Provide on-going education and support to adoptive families before, during and after the Adoption.
4. Diminishing discrimination of single adopters.
5. Promotion of positive attitude towards adoption and fighting discrimination and stigmatization of adopted children .

Main Projects / Activities

• Providing Adoption related information and counselling
• Providing legal advice and services in cases of human right violation of children
• ADOPTAonica - ADOPTa's own course preparing prospective adopters on becoming adoptive parents, consisting of 12 workshops over three months and covering a range of adoption related topics.
• Running Support groups for adoptive parents and support groups for prospective adopters
• Organizing thematic workshops
• ADOPTA's library
• ADOPTA's publications
• Conducting research on adoption related issues
• Advocacy and participation in creating public policies on adoption
• Organizing annual Adoption Conferences
• Training of adoption practitioners

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through active participation in activities , sharing knowledge, supporting the network ideas and contibuting to the diveristy of civil society and the society in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share knowledge and learn from others on topics of interest, to network and create partnerships, to contribute to improvement of polices and their implementation in  the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Topcic-Rosenberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Diana Topcic-Rosenberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Dunja Bonacci Skenderovic
Job Title (2)
secretary general


National Network

Rua Escola Normal, 80, 4º
4000-199 Porto

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
In this time where crisis, unemployment and despair are issues especially affecting young people, our mission is to encourage and support youth active citizenship and participation, by empowering them through non-formal education based on a self-directed learning process. In this sense, MEDesTU Association promotes and develops cultural, social, educational, recreational and sports initiatives.  MEDesTU is a nonprofit youth association founded on 30th October 2013 in Porto, Portugal. Our goals are: 1) At local/national level: to contribute to a better informed Portuguese society in the matters of the Arab and Islamic world, but also towards the Moorish heritage in Portugal. 2) At regional level (civil society - citizens and NGOs): to promote cooperation, respect for human rights and the rule of law, encouraging integration and sense of belonging in the Euro-Mediterranean region. 3) At international level: advocate the peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, encouraging young people to involve themselves actively in the process, as part of the solution.   The principles and values that we promote are: Active and participatory citizenship; Participation of young people; Democracy; Human Rights and human rights education; Rule of law; Political and institutional context; History and memory; Justice; Gender equality; Interculturalism, intercultural learning and dialogue; Ubuntu; Diversity and minorities; Religion and tolerance; Peace; Creativity to resolve conflicts; Strengthening of youth policies; Development of leadership skills and entrepreneurship; Respect for the environment.
Mission and Objectives

In this time where crisis, unemployment and despair are issues especially affecting young people, our mission is to encourage and support youth active citizenship and participation, by empowering them through non-formal education based on a self-directed learning process. In this sense, MEDesTU Association promotes and develops cultural, social, educational, recreational and sports initiatives, at local/national, regional and international levels.
Goals: 1. At local/national level: to contribute to a better informed Portuguese society in the matters of the Arab and Islamic world, but also towards the Moorish heritage in Portugal. 2. At regional level (civil society - citizens and NGOs): to promote cooperation, respect for human rights and the rule of law, encouraging integration and sense of belonging in the Euro-Mediterranean region. 3. At international level: advocate the peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict, encouraging young people to involve themselves actively in the process, as part of the solution.

Main Projects / Activities

There are 3 fundamental projects of MEDesTU:
This project consists of awareness raising and capacity building activities in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, in schools or with the target audience, whose themes may range from intercultural dialogue, non-discrimination by gender, race, sex or religion, refugees, citizenship. volunteering, youth participation, associations, sustainability, gender equality, etc.
Within this framework, there’s Bombordo E +, which targets mobility projects developed under the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
This aims to promote and develop (inter)cultural initiatives at local, national and international level, constituting a platform that aims to make the Arab and Islamic World known. Thus, it intends to assert itself as a cultural, information and research center. Your goals are:
1. Promote the information of the Portuguese society about the Arab and Islamic World, through the promotion of activities of (inter)cultural scope.
2. Develop synergies at both local/national and international levels.
3. Contribute to a significant deconstruction of stereotypes and prejudices about the Arab and Islamic World.
4. Promote cultural interaction and closer ties between Portugal and the Arab and Islamic World.
This aims at the promotion of volunteering through the international volunteer work camps of the global Service Civil International (SCI) movement. We aim to promote mobility and the exchange of volunteers through activities that encourage the exchange of experiences and knowledge of new socio-cultural realities, facilitating the relationship of Portuguese with people from other countries within or outside the national territory, able to provide formative answers obtained. through non-formal educational processes, including intercultural ones. More information about SCI: sci.ngo and workcamps.info.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By engaging in ALF Portuguese network, we commit ourselves to the Foundation’s programmes and projects. We'll inform the network about our initiatives and, through them, we hope to provide the Foundation with outcomes that reflect the strenghthening of the ties of understanding and cooperation among the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MEDesTU shares the same vision as Anna Lindh Foundation in what bringing together civil society and citizens across the Mediterranean is concerned, fostering cooperation between the shores.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juliana Santos
Job Title
Coordenadora da Rede Portuguesa da Fundação Anna Lindh
Head of the organisation
Olga Glumac
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniela Rodrigues
Job Title (2)
Voluntária da MEDesTU