Associazione di Promozione Sociale Fyouture

National Network

Via San Giovanni Battista De La Salle, 5
13900 Biella

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Fyouture is an NGO, with the intention of Europe promotion, the European Union values, counting on youngsters, because to prepare people to the future, it is necessary to live completely the present. Fyouture was born in February 2014, in the year of the beginning of the new EU Programmes, that goes to 2020, a new chapter for the Union. It is certainly ambitious, but follow the European way it is and opportunity that Fyouture does not want to lose. We want ourselves become an opportunity for all those people who believes in the people and communities growth.
Mission and Objectives

 Promote the knowledge, the use and the dissemination of youth policies;
Promote European values and citizenship between youngsters and adults;
Develop and manage projects founded by European Union and by private and public bidies on local, regional, national, European and international levels;
Build and manage partnerships on different levels (from local to international);
Protect rights and interests of disables

Main Projects / Activities

Exchanges between youngsters, schools, municipalities, cooperation between universities, training courses are only a part of the projects started.
Fyouture, mainly, works to:
Realize and participate to conferences, workshops, meetings and seminars to promote knowledge about the opportunities and the topics related to European Union;
Preparation and dissemination of informations through publication;
Create and realize projects on local, regional, national, European and international level in different fields promoted by European Union;
Create networks with public and private bodies to realize projects for the community;
Create networks on European and international levels 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are focusing for some activities on mediterranean area, developing projects and activities about the role of youngsters in change process. We are working also with youngsters arrivd in Italy as immigrants from different countries in Mediterranean area, involving them in an integrion project, also in schools and this is an important experience to be shared with other countries, to find best practices and common tools and methods. We can bring our experience, because we are young as organisation, but the members have expereince on these topics, formed in other NGOs in past.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because create and be part of networks for us is very important, we need to share experience and ideas, but also to work together in preparing projects and also common projects to do in different countries. We think the Foundation gives to youth organizations the opportunity to build a better community, especially because it works on culture and youth skills.
We think it's a chance for us to improve our knowledge and chances to make better project, also in finding the proper partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Vigliocco
Head of the organisation
Marco Vigliocco

Solar World Cinema

National Network

Jan Aartestraat 7-08
5017EC Tilburg

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Solar World Cinema is an international network of Mobile Cinemas with all audiovisual equipment (inflatable screen, sound and projection) 100% powered by solar energy; a sustainable open-air cinema. The Solar World Cinema network strives to create a worldwide network of solar powered mobile cinemas, that reach out to electricity and culturally deprived areas, bringing unseen films to unusual places.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Solar World Cinema is to democratize the access to cinema, creating a special platform to screen films with social matters for free, turning public spaces into self-sustainable open-air cinemas. The solar cinema brings unseen films to unusual places.
Our objective is to raise awareness and stress the importance of switching to renewable energies. This awareness is embedded in the daily life of the audience by organizing free screenings, workshops and cultural activities.
Furthermore we are an alternative distributor of independent cinema that reaches an audience in remote places that are normally difficult to reach. We go beyond the borders of the traditional cinematic world.
Not only the Solar Cinema itself is an innovative tool that brings sustainable solutions in people’s daily life, but also bringing inspiring content is an important mission. Therefore we program inspirational and artistic short films in our ongoing Go Greener Shorts film program: a selection of inspiring, fresh, non moralistic short films that have a green or sustainable message or theme.

Main Projects / Activities

Open air film screenings

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute in the Dutch network with our experience of working internationally. We can find partners and connect partners to collaborate with us or with local projects. We can join a lot of initiatives. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are always looking for interesting projects working in the same region to collaborate with
We are looking for grant opportunities
We are always interested in sharing experiences and learn from others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stien Meesters
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Stien Meesters
Contact (2) Full Name
Maureen Prins
Job Title (2)

Dansk ICYE (International Cultural Youth Exchange)

National Network

Klosterport 4A 3. sal
8000 Aarhus C

+45 8618 0715
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Dansk ICYE is a part of an international world wide non-profit NGO Exchange Organisation, sending and hosting about 140 exchangees from and to all parts of the world each year. Since 1996 Dansk ICYe has also been involved in European Voluntary Service both as sending and coordinating organization. Dansk ICYE has the mission to enhance humanity, remove prejudices and create understanding and tolerance between different cultures. We believe that the direct contact between people across cultures, nationalities, languages and relegions is the starting point for this. Dansk ICYE is a member of UNESCO and designated "Peace Messengers" by UN.
Mission and Objectives

Dansk ICYE is a part of an international world wide non-profit NGO Exchange Organisation, sending and hosting about 140 exchangees from and to all parts of the world each year.
Since 1996 Dansk ICYe has also been involved in European Voluntary Service both as sending and coordinating organization.
Dansk ICYE gets funding from DUF (Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd) based on number of memberships pr. year and support from the international federation.  

Dansk ICYE has the mission to enhance humanity, remove prejudices and create understanding and tolerance between different cultures. We believe that the direct contact between people across cultures, nationalities, languages and relegions is the starting point for this.
Dansk ICYE is a member of UNESCO and designated "Peace Messengers" by UN.

Main Projects / Activities

Dansk ICYE is sending and hosting about 140 exchangees from and to all parts of the world each year.
Since 1996 Dansk ICYe has also been involved in European Voluntary Service both as sending and coordinating organization.
Dansk ICYE has the mission to enhance humanity, remove prejudices and create understanding and tolerance between different cultures. We believe that the direct contact between people across cultures, nationalities, languages and relegions is the starting point for this.
Dansk ICYE is a member of UNESCO and designated "Peace Messengers" by UN.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Hopefully Dansk ICYE can contribute with relevant knowledge based on concrete experinces from working i the MENA region. 
Dansk ICYE has many years of experience in working with international projects and coordination. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dansk ICYE is still new in working with MENA-project. We wish to gain as much knowlegde as possible and draw on the experiences of others. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Uffe Engsig
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Uffe Engsig

association la VOLONTE pour développement de Metline

National Network

Rue Farhat Hached
maison des association

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Création: The Association "LA VOLONTE" for Development – Metline: Is a non-profit organization created by young people after the events of January 14 in tunisia dignitdite (D pt: N572 delivred on June 25, 2011 and published on JORT 1 October 2011 on page 5633), in order to contribute to the development of the region Metline in all aspects. Structures and instruments: The Association'' The Will'' Development is administered by 07 people (Executive Office) and a number of active volunteers in the community. At our daily activity we find several specialty clubs such as: Literature-Club "Free Spirit" -Environment Club: -Youth in Action Club: Club "Journalism" Club'' hiking''
Mission and Objectives

1. Initiate and encourage local initiatives and ensure the cooperation of actors in development in all fields.
2. Integrate the culture of tolerance and solidarity citizenship and by the dialogue between religions and civilizations .
3.  Contribute the improvement of the level of education and motivation of youth innovation, invention and scientific and technological research;
4.  Help to fight against illegal migration'''' Hargua and encourage potential young people invest in their zones.

Main Projects / Activities

1) 2011 and 2012 summer: Cleaning the beach of  Metline Countryside .
2) June 2011: Creation of monthly Newsletter "the echo of Metline "in collaboration with the Youth house in metline , and young journalists interested to socio-cultural activities Metline-.
3) March 2012: organizing a day of first aid training for the benefit of 45 young metlinois.
4) March 31 to April 6, 2014: participate in intercultural exchange "Youth in Action" in Malta under the theme "leadership."
6) Febrery 2014: organize a day of entertainment and solidarity for the benefit of disabled. In promotion center  of disabled metline ... To contirbuer the social integration of such people.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Inform other organizations of the existence of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Tunisia.
- Participate in the seminar and national projects that are funded and organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation.
- followed the calls for tender of the Anna Lindh foundation.

- make new relationships with assocaitions that belongs to the national and international network of Anna Lindh foundation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Participate in cultural exchanges to developing a network of organizations working to promote intercultural dialogue.
contribute to the development of our country in all fields.
improve respect between cultures and help civil society to work for a common future for the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Safouene JAAFAR
Job Title
treasurer of the Association
Head of the organisation
Safouene JAAFAR
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdelkader Maaoui
Job Title (2)
President of the Association


National Network

Skånegatan 18
412 51 Göteborg

0046 31 367 17 08
0046 31 367 17 01
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
General public upper secondary school funded by the community. Number of staff: 50 Number of students: 550 Involved in a European project about culture and minorities Budgetary resources: 30 million SEK    
Mission and Objectives

Munkebäcksgymnasiet in Göteborg; Sweden is an upper secondary school with a media profile. The school has around 550 students and 50 employees. The students can choose between three different branches: social science and media, estetics and media, estetics and music. The media students can furthermore choose between photo, film or digital design later on in their studies.
PREP is another program for students who are not eligible for national programs due to failure in grammar school. Instead of separating these students, they are integrated in the regular student group during their first year. Special action plans are set up for each individual in order to raise their level of attainment. There is also a large language introduction program for newly arrived immigrants in Sweden. About 20 percent of our students have an immigrant background. Some have arrived in Sweden with their parents as refugees, others were born in Sweden and their families have recently received permanent residence. Quite a few students have arrived without any parent at all.

Main Projects / Activities

The school is situated in the very centre of Göteborg and our students come from all districts of Göteborg. The average student´s socio-economical background is middle class, lower middle class or lower class. The average student also has a relatively low overall final grade from grammar school. Some of the students have special difficulties in learning, for instance dyslexia and dyscalculia. The school therefore has two special teachers dedicated to meet those students´ needs and make them reach course-related goals. In the first year students sometimes have to attend extracurricular lessons three times a week to catch up or improve their skills in different subjects. Our school also has a health care team of our own, including a nurse and a welfare officer and the main object of the school is to make as many students as possible pass their A-levels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have great resources when it comes to music and media presentations, photography and film editing which we think may be useful to the network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested in bringing Europe and other parts of the world mor together so that we can have a feeling of belonging instead of separation. This network seems to fulfil this need and open doors to collaboration with other organisations with the same goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Kallanvaara
Job Title
Primus Magister
Head of the organisation
Bengt Broberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Emma Wallmark
Job Title (2)

Kultur & Fritid Västra Hisingen

National Network

Blåsvädersgatan 1

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are a youth center run by the municipality of Västra Hisingen (Part of the city of Gothenburg). Our activity focuses on sports, youth employmend and community development.
Mission and Objectives

Our main missin is to work with our local community and to empower youth to take active part in society and have fruitful free-time activites.

Main Projects / Activities

The municipal leisure activities in Västra Hisingen have activities primarily for young people. There are also many associations in the neighborhood that engage both young and older. Libraries offer activities for all generations.
For those who are young, there are holiday homes in Västra Hisingen that are open in the afternoons and evenings.
You who are between the ages of 16 and 25 can also participate in or create their own recreational activities within the Youth initiative Hisingen.
As a senior in West Hisingen, you can enjoy a lot of everyday culture for the elderly, including the neighborhood's two meeting points for seniors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To take part in relevant activities and network with NGOS and institutions working with simular targat groups.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michell Alfredsson
Job Title
Youth worker
Head of the organisation
Filip Plan

Kpanlogo Yede ry.

National Network

Kasarmi 13 - Korsholmanpuistikko 6
65100 Vaasa

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We believe that music is a global language that brings people together and adding dancing makes it even more fun. The African dance and music is no exception. When taking part in drumming and dancing, you get good energy and joy in an environment filled with humor and laughter. Some of the instruments we use include kpanlogo drums, Gome, Djembe just to mention a few. 
Mission and Objectives

One of the most important missions for the group is to promote multi-cultural diversity and integration in the Finland and the World. This we will do by teaching and introducing people to different culture (food, music and dance). In addition, the group is volunteering to visit schools to teach music and dance.

Main Projects / Activities

- Teaching/Educating people about Africa
- Projects
- Events
- Seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Francis Oyeyiola
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francis Oyeyiola
Contact (2) Full Name
Carina Engstrom
Job Title (2)

Terra Cypria

National Network

PO Box 50257
3602 Limassol

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Terra Cypria is a non-profit NGO, active in environmental education and environmental protection. We maintain our headquarters in Limassol and have rehabilited the abandoned primary scholl in the mountain community of Kritou Terra, transforming it into an Environmental Studies Center for young students and a site of Bicommunal Summer Camps for young Turkish and Greek Cypriots. Terra Cypria employs 9 professional and 4 technical/support staff and our annual budget is around 500,000 euros. We offer environmental education courses to children and youth from both sides of the green line in Cyprus, the EU and the Middle East. We have observer status in the proceedings of the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention for the protection of Wildlife and Habitats, we are members of the Executive Committees of EEB, ECOS and Eurosite, participate in the Parliamentary Committee for Environment, partner with other Greek Cypriot & Turkish Cypriot NGOs and are active in the bicommunal reconciliation process.

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation's objectives are twofold: to sensitise the decision-makers of today through seminars, reports and other activities directed at Parliament, Government and specific target groups within the community. Terra Cypria regularly participates in the discussions of the Parliamentary Committee for the Environment. The second objective is to educate the citizens of tomorrow, i.e. school pupils and students, so that they in turn may deal with the earth and its resources more responsibly. The Centre has been in operation since 1996 offering courses to local elementary schools, secondary schools from Cyprus and the Middle East and to institutes of higher education. By July 2013 courses had been offered to over 49.000 participants. Terra Cypria is an active contributor to the process of reconciliation of the Greek and Turkish Cypriot Communities. We offer on an annual basis bicommunal youth camps in the Environmental Studies Center and participate in bicommunal environmental projects.

Main Projects / Activities

- Bi-communal Environmental Education Programme, 1996, funded by WWF. - ‘Training of trainers’, bi-communal project for schoolteachers, 2000-1, funded by UNOPS. - Sustainable management of the River Valleys, Eastern Paphos, 1999-2001, funded by LIFE ’99. - Bi-communal study of the cultural significance of Limassol Old Town, 2002-2004, funded by UNOPS/USAID. - Daily Life and Culture of the Turkish Cypriot Community of the Old Town of Limassol, 2006-2008, funded by UNDP-ACT Cultural Programmes - Capacity Building for Environmental NGOs, 2007-2008, funded by UNDP - BIOforLIFE, ongoing LIFE+ project, to sensitize Cypriots to importance of Biodiversity in our daily lives - ‘’Oaks for the future’’ (2009-2011), Bicommunal project funded by DG Enlargement - ADAQUA: Sustainable pollution risk management in Cypriot river basins (2011-2013, Research Promotion Foundation. -Birds for the Future (2013) Bicommunal youth project funded by Has Na - ‘Island-wide wetlands mapping platform’, bicommunal project funded by MAVA (on-going)      

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution will be in the Youth and the Environment fields through the bicommunal reconciliation process. Despite the political hurdles, Terra Cypria with several NGOs from the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot Communities have continued activities on a bicommunal level, maintaining open channels of communication between the two communities, each NGO in their areas of interest. The older generation of Cypriots that spoke both languages, Greek and Turkish, who knew each community's celebrations and holy days, are dying out. The young people are growing up as strangers, spending their lives without ever meeting a member of the other community, forming their opinions from school, which in both communities serves as a propaganda machine as well as an educational center and the media. We want to continue and expand the level of bicommunal communication, disseminate the fact that it is occuring (it is now largely ignored by mainstream media), continue providing opportunities for the youth of both communities to interact and publicize the positive results from these efforts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF offers a network for for continuing and expanding our bicommunal activities. Through this network we hope to access the experiance of other middle eastern and European NGOs that work in overcoming communal violence, increase understanding and especially engage the young people, reverse the process of alienation from other communities than their own. The Middle east is facing desrtification, a future of diminishing resources and environmental catastrophe on land and our sea. The network will provide the opportunity to promote our message that enviroment concequences do not recognize cultural differences and do not stop at man-made borders.The umbrella of ALF has a large pool of NGOs with whom to find common graound for cooperation, lends a degree of gravitas to these efforts and provides a limited amount of funding as material support. Terra Cypria has much to gain from joining and it also has a contribution it can make to the network itself.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lefkios Sergides
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lefkios Sergides

Municipality Grude

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

fra. G. Grubisica 4.
88340 Grude
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Municipality Grude is located on the southwest Bosnia and Herzegovina. Western part of the municipality borders the municipality Imotski, Republic of Croatia. Municipality Grude is one of four municipalizy in West Herzegovina canton.Recently ,here was war, and we still have consequences of that. We have about 16.000 habitants. All of people here are Croats. We have solid economy. A lot of people here work in West Europa. In Sweden also. Agriculture is poorly developed. Young people study.   We have Common council and major and his services.Number of employees is about 60. We are services for all citizens and spread.      
Mission and Objectives

Main mission of my municipality is the best services for our habitants, and cooperation almongst many other organisations.
Main objective, inter alia, better life for our residents.

Main Projects / Activities

There are a lot of projects.
Cooperatin with OSCE, UNDP,SIDA, EU and other. Lists is so long.
one of them is Project  IM-BE Field ,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We participate in many activities here in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are thinking how is, today, cooperation necessa ry, and we will strong continiu working on iz. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Meet new friends , show our rich cultural activities, and spread cultural cooperation. 
Europe is our home.

Contact (1) Full Name
Srecko Mikulic
Job Title
assistant of major
Head of the organisation
Mayor of the Municipality mr. Ljubo Grizelj
Contact (2) Full Name
Mile Pejic
Job Title (2)
adviser of major


National Network

925 rue d'Alco
34080 Montpellier

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
NOUAS a été Fondée en 1989. Au fil des années, il s’est centré  sur la prévention des phénomènes d’exclusion et l’insertion des publics précaires. En pratique, Nouas intervient en matière de conseil, de formation et d’accompagnement de projets. Nous menons également un travail de réflexion et d’échanges avec les partenaires associatifs et institutionnels locaux et internationaux.  Grâce à nos multiples réseaux (FORIM, COSIM, EuroMed, Transfer, migration for Developement..),  Nouas a su acquérir une capacité d’innovation  et d’adaptation dans le respect de la philosophie de la loi 1901, l’enjeu étant de développer des projets où le citoyen est acteur, quelle que soit son origine ou sa situation sociale. De part ses participations dans les diverses instances de régulation sociale où elle siège, Nouas contribue également à la lutte contre toutes les formes d’exclusion et de discrimination.
Mission and Objectives

Aujourd’hui, organisme de Conseil, formation et coopération internationale  NOUAS intervient en France en Allemagne et sur l’ensemble du bassin méditerranéen.

Main Projects / Activities

Domaines de compétences :
Formation :
Formation professionnelle des demandeurs d’emploi
Formation des élus (voir catalogue)
Formation des acteurs  associatifs (voir catalogue)
Formation intra et inter entreprises (voir catalogue)
Conseil et accompagnement :
Elaboration de projets individuels  et accompagnement à et dans l’emploi selon méthode déposée
Accompagnement à la création d’activités
Initiation,  développent et  management des projets
Coopération Internationale :
Mobilisation et appui aux réseaux de la  diaspora
Transfert de compétences et échanges de pratiques
Maillage de territoire et essaimage d’actions
Diagnostics  et études d’impacts dans  le cadre du développement des territoires
Mutualisation des compétences et des expertises des acteurs du codéveloppement

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nouas est installé en France, il fait partie du Forum des Organisations de solidarité internationale issues dses migrations, il collabore avec plusieurs ONG en france et au Maroc. De part ses activités Nouas accompgane des ONG en France dans le montage de projets et la formation des bénévoles.
De l'autre côté de la méditerrannée, Nouas oeuvre dans le transfert de compétences vers associations et entreprises.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Faire partie du réseau ALF est une opprtunité de développement. Ce dernier passe par des complémentarités et des mutualisation de compétences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Harraga Abdelhak
Job Title
Directeur général
Head of the organisation
Harraga Abdelhak
Contact (2) Full Name
Salah Elkachach
Job Title (2)
directeur adjoint coordination des actions