
National Network

15 rue des Vignerons
Marseille 06

04 91 67 40 31
04 91 53 32 83
Mobile Phone
06 07 51 69 94
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
Nous fédérons autour d'une confiserie à l'huile d'olive dénommée "L'esperantine-de-Marseiile" un large public de gourmets amoureux de la Mediterranée et de ses traditions. A ce jour, à l'occasion d'une centaine de déplacements partout en France et depuis bientôt 10 ans nous aurons présenté et fait déguster" L'Espérantine-de-Marseille" à près de 3 millions de personnes.
Mission and Objectives

Crée à l'occasion des 2600 ans de Marseille en 1999 puis
élue "Meilleure confiserie de France" en 2000 à Paris,
"L'espérantine-de-Marseille"ambitionne d'être la confiserie identitaire de tout le périmètre euro-méditerranéen.

Main Projects / Activities

Aujourd'hui nous envisageons d'ouvrir une nouvelle
boutique autour du vieux port pour satisfaire aux demandes d'un nombre sans cesse croissant de croisièristes ou de touristes.
Mais surtout , grâce au pouvoir d'évocation de "l'Esperantine-de-Marseille" et notamment de la symbolique du Rameau d'olivier sur la paix et l'espérance
nous voulons nous engager résolument dans le projet "Marseille 2013".

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Martorana
Head of the organisation
Francesco Martorana

Pedvale Ltd. (Open-Air Art Museum)

National Network

Sabile, LV3294,

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Administrative body for Pedvale Ltd. is board with one member of the board — director Ojars Arvids Feldbergs. Permanent staff consists of 8 persons. In order to implement annual creative programs in accordance with Pedvale mission statement, permanent employees work together with invited project managers, curatorial professionals, specialist practitioners and technicians in their respective fields for ensuring, developing, managing and guiding the successful completion of projects. Budgetary resources available in a year are LVL 50`000. Sources of funding are: income from economic activities, grants, sponsor. Modalities of action are concrete projects and exchanges. Main partners for Pedvale Ltd. are Art institutions of higher education in Europe and both individual artists and their organizations all over the world.
Mission and Objectives

Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum conception is to integrate natural landscape, cultural heritage and art in a unified entirety. The territory covers an area of 100 hectares, formed of wide natural landscapes. Artists occupy the landscape with their presence, ideas, thoughts and their artworks. They are invited to seek inspiration and impressions from nature, and to use environmental motives in their works. In creating their works, artists generally use simple materials available in nature. The landscape comes to form a part of the piece of art, providing the emotive and conceptual content of the work.
Pedvale Open-Air Art Museum has become an important cultural center that is valued by artists and visitors alike.
According to the situation that Latvia was occupied by USSR for 50 years, the main objectives for Pedvale Ltd. is to promote intercultural dialog, cultural exchange in the field of contemporary art and to ensure cultural education process.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1993 Pedvale offers individual residencies for artists as well as the opportunity to carry out various creative projects individually. Artists from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Ukraine, Switzerland, Spain, the USA, and Japan have worked in the residence. Pedvale Museum also organizes symposia, workshops, exhibitions and other events for sculptors, painters, printmakers, writers and other artists.
Since 2007 Pedvale has a new programme "S.T.O.N.E.” - stone aS a culTural symbOl and inNovative dimEnsion . Stones have an important role in the historical development of mankind and since ancient times people from different cultures ascribe to stones mythical qualities. As a result stone is a cultural symbol for different epochs and nations. The task for the artist is to integrate the cultural heritage into the form of contemporary art and show an innovative dimension in the traditional stone sculpture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ojars Arvids Feldbergs
Head of the organisation
Ojars Arvids Feldbergs
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Miglone

christian sturminger (individual)

National Network

kaiserstraße 41
1020 vienna


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
exhibition curator and designer 1-3 project cooperators cooperation with many museums, cultural and scientific institutions in austria ethnografic museum vienna historical museum of vienna museum of ethology kunsthistorisches musem vienna joanneum graz technical museum vienna
Mission and Objectives

Exhibitions are a vehicle of social, cultural, economic, and political exchange.
Cultural phenomena, as art, architecture, design, as well as science, intanguable heritage, and social practizes are values expressing human activities which reveal connections and diversities and stimulate debates. By addressing the past and the present both, in objects and ideas, we intend to express and transform knowledge and understanding of the cultural wealthiness of the different cultures of the world.

Main Projects / Activities

exhibition projectmanagement, concept and design
interactive installations

Contact (1) Full Name
christian sturminger

Maghreb Jazz & Sharq Blues

National Network

kolfschotenstraat 21
1104 NV


0031 (0) 20 69 975 66
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 (0) 6 275 22 715
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
independent collective
Mission and Objectives

Creating international platform that stimulates the development of and exchange between Northafrican music culture and western improvised music such as jazz, blues and connected forms. Music as key to stimulate the intercultural dialogue

Main Projects / Activities

music concerts, music educational projects, exchange programs, workshops, showcases, promoting maghrebjazz and sharqblues, documentation

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan Wouter Oostenrijk
Head of the organisation
Jan Wouter Oostenrijk

College of Social Sciences

National Network

Nemuno st. 2

00370 46 397 077
00370 46 397 077
Mobile Phone
00370 600 33 515
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
College of Social Sciences (CSS) is an institution of higher non-university education. CSS has branches in the cities of Klaipeda, Vilnius and Telsiai with 52 employees. It has developed a co-operation with Siauliai University, Moscow International University, Kaunas University of Technology. Its budgetary resources reach 2,3 mln., Euros per year. CSS is funded through various funding programs as Leonardo da Vinci, EU Structural Support 2007-2013, Phare Programme, etc. Implemented projects: "Klaipeda region business human resources competence development by increasing competitiveness of the companies and preparing business expansion possibilities", “International Internship for the Future Information Technologies Specialists”, "Individual and Distance Learning" etc. There are many foreign partners that participate in these joint projects e.g.: Learning and Skills Council (UK), RCI - Research and Consultancy Institut (Cyprus), Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (Poland), Lund university (Sweden) etc.
Mission and Objectives

The main goal of the College is to educate qualified specialists able to work on their own in a wide variety of business, service and social spheres.
Mission - to create conditions for the individuals to gain contemporary skills in science and technology spheres that would correspond to a high level of education; to cumulate and spread scientific knowledge and nurture a multisided individual; to escalate applied and scientific activities in the region, consult local authorities and business companies; to create the conditions for life long learning by providing qualification raise trainings; to nurture education and culture receptive society, form humanistic approach, raise civil awareness and elevate values of opened and democratic society.

Main Projects / Activities

The College has gained experience in execution of national and international projects and strives to adapt European dimension to all of its activities. College of Social Sciences participates in international projects under Lifelong Learning Program, INTERREG program, Structural Funds. The College puts a lot of attention seeking to respond to the needs of changing society by offering innovative, checked and competitive results, methods or ways.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Director Nijole SKUCIENE

riva jerome

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
mon sujet porte sur : « Les Musulmans dans la Démocratie »http://www.lulu.com/content/776724 les deux grandes lignes que je souhaite développer : 1/ la Citoyenneté (Européenne) et l'identité Musulmane: - comment concilier l héritage des origines et l adhésion aux valeurs Démocratique 2 / l'instrumentalisation de l'islam par les mouvements Islamistes: - comment d un mouvement populaire et de résistance face a la décadence politique des régimes en orient, les islamistes ce nourrissent de la pauvreté, de la perte de sens des sociétés. Veuillez recevoir mes sincères salutations Cordialement Jérôme RIVA
Mission and Objectives

participer des groupes de travail sur l evolution et le dialogue des peuples de la mediterranée

Main Projects / Activities

These de doctorat / publication de livre / initiatives citoyennes

Contact (1) Full Name
riva jerome
Head of the organisation

AMARC Europe

National Network

legal office: Vlasfabriekstraat 11 B-1060 Brussels
operational office: Via Umberto Partini 21, 00159 Roma

Bruxelles, Rome

+39.06.8632 8312
+39.06.8638 3967
Mobile Phone
+39.393.9674 999
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
AMARC Europe is the regional branch of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters. In Europe the network exists since mid '90s, but in 2009 the organization has set up a new official registration act as International Non profit Organization according to the Belgian law. The regional Conference, held in December 2008 in Romania, gathered members (community radios and national federations of community and independent radios) from 23 different European countries. At present, the Board of Directors is composed by 8 directors (from Spain, France, UK, Czech Republic, Romania, Finland, Georgia) and a Secretary General (based in Italy). Among the sources of funding, AMARC Europe is involved in the global network of AMARC and in the harmonization process which allows trans-regional approaches to fund raising and donor's international agencies. Despite all, the structure is still little sized, having just one staff employed person (the Sec, General as regional coordinator).
Mission and Objectives

The main global objective of AMARC since its creation (in 1983, as a global movement) is to accompany and support the establishment of a worldwide community radio sector for a more pluralistic and democratized media sector. Nowadays, AMARC advocates for the right to communicate at the international, national, local and neighborhood levels, defend and promote the interests of the community radio movement through solidarity, networking and Cooperation.
In Europe, AMARC, local radio groups and other transnational fora (such as the Community Media Forum Europe) are organizing lobbying efforts towards government and international institutions (i.e. - European Union and Council of Europe) aimed at gaining approval so that community media can more easily network, being able -at the same time - to collectively work on national and region-wide on social and developmental issues.The main challenge will be planning to meet the potential for the expansion of community radio across Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

AMARC Europe is involved in the following activities (identified in the current Plan of Action):
Advocacy and policy research: To achieve improvement in the policy, legal and regulatory environment for community media and for the right to communicate
Knowledge sharing and capacity building. To strengthen the sustainability, effectiveness and relevance of community media and to increase the appropriation of community media by excluded and marginalized communities to better identify, discuss, articulate and voice their development concerns.
Content exchange and social action campaigns. To amplify the voices of the excluded and marginalized on key issues in sustainable democratic development and to strengthen south-centered perspectives.
Gender equality and women’s rights. To promote women’s voices and rights, to combat gender-based discrimination and to strengthen women’s participation in community media at all levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Diasio, Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Mariano Sanchez, President

Forum of Azerbaijani Students in Europe

National Network

Av. de la Chasse 174
B-1040 Etterbeek


Mobile Phone
+32476 945 325
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
FASE board is the supreme collegial body of the organization comprised of 5 members. Board is responsible for defining the strategy of FASE. Board approves the annual action plan of FASE and reviews it as necessary. Board appoints the Secretary General and FASE Baku representative. Board approves the membership policy of FASE. FASE Board is being elected at the general members meeting once a year by individual members together with the FASE Branch representatives. Current FASE Board members are: 1. Emin Mammadov 2. Rasim Baxshi 3. Anar Jahangirli 4. Emil Majidov FASE Secretariat FASE Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General, appointed by the Board on the basis of open call for applications. Vusal Mammadov is the Secretary General of FASE. Organization operates on the basis of personal donations by its individual and corporate members and mainly organizes seminars, conferences and Forums at various premises of political importance.
Mission and Objectives

FASE is a European NGO with the focus on youth, education and lobbying for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis living abroad. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. It was established in 2006 by a group of young Azerbaijanis with various backgrounds, primarily residing or studying/having studied in the EU countries, who were united by the idea of direct contribution to the development and progress of Azerbaijan and who believed that their efforts will have better appeal and efficiency if coordinated and discussed.
FASE is a European platform of Azerbaijani youth/students acting as a hub for communication. Benefiting from the large network of activists and interested people, FASE utilizes the potential of this network for raising profile of Azerbaijan in Europe, initiating cultural interchange, engaged in informal educational activities, being in course of events happening regarding Azerbaijan in the EU and lobbying for these purposes.

Main Projects / Activities

Promotion of Azerbaijani cause in Europe
A set of promotion efforts among European politicians, academia, media and civil society aimed at promoting Azerbaijan as the country sharing the common European future and with the potential to contribute to the common European future with its positive experience of cultural and religious inclusiveness as well as such dimensions as regional security and energy.
As the consequence of the above and natural follow up to the above said the projection and promotion of European values of personal freedoms and social welfare to Azerbaijani youth.
Promotion of Azerbaijani culture in Europe
A set of efforts among European politicians, media, academia and civil society aimed at promoting Azerbaijani culture as the source of new inspiration and creativity for the common European culture through demonstrating cultural diversity and richness of Azerbaijani traditions and new cultural trends and subcultures.
FASE has the ambition to achieve through consistent and continuing efforts the truly equal cultural exchange between Azerbaijan and the rest of Europe.
Promotion of Informal Education in Azerbaijan
By believing in the power of knowledge and the culture of questions and through consistent activities contribute to overcome of the negative trends in Azerbaijani educational system in schools and universities. The main instruments being information technologies, innovative and entertaining educational formats, by identifying and accumulating Azerbaijani and international expertise from outside of Azerbaijan and transfer to Azerbaijan without referring but in close cooperation with formal and traditional educational establishments such as Schools and Universities.
Networking among Azerbaijanis in Europe and Azerbaijan
By believing that communication creates social and human capital and through consistent activities contribute to closer personal, social and professional links among Azerbaijanis living in all parts of Europe with emphasize on new IT instruments, open communication formats and “think and act” type of networks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vusal Mammadov
Head of the organisation
Vusal Mammadov
Contact (2) Full Name
Orkhan Aliyev

Naujos kartos mokslo ir verslo klasteris (Science and Business Cluster of New Generation)

National Network

Nemuno st. 2, LT-91199

00370 46 397 383
Telephone (other)
00370 46 397 385
00370 46 397 077
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00370 686 25 122
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Association unites academic and business institutions, its members are: 5 business companies (LLC “Elsis Business Solutions”, LLC “Hexacon Baltija”, LLC “Prosperitus”, LLC “Gaumina” and LLC “IT Vision”), College of Social Sciences and Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre. The aim of this organization is to unite academic and business institutions for mutual cooperation in order to increase the quality of studies and to prepare the specialists according to the real needs of nowadays business companies. Main budgetary resources are project preparation and implementation, business consultations, training, dissemination, etc. Members of association have participated in number of projects: Third Countries’ Student integration, Interactive 3-D Training, Applied Scientific Researches, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of association are to increase the efficiency of higher education, to improve the supply of high skilled professionals, strengthen the competitiveness of the domestic and international markets, and adopt foreign technology and management experience.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the major activities is preparation of feasibility study for the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania "Knowledge Management and Innovations". (Attachment of the summary under additional information section).

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Ms Gabija MIKALAUSKIENE (President)

Film House Egypt

National Network

51 A Dimashke street, Mohendessin

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
*Production and Post production house *Staff of 16
Mission and Objectives

The first Egyptian Independent film producers. A leading post production house

Main Projects / Activities

- 1992 founded as production house for TV commercials.
- 1998 Producing the first Egyptian Set-Com‘’Wenta Amel Eih”
- 2000 Producing of its first long feature "Al Ragol Al Abyad “ With all the post in house .
- 2003 Producing of its second long feature "Howa Fi Aih" .
- 2005 Producing of the long feature "Never Mind We Were Screwed"
- 2007 Producing 8 Documentaries on Egyptian Civilization
- 2008 Producing "Ein Shams" The first Egyptian Independent digital long feature, the winner of Taormina Fest as Best Film.
- 2009 Producing "HELIOPOLIS" An Egyptian Independent long feature.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sherif Mandour
Head of the organisation
Sherif Mandour
Contact (2) Full Name
Yasmina Ben Ari