ACPE Agir Contre la Prostitution des Enfants

National Network

14 rue Mondetour
75001 Paris

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Lutter contre toute exploitation sexuelle et commerciale des enfants, lutter contre la traite des etres humains.
Mission and Objectives

Sauvegarde des Droits de l'Enfant

Main Projects / Activities

Pôlr juridique : etudes, constitution en partie civile dans les affaires contre pedophiles et reseaux de proxenetisme.
Pôle communication sensibilisation : lobbiyng ; campagne de communication et sensibilisation auprès de tout public.
Participation à la redaction du plan national de lutte à la traite des êtres humains.
Nous soutenons 3 foyers à l'étrangere.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'ACPE fait partie du COFRADE qui fedère 40 associations française qui luttent pour la sauvegarde des Droits de l'Enfant.
L'ACPE fait partie du collectif "Ensemble contre la traite des êtres humains", qui fedère 40 association de terrain.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons ouvrir notre association à l'Europe et au Monde pour mieux lutter contre le phenomène de la prostitution de mineur, qui est un phenomène très complexe et lutter contre la traite aussi.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raffaella Tatangelo
Job Title
résponsable coordination des actions et projets
Head of the organisation
lutte à l'exploitation sexuelle et commercial de mineur. Education-formation


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The  Youth Information Center is an accredited EVS hosting and sending organization, which operates in the framework of the Municipality of Kordelio - Evosmos, whose main areas of activity are the following:1. Cultural events ( theatre, cinema, concerts, festivals, etc.)2. Providing support to the local populations through the Social Support Center (counseling, parent groups, information concerning education and employment affairs)3. Informing youth populations within the municipality on issues which interest them (European exchange programs, EVS, education, employment, volunteering, etc.)4. Educational groups for youths and adults (drawing, computers, music, foreign languages, Greek as a second language)  
Mission and Objectives

The primary objectives of the Municipality of Kordelio - Evosmos on issues concerning youth are the following:
1. Activating youths and advocating their participation in on-going events in the city.
2. Promoting diversity and its wider acceptance.
3. Developing a European conscience.

Main Projects / Activities

The Y.I.C. has developed many project in the "Youth In Action "programm.
We are hosting and sendind evs volunteers since 2000 via EVS.
We also hosted 3 Youth exchanges, one of them was a Euromed Youth exchange.
We also particopate in trainings and Seminars.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to share our knowledge in the field of intercultural dialogue since we have an experience after hosting many Volunteers of other countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Now days we are dealing in Greece with difficult economic conditions so we are interested in any new ideas about Entrepreneurship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

New Hermopolis

National Network

Tuna el-Gabal

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
New Hermopolis was founded in 2011 with the mission of capitalizing on Middle Egypt cultural heritage for   the cultural development of the region. Our founding is connected to the thought and philosophy of Ancient Hermopolis which focuses on  art’s potential to transform societies and the possibility of establishing harmony between man, the other and the universe.  New Hermopolis is a retreat built on ecological principles in the middle of sprawling, breathtaking desert and mountain landscape. It is located in Tuna el Gebel village within 20 KM from the main city of Mallawi, approximately 320 kilometres from Cairo. The area is central to a number of archaeological and historical treasures, including ancient temples, monuments, tombs, and museums.
Mission and Objectives

It consists of a place for visitors and a cultural space designed to hold academic and artistic activities for the benefit of the local community and international visitors. With 16 guest lodges that have the capacity for 52 visitors, it is an open environment for local cultural groups, cultural tourists, artists, writers and other retreat groups. This creative medium is open to ideas and activities drawn from a wide range of sectors covering creative writing, visual and performing arts. It carries the ethos of engaging with the local heritage and art, both tangible and intangible to generate new ideas and experiences.
New Hermopolis serves the main city of Mallawi and its surrounding villages ( million inhabitants). The nearest villages are Tuna El –Gebel (3KM) and Ashmunin (8KM).  For decades, this region has experienced neglect and marginalization. Despite its wealth of culture, the land that was once a great centre for learning and cultural dialogue has become impoverished and overlooked. Middle Egypt exhibits some of the highest levels of poverty and marginalization in the country. Economic opportunities are scarce but opportunities for free self-expression are even scarcer. Partisanship and intolerance of alternate belief systems has risen, particularly along the Christian-Muslim juxtaposition, higher in this region than many other areas of Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

New Hermopolis employs a hybrid social-business model that raises revenue from business activities to invest in social change programs within our local communities. Our tour packages include guided itineraries to the different heritage sites of this region with unique opportunities for cross-cultural sharing, learning, and project collaboration. Residencies for cultural/heritage researchers, artists, writers, musicians, and scholars in related fields are on offer.  We encourage our visitors, when possible, to deepen their engagement with our local communities and exchange work, concepts, ideas and training opportunities with the local youth. The aim is to foster practice of self-expression, critical thought, and creativity. This is normally delivered in the form of free workshops and trainings that teach through hands-on activities various art forms. These could include performance art such as music and theatre, poetry and creative writing, paint, sculpture, and photography. This milieu is meant to widen the scope of engagement to take on board audiences that traditionally would not have considered themselves as art audiences. In this way we hope to succeed in removing the boundary between audience/ participants encouraging all forms of creative expression from story-telling, improvisation and interactive theatre.
Within this remit we have adopted an unusual outreach programme encouraging the creation of a number of cultural bodies in nearby villages where New Hermopolis acts a collective focus, a hub and incubator to give guidance, support and insure their continued growth.
Various avenues are available for youth to demonstrate and showcase their work to local communities. There are also plans in the future to develop a roaming cultural festival through the local villages.  Competitions featuring  poetry, essays, design, and music are also planned to be held periodically, teaching youth that art production can yield reward and help us in identifying truly talented local artists. By offering these public outlets for voicing of opinions, we hope to encourage discussion of belief, tolerance and instil a sense of pride and ownership of one’s own heritage.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ramadan Hussein Ali
Job Title
Cultural manager
Head of the organisation
Dr Mervat Nasser

Association Scientifique Aster - Kherrata - Bejaia

National Network

Rue 1er Novembre Kherrata centre wilaya de Béjaïa
Bureau de l’association Aster maison de jeunes Messali Ali Kherrata wilaya de Béjaïa
06004 Kherrata

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Dénomination juridique complète: Association Scientifique Aster Adresse officielle: Rue 1er Novembre Kherrata centre wilaya de Béjaïa Algérie Date de création: Mars 2013  - N° d’agrément: 03/2013     Président: LEKDIM Abdelmoumene Secrétaire Général: BOUDEI Khaled Vice-Secrétaire Général: MANA Toufik Trésorier: RAIAH Abdelhalim Vice-Trésorier: BIKAKCHI Fatih                                                                                      
Mission and Objectives

-Favoriser l’utilisation de l’astronomie comme outil de développement en mobilisant les ressources humaines et financières à la réalisation des objectifs scientifiques, culturels et technologiques pour la société.
-Aider et orienter les enfants à mieux exploiter leurs connaissances, leur environnement et leur entourage dans le domaine scientifique et même culturel.
-Pratiquer l’astronomie par les moyens les plus simples.
-Aider le secteur d’éducation à mieux implanter ses données scientifiques au terrain.
-Mobiliser le grand public à participer au développement scientifique, culturel et environnemental par le biais de l’astronomie.
-Encourager les enfants et leur donner un espace propre à eux et une chance à exprimer, à traduire, à exploiter mieux leurs énergie, connaissances capacités et imaginations au profit de l’humanité, de la Terre et de la science en général.
-Implanter les qualités humaines chez l’enfant comme la tolérance, de la paix, de l’amour et du respect par l’Astronomie et l’amour du ciel.
-Toucher et revivre les places les plus défavorisés et les intégrer au développement scientifique, culturel et environnemental par l’astronomie.

Main Projects / Activities

-Donner des cours d’initiation en Astronomie.
-Réalisation de petits projets au niveau de l’atelier.
-Ateliers de sensibilisation dans les écoles.
-Observation nocturnes.
-Lancement des concours de dessins, de petites recherches aux enfants, organisation des exposition et des rencontre en astronomie.
-Réalisations de sorties, des tables rondes avec les parents des enfants.
-Des expositions en exposant les travaux réalisés par les enfants.
-Participation à quelques conférences et manifestations scientifiques.

Contact (1) Full Name
LEKDIM Abdelmoumene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
LEKDIM Abdelmoumene
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

United Colleges Association

National Network

6`road sidi elbachir, city mohamed ali carthage tunis
2016 Carthage

+216 21196045
Mobile Phone
+216 21196045
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
United Colleges Association is a Tunisian organisation that was founded on september 2013 , our goals are promoting english language and culture,human rights, political culture and leadership among youth , we have departments of activities and we have several partnerships and many projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our goals consist in promoting english language and culture in Tunisia, we want that english language becomes wide spread in all Tunisia , we aim to promote human rights culture and principles ,political culture and leadership among youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are focusing on educating Tunisian people in the different cities and regions english language and we deal also with big programs to enhance human rights implementation in Tunisia, we also do awareness campaigns and trainings about political culture like elections etc among youth without taking part , which means we stick to neutrality principles.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation is working in all Tunisia which gives us a wide network in all the country and we work in partnership with other organisations NGO`s in all Tunisia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organisation has already some partnerships with international organisations such as Amideast ,so we want to expand our network and make new partnerships in the international scale so we make great projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Seif Eddyn Ferjany
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Seif Eddyn Ferjany
Contact (2) Full Name
Syrine Djebbi
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Slovene Union of University Women

National Network

Slovene World Congress
Cankarjeva 1/4
1000 Ljubljana

+386 41 305 572
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Slovene Union of University Women SUUW is a non-profit non-governmental organization founded in 1995, uniting university women from all areas of expertise who wish to promote better educational and professional opportunities for young graduated women, students and special groups, including migrants. We operate in the area of creative cultural industries, gender equality, social protection systems, access of women to public services, economic rights and social inclusion and we strive to promote peace and understanding among people. We are founding member of Slovene Women Lobby which is a full member of European Women Lobby. We are member of Graduate Women International GWI and University Women of Europe UWE.

Mission and Objectives

SUUW is non-profit organization founded in 1995, uniting university women from all areas of expertise who wish to promote better educational and professional opportunities for young university women, students and special groups. We operate in the area of gender, race equality, harmonized family relations and we strive to promote peace and understanding among people. We are running projects which focus on the promotion of the innovative use of media, promotion of educational opportunities for young females, sustainability, intellectual capital and e-learning.

Main Projects / Activities

SUUW is very active and will continue to put even more stress on research and campaigns on fight against violence upon educated women, equal pay for equal work, promoting better educational and employment opportunities for young graduate women, we organize cultural and artistic programs tailored to young women and girls with socio-economic difficulties as well as groups of migrant women, women as well as young women with disadvantaged background and who are coming from conflict zones. Since 1997 we’ve been also working towards reconciliation of family life and professional obligations of women. SUUW was the first national affiliation to come out with this project which is now very much in focus of all women’s organizations. SUUW has been implementing actions that foster social rights and commitment of youth, girls in particular. We collaborated in a project Revealed Hands, run by Slovenian design group OLOOP which focused on capacity building workshops. This collaboration stimulated my interest in working with vulnerable groups. Revealed hands was created jointly with a group of immigrant women from ex-Yugoslavia, living in Jesenice, Slovenia. Women came to Slovenia due to various life stories, coincidences and their country situations. They were united through a passion for textile handicraft, financial independence and socializing outside the family environment. The main objectives were to create intercultural connections, educate through textile manual work, socialize and generate textile group of women in Jesenice. I worked as advisor on human rights issues and the entire process demanded a lot of patience as well as carefully selected mindful and tolerance practices as we worked with vulnerable groups. From 2013 until 2015 we were partner in Grundtvig funded project with 4 other European partners on Domestic Violence met by Educated Women at my organisation SUUW. We co-organised and facilitated a conference on domestic violence held at the Faculty of Theology in Ljubljana in November 2014. On 11 April 2012 we coordinated an international colloquium “Women holding leading positions in Higher Education in Slovenia: Overcoming barriers – real or imagined”, held at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana. We also collaborate in the area of women entrepreneurship and a few years ago we conducted reseach on the impact of crisis on young women graduates in cooperation with META - Association for Women Entrepreneurship; and on the relation of domestic violence and employability of young women. In 2016-2017 we were partner in the international project EUbyCITIZENS, run by Maison de l’Europe de Paris. In 2018 we were partner in MANGO project - Management of Non Governmental Organisations, run by the United societies of Balkans from Thessaloniki. In 2020 we are part of “D’ING - Designing for our Learning // From complexity to simplicity” project, run by Stiftung »Europäische Jugendbildungs-und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar«. We are currently waiting for results of two aplications: Fostering awareness of skills for entrepreneurship of young women (F.A.S.E.) coordinator Academia Studio Italia (Erasmus plus project) and I (don’t) see you – towards stronger representation of women and under-represented groups in leadership, institutions, and media , coordinator CGE Erfurt e.V. (CERV program).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We strive for knowledge, academic and practical experience that encourages creativity, self-realization and bravery of individuals to implement innovative idea in particular social setting and make the world a better place. We need real innovative solutions that address women community and social needs. Our organisation's goal is to become a leading female NGO in social action and peacebuilding therefore we would like to continue with searching, managing and realizing great ideas in global working environment.The ALF network offers unique opportunity by connecting our organisation to other fellow-thinkers, pushing us to make a change and meet renown international experts from the field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As CIR at SUUW I can confirm that SUUW is most interested to become part of ALF network as our organisation would like to make a change in society by implementing social impact actions, explore pressing global and local challenges, get a hands-on experience by engaging in diverse activities, meetings, trainings and cooperate in peacebuilding and awareness raising actions. We would like fully engage in a wide range of ALF network activities. We would like to research further the current challenges in the creation and development of sustainable, open, democratic and safe society and search for real and optimal solutions in the lifelong activity of women. We strive for democracy, peacebuilding and equal educational opportunities for women.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mateja Stanislava Rot
Job Title
Coordinator of International Relations CIR
Head of the organisation
Darja Teran, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Darja Teran
Job Title (2)
Name of Organisation
Slovene Union of University Women


National Network

Ioustinianou 19
62124 Serres

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

PRAXIS is a youth non-governmental organization in Serres, in North Greece which has activities in culture, media and environmental fields. It was founded in 1995 in order to offer a broad spectrum of cultural activities to the town youth and involve them in cultural issues.PRAXIS aims to create international opportunities for youth development - to strengthen dialogue between authorities and youth groups,  to improve the job opportunities of young people.PRAXIS works as a sending and a hosting EVS organization since 1998 (HEI n. 2013-GR-19) and co-operates with the municipal cultural center of Serres, several Greek universities, local University, UNESCO and other institutions.In radio “Rodon fm”, volunteers of PRAXIS have their programme with current news and informationElectronically Campaigns via social media on sensitive social issues cooperating with international organizations on the “international days” and promote via radio spots on air with social messages international and European campaigns. Young people express their ideas, music via radio show and broadcasts via blogs and e-magazines.For the implementation of its activities, PRAXIS involves several active volunteers with high expertise on the design and delivery of such actions. The team includes:• Project manager with over 15 years of experience in mobility EU projects (both hosting and sending)• Project writer and manager with over 7 years of experience in designing, writing and implementing EU funded projects• Legal advisor• Financial advisor• IT expert• Volunteers with experience in delivering educational programs, etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Praxis is to provide opportunities at the pan-European and Mediterranean level to all young people without discrimination, prejudice or exclusion. The continuously developing activities of Praxis are based on the philosophy of “Initiative-Activity- Cooperation”. PRAXIS is NGO which has activities in culture, media and environmental. Organize, cooperate, and support events and Electronically Campaigns via internet social media on sensitive social issues cooperating with international organization for the “International and European Days”, Radio Campaigns with social messages, ideas, and music via radio show via blogger. Youth Information Center informing young people. The volunteers and participants are not isolated from the professionals, from whom they certainly learn, but their roles are clearly creative and supportive at the activities of the experts by working as a team with them in the same space. Thus, they acquire non-formal education, which may help them in their own future professional course. The target group is young people from the local society.  In order to support young people, PRAXIS fosters on the one hand the cooperation between schools and youth organizations and on the other hand trains a European youth competence team, which transfers knowledge and experience.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

contributing with our experience taht we gain from 1995 as active member of the European comunity, adding poritive exambles. Participating inthe common projects , organising local events....

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Alevra
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Aikaterini emmanouilidou
Job Title (2)

United colleges association

National Network

22 Rue Amine El Abbassi
1002 Tunis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
United colleges association (UCA) is an independent non-lucrative association, it aims to promote the English language and culture among youngsters and even old people. Our members are university and high school students as well as professionals for supervision and help. The start was one year ago, UCA comprises four active departments: English department, Human rights and citizenship department, leadership department and political culture department. We have a local board, excutive board and members.
Mission and Objectives

Our objective are uniting Tunsian colleges, promote English language, spread social and political cultures and raise awarness among young generation on how important to be open on the world.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are addressed to people from different levels and encourages their use of English language. We organize discussions every week in Saturday under the frame of Saturday talks, it is open to public. We also gave lessons to children in the library of Ben Arouss and held conferences with the presence of professors such as Simon Hawkins. Our first national event was expo lugha, our participation has made us more known and encouraged more members to join.

Contact (1) Full Name
Asma Nouaouri
Job Title
UCA coordinator
Head of the organisation
Seif Addyn el Ferjani

Palestinian Initiative for Supporting Students (ESNAD)

National Network

Ramallah - Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Esnad is an  innovative approach to address unequal access to education opportunities in underprivileged areas of the West Bank and Gaza. working team: Jihad Shojaeha the founder of the initiative . Eman Hamdan: PR & Fundraising  officer. Sawsan Almasaead: program officer. partners: Paltel group. Aramex international. Hani Qaddumi scholarship foundation awards: • Synergos Award: support the idea and provide thirty two thousand dollars and also provided an integrated training for participated members. • ASHOkA Award: support one of the team members to work just on the idea for three years and also provided logistical and consulting support for the   idea. • Student union in Palestine: support the idea and help to publish it through media. • King Abdullah II Award for Youth Innovation and Achievement:  Participate in King Abdullah Award for Youth Innovation and have qualified to the final stage. • Takreem Award: for Innovation in Education
Mission and Objectives

This initiative aims at funding academically talented but underprivileged students to attend university. These university students then "pay it forward" by going back to their communities and tutoring groups of primary and secondary school students, serving as mentors and positive role models for younger generations of students and as valuable academic resources to rural communities. The initiative is helping to close the gap in access to education, raise academic standards, provide education to women, and break the cycle of poverty

Main Projects / Activities

University students serve their community by being mentors and positive role models for younger generations of students and as valuable academic resources to rural communities.
• Close the gap in access to education, raise academic standards, provide education to women, and break the cycle of poverty by using education as weapon to fight poverty.
• Involving more females as leaders in their communities.
• Improving the quality of education by using extracurricular activities as a way of learning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eman Hamdan
Job Title
Public Relation and fundraising Officer
Head of the organisation
Jihad Hassan Shojaeha

MasterPeace Algeria

National Network

cite 96 logts
16000 Algeirs

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
This organisation is promoting peace all over the worls by organizing many valuable events
Mission and Objectives

MasterPeace Clubs, is the perfect platform to foster your
own initiatives, to implement your own project towards
building peace. People don’t join to be part of an
organization; they join to co-create.
MasterPeace offers freedom for each active group of
people to create the projects, programs or actions they
truly believe can make a change in their communities, no
matter how small these actions may be.

Main Projects / Activities

International Day of PeaceCELEBRATION
• Engage individuals and organizations to steer change and build peace in their communities.
• Have a low barrier of involvement and participation for the rest of the community. “Make it easy”
• Involve a large number of volunteers in the project implementation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by our projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Join ALF Network is very important for us to enlarge our network and build peace together 

Contact (1) Full Name
Walid Abismail
Head of the organisation
Walid Abismail