Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation

National Network

27 Ifigeneias Street
2007 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Cyprus Symphony Orchestra was established in 1987 by decision of the Council of Ministers as 'Cyprus Chamber Music Orchestra' with the aim of contributing to the development of musical education. It also sought to improve the standard of music performance in the country and become the basic driving force for the musical cultivation of Cypriots as a whole. The Cyprus State Youth Orchestra was simultaneously established aiming to provide to students at all levels of education and young musicians the possibility to gain group work experience and develop their knowledge and skills. Further, the Youth Orchestra Music Workshop was established to offer musical training on orchestral instruments given by experienced musicians, mainly members of the Symphonic Orchestra. Since its establishment and until December 2006, the Orchestra operated under the direction of the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture. In October 2006, the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation was created by decision of the Council of Ministers to undertake the operation of both orchestras. The Foundation began to operate on 1st January 2007, taking over the operation of the State Orchestra and the State Youth Orchestra, which were renamed to Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra respectively. By so doing, the Foundation set itself the objective of further developing and promoting the activities of both orchestras. At the same time, it undertook the operation of the Music Laboratory of the Youth Orchestra. The budget of the Foundation varies between 2 and 3 million EUR per annum and mainly comes from the state grant.  The Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation is a non-profit organization under private law. It is administered by a nine-member Governing Board, appointed by the Council of Ministers. Three members come from the Ministry of Education and Culture: the Permanent Secretary, who chairs the Board, the Director of Cultural Services and the officer in charge of music matters. The remaining six members come from the private sector. The main sponsor of the Foundation is the State, which covers all basic operational costs of the Foundation and the Orchestras. At the same time, the Foundation endeavors to cooperate with various institutions in order to promote its activities more effectively, to organize more challenging events and to further enhance its relationship to society. Since its inception, the Foundation has promoted its objectives to a large extent, making its presence felt among music lovers and the wider public through concerts, educational programs and social contribution activities.   

Mission and Objectives

The Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation was founded by the Governemnt of the Republic of Cyprus, as a specialized non-profit institution for the development and promotion of the art of orchestral music, the improvement of musical life and the musical culture of the country and for the further engagement of the society in music activities. 

Main Projects / Activities

THE CYPRUS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Since its establishment, the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra demonstrates a continuous presence in the local musical scene, giving concerts in all cities in the territory controlled by the Republic, and in various festivals and other official events organized by the State. The Orchestra has a rich repertoire to present, with works from the Baroque period, classical, romantic and modern music, as well as light Greek and foreign music. The Orchestra sets up more than twenty shows every year and gives about 60-70 concerts in all cities of Cyprus, and in some cases abroad. THE CYPRUS STATE YOUTH ORCHESTRA The Cyprus State Youth Orchestra was established simultaneously with the Cyprus Chamber Music Orchestra in 1987, following a decision of the Council of Ministers and operated under the direction of the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture until the end of 2006. It is a member of European Federation of National Youth Orchestras (EFNYO). Important part of the activities of the Cyprus State Youth Orchestra is the international Summer Music Academy and the Spring Music Camp in Pedoulas at the Gymnasium of the village, where significant restoration and improvement works were carried out with the efforts of the Orchestra and the assistance and cooperation of both the Community Council of Pedoulas and the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture. During the works of the Summer Academy, the Orchestra is preparing a music program, which is presented at the International Festival 'Kypria' every year since 2007. In 2010, the Youth Orchestra made a successful appearance at the 1st International Festival of Youth Orchestras held in Istanbul, European Capital of Culture 2010. In 2012, they presented Beethoven's 9th Symphony in two concerts titled “Towards a Europe of Peace” in cooperation with the World Youth Choir, as well as Cypriot and foreign soloists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CYSO is a specialized national institution for music working with various operators in the fields of education, culture, youth, local authorities, NGOs and diplomacy. At the same time it embrasses thousands of audiences attending CYSO concerts and social outreach programmes. Being an ambassador of intercultural dialogue, CYSO is able to mobilize wide range of international, national and local stakeholders towards a join aim. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are intrested in Networking, know-how exchage, visibility, international collaboration, fundraising, promotion of music and community development. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Antigoni Antoniou
Head of the organisation
Stavros Kattamis
Contact (2) Full Name
Savvia Iakovou

Young Palestinian Filmmakers Society

National Network

Altarifi building, Al,asyoun street,
Same as ubove
Palestinian Territories

+972 02 2972104
Telephone (other)
+972 02 2965315
+972 02 2965315
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+972 599 390 671
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 596 390 671
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure 1- Executive Director 2- Two assistants (Voluntary ) 3- undefind number of freelancers  4 - Board of Directors, nine members. 5- General Assembly, seventeen members. Budgetary resources During the year 2013, total budgetary resources available for spending was $ 78-000 including in-kind contribution from certain institutions. This amount is treble the budgetary resources in the year 2012. The increase in available budgetary resources used to support the increased training workshops and the annual International Young Filmmakers Festival that we launch.  • Sources of funding - Palestinian Cultural fund  - PG Fund for Culture and Art  - Watniyeh Mobile  • Sources for in-kind funding  - Palestine TV - A.M. Qattan Foundation - British Council - Alnahir pr - Raya FM And many other institutions as partners in certain activities. Our main activities are: 1- Hands on training  on filmmaking workshops for youth 2- Intensive training workshops on mobilization of modern and social media. 3- Establishing the Young Filmmakers club and forum. 4- Exchange activities with local, regional and international youth organizations. 5- The annual international Young Filmmakers Festival.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to establish, support, sustain and develop youth film and modern media communities in Palestine, by providing children and youth of both genders with audiovisual and new media tools to change their perceptions of themselves as being victims into positive acting members in the society, capable of taking initiatives and be positive facilitators of change, and equip them with better means of communication and interaction with their society and other youth in the region and the world at large.

Main Projects / Activities

Our aim is to develop self expression activities using different types of available tools and media channels especially audio visual medium. This will be implemented through three dimensions:
Activity 1: Designing and implementing training on utilizing audio visual and social media channels.
Activity 2: Launching the annual International Young Filmmakers Festival film.
Activity 3:  To set-up film clubs for youth and children.
Activity 4: To conduct constant activities for youth and children.
Activity 5: To build a children and youth "village" through allocating a piece of ground in the outskirts of urban areas.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our experience in filmmaking training and the empowerment o youth is quite rich and tested in reality. We can make our experience available to other network members and we can cooperate with them whenever possible to implement more adequate programmes and services for youth in the MENA region.    

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Young Palestinian Young Filmmakers Society is relatevly young and still accumulating its knowledge and experience to better serve young generations in Palestine by providing them with new tools of communications and self expression means. By joining ALF network we will be able to build bridges o cooperation with other network members and exchange experience. It will help us learn from other members and it will widen the borders of our activities.    

Contact (1) Full Name
Anis Barghouti
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Anis Barghouti ( Mohammad Abdulmajid)
Contact (2) Full Name
Isra Odeh
Job Title (2)
Head of Board of Directors

Aid and Hope Program for Cancer Patient Care

National Network

5th Floor, apartment 17 , Gefary Building, near Gaza port
Palestinian Territories

+972 8 2884028
+972 8 2884029
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Aid and Hope Program (AHP) for Cancer Patient Care started four years ago, where some of the founders themselves contracted cancer or one of their relatives which made the idea an urgent issue. Individual efforts of supports eventually developed into an association supporting and helping cancer patients and their families was established. Aid and Hope Program (AHP) for Cancer Patient Care started four years ago, The AHP is an organization of excellence in cancer public awareness and research that will undertake the usage of cutting edges to approaching the forefront of discovery and innovation. AHP will   build   the province’s leading   edge   research capacity, thereby enhancing international recognition of Palestine as a major jurisdiction for cancer projects and researches and as an attractive environment for investment. The structure of organization consists of 4 main employees and 23 volunteers Last year budget was 42,000 $ Sources of funding: International fund, donations
Mission and Objectives

Our Goal
To support cancer patient where ever they are, give them the best to live comfortably and well especially if they are poor, neglected, especially females because women are dependent usually on others to cover their financial needs, and to contribute to achieve both health and economic benefits for the Palestinian-cancer- patients.
Target Groups
We do strive to satisfy and meet the needs, desires, wants and expectations of all cancer-disease-patients and their families, physiologically and psychologically.
Our Objectives
•    Enhance early detective programme by reaching a wide array of women with cancer.
•  Provide psychological support to patients with cancer through levels of rehabilitation and based on standards approaches.
•  Respond to poor cancer patient by providing urgent relief including food, shelter, and other basic needs.
•    Advocate to patients with cancer and  influence human  rights organization to facilitate patients’ referral to treatment outside Gaza strip.
•  Empower women with cancer by building their competences and enlarge their economic opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Guinness world record winners for the Longest Ribbon Measures 1,247 m (4,091 ft. 2 in).10th of October 2012 to raise the awareness of breast cancer early detection
-  Provision of psychological support to 1500 women with Cancer: Self-funded.
-Gaza in Pink campaign for breast cancer awareness, October 2012 (breast cancer month)
-Gaza think in Pink campaign for breast cancer awareness, October 2013.
-Training women with breast cancer on how to manufacture artificial breast from local materials during Gaza blockage and because of the high cost of buying ready ones.
-  Adham Sisalem Palliative Care Center.
- manufacturing   artificial breasts and distributed them freely among Gaza women with breast cancer
- Conducting awareness sessions to encourage women to involve in early detection: Funded by Human Concern international (HCI Middle East Region).
-Women empowerment economically by allocating fund for small enterprise project: Funded by Human Concern international (HCI Middle East Region).
- young ladies in Pink
- Advocacy for young cancer patients rights
-  Ladies in Pink crafts income generation project.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 Raising the public awareness of cancer problems 
 Networking with local network members to do advocacy and campaigns for cancer patients issue .
Integrate cancer patients in local network members organization
Supporting other network members in their work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is very important to exchange experience, coordinate with other international and national organizations to find similar work field in  the region.
We will learn a lot and practice new types of work

Contact (1) Full Name
Eman Shannan
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Eman Shannan

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC)

National Network

piazza San Marco 7

0039 0464 424230
0039 0464 424299
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Research
General Information
OBC is a think tank devoted to the social-political-cultural change in South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus. Established in 2000 as autonomous project within the Peace Bell Foundation, today it monitors and reports on 26 countries or regions, either members of the EU or states involved in the EU Enlargement or Neighbourhood policies. OBC staff (15 people) co-operate with over 50 freelance contributors from the field to deliver daily online news and in-depth analyses that: disseminate knowledge on the monitored areas; spread a deeper understanding of the European institutions and policy-making; promote a new culture of remembrance. It also produces documentary films, multimedia and educational material; runs lectures and workshops; organises public events. OBC multilingual website (IT; EN; BCHS) has 130.000 monthly visits and gives free access to an archive of 14.000 articles. Source of funding: the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Municipality of Rovereto; the EU; Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; other state and private organisations. Yearly budget: 650-800.000 €.
Mission and Objectives

Born to offer a space for debate to Italian CSOs working for peaceful coexistence in South-East Europe and advocating the EU integration of the Balkan region, since its start OBC is committed to strengthening the EU project as well as the development of a transnational public sphere.
Thus, its aims are to:
enhance the interest towards areas that 20 years after the end of the Cold war are still less known, and know each other less than EU founding members;
sensitize the media and the public at large on the role of the EU as an invaluable supranational democratic arena;
stimulate the debate on major European/international issues beyond national borders and domestic public spheres;
foster the growth of transnational relations at grassroots level, by promoting cross-border networks among civil society actors and/or media outlets;
influence policy-making and the media when addressing the issues/geographical areas OBC deals with through its policy advice.
Its audience includes: scholars and researchers; journalists; students; diplomats; local, regional and national government officials; policy-makers; practitioners of development cooperation; business people; members of the diaspora from South-East Europe and the Caucasus; tourists and travellers; people generally interested in these areas.

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve its mission, overtime OBC developed an action that is multi-sectoral, multilingual, transnational and cross-media, and adopts a bottom-up approach to knowledge production that combines monitoring, online information, research, policy advice, debate, public events, training.
OBC regularly covers the following topics: Human rights, minorities, gender issues, welfare; European Remembrance and conflict transformation through justice and truth; Media freedom and voices of independent journalism; Films, literature, music, art and cultural “contamination”; International relations in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; International cooperation, cross-border activism, migration; Rural and environmental issues, sustainable development and responsible tourism in South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus.
To contribute to the development of a transnational public sphere, OBC promotes and joins transnational networks. It distributes its content under a Creative Commons license and it fosters the widest circulation of its content among Italian and international media outlets, collecting hundreds of earned media every year (print, radio and TV).
Among recent OBC's special projects with a strong transnational dimension or focus, the following are to be mentioned:
TELL EUROPE TO EUROPE, aimed at animating and widening the public debate on today’s Europe and on the Europe of the future, through a wide number of diverse activities carried out in cooperation with 11 partners in Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Bulgaria
CERCAVAMO LA PACE, a still ongoing research project aimed at reconstructing and analysing the important though neglected chapter of recent European history, i.e. the experience of the grassroots and the Italian solidarity and antiwar movement during the Yugoslav dissolution, in support to the Balkan fellow citizens. Link:
A SAFETY NET FOR EUROPEAN JOURNALISTS, focussed on media freedom in Italy and Southeast Europe through a wide array of complementary activities aimed at exploring ways to support threatened journalists in 11 countries included Turkey, and at raising awareness of the European dimension of media freedom and pluralism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

OBC can contribute to the ALF Italian network by:
sharing expert knowledge and original content on the SEE and Caucasus region gained through its monitoring, information and research activities;
strengthening the visibility of the Network and its members among its well-established audience and online community (over 130.000 monthly visits; 15.000 followers on social media; 10.000 subscribers to its newsletters);
initiating research or training programmes focused on the South-eastern Mediterranean;
providing inputs and contacts to foster the exchange and the growth of relationships among Italian CSOs and across the Adriatic;
developing projects in cooperation with other ALF members in the field of empirical and participatory research, communication and journalistic skills, media partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We already had the chance to establish cooperation with members of ALF Network in France (Courrier des Balkans is a regular partner of OBC) and in Italy, with Istituto Paralleli / Babelmed.
Joining the Network would mean for us to further enrich our perspective and work on the Euromed region, (starting from the discourse on migration and asylum for example), while strengthening our relations with partners actively engaged for the development of democracy, human rights and the intercultural dialogue across the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Chiara Sighele
Job Title
Fundraising and communication officer
Head of the organisation
Chiara Sighele

Palestinian Institute for Human Rights

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
Mission and Objectives

Out of concern for building PIHR on professional and scientific basis and to direct its programs to meet the needs of its target groups and to provide better services for them, the Institute has been working on its strategic plan for the next three years. Such a plan is an ambitious vision to transform the aspirations and objectives of the Institute to facts and realities of concrete benefits to the targeted groups. The Plan aims to touch upon the internal and external needs of PIHR in order to develop practical solutions that are suitable to address the dilemmas and challenges facing it. Such solutions are also aimed at determining the type and quality of the needed interventions and developing a clear mechanism for measuring progress and success within a pre- determined time frame.

Main Projects / Activities

Raising awareness of marginalized groups in the North and Center (youth and women
sectors) about human rights education, citizenship and human rights in the local and
international spheres.

-Organizing workshops targeting women and youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamad Hamdan
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mohamad Hamdan

Combatants for Peace

National Network

POB 518
4 Remez St
Ramat Gan 52106

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
Combatants for Peace  is a grassroots volunteer movement of 600 Israelis and Palestinians who took an active part in the cycle of violence and now work together to end it in non-violent ways. Our organization is composed of two branches, one run by Israelis and one run by Palestinians, with a total of 27 staff members. Each side is represented in five bi-national peace-building groups located throughout Israel and the West Bank. Having two branches as well as regional bi-national groups allows us to meet the needs of local communities and act in a culturally sensitive manner. The total budget is $148,000, with $200,000 equivalent in volunteers' contributions and in-kind support. We speak at parlor meetings, run joint Palestinian and Israeli community improvement projects such as olive picking, and host field trips to the West Bank. Main partners include Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, BSST UK, AJMuste Foundation, IWagePeace, and Firedoll Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Our main, overall objective is to assist in the establishment of a viable Palestinian state alongside Israel. Our leading focus areas for 2013-14 are protecting the human rights of Palestinians and exposing Israeli policy makers, the media, and the general public to the situation in the West Bank. To raise awareness and promote understanding among both publics regarding the hopes and suffering of the other side and create partners for dialogue, we work to educate both sides about reconciliation and non-violent struggle and to put political pressure on both governments to demand that they stop the cycle of violence and the occupation and resume a constructive dialogue. 

Main Projects / Activities

We conduct public tours in the Occupied Territories; initiate and participate in joint protest actions and peace rallies such as our Theater of the Oppressed; deliver community lectures and workshops; empower marginalized Palestinian communities in the areas of agriculture, protection of human rights, preventing demolition of houses, community development and all forms of non-violent struggle; and hold an annual Joint Israeli Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony, attended by more than 2,400 Israelis and Palestinians this year, where we remember the victims of violence on both sides. When we see each other as human beings and equals, we work to ensure just treatment for all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a respected organization in Israeli society. In addition, we are the only organization of which we are aware that has full support and recognition of the “anti-normalization committee” of the Palestinian Authority, which has approved all of our activities under the banner of the non-violent struggle. We are thus uniquely situated in a position to reach both populations. We actively work to protect the human rights of Palestinians through activities such as joint olive harvests and protesting building demolitions, and we work to educate the Israeli public as to the real situation in the West Bank. We provide a vital service in protecting human rights, and hope to include as many people as possible in this cause. Our Joint Remembrance Day Ceremony was attended by over 2,400 individuals in 2013, making it the largest single event in the peace camp.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a bi-national organization working to promote peace between Israelis and Palestinians, we recognize the importance of establishing connections and networks between human rights and civil society organizations. The Anna Lindh Foundation ideals and goals are closely aligned with ours, as are many of the organizations supported by the ALF and those who are part of the network. The greater our access to like-minded organizations and individuals, the greater our ability to reach out to new groups and communities to spread our message of peace and non-violence throughout Israeli society including Jewish Israelis, Arab citizens of Israel, and Palestinians in the Occupied Territory. In addition, we were the recipients of the Anna Lindh Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue between Cultures in 2009. We were enriched by a close relationship with former Network Coordinator Gianluca Solera, and hope to continue working closely with the Anna Lindh Foundation and Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmi Ashboren
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yosre Salamin and Itamar Feingenbaum, Co-Coordinators

Youth Culture & Knowledge Exchange

National Network

41 lower Dominick Street

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Youth Culture & Knowledge Exchange (YCKE), is an educational, interactive and knowledge exchange program for youths around the world. It promote cultural diversity, friendship, leadership and education.
Contact (1) Full Name
Flora Lamba
Job Title
Job Title (2)


National Network

Boutadwn 6
11153 Athens

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
Mission and Objectives

We are an entertainment group of companies here in Greece and our purpose is to help people, mostly children to entertain themselves with different activities. We provide theatrical shows free of charge for children under the age of 18. One of the most famous theatrical shows here in Greece is hosted in one of our buildings.

Main Projects / Activities

Theatrical shows, dancing shows, education courses and much more..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am still searching about your network and I am not sure I can answer this question at this present time.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As I read a little your network is having similar activities with us and I would like to be accepted because here in Greece, at the present moment our people are in pain and are in need of help.

Contact (1) Full Name
Basilis Pouftis

MEDEV Formation & Coaching

National Network

houmt souk Av Habib Bourguiba
4180 Djerba Medenine

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je contribue comme étant chercheur sociologue en développement et formateur coach pour les organisations de la société civile en matière de développement et des droits de l'homme pour les nouvelles démocrties emergentes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mon adhésion à ALF est trés importante en raison de l'importance des activités et de l'expérience qu'elle représente dans le cadre du développement des capacités de la société civile Tunisienne et puisque je suis un activiste de la société civile par ma contribution comme chercheur et formateur je souhaite apprendre de l'expérience et l'expertise de l"ALF. Cordialement  

Contact (1) Full Name
Saddi Lotfi
Job Title
Formateur et directeur de centre de formation

Ram- Mountain to sea

National Network

1037 Ahmed Abd El-Hady
El-Hai 2

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
A foundation dedicated to the development of artistic creation and expression in South Sinai, mainly through the following 4 areas; Documentation of the musical heritage of the Bedouins in the Gulf of Aqaba, Providing artists and writers from different backgrounds with focused artist residency programs, Hosting musical workshops by musicians of diverse musical genres, and finally giving back to the South Sinai community by enhancing their cultural experience.
Mission and Objectives

Ram seeks to introduce a fresh perspective to the art scene in a way that enriches (enhances) the entire Arab culture scene.
Ram believes that the production of artistic or cultural outcome of any kind, is a process that involves interaction and synergy, that necessarily requires a deep understanding and knowledge of the history of artistic and musical heritage, as well as a broad understanding of the nature of our region and its cultural specificities and roots. Accordingly, the foundation seeks to produce creative fusions and blends out of such a wide area extending along the desert, these blends/creations should be able to reflect the relationship between the art and the desert. Also seeking to generate individual artistic projects through live interactions between artists from different regions with a view to come up with a unique artistic output, without denying it the opportunity to compete in the market.

Main Projects / Activities

Documenting and preserving the Bedouin music- present in the Gulf of Aqaba- in four countries (Egypt/Palestine/Jordan/Saudi Arabia)
Establishing a cultural center in the city of Nuweiba, (South Sinai), that will offer various cultural services for the local community, in the region stretching from Taba to Sharm el-Sheikh.
Providing different musicians, artists and writers with residency programs along the coast of the city of Nuweiba, to work on the production and dissemination of their artistic projects in cooperation with  Egyptian and Arab publishing houses and various media distribution companies.

Collaborating with a number of universities and schools of music and arts in order to design and implement annual interactive training camps for students and music lovers, as well as organizing a number of concerts in several cities in South Sinai, thus contributing to reviving the tourism industry in the region. .
Establishing a studio to document the Bedouin music,   to preserve the endangered folk culture in the Bedouin community. The studio will also serve as an open space for all kinds of different artists to record and produce their works, and perform interactive musical activities.
Creating a website to serve as a portal (an online resource) for Bedouin musical, oral and intangible heritage, and to provide authentic documentation and showcasing of other artistic activities and events in the region
Creating a library and a cultural space in the Tarabin area (Nuweiba) aimed at providing the Bedouin community with cultural services and experiences.
Organizing cultural & musical festivals and events throughout the year, with a view to creating opportunities for touristic activity and transforming the region into a unique hub  rich in diversity of cultural and artistic activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

warking with the other NEGO'S which are interested in the same filed, and widing our networks

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Nagy
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Nagy