Centre Mohamed Hassan Ouazzani pour la Démocratie et le Développement Humain

National Network

53, rue allal ben abdellah, Casablanca
20000 Casablanca

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Le Centre Mohamed Hassan Ouazzani pour la Démocratie et le Développement Humain a été créé par Houria Ouazzani  - et ses enfants Sana et Yanis - en hommage à son père Mohamed Hassan Ouazzani (1910-1978) dont la vie a été entièrement consacrée à la libération nationale du Maroc et à l’instauration de la démocratie et des droits de l’homme, avant et après l’indépendance de sa patrie. Le Centre est doté d’un conseil exécutif et d’un conseil scientifique. Le conseil exécutif et le conseil scientifique sont composés de membres de droit (liens avec des institutions) et de membres ad personam (en fonction de leur qualité et compétence). Certains de leurs membres peuvent appartenir simultanément aux deux conseils.Le conseil exécutif veille à la bonne administration du Centre et à sa gestion ; il désigne la direction et nomme les collaborateurs ; il examine et approuve les rapports d’activité ; il se prononce sur le budget et sa gestion. Ses membres apportent leur soutien à titre personnel ou collectif à la mise en œuvre des objectifs du Centre. Il se réunit au minimum une fois par année, mais il peut être convoqué par le président du conseil exécutif, de sa propre initiative ou à la demande de la direction. Le conseil scientifique élabore de concert avec la direction du Centre le programme d’activités réparties en quatre sections correspondant aux objectifs mentionnés : 1. Historique: documents et analyses sur les activités et les idées de Mohamed Hassan Ouazzani. 2. Formation à la culture démocratique. 3. Mise en œuvre de projets de développement humain. 4. Evaluation des besoins et des réalisations en matière de développement humain. Ses membres choisis pour leur compétence accompagnent la mise en œuvre des activités proposées et peuvent y être associés selon des conditions à définir, conjointement par le président du conseil scientifique et la direction. La direction est nommée par le conseil exécutif ; elle est responsable de l’administration du Centre. Elle propose au conseil exécutif ses collaborateurs en fonction des activités spécifiques mises en œuvre au sein du Centre. Elle prend tous les contacts nécessaires en vue d’assurer le rayonnement scientifique et médiatique du Centre ; elle engage de sa propre initiative et/ou à l’instigation du conseil exécutif des démarches en vue d’obtenir les moyens nécessaires à l’exécution des objectifs fixés, aussi bien auprès d’organismes publics que d’institutions  privées tant au Maroc qu’à l’étranger ; elle cherche à s’assurer la coopération d’institutions ou d’associations poursuivant des objectifs similaires. Financement La structure de base du Centre est assurée par des fonds privés qui assurent le fonctionnement et l’équipement des locaux. La mise en œuvre des objectifs fixés par le conseil scientifique est financée par des fonds privés et publics en fonction  de leur objet et de l’ampleur des coûts. Une des tâches du conseil exécutif et de la direction consiste à s’assurer les ressources nécessaires aux objectifs fixés. La direction examine et propose dans quel cas les conférences et les séminaires de formation sont gratuits ou soumis à une redevance versée par le participant ou par l’institution à laquelle le participant est rattaché.
Mission and Objectives

le Centre se propose de contribuer :

1. A la mise en valeur du témoignage du pionnier du nationalisme marocain et de la libération du Maroc du pouvoir colonial, à la mise en valeur de ses idées orientées vers la promotion d’une démocratie authentique, adaptée aux défis de l’environnement mondial, idées génératrices d’une société nouvelle basée sur  le respect des droits fondamentaux et sur le bien-être légitime d’une population longtemps asservie. La documentation rassemblée sera mise à disposition des chercheurs, des journalistes et publicistes, servant ainsi au rayonnement de la pensée et de l’action de Mohamed Hassan Ouazzani.
2.  À la formation des citoyens à l’exercice de la démocratie à tous les niveaux de la société par l’organisation de conférences, de colloques, de séminaires de formation et de réflexion destinés à diverses catégories de dirigeants et de responsables aussi bien de l’administration que de la société civile.

Main Projects / Activities

3.  À la mise en œuvre de projets visant au développement humain dans une perspective globale, notamment en s’associant aux institutions ou organisations engagées sur le terrain de la création des infrastructures de base au profit de populations vivant encore en marge de la société contemporaine, que ce soit au niveau des écoles ou des moyens de communication.
4. À l’évaluation par des experts des besoins globaux et sectoriels de la société en matière de développement humain, notamment :
- L’éducation
- La santé
- La formation professionnelle
- Les droits et obligations du citoyen
- Le rôle de la femme et de la jeunesse dans le développement du pays.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Houria Ouazzani- Touhami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Collaboratrice scientifique

Arab Policy Institute

National Network

1 Place Tahar Haddad
Les berges du lac
1053 Tunis

+216 25813651
Telephone (other)
+216 20562 785
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The Arab Policy Institute (API) is a Tunisia-based think tank. Founded in January 2011 as a circle of thought and action, the API focuses on the development and promotion of political reforms in the Maghreb region, particularly encouraging the free exchange of ideas and social innovation. To date, the API has not received any institutional funding. Rather, we have worked in partnership with other organizations and solicited in-kind contributions for our activities. After successfully implementing several programs, we have developed our activity track record and are now developing relationships with donors and submitting funding applications to diversify our sources of funding and grow our operations.  The Arab Policy Institute is operated by a volunteer staff of a president, program director, project manager, and part-time intern.  Arab Policy Institute partners include the Harvard University Berkman Center, the Global Diplomacy Lab (with the German Foreign Ministry), Stanford University, TEDxCarthage, Afkar "think and action" tank, the Hicham Moulay Foundation, and the Harvard Arab Alumni Association. 
Mission and Objectives

The Arab Policy Institute is guided by three main principles:
• Developing inclusive platforms for dialogue and action
• Providing thoughtful analysis on political and economic developments in Tunisia
• Supporting social enterprises and businesses

Main Projects / Activities

Harvard University Kennedy School Tunisia Visit (March 2017)
The API hosted a highly-attended evening discussion and reception with Alexandra Martinez, Assistant Dean for Student Diversity and Inclusion from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government (HKS). Assistant Dean Martinez presented her diversity work at HKS, the school's admissions process and the myriad opportunities offered by the Kennedy School to highly-qualified, mid-career professionals.
Afkar “Think and Action Tank” (April 2015)
Afkar (“ideas” in Arabic) is a “think and action tank” format which engages a critical mass of empowered stakeholders around a defined problem. The Afkar format, created by and launched in 2015, was created to develop effective and workable solutions, proposed by key actors in a defined subject area. The 2015 Afkar edition gathered 50 key stakeholders from government, civic, and international organizations to discuss the state of Tunisian civil society and its role in political processes, such as with decentralization and municipal elections. Attendees included Mondher Bousnina from the Office of the President of Government; Chafik Sarssar, President of the Instance Supérieure Indépendante des Elections; Salsabil Klibi and Chawki Gueddass from the Association Tunisienne de Droit Constitutionnel; Amine Ghali from the Kawakibi Center; and Mokhtar Hammami from the Tunisian Ministry of Interior. 
Transition in Tunisia, Towards a New Citizenship (September 2012)
In September 2012, The Arab Policy Institute organized a conference titled “Transition in Tunisia: Towards a New Citizenship” in collaboration with the Moulay Hichem Foundation for Social Science Research on North Africa and Middle East. The conference, hosted on September 4-5, 2012 in Tunis focused on themes such as democratic transitions, the relationship between religion and politics, and the prospects for ensuring for basic human rights in post-revolution Tunisia. This conference was hosted at a particularly tense moment in Tunisia’s democratic transition following the election of the National Constituent Assembly and after several tense debates between secular and Islamist trends. Despite this, the conference included a frank, successful discussion between participants and  Rached Ghannouchi, head of the Tunisian Islamist party, Ennahda.
The Arab World, From Revolution to Transformation (March 2013)
In March 2013, The API supported the Harvard Arab Alumni Association’s 8th Annual World Conference, “The Arab World: From Revolution to Transformation” hosted in Tunis, Tunisia. Co-organized with the the American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia, this conference strove to initiate a debate and advance new visions for the development of the Arab world following the momentous events of the Arab Spring. The keynote was delivered by Mustapha Ben Jaafar, the President of the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly, which was charged with writing Tunisia’s 2014 Constitution.
This conference gathered a diverse range of speakers and participants from higher education, government, business, civil society, and journalism including Amel Bouchamaoui Hammami, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Tunisia; Jorge Domínguez, Harvard University Vice Provost for International Affairs; Nathalie Brown, Deputy Chief of Mission of the American Embassy in Tunis; Mo Ibrahim, Sudanese-British mobile communications entrepreneur and renowned philanthropist; Dirk Schmautzer, Partner, McKinsey & Company, Education and Government Transformation Practice; Cyril Grislain, Strategy Advisor in Tunis and former Managing Director of McKinsey’s Paris office; Raghida Dergham, Columnist and Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, Al Hayat; Dr. Hazem El Beblawi, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Egypt; Adel Goucha, Principal, The Abraaj Group; Aziz Mebarek, Founding Partner, TunInvest; Nakhle El Hage, Director, News and Current Affairs, Al Arabiya; Khaled Hroub, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and Media Studies, Northwestern University; Amira Yahyaoui, President, Al Bawsala; Taufiq Rahim, Executive Director, Globesight; Mohamed El Dahshan, Senior Research Fellow, Harvard University,Center for International Development; Said Ferjani, Senior Member, Political Bureau of Ennahda; Kamel Lazaar, Founder and Chairman, Swicorp; Dr. Tarik Yousef el-Magariaf, Chief Executive Officer of Silatech.
Harvard University Berkman Center:  Mobilization for Change Series (March 2016)
“Mobilization for Change” is a series of reports examining the role of the networked public sphere in advancing civic participation and collective action in the Arab region.  Published by the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, the Arab Policy Institute contributed a paper titled “An Accelerated Story of the Emergence and Transformation of the Networked Public Sphere: The Case of Tunisia,” authored by Escander Nagazi, Jazem Halioui, and Fares Mabrouk. This paper maps the networked public sphere in Tunisia to better understand its impact in facilitating and promoting civic engagement and collective action in Tunisia.

The Association of Sejnane Potters (September 2012) is a project that aims to brings together these women potters to collaborate and professionally commercialize their pottery and other regional distinct handicrafts. The project was launched through the organization of a collective exhibition in Tunis, followed by a day of team building and professional development training.
TEDxCarthage (2010 and 2011)
In the spirit of “ideas worth spreading,” TEDx events feature inspiring doers from Tunisia and abroad to spark younger generations of Tunisians to challenge themselves and think differently. Since TEDxCarthage first brought this concept to Tunisia in 2010, there has been over 50 TEDx events held across Tunisia. TEDxCarthage is now an annual, highly anticipated event with an in-person audience of 2500 persons, free tickets selling out in under 30 seconds, and a team of dedicated volunteers that returns year after year. Past themes include Imagine History (March 2011); InTolerance (September 201); Trust as the New Currency (September 2013); TEDxCarthageWomen Spark (December 2013); The Differences We Make (April 2014); and Big Time (April 2015). The TEDxCarthage team has personally mentored several youth TEDx events, including TEDxESPRIT (university), TEDxENAU (university), TEDxSadikiCollege (high school), TEDxLPM8 (high school) and TEDxIHECCarthage (university).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Arab Policy Institute has successful implemented several programs which facilitate crucial dialogue related to Tunisia's ongoing democratic transition. Our programs have helped to elevate and diffuse public discourse about pressing issues, such as the relationships between government and civil society, political pluralism, and civic engagement, to name a few. We also have a strong history of bringing together diverse stakeholders for honest exchange and of engaging and inspiring Tunisia's young people. 
We also have a strong network within Tunisia and internationally that we draw on to enrich the quality and impact of our programs. Additionally, we have worked to adapt internationally successful programs, such as TEDxCarthage to a Tunisian context. If admitted to the Anna Lindh network, we would be able to connect the network to influential actors in academia, politics, diplomacy, entrepreneurship, and civil society from around the world. We are also skilled at convincing high value actors, such as the Global Diplomacy Lab, a program of the German Foreign Ministry, to come to Tunisia and implement their programs here. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Key to the API's mission and operations is working with partners to achieve our programs and to build a better Tunisia. By joining AFL, we hope to expand our networks to allow us to increase the quality and scope of our activities. On a regional level, we are hoping to expand our activities, such as Afkar, to have a more regional focus to address issues such as migration, diaspora, multiculturalism, and political pluralism. On a local level, we also hope to learn from, as well as contribute, to the growing and evolving civil society community in Tunisia. 
Moreover, we'd like to work with like-minded actors that, like the API, are dedicated to facilitating constuctive dialogue, breaking down barriers between different types of people and actors, and support Tunisia's ongoing democratic transition. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Katie Bentivoglio
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Houssem Aoudi
Contact (2) Full Name
Kevin Coyne
Job Title (2)
Program Director

Fundación Ideaborn

National Network

Plaza Comercial, 2 entresuelo 2
08003 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Fundación ideaborn was created by ideaborn SL in Colombia in 2010. It is a Non-Profit Organization aimed at supporting the work of State and non-State actors in improving access to justice, good governance and democracy at local level. In 2014 the foundation creates a delegation in Barcelona city to pursuit the same goals in the Mediterranean region. Fundación ideaborn receives yearly one third of the net profit of ideaborn SL and matches this funding with other private and public funding sources. Currently the foundation is promoting three large initiatives: (i) a network of youth, arts and sports organizations helping cities in the Americas to strengthen the impact of sports and arts in the primary prevention of violence and crime; (ii) a program to promote the education of civil and political rights in the schools of the Mediterranean area, together with ideaborn SL; iii) a program to strengthen the rule of law through human rights, legislative development on human rights and international humanitarian law in African countries.  
Mission and Objectives

Fundación ideaborn, founded in 2010 in Medellín, Colombia, by the same consulting firm, Ideaborn SL, to complement its work to promote human rights at the state level, is a non-profit organization whose central mission is the promotion and dissemination of human rights.

The foundation works for the promotion and diffusion of human rights through:
- Support actions for local bodies.
- The study and direct advice.
- The conception and execution of training courses.
- The implementation of development cooperation projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Relevant activities of Fundación ideaborn
In addition to the FONDO RECUERDA initiative (www.fondorecuerda.com), Fundación ideaborn carries out other activities in the area of violence prevention, civic education, peacebuilding and supporting local democracy, generally speaking supporting the reinforcement of the rule of law around the world.
§ Forming Responsible citizens (FRC): Fundación ideaborn has been working for two years in the identification and formulation of an innovative initiative in the area of violence prevention in the Mediterranean region, thorough civic and equality education in schools.
Approved by the Union for the Mediterranean1 (UfM), it has a regional focus, however its implementation will start in 3 pilot countries where we have a relevant partner organization, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. Labeled in 2014, the implementation phase will start in 2015 with a meeting including education ministries form the three countries and implementers partners to draw a clear workplan and commitments from each part.
This project aims at reinforcing the role of schools as the main vehicle for the transmission of values of sustainable and inclusive development, freedom and gender equality values and to promote these values through the development of a renewed civic education curriculum. The project’s core activity is the joint analysis of the existing textbooks in Tunisian, Egyptian and Moroccan secondary-middle schools from the perspective of citizenship education and equality between men and women, and the production of a new, redesigned version of the present national curricula, followed by training of teachers in citizenship education and their networking on a national and regional level.
The total cost of the initiative is 632.000 Euro; up to now, the initiative should receive the contribution of Norwegian government via the Union for the Mediterranean up to a 60% of the budget; the Secretariat of UfM itself will cover around the 10% of the project costs.
§ Human Rights Legislative Development Initiative (HRLDIA): this initiative aims at reinforcing the capacity of African countries to adapt their internal law and effectively apply the treaties of international law on human rights and international humanitarian law that have already been ratified. The mission of the HRLDIA is to work for the African people, and especially for those persons who are most vulnerable to abuse so that they can see a progressive improvement in their access to fundamental human rights and freedoms (final beneficiaries). As such, we work with State and Non-State Actors in each African country, which invites us to intervene.
A working group has been set up to complement the work of the member organizations, Catalan Cooperation Agency for Development (ACCD), supporting the institutional relations with potential beneficiary countries; Catalan International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP), coordinating desk research activities; and ideaborn-foundation coordinating the initiative and providing international and regional experts together with relevant law schools. The 1st pilot initiative has been planed for Mozambique given its long-term commitment of ACCD with that country. The working group already received an invitation from the Mozambican Government to work on the Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC).
Each specific assignment has a cost of 90.000 Euro, for a 1 year duration.
§ Feasibility Study “Youth violence prevention in Kinshasa”: Fundación ideaborn will support consulting arm (ideaborn SL) in the implementation of this contract awarded by the German Economic Cooperation (KfW) providing its knowledge and expertise in the sector. In the framework of the Peace Consolidation Fund funded by the KfW in the Democratic Republic of Congo, ideaborn will undertake a study on the youth violence in Kinshasa, especially on the phenomenon of “Kuluna” and formulate a program for the prevention of violence among youth, thus fostering urban security in Kinshasa, which should include sport, culture and social activities alongside with relevant employability and urban planning measures for the selected neighborhoods.
Conceived into two phases, the 1st project phase is expected to start before the end of the year 2014 and it is entirely funded by the KfW (175.000 Euro).
§ Strengthening local governments capacities to assist the victims of Colombian internal conflict: Fundacion ideaborn conducts this imitative in an alliance with the Colombian ministries of interior and Law and Justice as well as with the Department of National Planning and the Government Victims’ Unit. With them it is providing continuous support to Colombian Sate governments (“departamentos”) of Bolivar, Santander, Putumayo and Cundinamarca. The support consist in strengthening the capacities of these local governments to assimilate, adapt to their needs and implement the tools created at
federal level to support access to justice, truth, reparation and develop guarantees to prevent repetition of the atrocities.
The initiative will be extended in function of the funds available for other departments.
§ Municipalities’ Strategic Plans: upon request of the municipal authorities of Cartagena and Medellin in Colombia, and Makati in the Philippines, Fundación ideaborn developed guidelines and plans to include a strategy for the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of violence and juvenile crime.
Fundación ideaborn carried out these initiatives upon the request of the mentioned municipalities in the year 2012.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The overall objective of Fundación ideaborn is to the promote and disseminate human rights, developing initiatives to support local organizations; the promotion and dissemination of human rights through study and direct advice. Furthermore we are developing in the Mediterranean regions an iniciative to enhance gender equality and prevent youth violence.  
We work to create synergies between public institutions at the local level and civil society organizations, through actions to support the vulnerable population, governments and local bodies on issues related to access to justice, support to the population in the knowledge of their rights, the obligations of the State towards them and their obligations with the society; and the exercise of rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A.L.F. network is a landmark for Mediterranean Countries as a cross-cultural bridge, for this reason it is essential for us to join your network in order to develop our work and to reach a better cooperation in our area of interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Toni López
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Jaume Guardans

The Documentation Center for North African Jewry during WWII

National Network

Ibn Gabirol 14
Jerusalem 91076

972 2 5612329
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The Documentation Center works under the auspices of the Ben Zvi Institute and  focuses on research and education about the Jews in Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco during WWII. The Center is supported by the Claims Conference and was supported in the past by the ISF. The annual budget is 600,000 ILS, and the Center employs a total of 5 staff members and 2 volunteers. The Center organizes international conferences, workshops and seminars, publishes research and archival materials, uploads materials to database available on the Center's website and is active on social media (in several languages), with the aim of raising awareness of these communities's stories during the time of the Holocaust. The Center also works closely the Ministry of Education to create and develop online pedagogical units and teacher training courses. The Center cooperates frequently with Yad Vashem, IHRA, The USHMM and the Memorial in Paris.
Mission and Objectives

Fighting Holocaust denial through:
 Activity in social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, our blog and YouTube).
 Cooperation with leading organizations, governmental departments in Israel and
Adapting scholarly research and materials to be used in the educational system
in Israel:

 Exposing teachers, pupils and students to our material, our new online lessons
 developed with the Ministry of Education, holding teacher training courses.
 Translating  material into French for use in Israel and Jewish communities
 Continuing the ongoing search for new archival materials to be used as the
. basis of new research and scholarly publications.
Organizing colloquia, workshops and a special pedagogical training program for teachers in the Israeli andFrench school systems
Active involvement with governmental initiatives (the Biton Committee, the Knesset Educational
Committee) to incorporate the history of Jews in the Islamic world during WWII within the educational system.

Main Projects / Activities

Organising international Conferences -Washington 2009; Paris 2012; Rome 2016; Berlin 2017
Publications: The Diary of Clement Houri; Volume of articles: North Africa and its Jews: New research; Peamim: volume on North African Jewry during the Holocaust; Revue d'Histoire de la Shoah: Les Juif d'Orient face au nazisme et a la Shoah
Three websites (French, Hebrew and English
Facebook pages in English, Hebrew, Arabic and French
Three online pedagogical units
Collecting archival materials from archives in France, Germany, USA, England and Italy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that our abilities to combine academic research with educational programs  and widespread activity on social networks can help in reaching diverse audiences in Israel and abroad.  in addition, thanks to the rich collection of primary sources - documents, photos, newspapers etc. - which are made accessible only through our work, we have become the leading institute which can give academic guidance and support on this topic to any other relevant organisation. We bring together European and North African studies by creating a common field of interest in which Jewish, Muslim and Christians can find a joint space.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are applying to join the network with the recommendation of the EU delegation in light of the topics we are engaged in. We feel that as partners in the network, we will be able to share our materials, knowledge and experience with other individuals and organisations and to find partners with whom we could promote these common topics. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Tamar Fuks
Job Title
Center Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Prof. Haim Saadoun

Foundation The Change (part of the network of Reach for Change)

National Network

41 Christopher Columbus Blvd., fl. 5
56-58 Krum Popov Blvd., Betahaus Sofia, fl. 2
1592 Sofia

+ 359 (0) 899 089 944
Telephone (other)
+ 359 (0) 878 356 340
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Foundation The Change is part of the network of Reach for Change, a global NGO which operates in 18 countries on 3 continents. We have a team of 3 employees. Our main partner in Bulgaria is Nova Broadcasting Group. Our annual budget is around 100 000 Euro. 95% of it comes from the business sector, 5% - from our for-profit activities. We organise annually the contest for social entrepreneurs PROMYANATA (GAME CHANGERS). Together with Nova Broadcasting Group we select and support social entrepreneurs for at least one year with initial funding, business trainings, business mentorship, media support and access to contacts and networks. We organise an Academy for Social Entrepreneurship together with The Business Institute. We are partnering ING Bank Bulgaria in their Fund for Social Innovations. We're part of the networks of the National Network for Children in Bulgaria and The Bulgarian Donors Forum.
Mission and Objectives

We were founded on the belief that many people have innovative ideas on how to improve the lives of children and youth, want to start a social enterprise to achieve their vision, but lack the funds, skills and advisors, and network to really succeed.
Our Mission is to find outstanding social entrepreneurs and help them develop innovations that improve children's lives on a big scale.
Our objectves are:
- to find outsanting social entreprenerus which are capable of solving pressing social problems for children and youth in an effective and sustainable way.
- To help the children in Bulgaria not with one-time charity aid, but with systematic support and acapicty building for social initiatives. 
- To stimulate and develop social innovations in different fields, connceted with the children in Bulgaria.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2014 we've been organising in partnership with Nova Broadcasting Group the contest for social entrepreneurs PROMYANATA (Game Changers). We have an 8 stage selection process, where employees of Nova Broadcasting Groups and Reach for Change Global, independent experts, children and the general public choose between 3 and 5 social entrepreneurs annually. They enter our Incubation program where at least for one year they receive funding, business development, media support, network and access to contacts. As part of the selection process we organise as well an Accelerator for social entrepreneurs - a three months-long free educational program which helps them improve and test their projects. In 2016 the 9 projects in our Incubator supported over 10 000 children in Bulgaria. You can learn more about them at: www.nova.bg/promyanata/

We will organise for the second time The Academy for Social Entrepreneurship together with the Business Institute. The Academy is the first of it's kind educational program in Bulgaria. It offers practical knowledge how to achieve social effect and build a sustainable financial model of your organisation at the same time. We had 58 participants and 44 experts and mentors both from the business and from the social sector in the first edition. All the participants received a scholarship discount with the support of The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and Nova Broadcasting Group, and two of the participants entered with a special scholarship which they received from us at the Sofia Municipality Innovation Hackaton. You can learn more about the Academy at www.se-academy.bg

Since 2016 we've been partnering ING Bank Bulgaria in their Social Innovation Fund. The Fund provides financial grants and business mentorship for social entrepreneurs. Our foundation assists ING with the selection of the project, them management of the funds and with trainings for the employees of the bank who become mentors of the entrepreneurs. 

In 2015 and 2016 we organised a series of public events and conferences, which presented good examples for social entrepreneurship, supported by Reach for Change in Bulgaria and worldwide. 

In 2017 we'll be partnering TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) Bulgaria - a global movement of communities connecting makers, designers, developers and engineers with people with disabilities (aka - 'Need-Knowers') to develop technological solutions for everyday challenges. We'll be informing the participants about the possibilities of social entrepreneurship and providing a scholarship for a few selected projects for the Academy for Social Entrepreneurship.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Foundation the Change is one of the lead organisations in the field of social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria which combines the passion of the social sector with the smartness of the business sector. It is a new instrument that can give further power and sustainability of ideas coming from the civil society.
As such we have good partnership with both the social and the business sector and public institutions in Bulgaria. We have a varied portfolio and a community of social entrepreneurs - people and organisations who we support, who are developing bottom-up approaches to solving pressing social issues for children. We can serve as a liaison between our contact and partners and the Network. 
We can provide access to international knowledge and methodology for social entrepreneurship as well as contacts to the other 17 organisations worldwide in the network of Reach for Change and the projects they support. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in the power of the right idea in the hands of the right individual. We believe that radical social solutions will come from brave entrepreneurs living close to the challenges that they are trying to solve. We believe that change is possible trough the bottom-up approach and thus we support the development of civil organisations with innovative ideas and dedicated teams. 

We believe in the power of networks and the possibility to share know how and visions for positive social change, and we create a community of shared values and aspirations.

As ALF network is working on bringing together and strengthening civil society working for a common future for the region, we think that our missions and approach match and that we can achieve a bigger social impact together - by joining the ALF network. We wish to search for partners with common vision and apply for  common projects among the network. We wish to make use of the knowledge from the researches and good practices that ALF network promotes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Plamena Dimitrova
Job Title
Communications and Community Manager
Head of the organisation
Yuriy Vulkovsky
Contact (2) Full Name
Yuriy Vulkovsky
Job Title (2)
Country Manager


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
company work for  training the youth how to be a writers and publish thier work
Mission and Objectives

we want to be the most important publisher allover the world

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
hager safwat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hager safwat

Support Youth Leaders

National Network

Fuhais, Amanah Center
P.O Box 1289 Amman Tariq 110947 Jordan

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders is an organization created to support and development of activities on the local, national and international level in area of non-formal education, using free time, cultural-social and volunteering practice for community of youth people.   National level: combating online hate speech project and campaign, countering violent extremism, structured dialogue between youth and municipalities, Social entrepreneurship.   Regional level: inter-religious dialogue, intercultural dialogue, youth employment, entrepreneurship, sustainable development and other themes.   we do training courses, youth exchanges, study visits, projects, and campaigns.   
Mission and Objectives

Our mission are to support and to raise the education level of young people from different social groups, help youth to achieve their goals, unite active youth together and create better conditions for their experience and knowledge exchange.
Our Objective:
1. Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.
2. Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.
3. Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.
4. Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.
5. Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society
6. Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future
7. Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.
8. To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.
9. Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Main Projects / Activities

The main product offerings in Support Youth Leaders for both sending and receiving are as following:
• Trainings
• Exchanging Programs
• Leadership Programs
• International Programs
• Conferences
• Seminars
• Youth Meetings
• Volunteer (local and international EVS)
• Networking and Cultural Experience abroad
• Awareness Campaign
• Work Shops
Local level:   Our NGO organizes different social and educational events, provide the information about the up-coming volunteering events abroad, collaborate with other NGOs.
International level: We act as a sending and hosting organization for training courses and youth exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

*Our team have previous experiences in Youth in Action programme, Erasmus Plus, Euro Med Programee, and USAID programs as participants and coordinator support staff.
*We will provide training based on our experience and knowledge 
*We will support cultre and youth projects through our organization. 
*Host international trainings in Jordan. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1*The first project that we have atteneded as indvidual was with Young Arab Voice and under ALF, as part of that and as a reason we have founded Support Youth Leaders. 
2* we support the mission and the objectives of ALF
3*We do beleive in netwirking 
4*We have a a good list of partners that we can do or join projects with.  
5*it will be a great chance to meet different people across the Mediterranean. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat

Alexandria Students' Scientific Association

National Network

Champlion Street, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Alexandria Students’ Scientific Association (ASSA) is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit organisation run by medical students in the Alexandria faculty of Medicine. ASSA is officially recognized as a scientific association by the administration of Alexandria Faculty of Medicine – Alexandria University since 1969. ASSA does not belong to the students’ union or follow its activities by any means.ASSA is a full member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations–Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt) which itself is a full member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). ASSA is registered in Alexandria Faculty of Medicine since 1969.ASSA-Alexandria is involved in the common vision of IFMSA and its scope activities in the field of public health, medical education, human rights and peace, reproductive health including HIV/AIDS and clinical- and research exchanges. All our board of directors and member are volunteers and medical students. Through the years we have worked with many partners, such as; UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, Caritas International, Y-Peer, Mac Club and many more.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to qualify medical students and empower them with a sense of social responsibility to achieve community welfare. ASSA aims at improving medical education and increasing the awareness of medical students about public health issues as well as providing them with a fruitful impressive social life inside the faculty through carrying up different activities based on the purpose of serving medical students and enhancing their role in community service and through this mission ASSA supports the values of teamwork, devotion, friendship, respect and passing the knowledge and experience to newer generations who will exert their efforts to accomplish the same mission.

Main Projects / Activities

We work in 5 main scopes
Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS
Public Health
Human RIghts and Peace
Medical Education
and Students Exchange

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With an access to all university campuses for furure collaborations and huge platform of members and volunteers.
We have been working for years so we have gained lots of experience in our 5 scopes of work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join a new international network and collaborate to the EuroMed context and get our local medical students more involved in such environment

Contact (1) Full Name
Islam Abou Ismail
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Islam Abou Ismail
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Taha
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Monika Nová

National Network
Czech Republic

Bezdecin 74, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Mladá Boleslav

+ 420 608 529 848
Mobile Phone
+ 420 608 529 848
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Eduaction 1997 - 2003 University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Education Social work – Masters Degree 2003 - 2005 University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Healtf and Social Studies Rehabilition – Psychosocial Care for Handicapped Childern, Adults and Seniors. Masters Degree 2013-2014 ST. Elizabeth University of Health and Social work Bratislava, Slovakia Missionary and Charity Work, rigorous examination - PhDr 2011- 2016 ST. Elizabeth University of Health and Social work Bratislava, Slovakia Social work – PhD
Mission and Objectives

Projects activities, Humanitarian assistance, Development projects, Teaching, Lecturing, Health and Social work in dveloping countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Development Cooperation, Czech Republic. Local Small Scale Project
Social activities for socially excluded women (prostitutes and HIV) in Zimbabwe.
Gweru Women’s AIDS Prevention Association (GWAPA). Development Cooperation, Czech Republic amabssy. Health and Social project.
2014- still
The Bakery project for young people in Malwi.
Don Bosco Youth Technical Institute, Lilongwe, Malawi
2015 - still
The Bakery project forcocially vulnerable in Namibia.
Walvis Bay Child and Family Center. (Namibie)

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Nová
Job Title
Mrs, Dr.
Head of the organisation
Monika Nova

Jongeren voor Uitwisseling en Begrip

National Network

3527XE Nvt

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
General Information

JUB is a youth organization, founded in 2011, aiming to promote peace, understanding and co-operation between young people in the world. We aim to realize local and international youth activities, to promote tolerance between young people from different cultures and countries. Further, we hope to encourage active involvement in society, without any distinction because of race, social status, educational level or any other ‘disadvantage’. We work in a spirit of respect for human rights and we highly value sustainable development. Our projects are carried out by trained professionals, mostly based on non-formal education methods. It means we make use of several techniques, like brainstorming, discussions, presentations, role plays, simulations and expert inputs. The proverb ‘learning by doing’ is most suitable here. In short, we create a space for young people, to develop themselves. T

Mission and Objectives

JUB is a youth organization, founded in 2011, aiming to promote peace, understanding and co-operation between young people in the world. We aim to realize local and international youth activities, to promote tolerance between young people from different cultures and countries. Further, we hope to encourage active involvement in society, without any distinction because of race, social status, educational level or any other ‘disadvantage’. Our projects are carried out by trained professionals, mostly based on non-formal education methods. It means we make use of several techniques, like brainstorming, discussions, presentations, role plays, simulations and expert inputs. There is no permanent staff. The budgetary resources per year depend on the approval of project grants, which varies. For an indication, the 2016 budget was around 110.000 euro. Sources: Erasmus Plus, Europe Direct, small local partners. Main events are international trainings and Human Libraries.

Main Projects / Activities

International trainings and seminars for youth workers regarding Human Rights Education and Conflict Transformation. On local basis, JUB organizes Human Libraries. Via this event visitors can have a talk with a Human Book, a person who is dealing with stereotypes against them on a daily basis. The Human Library offers a space for a dialogue and a chance to gain knowledge outside of your social bubble. It is a great way to promote respect for diversity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My organization would be more than happy to share information about our activities and recourses, which can help other organizations to set up similar events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It would be good to hear from other organizations as well, and acquire contacts to set up new projects, with new collaborations. We are always looking forward to renew ourselves, with new methods and ways. Via this network we can be in touch with similar organizations, having a bigger impact toward our goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martijn Bergsma
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Martijn Bergsma