Foreign Youth Association

National Network

04 rue d'Algérie
1000 Tunis

+216 22 924 158
+216 71
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 22 924 158
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
FYA est composée d’un bureau directive de 4 membres :Président, secrétaire générale, Trésorier, Chargé de la vie associative et culturel, ainsi des membres désigné. le financement est base essentiellement de l'adhésion des membre et le soutien particulier lors des actions réalisés. nos principaux action sont sous forme (ateliers de travail, échanges, séminaires, excursion). Nos principaux partenaires sont de Portugal/Gréce/Togo/Sénegal/Serbie et Tunisie
Mission and Objectives

FYA est composée d’un bureau directive de 4 membres :Président, secrétaire générale, Trésorier, Chargé de la vie associative et culturel, ainsi des membres désigné.
le financement est base essentiellement de l'adhésion des membre et la cotisations de soutien particulier lors des actions réalisés.
Modalités d'action : (ateliers de travail, échanges, séminaires, excursion)
Nos principaux partenaires sont de Tunisie / Portugal / Gréce / Serbie/ Togo / Sénègal
Activités de l'organisme : Sociale - Arts&culture -développement personnel –l’éducation civique et la citoyenneté active, Protection de l’environnement et le développement durable.
Mission et objectifs:
La philosophie de FYA vise à nouer de nouvelles amitiés dans un cadre international, a travers le partage des expériences et les activités conviviales dans un but de découvrir d’autres cultures.
FYA contribue, à travers la richesse d’arts, d’activités culturelles, ainsi que les programmes d'apprentissage non formel, les échanges culturels, dont elles sont un lieu d’apprentissage, de culture et d’amitié pour les tunisiens et les jeunes du monde entier.
La mission poursuivi par FYA est le développement des jeunes, savoir les autonomiser, les responsabiliser en vue d’un développement humain durable.
Nos objectifs sont:
- L’insertion et l'intégration sociale des étrangers en Tunisie,
- Lutte contre les discriminations, le racisme et la xénophobie,
- Développer, encourager et promouvoir les activités artistiques, culturelles et l'apprentissage des langues et la diversité linguistique,
- Promouvoir le développement personnelle chez les jeunes tel que (leadership, le fund rising, l’entreprenariat, secourisme …),
- Promouvoir l'engagement civique & Démocratique et la citoyenneté active chez les jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

- Visite et animation du Service pédiatrique de l’hôpital régional Mohamed Tletli (Nabeul)
- Dépistage Bucco-dentaire de 300 écoliers Libyens en Tunisie
-organisation des excursion et randonnées éco-touristique au profil de nos volontaires africains & européen
- la célébration de Noel au profil des volontaires étrangers qui sont reseter en Tunisie pour un empêchement
- organisation des matchs de football tous les samedi soir  avec nos volontaires Africains, Maghrebin, Européens et Américains
-Ateliers de développement personnel (Leadership), technique d’animation et de divertissement  au profil de nos volontaires locaux et étrangers.
-Atelier de travail pour les jeunes sur la citoyenneté active.
-Atelier de travail au profil des jeunes sur la création et le recyclage artistique a partir des déchets.
-Nettoyage de la plage de Chatt-memi (Bizerte).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La situation actuelle de la Tunisie favorise l’encagement des associations, fondations, clubs à s’unir et défendre les valeurs du Service Civique, et de promouvoir le principe des développement des jeunes, savoir les autonomiser, les responsabiliser en vue d’un développement humain durable dont est la mission de FYA – Tunis

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre le réseau de la fondation Anna Lindh et ce afin de valoriser et renforcer les objectifs ainsi les priorités du FAL par des actions culturelle, environnementale et humanitaire, en s'appuyant sur l'engagement bénévole & volontaire à l’ouverture au monde, et à la diversité culturelle. FYA œuvre à élargir son réseau de partenaires mondiale et à développer des projets de coopération euro-méditerranéen et internationale dans les domaines de : (l’échanges des jeunes et la diversité culturelle, l’éducation à l’environnement et au développement durable, à la citoyenneté active … )

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

IMPART 2016 Festival Centre (Biuro Festiwalowe IMPART 2016)

National Network

Komuny Paryskiej 39-41
50-451 Wroclaw

+48 71 343 29 62
+48 71 343 29 62
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
IMPART 2016 Festival Centre is responsible for organizing European Capital of Culture  - Wroclaw 2016. The organisation was set up in July 2012 as a result of  merging three different public institutions:  1) Impart Art Center – institution organizing cultural events, 2) Wrocław 2016 – institution responsible for preparing an application for the contest of European Capital of Culture title, 3) Dialog Festival Officre – institution responsible for organizing International Theatre Festival “Dialog”. Therefore IMPART 2016 Festival Centre is divided into three departments: 1) Wroclaw European Captital of Culture, 2) Impart, 3) Dialog. The overall number of employees is 57.
Mission and Objectives

IMPART 2016 Festival Centre is an entity entirely devoted  to culture. Its mission is to provide high quality cultural event and cultural education programmes. It organizes many cultural project, most of which involve citizens.  IMPART 2016 Festival Centre is reponsible for organizing European Capital of Culture - Wrocław 2016. The objective of the European Capital of Culture programme is to increase participation in culture of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia inhabitants and promote intercultural dialogue between Eastern and Western Europe. The European Capital of Culture plays a crutial role in searching for the new identity of united Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Organisation’s main activities:
- European Capital of Culture – Wrocław 2016
- Jazz on the Oder Festival (the oldest and one of the biggest Polish Jazz Festivals)
- International Theatre Festival “Dialog”
- European Literature Nights – project focusing on promoting literature and inspiring people to reading
- Halo-Echo – project focusing on animated cartoons made by children
-  Bazaar – cultural education workshops for merchants and tradesman
- Wroclawski Sound – festival promoting local musicians
- Non Sola Scripta - one of the oldest and most reputable organ festivals in Poland
- Social Academy of Culture - a monthly cycle of debates and workshops led by Jacek Żakowski
- BASK - the open lab of Basque culture, an open studio for workshops led by artists, designers and linguists
- Mandala Performance Festival – stage and thetheatre performances, exhibitions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IMPART 2016 Festival Centre can contribute to the Network:
- by making a conrtribution of strong organizational skills and competency
- by incorporating into Network prestigious project on European scale
- by making a contribution of a variety of cultural, social, education projects
- by sharing an experience and creativity in the field of culture
- by supporting Network's actions

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joninig the ALF Network is a chance to:
- increase a number of projects implemented with international partners
- aquire experience in cooperating within network
- participate in a projects involving international partners
- aquire experience in innovative and creative projects in the field of culture
- reach new audiences and improve acces to cultural works

Contact (1) Full Name
Adrian Podgórny
Job Title
Specialist/Department of Finances and Organization
Head of the organisation
Krzysztof Maj

Every Man Foudation

National Network

Rynek 42 m. 5
27-400 Ostrowiec Św

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Foundation has arose in September 2013. It has came to being in order to become a publisher of a polish language  web journal: The organization did not have any external founding yet. Expected future funding are grants, donations and advertising space on BliskiWschó website. The organization consists of three persons in the managing board. It is located in Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski, Poland. As a publisher of the foundation cooperates with many scientific institutions (e.g. Jagiellonian University, Warsaw University), similar websites and organization (e.g. Amnesty International, Solidarni z Iranem, Histmag),  as well as publishing houses in Poland, such as "Czarne", "Dialog", "Smak Slowa". Many volunteers are engaged in work on the website.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the foundation is an education on democratic, ecological, humanitarian and human rights values, especially according to underdeveloped countries. The organization aims to educate Poles about these values, how they are perceived in other cultures and what is needed in so called Global South. The foundation concentrates at the moment only on MENA region.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project of the Every Man Foundation is web journal, available on The website provides news and analytical information on the MENA region in polish. It brings MENA culture closer to the polish internet audience. The website has existed for 3 years. Since that time it has become well recognized.
Another current activity of the foundation is promotion of art, documentary and reportage that focuses on humanitarian issues, development and human rights.  It help in circulation of work of artists from MENA region and supports polish artists that wish to talk about above mentioned issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a publisher of, the foundation is open to cooperation with polish and international organization that have similar aims. We will be happy to share information on our website, popularize ALF activities, provide any possible supports to ALF members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF is the most vibrant multicultural international organization that focuses on Europe and MENA region. It is extremely important for us to become a member of this international society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dominika Zarzycka
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dominika Zarzycka
Contact (2) Full Name
Michal Busko
Job Title (2)
Board Member

Asala Organization for popular Heritage and Development

National Network

Gaza-AlNasser st. – Habob building – fourth floor
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The idea of founding Asala Organization of a group of intellectuals and interested people and activists in the field of development and socio-cultural, to have their contribution in preserving the heritage of the Palestinian public's inherent and protected from erasure and absence in the battle to prove the existence of the human, historical and geographical heritage and civilization extended, a body independent civil, manage their status collectively and democratically at the technical, administrative and financial, interest in community development and dissemination of a civilized culture, and enrich the thought and encourage the fine arts, and highlight the national heritage and the Arab. The Organization got the license number "7185" issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and under the law of charities and NGO that on 9/7/2002 , An association of independent Palestinian civil development Dealing with development in general and concerned with the development of interest inherent heritage of the Palestinian people in all its dimensions.nsions.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives: 1. Reviving the Palestinian national culture. 2.  Developing The culture of human rights, Democracy and civic concepts. 3.  Establishing the specialized Palestinian Heritage Center. 4. Enhancing the women participation all levels. 5. Establishing cooperative relationships and experience exchange between local and international organizations. 6. Encouraging the palestinian talents at all cultural life. Units and programs of the Organization 1. Human Resources Development Unit: 2. Awareness and education Unit: 3.   Culture and art Unit: 4.   Public Relations Unit:

Main Projects / Activities

مشاريع هيئة أصالة التي تم تنفيذها في السنوات السابقة : م. اسم المشروع الجهة المانحة قيمة التمويل 1.  مشروع التراث 2006-2010 ( 5 سنوات ) مركز أولف بالما السويدي الدولي . 2.  مشروع الحوار( 30/9/2009 -31/12/2010 ) مركز أولف بالما السويدي الدولي  3.  مشروع قيادات شابة مؤسسة التعاون – رام الله  4.  مشروع أجيال (1) مؤسسة الرؤية العالمية  5.  مشروع أجيال (2) مؤسسة الرؤية العالمية  6.  مشروع ( ع.ش.) الصندوق الثقافي الفلسطيني  7.  مشروع بيان فلسطيني الصندوق الثقافي الفلسطيني  8.  مشروع تدريب وتشغيل النساء من الأسر الفقيرة المهمشة في المناطق المهمشة  الهيئة العُمانية للأعمال الخيرية  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Asala Organization is wellknown and have a long experience in the above mentioned fields. Asala is open minded to exchange experiences and knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF has agood reputation that encourage all NGOs to enroll such unique foundation

Contact (1) Full Name
Tayseer Zomlot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tayseer Zomlot
Contact (2) Full Name
Raeda Zagout
Job Title (2)

Asala Organization for popular Heritage and Development

National Network

Gaza-AlNasser st. – Habob building – fourth floor
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The idea of founding Asala Organization of a group of intellectuals and interested people and activists in the field of development and socio-cultural, to have their contribution in preserving the heritage of the Palestinian public's inherent and protected from erasure and absence in the battle to prove the existence of the human, historical and geographical heritage and civilization extended, a body independent civil, manage their status collectively and democratically at the technical, administrative and financial, interest in community development and dissemination of a civilized culture, and enrich the thought and encourage the fine arts, and highlight the national heritage and the Arab. The Organization got the license number "7185" issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Interior and under the law of charities and NGO that on 9/7/2002 , An association of independent Palestinian civil development Dealing with development in general and concerned with the development of interest inherent heritage of the Palestinian people in all its dimensions.nsions.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives: 1. Reviving the Palestinian national culture. 2.  Developing The culture of human rights, Democracy and civic concepts. 3.  Establishing the specialized Palestinian Heritage Center. 4. Enhancing the women participation all levels. 5. Establishing cooperative relationships and experience exchange between local and international organizations. 6. Encouraging the palestinian talents at all cultural life. Units and programs of the Organization 1. Human Resources Development Unit: 2. Awareness and education Unit: 3.   Culture and art Unit: 4.   Public Relations Unit:

Main Projects / Activities

مشاريع هيئة أصالة التي تم تنفيذها في السنوات السابقة : م. اسم المشروع الجهة المانحة قيمة التمويل 1.  مشروع التراث 2006-2010 ( 5 سنوات ) مركز أولف بالما السويدي الدولي . 2.  مشروع الحوار( 30/9/2009 -31/12/2010 ) مركز أولف بالما السويدي الدولي  3.  مشروع قيادات شابة مؤسسة التعاون – رام الله  4.  مشروع أجيال (1) مؤسسة الرؤية العالمية  5.  مشروع أجيال (2) مؤسسة الرؤية العالمية  6.  مشروع ( ع.ش.) الصندوق الثقافي الفلسطيني  7.  مشروع بيان فلسطيني الصندوق الثقافي الفلسطيني  8.  مشروع تدريب وتشغيل النساء من الأسر الفقيرة المهمشة في المناطق المهمشة  الهيئة العُمانية للأعمال الخيرية  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Asala Organization is wellknown and have a long experience in the above mentioned fields. Asala is open minded to exchange experiences and knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF has agood reputation that encourage all NGOs to enroll such unique foundation

Contact (1) Full Name
Tayseer Zomlot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tayseer Zomlot
Contact (2) Full Name
Raeda Zagout
Job Title (2)


National Network

2/11 B , El Hedaya St, Nasr City

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Media
General Information
The Arab Media Forum for Environment and Development (AMFED), is a non-profit media organization representing a regional link of media NGOs and media practitioners, the aim of this partnership is to transform the media into a vehicle of positive change that increases public awareness on how critical development topics impact our daily lives.
Mission and Objectives

• Encourage the media as an active partner in the development issues and activities, in collaboration with all organizations working towards sustainable development
• Promote sensitivity and awareness of development issues in organizations, government, the private sector, and civil society through comprehensive coverage in the Arab media
• Increase media accessibility to a broad range of issues, data, and perspectives, resulting in more informed, accurate and relevant reporting
• Facilitate and transfer the exchange of local and international media experience and expertise through a participatory approach
• Work on increasing the role of women in the issues of development, and strengthening their participation in the management of development
• Support cooperation among organizations, authorities and Arab and international programs concerned with the issues of environment and development
• Explore and strengthen relationships between the public and private sectors in promoting the role of the Arab media

Main Projects / Activities

AMFED has worked with several partners, some of which include:
• The Centre for Environment and Development in the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE)
• Heinrich Boll Foundation
• The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)
• International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)
• The John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement
• League of Arab States
• Near East and North Africa Urban Forum (NENA Urban Forum)
• UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
• UN Urban Management Programme (UMP)
• United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
• United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
• United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
• The World Bank

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Disseminating Information
Capacity Building
Promoting Partnerships
Dialogue through Media Consultations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Increase our work & Capacity building 

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Ali
Head of the organisation
Ms. Randa Fouad

Associação Backup

National Network

Avenida Doutor Álvaro Cunhal - Bairro da Barquinha, Lote 11, R/c Frente
8900-225 Vila Real de Santo António

(351) 911725377
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Backup is a non-profit and non-governmental youth association born in Vila Real de Santo António (Algarve, Portugal), with a mission to promote personal empowerment and community development, to enhance youth participation and active citizenship. Backup is mostly composed by young people betweem 16 and 30 years. Our projects focuses on: democratic education & citizenship, youth participation, human rights, intercultural dialogue & learning, entrepreneurship, youth policies, social inclusion,  etc. What we do? • Training courses, Guidance and Consultancy • Seminars, Workshops and Conferences • Civil Animation • Volunteering Service • Social Research • Advocacy • Entrepreneurship • Youth Exchanges • Youth and Community Initiatives • Structured Dialogue How? • Promoting activities targeting young people • Supporting young people in their initiatives • Providing learning opportunities through voluntary service, youth exchanges, etc • Supporting young people’s participation in decision-making processes
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote personal empowerment and community development.

Main Projects / Activities

Backup projects focuses on: democratic education & citizenship, youth participation, human rights, intercultural dialogue & learning, entrepreneurship, youth policies, social inclusion,  etc.
What we do?
• Training courses, Guidance and Consultancy
• Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
• Civil Animation
• Volunteering Service
• Social Research
• Advocacy
• Entrepreneurship
• Youth Exchanges
• Youth and Community Initiatives
• Structured Dialogue
• Promoting activities targeting young people.
• Supporting young people in their initiatives.
• Providing learning opportunities through voluntary service, youth exchanges, etc.
• Supporting young people’s participation in decision-making processes.

Backup follows transversely, in it’s projects and activities, the principles of non-formal education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jorge Machado
Job Title
CEO & President & Co-Founder
Head of the organisation
Jorge Machado
Contact (2) Full Name
André Oliveira
Job Title (2)
Vice-President & Project Coordinator

association wlad el blad

National Network

al heraouine 2 rue 2 mars
22000 casablanca

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
Document technique sur l'Assemblée Société a été créée et Ladd pays sur 18/04/2010 par une équipe de jeune acteur et passionné et jaloux de sa région et son pays afin d'effectuer le rôle de la jeunesse de base à la création d'une communauté dynamique et communautaire immobile parallèle positif avec ce que les institutions officielles et les organisations non gouvernementales en vue de cadrage et la composition et suivre les groupes cibles en conformité avec les objectifs de la règle d'association en pré-droit et de la base ainsi que la réadaptation et la réinsertion de l'escorte et les plus vulnérables et de contribuer à la gestion des affaires locales de l'activation des objectifs de la politique de proximité et de la bonne gouvernance et les principes de la démocratie participative et a contribué à l'Assemblée en poussée vers l'avant le développement des collectivités locales en utilisant une gamme d'activités, de programmes et de projets en partenariat avec les acteurs à l'échelle locale et nationale , qui Himmat activer principalement l'approche de la justice et d'intégration à résoudre les problèmes des jeunes et des femmes et ainsi que le soutien et renforcer la capacité de ces deux catégories , en plus des programmes de sensibilisation et de mobilisation et de sensibilisation et ainsi que l'audition sur diverses questions d'intérêt pour les deux catégories et est considéré comme un membre de l'Assemblée du Conseil national de la Jeunesse associations président et assumer le poste de trésorier du Conseil
Mission and Objectives

Document technique sur l'Assemblée

Société a été créée et Ladd pays sur 18/04/2010 par une équipe de jeune acteur et passionné et jaloux de sa région et son pays afin d'effectuer le rôle de la jeunesse de base à la création d'une communauté dynamique et communautaire immobile parallèle positif avec ce que les institutions officielles et les organisations non gouvernementales dans le but de cadrage et la composition et suivre les groupes cibles en conformité avec les objectifs de la règle d'association en pré-droit et de la base ainsi que la réadaptation et la réinsertion de l'escorte et les plus vulnérables et de contribuer à la gestion des affaires locales de l'activation des objectifs de la politique de proximité et de la bonne gouvernance et les principes de la démocratie participative et a contribué à l'Assemblée en poussée vers l'avant le développement des collectivités locales en utilisant une gamme d'activités, de programmes et de projets en partenariat avec les acteurs à l'échelle locale et nationale , qui Himmat activer principalement l'approche de la justice et d'intégration à résoudre les problèmes des jeunes et des femmes et ainsi que le soutien et renforcer la capacité de ces deux catégories , en plus des programmes de sensibilisation et de mobilisation et de sensibilisation et ainsi que l'audition sur diverses questions d'intérêt pour les deux catégories et est considéré comme un membre de l'Assemblée du Conseil national de la Jeunesse associations président et assumer le poste de trésorier du Conseil

Main Projects / Activities

. Les objectifs les plus importants de l'association:

Société exploite le pays et Ladd sur le développement des jeunes , à travers la participation dans le développement de local, régional et national du pays , en utilisant tous les moyens autorisés par la loi , et vise principalement à :
 établir l'identité et la citoyenneté positif , la pratique et le comportement , et la connaissance des droits et des devoirs .
 synthèse de la vie publique et la consolidation de la gouvernance dans les domaines de la gestion et de la gouvernance .
 défendre ainsi que sur des questions d' affaires publiques et d'agir sur eux par tous les moyens légitimes .
 réseau et l'échange d'expériences et de savoir-faire à l'échelle locale , régionale , nationale et internationale .
 soutenir l'esprit d'innovation et les initiatives des jeunes libres.
 jeter les bases d'une culture de sensibilisation à l'environnement , ainsi que la sensibilisation équilibrée et d'élever dans les divers domaines d'intérêt pour les jeunes.
 faire de la recherche , des études et des données de surveillance sur le travail associatif ,
 formation des jeunes les valeurs humaines conscientes fondées sur la liberté , l'égalité , la transparence et le droit à la dissidence et en totale harmonie avec les origines marocaines de la civilisation dans la multiplicité et la diversité de leurs affluents .
 Association inauguration , fils de partie civile du pays dans les affaires civiles qui concernent les affaires publiques .
 étude, la préparation et la mise en œuvre de projets visant à réduire la pauvreté .
 contribution dans le domaine de la conscience .
 organisation des convois de solidarité et de solidarité ainsi que la médecine .
 ouverture à tous les segments de la société dans le domaine des zones urbaines et rurales et l'attention de ce dernier .
 échange d' expériences et d'expertises dans le domaine du travail associatif et organiser des forums et des rencontres de la version locale, régionale , nationale et internationale et des répertoires et des livres et des cassettes dans le domaine du développement et le travail associatif .
 camps éducatifs et national et international
 approche genre de soutien
Afin d'atteindre ses objectifs et mettre en œuvre ses programmes , la société travaille avec tous les moyens légitimes et notamment :
 campagnes de sensibilisation et la formation et l'utilisation de la technologie audio - visuelle et de l'information , de publier un magazine , journal , des données, des recommandations ,
 Et rapports des publications audiovisuelles et électroniques et des films induction et de sensibilisation .
 l'organisation d'ateliers , de sessions de formation, des festivals , des forums et des séminaires ......
 créer des partenariats avec des organisations et des institutions , des organisations gouvernementales et non gouvernementales , nationales et internationales ,
 surveillance banque de données , les données associées à des domaines d'intérêt de l'Assemblée .
 La Société Anfrada ou la totalité de ce que la coordination et la coopération avec d'autres organismes et organisations , associations et autres institutions , locales et régionales , et nationales et internationales .
  Soirées artistique ( domaine des beaux-arts du cinéma de l'audiovisuel de théâtre musical )

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
abdellatif belmkadem

KUD Baobab

National Network

Vrtača 7a
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Baobab Arts and Culture Association, represented by Maša Kagao Knez and Dalanda Diallo is active in the fields of dance, music and theatre. It focuses on Western African culture and its integration into modern dance, music and theatre. The assosiations is also run by Damir Mazrek as a coufounder and head of music production and Andreja Potočnik as a member of association and head of projects. The association involves around 75 active members. The Baobab Arts and Culture Association organises dance and music classes at the Baobab Studio. The various dance and percussion courses and workshops offered are suitable for adults and children. For the fourth year the Baobab Society execute project The Expressive World of African Culture with funding from the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, systematically educates and trains African immigrants and other interested individuals in various performing arts forms and culture professions throughout the year. Beside the regular educational programmes, Baobab produces numerous original projects, either as a stand-alone producer or in co-production with other dance organizations and/or festivals across Slovenia. Since 2010, Baobab Society runs a yearly international festival of African culture, called Baofest all over Slovenia. Baobab Society successfully withdraws funds from local and European foundings for last 5 years. Our main partners are: Africouleur Paris, EA kreativa (France), Centre for Initiatives in Cultur (Srbia), Udruga Dyalli (Croatia), Society Roz (Austria), French institute in Slovenia, Cankarjev dom, Krka d.d., Mini teater, Cultral centre Janez Trdina Novo Mesto, Zavod Global Society African forum, Slovenska filantripija, Unesco, Voluntariat, Dance and teater Ljubljana, Teatre Koper, Festival Lent in Maribor, Plesna izba Maribor, National teatre in Trieste, Nova Gorica and Novo Mesto, Klipping, Art rebel 9, DPG, Hotel Park and others.
Mission and Objectives

The Baobab Society aims to continue educational programs in culture as an upgrade of the project Expressive world of african culture, educating african imigrants and people from Africa who live in Slovenia.
The mission of Baobab Society is to expand the international festival Baofest to foreign countries as Croatia, Italy and Austria.
In 2014 the Society will invite more independant artist (dance and music) from european union and african countries such as Guinee and Burkina faso to establish long term cooperation and invole them into planned original projects and orginised dance and music workshops in Studio Baobab.
One of main objectives is also promotion of Society"s living projects aborad, such as international dance and music performance Dia Diasso Diasspora, dance and music perfomance for children A visit to an African village, solo dance perfomance by Maša Kagao Knez - Born ouside her village, 1978. and music concert Hermalogic.
An important mission is also conectivity and joining into cultural  platforms around European union.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Dia Diasso Diasspora by Maša Kagao Knez - dance and music perfomance, co-pdoducer Cankarjev Dom
2. Born outside her village, 1978 by Maša Kagao Knez - solo dance performance , co-producer Dance tatre Ljubljana
3. Harmelogic - concert and establishing music production Inspiral
4. Expressive world of African culture (1,2,3,4)
5. A visit to an African village - dance and music performance for children
6. Choir Sankofa
7. Dance and music workshops around Slovenia and Croatia
8. Regular dance and music courses in Studio Baobab

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Baobab Arts and Culture Association can contribute to numerous networks around Slovenia and abroad with various cultural programes.
The Baobab Society also spreads the cultural knowledge and awareness outside of capital city Ljubljana to whole Slovenia and abroad by actively engaging first- and further generation-immigrants from Africa in training workshops covering the fields of performing arts (dance and drama) and vocal music (singing). But the main objective is not only about spreading the African cultural heritage in Europe, the aim is also to link and intertwine the cultures of the two continents and thus enrich the local mainstream society in Slovenia and Europe

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Boabab Society is progressively empowering Slovenian cultural space and we would like to share our knowledge and establish new ties in Mediterranean region.
We belive that ALF Network can provide us with new information and offer opportunities for further development and built strong international non goverment cultural institution such as The Baobab Society is longing for.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreja Potočnik
Job Title
Head of projects, event manager
Head of the organisation
Maša Kagao Knez
Contact (2) Full Name
Dalanda Diallo
Job Title (2)

VitaTiim NGO

National Network

Kose 12
20103 Narva

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
VitaTiim NGO is regional organization that has 2 members of the board, 8 employees and both local and EVS volunteers. The main funding comes from Youth in Action Programme and national programme the Development of Career Services in Estonia that is coordinated by National Resource Centre for Guidance and financed through the EU Structural Funds. Budgetary resources of the organization available in a year are around 50 000 EUR, but they depend on projects. We work in close cooperation with Estonian National Agency for Youth in Action Programme, educational institutions and youth organizations in Ida-Viru county. Our main working methods: individual approach, combination of formal and non-formal educational methods, counseling, career lessons at school, international projects (e.g. EVS projects and youth exchanges).
Mission and Objectives

Mission of the organization is to support people on their development process. Our goal is to inspire young people, to enhance their self-reliance and broaden their life perspectives. Objectives of the organization:
• To provide career information and counseling
• To promote intercultural dialogue and understanding
• To increase learning mobility amongst young people
• To provide youth project counseling

Main Projects / Activities

VitaTiim NGO provides a variety of services and activities for young people and youth workers in Ida-Viru county.
First of all, we offer career information and counseling to young people aged 7 – 26 through individual and group career sessions both at schools and in our center. We also organize interactive career events like MOBI career cafes, regional career days, job shadowing, meetings with entrepreneurs, weekly language cafes etc. We provide information and support for career coordinators at schools too.
Secondly, we are regional contact point of Estonian National Agency for Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme. We provide information and counseling about possibilities of the programme and organize courses on project writing for youth groups. VitaTiim NGO is also EVS (European Voluntary Service) Sending, Hosting and Coordinating organization. We promote EVS both amongst young people and organizations in our region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network mainly through work with young people, schools and youth workers, organizing international exchanges and cultural events. We are also always ready to host guests in our organization.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network to broaden horizons of our work and to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding through increasing awareness and breaking stereotypes regards to MEDA region amongst local people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jelena Lohmatova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Jelena Lohmatova
Contact (2) Full Name
Natalja Mahnova
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator