A Different Jewish Voice (Een Ander Joods Geluid)

National Network

Marius van Bouwdijk Bastiaansestraat 40
1054 SP Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
A Different Jewish Voice is a group of concerned Jews who aim to contribute towards achieving peace in the Middle East. A Different Jewish Voice does not question Israel’s right to exist but at the same time wants to stimulate public debate and encourage dissenting points of view regarding the State of Israel and the Occupied Territories. It is because of our solidarity with Israel and our concern for its continued existence, that A Different Jewish Voice supports peace initiatives in Israel and Palestine. Structure of our organization: 6 member Board and a part-time staff of 5. Yearly budget: €120,000. Sources of funding: private supporters and funds. We publish factsheets and position papers aimed at politicians and policy makers, contribute to the public debate by writing op-eds and starting campaigns, and organize conferences and debates. We try achieve our goals by cooperating with Israeli peace and human rights groups and like-minded pro-peace groups in the Netherlands and Europe.
Mission and Objectives

As A Different Jewish Voice we wish to:
- Contribute to the public debate and critical opinion making on Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories;
- Break the taboo among Jews that they cannot utter criticism on the state of Israel and do not either accept this from other people;
- Support peace initiatives based on a felt connection with the fate and survival of Israel. Starting point here are the generally accepted principles of equality, tolerance and humanity as anchored in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and aiming at a sustainable peace in the Middle East that must be reached without oppression and/or discrimination from either side in any form whatsoever.
- Perform any further action that relates to the items mentioned in the broadest sense or that might be conducive to them.
A Different Jewish Voice stands for:
- Dialogue and mutual respect instead of violence and abuse of power.
- Equal opportunities and rights for all people.
- Complete withdrawal of settlers and the military from the occupied territories, according to UN resolutions 242 and 338, in exchange for peace and security.
- Realizing a viable Palestinian state next to Israel; Jerusalem as the capital of two states.
- A balanced solution to the problem of Palestinian refugees. A condition is that Israels recognizes its co-responsibility of the emerging of this problem. Only then negotiations can be started on the question how Israel can contribute to repairing this injustice without endangering its own existence.

Main Projects / Activities

We aim to reach politics, the public and the media. We try to do so by organizing the following activities and implementing the following projects:
- We publish factsheets and position papers on issues relating to Israeli-Palestinian conflict, aimed at politicians and policy makers.
- We organize campaigns and conferences to get the public involved in promoting for instance Dutch support for a Palestinian UN membership or in promoting a different Dutch foreign policy, aimed at building a strong support for a two-state solution and an end to the Occupation.
- We try to influence the debate within the Jewish community on Israel by organizing debates and lectures, writing op-eds and by bringing progressive Israeli voices to a Jewish audience.
- We cooperate with European Jewish and Israeli groups in promoting an alternative Jewish view on the conflict among EU policy makers and the European public.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A Different Jewish Voice (Een Ander Joods Geluid) promotes a more thorough and balanced knowledge of and debate on Israel and Palestine in the Netherlands: in the Jewish community but also in the Netherlands as a whole. We believe that by giving Israelis and Palestinians, who are striving for a peaceful and just solution of the conflict, a platform in the Netherlands and Europe, we can end the current status quo. As a Jewish organization of whom many members and supporters have family and friends in Israel and who feel a deep connection (historically, culturally or religiously) to the region, we have a personal stake in letting Israeli and Palestinian voices being heard. We also wish to contribute to a peaceful and lasting dialogue that will close an artificial gap between being 'pro-Israel' and being 'pro-Palestine'. Because we wish to bridge these differences and support an honest debate that will hopefully bring peace a little bit closer, we believe we can contribute to the overall goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation and its pan-European Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that there is a real need to foster more understanding of the Middle East in Europe - and not only when it comes to Israel and Palestine -, now that the region has seen tremendous turmoil and strife in the last couple of years. We also believe that civil society organizations are the ones who can promote this understanding - but for that, we need to cooperate.
For the last couple of years A Different Jewish Voice has cooperated closely with activists and organizations in Israel and Palestine, as well as NGOs in the Netherlands - consisting of Dutch Israelis, Dutch Palestinians, organizations within the Jewish community, but also Christian groups and others. Over the years, we've also learned that contributing to a lasting change will mean that we will have to go 'European' and expand our work so that our voice and the voice of pro-peace Israelis and Palestinians can be heard in Brussels and other places. For this, we are looking for partners across Europe - and we believe the ALF Network can help us forge new alliances across Europe and Israel/Palestine. We believe that by joining the ALF Network, we become part of a growing alliance to bring peace, mutual understanding and dialogue to the doorsteps of ordinary Europeans, and as a Jewish organization committed to this, we wish to become part of the ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raymond Nethe
Job Title
Fundraising and constituency
Head of the organisation
Mr. M. Wieselmann
Contact (2) Full Name
Max Wieselmann
Job Title (2)

Reseau democratie et citoyenete

National Network

Socogim TZ 638 Nouakchott Mauritanie
Socogim tevragh zeina

00222 22411547
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
00 222 22 41 15 47
Mobile Phone (other)
00222 22411547
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Le reseau democratie et citoyenete est un reseau mauritanien travaillant pour la promotion des droits humains et la citoyenete. Ce reseau a deja realise plusieurs activites depuis sa creation . parmi ces activites on peut citer La sensibilisation et la formation pour les acteurs non etatiques Ce resau a un nombre de sept adherants Nous comptons sur les contributions des membres et les financements.  
Mission and Objectives

The goals of the network are
Promote human rights
promote capacity building
Promote capacity building leadership

Main Projects / Activities

We have executed the following projects:
1 Project of training for human rights associations
2Project for immigrants rights
project related to citizenship
Project for the training of regional associations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our network can contribute in the success of  your actions  through the active participation in the different actions executed by either you or your local representatives here in mauritania.
In fact we have a great experience in the field of campaining and training .We have also participated in different sessions in the maghreb and Meditterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our Network wants to join this network in order to participate in the mission oh human rights promotion in the euroandmed region.
As you know from now and then human rights and developpement are becoming important issues and every association has to contribute in promoting these two issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dah Sid'Ahmed Ahmed El Moctar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dah Ahmed El Moctar
Contact (2) Full Name
Dah Sid'Ahmed Ahmed El Moctar
Job Title (2)

Debate Society for Enabling the Culture of Dialogue

National Network

Madineh Monawarah St. #204 3rd floor, Office 311 Amman Jordan
Amman 11910

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Debate Society for Enabling the Culture of Dialogue Debate Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2011. We at Debate Foundation work on the promotion of a culture of dialogue and engaging civil society in research, constructive debate and analysis on domestic issues such as economic and social policy, community development, social justice, and political reform. We take a three-pronged approach: - Research - Capacity-building - Dialogue programs
Mission and Objectives

Enable political and visionary thinking by promoting a culture of dialogue
To promote civic-mindedness and communication
To promote volunteerism, teamwork, and leadership
A society that is informed, engaged, and tolerant of all members of society

Main Projects / Activities

“Debating Democracy and Social Justice in Jordan”: In Cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert
“Dialogue and Democracy in Civil Society”: In Cooperation with Stressman Foundation
“Youth House of Representative Project”: In Cooperation with Youth for Youth Association

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Basel Al-Hamad
Job Title
Executive Committee Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Basel Al-Hamad

Haya Cultural Center

National Network

Amman 11181

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
م افتتاح مركز هيا الثقافي كجمعية خيرية لا تسعى للربح في 14-11-1976 من قبل صاحب الجلالة المغفور له الملك الحسين بن طلال المعظم والمغفور لها الملكة علياء بحضور كريمتهم سمو الأميرة هيا بنت الحسين المعظمة، وكان الهدف من إنشائه تطوير قدرات ومهارات الأطفال الفنية والثقافية وصقل مواهبهم واستثمار هذه المواهب على أفضل صورة. تم تجديد المركز وتوسعته وتحديثه بالكامل وإطلاقه في نهاية عام 2014 ليجمع كافة الأنشطة والبرامج الثقافية والفنية والتعليمية والترفيهية في مكان واحد وتتمثل رؤيته بأن يصبح مركزا حيويا للإبداع والاكتشاف والتعلم التجريبي، الأمر الذي سيجعل الثقافة والفن في متناول كافة الأطفال في الأردن. الفئة العمريّة التي يخدمها المركز: 6-14 عاماً
Mission and Objectives

م افتتاح مركز هيا الثقافي كجمعية خيرية لا تسعى للربح في 14-11-1976 من قبل صاحب الجلالة المغفور له الملك الحسين بن طلال المعظم والمغفور لها الملكة علياء بحضور كريمتهم سمو الأميرة هيا بنت الحسين المعظمة، وكان الهدف من إنشائه تطوير قدرات ومهارات الأطفال الفنية والثقافية وصقل مواهبهم واستثمار هذه المواهب على أفضل صورة. تم تجديد المركز وتوسعته وتحديثه بالكامل وإطلاقه في نهاية عام 2014 ليجمع كافة الأنشطة والبرامج الثقافية والفنية والتعليمية والترفيهية في مكان واحد وتتمثل رؤيته بأن يصبح مركزا حيويا للإبداع والاكتشاف والتعلم التجريبي، الأمر الذي سيجعل الثقافة والفن في متناول كافة الأطفال في الأردن.
الفئة العمريّة التي يخدمها المركز: 6-14 عاماً

Main Projects / Activities

م افتتاح مركز هيا الثقافي كجمعية خيرية لا تسعى للربح في 14-11-1976 من قبل صاحب الجلالة المغفور له الملك الحسين بن طلال المعظم والمغفور لها الملكة علياء بحضور كريمتهم سمو الأميرة هيا بنت الحسين المعظمة، وكان الهدف من إنشائه تطوير قدرات ومهارات الأطفال الفنية والثقافية وصقل مواهبهم واستثمار هذه المواهب على أفضل صورة. تم تجديد المركز وتوسعته وتحديثه بالكامل وإطلاقه في نهاية عام 2014 ليجمع كافة الأنشطة والبرامج الثقافية والفنية والتعليمية والترفيهية في مكان واحد وتتمثل رؤيته بأن يصبح مركزا حيويا للإبداع والاكتشاف والتعلم التجريبي، الأمر الذي سيجعل الثقافة والفن في متناول كافة الأطفال في الأردن.
الفئة العمريّة التي يخدمها المركز: 6-14 عاماً

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

م افتتاح مركز هيا الثقافي كجمعية خيرية لا تسعى للربح في 14-11-1976 من قبل صاحب الجلالة المغفور له الملك الحسين بن طلال المعظم والمغفور لها الملكة علياء بحضور كريمتهم سمو الأميرة هيا بنت الحسين المعظمة، وكان الهدف من إنشائه تطوير قدرات ومهارات الأطفال الفنية والثقافية وصقل مواهبهم واستثمار هذه المواهب على أفضل صورة. تم تجديد المركز وتوسعته وتحديثه بالكامل وإطلاقه في نهاية عام 2014 ليجمع كافة الأنشطة والبرامج الثقافية والفنية والتعليمية والترفيهية في مكان واحد وتتمثل رؤيته بأن يصبح مركزا حيويا للإبداع والاكتشاف والتعلم التجريبي، الأمر الذي سيجعل الثقافة والفن في متناول كافة الأطفال في الأردن.
الفئة العمريّة التي يخدمها المركز: 6-14 عاماً

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

م افتتاح مركز هيا الثقافي كجمعية خيرية لا تسعى للربح في 14-11-1976 من قبل صاحب الجلالة المغفور له الملك الحسين بن طلال المعظم والمغفور لها الملكة علياء بحضور كريمتهم سمو الأميرة هيا بنت الحسين المعظمة، وكان الهدف من إنشائه تطوير قدرات ومهارات الأطفال الفنية والثقافية وصقل مواهبهم واستثمار هذه المواهب على أفضل صورة. تم تجديد المركز وتوسعته وتحديثه بالكامل وإطلاقه في نهاية عام 2014 ليجمع كافة الأنشطة والبرامج الثقافية والفنية والتعليمية والترفيهية في مكان واحد وتتمثل رؤيته بأن يصبح مركزا حيويا للإبداع والاكتشاف والتعلم التجريبي، الأمر الذي سيجعل الثقافة والفن في متناول كافة الأطفال في الأردن.
الفئة العمريّة التي يخدمها المركز: 6-14 عاماً

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Dial khamra
Job Title
Head of Organisation
Head of the organisation
Mrs Diala alKhmara
Contact (2) Full Name
Reem Abdeen

The Counter Institute

National Network

Ved Eltham 3, st. tv.
2900 Hellerup

+45 28857534
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Producing artistic, educational, cultural and socially relevant projects that challenge the states quo both artistically and production-wise.

Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We were memmer of ALF for a number of years under the name of our old organization, Goossun Art-illery. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Vahid Evazzadeh
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Vahid Evazzadeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Constantina Georgiou
Job Title (2)
Projects Manager

El Jesr

National Network

13 , rue des Narcisses _ MENZAH 5 Tunis Tunisia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
C’est une association socioculturelle , les membres fondateurs de l'association: Nada Latiri (présidente) Mohamed Ailes Khiari (secrétaire général) Mohamed Zied Bien Charrada (trésorier) Noureddine Bien Tahar (membre) .Autofinancement e subventions des différents organismes présents sur le territoire . .Modalités d'actions :Evénements culturels , excursions écologiques , concerts de musique , animation radio ... . ministère Tunisien de la culture , Institut Culturel Italien de Tunis (section ambassade d’Italie ); Il Corriere di Tunisi , Radio Platine touness.... - See more at: http://www.annalindhfoundation.org/members/el-jesr#sthash.ZCJLPcRu.dpuf
Mission and Objectives

L'association poursuit les buts suivants:
•Objectifs de l'association:
L'association poursuit les buts suivants:
1- Consolider les liens d'amitié, de solidarité et de fraternité entre les sociétés civiles Tunisiennes et Italiennes en particulier et entre les peuples de la rive de la méditerranée en général .
2-  Favoriser les échanges culturels entre la Tunisie et les pays de la rive méditerranéenne pour soutenir le dialogue interculturel entre les jeunes membres des pays Euro méditerranéens.
3- Renforcer le partenariat Tuniso-Italien sur le plan social, culturel et humain.
4-  Soutenir la réalisation de microprojets communs pour le développement.
5- Promouvoir le tourisme alternatif tel que le tourisme culturel, écologique, randonnées, circuits gastronomiques, activités nautiques, visant même à faire découvrir l'artisanat e les produits du terroir.
6- Créer des occasions de rencontre bilatérale sur le plan économique et culturel .
Main Projects / Activities:
- See more at: http://www.annalindhfoundation.org/members/el-jesr#sthash.ZCJLPcRu.dpuf

Main Projects / Activities

Echange culturel Tourisme culturel et écologique

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Latiri
Head of the organisation
Nada Latiri


National Network

Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
  An individual worker searching for real developments, I can't find any organization which could help me with reaching my own voice and thoughts to the people. Interested in multiculturalism and writer in English Language.
Mission and Objectives

 My mission is to present my point of views in a real place which can give a hand to let my ideas come true; to build a clear vision for every Palestinian that better lifestyle and better future will never be available without full understanding of the importance of learning many languages and reading a lot of valuable books. In order to build full consciousness and awareness of what they should do to build and create them own success.

Main Projects / Activities

 I'm Writing many essays and short stories the thing which needs the sun shine to be appreciated; I have a great hope to build a real good Translation Center in order to share my own culture with the other Mediterranean countries and all of the 43 countries at Anna Lindh Foundation EUROMID.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through my good postion in my society as a famous Student at the Arab American University, and I'm from Bethlehem so I have a lot of friends at Bethlehem University, and also at Birzeit University. 
I'm in contact with a lot a lot of young Palestinian people, I aim and hope to use my knowledge in order to create tension at my society and let them awake and see the reality; to be able to deal with it in the perfect way.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

  Because, I deserve a chance to let everyone hear my thoughts and Ideas which I personally respect it so much and believe in it as I believe in my God. No doubts about the fact that the ALF Network is strong enough in order to discuss my thoughts and Ideas toward real deveploment in the economical and the consciousness issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Othman Ahmad Alayyan Alayyan
Job Title
Student/writer/The Chief of the English Club at the Arab American University
Head of the organisation
Othman Ahmad Alayyan

مجداف لتطوير قدرات الشباب

National Network

الأردن - العقبه
العقبه 77110

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
مجداف لتطوير قدرات الشباب, مؤسسه غير ربحيه تم تسجيلها في المملكه الأردنيه الهاشميه مؤخرا, لتمارس نشاطاتها في مدينة العقبه و هي تسعى لتحسين قدرات الشباب في سوق العمل و التنميه البشريه . يعمل فيها ثلاثة موظفين, و لأنها جديدة النشأه فهي لم تحصل على اي تمويل او دعم مالي لحد الآن, علما بأن موازنة برامجها الغير ربحيه المتوقعه بحدود الخمسة عشر الف دولار.
Mission and Objectives

- زيادة معرفة الشباب بمتطلبات سوق العمل .
- تعزيز مفهوم العمل التطوعي لدى الشباب.
-تحفيز الفئه المستهدفه على البحث العلمي.
- القيام بأنشطه ثقافيه.
- رفع السويه الرياضيه و الفنيه و التأهيليه لدى الشباب.

Main Projects / Activities

- المدرب الواعد.
( انشاء جيل من المدربين الوطنيين الشباب في مجال كرة القدم و تأهيلهم لممارسة المهنه )
- Rich C.V
( برنامج يهدف الى زيادة معرفة الشباب بسوق العمل و رفع مستوى خبرتهم قبل التخرج من الجامعات و إثراء سيرتهم الذاتيه بشهادات معتمده )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

التعاون الكامل مع المؤسسات المسجله في الشبكه بتنفيذ جميع انشطتها بكفاءه للوصول الى الأهداف المنشوده.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تتشرف مؤسسة مجداف لتطوير قدرات الشباب بان تساهم بفاعليه بما يتناسب مع طبيعة الهدف الذي انشئت لأجله مع شبكة أنا ليند بتقديم خدماتها الغير ربحيه للفئات المستهدفه ضمن نشاطاتها المحليه على مستوى مدينة العقبه و التعاون مع المؤسسات المسجله في الشبكه بتطبيق جميع انشطتها في جميع انحاء اللملكه.

Contact (1) Full Name
ماجد احمد صبره
Job Title
المدير التنفيذي
Head of the organisation
ماجد احمد صبره
Contact (2) Full Name
مؤمن احمد صبره
Job Title (2)
مسؤول انشطة المؤسسه

Association World Art Cultural d'Akbou

National Network

Cente culturel Mouloud nait belakcem d'Akbou
06001 Akbou

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
L'association world Art Cultural d'Akbou a été créée le 24 février 2013 par des jeunes de localité d'Akbou. celle ci se compose de trois commissions essentielles: Une commission culturelle, commission audio-visuel et communication, commission environnementale et sensibilisation. Les ressources principales de l'association sont les subventions locales tel que l'APW, l'APC. Les buts de l'association sont atteint par le billet des manifestations théâtrales et musicales. Les festivals de théâtre les formations et les journée de sensibilisations. les principaux partenaire de l'association sont : La direction de la jeunesse et des sports de la wilaya de bejaia et l'association étoile culturelle d'Akbou.
Mission and Objectives

- Promouvoir la culture Algérienne de toutes les façons.
- L’éducation sur la citoyenneté et les droits de l’homme.
- La promotion de la jeunesse.
- La protection de l'environnement.

Main Projects / Activities

projet en cours de l'association:
- 1ere Édition de la rencontre musical d'auzium en hommage au groupe lions

Contact (1) Full Name
Igueziri Kousseila
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gaya Aberrezak
Contact (2) Full Name
Gaya Abderreak
Job Title (2)

Public Benefit Organization of Kavala

National Network

Omonias 117
65403 Kavala

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

“Public Benefit Organisation of Kavala City” with the designation Dimofelia is the result, firstly, of the conversion (O.G.G. B’ 182/25.2.2010) of DANEK which operated from 2003 (O.G.G.B΄1010/22.06.2003) and secondly of the merging and abolition of the existing Public Benefit Organizations of the Municipality of Kavala (O.G.G. B’ 657/20.4.2011). Dimofelia consists of six Departments: • General Director  • Cultural Department • Sports & Education Department • Cultural Tourism & Communication Department • Exploitation Department • Administration & Financial Management Department • Development & Environment Department Dimofelia’s personnel have experience on: • Urban and Regional Development studies • Search for economic resources and subsidies • EU projects coordination, financial monitoring, reporting and evaluation • Event and Conference organization • Consultancy to unemployed persons and to persons with special needs • Organization of many events, conferences, and project meetings taking place under the above mentioned projects. • Administration of tourist, cultural & sports units

Mission and Objectives

Dimofelia is responsible for the management of: • Municipal Tourist Information Centre  • Municipal Training Center • Municipal Market • Municipal Mud Baths • Centre of Creative Activities of children with disabilities • Castle of the Historic Town of Kavala • Municipal Dance School

Main Projects / Activities

Dimofelia undertakes activities related to: • Sports (sports programmes for children & adults) • Cultural Tourism & cultural development – (organization of cultural seasonal or annual events) • International relations (Partnerships, Twin Cities, etc) • The preparation & implementation of National or European programmes • The implementation of Educational & training programmes • The implementation of programmes for children with disabilities • The preparation & the implementation of National or European programmes • The implementation of development projects (Greek Investment Incentives Law 3299/2004 etc) • The utilization & the exploitation of real estate • The management of the urban environment, the promotion of sustainable development & the environmental awareness

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleni Mentesidou
Job Title
Head of Development Department
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Anastasia Iosifidou