medi production art scenique gafsa

National Network

rue 4 decembe ksar gafsa
ksar gafsa
2111 gafsa

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
production et diffusion des arts sceniques
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


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cherche partenaire

Contact (1) Full Name
faycel hamdi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
faycel hamdi

Club Friends of Europe

National Network

7 Krakra Str., appt.15

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We do not have at present employed staff in our organization due to the lack of funds this year. The structure is like this we have a chairman- Yani Yanev, former governer of Varna, now MEP. Usually we have funds from members - annual membership and Municipality of Varna, which we use for the cultural projects which we are running. Youth in Action projects, evaluation projects, Municipality of Varna projects varios- European Children's network
Mission and Objectives

Club "Friends of Europe" – Children section was founded as an NGO in December 2002 but we have existed as part of a network of European Bulgarian clubs since 1990. Lobbing for EU policies in Bulgaria and helping with the process of European integration. Most of the members are children and young people, and it has sections in most of the high schools in Varna, the third largest city in Bulgaria, with the scope to help and enable the process of integration in every aspect in Bulgaria regarding integration in the EU.

Main Projects / Activities

Through its teaching process, the organisation enhances the role of the child in society and dwell on the education of the rights of every child. Aiming to protect the rights of children and help them find their place in society and lobby for their rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataliya Nikolova
Head of the organisation
Yani Yanev

Cabinet Dr BADR

National Network

6,Rue Abou Kacim Achabbi Quartier Gauthier

022 22 40 55
022 22 40 55
Mobile Phone
061 30 18 15
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
Nous sommes une association de 3 médecins formés en France : - un ex-directeur de société de communication médicale et de fabrication de générique pour une enseigne Américaine. - une brillante réanimatrice anesthésiste ancienne (vraie) chef de clinique de l'hopital George Pompidou à Paris. - et moi-même : psychiatre ayant expérience du psychotraumatisme (stage en Israel en 1998 chez l'éminent Pr Shalev) et super-spécialisé en un technique inovante jamais introduite ni au Maroc ni en Afrique: la stimulation magnétique transcranienne,utile pour certaine souffrance psychiatrique, pour le parkinson et la douleur. L'un d'entre nous accepterait de nous mettre à disposition les locaux de son entreprise enplein coeur de Casablanca. La location et le bail seraient au DH symbolique.
Mission and Objectives

Nous voudrions crée une unité spéciale anti-douleur à Casablanca. Cela correspond à un projet innovant et concrètement utile pour notre pays.
Ce serait une structure permettant 7 hospitalisations de jour.
Nous enisageons d'embaucher 5 personnes au début de la mise en route de notre projet: 3 infirmières, 1 kinesithérapeute et ainsi qu'une psychologue.

Main Projects / Activities

Malheureusement,nous ne trouvons pas d'aide financière de la part des banques.
Une d'entre elle, la plus importante de la place marocaine, nous a même répondu par l'intermédiaire d'un certain M. Guessous concernant l'achat d'un appareil de 500000 DH que dans cette organisme "En Leasing, nous ne fiançont pas de tel projet, Dr, mais seulement du matériel de chantier ou des voitures!"
C'est une honte pour notre pays et c'est peu dire, si vous me le permettez.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Toi, est une association qui travaille en collaboration avec le Ministère des Affaires Sociales de la RDcongo à cause de ses multiples interventions sur terrain.Budget annuel 200.000 USD, dont 73% don partebaire. Intervention Humanitaire, encadrement des enfants dela rue, orphelins , veuves , filles mères et personnes atteintes du VIF/Sida, lutte contre la malnutrition infantille.
Mission and Objectives

Créer l'égalité de chance entre les peuples sans aucune discrimination, partage et amour entre les communautés existantes.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Installation d'un grand centre informatique pour l'encadrement des anfants en rupture familiale appellé eciole de seconde chance dans 5 provinces types. Cout estimé à 30.000 USD /provinces
2. Formation des filles mère dans les metiers de couturières d'ou necessité d'avoir un centre de formation appeler foyer social.
3. Mise en palce d'une politique d'apprenstissage aux jeunes gens dont l'age varie entre 18 et 40 ans aux metiers manuels, argiculture, élévage et peche afin d'eviter le taux élévé de chomeurs sans emploi dans la province de bandundu , à vanga, ou la moyenne par jouir est de 0,5 usd pour 10 personne à une populaton paysanne estimé à 25.000 personnes sans écoles .

Contact (1) Full Name
MABAYA MANDUNGU MABIZ Emmanuel Vice Président National
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Podravska 21 a

+381 64 184 72 50
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
NGO PARAFIN is an organisation of volunteers who are who are trying to bring some diversity in cultural life of their surrounding through their efforts and creativeness. For now on, we were able to make productions of non-commercial culture thanks to creative energy of artists, friends and families based on good will and support.
Mission and Objectives

• bringing quality new art to audience in our surrounding
• give a chance to artists of different geographies to face each other and exchange their unique experiences and knowledge
• establishing international cultural exchanges
• creating an open space for new cultural experiences
• contribute to tolerance and understanding
• presenting quality art to people in our environment
• presenting that international teamwork is possible and creative

Main Projects / Activities

Promoting and creating non-commercial electronic music, promoting and creating non-commercial art and architecture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Natasa Jovanovic
Head of the organisation
Belgrade, Serbia
Contact (2) Full Name
Nikola Cakic

Observatorio Mediterraneo de la Comunicación (OMEC)

National Network

Edificio I. Despacho /I 0026. Campus UAB, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Cerdanyola del Vallés

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
La construction méditerranéenne comme un espace de découverte et échange entre les différents peuples qui la conforment est une de priorités européennes et avec une importante contribution catalane depuis toutes les classes. D’autre coté la communication pour le développement humain et la responsabilité sociales des moyens dans la gouvernabilité démocratique aux pays en développement est un sujet émergent de l’agenda international. L’OMEC, est un réseau interdisciplinaire de personnes et des institutions de deux rives de la Méditerranée, que travaillent au secteur de la communication et les TIC, comme cadre de référence pour des actions de coopération internationales dirigées à fomenter le dialogue, le développement humain et l’exercice des droits humains à leurs domaines d’action.
Mission and Objectives

Favoriser la création de réseaux entre les différents acteurs qui conforment l’ecosystème communicatif méditerranéen (journalistes, moyens de communications, industrie informative, universités, organisations professionnelles).
Renforcer les activités de recherche transdisciplinaire, pour l’incorporation des droits à l’information, à la communications et au cyberespace, dans les universités, centre de recherche et les programmes et projets de coopération internationale au développement.
Augmenter la capacité des universités et centre de captage d’offrir des programmes spécialisés en communication pour le développement et le changement social.
Tomber sur les générateurs d’opinion, avec l’objectif de situer la communication au développement à l’agenda publique.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre de ressources virtuel (Web OMEC)
Concours : Promotion de la Communication pour le développement, entre les générateurs d’opinion publique.
Séminaire International : Communication pour le développement et droits humains

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Velazquez
Head of the organisation
Teresa Velazquez
Contact (2) Full Name
Olga del Rio

Association Chrysalide

National Network

15 Avenue Claude Debussy
16000, Alger


00213 (0) 21 23 58 92
Telephone (other)
00213 (0) 21 74 58 49
00213 (0) 21 23 58 92
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00213 (0) 772 648 520
Mobile Phone (other)
00213 (0) 773 460 281
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Depuis sa création en 2000, Chrysalide se consacre au soutien, à la promotion et à la diffusion des dif¬férents arts. Créée et dirigée encore aujourd’hui par des auteurs et réalisateurs, elle constitue pour eux un moyen de se concerter et de se doter de structures susceptibles de les aider dans leurs démarches. Chrysalide défend du point de vue de la création, la recherche sur des axes multidisciplinaires en mêlant cinéma, théâtre et arts plastiques. Elle entend encourager, plus particulièrement, les démarches d’écriture et de création contemporaines, les installations et l’art vidéo, sans perdre de vue les approches pédagogiques. C’est ainsi que s’est imposée l’idée de mettre en place un espace d’échange et de formation pour artistes créateurs. Un tel espace, proposé en une attitude ouverte, à des artistes, permettrait de libérer des savoir-faire et des talents, tout en ouvrant des pistes de réflexion multiples sur l’art contemporain en Algérie et dans le monde.
Mission and Objectives

Chrysalide souhaite accompagner les auteurs, réalisateurs, plasticiens Algériens dans leur travail d’artistes.
Ceux-ci, en résidence dans le pays profond, mêlés à d’autres artistes de régions et de pays divers, confrontés aux réalités politiques, sociales et culturelles du monde, seront à même de libérer leur imagination et de poser là, une proposition artistique d’excellence
Un espace de formation et d’échanges excentré est avant tout un lieu de « méditation ». Il ne peut que s’avérer fructueux de placer un artiste dans cette forme d’isolement propice au travail et à la réflexion.
Enfin, Chrysalide souhaite développer, à travers ces chantiers, un vaste réseau de partenaires nationaux et internationaux.

Main Projects / Activities

. Ciné club
• Musique
• Résidences artistiques
• Création théâtre et cinéma
• Évènements pluridisciplinaires

Contact (1) Full Name
Mme Djalila Kadi-hanifi
Head of the organisation
Mme Djalila Kadi-hanifi
Contact (2) Full Name
M. Karim Moussaoui

Siauliai Didzdvaris gymnasium

National Network

Siauliai Didzdvaris gymnasium,
Vilniaus st 188, LT- 76299
Siauliai, Lithuania


(8~41) 431514
(8~41) 431424
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Siauliai Didzdvaris gymnasium is a secondary school in Lithuania. It has around 100 employers and the staff of 9 people. The school has 17 social partners and 21 international partners. The school is mainly funded by the government of Lithuania.
Mission and Objectives

Values: leadership for the benefit of community and constant innovativeness. Mission: the school provides a high quality formal and non-formal education for students, fosters their social skills by encouraging collaboration and participation in global, multicultural activities. Strategic priorities: the enhancement of education quality, the encouragement of leadership, development of diversity in teaching syllabuses.

Main Projects / Activities

The school provides two different approaches of formal education i.e. national syllabus and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. In addition, the school organizes the non-formal education for pupils with activities such as folk-dances, various sports and arts, UNESCO club, Radio club and so one. Furthermore, the school provides teaching service of English and IT for adults. Finally, the school constantly participates in youth exchanges programmes, belongs to the associated network of UNESCO schools and hosts few volunteers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tautvydas Medzius
Head of the organisation
Vaidas Bacys
Contact (2) Full Name
Rima Morkuniene

Novus Credo, NGO

National Network

Jeruzales str. 27, Vilnius, Lithuania

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
NOVUS CREDO is Non Governmental non-profit organisation acting at National and international levels. Our main activities are provision of social services, development of competences and professional skills, social integration, employment issues, and professional rehabilitation in future. It has 5 high skilled and qualified permanent emploeeys (three physically disabled). Annual turnover is about 100 - 300 thousand eur. Main partners of Novus Credo are public and Non governmental institutions acting in the field of unemployment, decreasing the social stress, professional rehabilitation, unions of persons with special needs, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Main objectives of our institution are to meet the public interest by activities in education, culture, information, training, consulting services, other laws and regulations relating to non insurable activities in the public interest in meeting the public interest.
Our organisations acts in pursuit of its objectives in these areas: education, culture, relations with similar organizations in the nature of support, information, training, advisory services and other public interest areas.

Main Projects / Activities

Novus credo has submited applications for two EU Social fund projects. The first one is Creation of integration model for physically disabled persons into labour market at Alytus district. It aims to integrated model of employment into activities of vocational school.
The second application is related to the creation of infrastructure of physical rehabilitation and provisions of services.
It has provided consultancy projects to private and public companies. Projects were related to Increasing energy eficiency at infrastructural development; Preparation of documentation related to security at work issue for State labour inspection, training of targget group. Implementation of Social Accountability Standard (SA8000).

Contact (1) Full Name
Edita Usaite
Head of the organisation
Directress, Edita Usaite
Contact (2) Full Name
Darius Tamosiunas

The Little Witch Theatre

National Network

S. Stanevičiaus st. 24, Vilnius, Lithuania

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Little Witch Theatre is professional theatre for children under 13 years old with one of the biggest repertoires in Lithuania. The Little Witch Theatre has administrative staff of 2 people and 20 artists (directors, actors, dancers, musicians, painters, composer). Budgetary recourses available in a year is around 30 000 EUR. Main sources of funding are Ministry of Culture of Lithuanian Republic and selffinancing. Modalities of action- theatre culture for children and youth through performances, seminars, projects, exhibitions, contests, shows, festivals and etc. Main partners of the Little Witch Theatre are Ministry of Culture of Lithuanian Republic, theatres from foreign countries such as Anemone (Denmark), IETM (International Network of Contemporary Performing Arts) and others.
Mission and Objectives

The Little Witch Theatre mission is to stage high quality different genres performances for children and in this way educate, entertain and enrich lives of young spectators. The Little Witch Theatre is a modern theatre for nowadays child. The Little Witch Theatre team- directors, actors, dancers, musicians, painters and composer- believes that future is in young men‘s hands. We seek to improve children‘s creativity through exceptional theatre experiences and to show alternative way of life. The Little Witch Theatre has few particular performances-games which promotes development of imagination and fantasy as children are involved in the creation of the performance process.
The Little Witch Theatre also believes in the importance of cultural dialogue. One of theatre‘s aims is to exchange ideas, human values and stimulate international collaboration.

Main Projects / Activities

Updating of proffessional theatre for children program. The Little Witch Theatre has initiated and is hosting this program already for five years. Part of the program are international professional theatres for children festival „Modern Theater for Nowadays Child“ and international theatres for children conference.
Festival „Future starts now“. Festival's purpose is to create every year tradition to initiate presentation of performances for children and introduce Lithuania and Europe with the most new directions of theatre for children.
Project „Theatre Opens the World for Children“. Aim of the project is make open performances and to present progressive artists who create for children every year. Winners of competition which is part of project are awarded with mirror chip nominations. The nominations are intended for nine forces, working together to create and cherish the theatre for children: dramaturges, artistic directors, stenographers, composers, actors, painters, critics, producers and ofcourse spectators.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lina Juodagalvytė
Head of the organisation
Rita Urbonavičiūtė
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita urbonavičiūtė