Sobky of Computer Services

National Network

Munib Giza

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
I am the owner of a company Married with two children
Mission and Objectives

Trying to improve the level of morality in society
And the removal of intellectual extremism

Main Projects / Activities

No community activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Originally I need an intellectual evolution
But I love working in humanitarian activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To search for self and add my experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Wael Said Mohamed Ahmed
Job Title
His computer company
Head of the organisation
Company manager

Individual Member: Noora Kettunen

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
I am a freelance journalist working for both print and broadcast media. My work has been published in the biggest media houses in Finland such as The Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle and Helsingin Sanomat newspaper as well as many other newspapers and magazines. Giving the voice to minorities and building bridges between people has always been in the core of my work. I have met atheists in Ghana, albinos in Malawi and Christians in Turkey. Along with a group of journalists I will launch the first Finnish conciliatory web medium focused on intercultural and interreligious dialogue in spring 2017. I am the editor-in-Chief. My ambition and enthusiasm have attracted other professionals to work for the same goal of improving the quality of public debate and coexistence of different world views and lifestyle.
Mission and Objectives

I am the Editor-in-Chief of this new Conciliatory journalism media that goes with the working title Sopiva. We will join the Netwowrk as a group later once we found our cooperative association.
In recent years  a polarisation of talk about migration and asylum issues and cultures have been seen in Finland. Confrontation and stereotypes are being upheld by time pressure in news outlets, conflict-seeking headlines, bad background research and unsatisfactory follow-up of issues and events. This is very dangerous to society, as it gives fuel to radical groups to play into fears and concerns in society and mobilise them for their ends.
In our media we want to provide a well-researched and interesting alternative to mainstream media reporting, with a specific focus on religious and cultural issues. We are promoting justice in journalism by employing an innovative method to story production. Our innovation is combining journalism with the expert field of conciliation. We will work closely with conciliation experts and organisations. After having gone through a few conciliation cases we will know whether it is possible to become a conciliation journalist who can lead these processes onwards, or whether our method needs a readjustment. The ultimate aim is to prevent conflicts in society before they even start.
Our work is based on the theoretical concept of conciliatory journalism. We will follow up our conciliation projects from the beginning to the end and reify a variety of voices. 

Main Projects / Activities

I am leading the conciliation projects of our conciliatory media as well working for A-studio, a current affairs program at the Finnish Broadcasting Company. I am also open for giving training on the cooperation with the media and conciliation skills.


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am looking to build an extensive network with people who want to create better cross-culture and cross-religion dialogue. As the leader of our media outlet and collective Sopiva I can be we are a valuable asset to the members of the Anna Lindh network. Too much great research, important views and experiences never hit the headlines in Finland. I will bring a media approach to many projects and I can provide my contacts with media houses and individual journalists.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I find the AFL network as a very good place for us to get more contacts and find people who have similar targets as I do. I am also interested in joining your projects as a journalist. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Noora Kettunen
Job Title
freelance journalist
Head of the organisation
Noora Kettunen


National Network

Carballo Calero 6/8 3ºD
15570 Narón

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Xeración is an Spanish network of youth organizations based in Valencia and Galicia. We count with over 70 volunteers in the whole country and a team of 5 full time workers developing mobility and participation projects. Our target group is youngsters between 18-30 years old. We offer them a wide variety of non formal education activities as: forum cinemas, workshops, theathe, human libraries, cultural routes... implemented at local level. In the international field we count with partners in 5 European countries with who we cooperate in 2 strategical partnerships (about promotion of social entrepreneurship and inclusion) as well as in several youth exchanges per year. We cooperate with local institutions who provide us the funds needed to run our projects. Also we receive great support from Erasmus+ programme.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote soft skills development of young people (specially the ones with less opportunities) through mobility and non formal education projects. We focus specially in spreading the attitudes needed to become a participative citizen with critical thinking. Also we work in raising awareness about our ecological footprints and the environmental threaths we, new generations, are facing.

Main Projects / Activities

- Schools of leaders. Serial of local workshops aimed to develop the entrepreneurial competences of youngsters.
- Implementation of several events aimed to break stereotypes in the context of a methaphorical library. Creation of course for organisers
- Precious plastic. Recicling workshops to give a second life to the so consider "waste"
- Social movie nights: Weekly forum cinema tackling current social issues

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Helping to create bridges of intercultural undestanding with partners from the other side of the Mediterranean sea

Contact (1) Full Name
Francisco Xosé Sequeiro Allegue
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francisco Sequeiro

Achva Academic College

National Network

Achva Academic College
M.P. Shikmim 79800

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Achva Academic College advocates and practices multiculturalism among the diverse population groups in Israeli society. The college has approx. 3500 students, representing various ethnic and religious groups in its vicinity in the northern Negev.  Student tuition and government funding for higher education are the college's main sources of income.  Further information is available on our website and by contacting us directly. 
Mission and Objectives

Our mission includes making higher education accessible to the population in the vicinity of the college at the northern tip of the Negev.
We have a School of Education and a School of Sciences. We grant bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as teaching certificates. The college also provides continuing education courses. 
Faculty engage in research in their fields and in cooperation with researchers at other institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Academic - teaching and research.
Students also gain experience in the field as part of their academic education. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can conceivably host a meeting.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to know about opportunities to cooperate and conduct joint projects with academic institutions in the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Harriet Gimpel
Job Title
Director of Resource Development
Head of the organisation
Prof. Shosh Arad

Tallinn University International Relations Society

National Network

Narva mnt 25
10117 Tallinn

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Tallinn University International Relations Society (TLU IRS) was established on 19th of May 2014 and is an active open-to-all student organization comprised of students, lecturers, researchers, early career professionals, and members of the community who are engaged, and interested in political issues of international significance. The basis of the society is to maintain a “open-door” policy meaning that any interested parties may join the society, and attend its events no matter their academic background, nationality, gender, race or religion. TLU IRS is run by the voluntary board.  TLU IRS seek additional funding from sponsorships, advertising support, contributions of public/private companies, foundations, other organizations, institutions and private individuals. Main partners are for example U.S. Embassy Estonia, Turkish Embassy in Tallinn, Embassy Office of Canada in Tallinn, Estonia and Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society etc.  For more information please check out our Facebook page “TLÜ International Relations Society” or visit our webpage If you have any further questions, please contact with us

Mission and Objectives

Tallinn University International Relations Society (TLU IRS) support and promote the interest of international relations for both practitioners as well as the audience and to strengthen the university students cultural life and create an open environment for discussions of international politics, supported by open lectures, seminars and showcasing’s of IR related topics.

Main Projects / Activities

Tallinn University International Relations Society (TLU IRS) organizes activities, guest speakers, movie screenings and field trips. Such as open lecture “Future Implications of Obama's Foreign Policy”, seminar "On the Path to Diplomacy from Turkish lenses", panel discussion "Alumni panel: opportunities after University" and study visit to NATO CCD COE. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tallinn University International Relations Society (TLU IRS) wishes to enhance and develop further opportunities for cultural understanding. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Triin Bõstrov
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Adil Aliyev
Job Title (2)

Counselling centre for integration

National Network
Czech Republic

Opletalova 921/6
11000 Prague

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Our organization has been created in 1997 and thanks to our long tradition we have rich experience with foreigners and as such we belong among expert organizations in the field. For that reason, we provide services to support the integration of foreigners in long term perspective. We manage a Centre for Support of Integration of Foreigners in Ústecký region and we co-manage the Integration Centre in Prague. We provide registered professional social services and manage big and small projects that specialize on various aspects of support of equal opportunities for foreigners. Our organization is financed by state grants, EU funds and private donations. Their proportions differ each year. Our office in Ústí nad Labem implements project from AMIF (Asylum and Migration Fund), our office in Prague provides registered social service



Mission and Objectives

Counselling Centre for Integration is an NGO – civic association. Our goal is to help foreigners to integrate to ordinary life in Czech society. We help them to find accommodation, job or school. Therefore we help to foreigners to live satisfying life in the Czech Republic.
Based on our long experience we offer to foreigners that live legally in the territory of the Czech Republic, social counselling for free. Our social workers and legal department offer assistance in difficult life situations that people can come across to in every-day life. We help to solve challenges with accommodation, with application for state citizenship, with finding an employment and with communication with bureaus. In case you would be interested in our assistance you can arrange a meeting in our offices or with prior notice in place of your residence. In our opinion, every problem can be solved and the sooner it is taking care of the easier the solution is.


Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities focus on:
- Counselling on social matters.
- Counselling on matters of law.
- Counselling on family and education.
- Tutoring of children.
- Czech language lessons for every age category.
- Support of cultural identity and activities of communities of foreigners living in the Czech Republic.
Another field we focus on is support of respect of diversity and equal opportunities for foreigners in Czech society:
- We create analysis and publications concerning life of foreigners in the Czech Republic.
- We organize Multicultural Festival in Ústí nad Labem.
- We hold information campaigns, lectures, workshops and other happenings.



How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Based on our long-term experience with this target group, we will be happy to share our expertise with other partners in the network. We may also share examples of positive (and negative) feedback of work with migrants. 



Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Beside sharing our experience and knowledge on the topic of migration, we understand the importance and need of continuous learning from others. Therefore, we appreciate the possibility of chance to meet relevant and inspiring people with potential of future cooperation.


Contact (1) Full Name
Mgr. et Mgr. Monika Korábová
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mgr. Monika Korábová
Contact (2) Full Name
Oxana Völker
Job Title (2)

Contextos - Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão Social

National Network

Rua Almeida Garrett, nº 63, 1º Dt
8000-206 Faro

+351 91 172 53 77
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Contextos is a cooperative which was founded in 2016, based in Faro (Algarve, Portugal) that aims to promote territorial development with the purpose of improving the quality life of the population in its multiple aspects, human, social, cultural and environmental. The development of organizations and the territory will be achieved through innovative strategies to promote entrepreneurship, equal opportunities, civic participation, education, training, social inclusion, consultancy and the provision of technical services. Contextos aims at fostering and supporting the empowerment of youth generations as keystone of processes of change in the society.  To respond such a challenge it organizes trainings, projects and networking activities to help young people to develop their knowledge, their abilities and competencies, promoting a generation of citizens who are able to combine, in their actions, professionalism and social responsibility. Along with the local community and local/regional projects, Contextos also promotes international projects/activities with an extensive network of partners and in cooperation with other institutions. Contextos cooperates with public institutions especially at local and regional level, Schools, Universities, Vocational and other Education Institutions, Public and Private Social Inclusion Organizations and other NGO's.  Contextos follows transversely in its projects and activities the principles of non-formal education. Our methodology is based on participatory setting in the decision making processes. Open Space Methodology is the core of all the project development processes. Currently Contextos is composed by 5 staff members. Along with this staff, we have other collaborators, who will ensure the success of our projects, through their experience and skills.
Mission and Objectives

Contextos aims at fostering and supporting the empowerment of youth generations as keystone of processes of change in the society.  To respond such a challenge it organizes trainings, projects and networking activities to help young people to develop their knowledge, their abilities and competencies, promoting a generation of citizens who are able to combine, in their actions, professionalism and social responsibility.

Main Projects / Activities

Contextos aims at fostering and supporting the empowerment of youth generations as keystone of processes of change in the society. 
To respond such a challenge it organizes trainings, projects and networking activities to help young people to develop their knowledge, their abilities and competencies, promoting a generation of citizens who are able to combine, in their actions, professionalism and social responsibility. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join Anna Lindh Foundation Network in order to develop and strengthen new partnerships and consequently new projects with the MENA Countries. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Jorge Machado
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jorge Machado

Biedrība "Bērnu un jauniešu centrs Dari Vari" (Organisation "Children un youth center Dari Var")

National Network

Andromedas gatve 2-55
Riga, LV-1084

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The organization is Chairman of the Board and the Management Board consisting of 50% of young people aged 18-29 years. Funding is for scholarships or interest-free loans. Since 2016, we have started to provide services. Society as a whole is written exchange. Participates in other organizations events. We create discussions with local politicians on youth and young people's right to participate in improving the living conditions. We participate in the activities of equality, understanding, honesty and openness. The Association is a member organization of the Latvian Youth Council and its chairman of the board is a board member of LJP.

Mission and Objectives

Mission and goals Society's objectives are to: Rural and urban population participation in their quality of life promotion. Healthy life-style organization, active tourism, cultural and informal educational organization. Heritage cultivation and preservation. Youth and children initiatives promotion. Promoting youth participation in decision-making. Youth and children's involvement in public life. Children and students sporting events. Promote youth understanding about what is happening not only in their home parish of the country, but give the opportunity to talk about what is happening in the world to analyze. For compassion, equality, democracy, opportunities to speak and express their opinions freely, that does not affect people's brush.

Main Projects / Activities

The association is valid for 3 years, so at the moment we are writing to exchange projects with the non-formal education provides young people learn other countries to get to know young people to make contacts, work together in mixed teams, not to be afraid to use the language, although it is not perfect. The project we create the environment in which young people learn to be tolerant of other people regardless of race, religion, color and so on.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being active in the Anna Lindh Foundation, talk about the Foundation's activities. Nest Foundation on behalf of our events organized. As far as possible to help fund activities and the realization of the idea!

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Latvian network so that we can be active and full members of this fund. Because the Fund supports nowadays much-needed democracy, freedom of expression, compassion, equality. As far as possible we are ready to support with human resources, ideas and willingness to act in the public good.

Contact (1) Full Name
Edgars Muktupavels
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Chairman of the Board Edgars Muktupāvels

Union des Jeunes Euro-Maghrébins

National Network

1,Rue abousofienne
2097 Boumhel

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
CHARTE DE L’UJEM 1) Préambule Devant les effets de la mondialisation galopante et ses enjeux vitaux pour toute l’humanité, l’unité maghrébine relève de la nécessité plus que jamais, à la fois humaine et matérielle. Il nous faudra affronter les défis de cette ère de reconstructions et d’incertitudes au Maghreb, afin de préserver les populations de la misère, des inégalités croissantes et des tentations de repli. Les jeunes Maghrébins vivront demain, dans vingt ou trente ans dans un monde différent et dans un Maghreb différent. Mais pour que ce monde et ce Maghreb soient viables, il faut que la jeunesse agisse en vue du changement, qu'elle porte des projets novateurs pour lutter contre l'inertie. A ce titre, l’UJEM, qui regroupe plusieurs jeunes originaires des cinq Etats du Maghreb, tente de promouvoir l’édification d’un ensemble maghrébin qu’uniraient la liberté de déplacement et des échanges, ainsi que la pratique du pluralisme politique et culturel. Consciente des enjeux pour l’avenir, l’UJEM entend, parallèlement à la promotion de l’unité du Maghreb, jeter des ponts entre les jeunes du Maghreb et d’Europe. Pour leur permettre de s’épanouir, dans une conscience commune de la paix et de la tolérance, en oeuvrant aux objectifs qui concourent à faire reconnaître et respecter les droits universels de la personne et l’identité plurielle du Maghreb. 2) Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes de jeunes Maghrébins et Européens d’origine maghrébine épris de justice et des valeurs universelles des droits de l’homme, en quête d’un avenir meilleur et refusant le défaitisme et le pessimisme. Nous souhaitons prendre notre destin en main et contribuer à l’édification d’un Maghreb uni et démocratique et nous engageons à : • Ouvrer pour l’édification d’un Maghreb uni et démocratique. • Promouvoir l’application de l’Etat de droit et l’amélioration des conditions politiques, juridiques et électorales au Maghreb. • Défendre les libertés individuelles et collectives au Maghreb. • Contribuer à fédérer tous les efforts pour la promotion d'une culture citoyenne au Maghreb. • Contribuer à sauvegarder et à protéger les droits de l'Homme en conformité avec les instruments du droit international les plus récents ; contribuer à protéger l’intégrité physique et la dignité de la personne. • Promouvoir la préservation des cultures populaires maghrébines et la reconnaissance de la langue amazighe aux côtés de la langue arabe, comme composantes fondamentales de l’identité plurielle maghrébine, sans oublier la spécificité des langues africaines du Sud de la Mauritanie. • Défendre l’enseignement des langues étrangères au Maghreb, gage d’ouverture sur le monde. • Promouvoir l’abolition de la violence pour accéder ou se maintenir au pouvoir. • Défendre le respect de l’alternance politique à travers le suffrage universel. • Promouvoir la mise en place des mécanismes nécessaires à combattre la corruption, le clientélisme et le népotisme des autorités au Maghreb. • Promouvoir et contribuer à l’égalité entre hommes et femmes en instaurant une parité entre les sexes. • Protéger la liberté de croyance et de conscience. • Promouvoir le principe de séparation entre la politique et la religion au Maghreb.  
Mission and Objectives

• Sensibiliser et mobiliser les jeunes Maghrébins ou d’origine maghrébine sur le rôle qu’ils peuvent jouer dans la construction d’un Maghreb uni et démocratique.
• Promouvoir la culture de la citoyenneté.
• Etablir des liens d’amitié et de coopération entre les jeunes d’Europe et du Maghreb.
• Organiser des journées d’étude destinées à : promouvoir les impératifs de l’unité maghrébine et le rôle des jeunes dans la construction du grand Maghreb, réfléchir aux moyens de développer une dynamique positive de partenariat entre l’Europe et le Maghreb.
• Organiser des rencontres de jeunes afin de dégager des projets de co-développement et des échanges entre les participants.
• Mettre en place les moyens de faire connaître les préoccupations des jeunes au Maghreb et en Europe

Main Projects / Activities

• Etablir des liens d’amitié et de coopération entre les jeunes d’Europe et du Maghreb.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

c'est une opportunité 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mejdi Housseini
Job Title
Vice president
Head of the organisation
Mejdi Housseini

tawassol association for the Deaf

National Network

bp 46 hay el masjid al jadid
54450 mrirt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
founded in 2007 by the Deaf ,our goal is to integrate Deaf people in society, Deaf culture, social education, language of Signs Moroccan -LSM- and French -LSF-, cultural activities, awareness days, rights and duties, health, sport, education and illiteracy of Deaf people .. the association is managed by a boeard of director,the president and his vice are Deaf,there is commity of education who manage a Deaf school,all our services are free. this year we have lack of ressources,normaly we apply for project and achieve them,the funds we have are only for management of the association and school.teachers are volunteer at the association. our stratgic plan is in its 4 phase: the 1st was creating the association,and a space for the Deaf community,create a school in 2011,we educate kids and Deaf adults.then we have moved to aware the local community,i have participate in the Professional fellows program,organazed by the US state of deparetement,this experience allowed me to develope a project who had a great impact into the society,it was the st community training in sign language and Deaf culture,targetting all parts of the community,teachers,civil society,court,ploice,doctors. then we have organzed other traing on the provencial level. after that we where looking to an awarness who touches nationaly and internatiionaly,we have made the song a picture with 100 sound: having good impact,it encourage us to apply for the Youth for change program,by the bibiotheca of alexandria and takingATgolbal,my odea was among the top 5 ideas and lead to the 1st website dictionary on Morccan sign langauage : where not only learning this language,but also developping Moroccan sign langauage. Our partners : Ministry of Solidarity, Women, Family and Social Development The National Initiative for Human Development Entraide Nationale MAROKKO FONDS Dutch TakingATglobal Bibliotheca of alexandria The Organization Pond of Cultures-Friendship Force International Urban Commune of M'Rirt Khénifra Provincial Council Beni Mellal-Khénifra Regional Council
Mission and Objectives

our goal is to integrate Deaf people in society, Deaf culture, social education, language of Signs Moroccan -LSM- and French -LSF-, cultural activities, awareness days, rights and duties, health, sport, education and illiteracy of Deaf people ..

Main Projects / Activities

our stratgic plan is in its 4 phase: the 1st was creating the association,and a space for the Deaf community,create a school in 2011,we educate kids and Deaf adults.then we have moved to aware the local community,i have participate in the Professional fellows program,organazed by the US state of deparetement,this experience allowed me to develope a project who had a great impact into the society,it was the st community training in sign language and Deaf culture,targetting all parts of the community,teachers,civil society,court,ploice,doctors.
then we have organzed other traing on the provencial level.
after that we where looking to an awarness who touches nationaly and internatiionaly,we have made the song a picture with 100 sound:
having good impact,it encourage us to apply for the Youth for change program,by the bibiotheca of alexandria and takingATgolbal,my odea was among the top 5 ideas and lead to the 1st website dictionary on Morccan sign langauage :
where not only learning this language,but also developping Moroccan sign langauage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by contuation on supporting people in special needs,by exchanging our experience with others,parthenring with others,seeking ressources and learning.
we have organzed cuktural exchanges with hight schools univercities,and panel discussion on the topic of the life of Deaf community in Morocco,Deaf culkture and langauage,advocay rights for the Deaf and people in special needs,the role of civil socuety to improve life of people in special needs in Morocco,the history of deaf movement in Morocco.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to improve life,aware,advocate for Deaf community,to exchange and create a space of understandning and dialogue thgrought the community and with people from the world

Contact (1) Full Name
mounir naili
Job Title
advisor in charge of communication and relation/sign langauge teacher and interpreter
Head of the organisation
said adel
Contact (2) Full Name
issam laamiri
Job Title (2)
sign language teacher/project director and tresorer of tawassol association for the Deaf