Eskenderella For Cultures and Arts

National Network

9 Elfalaky Street - Raml Station - Alexandria

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
General Information
 Excutive Team ( 3 ) :   Hamdy Zeidan / General Manager   - Al shaimaa El Saadani Admin officer and PR - Mohamed Moustafa Financial Officer   $Annual budget : 60,000 Sources : grants - sharring from partnrs  - Main Activities - Street festivals - Arts actions in local communities Kom Eldekka - bahary   Board members: Faiza Sakr, Saleh ElShehaby, Khaled Zeidan, Yasmine Ali, Ibrahim Abd Elmeguid, Wafaa Attia and Medhat Elzahed. Target group: Youth, children and women in the most popular neighborhoods in Alexandria Geographical scope:  Popular neighborhoods of Alexandria especially kom El Deka and Bahary Alby Album  -  Zorony kol sana mara annual  street festival  - Hakaweena ( telling stories from people to pepol 
Mission and Objectives

Eskenderella for Cultures and Arts is an independent culture organization that started working in 2005 to
activate the role of art as a social engine and a catalyst for group's memory supporting rights and freedoms of local and popular society with special character in Alexandria. Registered first as an association- NGO in 2008
under number 2318, it began its works as a group of Alexandrian artists and those who are interested in culture,
arts and development. it was founded in 2005 with the background of previous artistic and cultural cooperation between its members and other artists from Alexandria , Egypt or abroad since the early 1990 s .
Eskenderella`s aim is to be a guide for reform and illumination , consolidating the creative and tolerant soul of Alexandria as well as regaining the human values on which the city was built and by which it has survived . And in 2012 announced also as a LTD company- Non profit Organization.
Toward the city of Alexandria multi- cultured and socially open.
Mission :
1- reducing the gap between the creator and the audience.
2- providing cultural service sectors culturally for deprived sectors.
3 - spread and promote and support cultural rights and freedoms.
4 - Activating the role of art as a stimulant and as an archive of the social collective memory and as a guide for reform and enlightenment.
Our Strategy :
Eskenderella works in all its activities on a very important strategy from it:
- Completely partnership with the local community with all it sectors and the people not just as a Beneficiary but as a partners in planning and implementing also saving their traditional popular or their special whatever in culture heritage and support the initiative spirits and citizenship by positive and productive way .
- Continuing Field events to connect directly with the people and qualify new local spaces to cultural artistic work.
-Caring by the local areas with special characteristics: as Bahary , Koum Eldekka in Alexandria and an open filed work to artistic and creative cultural work due to their Social and cultural needs
Specific Aims:
*revive the artistic heritage to the artist of people Sayed Darwich by annual way in Koum ElDekka
* adopting the local initiatives with save the old cultural heritage
* qualify a public open spaces for cultural diversity in Koum El Dekka .
* raising awareness by the cultural freedoms and rights
*raising awareness to youth by these rights and freedoms.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities and projects:
* Menwarin (welcome):
Cultural Social artistic activity based on the host of the people to numbers of cultural events in their places and to provide concerts from Alexandrian and their memories of the place and present a lot of art,                                          educational workshops to children in these areas like  origami, drawing, theatre plays making books and decoration of the traditional ceremonies  like Ramdan`s decoration , and Menwarin through lights on those popular areas  social specificity  and celebrate their heritage, specificity or those areas or community groups that suffer from problems requiring interaction with and participation in it by displaying it by using arts and social community dialogue, which supports the role of art as a motive and guide for social reform and enlightenment ,and social preservative to the heritage .
* Alby Album ( My Heart is Album ) :
   Documentary artistic activity work includes research   and compilation, documentation and analysis of the                                     images of personal Alexandrian families through their  volunteering participation with their albums and photographs which is helping on documenting  and collect the Alexandrian heritage which represents the city's history and a part of this artistic heritage is a personal photo and the reinstatement of its role in personal, social life, and keeping personal and group memory, and includes the rehabilitation of the  profession of photographer , photo shops old and a confirmation of  role of the people to participate in keeping the city's heritage
and personal memory of its people and the program includes a range of activities (Exhibitions, and dialogue sessions rings,  workshops for children, prints, selling souvenirs, electronic documentation ).
* Baheb Elcima ( I Love Cinema ) :
Cine- cultural activity depends on restoration of the cinema as a component of everyday life , restores the role of cinema as an archive  of collective memory, the mirror of reality and the concerns and dreams of the people, and perform movies from people`s choice in collaboration with a number of artists and those interested in cinema and cinematic memory Alexandria and human heritage and includes several activities, including:” Alley Cinema " where present movies in open public social spaces such as cafes, lanes & allies and houses with the allocation for children and women in their places, and  “Alexandria Plateau” and its object movies about Alexandria, or a place to be photographed, and through that a dialogue go about Alexandria in particular as a artisticdocumentary research about Alexandrian life, its visual social cultural art memory and focusing on Alexandria cultural role by its artists and cinema creators and the development happened on the city and the human relation by the place and the time line links between them.
*Hakawina (our stories) :
Socio-cultural project works on support the role people in preserving their cultural heritage and social memories through personal storytelling  and arts, and sharing it with the community involvement and display
them in the social interaction areas, such as the popular cafes and social clubs and some evenings had been implemented in collaboration with the  director and writer Nora Amin within projects ( Hakaya regional Forum) ongoing work and creative with the elderly in areas of Bahary and Koum ElDekka to tell their personal memories  and stories in open perform evenings in popular cafes areas in  Koum el Dekka & Bahary and give opportunity for people to tell their stories and memories, and as a means of simple and creative express and
amiability place and their memories and its legacy and attempt to document the groupal memory andsave the place heritage and culture of his people.
Ahalina ( our people) project:
A social culture and artistic project which aims at promoting the value &concept of citizenship in youth through acknowledging  heritage, local diverse and marginalized culture in the society and  connecting youth to it and to its positive values which through shedding light on its richness and special character will strengthen  youth affiliation to their country& local communities and increase  their culture and social awareness and emphasize positive values
and the most importantly societal values, concepts of citizenship  and acceptance of others and social and cultural pluralism and  affiliation of the national culture and activate their role in the advancement of society. The project is implemented with the support of the Foundation for the Future and in partnership  with a number of institutionsand human rights organizations, cultural and social development.
Hypathia’s Forum for Culture Rights and freedoms:
Hypathia’s forum started as a series of interactive research and  discussioncircles working on raising awareness with culture rights  and freedoms between activists working in the field of culture and  rights and a number of volunteers and people from local areas in Alexandria.
Later on it was developed to become Hypathia’s  forum for culture rights and freedoms which  works on cultural pluralism and establish the  concept &values of cultural justice and viewing   Culture and arts from rights and freedoms Perspective and configure a defense mechanism to protect and defend the culture and arts as a right for artists and community together.
In this year, the forum had discussed the following topics:
A-The right in culture which will be discussed through the following topics: the concept of culture, human rights framework for the exercise of culture and  protection both in the domestic and international legislation, and an example of the issue: the protection of the cultural heritage of Alexandria which will be viewed through an applied workshop: How to protect the right in culture?
B- Human rights culture which will be discussed through the following topics: the culture of the society and human rights culture and the unity rejection to it because they are foreign or forbidden, art and culture as an entry point for the deployment and support of human rights, for example: Graffiti Revolution, the  Alqorsiah island and Masaken El Sohaleya, which will be viewed through an applied workshop: how to use arts and culture to defend and promote human rights?
C- Cultural Justice deals which will be discussed through the following topics:  the concept of cultural justice, which connects between the community and culture  in the context of rights, the right to cultural pluralism and social defense  protecting social culture and freedoms through society's role in protecting the cultures, field trips, which will be viewed through an applied workshop: How to achieve cultural justice community linking culture and freedoms?
* Participate with your creation Project ( 2007-2008) :
Cultural artistic social environmental project worked on the  development of youth social participation of and support the  role of youth in the community areas Dekhela , Qabbary and  Wardian of Alexandria and Helwan in Cairo, in cooperation with Naseej initiative Community Youth development with  the support of Save the Children U.S. and in collaboration  with the Society of Environment Friends in Alexandria  and the Egyptian Society of Economic Rights and social and youth center of Dekhela,where 120 young men, girls  and children were trained on the skills of drawing,
sculpture and mural painting , photography and works to save the environment and recycling is to produce a number of art works . Decorating and cleaning number of areas , fences and murals in Dekhela,Wardian and Helwan areas from youth work  and beauty and cleaning and forestation those areas and prepare  hall equipped for youth cultural, artistic and social activities.
*Art of Reform Project 2008:
Cultural project technician social supports the role of art in reform and societal change Sayed Darwish model cities of Alexandria, Cairo,  Minya, in collaboration with theAssociation of Jesuit, Frere and  Awttar & Alwan mokattam Cairo,Gudran of Art and Development  in Alexandria and the support ofthe Freedom House program of a new generation, through the project been trained 180 young man and  a girl on the arts photography and on the principles of volunteerism  and initiative and positive participation inspired by the songs of Sayed Darwish as a model for art in support of community issues and reform and liberalization and they have to take to the streets and popular areas to take  pictures and works of art this revelation and set up a number of                                                                     exhibitions and concerts in three cities in the popular areas in Kom Deka,                                                                    Mokattam in Cairo and Alexandria and the city of Minya and cooperation                                                                    with the people and institutions of civil society and art institutions and                                                                    development in those areas.
* IBn El Balad ( the son of country ) 2009 -2010 project:
Cultural art project has been implemented social areas  Koum ElDekka and Dekhela and West Alexandria and
relied on the link between the generations of young people and the elderly and cultural holders heritage  and popular culture.In order to support the role of youth in social development and cultural heritage  preservation and singing, storytelling,tales and popular sayings,positive social values and connect  young people to their regions and their heritage  and culture and the production of a number of technical presentations and speaks of the trouble and the inspiration  of the music of that culture and service the people of the region and the development of the spirit of volunteerism and initiative, and is configured team of folk music from the young to those areas the team( Ibn ElBalad) and was released albums of their  own and songs popular collected as configured team told of
young people with adults from the inspiration of heritage places and has been action film documentary drama about the concept of the country and the role of the son and the  work of young art gallery as well as a ocumentary
photography art gallery with local products and fishing nets,  including Art business Arced and paper arts and painting
with the kids and the project was supported by the save the Children U.S.  initiative Naseej
Our Facebook Page :
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Website :

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

sharing experiences and resources 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

benefit more knowledge , networking , new partnrs , common projects and action in arts and humanrights especially cultural rights and freedoms and communties devolping

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamdy Zeidan Abd elsalam
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Hamdy Zeidan
Contact (2) Full Name
Al Shaimaa Essam El Saadani
Job Title (2)
Administrative officer

Association des Jeunes Innovateurs de Kelibia

National Network

19.Rue clupea Kelibia -Le gouvernorat de Nabeul
8090 kelibia

22 46 45 45
Telephone (other)
25 196 818 / 52 852139
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
55 464544
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Dans un but de ravivement du thème Innovation et de la sensibilisation  du citoyen à son omniprésence dans notre quotidien, nous, groupe des jeunes actifs préoccupés par l'avenir de notre pays, avons crée l’Association des Jeunes Innovateurs de Kélibia (AJIK). C’est une association à but non lucratif qui veille à la promotion des projets d’innovation dans plusieurs domaines, aussi bien artistiques que scientifiques. Ceci vise à la sensibilisation des jeunes et des moins jeunes  à ces thématiques, certes, nécessaires pour une veille citoyenne.  A présent, l'association possède un effectif composé de 30 membres actifs et de nombreux volontaires de différentes tranches d'âge (allant de 10 à 70 ans). Le capital humain représente un des piliers forts de l’A.J.I.K. En effet, l’enthousiasme et le dynamisme du groupe d’adhérents fusent des idées créatives et originales qui mènent à bien nos actions. Solidaires et débrouillards, nous organisons nos événements dans une atmosphère d’entente et de partage.

Mission and Objectives

Nos objectifs sont: • Encourager les initiatives culturelles et scientifiques. • Sensibiliser les citoyens à l'importance de l’innovation pour les générations futures, en particulier chez les jeunes citoyens. • Apprendre les notions de travail en groupe à travers les diverses actions de l’association. • Promouvoir les jeunes talents.

Main Projects / Activities

Grâce à ses actions, l’A.J.I.K commence à prospérer une bonne réputation auprès des citoyens. Parmi les actions fards menées durant l’année 2014, on cite : • L’encouragement des jeunes artistes par une  séance de dédicace du premier livre du jeune écrivain Amine Ghozzi intitulé "L'ombre d'un diable derrière mon image » • La valorisation des déchets domestiques pour la préservation de l’environnement, à travers l’action « A partir de Rien on INNOVE» • Journée d’Origami pour enfants animée par le professeur MR Mohamed Ali Abass à la maison des jeunnes de Kelibia  le 27/04/2014. La participation à la  2ème édition "Souk At-tanmia" que l'association des Jeunes Innovateurs de Kelibia en serait son partenaire représentant du gouvernorat de Nabeul. Les Jeunes chômeurs intéressés devront ainsi commencer à penser à la création de leurs projets innovants et générateurs d'emplois, des dons seront offerts à ces derniers afin de réaliser leurs projets. Conférences sur le projet du Souk At-tanmia  Le 25 Mai 2014 à Kelibia et le 08 Juin à Nabeul. Journée des énergies renouvelables 21/06/2014 en partenariat avec l'agence nationale pour la maîtrise de l'énergie  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'échange de savoir faire avec les associaitons de réseau et sensibiliser les citoyens à l'importance de l’innovation pour les générations futures, en particulier chez les jeunes citoyens

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- L’échange de savoir-faire avec L'anna lindh foundation et les associations de réseau,chacune apporte son expérience pour aider concrètement l’autre. - Le développement d’un projet en commun. Comme le dit le proverbe : « l’union fait la force 

Contact (1) Full Name
najem ben youssef
Job Title
président de l'Association
Head of the organisation
Najem ben Youssef
Contact (2) Full Name
salma ben turkia
Job Title (2)

Tamkeen Institution for Development (TID)

National Network

20A Adly street in front of the Jewish temple
Apartment 13, 5th floor, Al-Gamal passage, Downtown

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Development practitioners seek the enhancement of strategies aiming at the empowerment of the community to demand its rights. Hence, empowerment becomes a strategy and an aim for individual-based civil society initiatives. Even though a well-known term, “empowerment” has various definitions. “Community empowerment” can be defined as: people’s ability to confidently make choices and take actions on their own behalf from a position of economic, political and social strength. That is why empowerment is viewed as the final objective for interventions. Accordingly the main idea behind T amkeen Institution for Development ( TID)(Participation, Access, Ownership) emerged from theoretical and field practices proving that actual development is only possible through working on a dialectical synthesis of development, rights-based approaches, and political and economic approaches. Development runs into the vital and effective arena of politics, and hence comes the achievement of social justice as the main and essential condition for development, which in turn takes place through “empowerment”.    
Mission and Objectives


We dream of a society in which every individual enjoys his/her full rights: political, civil, economic, social and cultural without any form of discrimination based on age, sex, color, religion, ethnicity, class, origin or culture.


Empowerment and protection of children through ensuring their participation in the public sphere, access to resources and rights, and ownership of their destiny.

Protecting children by enabling them to access their economic, social and cultural rights.

Providing support to individuals and institutions active in the field of rights and child protection.

Empowering civil society organizations through contributing to the enhancement of their performance, and building their capacities to deepen the impact of their interventions with children in their local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

A. EmpowermentandprotectionofChildren: - Psychosocial support programs for children. - Empowerment of children by raising their awareness of their educational and
cultural rights using art, media and recreation. - Advocacy pertaining to children’s rights. - Planning activities and programs for children in relation to enhancing their
subjective and creative abilities.
  B. Institutional Capacity Building related Activities: - Planning and management of Campaigns. - Strategic and Operational planning. - Development of protection systems for children. - Institutional assessment.
- Psychosocial support programs for the children and their caretakers. - Monitoring and Evaluation. - Project Management. - Partnership.
- Proposal and report writing.

C. ResearchandStudies: - Researches in the field of child education and culture. - Researches related to the conditions of children in education, work, shelters,
juvenile punishment institutions...etc. - Researches in the field of advocacy and policymaking.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tamkeen will effectively contribute to the network through sharing its knwoledge, lessons learnt and diffrent field experiences that are related to its areas of expertise. Tamkeen also, will invite network members to its knolwedge seminars and other knowledge sharing activities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tamkeen looks forward to be active in both national and international networks . Tamkeen values partnership and networking and belives that a signicant community development is doable only when diffrent stakeholders are conducting a joint action .
Being member of a network will offer Tamkeen an opportunity to get exposed to diffrent experience not only on the national level but also on the international level. Tamkeen is interested to build national and international synergies with relevant actors. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Emad S. Emam
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Emad Shaaban Emam
Contact (2) Full Name
Ragai Moussa
Job Title (2)
Program Director

Association des Intellectuelles et des Etudiants en Sciences Economique et Commercial (AIESEC Blida)

National Network

52 Lakhder Abdelmoumen
09000 Blida

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Qui sommes-nous ?AIESEC Blida (Association des Intellectuels et des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales) est une association internationale, apolitique, indépendante et à but non lucratif. Entièrement gérée par des étudiants et des jeunes récemment diplômés, AIESEC a pour objectif principal de permettre aux jeunes d'explorer et de développer leur potentiel de leadership. AIESEC Blida est un comité local d’AIESEC in Algeria. Elle voit le jour en janvier 2013. Notre ambition est de soutenir le développement des jeunes, de leur permettre d’explorer leurs talents et d’exploiter au mieux leurs potentiels. Nous comptons apporter un impact positif sur notre société et contribuer à l’émergence de jeunes leaders confiants et compétents.
Mission and Objectives

Notre ambition est de soutenir le développement des jeunes, de leur permettre d’explorer leurs talents et d’exploiter au mieux leurs potentiels. Nous comptons apporter un impact positif sur notre société et contribuer à l’émergence de jeunes leaders confiants et compétents.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos réalisations
1- Language Café: Cet espace libre permet aux jeunes et moins jeunes, souhaitant apprendre une nouvelle langue ou pratiquer celle qu’ils aiment, de se rencontrer. Dans une ambiance chaleureuse et bon enfant, diverses discussions se tiennent, ainsi que des débats touchant à tous les domaines. Cela crée un terrain propice à améliorer l’aptitude de chaque participant à communiquer sainement avec son prochain, à partager ses opinions plus facilement, et à les exprimer dans la langue de son choix.
2- TEDxChréa: Sous le thème de « l’environnement et le développement durable », la conférence TEDxChrea, qui a eu lieu le 3 juin 2013, sur les hauteurs de Chréa, a reçu, pour sa première édition, plusieurs personnalités de renommée nationale et internationale. M. Yann Arthus-Bertrand, photographe, réalisateur et écologiste français, pour ne citer que lui, a participé à l’animation de ce TEDx.
3- Chréa Youth Camp: Visant à combler les lacunes les plus récurrentes dont souffrent les jeunes universitaires fraichement diplômés, le Chréa Youth Camp, « sur la voie du premier emploi », s’est déroulé du 19 au 22 juin 2013, toujours à Chréa. Avec de nombreux ateliers au programme, portant sur 3 grands modules : communication, leadership et entrepreneuriat. Cette riche manifestation a également accueilli une conférence animée par M. Kamal Benkoussa, trader à la bourse de Londres, s’intitulant : « Le rêve Algérien ».

Contact (1) Full Name
lamine MESTEK
Job Title
Head of the organisation
lamine MESTEK

Research for development Association - REDEV

National Network

16 Rue d'Angleterre 1 er Etage B 1.1
1001 TUNIS

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are a group of young Tunisians attained by the virus of the community life and enthralled by technologies of information and communication. We believe in solidarity in knowledge, we think that science does not have fatherland, we like Tunisia and we want it to evolve in all areas. We believe in the importance of technologies of information and communication and we are aware of the role of the Internet in scientific research. We belong to different domains but we have the same ambition and objectives. The force of the interpersonal reports and amicable ambience favours our rapprochement. Suddenly, jurist, economist, information officer, journalist and dentist and others met within a community aiming at implementing our ideas. To make concrete our intentions, we created an association helping in the workmanship of technologies of the information, participating in the evolution of the area of scientific research in Tunisia and calling solidarity in knowledge.
Mission and Objectives

-       Connecting associations and of African civil organizations and scientific research centers and institutions of the private sector to a core network to facilitate communication and exchange of information and experiences,
-       Developing joint scientific research networks in favour of development,
-       Following-up the implementation of WSIS’s recommendations and Millennium Development Goals,
-       Further addressing the relationship between immigration and development,
-       Establishing relations between African scientists and researchers from inside and outside the African continent and trying to take advantage of their experiences for the success of pilot development projects aiming at reducing hunger, poverty, disease, migration and illegal immigration ...

Main Projects / Activities

E-Learning & Certification
Science E-redactionScientific publications
Directory of researchers
Scientific journalism

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- We are online through a portal in which we provide our adherents such as scientists , researchers, students…with valuable and useful information as job offers .university grants, data base …

- We put in trainings that aims to the  development of researcher’s personal specific skills updated within the context of  society of information and knowledge and the enhancement of  the researches technologies such as  computer software for data analysis …

- We set up frequent workshops and manifestations targeted to assist researchers to improve their qualifications.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Join the ALF will allow us to participate in the  calls that will be proposed. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonia Abdellatif
Job Title
President founder
Head of the organisation
Mrs Sonia Abdellatif
Contact (2) Full Name
Kais Chaabane
Job Title (2)
Vice president in charge of PR

Association VISION JEUNES - Bologhine

National Network

16000 ALGER

00213 553 58 44 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

colturele of activity

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for traninig young association

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture

National Network

PO Box 468
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Treatment & Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (TRC) is a non-profit human rights organization & mental health service provider which treats direct and indirect victims of torture through individual, group and family therapy, conducts advocacy for policy reforms and raises awareness across all sectors of Palestinian society on the rights of persons to be free from torture, violence and ill-treatment through grassroots campaigns, national conferences and awareness raising workshops, and conducts research and reports on human rights, mental health, and torture which are shared with national, regional and international stakeholders. TRC conducts knowledge exchanges and provides capacity building to PA ministries, Palestinian and international NGOS, and universities and colleges; there are 18 full-time staff members serving in 3 locations in the West Bank. TRC is a member of the IRCT and the AMAN Network and is currently funded by the EU and the UN.
Mission and Objectives

TRC will deploy its programs and activities to reach out to victims of torture and provide them with rehabilitation services in a “model-building” approach and will intervene within the area of capacity-building, generate and facilitate the exchange of knowledge between and among relevant individuals and organizations, and serve as a “voice” for survivors of torture through programs of advocacy and community mobilization, all in a unique form combining Mental Health and Human Rights as per the international laws and in a sustainable manner.

The most vulnerable population of Victims of Torture and Organized Violence and their families receive the essential treatment and rehabilitation services.

A non-violent culture that fights torture and organized violence, caring and promoting their needs and rights does exist in the West Bank.

Knowledge and Information pertaining to Victims of Torture are produced, generated and disseminated to all concerned parties, and there exist individuals and institutions capable to respond to the needs of Victims of Torture.

TRC is internally sustainable through implementing proper Management Systems and Procedures, Effective Accounting and Financial Systems supported by modern Information Technology and sufficient Infrastructure

Main Projects / Activities

The Treatment and Vocational Rehabilitation Programme
TRC provides a wide range of holistic treatment interventions under this programme through a model-building approach which addresses the most critical needs of each client and provides alleviation from symptoms of trauma as a result of human rights abuses. Administered by a highly qualified multi-disciplinary team of human rights based mental health practitioners, TRC provides the following evidence based services: Individual, group, family, Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Art and Play child therapy, Narrative therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy (EMDR)
Additionally, TRC conducts vocational rehabilitation to restore the normal life patterns of victims of human rights abuses by empowering them to re-engage with their communities and to reduce their socio-economic burdens as part of their road to recovery.
Summer camps are conducted each year to address the suffering of children through recreational and psychosocial activities, developing their understanding of human rights and democracy-related Concepts, and developing their assertive skills to endure life under occupation.
 Advocacy and Community Awareness Programme
An integral part of TRC’s mission is to raise the public awareness on the issue of human rights and international humanitarian laws through guidebooks, advocacy actions, media campaigns and radio & TV programmes, in order to strengthen recognition of the inherent rights of all persons. TRC works with the Palestinian public at all levels, targeting men, women, children, college students, decision-makers, CSOs and NGOs.
Capacity-Building, Research and Documentation Programme
Under TRC’s capacity building programme, workshops and trainings are provided to strengthen and enhance knowledge and awareness for promoting human rights and reducing torture and ill-treatment and other forms of violence in Palestine. These trainings build the technical skills of TRC’s target groups which include civil society and community based organizations, college students of the social sciences, local and national human rights based non-governmental organizations, PA Ministries, and mental health professionals.
TRC also produces research studies and reports each year which are shared with stakeholders on the national and international levels including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (UNVFVT), and the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), as well as other national, regional, and international stakeholders. Furthermore, TRC researches are instrumental for building its internal capacity for future planning and decision-making.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TRC has a vast network of national, regional and international partners and stakeholders and is well-revered in the international community as a leader for its expertise in human rights, torture, and mental health; Through TRC's unque experiences and expertise, it can support the network in Palestine by engaging with partners at all levels and to work cohesively to advance the vision and mission of the network. Furthermore, TRC is able to engage in knowledge exchanges with network members and to develop areas of opportunity for joint cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

TRC seeks to strengthen its cooperation with Palestinian non-profit organizations as well as regional and international stakeholders in order to advance the cause for non-violence, human rights recogntion, and an ultimate peaceful resolution to the on-going conflict which continues to inflame the cycle of violence. By joiningthe network, TRC seeks to share its knowledge as well as qualitative and quantitative researches, studies, reports and analyses on the impact of rights abuses in Palestine and to work cohesively to address this issue and other relevant related issues on the national level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nabeel Muaddi
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Dr. Mahmud Sehwail
Contact (2) Full Name
Khader Rasras
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Development Assisstance Center

National Network

Granhäcksvägen 3B
44555 Surte

0046 762 722 280
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0046 762 722 280
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Development Assisstance Center was founded in 2014. DAC is a Swedish non-governamental organization based in Västra Götalands region. The main sources of funding will be Erasmus+ and other identified financial lines both at local and international level. At the moment DAC has no employess. The organization was founded by professionals previously working with project management and international cooperation and several of our main partners will be organziations and institutions we have previously cooperated with in other settings. Structure of DAC: The General Assembly is the highest decisional fora. During the GA a new Board is elected. The Board serves for one year and implements the decisions taken during the GA.  
Mission and Objectives

The association's goal is to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the community through information, marketing, consultancy services, development activities and training activities dedicated to various social categories, companies, public authorities, trade unions, NGOs and other interested stakeholders that develop activities on a local, regional, national and international level.
In order to reach its goal DAC:
Develops activities with the intent to contribute to the personal and professional development and to reduce socio-economic inequalities for young people, professional groups, unemployed and vulnerable groups.
Develops activities that promote the principles of sustainable development, social economy, human rights, equality, tolerance, solidarity, youth participation, active citizenship, European identity, development, fair trade and international solidarity, environmental protection, democracy, sports, health, culture, poverty, media, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization was founded at the end of April 2014 and until now we have applied to the new Erasmus + programme for a combined project consisting of a training course planned to take place in Romania and a final seminar to take place in Sweden. Between these two international activities, the partner organizations coming from Turcia, Romania, Sweden, Ucraine, Moldova, Serbia and Bulgaria will organize several local level awareness raising campaignes on the topic of the project: human trafficking.
For the next Erasmus+ deadline we plan to send a project together with partners from the EuroMed countries: Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Italy, Finalnd, Romania and Sweden. The project will be on the topic of gender equality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with project ideas, involvment in the local activity organized by the network and also by organizing activities for the ALF members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the ALF network creates a great framework for meeting serious and engaged international partners which are essential for the succesful implementation of the international projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreea Maris
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Andreea Maris
Contact (2) Full Name
Clara Igna Fabiola
Job Title (2)
Organization developer

Leaders of Life

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Leaders of Life for Sustainable Development Together we make the future Who we are                         A non-profit organization founded in (2012) by a group of young believers in the importance of providing knowledge and participatory development among young people, And employ unlimited abilities to innovate and develop projects that benefit the community, In addition to maximizing the use of all available opportunities, and a better future industry, dominated by concepts (Excellence, Renaissance, and upgrading). Who we work for? We are the youth's share the youths between (13-30) years old, males or females, from all the Jordanian slices without exceptions, from those whom got mental, movements, materiality, or cultural challenges. In fact they got the priority to participate even they are motivated to participate, focusing on the interest not on the fitness, to strengthening the concept of the civil participation and voluntary work in the society. Why we work? • Reinforce the voluntary work concept • Reinforce the youth leadership concept in our local society • Reinforce the civilized connection with the world youths • Increase the youths participation in the civic society organization • Empower the youths with skills, personal and organizational abilities in the youth field process of reform and development and construction.

Mission and Objectives

Vision: Strengthening and upgrading development concepts and importance of volunteering among members of society, to contribute to the construction of the Renaissance, and the achievement of sustainable development in their communities. Mission: Enable members of the community and help them to realize and develop their abilities, to actively participate in making a positive and sustainable change in their communities, creating innovative solutions to the problems and challenges they face, to build a generation capable of participating in the

Main Projects / Activities

Projects and achievementsof the organization: We pursue to create and implement sustainable projects and initiatives away from short-term programs, and without neglecting the activities and periodic visits. Herebelow some of what we have done so far in short: • Journey into the future Initiative: It is an integrated learning initiative aiming to providing guidance, empowerment,and entertainment. This initiative began with primary classes from ninth to tenth grade students in private schools in the governorates of Irbid and Amman, in order to provide students with a mature goal for their future lives, and help them discover their talents and develop their skills approaching five target groups: the student, the school, the teacher, parents, colleagues and the community and aiming to continuously upgrading them and their communities. This program is sustainable and extends to 12 hours of training and 100 students, 30 teachers, 10 parents and 30 volunteers have benefited from such program. This year, the initiative has been developed and applied at the level of the largest private schools in addition to UNRWA schools in some camps, and the launch of such initiative in universities started in Al-Yarmouk University, and currently we are going to launch in public schools after obtaining the approval of the Minister of Education. Work together initiative This initiative aims to revive the solidarity and communication among communities. It is also sustainable and has been applied in a number of stages, and it is necessary to mention that any activity aimed at social solidarity is launched under the umbrella of “Work together “, including blood donation on Saturday, 02/01/2014 at the Blood Bank of Irbid. 150 poor families benefited from the program So far, (through the provision of some parcels, securing the most important needs,create some job opportunities) three Schools and nursing including SOS, 60 orphans and our achievements still ongoing. GO GREEN environmental initiative: It is a sustainable initiative aimed at preserving the environment by launching awareness campaigns and recycling projects, the adoption of ideas in this aspect. *The details of such initiative will be provided soon. Youth talks initiative: This Initiative gathers creators and those who have talents with civil society in order to advise them as well as provide them with motivation and enthusiasm and telling the stories of success. At the beginning, this event was launched at Al-Yarmouk University , attended by more than 300 participants  showing 7 success stories, in addition to trainers in human development , this initiative is from and for  young people and will be launchedin a monthly basis in the Kingdom's universities , respectively. Save health financed initiative: The initiative is to provide health advice and a quick check of the civil society in areas with a large gathering as complexes and vital areas, by the medical team worked with the organization for  1 Jordanian Dinar kept in the organization’s treasury to  be spent on initiatives .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I think we can make a good work together may can make a project with other partner, we work with many organizations fromm out side Jordan and we had good expirince in that field. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is impotent for us to join your network, because Ana Lindh is a great and big organization and it will be support for us in future and we can work together and it will help us in it's experiences. and it has good network in all over the world and that will help us to find the partner to work in future projects. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Salem Shatnawi
Job Title
Projects manager
Head of the organisation
Hatem Shatnawi

Youth Council of the City of Mostar

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Fra Ambre Miletića br. 30
Bosnia & Herzegovina

00387 36 312 332
Telephone (other)
00387 61 467 534
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00387 61 467 534
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Youth Council of the City of Mostar is a non-governmental organization that was founded in 2010 on the initiative of the City of Mostar . Mostar Youth Council consists of non-governmental youth organizations, each with its own representative. It is the umbrella organization for youth in the city of Mostar , which has  representatives in the Youth Commission of the City . It deals with the youth policy and the main goal is to raise the life of young people on a higher level in accordance with the Law of the  Youth of the Federation BiH . Mostar Youth Council works through the Assembly, the Board and the Supervisory Board. Assembly , the highest governing body , made up of representatives of non-governmental organizations , " OKC Abrašević , " " Builders of peace, " " UG Bačevići , " " The Student Union of the University of Mostar, " "Student Union of the University Džemal Bijedić , " " CEPA ", "  Sports Association of the City of Mostar . " Yearly budget from the City of Mostar 5.000,00 Euro.
Mission and Objectives

Our vision:
The youth should be the factor affecting the creation of its surrounding, and therefore contribute not only to the surrounding, but to the development of the whole community.
Our mission:
The Youth Council of the City of Mostar with its activity strives to help young people in solving their problems of educational, informational, cultural, sport and entertainment character and their inclusion in public life.
With its activity the Youth Council:
- fulfils and satisfies the common interest of the members of the Youth Council of the City of Mostar;
- contributes and promotes the development of sport, culture, art and education;
- is a platform for all youth to join in constrictive dialog and partnership with adults who are involved in making decisions about their needs and aspirations;
- actively participates as a representative of the youth of the City of Mostar on relevant positions in the country and abroad, and encourages connections with the youth;
- offers youth advisory assistance in order for the youth to make a positive impact in their communities;

Main Projects / Activities

- Global environmental project " Let 's do it Mostar ", we organized  a big cleaning action throughout the City of Mostar- ecology project .
Project Partners: Association of Citizens " Ringo " association " Something More ," " The Student Union of the University of Mostar .
- "Street Arts Festival 2012".  lasting four days , during which there have occurred many street art , visual , audio , theater and dance conceptual art facilities .
Project Partners: UWC Mostar , British council , OKC Abrašević , UN Volunteers , City of Mostar .
Links :
-Project  " Sport for All ", which renovated the ground for sports activities for all generations. Embed the baskets and goals . The terrain for basketball and small football is restored and ready to use. Now it is used by over 586 pupils in local High Schools.
Project partners : British Council, UN Volunteers , Middle - machine traffic school , university sports center " Midhad Hujdur - Hujka .
Links :

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide a large data base of organization that are working in Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the city of Mostar and also we can provide information about the Network to young people in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want changes in our local community. Having a lot of organizations as partners, organizations that exist in this network, we want to bring the power of young people on a higher level because our country is in need of fresh young people who are willing to change the life to better. Through differnet projects we are willing to try to change the life of young people in our City, Country, Region...

Contact (1) Full Name
Haris Idriz
Job Title
President of the Assembly
Head of the organisation
prof. Idriz Haris
Contact (2) Full Name
Đapić Marina
Job Title (2)
President of the Kollegium