Association Rimay Encyclopedia

National Network

Hameau de saint Hugon


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Association à but non lucratif (1901). Bureau composé de 6 membres, plus 7 personnes faisant partie du comité de traduction. Les sources de financement viennent de donations privées et de fondations.
Mission and Objectives

L'objectif de l'association est la traduction et la publication en français d'une oeuvre majeure de la tradition tibétaine : la "Grande Encyclopédie des Connaissances" écrite au XIXè s en tibétain par le grand maître bouddhiste Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé. Cette oeuvre en 10 volumes constitue un véritable patrimoine culturel et spirituel de l'humanité que nous souhaitons rendre accessible au grand public.

Main Projects / Activities

L'association a pour objectif de traduire et de publier cette oeuvre. La publication se fera d'abord dans un format numérique (DVD et/ou système wiki) facilitant les recherches. L'édition papier suivra selon les financements obtenus.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pierre Lançon
Head of the organisation
Lama Denys Rinpoché (Denys Eysseric)

Mehr Demokratie e.V.

National Network

Mehr Demokratie e.V.
Greifswalder Str. 4
10405 Berlin


+49 (0) 89 821 1774
+49 (0) 89 821 1176
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mehr Demokratie currently has 5.103 members, 12 regional branches and 11 offices. It is the largest non-party organization promoting democracy in the European Union. We operate with a highly professional core team and hundreds of honorary members from our action base. Our board of trustees consists of more than fifty eminent personalities from the fields of science, the arts, economics, and politics. Mehr Demokratie actions include the organisation of conferences and seminars; the creation of petitions and the colleting of signatures; the publication of pamphlets and books and other general campaigning activities. Our work is financed solely by donations and membership fees. Until now we have received no public funding. Mehr Demokratie forms ad hoc partnerships to strengthen campaigns where necessary. It has worked with various organisations from German and the rest of Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Mehr Demokratie is a driving force for referenda and a better electoral law. Every vote counts equally and everybody has the right to participate.
Within Germany we campaign for the introduction of a nationwide referendum and fair rules of play as part of the referendum for the German federal states and communities. Within Europe Mehr Demokratie fights for more extensive democracy and parliamentary reforms. We want modern voting procedures and freedom of information legislation and the democratisation of the European Union.
We wish for a political culture which furthers dialogue and participation. Citizen-initiated referendums, fair election laws and other forms of participation allow citizens to steer the direction of politics. In this, Mehr Demokratie is politically neutral, which means that we only comment on questions relating to democratic procedures and not to political content. We believe that important questions should be decided upon by the citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

We fight for direct democracy on all political levels. Since 2003 we have been active on the EU-level, accompanying the work of the Convention for the Future of Europe - the body that drafted the EU Constitution. At first we devoted our efforts into gaining greater direct democracy, paying special attention to referenda on the Constitution Treaty, and its revised version, the Lisbon Treaty. Our efforts contributed to the inclusion of the European Citizens' Initiative in the EU treaty. We also helped to ensure that the referendum on the Constitution Treaty took place in the Netherlands.
In the year 2005, Mehr Demokratie became a founding member of the network, Democracy International (DI), which is active throughout the EU. Some of the organizations within DI are Mas Democracia (Spain), (Belgium), and Balkan Assist (Bulgaria). Our aim is a European Union which is democratically formed by and controlled by the citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roman Huber
Head of the organisation
Roman Huber
Contact (2) Full Name
Michael Efler

Stichting KUNSTIMPLANTAAT (fondation artimplantation) Kamer van Koophandel Rotterdam: 24452897

National Network

Frans Bekkerstraat 15 3082 TE

0031 10 4952294
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 6 40367057
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The goal of Stichting Kunstimplantaat is to stimulate cultural activities by initiating and / or realisation of artprojects in the area of the city of Rotterdam. The boards consists of three people: the chairman, the secretary and the treasurer. For daily assistance a group of visual artists, WANDSCHAPPEN, supports some tasks, specially for specfic projects. For every single project funding is raised. A small support for overhead (€ 500,-)is given by Pact op Zuid (Pact of South) also for specific parts of projects. Pact op Zuid is an organisation in the community of Rotterdam that stimulates the creative collaborations in the poor part of the city ( This is the first year of the foundation. At the end of the year the insight in the total budget will be available.For 2009 applications for funding for about € 180.000,- will be done. The applications for
Mission and Objectives

For Stichting Kunstimplantaat visual arts in the area of Rotterdam are an active part of the development of the city, specially in the "poor" areas. If artists decide to settle down in poor areas and intervene with their work in the neighborhood a new energy for growth will start. The foundation wants to support this developments by stimulating artprojects, artworks, debats or workshops with artists, inhabitants and companies
By doing so the foundation also tries to stimulate the growth of the artcommunity, local and international, its collaborations with the inhabitans of the aera and help all participants in their personal and professional goals.

Main Projects / Activities

A-Locatie: a multifunctional artspace in empty buidlings of the community in the middle of a shoppingarea in the neigborhood Oud Charlois, with studios for six artsts, exhibition space, openingevents, workshops and debates.
The foundation organizes the studios, the program of the exhibitions and the worshops.
Küf / mold 2009
This is an international artproject in Rotterdam Oud Charlois with 20 Turkish, 20 New Yorkian, 10 Belgium and 10 Dutch visual artists. The artist get the commission to develope an work of art for 60 Turkisch shopkeepers in the area Oud Charlois. The works will be specially made for them and installed to stay. During a mounth a artroute will by guided along the shops. Both groups, Turkisch shopkeepers as well as artists are nomadic and settle down in poor areas in western cities. If they both decide to stay, the area will get better.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivo van den Baar
Head of the organisation
Chairman of the board: Paul Thomas Pos
Contact (2) Full Name
Robin Kolleman


National Network

F. Pintarića 31

00385 43 231-400
Telephone (other)
0038543 246-414
00385 43 231-400
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00385 91 162-2627
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
66 members , 0 employed, 4 international partners 10.000 eura in a year project , local community Portal with an NPO database for the Town of Bjelovar • Information point (showcase) • Education for anticorruption portal • Stop to corruption • Portal with an NPO database for the County Bjelovarsko-bilogorska • English courses for adults, basic, intermediate and advanced levels Partners: local community BBŽ, Embassy of Neatherland, private sector
Mission and Objectives

To stimulate and promote cooperation in local communities with the aim of long-term development.
Our vision is a balanced society with developed local communities for the benefit of present and future generations.Our values are:Openness, being involved, fairness, trust, partnership, innovation

Main Projects / Activities

- Participation in workshops:
Managing the Project Cycle
Strategic Planning
Financing from EU Funds
Democracy and the Media
Arion Visit Study - Global Learning – EU
Portal with an NPO database
Information point (showcase)
Education for anti-corruption portal
Stop to corruption

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Célestins, Théâtre de Lyon

National Network

4 rue Charles Dullin - 69002 LYON - FRANCE

00 33 4 72 77 40 00
Telephone (other)
00 33 4 72 77 48 59
00 33 4 72 77 48 64
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Régie directe de la Ville de Lyon, l'effectif du théâtre des Célestins est constitué est de 52 permanents. Le théâtre dispose d'un budget annuel de 9,3 M€. La Ville de Lyon participe à hauteur de 4,2 M€ à son financement, auquel s'ajoute des recettes propres de billetterie et de diffusion des créations (4,3 M€) et des subventions privées ou de mécénat (280 K€). La vocation du Théâtre se décline sur le champs de la création artistique, de la diffusion des créations, de la coproduction de spectacles et sz la diffusion en ses murs de représentations théâtrales. A ce titre ses principaux partenaires sont des compagnies et théâtres nationaux et internationaux et des institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Dirigé par le tandem Claudia Stavisky/Patrick Penot il s’est vu confier en 2000 la triple mission :
- d’assurer le rajeunissement et l’élargissement des publics au moyen d’une programmation diverse et exigeante,
- de pratiquer une large ouverture à la création contemporaine notamment grâce aux mises en scène de Claudia Stavisky,
- de participer au rayonnement national et international de la Ville de lyon en s’insérant dans le réseau national et européen de production théâtrale de service public.
Ces objectifs sont désormais largement atteints puisqu’avec près de 110 000 spectateurs par saison, plus de 250 représentations dans ses deux salles, une fréquentation moyenne de l’ordre de 90% et 5 créations en tournées nationales en 2008/2009 pour un total de 300 représentations, des accueils de compagnies européennes et internationales, le Théâtre des Célestins est désormais l’une des toutes premières maisons de théâtre en France.

Main Projects / Activities

Fort de ces atouts et de sa renommée, le Théâtre des Célestins fait désormais de l’ouverture à l’Europe et à l’international l’un des axes essentiels de son projet d’établissement pour les années 2009-2013. La création, de la saison 2008, Blackbird de David Harrower sera présentée en Suisse, en Belgique et au Canada.
Initié en septembre 2009 «SENS INTERDITS » festival international des « théâtres de nécessités » s’intéressera aux problématiques de l’identité, de la mémoire et des résistances notamment au cœur de l’Europe et de ses cultures. Des compagnies notamment originaires de Turquie et de Croatie présenteront leurs spectacles en version originale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patrick Penot
Head of the organisation
Claudia Stavisky / Patrick Penot : Directeurs
Contact (2) Full Name
Olivier Crouzet

LGBT Support Group Vaivorykste at Vytautas Magnus University

National Network

Donelaicio 52-309, Faculty of Social Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University
Kaunas, Lithuania LT44248


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The main aim of this organization is to support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender person at the University and to fight against discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation. The group unites students and teachers at the University and organizers cultural events and academic discussions, seminars with university community and local community in the city of Kaunas. We cooperate with other gay organizations in Lithuania.
Mission and Objectives

The objective of our organization is to promote values of tolerance, democracy, freedom of speech and expression and equality. These values are still not fully implemented in the framework of our academic community. We aim to initiate discussion and act to protect homosexual students and teachers to be open about their sexual orientation. The long term aim is social change of our homophobic attitudes and promotion of diversity, democracy and active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

We have several projects which we initiated together with students. The first was called CIVICUS which aimed to promoted dialogue between community and university and promote the value of active citizenship. We have developed research and initiated discussion forums (video-conferences with international academic community) about the principles of active citizenship. We developed newsletter which was accused of gay propaganda and was banned by University authorities. Our group initiate seminars on tolerance and discussions with the public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arnoldas Zdanevicius
Head of the organisation
Arnoldas Zdanevicius
Contact (2) Full Name
Saulius Skucas

Maghreb Jazz

National Network

Kolfschotenstraat 21
1104 NV Amsterdam


0031 (0) 6 275 22 715
Telephone (other)
0031 (0) 20 69 975 66
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 (0) 6 275 22 715
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
I am working as individual that has his own company... For bigger projects I work under the flag of Marmoucha foundation...biggest platform for Northafrican music in the Netherlands
Mission and Objectives

Maghrebjazz is an international music platform stimulating the international dialogue by mixing Northafrican music culture with European/Afro-American

Main Projects / Activities

concerts, musical exchange forms and educational projects, promoting maghrebjazz in all it's forms

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan Wouter Oostenrijk
Head of the organisation
Jan Wouter Oostenrijk

El Wassat

National Network

cite cotitex bd krim belkacem
tizi ouzou algerie1500000000000007

Tizi Ozou

00 213 552 150 799
Telephone (other)
00 213 552 150 799
00 213 26 25 64 01
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 213 552 150 799
Mobile Phone (other)
00 213 552 150 799
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
bon c est un journal arbophone indepandat et j exrece le metier de journaliste depuis 2004mais aussi est un qoutidien qui finance par le prive avec l aide de la les prtenaire sont suivant le djzey et nadjema.
Mission and Objectives

bon ce journal et connais al echelle international mais je voudrais aussi le develloper dans tous les domaines surtout dans la communication .....ext

Main Projects / Activities

bon maintenant j ai envie de couvrir toute l afrique et meme l europe et ca dans la distubition car est un journal cridble qui besoin de plus de tout la monde .

Contact (1) Full Name
Halit Samir
Head of the organisation
Toufik Bouhdjar
Contact (2) Full Name
Halit Samir

Solar CITIES e.V.

National Network

Wisthoffweg 48
45139 Essen

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Solar C.I.T.I.E.S. e.V. (known as an "eingetragener Verein", a non-governmental organization), is the institutionalized result (registered May 20, 2008) of the personal initiative of Thomas Henry and Sybille Culhane. The organization has seven members on the board of directors in Germany, two American and two Egyptian advisory board members. The Culhanes funded several fully operating solar hot water and biogas facilities in the slums of Cairo out-of-pocket. The American University in Cairo faculty devoted resources to extend research and development. UCLA provided a research grant. The creation of 30 functional solar hot water systems in both Christian and Muslim neighborhoods was made possible by a $25,000 Small Infrastructure Grant from US AID . National Geographic has provided press and a $10,000 Emerging Explorer Award to continue the work. Solar CITIES presents globally at universities, conferences and workshops and works with Egypt’s NGO “Spirit of Youth” and Aga Khan Trust for Culture.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is contained within the acronym in our name, "Solar C3.I.T.I.E.S.": "Connecting Community Catalysts Integrating Technologies for Industrial Ecology Solutions". We strive to be solution providers at the household and community level for a host of related urban ecology challenges: energy production, water conservation, waste recycling, and sewage treatment, as well as poverty reduction through „green collar jobs training“, participatory community development and gender equity. Our chief objective is to expand the intensely local sustainable development work we have done over the past few years in the slums and informal areas of Cairo, Egypt to a global level so that we can create an ever wider network of stakeholders building „collective intelligence“. We share Buckminster Fuller’s faith that we can “operate our planet in such a manner as to support and accommodate all humanity at a substantially more advanced standard of living than any humans have ever experienced!”

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities involve the creation and installation of community-built solar hot water systems, kitchen-waste-to-cooking-gas bio-digestors, cold water rooftop storage systems and rooftop gardens, urban compost bins and grey-water recycling systems, all made locally from indigenous and recycled materials. In the future we aim to engage in capacity building for small scale wind generators, photovoltaic installation and energy efficient product components construction, slow sand filtration, water purification, community energy management and sewage treatment. Following Turner’s belief that “housing is a verb” we conceive of the urban dwelling as the fundamental unit of reproduction and power production, and use that power to recycle the waste and water in situ. We train residents not only in the hardware elements of appropriate environmental technology but in the “wetware” elements of basic science comprehension and awareness sharing, empowering a generation of “trainers of trainers” who can pass the torch to other communities and future generations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Henry Culhane
Head of the organisation
Dr. Sybille Culhane and Thomas Henry Culhane, M.A.
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Sybille Culhane

Union of Lebanese Democratic Youth

National Network

2nd Floor, Sfeir Building, Mar Elias Street

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ULDY is a youth led, youth oriented organization based on voluntary work of its members. Currently its has around 400 members around Lebanon, across all regions and all religious groups. The budget constitutes of membership fees of members to finance operational costs. Projects are funded through donors in Lebanon and abroad (Cric-Itlay, ILF, Sweden,...). The operational budget is around 25,000$ per year covering rents, phones and logistic stuff. Project funding differs from year to year according to availability of donors. Through the last few years ULDY involved in many seminars as well as exchange projects. In addition, one relief aid project was done. Partners include local authorities, other non-governmental organizations from Lebanon and abroad, and international organizations.
Mission and Objectives

ULDY believes in the importance of breaking the borders between the Lebanese youth. Those borders are mainly sectarian borders imposed by the nature of the Lebanese society. ULDY works to raise awareness about the need to have intercultural and inter religious cooperation among the youth. ULDY also believes in the importance of putting pressure on the decision makers to make reforms in the laws leading to sectarian divisions.
Another important issue for ULDY is the right of youth to affordable education for all. This is the most important tool in shaping the youth's culture and understanding of the world, and a good education will bring the youth together in spite of their differences.
ULDY tries to promote the talents of the youth in fine arts so that they can express themselves and find more tools that can unite them in a sound social structure.
Understanding our neighborhood in the region and around the world is another important value that we promote. People are similar in spite of their cultural differences. ULDY tries to involve the youth in international dialogues and cooperation as another element of the wide tolerant culture that we belive in.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the recent important activities:
1. A relief aid for the victims of the 2006 War between Lebanon and Israel.
2. Establishing a cultural center in the town of Srifa in the South of Lebanon.
3. A youth march that toured all the cities of Lebanon for 33 days to promote unity between different regions and religions.
4. Several youth camps every summer with themes of dialogue, art and culture.
5. Exchange programs with several organizations in several countries.
6. A regional conference on human rights and democracy in the middle east.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rasha Nasreddine
Head of the organisation
Imad Bawab