Jordan Society For Renewable Energy

National Network

Amman - Jordan
Amman 11190

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية اردنية (مؤسسة مجتمع مدني) غير ربحية رؤيتنا من خلالها أن تصبح الطاقة الخضراء المصدر الرئيس للطاقة في المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية الهيئة الإدارية للجمعية : رئيس الجمعية ~*~حضرة صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير عاصم بن نايف ~*~ و هو رئيس مجلس الأمناء ويتكون مجلس الأمناء أيضاً من: سيادة الشريفة نور بنت ناصر الموقرة. معالي الدكتور صالح ارشيدات معالي الدكتور جواد العناني الموقر معالي الدكتور حاتم الحلواني الموقر عطوفة الأستاذ الدكتور فكتور بله الموقر عطوفة الأستاذ الدكتور عبد الرحيم الحنيطي سعادة العين السيد نائل رجا الكباريتي عطوفة الأستاذ عصام الروابدة الموقر عطوفة الدكتور غازي الخضيري عطوفة المهندس رؤوف الدباس الموقر سعادة المهندس باسم فراج الموقر وتتكون من 7-12 عضو تنتخبهم الهيئة العامة لمدة ثلاث سنوات ممن ليس لهم مصلحة مباشرة تتناقض أو تتعارض مع أهداف وغايات الجمعية صاحب السمو الملكي الامير عاصم بن نايف رئيس الجمعية المهندس جمال أبو عبيد نائب رئيس الجمعية الدكتور المهندس منذر عبيد عضو المهندس مشيل نصار عضو السيد محمد يونس الطعاني عضو المهندس يوسف عيسى الطراونة عضو المهندس اسامة أحمد حسن عضو الأستاذ المحامي زيد أحمد علي العتوم عضو المهندس خالد الزعبي عضو
Mission and Objectives

*~ واجبنا:
أ. إيجاد معرفة أصلية بأهمية الطاقة المتجددة والبديلة كالشمسية والرياح وغيرها والفرص المتاحة في كافة مجالات الحياة.
ب. العمل على تسهيل نقل التكنولوجيا والتعاون بين الدول المتقدمة في مجال الطاقة المتجددة إلى الأردن والوطن العربي (الدول التي تقع في الحزام الشمسي )المؤسسات والأفراد.
جـ. المساعدة في استغلال تكنولوجيا الطاقة المتجددة في كافة مجالات الحياة من تسخين وطبخ وتوليد طاقة وكهرباء إلى غير ذلك.
د. نثر بذور المعرفة و التوعية في مجال الطاقة المتجددة للأفراد والمؤسسات.
هـ. إيجاد أنماط سلوكية في المجتمع المحلي على تبني سياسة استخدام الطاقة المتجددة وترشيد استهلاك الطاقة ومنذ المراحل الأولية لحياة الإفراد منذ الصغر.
و. وضع إستراتيجية الطاقة الشمسية خصوصا والمتجددة عموما.
ز. عقد الدورات التدريبية و الورش البرامج و المؤتمرات المتعلقة بغايات الجمعية.

Main Projects / Activities

الهيئة العربية للطاقة المتجددة (ARAB RENEWABLE ENERGY COMMISSION)( AREC)
المنتدى العالمي لتكنولوجيا الطاقة الخضراء Global Green Techies Forum & Exhibition
المطعم الشمسي
مجلة استدامة Estidama Magazine
بناء مقر جديد للجمعية في منطقة ابو نصير والذي يعد بناءً اخضرَ  بما يقلل كلفة البناء ويسهم في التخلص من التبعات الاقتصادية المتعلقة بالمبنى من خلال استخدام مفهوم الطاقة السلبية والذي يعتمد على توفير الطاقة وتقليل ما أمكن من استخدام الطاقة التقليدية واستخدام الخلايا الشمسية لتزويد المبنى بالطاقة الكهربائية.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق انتساب رسمي للهيءة الادارية للجمعية ليصبح المنتسب عضوا في الهيئة العامة والبالغ عددها 250 شخصا معضهم من المهتمين والمتخصصين في الطاقة المتجددة.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لانني معجب باهداف ودور مؤسسة انا ليند الاورومتوسطية في تنمية المجتمعات المحلية واهدافها في تمكين الشباب والمرأة وتعزيز مشاركتهم في المجتمعات المحلية .. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamal Nayef Abu Obeid
Job Title
Vice President of the Jordanian Society for Renewable Energy
Head of the organisation
سمو الامير عاصم بن نايف

Kulturno društvo Prostorož

National Network

Rimska cesta 22
1000 Ljubljana

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Cultural society ProstoRož was formed in 2004 as a  long term project of cultivating public spaces, with which we are trying to develop a method of revitalizing and fixing up degraded spaces in urban centers with the help of local actors. With our projects we want to educate and encourage local residents that they would actively participate in planning public spaces. ProstoRož is dedicated to searching for new urbanistic possibilities for the use of city surfaces. Founders and the leading force of this society, Maša Cvetko, Alenka Korenjak and Ana Grk, are architects who have spent the last decade on projects dealing with problems of public spaces. We do not have any employees. Our budget depends od projects we are involved with.
Mission and Objectives

Since 2004 we produced more than 50 exhibitions, actions, events, temporary installations and permanent renovations of public spaces, mostly in Ljubljana, but also in other cities in Slovenia and abroad (Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland). On projects we cooperate with different artists, sociologists, landscape architects and journalists. Group ProstoRož has over ten members from different professions: architecture, urban planning, communicology and marketing, geography, design, sociology, engineering and law. Society ProstoRož works closely with Kombinat, an architecture bureau, and exchanges knowledge, human resources and infrastructure. Our current objective is to create a best practice example on revitalization of urban neighborhoods that are decaying in post Yugoslavian coutries.

Main Projects / Activities

2004 the society is founded by Maša Cvetko, Ana Grk and Alenka Korenjak
2004 Prostorož04/ atriji, atriums in old Ljubljana, temporary interventions on public spaces
2005  Prostorož05/ parki, parks in Ljubljana, temporary interventions on public spaces
2005  »Line«, Young Blood, I'm a young slovene architect, Citty museum of Ljubljana, exhibition
2005  »Line«, Young Blood, I'm a young slovene architect, Gallery CCEA, Prague, exhibition
2006  »Line«, Young Blood, I'm a young slovene architect, Museum of contemporary art, Belgrade,    exhibition
2006  Fashion show Nogard, Shelter under castle hill, Ljubljana, scenography
2006  Favorit?, Kuhlhaus am Gleisdreick, Berlin, Germany, spatial instalation
2006  European prize for public space, CCCB, Barcelona, Spain, showcase of award winning projects
2007  Meeting pot, residence in the Gallery, Haag, Netherlands, socio-architectural research project
2007  Francoski vrt, Trg fr. revolucije Ljubljana, design of a public space for events
2007  Vzorčna ulica, Tavčarjeva ulica, Ljubljana, temporary public space intervention
2007  Plečnikov podhod, Ljubljana, architectual renovation
2007  Vizije SO3- odprti javni prostor, Gallery Kresija, Ljubljana, architectural exhibition, instalation 
2008  Eipprova promenada, Eipprova ulica, Ljubljana, research project
2008  Izložbe, Ljubljana, design of empty store fronts in the center of Ljubljana
2008  Urbani stoli, Slovenska cesta, Ljubljana, temporary placement of chairs
2008  Prostorož08/ otroška igrišča, playgrounds in the center of Ljubljana, temporary public space interventions
2008  Iluzija prostora, Arkade na Slovenski cesti, Ljubljana, photography exhibition
2008 Trije podhodi v mestni park, mentorship of a light worhshop on Faculty of Architecture
2008  Vodnjaki za ptiče, Stara Ljubljana, winter protection of fountains
2008  Igralo za otroke, Ljubljanski grad, exhibition of MO 2008 award recepients
2009  Podhod Moderna galerija-Tivoli, Ljubljana, architectural renovation
2009 Prostorož09/ ulica, Festival Mladi levi
2009 founding of a work group called Architecture and children on ZAPS with Š. Hudnik, A. Struna and L. Kavčič
2009 RTV park, temporary public space arrangement
2009 Darilnica, Ljubljana, interactive exhibition from authors Maša Cvetko, Ana Malalan, Nataša Mrkonjič
2010 Urbani stoli, chairs designd for an event Ljubljana – the world book capital
2010 Premetanka, interactive exhibition acompaning a show Pogrnjena miza, Moderna galerija
2010 Dvorišče, ZAPS, Gallery of city of Maribor, architectural workshops for children
2010 Kako se napiše SUPERMESTO?, different public spaces in Velenje, temporary interventions
2010 Darilnica, Sežana, interactive exhibition from authors Maša Cvetko, Ana Malalan, Nataša Mrkonjič
2010 Zoetrope, Breg, Ljubljana, street art of authors Maša Cvetko, Matej Andraž Vogrinčič
2010 Prevetrimo Tomaj!, revitalization of a village with envolving the local community
2010     Naše dvorišče, six month workshop with students of II. High School Maribor with the goal of          revitalization of the schools playground
2011 Wunsch dir was, Wiener festwochen, Wiena, temporary public space intervention
2011 Zemljevid želja, Mladi levi, Ljubljana, temporary public space intervention
2011 Aarhus Festival, Aarhus, Danska, temporary public space intervention
2011 I dreamed I was a movie star, interactiove exhibition
2011 podhod Ajdovščina, Ljubljana, architectural renovation
2012 Naša hiša in ulica portretov, festival Mladibor, Maribor, temporary public space intervention
2012     Zelena Polenta, sodelovanje na festivalu v sklopu EPK, Maribor, Glavni trg, urban intervention
2012 Park Kolezija, revitalization of a public space with envolving the local community
2012     Trubarjeva – zelena ulica, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local buissineses and residents 
2012 Children's playground Tabor, Ljubljana
2012 Children's playground Kolodvorska, Ljubljana
2010   Revitalization of park Tabor, revitalization of a public space with envolving the local community
2013    Temporary spring garden, urban intervention, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
2013   80 m2, spatial intervention at Halle 14, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
2013    Burgerbahnhof Plagwitz, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local residents, Leipzig, Germany
2013   Trubarjeva tržnica, Ljubljana, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local buissineses and residents 
2013   Čufarjeva ulica, Ljubljana, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local community
2013   Savsko naselje, Ljubljana, urban interventions with the aim of revitalization of public space on the street with the cooperation of local community
2013   Optimisti, U3, Ljubljana, urban intervention
2004 1. place “Max on top” organized by ISOMAX Dekorative Laminate AG (Austrija) on the topic of public space in the category international young architects for project 04_atriji, Wiena, Austria
2005  ProstoRož was selected for project leader for instalations in public space Gaerten fur den Augenblick in the village of Seethen, Germany
2005 project of prostoRož was selected as a best practice example of a revitalization of a city as a part of a project  “Re-urban mobil” , Leipzig, Germany
2006 EUROPEAN PRIZE FOR PUBLIC SPACE 2006, one of the finalists with the project prostoRož 05_parki, CCCB, Barcelona
2007 one of »top 10 architects under 40, slovenia«,
2008 Perspective designers of 2008 in interior design category, Design Month, Ljubljana
2005 Mladi levi, Stara elektrarna, Ljubljana
2006 x-LARCH Landscape-x-periments, BOKU, Wienna, Austria
2007 Pecha kucha, Galerija T-5, Ljubljana
2007 Fakulteta za družbene vede, Ljubljana
2007 Vizije SO3, Gallery Kresija, Ljubljana
2008 Odprti javni prostor, Jakopičeva galerija, Ljubljana
2008 Piranski dnevi arhitekture, Piran
2008 Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana
2009 Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana
2009 Kam-fest, Kamnik
2009 Kunst Apotheke Salon, Berlin, Germany
2009 Human cities, Urbanistic institut
 Artists talking to artists, Neerpelt, Belgium
2010 Field of architecture, "Status Quo Vadis", Wienna, Austria
2010 Human cities Places to Be, Brussels, Belgium
2010 Metropolis, Kopenhagen,Denmark
2010 Kam-fest, Kamnik
2010 Human cities, Istanbul, Turkey
2010 Supercity, Linz, Austria
2010 Design month, stage 180°, Ljubljana
2011 ALU, Ljubljana
2011 OGLA, hoch x 4 built landscapes, Wienna, Austria
2011 FDV, Ljubljana
2011 A.L.I.C.E., Visoka šola za design, Ljubljana
2012     Maldibor, Maribor
2012     Polenta, Maribor
2012     Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Ljubljana
2012     MEDS, Stara elektrarna Ljubljana
2012     Expeditio, Kotro, Črna Gora
2006  appartment MK Slovenia, Berlin, Germany
2007  Gallery Habitat Ypenburg, Haag, Netherlands
2010 appartment MK Slovenia, New York, ZDA
2013 Halle 14, Leipzig, Germany

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To the network in our country we can contribute with our extensive experience in the field of community revitalizationa as well as our know-how when bringing together different aspect to community building, such as involving artist with working closely with a community to create a better living enviroment for the residents of the neighborhood.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because we belive that our goals align when it comes to working with individuals on creating a better society. Our past and present work has shown that neighborhoods can improve the conditions of community life not only with big urbanistic changes but also with small interventions such as planting of plants and different cultural events that bring the residents closer together. We also belive that this network is great for exchange of knowledge and experience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gregor Berkopec
Head of the organisation
Maša Cvetko

Cross Arts Cultural Association

National Network

Ajam Street, Messaykeh Building, First Floor
Tripoli 1300

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية فنون متقاطعة الثقافية (علم و خبر 43) هي جمعية فنية بحتة يقوم على أدارتها كل من كمال عباس و براق صبيح, أهدافها تبنًي و رعاية المبادرات و المواهب الشبابية و ورش العمل الميدانية و الأهتمام بكل مظاهر المناسبات الوطنية و الشعبية, بنيتها فنية ,مضامينها تتوجه نحو ألغاء منطق العنف السائد لصالح الحوار و العمل على تثبيت الهوية من خلال محو الطائفية و ترسيخ فهم العيش المشترك بالاعتماد على عنصر الشباب كحيز أساسي و مؤثر في مجتمعاتنا عموما. Cross arts cultural association founded in 21/01/2010 and is an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit NGO located in Tripoli , Lebanon and functioning in the field of urban culture, art , youth empowerment and civic and human rights. Vision: Developing a democratic society in which youth are the grassroots, for culturally and socially aware leaders of the future.

Mission and Objectives

Because peace needs quality and diversity structure, and because diversity in the campuses are essential positive requirement , therefore the motivation for the existence of our Association “Cross Arts” because the heritage is the foundation of our communities which strive to contemporary through develop it using art templates to preserve it as our duty, in which the collective memory of diverse people ‘s role, in all of this comes our role as Cross Arts in which episodes come as a society of the reality of innovative culturally and educationally across the nation of Lebanon, to be made as an Association towards others within the movement of exchange of experiences locally and regionally and build bridges with similar experiences to ours whenever needed. Mission: To unite and develop the creative potentials of youth and to stimulate civil activism. Goals: Development of volunteering and active citizenship Development of democratic and civil society Development of urban culture and artistic flair Objectives: To Sustain the development of a volunteer center in Tripoli To Improve and strengthen the skills of youth To support and stimulate civic initiatives To Support and affirm urban culture and artistic flair

Main Projects / Activities

The Association has implemented, since 2010 and up to the present day, the following projects: Theater project "100 % Youth in Municipality " Theater project "metabolism", inspired from Independence Day. "Flash Mob": Awareness project Collective Memory Projects: "Tripoli, One Upon a Time", "Akkar, Once Upon a Time," " Country Storyteller Mobile Theater" Diversity Management Project (in partnership with five associations) Project regrouping Children from Bab El Tebbeneh and Jabal Mohsen: “Different regions, Joined Hearts” Project "Tripoli’s Hip-Hop Revolution" Social Integration with Syrian Refugees’ project Project of Conflict Management: activities between Syrians, and Lebanese / Syrian communities of Syrian children in particular. Project "Tripoli’s Street Arts Revolution" Project "Memory Bridge" of a certain popular memory Project Ramadan: "Ramadan between Tripoli and Byblos", Linking Ramadan appropriate through spiritual meanings and the embodiment of the sincerity of human relations "Tripoli: Art, Memory and peace” project. Participating in the Arab Youth Conference for Dialogue for Change, Tunisia. Participation and intervention in the Islamic Peace Conference and Events "Moca Festival", Dubai Project of cultural exchange with the Korean Embassy in Lebanon Memory Bridge 2 ... country storyteller in Tripoli (Tales and technical approaches through the customs and traditions of the holy month of Ramadan, artistic march and drums). Country Storyteller project (to connect between the present and the past: simulation and emotional) Hosting the World Lebanese DJ Lethal Skillz: Workshop in hip-hop which is a wonderful day of the special experience that enriched the minds of the young participants towards the good use of this type of art in human service and cognitive field relations and mergers social required for real peace Hosting Association Words, Beats and Life for ten days in a field visit to Tripoli, and evaluation of Cross Arts (Projects and recommendations) Celebration of the World Day of Peace in Byblos with “Third Voice for Lebanon”, Celebration of the World Day of Peace in Tripoli with Master Peace, and the Association of Journalists for peace MAP Filming a field trip report and specifically for hip-hop: "Art and culture .. exchange" through Tripoli’s Hip Hop Revolution, for the benefit of Malaysian TV, Participation in interreligious conference in Mount Lebanon: Cross Arts’ experience that contributed to bridge the sectarian divide between one project members Symposium of Special Drawing: “Anniversary of the Massacre of the bombings of mosques in Tripoli. Film reports about the association and The street arts revolution project in favor of channels: Al Hourra - Arabia - France 24 - 8tv - SBS - MBC - TV5 - NTV –Future TV -TL - ... and others A training workshop for two days in yoga and breath control and balance between the body and its needs with the international specialist coach Bilal Tawashi. Implement Youth Guernica: a contribution in the contest from all over the world in Malta in 2016 and Poland in 2018 through the Assembly of the Organization of the event kids Guernica And a lot of other side activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our relationships and our belief in the ability of young people to change

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Jean Hajjar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Jean Hajjar
Contact (2) Full Name
Françoise Betty


National Network

Cités des jeunes gafsa
2133 GAFSA

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Carte d’identité Association : Rawafed de Développement Date de constitution : 27/04/2012 JORT N°76 26/06/2012 Catégorie : Association de développement Les objectifs :   Réalisation des études de développement  Motiver les gents à exploiter leurs propres ressources.  Organiser des séminaires et des colloques d’information, de formation et de sensibilisation.  Collaborer avec les autres ONGs Le bureau exécutif :  Président : Hamrouni Mohamed                        97241307  Secrétaire général : Ben Salah Mohamed         96097686  Trésorerie : Shili Abdessamad                             26479547 Nombre D’adhérents : 243 Nombre de cadres disponibles : 23 Adresse : Moulrés Gafsa 2110 E.mail : FCB : association rawafed de développement  
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

association ders diabétiques d'Akbou

National Network

Centre Culturel d'Akbou
06001 AKBOU

00 213 34359477
Telephone (other)
00 213 34353678
00 213 34353678
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 213 772749402
Mobile Phone (other)
00 213 559674483
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
L'association des diabétiques d'Akbou a été créer en Avril 2003, pour subevenir aux besoins qotidien des diabétiques et les principeaux activiotés au long de l'année sont: * information et formation des diabétiques et leurs parents * éducation sanitaire * formations médicale continues * séjours thérapeutique pour les enfants diabétiques * séminaires * échanges culturel et ceux, pour permettre aux differents diabétiques de tou ages de vivre comme les autres et de s'auto prendrte en charge, insertion et réinsertion des diabétiques dans la vie sociale et économique, réduire le taux d'echec scolaire chez les diabétiques et de réduire aussi le taux des complications diabétiques. En 2005 l'association a participé à un échange culturel au liban, en 2009 au maroc avec l'autre théatre et aux différents échanges entre associations des diabétiques en Algérie ( ghardaia, ouargla, sétif, ain defla, Alger, constantine et Oran).Aujourdhui, l'association a créer une classe pour le soutien des enfants diabétiques dans leurs etudes, le dessin et théatre. l'association est doter d'un local et du materiels qui lui permet d'organiser des journées de sensibilisation, séminaires et autres sans dificulté. les moyens financiers sont basés sur les subventions étatique, les cotisations et lers sponsors des laboratoires spécialisés en la matière.
Mission and Objectives

La mission de l'association * lutte contre le diabete et ses complications * insertion et réinsertion des diabétiques dans la vie socio-économique, sensibilisation, formation et information des diabétiques, leurs parents sur le diabète et ses complications * vulgarisation de la maladie et ses complications et participations aux differents échanges culturel et sportif.

Main Projects / Activities

promouvoir surtous les methodes de sensibilisation et de l'information aux milieux des jeunes malades.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

avec les differents échanges entre associations

Contact (1) Full Name
ABAROUR m'barek
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Monsieur ABAROUR M'barek
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

Gaza city
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
these is no fax
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
I’m a Palestinian refugee, originally from Jaffa city. Along my life, I have been through many different experiences and was exposed to a wide range of different cultures. I was born in Kuwait to a father of Moroccan origins from his grand-grandfather. My father carried the Jordanian citizenship after being expelled from Jaffa, and my mother has Egyptian origins. I received my Bachelor Degree in Journalism in Algeria. I speak five languages: Arabic (my mother tongue language), English, French, Italian, and Berber language (Kabyle). Currently, I live in  Gaza Strip,  Palestine.
Mission and Objectives

I hope that I could understand the experiences of the other nations well and explain for youth people in my country how we could be in a better situation. We - the palestinians- are  living under the division between West Bank  and Gaza Strip, suffering because of the occupation. We need to understand how European nations rebuilt their countries after many wars like the first world war and the second world war. Thi is my "Big mission"!

Main Projects / Activities

I'm really interested in Democracy and community development, Human rights, International/Cultural relations, Media and Youth and education ‏issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have many good experiences in international communication, I can speak 5 languages, I participated in many local and regional youth events. And I'm one of the founders of  a cultural blog called "Mediterranya" with another 8 winners of Anna Lindh Award in "Sea of Words" competition. So: I think that I will be a very good contributor in the organization.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Being a member of Anna Lindh organization will give me the opportunity to represent well my country, and that will be a honor for me.
-  I have many interests in the international cultures and youth issues, so being a member in Anna Lindh will help me in sharing the same interests with many young guys from 43 countries!

Contact (1) Full Name
Sayed Z. S. Ismail
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

United Cities and Local Governments Middle East West Asia

National Network

Yerebatan Caddesi No.2 Sultanahmet
34110 Istanbul/

0090 212 511 10 10
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia (UCLG-MEWA) is one of the nine Regional Sections of UCLG and functions from its headquarters in Istanbul. Our organization performs its activities and initiatives through 20 countries and has almost 140 members. We aim at representing our members in international organizations such as United Nations, and enabling our members to develop and implement new projects. UCLG-MEWA has an annual budget of 2 million Euro, mainly funded by membership fees. Our staff is composed of 20 persons.  In partnership with our members and bilateral and multilateral organizations such as UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO or UN-Habitat, we develop project to strenghten local governments in the MEWA region. We are active through concrete projects, exchanges and seminars.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of UCLG-MEWA, in parallel to the UCLG World Organization is: To be the united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government, promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation between local governments, and within the wider international community.
To achieve this mission, UCLG-MEWA shall pursue the following objectives:
a. To promote strong and effective democratic local self-government throughout the region;
b. To promote unity and cooperation amongst members;
c. To ensure the effective political representation of local government to the international community, in particular the United Nations and its agencies;
d. To be the regional and worldwide source of key information and intelligence regarding local government;
e. To be the regional and worldwide source of learning, exchange and capacity-building, supporting the establishment and strengthening of free and autonomous local governments and their national associations;
f. To promote economic, social, cultural, vocational and environmental development and service to the population based on the principles of good governance, sustainability and social inclusion;
g. To promote race and gender equality, and to combat all forms of discrimination that are illegal with regard to international law, and/or illegitimate in relation to the values and policies of the organization;
h. To be a strong democratic organization, reflecting in its composition and functioning the diversity of the local spheres of governance;
i. To promote decentralized cooperation and international cooperation between local governments and their associations;
j. To promote twinning and partnerships as a means for mutual learning and friendship between peoples;
k. To develop policies, programmes and initiatives within the framework of the World Organization’s mission, values and objectives, which imply seeking appropriate means to implement them, within the internal rules of the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

UCLG-MEWA is involved in differents projects related to the 7 following topics: 
- Urban and territorial governance;
- Urban financing;
- Strategic urban planning and land management,
- Inclusive cities and territories (poverty reduction and inequalities, slum upgrading, gender, accessibility and migration, etc);
- Cities as engines of economic development;
- Sustainable environment;
- Culture and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adrien LICHA
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mehmet DUMAN Secretary General

Sting for Consultancy and Design

National Network

Building # 10
Road 107

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Sting for Consultancy and Design is a private development entrepreneurial venture that uses innovative approaches to mobilize technical and financial support for development endeavors in Egypt and the Middle East. We are a group of young development professionals that have a passion for promoting participatory development action and empowering youth. We are a group of development practitioners with a passion for participatory development action guided by a set of values that entail responsibility towards what we do, responsiveness to local contexts, flexibility, diversity and inclusivity, and working towards a meaningful cause. Sting for Consultancy manages its own projects in addition to offering high-quality project management, capacity building, training, and technical assistance services to public and private agencies engaged in community and organizational development.  Stakeholders include local and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), donors, financial institutions, project teams, and government ministries.  Services are available in any combination of English and Arabic upon client’s requests.  Services include: • Non-formal Education and Capacity Development Programs • Professional Development Courses • Participatory Development Research and Needs Analysis  • Technical Assistance and Institutional Assessment of Civil Society Organizations • Development Project Management • Design Development Systems • Gender Mainstreaming and Sensitization • Human Capital Development • Monitoring and Evaluation Services
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to enable individuals and organizations to realize and utilize their full potential and cultivate sustainable change on the personal, professional, and societal realm. 
One of the core areas of focus at Sting is youth empowerment and human capital development.  Civic engagement is at the core of all programs implemented.
The philosophy of Sting for Consultancy revolves around participation, toward linking participatory processes and fostering partnerships with all possible stakeholders, tools and techniques to the practice of development in its entirety.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Partners include: 
Projects Implemented: 
This project aimed to establish a dialogue between young people, the civil society and government representatives using youth centers as platforms.
Sting was commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) to implement the project in 6 out of 16 targeted youth centers in the Greater Cairo Region.  The project entails the following set of interventions:
1- Identifying active civil society organizations, youth groups, initiatives, coalitions and other non-formal organizations
2- Outreaching for 150 active youth in the area to participate in the project
3- Conduct capacity development to civil society representatives and active youth in the newly created spaces in the areas: Participation, civil engagement, and peaceful resolution of conflicts, and effective dialogue.
4- Pave the way for constructive dialogue between civil society representatives, youths and decision makers through introducing dialogue forums at targeted youth centers.
This project aims to promote the culture of acceptance and combat stereotypes and prejudice surrounding political ideologies.
In collaboration with the Active Citizens Programme at the British Council, Sting will implement the project in 10 youth centers in five governorates; namely: Cairo, Alexandria, Sharkia, Minya, and Qenna.  The project entails the following set of interventions:
1- Creating links with youth initiatives that work on promoting effective dialogue, peacebuilding, and reconciliation.
2- Training a core group of lead trainers and co-trainers from among active youth initiatives as well as calibers from the Ministry of Youth
3- Conduct the active citizens programme in 10 youth centers, with the aim of motivating youth to generate ideas for initiatives that fulfill the project’s objectives.
4- Support youth technically and financially in implementing their initiatives at youth centers.
The objectives of Save the Children’s EVE program is to encourage and support progress in moving beyond traditional roles of women and men, and empowering both to become effective actors.  In order to contribute towards achieving those objectives, Sting was contracted to design and develop a user-friendly and printable Leadership for Change Manual .  The Manual focuses on the following:
• Building women’s and girls’ leadership skills including communication, negotiation, planning, influencing and conflict resolution skills,
• Enhancing women and girls financial skills through financial literacy and management
• Providing women and girls with new abilities to initiate positive change within their households and communities, and advocate for their rights.
Sting was also responsible for training of trainers in two targeted urban communities in Cairo and Alexandria, in order to enable social workers, gate keeper, and community leaders to master the Leadership for Change methodology and techniques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partner in projects, provide capacity development and insitutional assistance for other organizations, and assist in youth outreach.  We could also provide other organizations with links to active youth initiatives and youth networks in Egypt as well as share information on projects, activities, and opportunities for youth on webpages that we manage.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our network, share and exchange experiences and resources

Contact (1) Full Name
Manal Saleh
Job Title
Director of Programs
Head of the organisation
Manal Saleh
Contact (2) Full Name
Amir Abdel Galil
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Combatants for Peace

National Network

Jericho Road, Dates Square, Silwan
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Combatants for Peace  is a grassroots movement of 600 Palestinians and Israelis who took an active part in the cycle of violence and now work together to end it in non-violent ways. We stand firmly against the occupation and for the establishment of a viable Palestinian state. We utilize our partnership to support marginalized communities in the West Bank, particularly Area C. We work together with local communities to protect them, promote their rights, and help them improve their situation in nonviolent ways. Our organization is composed of two branches, one run by Palestinians and one by Israelis, with a total of 3 paid and 30 unpaid staff members. Each side is represented in five bi-national regional groups. The total budget is $148,000, with $200,000 equivalent in volunteer and in-kind support. Main partners include Swiss and Belgian Foreign Offices, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, BSST UK, AJMuste Foundation, IWagePeace, and Firedoll Foundation. 

Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is to promote a genuine, just, and lasting peace agreement and assist in the establishment of a viable and independent Palestinian state. Our leading focus areas for 2013-14 are protecting the human rights of Palestinians and exposing Israeli policy makers, the media, and the public to the situation in the West Bank. We work to educate both sides about reconciliation and non-violent struggle and to put pressure on both governments to demand that they stop the cycle of violence and the occupation and resume a constructive dialog. We recognize that dialog for dialog’s sake has not resulted in change, so most of our activities focus around practical solutions for Palestinian communities, though we do engage in dialog to spread our message. Families receive much needed assistance, and Israelis and Palestinians work on joint activities and learn that they have a partner for peace. 

Main Projects / Activities

We conduct public tours in the Occupied Territories for lay Israelis as well as diplomats and journalists; initiate and participate in joint protest actions and peace rallies such as our Theater of the Oppressed- joint performances about life in the West Bank conducted at check points; deliver community lectures and workshops; empower marginalized Palestinian communities in the areas of agriculture, protection of human rights, providing humanitarian aid such as water pipes, school renovations, preventing demolition of houses, community development, and all forms of non-violent struggle; and hold an annual Joint Israeli Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony, attended by more than 2,400 Israelis and Palestinians in 2013, where we remember the victims of violence on both sides. Each regional group independently determines where they can most be of service, and thus we have multiple projects going on at all times throughout Israel and the West Bank. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a respected organization in Palestinian and Israeli society. We are one of the few organizations that have full support and recognition of the Palestinian Popular Anti-Normalization Committee, which has approved all of our activities under the banner of the non-violent struggle. We are thus uniquely situated in a position to reach both populations. We provide a vital service in protecting human rights, and hope to include as many people as possible in this cause. Our theater of the oppressed is a unique form of protest that has gained international attention, and we are the only bi-national organization utilizing this during conflict. We believe that cultural exchange is essential to understanding the other. Our Joint Remembrance Day Ceremony brings both communities together, and was attended by over 2,400 individuals in 2013, making it the largest single event in the peace camp. We have the ability to reach both publics and make a difference. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a bi-national organization working to promote peace between Israelis and Palestinians, we recognize the importance of establishing connections and networks between human rights and civil society organizations. The Anna Lindh Foundation ideals and goals are closely aligned with ours, as are many of the organizations supported by the ALF and those who are part of the network. The greater our access to like-minded organizations and individuals, the greater our ability to reach out to new groups and communities to spread our message of peace and non-violence throughout society- in Israel, the Occupied Territories, and internationally. In addition, we were the recipients of the Anna Lindh Euro-Med Award for Dialogue between Cultures in 2009. We were enriched by a close relationship with former Network Coordinator Gianluca Solera, and hope to continue working closely with the Anna Lindh Foundation and Network. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Muhammad Aweda
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yosre Salamin and Itamar Feigenbaum, Co-Coordinators


National Network

8 Paradise Place
North Main Street

00353 86 809 6305
Telephone (other)
00353 86 215 7599
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00353 86 809 6305
Mobile Phone (other)
00353 86 215 7599
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
IndieCork is a new organisation, established to hold an annual media arts festival in the city of Cork. It aims to promote the film-making community of Ireland and engage in outreach arts projects which enhance cultural experience and expression.  IndieCork is an independent, community-owned organisation, and as such is concerned with such issues as freedom of speech, creative independence and cultural diversity. It aims to develop a sustainable model of arts provision in Ireland which will promote and protect those values.
Mission and Objectives

IndieCork is a limited liability company as an Industrial and provident society. It's members are shareholders and have a direct influence on the strategic creative agenda of the organisation. It is a collectively-run organisation, whose management is chosen by and from its members. IndieCork has no full time paid employees, though its managment committee are highly experienced in festival production at an international level.
IndieCork is currently not a recipient of state support. It's main sources of revenue are shareholder's subscriptions, tickets, advertising and a local sponsor. It has  received support  from the Goethe Institute and the American Embassy to Ireland. It's turnover was roughly €40k in its first year.
In it's first year IndieCork has worked in partnership with Hamburg Film Festival, The Lux Prize (European Parliament Competition), Mental Nord (Nordic Short Films) and local organisations such as the Cork Film Centre and the Guesthouse Arts Centre.

Main Projects / Activities

IndieCork's main event is an annual film and media arts festival, which is to take place each autumn in the city of Cork. This event includes film screenings, musical performances, practical media workshops, art installations and exhibitions. The event worked closely with local film-makers and musicians, many of whom have become members of this self-sustaining creative community.
The first festival specialised in international and Irish short films, 'indie' and experimental music performances and collaborations with other visual and performance arts (programme is attached). IndieCork has also contributed programmes of films to Glasgow Film festival and the Liverpool Irish festival, and as a core strategy envisages considerably more partnership projects in the future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IndieCork already has a strong connection with local, national and international artsists, particularly but not exclusively in the field of cinema. This network may provide the basis for valuable partnership relations between member organisations. As IndieCork's strategy is established by its members and not its funders, it is able create and respond to imaginative cultural projects of all kinds. Though its financial resources may presently be limited, its access to the arts community, both in ireland and abroad, would have enormous potential for the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IndieCork is a non-heirarchical organisation which, if it is to reach its own potential, needs to wrk in partnership with other organisations, and it is particularly well suited to engaging with those with a social agenda. As a new organisation it is important to form strong working relationships with other partners, and membership would allow us to develop in these areas at a wider level than present. It will also enable IndieCork to develop long-term sustainable projects with partners that share our social and collective ethos.

Contact (1) Full Name
Una Feely
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Una Feely
Contact (2) Full Name
Tony Langlois
Job Title (2)
Company Secretary