ALRazi Cultural & social Association - جمعية الرازي للثقافة والمجتمع

National Network

AlRam- Main St
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Razi Association for Culture and Society Founded in 2005 , as a Palestinain cultural community in the heart of  Jerusalem to serve the community in several areas, including : education, culture , media and youth development . The role has emerged as a leading associationin Jerusalem . It was registered with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior under No. : QR-277-CU and employs 4 staff , and manages th Foundation Board of Directors consists of seven people , and the director general of the institution. As the annual Budget is 50,000 U.S. dollars and the most important sources of the National Committee for the Support of Al Quds and a census of the Palestinian Consulate U.S. support for Jerusalem . The organization is active in the implementation of the program of extracurricular activities in schools ( Okaz market ) and many annual cultural events
Mission and Objectives

Vision statement:
Create a Palestinian youth, capable of reinforcing its identity, belonging
           and an active role in Palestine.
2.6 Mission of organization:
AlRazi Association is a non-profit social & cultural organization that works toward activating the cultural role in Jerusalem and west bank for all categories, through awareness, mentoring (guidance) and capacity building programs that aim to reinforce their belonging and national identity and to encourage them to participate, volunteer and be proactive in fulfilling their own dreams and aspirations.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The annual Extracurricular activity program in schools ( Souq  Oqaz )
2.  The annual Summer Camps in Jerusalem.
3. Student Parliament program in schools .
4. Visit Jerusalem program (Cultural Tours for students in Jerusalem )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will work to support an effective partnership between the Palestinian cultural institutions, and participation in the implementation of many programs and projects that contribute to the activation of the cultural role.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Promote engagement with cultural and societal institutions on in Palestine, and to promote exchanges and cooperation between youth and cultural institutions at home and abroad

Contact (1) Full Name
nihad sabri
Job Title
Media & Public relation Manager
Head of the organisation
Jameel Dweik
Contact (2) Full Name
Rawia Zeideh
Job Title (2)
project coordinator

Al-Azhar University

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I think that we can contribute together to share the mission of tis fundation
Mission and Objectives

Help to transform this mission here in my country

Main Projects / Activities

As i am student in the faculty of languages espicialy the spanish language so we can make events about the interchange the two culture arabic and spanish culture

Contact (1) Full Name
Esraa Ashraf Almuhamady
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Osama Alabd


National Network

10446 ATHENS

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

IASIS NGO is a Non- Profit Organization, which composed by: i) Board of Directors, and ii) 50 Personnel. Our organization has a wide field of stuff, such as: Manager Psychologists Social Workers Nurses Physiotherapist Work therapist Administration Stuff Trainers General Duties Psychiatrist Pathologist Special Consultant Also, our budgetary resources are about 1.5 milion euros, while our funding comes from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare, and European Union. About our action, we have concrete projects, such as: 1) Boarding House, 2)Day Center, 3)Youth Day Center called "Passe partout", 4) Shelter for Asylum Seekers, 5) Guest House for Asylum Seekers called "MELLON", 6) Project for women-victims of violence called "I have avoice, I take a stand". Also, we organize dozens of seminars per year, as well as participate in many european youth exchanges programs. Finally, we have many partners, which involved in our organization projects, such as: "NOSTOS" NGO International Organization of Migration Ministry of Health Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare European Union Ministry of Finance  

Mission and Objectives

IASIS NGO was established in 2005 as a mental health care organization. Since then, we have developed housing and training facilities for social vulnerable groups such as mental health patients, immigrants, unemployed people, young offenders, victims of violence and youngsters. As an organization we have holistic approach to our beneficiaries. We provide them (apart from the specialized accommodation), training, coaching, specialized treatment and psychosocial support. For improving our services, we have established an R&D department in order to provide our staff with training and new tools. In this framework, we are looking for collaboration with other organizations in order to exchange knowledge, and develop new tools and techniques to support our beneficiaries. Our goals are the following: Providing services of early diagnosis and treatment of adults and their families. Organizing and functioning units of reception and provision of sufficient care to adults with psychiatric disorders. Functioning units that host vulnerable social groups. Organizing and implementing a consulting and supporting way of treatment. Providing specialized psychiatric services and psycho-educational interventions. Preventing and raising awareness of the adults’ family for his needs. Organizing and implementing of intermediate structures of diagnosis, therapeutic treatment of mental disorders, and reinstatement back to society. Planning interventions to the community in order to raise awareness for general matters (social responsibility, etc.) and for more specialized matters (such as immigration, people with special needs, etc.). Collaboration with hospitals and other psychiatric facilities, so the continuity of care is ensured by organizing a network in the community.  Training of Health professionals in matters of Mental Health. Implementing research programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Boarding House of IASIS NGO, which give shelter and psychosocial support to mental health patients that have just left from psychiatric asylums. Day Center of IASIS NGO, which provide psychosocial support to mental health patients that have just left from psychiatric asylums. Exchange of techniques on the community service of juvenile offenders, in order to identificate specific tools, techniques and methods of motivating young offenders in order to socially reintegrate them. Service for supporting abused women with mental health problems and/or mental disabilities "I take a stand, I have a voice", which provide psychosocial support for women with mental health problems and/ or mental disabilities who have been victims foe violence. Shelter House for unaccompanied children and single-parent families, called "MELLON", which provide shelter and psychosocial support to unaccompanied children aged 5-17 and single-parent families from war zones. Place an Train, which is a program in order to create a workbook for mental health professionals that helps them reintegrate their beneficiaries in the labour market. Soft skills for migrants in Europe, in order to create and provide tools taht wins immigrants empower their soft skills. Shelter House for Semi-autonomous accommodation, which provide a semi-autonomous accommodation to four of our beneficiaries Shelter House for immigrants, which provide shelter and psychosocial support to asylum seekers until they receive an answer to their request. Art Expression-Fight Depression. Youth education and awareness to fight depression through art through expression. UCoach!. A program which provide new skills to empower handicapped people to become more autonomous. Soultrip is a European Voluntary Service project (EVS).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the broad experience in the field of mental health, an adult education. Through the well experienced staff in mental health, research and adult education. Through the participation in European partnerships and the exchange of good practices. Through a well structured national and european network with NGO, hospitals and Universities. IASIS NGO is a member of "Psychargos", which is a National Psychiatric Reform Program in order to change the way mental health services.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Many of our firm`s goals are similar to your institutions principles goals. We are hoping to cooperate with other institutions in order to increase the standards of our services.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
IT administrator
Head of the organisation

SOS Racismo

National Network

Rua Arnaldo Assis Pacheco Lote 11 Loja A Quinta da Torrinha 1750 Lisboa

(351) 21 7552700
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
SOS Racismo has a colective board, organized by regional local work groups. There are 4 employees for the all the organization struture. The major part of SOS Racism work is developed by 100 active volunteers. The budget available for this year is 53.000 € providing by High Comission for Interculture Dialogue by Portuguese Government. Actions: social and pedagogical project open for children, youngsters and families from gipsy community in Lisbon with 2 local partners and Lisbon Municipality; training programs in intercultural education and anti-discrimination in schools for students and teachers, seminars, cultural activities, information and sensilization sessions, campaigns and group mobilization, edition of studies and pedagogical tools. In national level is part of Anti Racist Network in Portugal, Comissioner for Equality and against racial discrimination, Lisbon Municipal Council of Immigration and Minorities. In European level, SOS Racismo is part of European Network Anti-Racism (ENAR), United for Intercultural Action, and others.
Mission and Objectives

Sos Racismo was created by a group of people worried with racism and xenophobia in portuguese society, Our mission is to promote equal rights for all, contributing to a fair society though inclusive and intercultural education, mobilization, critical thinking, lobbing, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- Interligar Project: community education work with minorities groups such as gypsies and immigrants;
- Training programs for students, teachers, social educators, etc.;
- Edition of studies and pedagogical tools - at this moment we are preparing 3 editions Media Report, Cases of Discrimination in Portugal and Intercultural Tools;
- Lobbying for creating better social and cultural policies for immigrants and minorities;
- Campaigns to promote information and sensitization about discrimination and social inequalities;
- Mobilization of differents groups to fight for their rights thourgh training programms and participation;
- Organization of debates, meetings, cultural events, and the anual Diversity party in Lisbon “Festa da Diversidade”;
- Legal support and counseling for immigrants and minorities groups;
- Legal support and counseling in cases of discrimination;
- Non formal education in schools and communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Cruz
Head of the organisation
José Falcão
Contact (2) Full Name
Eduardo António

Group of the European Youth for Change - GEYC

National Network

str. Mr. Alexandru Campeanu, nr. 29, Sector 1
011235 Bucuresti

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
GEYC is organized in 6 departments including a number of 36 employs and partners. GEYC has a project organization structure that facilitates the coordination and implementation of projects and it fosters interactions among team members. The budgetary resources available for spending in 2013 were around 50 000 euro. The main sources are individual funding and European funding.  Modalities of action include: - Educational, intercultural (youth exchanges, study visits) and research projects. - Seminars – such as “Say NO to drugs, say YES to life”; - Campaigns – “Be the change for Romania”, “Black and white are not colors! Choose what color you want to be!”, “Wipe out online hate”; - Workshops on: communication, youth involvement, interculturality, social media. GEYC is a member of Advisory Council on Youth of the Ministry of Youth and Sport. Other partners: European Commission, Council of Europe, Chamber of Deputies, European Parliament Information Office, CERC, Salto Youth, UNITED.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower young people to make a positive change in their community. We believe that young people thorough their imagination, enthusiasm and dynamism have the potential to disrupt inertia and be the most creative forces for social change.

We are striving to meet our mission by supporting formal and informal education at local, national and international level; promoting social networks and new media technologies for personal and professional youth development; defending human rights in general, especially of young people at local, national and international level; stimulating individual and organizational social responsibility; encouraging entrepreneurship among young people; developing educational programs especially for young people at local, national and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

We believe that a change could be done only by action. We are involved in different projects that could make an improvement and boost the knowledge, creativity and confidence of young people. 
Our permanent activities are:
1. GEYC’s Resources center – a free online platform offering multimedia and social media resources for individuals and nonprofits.
2. GEYC’s facebook page – an informative portal for young people providing valuable content in the following fields: news, education, entrepreneurship, human rights, Romanian culture and civilization, cultural and intercultural dialogue and entertainment.
3. GEYC community – a community of young people from Romania, collaborating, sharing information and working together.

Current GEYC projects are:S.M.A.R.T.E.R. – Social Media Academy – Raising Teen Employability Resources, is an intensive 9 days training course for 34 participants from 14 countries (Romania, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey). The project will take place in Bucharest, Romania from 22th to 31th of August 2014.  The project aims to empower the participants to implement employability projects at local level by using social media tools and it will be based on non-formal education.  Project objectives are: enabling participants to use social media tools for the communication, promotion and management of their projects, aiming to raise employment of young people; stimulating participants to share their personal and professional practices in using social media in youth work through teamwork and networking; raising the employability of the participants through improving social media skills and through personal branding; promoting the European cooperation in the youth field by the use of social media. 

New Media Ambassadors (NMA) is a complex practical 3 months internship with both professional and personal objectives. New media ambassadors are voluntary young people from all around the globe working together to develop the content of GEYC Resources Center, to raise new media skills, to improve communication, PR and social media skills, to develop sense of initiative and creativity skills. NMA has now reached its fifth generation, and it involves young people from Argentina, Tunisia, Italy, Turkey, Croatia, Pakistan, Greece, Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania and Bosnia & Herzegovina.
GEYC is also a partner in the following upcoming projects:
- “Babylon Reinvented – how to approach intercultural learning”  training course in Lviv, Ukraine
- “Youth initiative for social engagement” training course in Perea, Greece.
- “Wave project: surfing for environment, sustainability, health in the Atlantic Ocean”- youth exchange in Aveiro, Portugal.
- “Wall on the high tide” – youth exchange in Gdansk, Poland.
- “Facts and dreams” – training course in Isparta, Turkey.
The full report for 2013 is available at: 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GEYC can be an active contributor by supporting and promoting Romanian National Network interests on: ecology and environmental protection, human rights and democracy, tolerance, gender equity and intercultural dialog. In this respect, GEYC will carry on the results of previous campaigns and projects in the fields of: antidiscrimination and tolerance (“Black and white are not colors! Choose what color you want to be!”, “Wipe out online hate”, “Combating discrimination towards migrant and Roma minorities”), environmental protection (“What can I do for a clean environment?”, “Triad resources – recycling – reconditioning in future perspectives”), intercultural dialogue (New Media Ambassadors). Also, GEYC will work on developing new projects on this sensible topics, in order to raise awareness and to stimulate young people to take further actions toward changing our society for the better.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see joining an ALF Network as an opportunity for meeting other young people with interests in similar fields with us, in order to develop intercultural projects. We believe that together we can reach a wider audience and we can build better projects according to their specific needs. The Mediterranean space is colorful and very reach in different cultures so we believe that it is important to approach this differences from an individual level so that everyday young people can understand, accept and cherish the uniqueness of every culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Albulescu Maria
Job Title
External Affairs Responsible
Head of the organisation
Brezoiu Gabriel

Kav LaOved - Worker's Hotline

National Network

75 Nachalat Binyamin, 4F
Tel Aviv-Jaffa 61022

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Kav LaOved – Worker’s Hotline is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the defense of workers’ rights and the enforcement of Israeli labor law designed to protect every worker in Israel, irrespective of nationality, religion, gender, and legal status. Since its establishment in 1991, Kav LaOved has helped workers from all sectors realize and uphold their rights. Kav LaOved’s services target the most disadvantaged workers in Israel, including those employed by contracts and receiving low wages, Arab citizens of Israel, Palestinians, migrant workers, refugees and asylum seekers, and new immigrants. Kav LaOved operates three branches, employs 27 staff members and 4 national civil service volunteers and enlists the crucial support of over 130 volunteers. In 2012, the organization served over 35,000 workers and secured more than 16 million New Israeli Shekels in total, withheld sums entitled to workers by law.
Mission and Objectives

Kav LaOved envisions an Israeli society in which workers, regardless of gender, religion, nationality, race, age and legal status in the Israeli labor market, are respected, valued, and recognized for their contributions via full and complete protection of their labor rights.
Kav LaOved aspires to prevent abuse and exploitation of workers by demanding fair employment terms and conditions, addressing both individual cases and greater phenomena of violation of workers’ rights. Kav LaOved strives to improve and strengthen:
Workers’ Awareness in order to inform, educate, and empower workers to know and defend their own labor rights
State Policy in order to create, amend, and enforce legislation to improve employment terms and conditions in the Israeli labor market
Social Responsibility in order to influence Israeli culture and society to recognize the rights of disadvantaged workers in the Israeli labor market and uphold principles of social justice

Main Projects / Activities

Individual assistance to workers via public reception hours, internet, and Kav LaOved’s telephone hotline in order to find effective and safe solutions for workers experiencing abuse and exploitation.
Public advocacy through development of position papers, attendance in parliamentary committees, on-going dialogue with various government ministries, and principled petitions to Israeli labor courts.
Cooperative partnership with state authorities, monitoring current policies, encouraging effective enforcement over employers, and supervising the granting of employment licenses and work permits.
Legal and procedural support by advising and representing workers and partaking in litigation.
Education and community outreach by raising awareness of workers’ rights to individual workers and society at large via distribution of “Zchutonim” (informational flyers detailing workers’ legal rights) in numerous languages, publishing thematic flyers, research and reports, and conducting workshops and lectures for workers as well as students, lawyers, etc.
Partnerships with a wide range of Israeli and international organizations, unions, and institutions for human and workers’ rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ala Khatib
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ala Khatib

Sheikh Imam cultural club

National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
يوجد ملف يحتوى على جميع المعلومات الخاصة بنا
Mission and Objectives

يوجد ملف يحتوى على جميع المعلومات الخاصة بنا

Main Projects / Activities

يوجد ملف يحتوى على جميع المعلومات الخاصة بنا

Contact (1) Full Name
Eslam Adel Abd Elhafez
Job Title
‏Head of the organisation ‏
Head of the organisation
Eslam Adel Abd ElHafez
Contact (2) Full Name
ِAyman Elgohary
Job Title (2)
Deputy director of the organization

Thinkers and Doers of the Arab world

National Network

52, rue Legendre
75017 Paris

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
« Thinkers and Doers of the Arab world » est une association loi 1901 créée en Février 2014, constituée d'un Président, d'un Secrétaire général et d'un Trésorier, dont le siège est à Paris. Plusieurs bénévoles peuvent être impliqués dans la réalisation de certaines de ses activités. Du fait de sa création récente, l'association ne bénéficie pas encore de ressources budgétaires, mais l'ensemble des ressources de l'association sera constitué par des dons ou bien des subventions. Pour mener à bien ces activités de promotion et de valorisation du renouveau du monde arabe, l'association recherche des partenaires avec lesquels s'associer.
Mission and Objectives

« Thinkers and Doers of the Arab World » a pour objet de valoriser et de promouvoir les initiatives innovantes dans le monde arabe, notamment dans les domaines artistiques, culturels, éducatifs, énergétiques, environnementaux, médiatiques, technologiques, architecturaux, urbains, et gastronomiques.

Ainsi, l’Association pourra organiser des événements (comme des festivals, des forums, des débats, des conférences, des tables rondes, des symposiums, des concerts, des performances artistiques, des événements gastronomiques, des diners de gala, des programmations artistiques), proposer des contenus et des supports (comme des livres, des magazines, des catalogues, des programmes, des brochures, des sites internet, des blogs, des photos, des affiches, des programmes de jeux ou de vidéo), définir des concepts et formaliser des idées de communication (comme des slogans, des noms d’événements, des appellations, des titres de programmes), réaliser et produire des supports audiovisuels (comme des films, des programmes courts, des courts métrages, des documentaires, des bandes annonces, des films viraux, des portraits, des rétrospectives historiques, des reportages) etc.

Main Projects / Activities

« Thinkers & Doers of the Arab world » a été mandaté pour organiser le premier forum sur le renouveau du monde arabe à Paris.
A l'occasion de cet événement de trois jours de rencontres et de débats, six thématiques seront explorées, et une cinquantaine d’intervenants s’exprimeront sur leur domaine de prédilection :
l’éducation, et les nouvelles filières d’excellence,
l’urbanisme, et les nouveaux modèles urbains,
les problématiques énergétiques, et la nécessaire transition,
l’entrepreneuriat, et les nouvelles énergies d’entreprendre,
l’émergence des femmes,
l’art et la culture, et le nouvel élan créatif qui balaie la région.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

"Thinkers and Doers of the Arab world" a pour vocation de mettre en lumière des projets et initiatives dans un large spectre de domaine : l’art et la culture, l’éducation, l’urbanisme, l’entrepreneuriat, les problématiques énergétiques, l’émergence des femmes.
En ce sens, les échanges avec les autres acteurs du réseau permettraient de connaître et de valoriser certains projets d’acteurs du réseau, et de mettre en commun nos actions et missions mutuelles.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

De par ses missions de promotion du dialogue et des échanges entre la France et le monde arabe, "Thinkers and Doers of the Arab world" adhère aux valeurs et aux actions de la Fondation.
L’association aimerait rejoindre le réseau Anna Lindh pour pouvoir bénéficier d’échanges avec un ensemble plus large d’acteurs et de porteurs de projets euro-méditerranéens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne-Sophie Cambay
Head of the organisation
Anne-Sophie Cambay

180 Moires (180º)

National Network

Marni 33
10433 Athens

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Social Innovation Lab driving collaborative new forms of social and financial integration
Mission and Objectives

Every social problem has a deeper root within our social ecosystem. We therefore need to understand it as part of the ecosystem and not separated, so we engage all stakeholders of the ecosystem into our process to change social structures and provide more concrete social services.
We call this process Ecosystemic Development. Because we firmly believe in collaborative structures, we prefer working with and co-creating with other organizations with a similar philosophy.
Combining Design with Social Innovation we apply research and design processes in the solution of social problems. With our multidisciplinary team at the frontline of research, design and strategy, we wish to play our part in transforming today’s social services, bringing creativity in our everyday lives.
Why are we doing this?
Unemployment, lack of access to resources such as healthcare and housing, are symptoms within our diverse and constantly changing world, affecting an ever growing number of people’s lives. Only through collective societal support structures and active participation will it be possible to eradicate social exclusion and empower members of the community to engage in processes that directly affect their daily lives and well-being.

Main Projects / Activities

Future Library, British Council Greece, EUNIC Network, SciCo, Social Entrepreneurship Forum, Social Entrepreneurship Supporting Network (SES Net), Anna Lindh Foundation, Athens Development and Destination Management Agency, Heinrich Boell Foundation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our multidisciplinary team is part of  a number of  international and national networks: World Economic Forum Global Shapers, Sandbox Network, Ashoka Changemakers Xchange, "Think Social. Act Business" - Initiative of EUNICAthens & Thessaloniki Cluster, Ashoka, Startup Live, Makesense etc. We believe that ALF should be part of the dialogues in these networks. 
We have a focus on models with social impact therefore we have a strong research and implementation methodology which supports individuals and groups to engage with different mindsets and tools. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We often forget culture and cultural context as an important factor for how societies interact and operate. Cultural dialogue, cultural experimentation is an on-going process towards understanding and therefore it creates the ground for solutions for societal challenges. Without cultural ormulticultural context we cannot aim social innovation neither change. ALF is a platform that empowers not only the mindset of trans-and intracultural context but also the dialogue. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantina Zoehrer
Job Title
Cofounder, Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Konstantina Zoehrer
Contact (2) Full Name
Evita Kolokouri
Job Title (2)
Public Policy & Development

Archangel Michael Association for Social Work (AMASW)

National Network

2 Zaki Badr St. Of Omar Bin Al-Khattab St.,\ Begam
Shobra Elkhima

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
تاسست المؤسسة منذو سنتين لها مقر بشبرا الخيمة تعمل ع مستوى الجمهورية مع القرى الفقيرة والمهمشة
Mission and Objectives

نحنوا نحاول خلق مجتمع واعى متعلم لا يعانى من الفقر او التهميش لذلك قمنا بعمل حضانه شبة يومية لتربية الاطفال ةتعليمهم من الناحية الدراسية والسلوكية
كما قمنا ببعض المبادرات لتعليم المراة اسلوب التعامل والتخاطب مع المجتمع لتكون مراة مثقفة واعية
مساعدات اجتماعية للرتقاء ببعض الاسر الفقيرة المعدمة ومساعدتها المادية
خدمة توزيع ماكولات واحتياجات ع الاعياد
تحتوى المؤسسة ع ثلاث مؤسسين فقط
لم تاخذ المؤسسة اى منح او معونات وطوال السنتين العمل من خلال جهود ذاتية
اريد المشاركة معكم فى الشبكة لاضعف شىء هو تبادل الخبرات ولخلق مجتمع واعى
والرؤية التى تضعها الشبكة لمساهمتى فيها ساقوم بمحاولة تنفيذها

Main Projects / Activities

حضانه يومية
خدمة قرى
مساعدات اجتماعية ومادية ومعنوية
محو امية وخدمات تعليمية
مساعدات للمرضي
خدمات تنموية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلالى لنشر افكار الشبكة ومشروعاتها فى المجتمع العربى لخلق جيل مثقف واعى

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

اريد معرفة خبرات جدية اريد المساعدة باى مشروعات حوارات مؤتمرات تابعة للشبكة

Contact (1) Full Name
Rola Sobhy
Job Title
Operations Officer
Head of the organisation
Sobhy Labib Massoud