achbal Du Maroc

National Network

8- Oulad Amrane Darbe sanya -Rue Marakech-Enceint Medina -BP 10404
60000 Oujda

Mobile Phone
06 72 555788
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Association Achbal Du Maroc -AMCA- est une Association jeune nationale, socioculturel, socio-économique, et artistique, qui travaille dans le domaine de la promotion sociale des populations. Volet culturel et artistique : contribuer à l'amélioration des compétences des jeunes talents de la Région de l'Oriental et les intégrer dans le marché artistique national et international à travers la production de spectacles  professionnelles. Volet education,formation et jeunes : renforcer les connaissances techniques  des enfants et des jeunes, leurs compétences et leurs aptitudes à travers la formation, à fin de les préparer à affronter les exigences du marché du travail et faciliter leurs insertions dans la vie publique et active .

Mission and Objectives

AMCA a pour mission de renforcer la capacité de toutes catégories des populations ,enfants et jeunes ,femmes et hommes ,dans des zones périurbaines et rurales en leur permettant d’accéder à une formation théorique et pratique ,à fin de les préparer à affronter les exigences du marché du travail et de faciliter leur insertion dans la vie active. Pour réaliser cette mission AMCA s’est fixée, les objectifs ci-après :  Renforcer les connaissances des enfants et des jeunes, leurs compétences et leurs aptitudes à travers la formation.  faciliter l’accès a la technologie moderne grâce à l’apprentissage des notions de base de l’informatique.  Renforcer et développer la culture artistique chez la population.

Main Projects / Activities

Axe d’intervention : Pour réponde a la problématique racine l'employabilité des jeunes   L’association vient pour jouer le rôle de l’intermédiaire entre le chercheur d’emploi  et le demandeur des employés ou des stagiaires (adaptation de la demande aux besoins  de marché du travail). AMCA a été  lancé  depuis sa création en 2011/2012 phase de test au sein de trois  écoles primaires (pour les enfants) et aux centres socioculturels (pour les jeunes entre 15 et 30ans) un programme de renforcement  des capacités des jeunes au niveau informatique, comme un outil indépendant  à la recherche d’emploi. Après deux ans de travail le programme de la formation est devenu un projet  concret et cohérent .   vise à augmenter les opportunités d’emploi pour les jeunes et les femmes au Maroc notamment l’Oriental. Dont  l’option  de s’attaquer au problème de l’employabilité des étudiants  de l’Oriental fraîchement diplômés  ou encore dans le système scolaire ,et l’intégration des jeunes non diplômés (de 15 ans à 30 ans) a une formation professionnelle qualifiante . il abord les principales contrainte du coté de la demande du travail , et cherche également à  résoudre les problèmes concernant la non-congruence entre l’offre et la demande du marché du travail de plus, il cherche à mieux démontrer ce qui est susceptible de fonctionner en matière de programme de promotion d’emploi pour les jeunes et les femmes a l’oriental ,puisque c’est un point encore très peu documenté. Les principaux objectifs de projet :  En général, le projet doit fournir au niveau oriental. • Une éducation à l’informatique à 200 jeunes et femmes  scolarisés, leur  permettant d’améliorer leur employabilité en acquérant des compétences pratiques en informatique   et une connaissance du monde des affaires. • Une formation professionnelle diplômante  à 30  jeunes et femmes qui ne sont plus dans le système scolaire, conduisant à la création de postes supplémentaires au sein d’entreprises. • Intégration de 70 jeunes (homme 50% et femmes50% ) dans des stages pratique sur les métiers technologique et informatique. •   Création d’une plateforme (cellule d'écoute ) de communication, expression  et d’orientation (bureau de réception, face book, twitter, youtube) pour la discussion de problème d’employabilité chez les jeunes de l’oriental  .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L’association à une forte accessibilité et accès pour les jeunes aussi il essaye de se placer avec le réseau associatif de l'oriental et national 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

le princهpe c'est  l'échange donner et apprendre: pour augmenter la qualité de l'association a le  partage de  l'éxperience avec d'autre jeunes et associations 

Contact (1) Full Name
boughoufala Mhammed
Job Title
président /directeur
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Youssef Lamrabet
Job Title (2)

Jaunatnes kultūras fonds "Latvija"

National Network

Buldurpungas street 11-3
Rīga, LV-1024

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Jaunatnes kultūras fonds "LATVIJA" (Youth’s Culture Fund “LATVIA”) JKFL is an organization formed by Latvian youngsters with a common goal to collectively develop and expand the culture of Latvia’s youth by mainly focusing on the fields of sports, music and visual arts, increasing their profitability, as well as promoting the participation of the youth in the organization’s activities.

Mission and Objectives

Development and international expansion of the culture of Latvia. Creation of opportunities for the current and potential members of the organization to bring their ideas to reality and to promote their development, therefore attracting the youth of Latvia to gain knowledge in fields that they are interested in. Development of the cultural infrastructure. Coordinating its project implementation, therefore creating a system of economically viable unitary purchases, services, logistics, tourism and other services. Gathering different field experts, people who are interested and affiliates in order to share their experience and create new opportunities for the next generations. Unification of the youth of Latvia. Encouraging them to express themselves in different activities of positive nature that would contribute to their understanding of the world around us and the people within it, thus becoming able to build their lives the way they want to. Collaborating with other organizations, federations, companies, etc. for the exchange of experience and resources.

Main Projects / Activities

As one of the operational directions that the organization sets is motivating and giving experience to the youth in fields that they are interested in. The organization shall reach its goals by combining the long-term experience of our members and by using the modern day technologies, as well as by promoting the initiatives of the youth, contribution in decision making, participation in social life and supporting youth work, therefore making them into independent individuals who are able to effectively work in teams.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By combining the long-term experience of our members (generally in the fields of sports, music and visual arts), our organization is capable to create a wide range of projects that align with the mission and vision of the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network to receive support for our projects and to link with organizations that could aid us in our projects and vice versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivo Maļecs
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ivo Maļecs, Edgars Kēlers, Raimonds Litaunieks
Contact (2) Full Name
Edgars Kēlers
Job Title (2)

Samusocial International Egypt

National Network

n 38, Street 6 - el maadi- Cairo

237 87 354
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Samusocial (Ambulant Service of Social Emergency - Service AMbulatoire d’Urgence Sociale) is a non-profit organization focused on emergency intervention which reaches out to marginalized groups within a society whose major means of subsistence becomes mere survival. In its approach towards those people, Samusocial upholds the view that these people are "victims" of society being deprived of the access to major social, medical and legal services. Created in 1998 by Doctor Xavier Emmanuelli based on his experience with Samusocial de Paris, Samusocial International is a French association under the law of 1901. Its goal is to support and improve the conditions of those excluded from society in major metropolises all around the world and to implement, foster and disseminate the basic principles, methodologies and professionalism of Samusocial. Samusocial International gathers all existing Samusocial organizations all around the world which target various populations from homeless adults to street children. Field methods and approaches are promoted and strengthened through university degrees and professional trainings given to all staff members. 15 structures are now operational: Bamako, Brussels, Dakar, Cayenne, Lima, Algiers, Moscow, Ouagadougou, Bucharest, Casablanca, Fort de France, Pointe Noire, Colombia, Angola and Cairo. All Samusocial organizations have signed the Charter of Samusocial International, which guarantees the respect of its professional ethical code of conduct, principles of action and methods of intervention.
Mission and Objectives

- Goal: Contributing to fight social exclusion of street children and youth in Egypt.
Social exclusion is a global phenomenon encountered in all major cities, all over the world, related to society’s mutation in urban contexts. As a matter of fact, traditional solidarities and social networks are not as strong in urban contexts as they are in rural areas; together with economic difficulties, social problems, anarchic urban development, all these global factors explain why some people are pushed to the margins of society and left without any support. When public protection and care policies are insufficient to anticipate this phenomenon, individual situations and histories (such as the lack of emotional support, psychological or behavior problems, family rejection, lack of self-confidence) explain why some of them gradually disconnect from society.
Fighting social exclusion therefore implies, both to offer an individual action to support those who are victims of social exclusion, and to work to influence the global factors that lead to this phenomenon: public insufficiencies and society’s rejection. Hence, fighting social exclusion is an ambitious goal that requires long-term strategies and actions so as to achieve an impact on the social exclusion process.
Specific Objectives of Project: to advance the rights and improve access to quality services for street children and youth in Cairo, Egypt

This objective is achieved by several missions:

Offering adapted and professional services. Ensuring the children and youth are offered medical, social and psychological care in their living environment is both a necessity to prevent the degradation of their state, and a decisive step to re-creating their confidence in society. Therefore, a presence in the streets of Cairo, offering professional adapted services that are tailored to their specific needs, is an essential part of all projects aiming at fighting social exclusion.

Transferring the expertise to other operational actors in Egypt. Developing partnerships with local actors and providing them with the adequate training and methodologies will contribute to a more solid intervention for street children and youth. It also contribute to a better mutual understanding and coordination between organization offering different services, from street level to rehabilitation services. Samusocial International, relying on a 14 year expertise working with street children and youth that was enriched with the 5 year specific experience in Cairo, will develop activities so as to transfer this expertise to other actors in Cairo and strengthen their capacities.

Networking and raising awareness among institutional partners and the public in general on the needs and obstacles faced by street children and youth in the process of building their links with society. Considering that fighting social exclusion implies an overall intervention, from prevention to rehabilitation, Samusocial International Egypt develops activities to raise awareness among stakeholders to meet the challenges faced during the process and to increase the possibility of tackling the root causes of this phenomenon. For this same purpose, Samusocial International builds strategic partnership agreements and participates in all relevant networks in order to develop joint actions to address the causes and consequences of the street children and youth phenomenon.

Main Projects / Activities

Activity 1 – Provide regular emergency care in the street to the most vulnerable children
Activity 2 – Following up each child’s individual project, all the way to rehabilitation into society when possible
Activity 3 - Transferring and disseminating Samusocial International’s methodology on street children issues and street work methodologies in Egypt
Activity 4 - Developing the visibility of the actions in favor of street children in Egypt

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being a part of Anna Lindh Network in Egypt will help us to realise one of our missions : 
Transferring and disseminating Samusocial International’s methodology on street children issues and street work methodologies in Egypt 
Samusocial International Egypte’s team has developed its practice of Samusocial methodology, has strengthened its understanding of street children and youth in Cairo and is recognized as a professional and specialized actor in Cairo. So as to share this expertise with other actors and to be able to respond to solicitations of training and other interventions in various schools and structures, three of the team members were identified in 2011 as Samusocial International Egypt’s trainers. They benefited from a trainer’s training in order to strengthen their pedagogic skills.
Samusocial International Egypte’s trainers will work on adapting materials and guidelines on Samusocial methodology for Egyptian actors. SSIEG trainers are able to select among these guidelines and documents the ones that are relevant to Egyptian structures and actions, and adapt them so as to be able to use them for its own trainings and interventions.
SSIEG trainers can carry out at least 6 sessions aiming at transferring the methodology to other actors. According to the needs identified within partner structures, these sessions can deal with approaching street children and youth, psycho-social integral care, care services concerning a particular pathology, group and territory analysis, follow-up tools and files for children and youth, individual case analysis, team coordination, emergency evaluation, legal support.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SSIEG wants to extend its network, to transfer and disseminate its methodology on street children issues and street work methodologies in Egypt and to struggle against the stigmatization of street children which is extremely high, and even worsened in the case of street girls. Especially under the current political unrests, false rumors of street children being manipulated by some political groups and using violence and unrest, have generated a misperception on the general population. Furthermore, street children have problems with police forces and are often detained, as most of the street children have no legal documents (such as ID’ s and Birth certificates) which is a factor of increased vulnerability considering the Egyptian Law makes it compulsory to carry identification documents.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nawel Laglaoui
Job Title
Country director
Head of the organisation
Samusocial International

Association Culturelle Col'jam

National Network

n° 14,Lotissement Attaazour, Wlad Haddou Sidi Maarouf

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Description: Le rôle de « Col’jam », est de promouvoir l'art et la diversité culturelle en tant que nécessité permanente au Maroc,  auprès de diverses populations, permettant ainsi une plus grande accessibilité à  tous. En mettant en valeur les  différentes tendances artistiques, et plus particulièrement la danse contemporaine, les arts de la rue, les arts graphiques, visuels, ainsi que la musique, afin de créer  une interaction entre les arts. En  parallèle,  un appui à la création, la diffusion et la formation reste l’une des premières préoccupations, qui a comme vocation  de mener une dynamique professionnelle d’expérimentation et de développement, ainsi que de perfectionnement, dans un esprit d’échange. Col’jam, réalise également un important travail de sensibilisation et de formation pédagogique à travers différents projets  artistiques et sociaux,  menés en partenariat avec certaines structures culturelles et associatives marocaines et étrangères.  
Mission and Objectives

  - La pratique et la promotion de différentes disciplines artistiques.   
- La sensibilisation à différents arts auprès de diverses populations avec une accessibilité à tous.     
- Le développement d’une coopération culturelle et artistique avec des partenaires associatifs ou administratifs ayant des objectifs communs.        
  - La mise en relais des institutions culturelles locales ou internationales et des lieux de pratique artistiques.     
- L’aide à la production et à la diffusion de projets de créations artistiques.

Main Projects / Activities

- Contribuer au développement humain et culturel par la promotion du dialogue entre les cultures et les différents niveaux sociaux et à la richesse de la culture dans toutes ces dimension
- La circulation et la valorisation par  la diffusion des jeunes créations et des œuvres contemporaines
- la contribution à la formation et au perfectionnement des artistes semi professionnels.
-Développer des partenariats innovants pour l'élaboration d'une voie multidisciplinaire et interculturelle basée sur une approche contemporaine.
- Renforcer la communication entre les associations, opérateurs culturels et les artistes par la création d’une dynamique locale  et la sensibilisation des publics constitue un vecteur in-dispensable
- Favoriser le développement personnel en éveillant la curiosité et l’exploration de l’art par les professionnels comme à la population.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Art director
Head of the organisation

Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, University of Athens

National Network

Kleomenous 22A
Athens, Greece
10675 Athens

+30 210 7220508
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information

The JMECE was established in 2000 at the initiative of Professor Yannis Valinakis. It is governed by a 5-member Board of leading academics and it’s every day workings are managed by its administrative team, headed by Dr. Marina Skordeli. The JMECE is funded by the European Commission’s Jean Monnet Program, the University of Athens and students’ fees. Research is conducted by individual researchers, who take part to the Centre’s Programme for Researchers and by its academic network from various Greek Universities. The Centre can demonstrate a variety of teaching activities and vibrant internship programs. It regularly organizes public lectures and conferences. Its experienced and renowned academic and experts’ network, from Greece and abroad, and its synergies with other esteemed foundations contribute to the quality of the Centre’s work.

Mission and Objectives

The overarching aim of the JMECE is to stimulate academic and public dialogue on issues of European Governance, Greek Foreign and European Policy and Euro-Mediterranean relations. It follows an interdisciplinary, policy oriented approach and cultivates active dialogue with actors from the policy community and civil society. More particularly, through its activities, it aims at the following outcomes: a) Initiating policy oriented research cooperation providing hands-on answer to policy issues. b) Taking stock of the existing wealth of research & providing easy access to accumulated knowledge. c) Incorporating young researchers in ongoing research & training them for academic excellence. d) Disseminating knowledge within the academic community as well as civil society & policy communities.

Main Projects / Activities

The JMECE is active in teaching, research and communicating issues of European Governance, Greek foreign policy and Euro-Mediterranean relations. In this framework: a) Every academic year it organizes a vibrant Training Programme on various topics with the aim to address modern challenges. b) Committed to the dialogue between the academia and civil society, the Centre has developed the online platform ‘Dialogue for Europe’ to facilitate access to information about European Union issues to civil society organizations. c) It has launched a committed research program on possible scenarios for exiting the crisis in Greece. d) It organizes public lectures and seminars with speakers from the academia and the policy world. e) It publishes Research and Working papers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to be active members of the Network and take part in its workings. We will make any effort to attend all meetings and come up with prepared ideas on agenda issues and help formulate common positions and actions. At the same time, we will contribute to the dissemination of its activities through our extensive network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence adheres to and wishes to promote the Anna Lindh Foundation’s objectives of intercultural dialogue and mutual respect between the states on both shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The inclusion to the ALF national network will give us the opportunity to communicate and build partnerships both at national and regional level which could lead to joint actions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Professor Yannis Valinakis
Job Title
Professor-Head of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence
Head of the organisation
Professor Yannis Valinakis
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Marina Skordeli
Job Title (2)
Director of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence

Association Elena Rostropovich

National Network

42 avenue Georges Mandel
75116 Paris

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure : Board of Directors : 3 Employees : 2 (France) Contractors : 3 (2 in Lebanon and 1 in Syria) Budgetary resources : 270.000 euros in 2014 Sources of funding : private donors, institutional public (UE) and private (Welfare Association) Modalities of action : implementation of cultural and educational programs, trainings. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities : France : Institut National des Jeunes Sourds, Paris Near East (Lebanon, Palestine) : UNRWA Palestine : Edward Said National Conservatory of Music
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Association Elena Rostropovich (AER) is to use music as an educative and a psychosocial tool to build up the self-esteem and promote the well-being of children being living in socially challenging circumstances. AER's music-based programs are designed to meet the specific societal and cultural needs of vulnerable children in such diverse settings as Europe and the Near East.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2010, AER has developed “Al Sununu” project, a choir program for refugee and marginalized Palestinian children in the Near East. Today, the project is implemented in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, totalizing 19 choirs gathering around 600 children aged from 4 to 15. The main goals of the project are to give basic music education to children and to preserve traditional music as an expression of cultural heritage of the Palestinian community. Each child benefits from 2 lessons of 1h30 per week of singing, music theory and Arab music history and is provided with educational material.
In 2013, AER has created a music room within the Institut National des Jeunes Sourds in Paris. This music room is a unique pilot project offering 230 students in the school the possibility of access to music through vibration, visual sense and any  other sensory stimulus to perceive  sound other than through hearing.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AER can contribute by sharing with other ALF Network members its 4-years operational field experience in France and in the Near East.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AER and ALF share the same values aiming at the promotion of intercultural Euro-Mediterraean dialogue.
Being member of ALF network will allow AER to extend its own network to other civil society organizations implementing programs in the Near East in order to share their experiences and information for an improved action and mobilisation of resources.

Contact (1) Full Name
Myriam Beschaouch
Job Title
Development Officer
Head of the organisation
Elena Rostropovich
Contact (2) Full Name
Olga Maximov
Job Title (2)
Project Officer

الفضاء الجمعوي للتربية والتنمية بمكناس

National Network

691 مجموعة 9 شارع خالد ابن الوليد برج مولاي عمر مكناس
50000 meknes

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
في سياق ما يعيشه المجتمع المكناسي في الآونة الأخيرة من توسيع دائرة إشتغاله، توج لقاء جمع 20 جمعية محلية تنشط على مستوى عمالة مكناس، بتأسيس شبكة تحت مسمى : الفضاء جمعوي للتربية والتنمية  صادقت على قانونها الأساسي وأقرت هياكلها التي تضم الجمع العام كأعلى هيئة تقريرية، والمجلس الإداري كهيئة تمثل فيها جميع الجمعيات المنخرطة بالفضاء، إضافة إلى المكتب التنفيذي كهيئة تنفيذية لمخططات وبرامج الفضاء. و تأتي هذه المبادرة بين الجمعيات  الشريكة في مجالي محو الامية والتربية غير النظامية مع نيابة وزارة التربية الوطنية والتكوين المهني على أسس مشتركة غايتها تطوير العمل من باب تجاوز واقع تشتت الجهود واستنزاف الطاقات البشرية الجمعوية بفعل غياب إطار جمعوي جامع لكل الطاقات والإمكانيات البشرية والمادية يمكنه الإستفادة منها، ويراهن القانون الأساسي للفضاء الجمعوي للتربية والتنمية على تدعيم القدرات الذاتية وتطوير المهارات للجمعيات المنخرطة عبر تحقيق الأهداف المتوخاة من مبادرة التشبيك على مستوى التكوين والتأهيل، وإنجاز دراسات المشاريع وتفعيلها، وإبرام اتفاقيات الشراكة التنموية، ثم اعتماد مقاربات النوع الاجتماعي، والاهتمام بالموروث الثقافي، والعمل على إعداد البرامج التنموية والتضامنية والاجتماعية والإنسانية.
Mission and Objectives

مهمة الفضاء : تتجلى مهمة الفضاء في جعل الجمعيات المنظوية تحت لواء الفضاء رافعة أساسية لتنمية بشرية تضامنية و ديمقراطية في إطار مقاربة تشاورية متعددة الفاعلين؛
أهداف الفضاء :
1- دعم وتقوية قدرات الجمعيات المنضوية تحت لوائه في مجالات تخصصها ؛
2- جعل الفضاء الجمعوي إطار للحوار والانفتاح وتبادل الخبرات ؛
3- الانفتاح على المحيط السوسيوثقافي والاجتماعي داخل مدينة مكناس وخارجها ؛
4- العمل على عقد شراكات مع الجهات المختصة ومع الجمعيات ذات نفس الأهداف ؛
5- جعل الفضاء كشريك أساسي ومحاور على مستوى القضايا التي تهم مجالي محو الأمية والتربية غير النظامية ؛
6- إرساء قاعدة معطيات تهم الجانب التنموي إقليميا ؛
7- العمل على إدماج المتحررين من الأمية في التنمية الاجتماعية ؛
8- العمل على خلق حركية ودينامكية ثقافية  داخل المدينة.

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيم دورات تكوينية في مجال: التدبير الاداري والمالي للجمعيات
تنظيم دورات تكوينية في مجال:التخطيط
تنظيم دورات تكوينية في مجال: التواصل

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribuer et soutenir nos actions dans le Monde

Contact (1) Full Name
حسن جبوري
Job Title
إطار بالاكاديمية الجهوية للتربية والتكوين
Head of the organisation
حسن جبوري
Contact (2) Full Name
عصام خايف الله
Job Title (2)
مهندس إعلاميات

جمعية نهضة المجتمع التنمية

National Network

غزة شارع الثيني مقابل مفترق المغربي
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية خيرية إنسانية أهلية غير ربحية أنشئت عام 2005 بترخيص من السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية وزارة الداخلية تحت رقم 7476 ، وهي جمعية إنسانية خيرية تنموية تعليمية اجتماعية ثقافية تخدم المجتمع ودعمه وتقويته في جميع المجالات وتنمية المهارات وتعزيز وإبراز الدور المجتمعي. رؤية المؤسسة : "معا لنهضة مجتمع راقِ تنموياً"  
Mission and Objectives

رسالة المؤسسة: تسعى جمعية نهضة المجتمع التنموية الى المساهمة الحقيقية في تنمية قدرات فئات المجتمع وتعزيز مشاركتهم في الحياة الثقافية والاجتماعية ليصبحوا عنصراً فعالاً في تنمية المجتمع وترسيخ مبادئ الديمقراطية والحرية والمشاركة والعمل التطوعي بين الشباب وذلك من خلال:
• وضع برامج لتأهيل فئات المجتمع.
• توفير البيئة الملائمة للعمل.
• تنظيم برامج تدريبية ومشاريع تشغيل مدرة للدخل.
تهدف الجمعية لتحقيق ما يلي :
1. المساهمة في تخفيف معاناة المجتمع الفلسطيني وتقديم الخدمات الاجتماعية.
2. العمل على تنمية الوعي الصحي والدعم النفسي لكافة المجالات المجتمع.
3. تعزيز مفهوم التنمية والإبداع في كافة المجالات المتاحة.
4. تنمية مفهوم الديموقراطية وحقوق الانسان.
5. تنمية القدرات والمواهب للمرأة والطفل وإنشاء رياض أطفال.
6. العمل على نهضة العملية التعليمية بالوسائل الحديثة.
7. إقامة المشاريع التنموية التي تسهم في التقليل من البطالة لدى الشباب.
8. التعاون والتشبيك مع الجهات الرسمية والمختصة بما يحقق أهداف الجمعية ويخدم المجتمع الفلسطيني.

Main Projects / Activities

مشاريع برنامج التنمية البشرية والتدريب مع مؤسسة كوادر.
مشاريع برنامج تنمية التعليم والتعليم المساند.
تنفيذ مبادرة life the children :وهي مبادرة تقوم بتعليم مساند في المواد الدراسية الأساسية.
مشروع إنشاء قسم رياض أطفال: وقد تم انشاء روضة زهرة الحياة النموذجية  في منطقة مهمشة (جباليا – منطقة القصاصيب) حيث تم افتتاحها في العام الدراسي لعام 2013-2014.
التعاون في تنفيذ مشروع الدعم النفسي أثر الحرب , مع الجمعية الفلسطينية للتنمية والإعمار)بادر).
مشروع دعم المبادرات الشبابية بالتعاون مع جمعية تنظيم وحماية الاسرة الفلسطينية.
مبادرة إيواء الأسر المنكوبة من المنخفض الجوي(أليسكا) في الجمعية.
مشاركات شبابية في اغاثة منطقة النفق ميدانيا بكوادر شبابية وطواقم طبية من الجمعية.
مشاركات شبابية في احتفال للمسنين براس السنة مع مركز الوفاء للمسنين.
مشروع تشغيل الخريجين بالتعاون مع نقابة الصحفيين ووزارة العمل.
مشاريع برنامج التنمية البشرية والتدريب مع جمعية الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني.
مشاريع لدعم الأسر الفقيرة والمهمشة وذلك من خلال تقديم المساعدات الاجتماعية لمختلف الفئات المحتاجة في المجتمع من خلال المشاريع الإغاثية والموسمية الطارئة.
مشروع توزيع لحوم الأضاحي السنوي بتوزيع لحوم الأضاحي على الأسر الفقيرة والمحتاجة، وأسر مرضى السرطان.
مشروع إفطار الصائم.
حملة العطاء والخير وهي عبارة عن توزيع سلة غذائية.
مبادرة تكريم سفراء العطاء والانسانية.
مشروع كفالة الأيتام: تم دعم الأطفال الايتام بكفالة 70 اسرة طفل يتيم خلال عامين مدة المشروع بدعم من فاعل خير من دولة الكويت الشقيقة.
مشاريع تنمية التعليم والتعليم المساند مع مؤسسة شروق فلسطين في حملة توجيهي عليك وجامعتك علينا.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عبر تقديم مشاريع تفيد المجتمع المدني الفلسطيني وثقافته من خلال البرامج المتنوعة لمنظمة اناليند.
بتعزيز روح الشراكة بين مجتمعنا الفلسطيني والمجتمعات الاخرى الاعضاء في المنظمة .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتحقيق اهداف الجمعية في خدمة المجتمع الفلسطيني 
تعزيز التواصل والشراكة  مع المجتمعات الاعضاء في المنظمة 

Contact (1) Full Name
سلامه أحمد سلامه شلح
Job Title
Head of the organisation
د.سلامة أحمد سلامة شلح
Contact (2) Full Name
فؤاد طلال فؤاد عوده
Job Title (2)
تحاليل طبية

WW Work Inc.

National Network

News Chali Street

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

Our Organization is working the rights of the people around the world

Mission and Objectives

We want a peaceful and healthy society and elimination of any kind of discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Gender Issues Working Class Labour Health & Food Safety

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Hamza Desai
Head of the organisation
James Anderson

Fritid och kultur Västra hisingen

National Network

Blåsvädersgatan 1
418 32 Gothenburg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Fritid och kultur Västra Hisingen Göteborgs stad. Jag arbetar för den nya ungdomsverksamheten som för tillfället kallas upptakt. Vi har en namntävling, så namnet kommer snart bytas. Vår målgrupp är 16-20 år. På upptakt är vi 4 stycken i personalgruppen. Samarbetspartners är sportfiskarna väst, idrottsföreningar m.m
Mission and Objectives

Vi har 4 huvudriktningar, sport, kultur, ungomars egna organisering och delaktighet, ungdomar till arbete.
Stärka ungdomars självkänsla. Förebygga vi mot dom. Fälta på ungdomarnas arena. Vi arbetar även utöver våran målgrupp. Från barn till pensionärer.

Main Projects / Activities

Vi har riktad verksamhet som är gruppverksamheter. Ex: Fiske/friluftsgruppen, ungdomsrådet, aktivitetsgruppen/inredningsgruppen ( de har själva fått beställa möbler till den nya verksamheten, vi hållar även på att måla lokalerna, med färger ungdomarna valt). Fysgruppen, föräldragruppen som består av föräldrar i biskopsgården. Vi har pröva på aktiviteter. Varje onsdag kommer en ny förening, till vår lokal så ungdomarna kan testa på alla slags idrotter. Ex: schack, yoga, mma, capoeira m.m
Arbetsförmedlingen ska komma till oss två gånger i månaden.
Sen bedriver vi även öppen verksamhet.
Eu-projekt på g :-)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Jag sitter på kontakter inom det mesta. Med andra ord känner allt och alla. Så kontaktnätverk, kan jag contibute med.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

det låter kanon, därför.
Patrick var en trevlig kille, det oxå ;-)

Contact (1) Full Name
Michell Alfredsson
Job Title
Youth leader
Head of the organisation
Göteborgs stad
Contact (2) Full Name
Bertrand Moenza
Job Title (2)
Youth leader