
National Network

Vasile Gherghel nr 2

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
We are a consortia of 13 partners from various countries: Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey, Croatia, Czech Rep, Hungary, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Portugalia, Azerbaijan. Foundings from various grants we apply. We are developing projects, exchanges, and on-line courses and trainings. Spain and Czech Republic - online platforms, training and software creations Turkey, romania, bulgaria Serbia : educational activities: teaching, training, tutoring Macedonia, Hungary, : ecology and biodiversity Portugalia - cultural aspects Azerbaijan Croatia: youth , sports Slovenia, Italy : food, traditions, interculturality
Mission and Objectives

To build a comprehensive world for all rejected persons and a place for all, where to grow, build and feel important.
- creating a space where differences become values
- building a network where every passion become creation and art work
- realising a place where everyone could learn what attracts him and not by obedience

Main Projects / Activities

Training teachers in Web 2.0 for preparing students to workin the UE space
Training teachers to use ICT in teaching to SEN students in mainstream classes
Food and Traditions: a new pedagogy of taste
Body, Mind, Life
Franz Ferdinand, Sarajevo, and 2014
Blogging with Churchill

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

All our projects innovative and practical insights will be spread and put on-line for general use.
We hope to realise a big network of practicians and researchers in our topics.
With the money we collect, we will organise a Master for European students in interdisciplinary topics

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The possibility to cooperate and spread our works and researches and also, to enrich the Network with our results.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barsan Gabriela
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Catalina Nicolin

Croatian-Egyptian Friendship Society

National Network

Ulica Vjekoslava Novotnija 18
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: President, Vice-President, Secretary Budgetary resources available in a year: no fixed budget Sources of funding: membership fees, activity fees, government and private grants Modalities of action: Presentations, seminars and movie projections about Egypt, Egyptian dance workshops, Egyptian cuisine workshops, Arabic language and script courses, Croatian for foreigners courses, Egyptian culture manifestations Main partners: Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies

Mission and Objectives

Promoting, developing and improving the cultural, social and economic ties between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

planning and realization of mutual cooperation between Croatian and Egyptian experts in the fields of arts and culture , tourism and economy organizing cultural events: theater performances, film screenings, art exhibitions, contemporary and classical music and other events, lectures about Egyptian cultural heritage, Performing Arts workshops stimulating interest in learning the Arabic language for the members of the Association organizing culture and education-oriented trips for the members of the Association publication of books and magazines about the work of the Association for easier and more comprehensive realization of the objectives of the Association developing and strengthening cooperation with similar organizations in Croatia and abroad

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through planning and realization of projects and events which promote cultural diversity, exchange and dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To search for prospective partners in the realization of our projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Said
Job Title
President and Activity Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Adel Said Abdelkader Said
Contact (2) Full Name
Nika Said
Job Title (2)
Administrative Secretary

Hors Pistes (anciennement -Pistes Solidaires Méditerranée)

National Network

54 rue du coq
13001 Marseille

+ 33 09 52 86 00 44
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Hors Pistes est une association d’éducation populaire, fondée en 2013 et basée à Marseille. Hors Pistes, ça veut dire sortir des sentiers battus, accepter les découvertes inattendues, changer de perspectives. C’est dépasser les idées préconçues par d’autres que soi, échapper à sa zone de confort, ouvrir ses horizons et se laisser surprendre. C’est prendre des chemins dont on ne soupçonnait pas l’existence, mais qui nous font grandir et apprendre. Hors Pistes développe des projets éducatifs à l’échelle internationale et locale: – l’envoi, l’accueil et la coordination de jeunes en service volontaire européen – des formations interculturelles pour les professionnels – des échanges interculturels de jeunes – des opportunités de stage à l’international pour les demandeurs d’emploi – un programme de parrainage interculturel entre habitants locaux et migrants – des temps de formation, de sensibilisation et d’animation auprès de nombreux publics L’équipe se compose de 6 salariés et de 6 à 8 volontaires (SVE et service civique français et international). Notre réseau rassemble également des dizaines de bénévoles, actifs dans le domaine de l’éducation non formelle. Nous faisons partie de réseaux internationaux (ex. Fondation Anna Lindh) et nous travaillons étroitement avec des partenaires associatifs et institutionnels en Europe et en Méditerranée. L’association fait partie de la CAMI, « Coordination des acteurs de la mobilité internationale ». 
Mission and Objectives

Hors Pistes est une association d’éducation populaire, fondée en 2013 et basée à Marseille.
Hors Pistes, ça veut dire sortir des sentiers battus, accepter les découvertes inattendues, changer de perspectives. C’est dépasser les idées préconçues par d’autres que soi, échapper à sa zone de confort, ouvrir ses horizons et se laisser surprendre. C’est prendre des chemins dont on ne soupçonnait pas l’existence, mais qui nous font grandir et apprendre.
Hors Pistes développe des projets éducatifs à l’échelle internationale et locale:
– l’envoi, l’accueil et la coordination de jeunes en service volontaire européen
– des formations interculturelles pour les professionnels
– des échanges interculturels de jeunes
– des opportunités de stage à l’international pour les demandeurs d’emploi
– un programme de parrainage interculturel entre habitants locaux et migrants
– des temps de formation, de sensibilisation et d’animation auprès de nombreux publics

Main Projects / Activities

Hors Pistes développe des projets éducatifs à l’échelle internationale et locale:
– l’envoi, l’accueil et la coordination de jeunes en service volontaire européen
– des formations interculturelles pour les professionnels
– des échanges interculturels de jeunes
– des opportunités de stage à l’international pour les demandeurs d’emploi
– un programme de parrainage interculturel entre habitants locaux et migrants
– des temps de formation, de sensibilisation et d’animation auprès de nombreux publics
L’équipe se compose de 6 salariés et de 6 à 8 volontaires (SVE et service civique français et international). Notre réseau rassemble également des dizaines de bénévoles, actifs dans le domaine de l’éducation non formelle.
Nous faisons partie de réseaux internationaux (ex. Fondation Anna Lindh) et nous travaillons étroitement avec des partenaires associatifs et institutionnels en Europe et en Méditerranée.
L’association fait partie de la CAMI, « Coordination des acteurs de la mobilité internationale ».

Contact (1) Full Name
Marlène Benzler, Silvia Padrini, Alice Jury et Benjamin Seignovert
Head of the organisation
Marlène Benzler

WWOOF Sweden

National Network

Vättlösa Amfinnsryd 6,
533 91 Götene

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The History of WWOOF Originally called “Working Weekends on Organic Farms”, WWOOF came into being in England, in Autumn 1971, when Sue Coppard, a secretary living and working in London, recognised the need for people like herself,  who did not have the means or the opportunity, to access the countryside and support the organic movement. Her idea started with a trial working weekend for four people at a bio dynamic farm at Emerson College in Sussex, arranged through a contact in the Soil Association. The weekend was a great success and things gathered momentum very quickly. Soon many more organic farmers and smallholders were willing to host people keen to work on their farms in return for food and accommodation (WWOOFers). Hosts and WWOOFers made new friends and enjoyed the experience of exchanging assistance and knowledge. Where it all started WWOOF UK developed quickly with the organisation adapting its systems to meet the needs of WWOOFers and hosts. It remains flexible and adaptable and continues to benefit greatly from enthusiastic grassroots input and feedback. Offers of help from members are actively encouraged. All suggestions are aired and discussed and many implemented. WWOOF's ethos is one of evolution and constant improvement. Now there are autonomous WWOOF organisations in many countries; all of whom have their own ways of organising themselves. However they all have similar aims. Hosts in countries without a national group are listed by WWOOF Independents. A maturing organization In the year 2000 the first International WWOOF conference was held with representatives from 15 countries. It was agreed to: Develop guidelines as to what is meant by being a WWOOFer, a WWOOF host and to go WWOOFing. Encourage and support emerging WWOOF organisations in developing countries. The present In the last few years many new WWOOF organisations have been created with the help and support of existing WWOOF groups so that in 2012 there are more than 50 WWOOF groups world wide. When the demand for longer periods on farms occurred, the name was changed from "Working Weekends on Organic Farms" to "Willing Workers On Organic Farms". However the use of the word “work” in the title caused problems in some regions as the organisation became inappropriately connected with migrant work and viewed as a clandestine migrant worker organisation. As a result of this – and in recognition of the world wide nature of the organisation we have become "World Wide Opportunities On Organic Farms". This change of name was accepted at the meeting in the year 2000, though some WWOOF groups still prefer to use old versions of the name. By sharing the experience of countries that have successfully negotiated national recognition of WWOOF as a bone fide cultural exchange and learning experience it is hoped that national organisations still having problems with their immigration authorities will be able to influence change. The advantages of acting together on the world stage has become more and more important for WWOOF groups over the years and at another international meeting in Korea in 2011 it was agreed that a Federation of WWOOF Organisations (FOWO) should be formed. This vision should become a reality in 2013, when more than 50 WWOOF groups worldwide will become affiliated to the Federation. WWOOF is now recognised as having an important contribution to make in the wider organic world as it brings more and more people into direct contact with organic growers both independently and through other organisations who are trying to influence policy and consumer demand. Through its newsletters WWOOF organisations inform their members of organic news, views, jobs and training. WWOOF is still growing and 'to wwoof' has entered languages in its own right. WWOOFers have given 1000's of hours of help to organic growers and WWOOF hosts have given their time and experience to WWOOFers and opened the door to a way of living that continues to fundamentally change people's lives.
Mission and Objectives

Mission statement - WWOOF Sweden is a not for profit association linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange, thereby helping to building a sustainable global community

Main Projects / Activities

WWOOF is an exchange - In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.
WWOOF organisations link people who want to volunteer on organic farms or smallholdings with people who are looking for volunteer help.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have experience of working to link 110 000 volunteers with organic farmers yearly. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To continue learning and share our knowledge and network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jandi Hallin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jandi Hallin
Contact (2) Full Name
Astrid Jansson
Job Title (2)

European Platform for Middle East Dialogue (EPMED)

National Network

Rue Newton 9
1000 Bruxelles

00353 86 057 1997
Telephone (other)
0032 485 114 931
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is currently comprised of 3 founders and 3 additional administrators, together who make up the CA. As of yet we have no budget but will be looking for sources of funding this summer in order to begin events in the Fall. We will hold several hearings in Brussels on topics such as the Bedouin, water-sharing, settlements, political prisoners etc. with key policy-makers, stakeholders and politicians being invited, presenting both sides of the argument and encouraging constructive dialogue. The founder (Claire Payne) will spend the summer in Israel-Palestine and will meet grassroots organisations and individuals involved in peace-building, and will film and conduct interviews which will also be used in the upcoming hearings. As of yet we have no partners, but will do our best that they are either neutral or that we have a balanced number from each side.
Mission and Objectives

This platform is being established in order to provide a space for contentious issues in Middle-East conflicts to be discussed in Brussels, with a particular emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hearings will be held in Brussels on topics such as the Bedouin, water-sharing, settlements, political prisoners etc. with key policy-makers, stakeholders and politicians being invited, presenting both sides of the argument and encouraging constructive dialogue. European Parliament delegations and NGOs carrying out research on specific areas will be invited to present their findings to a multi-party hearing and create the potential for balanced outcomes and statements from Europe towards both Israel and Palestine. It would encourage positive and constructive dialogue with both parties, and pave the way for more European involvement in the resolution of the conflict. Research projects on each hearing topic will also be carried out and distributed to interested parties.

Main Projects / Activities

- Hearings on contentious issues
-Research projects and publications

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The ALF stands for the promotion of intercultural dialogue, which is exactly what EPMED will be aiding, in that we provide a space for discussion on topics which are usually only discussed within the pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian groups separately in Brussels- these groups do not come together, and thus they remain stuck in their own mindsets and are not open to dialogue. Within Europe there is a microcosm of the conflict itself, and this should not be the case as we are so far removed from the conflict. We thus will allow for both sides of the conflict to be heard on each topic we chose for our hearings, and allow people to thus be more informed and open to dialogue. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network will provide us with a network of connections which is very important for a new independent organisation. It will also give us some potential funding opportunities, and workshops whereby we can improve our skills.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claire Payne
Job Title
EPMED Founder
Head of the organisation
Claire Payne
Contact (2) Full Name
Olivier Loose
Job Title (2)

Associação Check-In - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento

National Network

Rua Campo de Tiro 14
7800-256 Beja

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Check-IN – Cooperation and Development is a non-profit organization, and works in close cooperation with public and private entities, actively participating in everyday quality improvement activities. Check-IN was created in 9 of April 2010. In this moment we have our headquarters in the city of Beja and one office in Lisbon. We cooperate with the Municipality of Beja and the Civil Parish of Santo António in Lisbon.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of Check-IN Association is to be a resource of information, training and access to lifelong learning opportunities for young and adult people in order to promote: social and communitarian integration; education and cooperation for sustainable development; personal competencies, interpersonal and social development; active citizenship; the respect for human rights; gender equality;  tolerance, intercultural dialogue and solidarity between the peoples, among others.
Check-IN has also a special concern for those young and adult people with less privileged access to information due to their geographical location, their economic status or their personal situation.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve its aims, the association organises activities at local, national and international level, including national and international workshops, seminars, activity buildings and training courses (some of them within the Youth in Action Programme) as well as volunteering activities (ex: European voluntary service, Senior Volunteering, national volunteering), international traineeships (ex: Leonardo da Vinci), partnership Grundtvig projects, workshops Grundtvig projects, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our experience and contacts at national and international level. Also with the development of activities and projects, providing services of training and mentoring, supporting youngsters.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that it is important to cooperate to achieve better results. Check-In works a lot at international level but we want also to create better cooperation at national level, to unite the 2 different experiences and share common results, methods and practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sérgio Gonçalves
Job Title
Project coordinator
Head of the organisation
António Gomes
Contact (2) Full Name
António Gomes
Job Title (2)

association national de promotion et loisir de la jeunesse

National Network

m'chedallah centre, bouira
bejaia, alger, tamanrasset, tizi ouzou, boumerdes, tlemcen, blida, tiaret, ouargla
10003 m'chedallah

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
l'association, est un réseau d'association et cadre qui active dans le milieu de la jeunesse, sont rassemblé pour crée cette association, a fin de rassemblé les éfforts et les orienté pour le bien de la jeunesse
Mission and Objectives

- animation de la jeunesse.
- tourisme, mobilité et loisir de la jeunesse.
- sensibilisation de la jeunesse.
- formation et encadrement de la jeunesse.

Main Projects / Activities

- tourisme de la jeunesse, mobilité de la jeunesse, chantier de benevolat.

Contact (1) Full Name
aissa hamichi
Job Title
conseiller de jeunesse
Head of the organisation
aissa hamichi
Contact (2) Full Name
moula hocine
Job Title (2)
président de l'association

Galilee International Management Institute (GIMI)

National Network

Main Street
Nahalal 10600

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Galilee International Management Institute, is a leading public training institution that offers advanced seminars to professionals from over 170 transitional and industrialised countries. We enjoy a global reputation as a top management institute with over twenty five years of experience. To date more than 13,000 senior managers, administrators and planners have graduated from the international programmes. During the course of the year, the Institute’s programme centres conduct regularly scheduled seminars and tailor-made training programmes, designed to meet the requirements of governments and other international organisations.  Most programmes are available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian and Arabic. Other languages are also available upon request. Administrative staff : 50 employees Fre lance lecturers : 500 Budget : around 4 million EURO Source of Funding : participants fees,international organization grants and tenders Galilee International Management Institute is proud to have built programmes for the World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Air Traffic Association, among others. Funding for the trainings have come from a variety of sources, including private foundations, international development agencies (governmental and non- governmental), the European Union, and private contributions.  

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Galilee International Management Institute is to bridge the gap between transitional and developed nations through education and capacity building programmes. We believe that in this era of globalisation, the power of education and the exchange of ideas are the keys to social and economic collaboration among peoples. To this end, the Institute strives to promote cooperation on both global and regional levels.  The Institute also facilitates bridge-building programmes among Israeli and Palestinian leaders (and leaders from other Middle East countries), believing that peace must be based on connections between people and not merely on agreements signed by governments.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars and trainings organized by our Management Training Centres: Agricultural & Environment Training Centre Centre for Capacity Building Development Centre for Economic Development Centre for Health Management Centre for Higher Education Centre for Middle East Studies Centre for Strategic Studies Centre for Transport and Maritime Studies

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Galilee International Management Institute has been collaborating since 1987 with other Mediterranean countries to foster the implementation of cooperation programmes between Israel and the European countries.   In an effort to contribute to the peace process in the Middle East, the Division for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation continue, with the support of European and International organisations, to deliver joint programmes  with institutes from the Palestinian Authority and  other  Middle East countries We think that we can contribute with our experience and activities .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested in the Anna Lindh activities , 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ravvit Nahhir
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Joseph Shevel , President
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Joseph Shevel
Job Title (2)

Association Essaouira Mogador

National Network

10, rue du Caire
Dar Souiri
44000 Essaouira

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
General Information
ASSOCIATION Créée voici plus de 20 ans pour accompagner la sauvegarde et la promotion de la ville et de sa région, les membres et fondateurs de l’Association Essaouira Mogador peuvent aujourd’hui être fiers de son parcours. Présentation d’un pilier de la vie associative souiri, qui contribue au rayonnement de la ville bien au-delà de ses frontières. Si personne ne pouvait nier la richesse historique et le vivier de talents qu'abritait Essaouira, l'existence s'imposait d'un organisme structuré pour mener à bien des actions concrètes allant dans le sens de sa valorisation. C'est ainsi que naissait l'association Essaouira Mogador en 1992 avec le concours de son président et fondateur André Azoulay. Natif d'Essaouira et conseiller du Roi, M. Azoulay intervient auprès des plus hautes instances internationales pour défendre le dialogue entre les cultures et la paix entre les peuples. L'association Essaouira Mogador cristallise en quelque sorte au niveau local sa volonté d'ouverture et de diversité, mais aussi la passion qui l'anime pour la création artistique et le patrimoine historique et humain de sa ville natale. Avec l'aide de partenaires publics et privés, les membres de l'association œuvrent sans cesse pour répondre aux objectifs qu'ils se sont fixés, et dont on peut citer par exemple : la sauvegarde du patrimoine social, économique, urbanistique et culturel d'Essaouira, la promotion de la ville et de sa région ou bien encore le renforcement du tissu économique local. Du patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco aux cours d'arabe : un seul et même engagement Moins prestigieuses certes, mais tout aussi porteuses de sens, les activités pour adultes et enfants organisées à Dar Souiri offrent l'opportunité aux habitants qui le souhaitent d'apprendre et d'échanger (cours de langue, projections, activités associatives). Avec sa salle de concert et l'espace d'exposition ou encore sa superbe médiathèque dite "du partage et de la connaissance", le siège de l'association est aujourd'hui un véritable espace dédié à l'art et à la culture vivante. L'équipe de l'Association a été en partie renouvelée fin 2012. Une nouvelle énergie qui permet de dynamiser son organisation et continuer sur la voie du partage déjà tracée il y a de ça 21 ans.
Mission and Objectives

Parmi les réalisations de l'association qui contribuèrent au développement et à l'ouverture d'Essaouira, on peut compter les désormais célèbres festivals de musique "Gnaoua et Musiques du monde", "Andalousies Atlantiques" ou "Printemps Musicale des Alizés".
En 2001, l'association permit d'inscrire l'ancienne médina au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco, offrant ainsi à la ville et à ses enfants un cadeau inestimable : la protection par convention de leur héritage architectural.

Main Projects / Activities

Printemps Musical des Alizés (Festival de musique classic) depuis 2000
Festival Gnaoua et Musiques du Monde, depuis 1997
Festival des Andalousies Atlantiques, depuis 2004. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Kaoutar Chakir
Job Title (2)
Secretaire Générale

Sinai Research and International Field Centre

National Network

Villa Haya
107 Rowsett
Sharm El Sheikh

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Sinai Research and International Field Centre is an international field centre based in South Sinai, Egypt. The field centre runs field trips for undergraduate and postgraduate students from universities around the world. The research centre designs and implements projects and provides and training and development courses on tourism and other related subjects to the local community. It also offers facilities to visiting scholars. The institute and field center are non-profit organisations with all funds going back into the development of the Institute and local community capacity buidling.
Mission and Objectives

The Sinai Research Institute and Field Centre aims to contribute to the better understanding of the Sinai and its people.
Its first mission is to offer education. To students from Europe. To people living in the Sinai who need access to further education. To those working in the tourism sector.
Its second mission is to carry out research and use that research to help the local government implement sustainable projects of development.
Its third mission is to contribute to the scholarship of the region by providing data and research facilities to scholars around the world who are working on this region.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The reception of international students for field trips
2. Research into tourism development projects
3. Training programmes for those working in the tourism industry.
Projects include:
1. Hiking, trekking and climbing
Recent tragedies in the High Mountain region reveal an urgent need to enhance safety training and improve environmental standards at this early stage to build the brand of Sinai as a safe and environmentally pristine destination. Our field centre can offer:
• Safety/Trekking Training Workshops for Cairo-based Egyptian tour operators working with young Egyptians discovering the Sinai.
• A Survey of the South Sinai region to locate new one-day treks from Sharm El Sheikh – Estimated to attract over 400,000 visitors a year.
• A Survey to introduce a series of treks based on ancient pilgrimage and historic paths and caravan routes.
2. Wellbeing and Fitness Tourism Development Initiative
One of the biggest tourism trends in recent years - Sinai is uniquely placed to offer a wide range of activities for the over 50s searching for luxury products and the younger and more cost conscious single traveller market looking for adventure and sport. This form of tourism is essential to boosting visitor numbers at otherwise quiet times of the year outside of school and other national holidays (e.g. June, January and February).  We can offer:
• Workshops for Sharm El Sheikh hoteliers offering training for staff that boost current standards of spa, fitness and wellbeing tourism.
• A site survey to locate optimal locations for hotel owners and investors to develop a program that includes:
- Luxury Yoga Retreats
- Birdwatching packages
- Desert running/marathons 
- An annual Sinai Heritage Film Festival

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can host network events and work with Anna LIndh members on country-wide initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of a wider network and look for partners for future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jessica Jacobs
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jessica Jacobs