Associazione Nous

National Network

via G.Marconi 85
80030 Camposano

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Our NGO is active in the cultural field and in the promotion of european opportunities. We are the point of reference of a network of public institutions, youth forums and NGOs with the aim of promoting the cultural initiatives in our area and trying to involve the youngsters in the european dimension through projects, initiatives and mobility. Our staff and volunteers are involved in the organization of events in order to communicate the opportunities offered by the European Community and promoting the international collaboration in the field of culture and creativity, creating a network of artists, festivals and organizations and promoting the organization of cultural exchanges and artistic events.
Mission and Objectives

The staff is composed by 3 stable members, the president, the european project responsible and the secretary, our budget is completely based on the approvation of our projects so it depends from the request of funding done year by year. We organize youth exchanges, training course, contact making events and EVS project in Italy, Europe and Mediterranean countries. As main partner we have ISMEO for our projects abroad and locally we have some NGOs from Campania that are active with us in the promotion of European projects in our region.

Main Projects / Activities

We are currently invovled in the organization of local events and workshop promoting the opportunities of Erasmus+ for short term activities (trainings and exchanges) and long term experiences in the framework of European Voluntary Service, in particular in the Mediterranean Area, we are promoting a Contact Making Event to be done here in Italy where European and Mediterranean countries will be rapresented by NGOs active in the EVS program in order to promote new cooperations and projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are promoting the creation of a trusted network of NGOs from mediterranean countries to establish a regulax exchange of long and short term volunteers, we will contribute to the network in our country becoming one of the NGOs having regular collaborations with mediterreanean countries offering chances for volunteering abroad and implementing projects of cooperation for the developement. We will also share our network of trusted partners with the italian members of the ALF in order to increase.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Many members of our NGO had experience of study or projects or research in the Mediterranean countries and developed the strong will to become an active subjet in the promotion of cooperation and integration among the people living on the mediterranean coasts, we believe that the ALF Network will offer us the chance to work in an established network that will help us to boost our initiatives and make them more effective and easy to disseminate.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francesco Saverio Quatrano
Contact (2) Full Name
Nona Simonyan
Job Title (2)

H.A S formation continue

National Network

4 rue jean jaures
1836 Luxembourg

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
H.A.S formation continue Was created in 2008, the main goal is helping students with difficulties in mathematics physics chemical and also languages...
Mission and Objectives

Educating and helping

Main Projects / Activities

Giving extra lessons

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Tunisian Culture Network

National Network

13 rue Aziza Othmana, Cité Kavis II Immeuble les Oranges- Apt 18- 5eme étage Menzah 7
2037 Ariana

+216 22 594 204
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+216 22 24 80 11
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Tunisian Culture Network, Connu en français sous le nom « Association Tunisienne Culturelle », est une organisation non gouvermentale qui vise à promouvoir l’Art et la culture sans frontières, une association qui focalise sur la notion de la décentralisation artistique et culturelle, sur le plan National à travers des projets humanitaires en faveur de la jeunesse et même sur le plan International. Notre association regroupe des différents personnes de différents tranche d'âge et de milieu différents, ca fait travailler 5 personnes en mi-temps et deux en temps complets, on a comme partenaires (Jeunes Volontaires Tunisien, Croissant Rouge Tunis, IWatch organisation, Fanni roghman Anni, AMSED etc...) En vise d'atteindre plus que de dix milles dinars par an pour couvrir nous différents dépense, nos sources de financement principales basé sur les subventions d'état et les partenariats avec les bailleurs des fonds. Notre association organise des formations et des atliers de leaderships - culture - art etc.., on a participé dans le projet Noxenophobie organisé par Jeunes Artistes et FullArt nos membres ont participés au Forum Jeunesse Malte - Valetta 2016.

Mission and Objectives

- Réunir le plus de partenaires nationaux et internationaux autour du développement culturel pour plus d’efficacité. - Travailler sur tous les types d’Art : Danse, Théâtre, Cinéma, peinture, musique, graffiti, danse théâtrale, Art de la Rue et autres formes. - Créer des programmes Artistiques. - Créer des opportunités aux Jeunes surtout dans les régions intérieures.  - Echange culturel (à travers des conventions de partenariats continentaux et Intercontinentaux) et programme de volontariat (permettent aux volontaires de découvrir le monde à travers une expérience utile et des actions concrètes à caractère social, éducatif, artistique …) - Programme de sensibilisation (tourisme culturel et écologique..)

Main Projects / Activities

- Echange culturel (à travers des conventions de partenariats continentaux et Intercontinentaux) et programme de volontariat (permettent aux volontaires de découvrir le monde à travers une expérience utile et des actions concrètes à caractère social, éducatif, artistique …) - formation et coaching (développement de compétences, art…) - Programme de sensibilisation (tourisme culturel et écologique..), - Organisation et participation aux évènements culturels locaux et Internationaux.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partager notre expérience en tant qu’association tunisienne post-révolution on peut partager notre expérience dans l'instauration de la démocratie et de l'équité sociale surtout pour les jeunes exclus et désocialisés auparavant présenter l'art en tant qu'un moyen utile pour trouver des solutions pour les problèmes de jeunes et inspirer d’autres ONG Proposer de nouvelles idées Travailler avec des partenaires sur le développement culturel de notre pays

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Travailler avec plus de partenaires autour des objectifs communs (développement culturel, soutien des jeunes, décentralisation …) Echanges et enrichissement Appréciation des expériences avec ALF (avec nos anciennes associations)  Continuité du forum ALF malte 2016 auquel ont participé certains membres de notre association

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Sdiri
Job Title
Présidente de l'association Tunisian Culture Network
Head of the organisation
Rania Sdiri

Association Brainstorm Group

National Network

9, Bratya Kanazirevi str.
2760 Razlog

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Association “Brainstorm group”, Bulgaria is a private non-governmental organization for public benefit. The aim of the NGO is to prepare youths and unemployed citizens for successful participation in the European labor market, provide career consultancy services and raise awareness about contemporary economics and opportunities for joint ventures in EU by organizing workshops in entrepreneurship and self-employment.  The leaders of “Brainstorm Group” are experienced in running educational projects and have participated in LLP and Erasmus+ youth trainings and exchanges.
Mission and Objectives

Our objectives are:
Organizing courses, seminars, training camps, conferences and international exchange programs for young people and unemployed for career development starting from basic competencies acquisition to effective communication skills, leadership and entrepreneurship.
Providing guidance and helping in internships and job placement and setting up of own companies
Supporting youths initiatives and participation in Erasmus+ programs
Initiating human rights projects fostering equality care for people with special needs and programs for inclusion of disadvantaged, especially those living in remote rural regions.
Setting up youth clubs of interest for promotion of national and European culture and traditions.
Offering information, administrative and consulting services for NGOs and schools
Publishing, advertising and translation activities to achieve the objectives of the association.

Main Projects / Activities

The association was founded in order to organize courses for community members and students from the schools in the rural region, out of school youths and unemployed. The staff who will be involved in the current project will be engaged in running the activities in Bulgaria take part in meetings and trainings and will commit themselves in the composition, implementation and evaluation of educational materials.
Now, we are working on the following projects:
Project ”UNITED” includes Municipality of Raska (Youth Office and Service for local economic development), and 7 more partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovakia.
The project will be lead by Municipality of Raska – Youth Office.
The topic is  the EU policies in rural areas  and social responsibilities and volunteering that also coincides with the specific programme aim for promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering.
“‘DemocrActive” -  NGO CIVIS PLUS will coordinate the project.
Other participants are from: Portugal, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Spain, Turkey, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Poland
Youth participation in the democratic life of the Union is an area for discussion and reference point for a variety of measures and policies both at Member States and the EU.
The ITC “Homogeneous Partnership-building-Activity for Programme Countries” is to take place from 02 – 10 September 2017 in Bournemouth, United Kingdom. The coordinating organisation is  ACT FOR GRANTS C.I.C. – London UK
   The main goal of the project is to organize an international training course in which will be involved 45 Youth leaders, youth workers and NGO representatives coming from 14 different countries across Europe.
      The countries are: UK, Malta, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to include more youngsters in our projects in order to teach them how to take a part in the realisation of youth policy of EU.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

This is the new possibility for us to work on different field. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Katya Petrova Brankova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Katya Brankova
Contact (2) Full Name
KInka Ivanova Pendzhakova
Job Title (2)
vice president

The Forum for Regional Thinking (FORTH)

National Network

Lloyd George 6
Jerusalem 9311006

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Research
General Information
The Forum for Regional Thinking (FORTH) - Reveal the Middle East to Israelis Vision The Forum for Regional Thinking (FORTH) introduces a cool-headed, professional voice into Israel's public discourse about the Middle East, one that counters the fear-mongering prevalent in Israeli public thinking and highlights ways to integrate Israel into its regional environment
Mission and Objectives

Despite Israel’s attainment of military superiority over its enemies, the predominant sensibility among Israelis is one of vulnerability. This state of mind precludes for many of them the possibility of imagining a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Steered by its fears, Israel is unable to translate its military might into diplomatic achievements.
To allay the Israeli public’s anxieties, there is a need to present Arabs and Muslims from a different vantage point – one that is more professional and empathetic. Therefore, a group of Middle East scholars, journalists, and activists, set out to tell the story from a different perspective, one that presents the inhabitants of the Middle East as human beings operating in complex environments, and not merely as one-dimensional enemies.    
This approach brings to the fore a “civil narrative” of the region. It speaks of women's struggles to attain civil and political rights; Arabs who lay down their lives to attain democracies; and Middle Eastern economic and cultural dynamics. Once the Arabs’ humanity is brought to the fore, it is possible to alleviate fears and identify diplomatic opportunities that can alter Israel's relations with its neighbors

Main Projects / Activities

FORTH works on two platforms: a website and a community outreach program. The Forum includes a singularly diversified group of writers: academics, social activists, Arab intellectuals, and retired IDF and security researchers. Out of this pool of writers, we send lecturers to speak in front of target audiences, including pre-military leadership academies

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1. The Forum experts can lecture to groups and individuals
2. Participating in round-tables and sessions on the Middle East and Israelis-Palestinians relations
3. Participating in multi-national and multi-caltural sessions and conferences 
4. Providing the Israeli audiences with in-depth knowledge on the Middle East 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 we believe participating with ALF activities can enrich our work. ALF is known by its ability to network people and organizations and we want to be part of it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ronit Piso
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ronit Piso
Contact (2) Full Name
Assaf David
Job Title (2)
founder and academic director

Food & Stuff | أكل و حاجات

National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Staff Number: 4 Budget: Self-Funded (Less Than 200 $) Modalities of Action: Events, Online Content, Exchanges
Mission and Objectives

What We Do? 
We organize events and create online content that mainly revolve around 4 models
• Model 1: Uno Culture
In that model we go through a particular culture, trying to show its beauty and richness through (Movies, Music, Poetry, Visual Arts, Etc.), Making them know more about the culture through games and quizzes and of course serving them one of the popular dishes in that culture.
• Model 2: Multi Cultures
In that model we present many cultures that have something in common, historical & geographical relations in particular.

• Model 3: Art & Artist
In that model we show and discuss a work of art (Movie, Play, Photograph or painting...Etc.), then talk about its creator and his/her other works.
•  Model 4: Issues & Discussions
In that model we tackle a topic that is related to our values, via organizing various types of events (Debates, Open talks, Clubs and Workshops...Etc.).

 Why We Do It?
• Locally (On the scale of Alexandria):
We aim to show the cosmopolitan visage of Alexandria as a Historical city that contains many types of heritage and cultural backgrounds.
• Globally:
We aim to help in the peace building process globally by reducing fear.
We believe that the source of Discrimination and demagogue is fear, once we break that fear -especially fear of differences- we will be able to reduce all types of discrimination and restrain demagogue speech that overtakes nowadays.
We want to increase people's urge to accept new thoughts and backgrounds.

Main Projects / Activities

"Food & stuff "أكل و حاجات is a cultural project started in September 2016 and located in Alexandria, Egypt.
The project aims to connect all kinds of cultural products (Cinema – Music – Theater – Literature, etc.) from all over the world and link them with one main motif: Food. We aim to merge all backgrounds and in one cultural pot which will modestly help in reducing the fear of differences and make people more open to different ideas and beliefs.
Our activities: Currently we are working on series of events that aim to show the culture of different countries through Cinema, Music and one of the popular dishes from that country.
We hope that someday in the future we may contribute in the process of world peace creation and help empowering youth and amateurs like ourselves.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute to the network in my country by organizing events seek to show what other organizations in the network do, form partnerships and co-organize events with them.
We work on intercultural dialogue activities which will open the space for me to contribute with other network organization each in their field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF had many activities in Egypt revolved around intercultural dialogue - which is our main interest -, So we think joining ALF Network will be a great addition to our activities and it will add to us new knowledge.
Furthermore, learning from ALF work experience in Egypt is something important to.
Also, We seek expanding our network of people/organizations who are interested in Food & Intercutural dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Farrag
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Tag Mohamed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mostafa Ismail
Job Title (2)

Asociacija "Aktyvus jaunimas"

National Network

Lygybes g. 21-86
51379 Kaunas

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

“Active Youth” Association (Asociacija “Aktyvus jaunimas”) is a non-profit organization based in Kaunas that unites young leaders from Lithuania willing to work on a voluntary basis to facilitate an intercultural dialogue and enhance competence of the European youth. We cooperate with organizations of similar profile from all over Europe (more than 50 partnerships) to organize events and trainings using non-formal education as a powerful instrument to encourage youth to take an active part in a society. By doing this we help young people to improve their skills and social awareness, share experiences and ideas, integrate them within the multinational environment of the EU, facilitate cooperation, create new joint initiatives, increase their social awareness, and promote healthy lifestyle. In particular, we concentrate on youth (18-30 years old) that have fewer opportunities and/or disadvantaged backgrounds.

Mission and Objectives

Generally, our aims are to: (1) enhance entrepreneurial, social, leadership, communication skills, self-esteem, as well as multilingualism of youth through non-formal education; (2) help youth increase their social awareness, be tolerant towards others, be aware of the persisting social and environmental problems and help solve them; (3) educate youth workers and youth on how to  join volunteering initiatives, cooperate with each other, and get employed more easily;  (4) organize joint campaigns, projects and activities, where young people and youth workers can get involved in an intercultural dialogue, be a part of the decision making process, develop the spirit of volunteerism, facilitate youth cooperation and social values; (5) raise awareness about EU citizenship among young people, educate about social responsibility and work towards reducing youth unemployment in the EU; (6) organize youth seminars, exchanges, trainings for youth workers, conferences and discussions on relevant social topics, promote healthy,  active, and ecologically friendly lifestyle in order to increase the well-being of youth. Inform about similar actions organized by others in Europe; (7) defend and promote human rights, universal values of tolerance, active citizenship, democracy, equal opportunities and work towards the elimination of discrimination in order to build a better integrated society; (8) organise Erasmus+ projects and spread information about the opportunities that lie behind it in order to further facilitate youth development.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from other activities, we have also hosted Erasmus+ youth exchanges and youth worker mobility in Lithuania addressing key social topics for youth. Firstly, we organised a youth exchange on tolerance for minorities ("Let's Turn Discrimination into Tolerance"), where young people gathered to help the minorities across Europe integrate easier to the society and get better opportunities both in social and work life. Secondly, we have organised both youth worker mobility and a youth exchange on the topic of Social Entrepreneurship ("More than Money: Social Entrepreneurship Heroes"). Here youth workers have shared their experiences, learned about social entrepreneurship and the ways to teach it to young people; whereas, unemployed have gained important knowledge on the topic and increased their chances of getting employed or create their own social enterprises. Since then we have hosted 12 more Erasmus+ projects (as of February 2017).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Recently, we have started working on refugee integration to youth work. We're implementing a 2 year international project "Together: Refugees & Youth" (TRY). In essence, TRY aims to create a special programme in which youth workers would include refugees in their work with youth.This way, youth would get a chance to develop in a multicultural environment; thus building up their tolerance and increasing multilingualism. Meanwhile, the refugees would integrate into the society faster, since the youth would help them with the local language, culture and traditions. We would incorporate these activities to the whole Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Lithuania. More information on the project: 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to cooperate with other organiastions in the Network on refugee integration initiatives, as well as promotion of intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Inga Vederyte
Head of the organisation
Gediminas Kondrackis

Centre for Human Rights

National Network

Centre for Human Rights, Department of Political Science, University of Crete
74100 Rethymno

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The Centre for Human Rights is a research centre of the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete, which was established in 2004 in Rethymno, Crete, Greece. Its main objective is to conduct and support academic research, knowledge and relevant activities in the different aspects of the multidimentional field of human rights.  

Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Human Rights of the Department of Political Science of the University of Crete mission and objectives are the following: 1. To study and conduct field research regarding the multidimensional issue of human rights and minority rights. 2. The conduction of empirically and theoretically established on parliamentarism. 3. The consolidation of democratic institutions in the countries of North Africa, the Balkans and the Middle East 4. The Centre alongside his research activity has a distinct educational function. It acts as a "Summer University" to implement Intensive Programmes (IP) targeted at students / female students from all the abovementioned countries and are based on the consolidation processes of collective rights and values. 5. The coverage in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research needs of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences and other departments of the University of Crete in aspects falling within the centre's activity objectives. 6. The conduction of basic and applied political research 7. The conduction of studies and field research in the field of human rights and the promotion of parliamentarism in the Greek, European and international level. 8. The cooperation with research centres and academic institutions, national, European and international in the field of human rights. 9. The organization of scientific conferences, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and other scientific events and publications. 10. The provision of services to individuals. 11. The organization of specialized library and database. 12. The publication of books, studies, yearbooks and practices on issues of human rights 13. To undertake any scientific initiative in order to support and facilitate the research work of the Department.

Main Projects / Activities

1. EQUAL: Dimentions of Xenophobia in Greece 2. Absents'  Barometer. NEETs in Greece (Young people aged 15-24 Not in Education, Employment or Training) 3. Intensive Programme: Governance and Security in Europe and the Mediterranean (GOSEM) 4.  Governance, Sustainability and Regional Innovation  5. Research and Comprehensive Intervention for the social inclusion of a major socially vulnerable group: Psychological profile/ psychopathology, skills’ profile, needs assessment and programmes’ development for training-reskilling and psychological support towards the re-inclusion of «young people not in education, employment of training»

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Centre for Human Rights can contribute to the increase of Network's presence in Greece through the conduction of conferences, symposia, research and seminars about the broader aspects of human rights, international development and cooperation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The AFL Network will provide more space for international cooperation to the Centre for Human Rights and thus will offer lucrative ground for academic reseach conduction. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitrios Kotroyannos
Job Title
Professor, Director of the Centre for Human Rights
Head of the organisation
Professor Dimitrios Kotroyannos
Contact (2) Full Name
Stylianos Ioannis Tzagkarakis
Job Title (2)
PhD Candidate, Researcher

Estonian Oriental Society

National Network

Ülikooli 18-226
50090 Tartu

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Estonian Oriental Society is an Estonian academic network, connecting specialists on Middle-East and Asia.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the organization is to provide relevant information on Middle-East and Asia to students and wider public through organizing lecture, discussions and publishing compendiums. 

Main Projects / Activities

Research, discussion circles, academic teaching

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am able to share my experiences and knowledge on Middle-East and Arab World to other members, interested in learning about the regional issues and opportunities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Märt Läänemets
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Märt Läänemets

Abraham Path Initiative

National Network

Mathenesserdijk 416-D
3026GV Rotterdam

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Abraham Path is a cultural walking route that retraces the journey of Abraham, the legendary ancestor of over half of humanity, who is known for his hospitality and kindness toward strangers. The route follows a range of independent walking trails, unique to each geography that the route crosses. These trails are largely the fruit of local initiatives, developed and maintained by a wide range of local organizations and enthusiasts. As a European NGO based in the Netherlands, Stichting Abraham Path Initiative (API) is an independent NGO committed to cultivating Abraham Path along with partner organizations. The initiative is a non-profit, non-religious and non-political organization, and works in partnership with the US based 501(c)3 NGO Abraham Path Initiative.
Mission and Objectives

Abraham Path Initiative’s mission is to inspire understanding, prosperity and hope throughout the Middle East and Europe. It pursues this mission through projects in the field of socio-economic development, education and cultural dialogue between the Middle East and the rest of the world, Europe in particular.
API wants to dust off the footsteps of Abraham, the legendary spiritual forefather of most people living in the Mediterranean basin, and half humanity. By dusting off Abraham's footsteps, we shed a light on our shared values, hoping to show how much we have in common, and that no matter how many things divide us, what unites us is far greater.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization's activities could be grouped in three main categories: walk - hospitality - story; we have supported walking initiatives across the Middle East, where our main achievements have been supporting the Masar Ibrahim trail in the West Bank ( and more recently, the Sinai Trail in the south of the Sinai peninsula, in Egypt ( Other countries in which we have helped build walking initiatives include Turkey and Jordan. These are all places where Abraham supposedly walked, and his legacy carries on. Hospitality services have sprung in the projects we've supported. Since then, foreign and local walkers have been flocking in these ancient lands. The exchanges have allowed for beautiful and inspiring story-telling in the media, that is depicting a different, more nuanced and definitely more positive, reality of the Middle East in Europe, US and the world.
Besides walking initiatives, API supports project Mosaic Stories (, which aims to collect and protect intangible cultural heritage along the Abraham Path cultural route through research, storytelling, and education. API also supports project Footsteps, an educational platform that uses the Abraham Path to engage students and faculty from around the world in immersive experiential education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can actively contribute to the Network in the Netherlands by:

participating in meetings, helping to generate ideas,

providing our knowledge and expertise, based on our work and background,

providing a fresh and different perspective on the Middle East,

providing an innovative approach on the connection between culture, nature, sports and development, etc.

actively engaging our partners in the Middle East, Europe, the United States and Brasil.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that we belong in Anna Lindh's networks, where we can exchange ideas and find partners in an environment of shared values. We believe that the Abrahamic values of hospitality, generosity and kindness to strangers, which help guide the core of our work, are shared all over the Mediterranean, in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and beyond, and serve as a bridge connecting our common heritage, reminding us of how much we have in common. We believe that the ALF network is a place that welcomes and caters to this philosophy, so we think that Abraham Path Initiative can greatly contribute to it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elsi Rizvanolli
Job Title
Manager of Partnerships and Fundraising in Europe
Head of the organisation
Stefan Szepesi
Contact (2) Full Name
Martina Sedlakova
Job Title (2)
Program Manager