مركز المرأه للارشاد والتوعيه القانونيه

National Network

12ش نادي المعلميين بلقاس دقهليه

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
نحن مجموعه من شباب النشطاء حملنا على اكتافنا مسؤلية دعم وتنمية وتوعية المجتمع فجاءت مبادرتنا بتأسيس " مركز المرأه للارشاد والتوعيه القانونيه* وذلك كله عن طريق إقامه ورش العمل والتدريبات والندوات والمؤتمرات وتقديم الدعم القانونى لمحتاجيه وتأهيل ضحايا التعذيب ولدينا رؤية  ورساله ينطلق المركز في رؤيته لقضايا المجتمع بتعزيز دور المرأه في المشاركه وبأن النساء شريكات في مواجهة التحديات العامه وفي صياغة مستقبل كامل للوطن . وان اقرار حقوق المراه هو التزام بقيم المساواه والعدل دون تمييذ وان تمتع المراه والرجل بكامل حقوقهم شرط لتحقيق العداله والتوازن في المجتمع... رسالة المركز .... هي نشر ثقافة حقوق الانسان والمواطنه ومناهضة التمييذ بكامل اشكاله والقضاء علي ممارسات العنف ضد المراه وتوفير الحمايه والمسانده القانونيه لكل محتاجيه دون تمييز والبحث عن احتياجات المراه والمطالبه بها وتشجيعها لنيل مطالبها والتاكيد علي دورها في صنع القرار  
Mission and Objectives

_ عقد دورات تثقيف سياسى وقانونى فى ضوء احكام الدستور المصرى والمعاهدات والاتفاقيات الدولية فى اقاليم ومحافظات جمهورية مصر العربية .
_ نشر ثقافه حقوق الانسان والتأكيد على حقوق المواطنين وتشجعيهم على القيد فى الجداول الانتخابية كمرشحين وناخبين ومباشرة كامل وكافة حقوقهم السياسية .
_ عقد دورات تدريبية وورش عمل وحلقات نقاش وذلك منفردا او بالتعاون مع جهات او مؤسسات حكومية وغير حكومية بما فيها مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى داخل مصر و خارجها .
_ يمارس المركز حق الاشراف والمتابعة على الانتخابات والاستفتاءات واعداد الدراسات القانونية حول تلك الاعمال .
_ يهتم المركز بتأهيل ضحايا التعذيب ورعاية المساجين والحث على تحقيق العداله الجنائية .
--مناهضة ختان الاناث ومكافحة التزويج المبكر
التأكيد علي حرية الرأي والتعبير ونشر ثقافة التسامح وقبول الأخر- .--
- مكافحة فساد المؤسسات والعمل علي شفافيتها
-عمل دورات تحكيم والتدريب علي مهارات الوساطة والتفاوض

Main Projects / Activities

تمكين المراه وتثقيفها سياسيا وحقوقيا وتدريبها علي مهارات الوساطة والتفاوض
عقد دورات تدريبية وورش عمل وحلقات نقاش وذلك منفردا او بالتعاون مع جهات او مؤسسات حكومية وغير حكومية بما فيها مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى داخل مصر و خارجها .
_ يمارس المركز حق الاشراف والمتابعة على الانتخابات والاستفتاءات واعداد الدراسات القانونية حول تلك الاعمال .
_ يهتم المركز بتأهيل ضحايا التعذيب ورعاية المساجين والحث على تحقيق العداله الجنائية .
- التأكيد علي حرية الرأي والتعبير ونشر ثقافة التسامح وقبول الأخر .
- العمل علي تمكين المرأه سياسيا واجتماعيا ومناهضة التمييز ضدها .  وتثقيفها سياسيا وحقوقيا
مناهضة ختان الاناث ومكافحة التزويج المبكر

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عمل العديد من الدورات وورش العمل وحلقات النقاش لتعظيم الافاده والتواصل

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتعظيم الاستفاده من خبراتكم ولمزيد من التشبيك والتواصل

Contact (1) Full Name
رضا معروف عبداللطيف الدنبوقي
Job Title
المدير التنفيذي
Head of the organisation
رضا الدنبوقي
Contact (2) Full Name
سهام خليفه عبداللطيف
Job Title (2)
مدير برامج المرأه

Moving Culture

National Network

Rruga Qemal Stafa

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The organizational structure of Moving Culture is overseen by a board of directors and is run by the executive director, a project coordinator, project assistant and finance assistant. Currently there is a staff of six persons employed by the organization.     The budgetary resources available in a year are 20,000 Euro. Our main funding partners are the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Albania, Open Society Foundation, Municipality of Tirana, EU offices, Embassies and other foundations, educational institutions and businesses.  Our main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Tourism, SOROS Foundation, EDS Foundation, European Cultural Center, European University of Tirana, Sanberg Institute, Tirana Art Academy etc.  

Mission and Objectives

Moving Culture is an independent, non-governmental, and non-profit organization. It was established in November 1999 with the purpose to enhance and promote the creativity and alternative ideas in communication, all art disciplines, various forms of contemporary culture and media. It also aims to contribute in the creation and improvement of cultural and artistic policies in Albania. Moving Culture’s implementing strategy has been to organize a large number of artistic events like concerts, workshops, exhibitions, theaters and symposiums, often with an interdisciplinary scope, while giving concrete examples on fundraising processes, bringing together the institutional sphere with the private sector. In addition Moving Culture monitors and evaluates in quantity and quality cultural promotions in all media vehicles.   

Main Projects / Activities

Employment of youth: Youth employment remains a severe issue for Albania. Although the country has experienced yearly economic growth, its youth unemployment rate has been constant. Youth has the highest unemployment and long-term unemployment rates in all population groups and national average. There is a gap of connectivity between labor supply force and labor demand force. Young women are especially prone to lower labor force participation and inactivity due to their assigned roles as primary care-providers within the household and the absence of policies in support of reconciling work and family responsibilities. The vast majority of youth are in unpaid family labor or have informal jobs. Moving Culture organizes and promotes events and informational career fairs in order to bring together employers and youth. Gender Equality: In recent years Albania has improved upon the status of women and gender equality issues, however women continue to be under-represented at all levels of society in a strongly male dominated culture. Moving Culture aims to improve the participation of women in decision-making, increase women empowerment and eradicate violence particularly in the family realm. It is imperative to promote gender equality as a necessary instrument for the achievement of social cohesion, and economic growth. To this regard, Moving Culture has organized, promoted, supported and monitored gender equality events to realize the full potential of women in the workplace, family, and community. Environmental issues: Moving Culture has successfully integrated environmental issues, with ecotourism, culture and nature based events. Moving Culture has increased public awareness and participation in protecting the environment, developing sustainable-tourism, while preserving high quality standards, creativity and independent thinking, as crucial ingredients for the establishment of an environment friendly civil society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Moving Culture's experience and activities cover a wide range of disciplines. Our multidisciplnary expertise and our willingnes to promote arts, culture, education and gender equality makes us an important voice in the civil society of Albania. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in expanding our networking partners in an effort to advance our mission and continue to contribute and advance cultural and artistic policies, spread knowledge on media and information, train and build capacities, find new ways to advancing marginalized groups economic position in the society and explore alternative ways to better use and manage resources such as eco-tourism, crafting and education. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ardian Mullahi
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ardian Mehilli

The Committee for Educational Guidance for Arab Students

National Network

5 St. Lukes
Haifa 3531305

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Committee for Educational Guidance for Arab Students (CEGAS) advances higher education and empowerment of the Arab community in Israel in order to improve their socio-economic status.  It provides needed services for students in order to enter and remain in the higher education facilities and advocates for institutional change to enable greater access and support for Arab students. CEGAS combines these two means by assisting students to advocate for themselves, promoting their development as leaders in the university and the community at large. We are the only organization to provide educational guidance for Arab students in Haifa and the north part of Israel.
Mission and Objectives

CEGAS was established in 1991 in order to advance and encourage higher education and community involvement amongst the Palestinian Arab community in Israel as a means for breaking the cycle of poverty and ethnic segregation caused by the establishment , and to take part for raising the socioeconomic status of the community.  CEGAS works with and provides educational guidance to Arab students in elementary, middle, high school and university level.  In addition, the organization also collaborates with women’s committees on the issue of empowering Palestinian women in Israel inside old age homes with the goal of strengthening their community and children with disadvantages.  Moreover, CEGAS also targets youth at risk of academic failure offering them possibilities and alternatives. In addition to the Haifa region, we also take part in activities and social activism in the Negev region in the south. 
• To improve Israeli Arabs socio-economic level and reduce poverty.
• To foster academic standards, cultural heritage and belonging.
• To promote academic achievement of students groups.
• To grant students and women the skills to gain knowledge and tools.
• Empowering Arabic women to take part in social, cultural, and educational activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Educational and Vocational Training:
Arab students in high schools have a low transition rate to higher education institutes resulting in diminished employment opportunities.  This program aims to empower and support marginalized Arab youth in high schools through counseling and guidance (both educational and vocational), and become socially and academically developed members of the Arab society.  This program also aims to increase the amount of Arab students seeking higher-education by providing them with the necessary information and assistance that the high schools cannot afford to provide.
This project works in cooperation with Arab schools through workshops, lectures, publications, website, educational fairs-festival, University summer camp and more in order to extend the accessibility to higher education.  The workshops include subjects such as the Psychometric exam, learning disabilities, parents' guidance, completing university registration forms, university requirements, and assistance choosing a career path. The educational fairs, festivals and lectures familiarize students with various university related topics, university students and staff.
Sawa Project:
The Committee for Educational Guidance (CEGAS)'s Sawa Project encourages volunteerism and works towards creating a civic society with a main goal of empowering the Arab community of Haifa and its environments.  It focuses on building an independent infrastructure amongst the Arab community by working in places such as schools, public gardens, homes, and educational centers.  The volunteers who are active with Sawa are from different ages and groups; each is active in the Haifa region in a different way.  Moreover, a part of the activists volunteer in the neighboring city of Tamra.  Sawa has been present for the past two years and CEGAS has managed to expand its activities with an active steering committee, bigger exposure, a large database of volunteers and interest groups.  This project is unique in the sense that it boosts the value of volunteerism within society with the sole purpose of creating a better one.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By engaging in activities, creating dialogue and exchange networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To work on a larger and global scale, with youth from other nearby countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iftach Huebner
Job Title
Resource development
Head of the organisation
Hasna Sliman

Hanan Center for Community Development

National Network

Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Hanan Center for Community Development established in Salfit  district as an independent NGO in 2013. after 9 years in community development work in partnership with other local NGOs. We implemented community development projects since 2004 in Salfit region, in human rights, capacity building, women empowerment and children programs. Including all types of activities that help to reach our goals. We success to build a very good network of relationships inside Palestine, and that helped us to improve our work and to raise the capacity of our staff. We work for Palestinian community respected and practice human rights values. In general assembly we have 65 members, with 7 board members. we implemented many projects" Salfit youth parliament, Women empowerment, life without violence possible, social emotional trainings" Which funded from SIDA

Mission and Objectives

our vision For Palestinian society that practice human rights values Our mission Spread the values of human rights in the community. Raising the capacity of the youth in human rights values. Lobbying to discard all discrimination forms in the society Raising the capacity of women in society in order to Eliminate discrimination against women. Build mass media platforms for voiceless people in society. Work against corruption. Working to support youth initiatives in human rights fields. Cooperating with local and international institutions that works in human rights fields or other international conventions related to human rights. Implementation of seminars, conferences, workshops , Issuance all kinds of publications. our goals To raise the knowledge of human rights, lobbying for it, to reach a change toward awareness's and practices for human rights articles as entrenched in all international conventions, especially as contained in the Geneva Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Barcelona Declaration, all conventions and protocols and international instruments adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Reduce various forms of discrimination in  the community. Promote the values ​​of equality and acceptance of the other "different" and respect for privacy Developing the role of women in society, promote her capacity and enhance her performance in  different sectors. Increase youth awareness about their community and to develop their capacity for building an active role in the Society development.

Main Projects / Activities

We have now two main programs, first “Rowwad-Know your rights” it’s a youth program with 125 participants, this program to strength youth in human rights and their lives, second program is for women to build “Woman Rights Watch”. Which funded from SIDA

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we have a very good experiences to give trainings in many fields: Theme  Title Duration / Hours Method Aims Gender Issues Gender & Learning 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop Awareness  for the discriminations in the curriculums Gender & Law 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop To know the discriminations between male and females in the Palestinian law, and how to deal with it. Gender & Peace 12 hours Lecturers + Workshop How to promote peace through Gender equality. Gender (1) 6 hours Lecturer + Workshop Talking about Gender concept, correct the connotations, encouragement studying it.  Gender (2) 24 hours Lecturers + Workshops Talking about Gender concept, the history of gender issues and the roles between genders, reality, fairs, equality. Gender Entrepreneurship together 30 hours Course for 5 days expand decent work and income-earning opportunities for women and men in Enterprise in families and communities. Gender & Children 36 hours Lecturers + Workshops + Working with children Working with kindergartens teachers, and university students “Social – Education”, on tools to promote the equality between genders. Rights Human Rights (1) 6 hours Lecturer + Workshop Human Rights Concept – thirty articles “The Universal Declarations of Human Rights” The History of Human Rights 6 Hours Lecturers Knowledge about human rights through history – Developing the concepts Human Rights - Reality 9 Hours Lecturers + Workshop To know more about the reality of human rights specially in Palestine – Violations against us and from us International humanitarian law 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop To know about International humanitarian law – different between it and Human Rights “The Universal Declaration”  and discuss the law CEDAW 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop To know about it – Discuss Millennium Development Goals 12 Hours Lecturer + Workshop To know about it – Discuss Discrimination Concept 4 Hours Lecturers + Workshop Know about right Millennium Goals – Talks about realities Empowerment Social & Emotional Intelligence 36 Hours Lecturers + Workshops Discrimination Concepts Problem Solving & Conflict Management 8 Hours Lecturer + Workshop To promote social and emotional intelligence Lobbying & Advocacy 24 Hours Lecturers + Workshops Empowering in Lobbying and advocacy tools – The concepts Development Communications (1) 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop The concept of Development Communication – Training on the strategy  Development Communications (2) 24 Hours Lecturers + Workshops The concept of Development Communication – communications tools analysis – Target groups analysis – Theory of Change Negotiations  6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop Negotiations Gambits – Raising the capacity in negotiations Dialogue & Debate 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop Raising the capacity – Know the best way for them Management Projects Management 48 Hours Lecturer + Workshop through two conferences Studying the curriculum of PMP from Professional Management Institute  Evaluation & Monitoring 30 Hours Lecturers + Workshops Project environment – strategies – evaluation tools – Mentioning tools – building a E&V Strategy – Indicators and Goals Logical Framework Approach 36 Hours Lecturers + Workshops How to build  a logical Framework – LFA tools – an appreciative approach – KAP Analysis Problems Tree 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop Training on Problems tree – Problem Analysis – Factors – Fairs – How to build clear goals and aims. Risk Management 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop Risk Analysis – Risk Factors – Alternatives Team Work 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop Capabilities analysis of team members – Team definition – Communication in the team – why we need team – help them to work together in better way person In Country Citizenship & Identity  4 Hours Lecturer + Discussion Know about this concepts and the different between them State & Authority 4 Hours Lecturer + Discussion The different between them – the risk from not to have clear borders between them. Democracy – Concepts & Implementations  6 Hours Lecturer + Discussion Democracy Concepts – Democracy through history – what we have in Palestine – Democracy and Elections Corruption 6 Hours Lecturer + Workshop Corruption definition – kinds – how to protect our self Trainers Training of Trainers TOT 36 Hours Lecturers + Workshops Training a trainers and lecturers – building curriculums – Building E&M tools – developing tools Social Emotional Training – TOT 60 Hours Lecturers + Workshops Training a trainers in Social Emotional Training Folkbildning 36 Hours Two Conferences – each three days Changed from being a teacher informing students into involving participants in a dialogue that brings learning - Appreciating the knowledge in the participant’s variety of experiences and thoughts Meetings Dialogue Between Generations 3 Hours Community Activity Discussion Between groups from different generation Men’s Brain Women’s Brain 3 Hours Community Activity How to know each other in better way Computer And University students        International Computer Driving License ICDL 40 Hours Community Activity Office (Word – Excel – Power point – Access) – Internet & Email – Computer and Operating systems Microsoft Office 2013 15 Hours for each program Lecturers Microsoft (Word – Excel – Power point ) Microsoft Access 2013 36 Hours Lecturers Building Databases With Microsoft Access 2013 Financial Excel 12 Hours Lecturers Working with Microsoft Excel in Accounting Maintenance 18 Hours Lecturers Hardware and Software Oracle 11g 60 Hours Lecturers Building and managing databases with Oracle 11g Android 45 Hours Lecturers Building Android Applications 3D Max 120 Hours Lecturers Design 3d files SPSS 24 Hours Lecturers Statics Program ALSHAMEL – Accounting Program 24 Hours Lecturers Accounting Program English Language (Conversation) 36 Hours for each level Lecturers Two levels in conversation Accounting 1 Accounting 2  12 Hours for each program Lecturers For Quds Open University Students Statics 1+2 12 Hours Lecturers For Quds Open University Students Applied Statistics 24 Hours Lecturers For Quds Open University Students Executive Secretary 60 hours Lecturers Computer and administration topics and also we have a very good relations in Salfit district, which can help others when they want to work here " Salfit District"

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to increase the work in Salfit district To have more experiences in community works To open new resources

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelrahman Issa Shashin
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Abdelrahman Shahin

Association culturelle AWAL - Timezrit

National Network

village tasga commune Timezrit
06019 Timezrit

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
association culturelle AWAL fondée le 20 aout 2012 le presiodent: BIATOUR Mourad vice president: MAMMERI Nadir association créer dans le principe de nouer des relations international est pour but de develloper la société culturelle et l'ouverture sur le monde de la culture et le civisme. partenaires: -maison des jeunes de Timezrit -direction de la jeunesse et des sports de Bejaia. - Ecole privé NUMEDIA SCHOOL. -Autres associations a carctère divers.
Mission and Objectives

-préserver le patrimoine culturel.
-préserver la langue amazighe.
- préserver les fêtes traditionnelles.
Implanter l’esprit des pensées positives.
-Collaboration avec les partenaires de l’association
-le frôlement avec des jeunes établissements.
-Rendre hommage a la femme berbère et la femme algérienne.
-dénouer la femme de son isolement et l’encourager a la créativité.
-célébrer les journées mondiales.

Main Projects / Activities

Exposition du livre amazigh.
Exposition des objets traditionnels
Conférence sur l’évènement
Diner traditionnel
Jeux culturelles
Exposition des habilles traditionnels.
Exposition des gâteaux traditionnels.
Conférence sur le thème du jour.
Gala artistique.
Honoré les femmes qui ajouter une touche spéciale dans notre société.
Participer dans une compagne de plantation des arbres
Excursion au parc de proximité de YEMMA GOURAYA
Tournoie de jeux d’échecs.
Tournoie de football.
Exposition du livre
Conférence sur la valeur du livre.
Conférence sur le rôle de la paix dans l’évolution et le développement.
Pièces théâtrales.
Cérémonie et remise des prix pour les gagnants des compétitions et tournoies réaliser.
Pièces théâtrales.
Jeux culturelles.
Projections cinématographiques.
Chants religieux
Sortie pour les petits enfants à la plage ACHARCHOUR Bejaia
Tournoie de pèche.
Projection d’un film de la guerre de l’indépendance.
Exposition des photos et documents sur l’évènement.
Cérémonie et remise des prix pour les gagnants des compétitions et tournoies réaliser.

Rencontre de l’équipe nationale contre le Burkina-Faso.
-Semaine culturelle des arts dramatiques
(Théâtre, pas de classement)
- Semaine culturelle de la dance moderne (3ème place).
Tournoie de jeux d’échecs
Tournoie de dessin
Projets en cours de réalisation et à venir
-Ouverture de nouvelles sections.
-Organiser un théâtre de rue.
-Faire du tournoie de la pèche une fête régional.
-Elargir nos travaux de recherche.
-Réalisation des cours métrages et films documentaires.
-Ouverture d’une section de travaux manuelles et de coutures pour les femmes au foyer.
-Donner cours de soutiens pour les scolarisés et les étudiants.
-Partenariat avec une école privé Numidia School.

Contact (1) Full Name
mammeri nadir
Job Title
Etudiant et Enseignant
Head of the organisation
Biatour Mourad
Contact (2) Full Name
Mourad Biatour
Job Title (2)

Global Network for Rights and Development

National Network

Avda. Cortes Valencianas, 39, 13-C y D
46015 Valencia

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD) is International NGO established in June 2008 with the aim to enhance and support both human rights and development by adopting new strategies and policies for real changes. The organization is a not-for-profit association, registered in Spain. Staff in Spain is 6-10 people. Partners in the GNRD network are: GNRD-Norway, GNRD-Belgium, GNRD-Switzerland, GNRD-Austria, GNRD-Jordan, GNRD-Sudan and GNRD-Zambia. The total staff for GNRD is about 60 people. Average budget for GNRD-Spain is 200.000 - 300.000€. Sources of funding include donors and public grants. Actions include: Events, Meetings, Project implementation, Field missions, UN Electoral Process Observer missions. Partners include public and private entities involved in the same objectives and projects as GNRD, either by partnership or by cooperation agreement. To these ends, the GNRD as a neutral and impartial organization concentrates on: enhancing cooperation and partnership between the private and public sector in the academic, technical and political spheres; providing technical and humanitarian assistance in developing countries; promoting social justice, conflict mediation, and the application of the rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The GNRD Head Office is situated in Stavanger, Norway, and its branches are located in Austria, Belgium, Jordan, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Zambia.  
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement
During this time of globalization and fluidity in communication there is increasing human activity and interchange of worldviews, products, ideas and cultures. It is becoming imperative to ensure the positive utilization of globalization and make it fully inclusive and equitable. GNRD plays the role of a catalyst by extracting the best of today’s international interchange means and by engaging the United Nations and other relevant international institutions for the benefit of the most vulnerable groups and people suffered from crises.
Thus GNRD objectives are:
to contribute to the collaboration of all relevant stakeholders, establish a cooperation and partnership between the private and public sector, on the academic, technical and political spheres in promoting and protecting the human rights and development;
to support and protect the most vulnerable groups and people suffered from humanitarian crises through taking all measures within our power to ensure their well-being and rights to equal opportunities;
to empower youth by means of diverse programs and trainings, along with supporting the GNRD Youth Groups;
to help to alleviate the suffering of individuals trapped in conflicts by providing mediation support when needed in the perspective of a just and lasting peace in accordance with international law and United Nations Standards.
GNRD works on three main segments to reach its objectives:
1. Engaging the UN through advocacy during conferences, with a special focus on the Human Rights Council.
2. International cooperation, humanitarian assistance and development contribution, including promoting technology transfer.
3. Conferences, workshops, formal and informal platforms of dialogue facilitation and moderation worldwide on the questions of peace, human rights, humanitarian aid and development.
GNRD uses the synergy of public-private cooperation and all relevant actors to build sustainable development in post-conflict and developing areas.

Main Projects / Activities

Previous activities of GNRD (global) have been focused on:
- Cooperation (League of Arab States, African Union, Human Rights Council, Palestinian Authority, ICC)
- Protection (refugees, infants in Africa (“I have the right to play” in Sudan and Ethiopia), women, workers in slavery conditions, servile marriages, Mediterranean Migrants)
- Empowerment (youth, women), education and training (freedom of speech, capacity building, professional skills)
- Peace (mediation in Syria, defense of Occupied Palestine, supervision of electoral processes in Jordan and Egypt)
- Development (Water resources, natural and cultural heritage)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Diana Zarzo
Job Title
Director GNRD Spain
Head of the organisation
Ms. Diana Zarzo
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Barbara Ruiz-Bejarano
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

ECOS Cooperativa de Educação, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, CRL

National Network

Passeio "Este livro que vos deixo" Lote 18 R/C Esq.
Campus de Gambelas, Pavilhão A5
8000-536 Faro

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ECOS is cooperative working on the field of Education and social inclusion that was officially established at the beginning of 2010 by a group of experienced educators and youth workers ative on the European and international level. Our activity differs from consultation to public bodies such as local municipalities to intergovernmental institutions, to programme and project development with local, national and international youth associations and institutions to the development of international cooperation projects. We are supporting the implementation and development of the local youth councils and provide consultancy to design youth policies. ECOS is also developing and supports research on the youth field. Our main expertise is on the development of participatory-based projects that involves young people and decision makers, such as local and regional authorities and other stakeholders. ECOS due to the staff expensive experience on youth training field is also an expert organisation on training and capacity building of youth organisation and public and private institutions working with and for youth. ECOS nowadays employs in the office 5 persons and is supported by a board of 3 directors. The organization is structured: General Assembly members; Board of directors; Financial Committee; General Assembly Committee; Staff: Executive team composed by Executive director and collaborators. Budget for the 2014 year: 176.570,00 € Main Activities: - International cooperation projects in the field of education and training; - Training Programmes (International, national and local) - Mobility Centre - Consultation
Mission and Objectives

ECOS - Cooperativa de Educação Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, CRL, have has it main goal of action the promotion of non-formal education for social inclusion. Through our activities, we try to contribute to the development of a more human, sustainable, fair, inclusive, participative, democratic, equitable, solidaire, cooperative, dialogical, diverse and integrated society.
Our main areas of Intervention are:
- Creation of spaces for structured dialogue, cooperation and collective construction among different actors, such as, social, business and institutional actors;
- Promotion, design, implementation and evaluation of playful, educational, social, cultural and sustainable development projects, in formal and non-formal spaces, through non-formal education, always in a way that it complements formal education and contributes to life long learning;
- Development of organizations capacity to do a more efficient management of their resources and projects through training and new technologies of information and communication;
- Monitoring, support, assessment and consultancy to individuals, organizations, institutions and respective educational programmes and social intervention projects;
- Promotion, recognition and validation of non-formal education and other alternative pedagogical methodologies that contribute to social transformation.

Main Projects / Activities

1. DYPALL - Developing Youth Participation at Local Level: https://www.facebook.com/groups/405769159433681/?fref=ts;
2. ALGARVE 2020 “A youth proposal” https://www.facebook.com/Algarve2020?fref=ts
3. AYECO - Africa-Europe Youth Cooperation Online Resource Centre
4. Activating Youthhttps://www.facebook.com/activatingyouthfaro
5. AGORA: Bringing Quality and Innovation into Youth participationhttps://www.facebook.com/youthparticipationinagora?fref=ts
6. Talk About it
7. Youth Takes the Floorhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/youthtakesthefloorfaro/?fref=tshttp://y…

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ECOS has a significant experience in networking and gathering different stakeholders in participatory-based projects promoting the development of civil society, the cooperation and dialogue.
We believe that we can contribute with our expertise for the network development in Portugal. We also believe that working in the south of Portugal, with the regional network of municipalities and youth organisations we will be able to bring new partners and new cooperation possibilities for this network. Our trainers, educators and project managers can also support the development of new projects within the network. We also expect to make this network closer to the current young people needs and priorities, and to develop tools to cooperate with others to approach this common challenges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ECOS is a pioneer in enhancing, promoting and developing Euromed cooperation in the south region of Portugal. Our motivation is based on knowledge, experiences and feelings, which gives us a certainty that due to the historical background of the region we should promote more cooperation and opportunities for young people and other atores to cooperation within the Mediterranean region. Some of projects already contain cooperation with Arab and Mediterranean partners nevertheless we would like to enhance and to construct new cooperation opportunities.
Some of our team members have worked on the Euromed region providing training and workshops. We believe that within Anna Lindh Foundation Network we will not be only able to create new projects and partnerships but to also open new possibilities to cooperate and to support the development of the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno Miguel Cavaco António
Job Title
President of ECOS, Executive director and legar representative
Head of the organisation
Bruno Antonio, President of ECOS
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Martins
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Consulting and Development Partners

National Network

Rr.Gjuhadol, 23

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
RadioPulla Communication and Development RadioPulla Communication and Development (hereinafter RCD) was established on July, 26, 2012 through Tirana Court Decree no.3380 and registered in the Registry of NGOs (General Directory of Taxes) under NIPT no. L027002191W. RCD was established by 5 young people and with support of Acli Ipsia, Kolping International and Women Center “Hapat e lehte”   and offers its services to more than 120,000 inhabitants of the Shkodra. Its headquarters are located in the city of Shkodra, Rr Gjuhadol, 23. However the activities are not limited only in Shkodra, but RCD can and offers its services in a national bases. RCD is composed by different professional young people, which agree on the strategies and initiatives aimed at improving and utilising local resources contributing to a sustainable economic development. The organization provides assistance to communities, young people, public and private institutions and local governments and SME-s. RCD aims to enhance social and economic conditions in SHKODRA, promoting employment opportunities for young people, civil society development and acces to media. Within this scope, the core objective of RCD is the identification, analysis and implementation of initiatives favouring the creation of employment opportunities for young people, different disadvantaged people within a framework that combines poverty reduction and the promotion of an integrated and sustainable development of the territory. RCD undertakes project preparation and implementation; it supports institutional capacity building activities and organizes several events that mobilize public opinion as well as disseminates knowledge and innovative approaches in sustainable economic development. RCD aims to promote the professional and creative growth for young individual through training and access to media. One of the main objectives is the creation and implementation of an innovative media, structured and presented in a way to play a decisive role in strengthening the colaboration and exchange between public institutions and civil society Future Challenges New challenges are in RCD near future. RCD aims to establish a social centre for young people, including a incubator for social enterprises, in order to provide comprehensive services to young people with particular reference to improve the access of the most disadvantaged young people into the labor market, economic circuits, social services,
Mission and Objectives

Within this scope, the core objective of RCD is the identification, analysis and implementation of initiatives favouring the creation of employment opportunities for young people, different disadvantaged people within a framework that combines poverty reduction and the promotion of an integrated and sustainable development of the territory. RCD undertakes project preparation and implementation; it supports institutional capacity building activities and organizes several events that mobilize public opinion as well as disseminates knowledge and innovative approaches in sustainable economic development. RCD aims to promote the professional and creative growth for young individual through training and access to media.
One of the main objectives is the creation and implementation of an innovative media, structured and presented in a way to play a decisive role in strengthening the colaboration and exchange between public institutions and civil society

Main Projects / Activities

Summary of the activities of RCD
Currently (in 2013) RCD is also involved in implementing different projects:
• Innovative social media at the service of community " funded by RENOVABIS – Germany
a. Creation an FM radio transmission , including different programs with different social themes.
b. b .Creation of an interactive website  www.radiopulla.com  and a monthly newsletter as an information tools for the community,  (the young, the young disabled, disadvantaged group with the social problems of the area) with the intention of connecting with people in need , share ideas, future prospects, promote and disseminate information.
c. Creation of a youth community center including the radio station and recording studios for the promotion of new artists and young talents. The center will be used as a tool for the creation of the community network , including different disadvantaged young people.
d. Vocational training courses: information technology, training courses for technical production , photography and photo editing, promotion activities for new / young artists , having on focus the employment of young people from different disadvantaged groups.
e. In cooperation with Acli IPSIA in Albania are organized various photographic competitions with the aim of stresing social issues and raise awareness by involving them in the various social issues. As a tradition of the best photos are sold to a social auction and the revenues are donated to a social reality related to the theme of the competition.
• Consultancy and assistance to different SME
In framework of the cooperation with BAS Programme, financed by ERDB, RCD is providing consultancy to different SME in marketing campaign, branding, web based finance programs , webpages etc.There are three companies assisted until now in abovementioned topics.
• RCD organises the photography competititon ”Shkodra though lenses”.
Until now there are organised 4 editions. The fourth edition was  titled   „Innovation” and was organised in cooperation with of Youth Adrinet Project implemented by Shkodra Regional Council, financed by IPA Adriatic Programe , Acli – Ipsia in Albana and Renovabis. The next one is going to be organised October 2013. The competition theme is „Roads and Journeys” and is going to be organised with different partners. This competitions involvels a lot of young talented photografphers not only from Shkodra. Also the social aim of donating the revenues from photo auction involves different actors and Sme-s that donate for different causes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

a link between the territory where we accomplish our mission with the network. Important contribution of all initiatives that the network will implement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of common initiatives, to cooperate,  to be an integrative part  of the sustainable development of the Shkodra and Albanian society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjan Lukani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marjan Lukani

Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)

National Network

P.O. Box 380

+358 295 331 000
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) operates under the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is responsible for developing education and training, early childhood education and care and lifelong learning, as well as for promoting internationalisation.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

EDUFI promotes internationalisation in education and training, working life, cultural field and among young people through international cooperation and mobility programmes as well as with a range of other activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EDUFI is actively involved in international, European, national and regional networks as an expert member or an institutional network partner. EDUFI actively participates in the Euro-Med Youth network promoting understanding between cultures and facilitating contact making between organisations, assisting promoters in project planning and financial management, disseminating information and supporting the organisations to implement the projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kati Inkinen
Job Title
Senior Programme Advisor
Head of the organisation

7assala حصّالة فلم

National Network

25 شارع الشبراوي شقة 10 روض الفرج شبرا

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
تكونت حصالة أثناء تصویر"الخروج للنھار" أمضى فریق الفیلم أربعة سنوات في العمل معا بشكل مستقل بلا أي تمویل من أي جھة حكومیة أو تجاریة في مصر وكانت النتیجة انھم أحبوا بعد نجاح التجربة أن ینقلوھا لشباب آخرین لإن ما ینقصنا فعلا في مصر لیس التمویل ولا المعدات ولكن المعلومات.. تكونت حصالة من ثمانیة فنانین شباب 4فتیات و4شباب وتأسست في يناير2012 كشركة ذات مسئولية محدودة بدعم من برنامج عبّارة وحالیا یبلغ عد موظفيها الدائمين ثلاثة وباقي أعضائھا 22ما بین مخرجین ومصورین ومھندسي صوت ومصممي دیكور وملابس...يقومون بالتطوع فحصالة تعمل بنمط التعاونیات تساعد المخرجین الواعدین على صناعة أفلامھم الطویلة الأولى، وھى لا تتحول لشركة إنتاج ولكنھا تساعد المخرجین على تملك حقوق استغلال أفلامھم بدون التنازل عنھالأحد وتساعدھم على تعلم المھارات الأساسیة لإنتاج أفلامھم بأنفسھم ومساعدة الآخرین أیضا. وتبلغ ميزانية حصالة للعام الفائت تقربيا 110 ألف دولار تم تمويلها من آفاق، سند، إدفا، المورد الثقافي 90%منها مخصصة لاستكمال 12مشروع فيلم طويل الأول لمخرجيه.
Mission and Objectives

نتمنى أن یصبح التعبیر عن النفس من خلال الإبداع والثقافة متاحا للجمیع مھما بعدت المسافات الجغرافیة أو تدھور المستوى الاقتصادي .. فحتى الآن لا زالت فنونا بعینھا ھي فنون مقتصرة عن المركز والنخبة في شكل قدرتھا الاقتصادیة على الممارسة وھذا ظلم شدید ویعني أن ھناك طبقات وشرائح اجتماعیة كاملة لا تستطیع إیصال صوتھا ولا التعبیر عن ثقافتھا ولا تغییر واقعھا الكئیب
• صناعة أفلام مستقلة في طرحها الفني و عالية الجودة بميزانيات محدودة للتحرر من شروط السوق.
• إتاحة قواعد بيانات السينمائيين المستقلين لتيسير التواصل و التفاعل.
• توفير قاعدة من الحلول الإنتاجية و التسويقية و بدائل المعدات لتقليل التكلفة.
• توفير خدمة المشورة الفنية (دور المنتج الفني) لشباب السينمائيين لنقل الخبرات.
• تنظيم برامج تدريبية لفنون السينما للشباب في المحافظات البعيدة  بالتعاون مع المنظمات المحلية, لخلق و رصد المواهب المحتملة.
• التواصل مع حركات السينمائيين المستقلين عربيا و عالميا لتبادل الخبرات و الوسائل و الخدمات.
• إيجاد وسائل للتمويل الذاتي لضمان الإستمرارية.

Main Projects / Activities

تقوم حصالة حالياً بانتاج 12 فيلم طويل الأول لأصحابه بحيث يظل الفيلم ملكاً لصانعيه وليس لشركة الانتاج
كما قمنا بالتدريب في ورش سينما في مدرسة دون بوسكو – الأسكندرية، في مركز التكعيبة بشبرا الخيمة وفي مدرسة الجيزويت الفجالة ولكنها لم تحدث الأثر الذي نتمناه
وسنبدأ هذا الشهر بأول مدرسة سينما في محافظة الوادي الجديد بدعم من أضف بالتعاون مع جمعية صحارى لإحياء التراث لھا مقرات ومصداقیة في مجتمعها لتساعدنا على إدارة الورشة وتقوم حصالة بتأمین كامیرا وجھاز مونتاج وبروجكتور للعرض ومدربین طوال فترة التدریب التي تبلغ شھر ثم یُترك المتدربون لیصنعوا أفلامھم الأولى وترتب حصالة بالتعاون مع كل جمعیة مضیفة لیلة عرض نھائیة للمجتمع المحیط لیشاھد نتاج الورشة ولیدعمھا بعد ذلك لتستمر من خلال جھود المجتمع المحلي وخبرة أفضل المشاركین في الورشة وتصبح دائمة وتترك حصالة المعدات التقنیة المستخدمة كھدیة لكل ورشة وكبذرة للشباب المتدرب ھناك لتكوین مجتمع مصغر من ھواة السینما ولخلق لیالي عرض دوریة یحضرھا أھالي المتدربین وجمھور القرى العادي بحیث نستعید قاعدة جماھیریة فقدناھا ولنتمكن بعد ذلك من تكوین قاعدة من المتطوعین تساعدنا في إعادة فتح دور العرض المغلقة في الأقالیم ولیعید الجمھور إرتباطه بصورة الفن الذي یمثله ویدافع عنھا والھدف الأبعد ھو أن یكون في كل محافظة مھما بعدت بذرة لتدریب شبابھا الواعد على التعبیر عن أنفسھم بالفن
تحاول حصالة لعب عدد آخر من الأدوار منھا المساھمة في تأسیس نقابة مستقلة تدافع عن حقوق السینمائیین الشباب الذین لا یعملون في السوق التجاري ولا یضعون الربح المادي ھدفا لھم وبالتالي لا یحق للنقابة الموجودة حالیا ولا لبقیة الكیانات الرسمیة مثل جھاز الرقابة وغرفة صناعة السینما وغیرھا تحصیل رسوم تجاریة منھم ولا إجبارھم على الحصول على تراخیص ولا وضعھم في نفس الخانة مع الأفلام التجاریة باھظة التكلفة التي یقوم بھا السوق التجاري
أیضا تحاول حصالة تكوین جماعة ضغط للمطالبة بتغییر القوانین المنظمة للعمل السینمائي في مصر والتي لا تحترم حق عمال السینما ولا تحدد حد أقصى لساعات العمل ولا تقوم بالتأمین على العاملین في المھنة لدرجة أنھم یضطرون للإنضمام لنقابات أخرى مثل نقابة عمال النقل لتغطیتھم.
كما تحاول  حصالة خلق قاعدة جمھور أكبر في الأقالیم والمناطق المحرومة من التنمیة الثقافیة من خلال إقامة عدد 16 ورشة للتدریب على صناعة الأفلام في الأقالیم البعیدة والمحرومة لشباب بحیث تكون الورشة التي تستمر شھرین بذرة لورش أكثر وبحیث یكون ھناك تعاون بین حصالة وبین مراكز ثقافیة أو جمعیات أھلیة تستضیفنا وتتابع العمل بالمشروع لاحقا على أن تمدھا الحصالة بالمدربین والمعدات وبرامج العروض وفھمنا لھذه الورش ھو فھم قائم على ضرورة أن یصبح التعبیر عن النفس بالفن ھو حق لكل الناس فالدیمقراطیة أولا وأخیرا ھى أن یكون للجمیع الحق في أن یسمع صوتھم بغض النظر عن موقعھم الجغرافي أو وضعھم الاقتصادي.
أخیرا تحاول حصالة أن تنشيء شبكة مصالح لتوزیع الأفلام المستقلة في المحطات الفضائیة المصریة لتصل أولا لجمھورھا الذي صنعت أصلا من أجله وأیضا لتحقق عائد مادي من داخل مجتمعھا لیتسنى لھذا المجتمع نفسه ان یعتنقھا ویدافع عنھا ویمولھا في المستقبل.
فقد أسسنا في حصالة أول ستودیو صوت للمستقلین وحتى الآن تم عمل المیكساج فیه لثلاثة أفلام روائیة طویلة (الخروج للنھار- سر الحیاة- فیلا 69  ) وحوالي 16 فیلما قصیرا وأخیرا تعمل حصالة على تحفیز مجتمع السینمائیین المستقلین في مصر والعالم العربي على صنع صندوق خاص لدعم الأفلام المستقلة بشكل تعاوني بحیث یعود عائد الأفلام المنتجة للصندوق لاحقا لصنع مزید من الأفلام ومساعدة المزید من السینمائیین الشباب والھدف من ھذا الصندوق ھو وضع بذرة لنمط انتاجي موازي وبدیل وفعال في مقابل نمط الانتاج المتعارف علیه في السوق التجاري لضمان استمراریة العمل دون الاعتماد على صنادیق التمویل والمنح التي تحولنا لطفیلیات تتلقى الھبة دون القدرة على إعادة تدویرھا داخل منظومة العمل الاقتصادي وكذلك تدفعنا للتنافس فیما بیننا بدلا من التجمع معا

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تستطيع حصالة نقل تجربتها في الانتاج المستقل وإمكانية ان يظل المشروع معبراً عن صانعيه وملكاً لهم
كما تستطيع نقل تجربتنا في تأسيس الحصالة وتأسيس أول ستديو صوت للمستقلين ببدائل قليلة التكلفة؛ للمؤسسات الفنية والثقافية الناشئة وتعريفها بشبكة الداعمين في مصر والوطن العربي فعلينا أن نخلق مؤسسات إنتاجية لا تسعى للربح ولا تكرّس له كقرين للكفاءة أو الجودة. كما علينا أن نحمي هذا الكيان حتى لا يصبح مطمعا في المستقبل للمنتجين المتحولين إلى سوق الأفلام المستقلة
نحن موقنون في الحصالة أن هذه المعلومات ماسة وجوهرية جدا بالنسبة لصناع الأفلام المستقلين، لإن نمط الإنتاج الحالي الذي يعتمد على منتج ومعه رأسمال هو نمط بالي وخطر على الإبداع وعلينا أن نتكتل ضده لإن الإنتاج ليس كهنوتا، ولإن المخرج القوي خير وأحب عند الله من المخرج الضعيف، والمعرفة قوة.
أيضاً نقوم بدراسة حالياً في حصالة بمساعدة باحثين متخصصين لحصر الجمعيات الأهلية في المناطق النائية والبعيدة عن التنمية الثقافية ولدیھا قاعدة وموثوق بھا اجتماعیا لتنسق التعاون معها وفي حين الانتهاء منها سنتيحها إلى جانب قاعدة البيانات للمستقلين التي نعدها  في مصر والعالم العربي
وأخيراً ننظم برنامج اقامات فنية للسينمائيين المستقلين لكتابة مشروعاتهم أو لاستضافتهم خلال فترة استكمال افلامهم في مناطق أخرى خارج القاهرة غير مقلدة وغير نمطية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

يفيدنا بالطبع كثيرا الانضمام لشبكة بمثل قوة وكفاءة آناليند في التشبيك وتقديم المشورة وإيجاد شركاء حيث أن مشروعنا لا يقتصر على مصر فقط فقد بدأنا نضع أھدافا قریبة وأخرى بعیدة ونفحص إمكانیاتنا المادیة والبشریة وكیف یمكننا إنجاز ھذه الأحلام .. ولإننا لم ندرس الإدارة الثقافیة ولسنا متفرغین كما نتمنى ولیس لدینا موارد تسمح بتوظیف مدیرین ثقافیین ذوي كفاءة فإننا حتى الآن نتعلم من أخطائنا ونحاول تحصیل ما فاتنا من خلال برامج التدریب والورش المتخصصة. خلال الأعوام الثلاثة الماضیة كانت الخطة الأولى أن نصنع اسما جیدا لحصالة في محیطھا المحلي والإقلیمي والدولي من خلال الأفلام التي ننتجھا وھى أفلام تعرض في مھرجانات كبیرة وتحصل على جوائز ولذا یأتي إلینا الصحفیون لیسألوننا عن عملنا فبدأنا نصبح معروفین قلیلا .. وحالیا انتقلنا للخطوة الثانیة وھى التشبیك بیننا وبین مؤسسات مشابھة في النشاط داخل مصر والعالم العربي بھدف إحداث تأثیر أكبر ووضع مشاریع أكثر طموحا وھو ما یتم حالیا بنجاح .. بعد التشبیك سنقوم لإنشاء محطة فضائیة عربیة مستقلة (أصبح لدینا المحتوى الخاص بھا ولا زلنا نعمل على الشكل الاقتصادي حتى الآن) وھى المرحلة الأكثر طموحا والتي سننجزھا خلال العامین القادمین
قمنا بتأسیس نقابة مستقلة للعاملین بالمھن السینمائیة في مصر وحالیا نتجمع في شكل مبادرة مھمة جدا تكونت بذرتھا خلال برنامج دوكمید التدریبي الذي یتم بالتعاون بین مؤسسة بیروت دي سي والإتحاد الأوروبي وھى اتحاد للمنتجین العرب یسمح لنا بإحداث تأثیر أكبر بكثیر في محیطنا
أيضاً  شبكة میدیز Medis للموزعین الیورومتوسطیین والتي تعتبر حصالة عضوا مؤسسا بھا، كما شاركت في تأسیس سوق الفیلم العربي وھى مبادرة بدأت في مھرجان قرطاج 2012 وأطلقت في مھرجان كان 2013 وكان لحصالة ثلاثة مشاریع ضمن الكتالوج الترویجي لأفلام السوق SAFA  كما نتمنى أن تساعد الشبكة حصالة في ببناء علاقات قویة مع المجموعات الفنیة الشبیھة في العالم العربي في لیبیا وتونس والجزائر والمغرب ولبنان والأردن والسودان والعراق

Contact (1) Full Name
وسام لطفي حامد
Job Title
المدير المالي والتنفيذي
Head of the organisation
هالة لطفي
Contact (2) Full Name
عبد الرحمن محمود
Job Title (2)
المؤسس والمدير الاداري