National Network

42 somran
2052 tunis

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Young leaders entrepreneurs is based on 300 volunteers from professionals ,students and amateurs .Its main focus is empowering youth and women in entrepreneurship and is an alumni registered association as it offers trainings ,orientation sessions about how to be part of exchange programs . Our main partners are ranging from international organizations ,local entreprises to abroad grants.Our prjects are diverse covering different themes :gender equity ,entrepreneurship ,hackathons ,startups and international conferences.  
Mission and Objectives

Young leaders enterpreneurs is a newly established association located in the capital of tunisia , founded by young activists from tunis , jendouba and kasserine . This association aims to empower youth in the field of leadership and entrepreneurship in dismissed regions forgotten in the process of development by previous policies . Thanks to arranging panels , summits, and events that integrate youth in the democracy transition focusing on making them familiar with the concepts of citizenship and how to master the art of communication for the recreational of a harmony and auto-adaption of the different points of view in the settlement of a democratic atmosphere. The other major goal is to motivate the most gifted powerful young leaders in Tunisia to reinforce their skills and potentials through intensive workshops and exhibitions in science ,business and ventures. Added to that, we work within the vision of “fair welfare “ that tends to create a better standard of life based on offering well-targeted projects that try not only to ameliorate the situations and life conditions of many needy people but also to make them learn how to rely on themselves and rebuild their lives and social conditions by supporting their initiatives ,to make them contribute to construct their homes ,schools and their primary needs . Moreover, it is true that we have many marginalized regions that lack the basic infrastructures that can not have the high standards to attract capital for investments to decrease the amount of unemployment ;yet beauty is incarnated there due to the existing astonishing landscapes ,monuments ,mountains and national parks but not appreciated or not used for the benefit of the residents neither to boost the economy of the post-revolutionary Tunisia .Therefore, comes our goal related to the “New tourism which creates new spots to discover in order to animate these isolated regions yet beautiful in terms of tourism instead of neglecting those natural resources by engaging associations that reside there ,volunteers and international clubs and agencies to organize camping, journeys and national days for appreciating nature,animals threatened of extinction in parks ,
Mainly,the association is founded by group of volunteers who had a deep experience in the civil society as social entrepreneurs,trainers and volunteers.

Main Projects / Activities

we have launched on 2012 the New egenration initiative which trained 60 hig school students coming from different regions on how to accept each other when they will attend universities .Actually this project was selected as a success story in Poalnd for its peace building characteristics .
the secnd project is by copy right a Young Leaders Entrepreneurs initiative where we hosted 100 in the greater tunis for 5 days :we trained them abut how to draft a project and pitch it .the second day we split them into ten groups where each group has a coder and a mentor to guide them .we started the countdown of 20 hours non stop to work per each group on a project to get Tunisian youth to vote .lATER WE Select the best team based on the creativity and the methedology of the main project .As this initiative succeeded and even selected in DC as a success story ,we have repeated the concept in Gafsa ,Kasserine,Elkef and sidi bouzid.
On 14th of February ,we have arranged for the first time in The arab world the One Billion Riisng Tunisia for occupying streets with arts to claim women rights at the same time with over 200 countries all over the world and our video was selected to be part of a court metrage which will be displayed in SUNDANCE fesitival.
We are working with the American embassy and the Amideast on a program called :American corner leadership club where we train 30 youth per year n how to be leaders and be admitted to international exchange programs through peer to peer coaching and social ectivism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a youth led organization we will make sure to be open for cooperation within the network and share our mangerial experience as we are always part of international experiences .We will work to maintain the unity of the network by looking for partnerships and networking for the sake of making a change .As we believe that dialogue is the seed of success ,so we are ready to arrange round tables discussions to always support members of this body in their projects whether with volunteers or consultancy .Eventually ,sharing is caring so as we have a good netowking with donors and technical assitants serving organizations ,we will share such opportunities and contacts

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it is a strong family to be within it in order to value our work and be open to other different experiences .Educationally, we need to keep current with all developments in the scope of our work.  Learning new models and methods .ALF provides many opportunities for networking and interaction with your fellow professionals.  Whether it's through working together on a committee, attending meetings, workshops and conferences, or chatting on the web site forum, you can make many connections that can lead to increased knowledge or a better position.It is really imprtnat to benefit from the eperience and the wisdom of other associations who had a deep knwoeldge of social activism and bridging understanding among different countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
ahlem nasraoui
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Ahlem Nasraoui
Contact (2) Full Name
souha werghy
Job Title (2)

i Photo Kairouan

National Network

16 rue 3 Aout Kairouan
3100 Kairouan

(+216) 21 039 446
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
21 039 446
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

Means to develop a picture of Kairouan Through cultural image, video, and encourage Young people to volunteer work.

Mission and Objectives

Through the photo gallery and videos of the definition of cultural heritage Through seminars

Main Projects / Activities

So we fairs Photos Seminar to introduce the cultural heritage Participation in association with awareness campaigns

Contact (1) Full Name
Hindaoui Abderrahim
Head of the organisation
Zied Nsir
Contact (2) Full Name
Nsir Zied

Insitute of Research and Training on European Affairs

National Network

Favierou str. 39
10438 Athens

0030 2130250217
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Institute of Research and Training on European Affairs was founded in 2010 by a group of young international relations scientists. Today it consists of almost 40 members working on a voluntary basis. More than 1000 young students participate every year in its actions, such as european institutions' simulations, conferences, research programs and european-funded projects. The I.R.T.E.A.s' actions are financially supported either by its participation in european-funded projects or by the fees of participation set in some of the organisation's activities. In the four years of its existance the I.R.T.E.A. has managed to create partnerships with almost every University on political science, humanities and business administration in Greece, such as the National Kapodestrian Univeristy of Athens and the University of Piraeus, as well as with other NGOs both in Greece such as the ELIAMEP, and in other countries, such as the B.E.T.A. in Germany and the Youth Council of Cyprus. Lastly it has established its cooperation with the Official Representation of the European Commission in Athens and with the Information Office of the European Parliament in Athens.

Mission and Objectives

The Institute of Research and Training on European Affairs was created  with the purpose to fill the gap created in Greece and Europe among theoretical education, practical education and labor market and to establish a strong academic center in Athens for the yourh across the EU and its partner countries. In order to achieve this mission, the Institute will promote the following purposes:     1. The Institute’s primary purpose is for the Greek youth to fully understand the mode of operation of Bodies and Institutions of the European Union.     2. The Institute will inform the citizens of the Union on the international relations of the European Union and its other member states with third counties.     3. The Institute has as its mission the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge and policy for the Environment and Sustainability, in order to realize a sustainable society.     4. The implementation of any kind of activity which contributes to the familiarization of the citizens of the member states of the European Union with different cultures and traditions.     5. The Institute aims to bridge the gap among the academic, social and business world in Europe. The most important thing for the Institute is to produce work living up to the requirements of this time and the young people. The Institute will train the young people so as for them to broaden their academic status and to pass from theory to practice. The Institute and the services provided are addressed to the younger generation, since the field of practical training in Greece is static and no expanded at all.

Main Projects / Activities

The actions of the I.R.T.E.A. could be divided in five main categories: the simulations, the conferences, the European programs, the actions related to media and the research programs. The simulations organized by the I.R.T.E.A. are four. The first one is the European Parliament Simulation ( Euro.Pa.S), which this year celebrates its five years of excellence. The Euro.Pa.S. has managed to be recognized by all the European Institution as well as the General Secretariat of Youth. In the five years of its existence it has gathered more than 1.000 participants from all over Europe. Our second simulation was the Military Academies Simulation with the participation of students of the National Military Academies of Greece. The simulated bodies are the Council of the European Union and of the Military Committee. The third Simulation is the Simulation of Private Corporations, named Be an Executive, created for post-graduation degree students, studying Business Administration, Economics, Marketing, Law and Human Resources  at the Athens University of Economics and Business. Last but not least, the Simulation of Euro-Summit in collaboration with University of Athens, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy and Students Association for International Affairs, which aimed European postgraduate students. This particular conference simulates the European Council with the presence of Ministers of Economics. In the context of our research program our goal is to create and achieve a scientific outcome on issues related to Europe. To fulfill this mission we promote the efforts of the young students and we cooperate with all the interested in promoting as well this effort organizations. Working to this direction we participate in ECOSOC and Europaid. As an example some of our research programs are: “The strengthening of relations in security issues among the countries of Southeast Mediterranean.” “Participatory Democracy: The model of the positive direct democracy of Switzerland and can the EU adopt from that.” “The Balkan Member States as exponents of EU The European orientation and the Balkan States” In our actions related to media we have managed to organize three writing contests the past year, with participations from students in many Greek Universities. By creating this action our goal was to give the space to the Greek youth to express their opinion on daily issues regarding the Greek and the European societies. One of our most important actions which were created in 2013 and aims at becoming an annual event is the 1st European Economic Forum, taking place in Athens, Greece. This action aims at becoming the place where the economics and the society meet to discuss about the future economic plans and the sustainable development of Europe. Last but not least is our participation in European Programs. In 2013 we worked in the program B.E.S.T. (Bringing Europe at Schools and Teachers), in which we organized a simulation of the European Parliament for young pupils of the primary education. Our goal was to teach the kids using a fun game the way the European Parliament works and how the decisions are being made, in a simplified way. In the same year we participated in the program “European Citizens’ Year: The rights of the Youth as European Citizens”, in which we organized supporting the Research Centre of the University of Piraeus, three conferences for freshman students in the University and school students in their last year in the secondary education. Our goal was to raise the awareness of the value of the youth participation in the society in the EU. This year we work again with the Research Centre of the University of Piraeus in the program “Europe at Schools through Art and Simulation”. In this project we organize five simulations, one for teachers with almost 160 teachers working in the primary education and four for 300 pupils.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that by participating in the network of Greece we can exchange good practises and know-how on the issues concerning the youth of Greece, which we have gained trhough our experience. Moreover we could cooperate closer and offer quality opportunities to the Greek youth for education and training on European, human rights and cultural issues. Last but not least we can disseminate the aims of the network and its results through our own activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that joining the ALF Network is a great chance for the NGOs of the regions to find partners, exchange good practises, cooperate closer aiming at serving the civil society of their countries and improve the quality of their activities and its dissemination. Moreover the Network gives us the chance to work coordinated towards the cultural understanding and cooperation of the region. Therefore we wish to join the ALF Network and participate in its actions in an active and fruitfull way.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Antonakakis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Antonakakis George


National Network

İsmetpaşa mah.yeni hükümet cad.
kristal sitesi no:20/3
46100 Dulkadiroğlu/Kahramanmaraş/

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
HEALTH, EDUCATION AND CULTUR ASSOCIATION Our association was established to undertake  activities in the education, health and culture fields. All of our members are university graduates, experienced in their field, are known around the people. In addition, we have  staffs who are  experienced to prepare  about national and international grant projects . Our city has a great potential,  very ancient history and culture with a huge population more than one million. We want to share our knowledge to people who live in our region and all over the world. We are always ready to communicate. You can contact whenever you want.
Mission and Objectives

Our association was established to undertake  activities in the education, health and culture fields

Main Projects / Activities

we want to educate and improve people who away from the state Opportunities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can do joint activities with other associations engaged in activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, ALF network linking Europe and Middle East with a large bridge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Health Officer

Tunisian Association for International Cultural Exchange

National Network

5th, Seville Street
2040 Rades Meliane

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
TAICE,Tunisian Association for International Cultural Exchange,is a Non Profit association created in September 2012 and encompasses 25 active members.A priori,its focal purpose is to organise cultural exchanges,meetings,hikes,and out-doors activities between Tunisian students and their fellows from outside Tunisia in order to build a mutual,reciprocal,and universal understanding between them.Based in Tunisia,TAICE’s goals centres around organizing cultural exchanges between Tunisian students and international ones.In fact, we are trying to bring into close relation the Tunisian student to the foreigner one so that a fruitful cultural encounter is brought about among all the participants.Regardless of their origins,ethnicities,gender,religions,dogmata and so on and so forth,TAICE believes that harmony,co-existence, and acculturation are to be met via raising fertile debates. Therefore, TAICE equates the very notion of learning more about the rest of the world, sharing new ideas, widening one’s social network, and melting various cultures in an unforgettable experience.
Mission and Objectives

By advancing cultural exchange and cooperation with other cultures, Taice strives to attain its main goals :

• Enhancing mutual international and intercontinental understanding and friendship between the Tunisian people and the peoples of the world.

• Dismantling prejudices and stereotypes and accepting the Other through cross-cultural dialogue.

• Fostering an appreciation of Tunisian culture, language, customs, and traditions.

Main Projects / Activities

TAICE arranges special cultural events which provide opportunities for international students and expatriates to communicate and debate with Tunisian youth certain controversial issues, to come across various aspects of the Tunisian culture, language, and tradition, as well as to visit places and discover monuments of bygone civilizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TAICE can contribute to the Network in Tunisia by working hand in hand with other organisations to built up several projects and initiatives. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is an opportunity to open up and enter in an international network , so we may aim higher creating a more professional and efficient projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Oussama Rezgui
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Oussama Rezgui
Contact (2) Full Name
Hechem El Jed
Job Title (2)
Executive Member


National Network

20 Ibn Zafer St., from Ibn Maged St.
Hegaz Square, Heliopolis

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Media
  4. Others
General Information
We are a newly registered, wholly owned and financed by two professionals, aiming to provide branding and content creation for cultural institutes in Egypt. Since day one, we are interested in taking part of social development in our country. believing in our potential as a nation, and hoping to include ourselves among currently active entities. In one sentence, we believe that branding and content, even -or rather especially- of consumer products, can play a large role in improving our culture, and thus our everyday life.
Mission and Objectives

To provide suitable branding for cultural endeavours in Egypt.

To help startups by providing the same services, and also sharing our experience of starting up in rough economy times

As our resources expand, we will be able to sponsor or create our own initiatives, aiming to promote a culture of tolerance. Using everyday products and goods as a vehicle for this goal. We believe that culture is built and practiced mainly in every action we do, and not only by highly promoted, one-off cultural projects.

Main Projects / Activities


Content creation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Brandiing, brainstorming, connecting different talents together & sharing experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Seeking to take part of creating a clear ditinction between culture and hertitage. And focusing on changing the first to cure some of our (Egypt's) worst issues that are setting us backwards as a nation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wael Helmi
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Wael Helmi

Ms. Sawsan Kanaan

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
I work as a gender specialist working as one of the team of “Women media and development organization”, a partner with a donor who implement  infrastructure projects (Anera). my job involve engaging with the communitiy members,  municipalities, local councils, and local organizations which evolve around creating and developing dialogue between municipalities, members of the community, civil society institutions and donors for infrastructure projects  to enhance the development and benefit of the intended infrastructure projects (Water; Sanitation; drainage systems; schools; health; youth, women, and disabilities centers) for Palestinian people, taking into consideration the needs and priorities of all gender groups especially the marginalized ones. I’m Also a member in the Palestinian forum of gender and local governance which consist of members from a number of civil society organizations and ministries whom are involved in projects related to gender and local governance. This forum’ main goal is to mainstream gender in the local government sector through effective mechanisms  of coordination and organized efforts towards a democratic Palestinian society, specifically ensuring equality on the basis of gender in the local government sector
Mission and Objectives

I have two main roles within the my work activities, the first one is to build a background for activating the role of civil society beside local councils in the field of infrastructure development, and  encourage women, disabled people, youth, and other marginalized groups to express their needs and priorities regarding the basic services that will be provided by donors. For example when a certain community expressed their need for building a new school, my role is enhance  this procedure by community involvement through meeting with community  representatives (consists of  all  social groups and beneficiaries), local council or municipality members, donors, and even the contractors who will implement the project. This process ensures the integration of the needs of all gender groups in the community into the intended project and guarantee the best coordination and cooperation by all the stakeholders. The second role that we aim at accomplishing through this process is to activate the role of women in the local councils and inside the society both individuals and within the organizations. By giving awareness to all these stakeholders about the importance of  encouraging participation of all community groups especially women, disabled people and youth. The donors and local councils now are taking realistic steps in encouraging this participation and taking their needs and interests in the implementation of intended projects, and listening to their future needs and trying to make real change. As a result the infrastructure projects now are more gender sensitive, and aware of the real needs of all community groups and beneficiaries. Also, women’ roles and participation in the local councils and community meetings are more active and effective.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities withing my my scope of work include:
- Meetings with community members, local councils, and donor in order to bridge the gap between them and establish cooperation background. and the most important goal is to introduce the needs and priorities of the marginalized groups in the community.
- Distributing and collecting questions forms that study the needs and priorities of people in each community about the intended projects and there interests about  future projects.
- Raising awareness activities (workshops, radio advertisements, billboards, brochures, ....).
- Video and voice interviews with  community representative.
- round tables for discussion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sawsan Kanaan
Job Title
Gender Specialist
Head of the organisation
Sawsan Kanaan


National Network

Sencu prospekts 21, Baltezers, Garkalnes novads
Riga region, LV-2164

+371 26556905
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Non profit/ non governmental organisation "DONUM ANIMUS" was established to support people from disadvantaged groups inclusion in the society also improving dialogue and learning between generations and cultures- to enchance inter- generational solidarity and sustainable development of society. Our focus groups are young people and adults from disadvantaged social groups.  

Mission and Objectives

Non governmental organisation promotes social and intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and cultural exchange among young people and adults. Target groups: youth and adults.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities: Project work, seminars, training courses and consulting.With special focus on  improvement of  project management, leadership, team building, communication, intercultural skills and self development etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our personal experience, sharing or practices in such a fields like leadership, social entrepreneurship, active citizenship and social inclusion etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network as we are interested to make future projects with the countries form Mediterraian countries. That type of projets could  to help get better understanding among people from different counties regardless of their educational, religious, historical experience. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Sintija Bernava
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Sintija Bernava
Contact (2) Full Name
Guntis Solks
Job Title (2)
Member of the Board


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Je m'appelle Redouane, un jeune étudiant à Ouarzazate, Agé de 20 ans, membre actid dans plusieurs association de développement durable dans la région, et je suis initiateur d'une association des nomade au Sud de Ouarzazate. j'aime beaucoup le travail associatif, le volontariat, et le travail en groupe.
Mission and Objectives

* l'intégration de la femme rurale dans le tissue économique.
* la lutte contre l'analphabétisation, et l'abondon scolaire.
* chercher des projets de développent pour le village.

Main Projects / Activities

1/ la scolarité des enfants nomades dans le sud Marocain.
2/ développer l'agriculture.
3/ création d'une coopérative pour les femmes du village.
4/ la réparation de l'école du village qui est en très mauvaise état.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Samusocial International

National Network

35 avenue Courteline
75012 Paris

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Samusocial International (SSI) is registered under the French law of associations since 1998. It is governed by a Board of Directors (11 members), has presently 8 staff employed and works with 14 local Samusocial partner organisations (CSO). Its 2014 budget is of 1.814.578 EUR and main sources of funding are: French Agency for Development, European Union, Monaco cooperation, Sanofi Foundation, Total Foundation. Its modalities of action are to provide general support, grants and trainings to Samusocial local organizations of our network that are active to protect people victims of social exclusion. We also conduct in depth research as well as capitalize best practices in order to build appropriate responses to social exclusion. Finally we advocate and communicate our knowledge and know-how to a wide audience through conference talks, paper publications, trainings and university courses.
Mission and Objectives

Its mission, as per its statutes, is to use all possible public information and training programs, in all world cities where problems linked to social exclusion arise (including problems of shelter, food, access to care, psychological suffering and any other consequence of rejection and the breakdown of human, economic and social links), to create, promote and support arrangements similar to those operated by samusocial de Paris and which meet the criteria set out in the objectives and charter of Samusocial International, and to perform directly or indirectly related tasks. Agreements, exchanges of all types and training arrangements shall be established. The Association’s objectives shall also include collecting funds to support Samusocial organisations, in accordance with the spirit of samusocialdeParis and, in the same conditions, creating, supporting and assisting the action, research and special interests of Samusocial organisations overseas. Samusocial International shall also appraise, evaluate and guarantees the minimum quality criteria that all bodies going by the name of "Samusocial " must abide.

Main Projects / Activities

The current strategic phase (2013-2015) is to build upon its 15th anniversary to raise the organisation’s visibility in terms of expertise and know-how, and continue to develop innovative responses to social exclusion.
The main activities are:
Objective 1. To promote and deepen the Samusocial method:
• To ensure a quality offer of technical assistance and trainings to local Samusocials and other stakeholders aiming at setting up Samusocial in their city (trainings on Samusocial method, on keys of comprehension of phenomenon of social exclusion and psychopathology of marginalised people/ inter Samusocial exchange of experiences/ Annual coordination meetings);
• To improve production and publication capacities of training tools, methodological guides and technical resources (register and compile existing documentation to be published on online resources centre of SSI; etc.);
• To draft position papers and to participate to international/regional/national conferences on the issues of social exclusion to share SSI’s experiences and tools;
• To develop a pool of external experts for trainings;
• To ensure and develop academic teachings in order to transfer know-how of SSI and its local partners’ experiences.
Objective 2. To develop and promote local responses of local Samusocials
• To contribute to functioning of local Samusocials by technical assistance provided to ensure good governance of the local NGOs; in some Samusocials, SSI mandates an expatriate director or volunteer to ensure daily management and monitoring of the activities;
• To ensure regular steering and monitoring of local Samusocials by field support missions conducted at least once/year by SSI staff;
• To strengthen information systems on activities and beneficiaries of each local Samusocial by implementing a standardised database that will ensure a better knowledge of socio-demographical trends of targeted populations and thus feed targeted advocacy and awareness raising activities;
• To promote innovative actions developed by local Samusocials by accompanying them in the capitalisation process; for example the Samusocial Casablanca aims to become national training and resources center for newly created Samusocials in each big city of Morocco.
• To support implementation of quality processes within each Samusocial in terms of HR policy, procurement, accounting, and resources mobilisation.
Objective 3. To accompany the development of new Samusocials
• Elaborate feasibility and exploratory mission kits and constitute a pool of experts to conduct these missions and be able to negotiate with local and central authorities the opening of new project ;
• Develop a pool of financial and non financial resources in order to implement these missions and ensure funding for the launch of these new projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Samusocial International can contribute to the network by sharing its expertise and understanding of social exclusion, as well as best practices in terms of responses to this phenomenon affecting all cities throughout the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Samusocial International works with local partners in Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, Morocco and Romania, outside of France, countries served by the ALF network, and aims at benefitting from ALF network to contribute to strenghthen CSO’s capacities in these countries to act against social exclusion by organizing exposure visits and capacity building activities and exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie Chuberre
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Xavier Emmanuello