National Network

İsmetpaşa mah. Yeni Hükümet cd.
kristal sitesi no:20/3

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
-Our association was established to undertake  activities in the education, health and culture fields. -All of our members are university graduates, experienced in their field, are known around the people. -In addition, we have  staffs who are  experienced to prepare  about national and international grant projects . - Our city has a great potential,  very ancient history and culture with a huge population more than one million. We want to share our knowledge to people who live in our region and all over the world. -We are always ready to communicate. You can contact whenever you want.
Mission and Objectives

Our association was established to undertake  activities in the education, health and culture fields. Our mission and objectives are gives courses, seminars, make activities with young people who continig education.  We established it with 15 teacher, 13 health officer, 1 doctor, 1 sociologist and 2 nurses members. Our association (sekulder) will organise a lot of activities with strong staffs.

Main Projects / Activities

-To prepare and implement projects within the country and abroad.
-To cooperate with the association established for the same purpose
-To give health and education services to students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

That's why people from all nationalities health, will cooperate in the fields of education and culture. Thus, we can develop intercultural dialogue.That's why, people from all nationalities will cooperate in the fields of health, education and culture. Thus, we can develop intercultural dialogue..

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, ALF offers to collaborate different cultures to each other.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Club Serres for UNESCO

National Network

19 Ioustinianou str
62123 Serres

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Club Serres for Unesco is an NGO based in Serres, encompassing the main UNESCO values in promoting non formal education, awareness-raising for social and environmental issues, encouraging active citizenship and social entrepreneurship. It is run by a 9-member Board which convenes on a monthly basis and changes on a bi-annual basis. The Board oversees the activities of more than 50 volunteers. There is no membership fee nor any sort of revenue for the organization, save from selected projects proposals submitted for funding under EU Calls for Proposals, which cover specific project cycles.  

Mission and Objectives

Since its establishment in 1996, Club Serres for UNESCO has participated in several mobility and EVS projects comprising of exchanges, seminars and trainings and has a long experience in awareness-raising events and campaign organization.  Its main area of interest involves awareness-raising activities targeted to students and young adults, focused on multiculturalism as well as the promotion of European identity and youth empowerment. The organisation is involved in the promotion of elementary education, protection of nature and the protection of cultural heritage,  organisation of camps of research and study, production of periodical form with informative documents., translation and/or adoption in the national and local languages of basic texts and documents of UNESCO and United Nations as well as  youth exchanges, campaigns on International Days as they are nominated by the General Assembly of United Nations and the UNESCO, awareness-raising activities, promotion of EU identity, organization of seminars, trainings. Basic documents of reference: The statute of “Club Serres for Unesco”, the Chart of United Nations, the Chart of Human Rights, the Statement for the Rights of Child etc Through our activities we provide support and know-how to local actors such as the Municipality of Serres, schools, academic institutes, the local Museum of Natural History, etc.  

Main Projects / Activities

Indicative actions in 2013-2014 include: • Youth empowerment activities including educational programs, launch of campaigns, trainings • Events/campaigns celebrating the International Volunteering Day, the 20th Anniversary of Human Rights’ Day 1993-2013, the European Forest Week, the World Aids Day, the World Day of Philosophy for Inclusive Societies, World Week for Science and Peace, World Day against Fascism, World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, World Cultural Heritage day etc. • Campaigns on awareness-raising on: SayNo-UNiTE to End Violence Against Women, FARE-UEFA-UNESCO: Say No to Racism, e-campaign for World Illiteracy Day, • Educational programs for schools on environmental issues awareness-raising • Prize awarding to schools for participating in UN and Unesco Campaigns • Launch of National Contest for schools participating in International Year for Water Cooperation 2013 under the auspices of Greek Ministry of Education • Participation in IPA European Territorial Cooperation Program Interreg Greece- Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on delivering pre-school alternative services on health and education

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Act as multipliers of the Network members' projects and campaigns, initiate or participate to projects, contribute with know-how and capacity building for new organisations. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe in the added value generated by networks, especially so when the members are located in countries which are challenged by political, financial or social crises. We share the values and goals of the ALF Network and believe that we could contribute with our experience, as well as gain from the important experience of other members. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Aikaterini Emmanouilidou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Antonia Tsaira
Job Title (2)
Project manager

The Counter Institute

National Network

Ved Eltham 3, st. tv.
2900 Hellerup

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Counter Institute is a not-for-profit arts and cultural organization, producing film and performing arts as well as facilitating social and political interventions. 
Mission and Objectives

To produce international artistic, cultural and socially relevant projects that challenge the states quo both artistically and production-wise.

Main Projects / Activities


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We were a member of the ALF with our previous organization, Goossun Art-illery since 2009. We work internationally and share many concerns and values similar to that of ALF. The network between the Europe and MENA region is also very relevant to our missions. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Vahid Evazzadeh
Job Title
The Chairman
Head of the organisation
Vahid Evazzadeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Constantina Georgiou
Job Title (2)
Projects Manager

Middle-Eastern Film Festival ry

National Network

Rälssintie 7 D 28
00720 Helsinki

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
Organization The Middle-Eastern Film Festival Association (MEFF) is a registered association in Finland. The association was founded in 2014 with the aim of organizing an annual Middle-Eastern Film and Arts festival (M.E.F.A. festival) in Helsinki. The festival is open to everyone. MEFF ry is religiously and politically independent. The founding members include: Sara Bahmanpour (festival director), Jakub Bobrowski (festival producer), Sonja Notley (festival co-ordinator). Budget Budgetary resources available in a year vary from 0-20 000 euros. This year's budget so far is 2000 euros. We are still negotiating with FIME and AVEK for funding. Sources of funding: -City of Helsinki, Foreign ministry -Various organizations and associations -Through fundraising and ticket sales Modalities of action MEFF ry's main event is the M.E.F.A. Festival that will be arranged once a year. This year the festival is held during 9.-12.10.2014. MEFF ry aims to organize other smaller events through out the year, such as panel discussions, seminars, art exhibitions etc. The M.E.F.A. Festival aims to familiarize the viewer with the versatile cinema and culture that the Middle-East has to offer. Along with the film screenings different cultural events will be organised. Films will vary from feature films, documentaries, shorts and animations, and cultural events will vary from music, food, dance, poetry and art events. This year we have managed to book several artists and public figures including: Professor Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, musician Marouf Majidi, Arabic Peace Choir, film director Hamy Ramezan, Professor Henry Bacon, music ensemble Nefes and Imam Abbas Bahmanpour. The films and artists are possibly from the following countries: Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt, Oman, Qatar, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Bahrain and Saudi-Arabia. Main partners Current partners include the following: City of Helsinki, Moniheli ry, Cinemaja ry, Nuorisoasiankeskus, Voima-magazine, Resalat islamilainen yhdyskunta, Lähi-idän opiskelijat ry, The Embassy of Egypt, The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Iran, Middle-East Now -festival, Turkish Travel Agency, Suomi-Iran ystävyysseurayhdistys ry, Farabi Cinema Foundation, Haft Asman Production Company, London Iraqi Cultural Centre, Hakunilan kansainvälinen yhdistys, Alexis Kouros, Jenni Jusslin, Sofia Deniz, Anmar Al- Gaboury, Wisam Elfadl, Heidi Rautionmaa.
Mission and Objectives

We believe that art has the power to raise awareness, evoke emotions and create an impact on society.  The mainstream media in Finland, often portrays the Middle-East in a way that feeds existing stereotypes and prejudices. M.E.F.A. festival wants to tell another side of the story, by showing a modern and a diverse Middle-East, which has a long history and a rich art culture.

Main Projects / Activities

MEFF ry's main event is the Middle-Eastern Film & Arts Festival that will be arranged once a year. This year the festival is held during 9.-12.10.2014. MEFF ry aims to organize other smaller events through out the year, such as panel discussions, seminars, art exhibitions etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The M.E.F.A. Festival is the biggest Middle-Eastern culture event in Helsinki, Finland. It provides an excellent opportunity for Middle-Eastern artists to showcase their work, and familiarize Finnish people with the rich arts and culture that the Middle-East has to offer.  The festival helps in immigrant integration by breaking stereotypes in a creative and a fun environment. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF provides an excellent network of associations and individuals who are already working with Middle-Eastern arts and culture. We wish to strengthen ties between each other and work together in creative and contemporary projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara Bahmanpour
Job Title
Media and culture producer
Head of the organisation
Sara Bahmanpour
Contact (2) Full Name
Sonja Notley
Job Title (2)

Centre for Creative Arts and Media, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

National Network

Cluain Mhuire Campus
Monivea Road

0035391753 161
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The Centre for Creative Arts and Media (CCAM) is part of the Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) which has 5 campuses in the West of Ireland. Funding comes from the Irish Higher Education Authority as well as research funding through postgraduate and individual research funding. CCAM is a specialist campus located in the heart of Galway City offering undergraduate studies in film & documentary, art & design, fine art, and textiles in a vibrant and lively community of learning and exchange. CCAM maintains partnerships with institutions – NUIG, LIT, and cultural organisations - TULCA; 126 Artspace, and has just initiated an international residency programme on Campus. Over 40 members of staff are employed at CCAM. Learners, lecturers and graduates have won accolades and awards for their achievements and are leaders throughout the film, television and arts world. Staff are also research active within the GMIT Tourism and Arts Research Centre (TARC).
Mission and Objectives

The Mission and Objective of GMIT is to develop life-long learning opportunities through teaching and research by supporting regional development consistent with national higher education policy.
Within the Centre for Creative Arts and Media and TARC, lecturer and artist Deirdre O'Mahony's research is centred on the relationship between communities and public art practices. Her recent work has focused on the following: how artists and artist-initiated organisations promote and enable active citizenship, inclusion and sustainability especially in relation to changing rural/urban landscapes and environments.
Other members of staff are active in this field and to further this research and build on O'Mahony's experience of the ALF network event in Taroudant Morocco CCAM would like to join the ALF. This will enable staff and students at GMIT to benifit from the ALF networks and forge new relationships with partners in Europe and North Africa allowing the development of new artistic projects, research and networks.

Main Projects / Activities

Research into the role of contemporary art in rural places including
o The hosting of conferences, Shifting Ground (2006); The Burren Sproing Conference (2013); Publications: Verge (2010)
o Active research into the representation and mediation of changing perceptions of ‘community’ in rural places.
o Projects around rethinking tacit, place-based knowledge in relation to sustainability, food security and global climate change.
o The development of participative methodologies for negotiating the regulation of post-productivist landscapes
o The development of inter-national connections between local rural communities negotiating the cultural and societal effect of globalisation- partnership projects with regional organisations BurrenBeo; Burren Connect; Burren Geopark; Change X Grizedale Arts; Scottish Sculpture Workshop.
o GMIT’s Centre for Creative Arts and Media (CCAM) is now running a residency programme designed to support the work of arts practitioners who are interested in developing practice and research in Galway City and the West of Ireland during the summer months of 2014. The programme aims to provide opportunities for artists to research and develop their practice in the privacy of their own studio and with access to GMIT’s Library facilities. The residency will be of most benefit to artists seeking a space and quiet time to focus on their artistic development. The residency aims to support both emerging and established artists. A longer term aim of this programme is to establish links with international artists, students and lecturers, and third level art institutions to actively encourage contemporary artistic practice within the City of Galway which is preparing for its application for Europe City of Culture 2020, and has applied for Unseco status as City of Film.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CCAM’s development as a cultural, educational and media based centre is uniquely suited to meeting the aims of the ALF. More specifically, both CCAM and the Tourism and Art Research Centre bring skills and deep knowledge of the development of strategies that can foster mutual respect across cultural difference in rural contexts that is relevant to ALF mandate. Furthermore the centre can offer an institutional base from which to facilitate meetings and events for the ALF Irish Network. Through her EVA nomination, Deirdre O’Mahony began the process of establishing links with Irish ALF members. CCAM would now like to develop this further by formally joining the network opening the possibility of contributing to a broader discourse on the development of cultural policies and strategies within Ireland and the Euro-Mediterranean Region that can make recommendations to decision-makers and policy makers.
A city on the edge of the Atlantic, Galway pointed to the role of cultural development as a driver of economic development. Within CCAM and the Tourism and Art Research Centre, staff and students are also examining how cultural representations of place, space and landscape might move away from hegemonic and singular ideas of national identity towards more understandings of the complexity of publics that now live and work in the West,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GMIT and CCAM would like to join the Anna Lindh Network to build and develop networks with artists, academics and educational institutions in Europe and North Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Deirdre O'Mahony
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sarah Searson
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Searson
Job Title (2)
Head of Campus

alexandria university

National Network

160 Ahmed Shawky Street, Roushdy

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information
My institution is a public higher education establishment with above 200 faculty members, both senior and junior, concerned with teaching and research. The university follows public funding schemes authorized by the ministry of higher education in egypt in addition, it has a nunber of special units With internally self generating activities and programs. The university signed a number of agreements with the European Union for supporting academic higher education of faculty members and young researchers. The university is running a number of internationally funded projects in the area of innovation and development. In addition, it's working on acquiring the accreditation committee approved for quality of education. There is a unique team of faculty members and administrative staff coordinating the projects in conjunction with the European Union funding agency.
Mission and Objectives

The organization seeks to build a strong community of highly educated competent Egyptian youth who could carry Egypt into a brightly powerful future both economically and politically.

Main Projects / Activities

Quality and accreditation program.
Strategic plan for scientific research in alexandria university.
Executive Board member at the association for middle eastern public policy and administration.
Human development team leader at egypt scholars association.
Committee review board member at IBIMA publishing.
Member of dawrak group.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can participate effectively in the network by sharing experience and knowledge with other partners internationally. I can find cooperative links between network members and local partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I've learned a lot by Joining the previous training offered by annalindth in beirut and would like to activate a very strong link within the broader community

Contact (1) Full Name
laila el baradei
Job Title
acting dean
Head of the organisation
dr.samir kamel
Contact (2) Full Name
dr.maged ali
Job Title (2)


National Network


+30 6974530195
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

"Anapiria simera" or "Disability today" is a non governmental and non profit organisation defending the rights of people with anyking of disability and especially people with visual disabilities.  Our organisation took part in many actions at the past years in cooperation with the municipality of our city, other non profit organisations and the last one with "Thessaloniki 2014 youth capital" .

Mission and Objectives

Our organisation fights against the unequality to people with disabilities and any kind of racism.

Main Projects / Activities

The latest action involved taking part to the "Thessaloniki youth capital" with a project called  "dancing at the dark". A Project trying to make people understand how a blind person interacts at his daily routine.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We need to exchange good practises with others so that can improve the help we can give to others

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Centre of Eastern Studies for Culture and Communication

National Network

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, 136 Syngrou, Kallithea
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Charilaou Trikoupi & Lagoumitzi, Kallithea
17671 Athens

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
The Centre of Eastern Studies for Culture and Communication is an official research center of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece.It focuses on the research and analysis of East, Near, Middle and Far East, both at an academic and scientific level. The study includes a large part of Asia, North Africa, Turkey and Caucasus. The Centre organises seminars and scientific workshops, conferences and lectures on culture, politics, economy, international relations and communication. It has also published journals and policy papers both in printed and electronic version.  Academics comprise the Centre's Administrative Board. The Centre has more than 15 researchers at an annual basis (undergraduate and postgraduate) and collaborates with academics, practioniers and policy makers in order to produce a high-level of research which includes both the theoretical, empirical and practical aspects. The Centre cooparates with public and private organisations and institutions, while tryng to develop the interconnectedness of every-day events, states' problems, conflict issues, national disputes, religious controversies, problems of peace, democracy and human rights.   
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Centre aims to capture and analyse the region of East, the geography and geopolitics in reference to the main thematic categories such as politics, economy, religion, communication, culture. In relation to the research, educational and wider academic directions and orientations, the Near, Middle and Far East, Central Asia and Transcaucasia, and the Southeastern Mediterranean consist geographical areas of direct scientific interest of the Centre. 
The Center aims to deal with critical, but also extremely important contemporary issues of humanity, such as Islam and Terrorism in the Arab world, Persia as an independent special international problem, the Kurdish issue, conflicts Transcaucasia (Armenia versus Azerbaijan), ethnic and minority problems, India - Pakistan's controversy over Kashmir, the phenomenon of underdevelopment and environmental destruction, poverty and impoverishment of large sections of the population and issues associated with peace and stability,  human rights, freedoms and democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

The Centre invites as speakers political personalities from the academia, diplomacy field and culture in seminars, conferences and workshops. The Centre's publications include  the inaugural edition of the international journal "Eurodialogue, Journal of International Relations, European, Economic and Social Studies" in collaboration with the European Parliament. It has developed a solid research and educational policy referred, both in organizing and conducting training sessions between students from national and foreign Universities, such as University of Bilgi and Galatasaray in Turkey, in a simulation approach for issues of democracy, human rights, Greek-Turkish relations and other international conflicts, issues of globalization and terrorism. The Centre organized in collaboration with the World  Religions and Cultures Centre of Kykkos Monastery, two international conferences on the Meeting of Religions and Cultures in the counterpoint of Huntington's theory of conflict of civilizations. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Centre will be an added value to the Network of Anna Lindt as it can function as a link between students, young researchers and the academia with institutions and organisations, both public and private, in the field of culture, communication, media and international relations. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As long as, the ALF Network comprises of a web of organisations and institutions, being a part of it our Centre will be able to promote its aims in a national and international level among universities and the students. Therefore, we will boost our cooperation with numerous institutions of diverse scientific fields.   

Contact (1) Full Name
Christodoulos Yiallourides
Job Title
Professor, Director
Head of the organisation
Professor Christodoulos Yiallourides
Contact (2) Full Name
Mersilia Anastasiadou
Job Title (2)
Research Fellow

Africa & Middle East for Assistance (AMERA)

National Network

12 Abdel Ra'ouf Abdel Ghany st,- Hssan El Sabban - Giza

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
General Information
Our organisation is a non-governmental organisation with a (7) member stuff ,our budget resources depends on each projet and it  contains self funding and fund raising & reiciving fund from international organisation and doners. we are working in the human traficking and we had already represent victims of such crime in front of courts of criminal and provide victims a safe shulters , more over we helped also the refugees who come from conflictnig areas and running from ethnic cleansing masacares especailly African citizens.  
Mission and Objectives

Our Organisation is aiming to promote legal assisstance for refugees , fighting Human Trafickng also promoting democracey above all helping to save the environment  and promote the  environmental problems
Also we are training Lawyers to deal with such cases.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Organisation is aiming to acheive the current porject that we are working through which is helping the Syrian refugees in Egypt which is very tough and hard issue, starting from providing them a safe shulter and find school fom young childrens and if possible provide jobs for them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we would be glad to recieve your help to our Organisation through provide us with fund and publication regarding the above mentioned feilds.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It would be very good oppertunty to join your Network to exchange the expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Mohamed
Job Title
Chief of Board & Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim Mohamed Mohamed Abdel Rahim

Marketing House

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
marketing house has a non governmental organization which help the youth to achive them dreams
Mission and Objectives

be the one dont be some one

Main Projects / Activities

work shops

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ahmed Ali Mohamed Youssef
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Youssef