مؤسسة شباب من اجل القدس للثقافة والفنون

National Network

القدس . الشيخ جراح
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
هي مؤسسة تنموية فلسطينية مستقلة غير ربحية ، ولدت بمبادرة مجموعة من الشباب الفلسطيني في قلب المدينة المقدسة في العام 2010 ، لتعزيز الهوية الثقافية والتربوية والفنية للفئات المجتمعية المتنوعة من خلال تشجيع الابداع والمبادرة الفردية والجماعية التي من شأنها خلق مجتمع فلسطيني ذو بصمة علمية وأدبية وفنية لها حضورها على المستوى المحلي والإقليمي والدولي ، تم تسجيلها في وزارة الداخلية الفلسطينية في عام 2011 تحت رقم QR-1336-S ، وفي وزارة الثقافة الفلسطينية في العام  2013 . 
Mission and Objectives

تعمل الجمعية في المجال الثقافي والفني على تحفيز ورعاية المبدعين الشباب ‏بشكل خاص وتنمية المواهب الثقافية والفنية لديهم، وذلك من خلال برامج عمل تشجع ‏وتدعم التطور المهني والفني والأكاديمي لدى الشباب. وتتمثل محاور عمل البرامج في عدة مجالات منها الموسيقى، ‏والمسرح والفنون الاستعراضية، والأدب، والصحافة، والفنون التشكيلية، والنشر، والسينما هذا بالإضافة إلى برنامج ‏الإقامات الفنية والأدبية، ودعم وتنظيم نشاطات ثقافية وفنية مختلفة.‏ كما تسعى المؤسسة لإشراك جميع الفلسطينيين بغض النظر عن أماكن تواجدهم، وبناء شبكة من ‏العلاقات المهنية مع الكثير من الأفراد والمؤسسات العربية والدولية.  ويعمل لدى المؤسسة 5 موظفين ، ولديها شبكة من المؤسسات الشريكة في الاراضي الفلسطينية والعالم العربي . وتعتمد المؤسسة في تمويلها على التمويل الذاتي بالاضفة الى جملة ممولين معتمدين محليين بميزانية سنوية تقدر (50 الف دولار امريكي ) . وتتكون هيكلية المؤسسة من مجلس ادارة مكون من 9 اشخاص من شخصيات واكاديميين فلسطينين بالاضفة الى ادارة تنفيذية للمؤسسة تتكون من مدير عام وطاقم موظفين عددهم (5 ) .

Main Projects / Activities

تتضمن المؤسسة المشاريع التالية : 
1- مشروع الفنون الادائية ويشمل دبكة ، مسرح ، موسيقى 
2- مشروع عروض الافلام في المدارس 
3- مشروع مبادرات شبابية (لنقف معا )
4- مشروع سوق عكاظ للنشاطات اللامنهجية في المدارس 
5- مشروع احياء القدس (القدس اولا ) 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تطوير سبل تعاون جديدة مع مؤسسات محلية لتوسيع نطاق المستفيدين من جملة المشاريع والبرامج في الاراضي الفلسطينية ، والتعاون لتنفيذ جملة من المشاريع الثقافية والفنية داخل مدينة القدس . بالاضافة بناء مشاريع مشتركة من شانها تقوية العلاقات بين المؤسسات الفلسطينية بما يوفر بيئة من التكامل والتكافل الثقافي والفني في فلسطين . 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- تعزيز العلاقات مع المؤسسات العاملة في مجال الثقافة والفنون ومجال التنمية الشبابية .
2- خلق بيئة من التكاملية والتشاركية بين المؤسساتالثقافية والفنية والشبابية  .
3- بناء اطر جديدة للتعاون في تنفيذ جملة من المشاريع المشتركة .
4- مد جسور التواصل والحوار الشبابي محليا ودوليا وتعزيز التبادل الثقافي الذي يثري الحياة الثقافية .

Contact (1) Full Name
Nihad Sabri Markesto
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
نهاد صبري
Contact (2) Full Name
Khaled AlHusseni
Job Title (2)
Chairman of the Board

association el iaamar pour le develepement durable

National Network

NR 2684 hay el aouda laayoune

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association el iaamar  a des activite de citoyennitee-  environnement, social et culturel
Mission and Objectives

 l'alphabétisation dans le milieu social et l'éducation des jeunes et des femmes
Encourager les initiatives et projets visant le développement local

Main Projects / Activities

Organiser une réunion sur l'issue de la communication Ramid a laayoune
Participer à la session de formation sur la gestion financière des associations et des coopératives
activités boisements
atelier de modeles sahraoui

Contact (1) Full Name
hassan el allal
Job Title
Head of the organisation
hassan el allal
Contact (2) Full Name
said ait chaoui
Job Title (2)


National Network

4 Ma'mal Al Sukr Street
Floor 3 - Flat 11
Garden City

+2 0227 95 92 59
Telephone (other)
+2 0122 949 5379
Mobile Phone
+2 0122 949 5379
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Bashkatib is a network of local media outlets run by youth in socially, economically and geographically marginalized areas in Egypt. Youth publish news and creative content in monthly publications distributed for free in their local areas. Simultaneously, they upload media-rich content to an online local news portal (www.bashkatibnews.com). Bashkatib was founded in 2013 by Ahmed Elhawary, an Egyptian journalist and fiction writer. It has a staff of four full-time and two part-time employees. Bashkatib always works with a local partner for project implementation. Bashkatib has worked with partner Khatwa Library in Dar El Salaam, Cairo, Egypt, and Diarna for Culture Development in Aswan, Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

Bashkatib addresses an immediate and urgent need for the development of local media in Egypt. For existing media outlets, reporting on local areas is not a high priority. Those who do report are often unfamiliar with the areas they are covering, leading to errors and misrepresentations.
This deficiency means that: local governance performs without the checks and balances offered by media; people living in local areas cannot use media outlets to inform and mobilize their communities; and, ultimately, that marginalized areas remain marginalized.
Bashkatib's vision is to create a network of local media outlets, edited and managed by Egyptian youth (from 12 to 17 years old). This network will lead to the creation of a kind of localized observation over local government institutions and their performance, as expressed through the views and issues of the inhabitants of local areas.
Our mission is to establish training workshops for youth in marginalized areas in Egypt, and help them to continue producing local media work after the end of the workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

Trainings Basic and advanced training in journalism, creative skills, and management.
Establishing print publications Supervised editing, design, and funds for printing monthly issues of each youth group’s publication.
Support from Bashkatib staff in using the online network, facilitating decision-making, and securing local and national advertisers.
Online news portal Each youth group manages a site linked to a common news portal, with access to a chat/forum feature for dialogue between youth groups.
Equipment and space Laptop and camera dedicated to each youth group. Access to a desk and internet access at a partner organization in the local area for the first year; after the first year, rented office space in the local area.
Stipends Monthly motivational payment for youth journalists in the first year; basic wages for staff in the second.
Annual meetings gathering all Bashkatib youth groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Bashkatib can provide added-value to organizations in the ALF network who are working in areas that meet our criteria for Youth Media Projects in Egypt. Furthermore, as we are a media organization with a growing audience, our youth journalists can provide informative and unique content on local issues and stories from all over the country, leading to the development of projects and solutions by partners within the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Bashkatib seeks membership in the ALF Network in order to locate local partners for project implementation in marginalized areas throughout Egypt. We are open to opportunities for collaborations and exchanges with organizations working in the Euro-Mediterranean region, as well. We seek opportunities for funding media outlet start-up.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Elhawary
Job Title
Founder & Director
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Elhawary

Gdansk's School of Banking (Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku)

National Network

ul. Dolna Brama 8
80-821 Gdańsk

+48 58 323-89-20
Telephone (other)
+48 58 323-89-40
+48 58 323-89-25
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
At present, Gdansk School of Banking proves to be a leader of non-public universities in the Pomeranian educational market. It has two divisions. Today it offers 15 majors of the I and II cycle and 40 majors of post-graduate study courses. GSB employs 86 employees of administrative staff, 124 academic employees and it cooperates with over 300 employees who work within the frames of civil-law contracts. Turnover in 2012/2013: 37 million PLN Activities of GSB are mainly financed from private funds (GSB charges tuition for education). GSB participates in student exchange programmes: Erasmus and Scholarship and Training Fund. These programmes are organized for students, administrative employees and academic staff. GSB intends to offer international education. Today, there are 19 foreign Erasmus students at our university. GSB cooperates with key employers of the region and it is also a member of the ITC Cluster.
Mission and Objectives

“Partners in Professional Career Development” – this comes as a mission of GSB which is realized through the following:
• Being a partner for students – being open to students’ opinions. This allows GSB to improve the services it offers;
• Developing educational profiles – graduates are provided with possibilities to obtain professional competence in various fields;
• Developing professional careers – practical education provides specific skills required by employers and labour market;
• Cooperating with employers – consultations with employers on educational syllabi, observations of labour market, modifications of educational contents to ensure their up-to-date character;
The current priority within the realization of the mission described above, which has been defined in GSB Strategy for 2016, is modification of products, organizational and structural changes, marketing and image changes. All these changes will allow GSB to transform its strictly business profile into a universal, multi-disciplinary profile.

Main Projects / Activities

GSB has experience in the realization of 25 projects which have been co-financed by the EU and funds of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. In the years 2007-2014, the University received funding for projects with a total value of financing 50 358 218 zł.

For the University are the most important projects for the development of teaching, particularly Pomeranian Port of Education and Practice - Development Programme for Gdansk School of Banking, which was attended by 14,638 participants, The Economics of Success – Gdansk School of Banking Development Programme and New Model of Education – recognizability of effects in non-formal and extra-formal higher education in Management.
Please, find the details of the selected projects enclosed.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Joining ALF Network, GSB can also share its own wide-ranging experience in:
1. Realization of cross-cultural education – GSB runs study courses of the first cycle in the field of International Relations with specializations in Social Media and Cross-cultural Communication, Project Administration in Cross-cultural Environment. The syllabus of this major is realized by the academic staff who have wide practical experience in this field.
2. Realization of international projects, including:
• Exchange programmes for students, academic employees and administrative staff (Erasmus Programme);
• Realization of International Business Week in Gdansk – the workshops dedicated for GSB students and foreign students from partner universities. During 5 days spent in Gdansk, a group of students of various nationalities can discover some secrets of filming promotional spots. Every year there is a different topic assigned, however it is always connected with social advertisement. In 2013 this workshop was entitled “The New Meaning of Solidarity.” During some discussion panels run by experts, young people of different cultural background had an opportunity to share their opinions about solidarity, how they understand it and what it means to them. Participating in this project, students gained experience in cooperation in an international group. They also gained some knowledge of writing scenarios, operating film cameras, video editing and the whole production process.
3. Realization of projects dedicated to students and adults from various economic sectors (employees of companies, public administration and non-government organizations) – please, find more information on the enclosed project list).
4. Experience resulting from the realization of an innovative project concerning the implementation of the model of measurement and recognizability of extra-formal and non-formal educational effects presented by candidates for the study courses majoring in Administration.
5. Experience resulting from the realization of a research project “Cross-cultural Interactions in Foreign Subsidiaries of Multi-cultural Corporations in a Traditional Approach and Positive Potential of Organization. The project manager is GSB Professor M. Rozkwitalska, PhD.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GSB wishes to join ALF Network because it would allow this University to participate in international projects. Such participation would positively influence the development of its cooperation with institutions based in the Euro-Mediterranean region. At present, GSB cooperates with 40 foreign partners within the frames of Erasmus Programme, including four universities from Turkey (Afyon Kocatepe University, Hacettepe University , Gazi Universitesi GÜ, Istanbul Kultur University). GSB is also finalizing an agreement concerning a double diploma with an Italian university, Universita Degli Studi del Sannio –Benevento.
There are foreign students at GSB and there are some courses run in English. Especially, such subjects as international administration and administration in multi-cultural environment are related to important questions concerning an efficient cross-cultural dialogue. Additionally, within the frames of these subjects, GSB students have opportunity to participate in a global project x-culture (www.x-culture.org), which allows them to learn in practice and prepare for cooperation in a virtual cross-cultural team. Joining the ALF Network comes as a possibility to expand these activities.
Moreover, joining this network will allow GSB to develop its international activities, in particular, the activities within the frame of the Strategic Field, namely: Cross-cultural Education and Training. Today GSB supports young people in their development not only as far as their knowledge and pursuit after professional career are concerned but also in forming their social competences realized through the offered classes which often take a form of strategic games with the use of the project method, case studies and recognizing students’ professional predispositions provided by a career consultant. Ultimately, the diagnosis and development of students’ social competences will affect forming their awareness concerning diversity in terms of culture and personality.
Participation in the realization of different projects with other members of ALF Network will provide GSB with new experience in this field. GSB students will obtain opportunities to participate in international projects concerning aspects and issues concerning the Mediterranean region.
It is also worth mentioning that GSB is realizing a research project which appears to be the only one of such kind in Poland. This project is financed with the funds provided by National Science Centre. It is entitled: Cross-cultural Interactions in Foreign Subsidiaries of Multi-cultural Corporations in a Traditional Approach and Positive Potential of Organization. The project manager is GSB Professor M. Rozkwitalska PhD, who is a member of SIETAR Poland and a specialist in cross-cultural administration. The project is strictly related to the development of knowledge about a cross-cultural dialogue in business environment. Joining ALF Network means further possibilities to develop research in the field mentioned above and also to meet new foreign partners within the frames of projects realized in cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Modrzejewska
Job Title
Head of International Relations Office
Head of the organisation
Emilia Michalska

جمعية الصفاء للتنمية والتعاون

National Network

دوار سطايح بلفاع اشتوكة ايت باها المغرب
دوار سطايح بلفاع اشتوكة ايت باها المغرب
87252 بلفاع

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
Nous exprimons notre Association essafaa Développement et la Coopération notre demande à la Fondation Anna Linda pour un partenariat ou de coopération pour protéger l'arbre d’arganier Ed est le patrimoine culturel amazighi..
Mission and Objectives

Le développement de la zone rurale

Préservation de l'environnement.
Promotion de la femme rurale.
La connectivité entre toutes les cultures et religions.
Les travaux sur tous les projets de développement.

Main Projects / Activities

. projet du Eau potable

Contact (1) Full Name
abderahim ait oumast
Job Title
secrétaire général
Head of the organisation
دوش محمد
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

شركة زين للانتاج الاعلامي

National Network

Palestinian Territories

2834868 8 00970
Telephone (other)
2834868 8 00972
2834868 8 00972
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
599850979 5 00972
Mobile Phone (other)
599850979 5 00970
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
General Information
انتاج اعلامي واخباري 
Mission and Objectives

شركة انتاج اعلامي تهتم بنقل الخبر وتهتم بتدريب كوادرها للوصول لكفائات عالية جدا والرقي بالرسالة الاعلامية 

Main Projects / Activities

نطمح لانشاء قناة تلفزيونية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

مساعدتنا فى اعطاء الكادر الذي يعمل لدينا دورات للرقي  زيادة الخبرة لديهم 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لان شبكة انا ليندا شبكة عالمية معرفة ونتمنى ان يحالفنا الحظ بدخول فى الشبكة 

Contact (1) Full Name
mohammed alkhodari
Job Title
General manager
Head of the organisation
محمد الخضري
Contact (2) Full Name
ashraf alsafi
Job Title (2)
Chairman of the Board of Legislators


National Network

Jovana Stojanovic 57
85000 Bar

00382 30 312 431
00382 30 312 431
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00382 69 487 346
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Decision on the establishment of a working organization Cultural Centre adopted on 30 July in 1976. years, entry into the court register was made on 25 March in 1977. , and from 15 April in 1991. The Center operates as a public company. JP Cultural Centre exists as a complex cultural institutions within which there are: • House of Culture (movies,theatre) • National Libraries "Ivo Vučka?" • Art gallery "Velimir A. Lekovic" •  Museum Bar (Castle of King Nikola)
Mission and Objectives

Activities JP Cultural Centre are:
- Library - Information,
- Museum - Research,
- Activity umjetncke galleries
- Activity of the film,
- Cultural - artistic program and
- Amateurism.
The Company may also engage in other activities that are complementary to the foregoing and to contribute to a fuller good use of its capacity.

Main Projects / Activities

Festival "Barski Ljetopis" is a comprehensive cultural event on our coast, a festival that has a clear orientation, highly professional concept, what most objectively speaking a large attendance each program separately.
Festival "Bar Chronicle" ,itself consists of five segments: musical, artistic, cinematic, literary and theatrical programs. Thanks to this well thought out concept Festival was held over the years succeeding to bring together artists from the former Yugoslavia.
Art program has always been extremely good, and lately we have organized exhibitions of foreign artists, and the Museum staged a number of settings related to the natural heritage of Montenegro.
In the literary aspects of the festival, participating famous names from the world of the written word.
Theatre program is especially interesting in it present theaters of the region.
Festival "Bar Chronicle" is firmly established on the Montenegrin scene and highly professionally designed.
Gallery "Velimir A.Lekovic" works as one of the five main operating units Cultural Centre. It has two contemporary exhibition space of 300m2. It has its own artistic fund, which is held every solo exhibition quality increases. It is located in the most attractive part of the pond shore on the boardwalk King Nikole.Galerija organizes and implementation of individual and collective exhibitions of contemporary academic artists.


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be a part of ALF Network will be honor for us. We could have international collaboration and cultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cazim Nikezic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Darinka Skuletic
Job Title (2)


National Network

Aghlabites Street
5070 Ksar Hellal

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Non profit association working in creative arts and culture,composed by an executive board of 4 people and some registered members. Self-financing,Subscription fee,Donations by our members,citizens and economic partners in the region. Annual projects and activities : workshops,celebrations,festivals, exhibitions, performances. Seminars and trainings culture support,International projects and exchanges. Mosaic work with local partners of national associations and institutions and a number of others international from the Arab region and Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Organize workshops , arts and cultural events in different places and spaces touch all category ages. Production new and diversity artistic projects in the field of creativity arts available to us excellence radiance inside and outside of Tunisia. Activate and enrich the cultural life in our city and our country Develop cognitive abilities and skills to our members in the field of creative arts ,culture and in all our work domains. Create  cooperation networks and exchange of experiences with national and international organizations and institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Mosaic has participated in national and international festivals and artistic events.( Participations in national and international seminars and trainings of culture support. Mosaic has organized a number of events : Artistic Workshops , Photography Tour,Sensitization actions... In the future , we will be planning multi projects and organizing a number of  big cultural events: carnival, festivals, exhibitions, artistic performances...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchange experiences  , enhancing cooperation , participate in the joint programs between members organizations in my national networks , coordination and consultation with it .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mosaic has worked in the past in joint programs with number of members of Anna Lindh Foundation from UK and Palestine like : Ion Creative presidente of Anna Lindh  UK Brouhaha Internationl and Lets Go Global. Mosaic has participated in some programs of Anna Lindh like : The training program for the Anna Lindh Foundation under the title "Art for Change" in Amman - Jordan from 1 to 6 March 2014. After our small experience and connect with a number of  partners from Anna Lindh , we consider that it is time now to  join and  be a member in Anna Lindh because we want to create  new partners and cooperation projects with others members from  international Anna Lindh networks in order to enhance dialogue between cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Karim Ezzine
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Karim Ezzine
Contact (2) Full Name
Wael Ben Njima
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Foundation Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Skenderija 33
Bosnia & Herzegovina

+387 33 218 281
+387 33 557 996
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Humanity in Action (HIA) was founded in 1997 in the US and HIA BiH was established in 2011. HIA BiH mostly works on projects, e.g. the regional MICC Western Balkans (Model International Criminal Court) project and the BiH „Advancing Democratic Values and Active Citizenship among Youth“ project. It offers scholarships for BiH students for its one-month Summer Fellowship programs abroad. HIA BiH also organises study trips, conferences and seminars (e.g. the 2010 BiH Seminar trip and the 2012 HIA Annual Conference). Its 2013 annual budget was approx. 57,000 € and its budgetary resources include donor resources (e.g. National Endowment for Democracy, Schueler Helfen Leben) and funding by its founding member, the US-based HIA Inc. Currently, it has 3 staff members in BiH (Executive Director, Project Coordinator and Development Coordinator + volunteers). Main partners involved in its activities are: Youth Initiative for Human Rigths (BiH), HERMES (Croatia) and Open Communication (Serbia).
Mission and Objectives

Humanity in Action (HIA)'s mission is to educate, inspire and connect a global community of young leaders who are committed to promoting human rights, diversity and active citizenship. HIA BIH advances this mission in BiH with a particular concern for contemporary issues in BiH. These issues include (ethnic) tolerance, (anti-)discrimination of minorities and democratic values. Since 2005, Humanity in Action has been building a multiethnic network of young Bosnian leaders committed to breaking down barriers and strengthening civil society in their communities. 
To date, Humanity in Action invited more than 50 outstanding BiH students (representing all of BiH’s ethnic communities) to participate in its international fellowship programs. Humanity in Action developed an active alumni association (Senior Fellows Association) in Bosnia and Herzegovina that is committed to developing on-the-ground initiatives that promote reconciliation and contribute to building civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

Even though Humanity in Action has a fairly recent presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it has managed to organize numerous outstanding events and projects:

Pilot program was organized in 2010 under the name “Bosnia and Herzegovina: Challenges of a Post-Conflict Society” (May 10-16, 2010) that brought together 35 local and international aspiring young leaders who learned about the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the roots of the recent conflicts and the current social and political challenges in the country.

Third Annual HIA International Conference, held in Sarajevo in 2012. Bringing together more than 250 international young human rights leaders, the conference featured interdisciplinary lectures, workshops and interactive discussion groups. The conference was honored by a special live welcome address by former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

Model International Criminal Court Western Balkans: Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina and two partner organizations (Open Communications Serbia and Hermes Croatia) have recently been awarded the annual Schueler Helfen Leben grant of over 150,000 Euros for a 18-month long program with high-schools students and history teachers from the above-mentioned three countries called “Model International Criminal Court Western Balkans”. Participants will be simulating the work of the International Criminal Court and war crime cases from Rwanda, WWII and the recent war in the Balkans.

The program “Encouraging Democratic Values and Active Citizenship among Youth” has been supported for four years now by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The overall objective of the project is to encourage active citizenship among young people in the country and to enable them to play a more significant role in promoting democratic values, human rights and diversity among their peers. With the program, Humanity in Action BiH (HIA BIH) decided to target specifically students who have no or little experience in non-formal education, volunteer work or NGO engagement and to foster their critical thinking, learning about democracy and human rights, and improve their communication and research skills.
"Historija, Istorija, Povijest - Lessons for Today", which aims to share the Anne Frank House successful educational methods, in order to create teaching materials and products that will involve a wider population, change the paradigm of thinking and communicating about the last 60 years of history in the Western Balkans, and contribute to regional reconciliation and fostering democratic values. The project is implemented by the Anne Frank House in joint cooperation with local partner organizations MOF (Macedonia), HERMES (Croatia) and OK (Serbia).
Humanity in Action BiH has been partner of the Forum ZfD (Ziviler Friedensdienst) in BiH on two projects: Memory in Motion (Training on using pedagogical tools to deal with historic events from former Yugoslavia through the analysis of monuments) and a youth event in Tuzla in August 2015 (250 youth gathered to discuss civil resistance)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HIA BiH could contribute to the BiH network by getting involved in the activities of the current members and including them in HIA BiH's activities. We believe that, by becoming an ALF member, we could share good practices and be inspired for joint actions of projects among network members. Although HIA BiH is fairly young in BiH, we are working very actively on our mission and objectives and we are passionate about the ideals we promote.
In addition, we could bring a new, transatlantic perspective, since Humanity in Action consists of a network of organizations in the following countries: U.S.A., Germany, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Poland and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, through our annual Summer Fellowship programs around Europe, we engage students from the above mentioned countries, as well as from Ukraine, Turkey and Greece. Therefore, we are currently in the process of expanding our network to other Mediterranean countries and hopefully these new HIA branches will subsequently join the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

HIA BiH firmly believes and stands for the ideals promoted by the Anna Lindh Foundation, which coincide with its own ideas and objectives. HIA BiH works in the fields of human rights education, eliminating stereotypes and discrimination, promoting democracy, human rights, diversity and coexistence, as well as reconciliation and multi-ethnic societies. Through joinging the ALF Network, we could reach a wider audience for our message and, along with other ALF network members in BiH, contribute to building a stronger civil society in the country and the region.

We also wish to join the ALF network to connect with the current network members, primarily in BiH, but also in other countries, in order to work on joint actions and projects. We wish to expand out current network of partners and projects and to include other (especially BiH members) in the project we are working on. In particular, since we already have a one-month HIA Summer Fellowship program abroad, we would also like to organize a one-month Summer Fellowship program in BiH, the first of its kind in the country. For that, we would like to include the current BiH ALF network members in the planning and activities of the BiH Summer Fellowship. It would also be beneficial to be granted the financial means for executing such a task from the ALF through its annual grants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasmin Hasic
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Jasmin Hasic
Contact (2) Full Name
Maida Omercehajic
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Human Rights Association for good

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information
Works Human Rights Association for good on economic development and income and spreading the culture of networking and partnership at work and stimulate the skills and tools that will help to develop its contribution to the development process and the adoption of a method involved in providing humanitarian services and community in an effective manner and I have takes into account this simplified steps in the form of systematic sequential logically based on interdependence and construction helps in Tkadiam services system and a good image with less effort. - Design activities. - Identify methods of monitoring and evaluation. - Continuity. - A needs assessment. - To identify and resolve problems.
Mission and Objectives

Self-funding and did not get Assembly on any financing from a donor facial far organizational structure made ​​up of several members of the 10 women from men 10 active members of five men and five women working inside the Assembly voluntary and there are at least two facilitators worker and supervisor operator and field supervisor

Main Projects / Activities

1 - There is a comprehensive medical clinic all disciplines and has a private clinic for women and Obstetrics
2 - no operator to teach girls the art of sewing and handicraft
3 - There are several projects, networking with associations and institutions
4 - There is awareness projects for villages that operate in.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association works in the villages and there are studies to the most important problems of the villages in which they operate Assembly
Assembly has basic information about the villages in which it operates

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To gain experience in all areas of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Najwa Mohammed Abdel Rady
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Osama Hashim Abu Ezz
Contact (2) Full Name
Osama Hashim Abu Ezz
Job Title (2)
Chairman of the Board