Saldus jauniesu dome "Es un mes"

National Network

Lielcieceres street 17
Broceni, LV-3851

+371 27878570
Telephone (other)
+371 27174422
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+371 26158508
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Saldus jauniesu dome « Es un mes » (Saldus youth council « I and we ») is a Non-governmental organization. Basic aims of Saldus youth council ''I and we'' are co-operation and support of local youth organizations and interest groups. We are working with youth workers and youth leaders from Saldus district – for cooperation, sharing experience and getting new skill for youth work. SJD “Es un mes” organizes leisure time activities for youngsters and children of Saldus town and municipality. Organization supports and organizes different local and inter-cultural projects, events, discussions, training's, free time activities and summer camps with youth for youth and for youth workers. Saldus youth council ''I and we'' is a regional coordinator of Eurodesk and program “Erasmus +”. Organization is working on international co-operation, youth mobility projects and EVS. We have 22 active members, mostly volunteers. One person is paid professional youth woker. For financies we are appling for projects in different levels and programs.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support local youth and youth organizations. Main objectives are to develope competencies of youth - Mostly active paticipation and intercultural learning. As a tool we are using nonformal education. One of the main areas Saldus youth council ''I and we'' is working with is local youth and youth workers on the topic - how to find and develop different methods for better youth work.

Main Projects / Activities

Organization supports and organizes different local and inter-cultural projects, events, discussions, training's, free time activities and summer camps with youth for youth. Organization is getting support for coodination of local youth projects. Organization is working on international co-operation, youth mobility projects and EVS.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have already experience for organising projects and activities with Meda countries - for example - Training course for youth workers and teachers (from Sweden, Romania, Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan) about non-formal learning. We took part in Training courses in Tunisia and Jordan about intercultural learning and sport. In year 2015, we hade EVS volunteer from Jordan in our organisation. When we hade project partners from Meda countries - we shared our experience and infomation with other organisations from Latvia. We think that we can develope and share our experience even more.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For long time Saldus youth council "I and we" worked together with Saldus children and youth center. Saldus children and youth center is member in Latvian Network of ALF, although paticipants in all ALF activities in Latvia  usually were  members from Saldus youth council. Also we organised all activities in Saldus conected with ALF, and with Meda countries - activities in frame of intercultual week - on the other shore of mediteranian see. etc.. From year 2007. Saldus youht council is no more working with Saldus children and youth center, but us we already have experience,  we would like to continue cooperation with ALF and bringing more of intrecultural learnining in Saldus district.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rudite Muraseva
Job Title
Chair of Board
Head of the organisation
Rudite Muraseva
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilze Fismeistere
Job Title (2)
Board Member

Udhetimi i Lire - Liberi di viaggiare

National Network

Rruga Egnatia Nr. 1001, L 3

++355 52227998
Telephone (other)
++355 52227998
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
++355 695720494
Mobile Phone (other)
++355 695411190
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The authorities of the Society “Free-Travelling” are : 1. The executive director. 2. The board of directors. The association is financial independent . Her sources are taken from: -Dues and gifts -Activities and Services - Applications for funds -Publications. We have experience in local and international project such us Erasmus + projects. Some of our partners are: Durres Region, Durres Municipality, Shijak Municipality, UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), Bulgarian Development Aid, REC (Recourse Environment Center), IDM (Institute for Democracy Mediation). Also we are part of other networks such us: National Youth Congress, Earth Day Network, Western Balkans Youth Cooperation Platform, URI Europe, Skillman etc. Since 2018 we have the only one Multi functional Youth Centre in Durres.

Mission and Objectives

THE MISSION: The Association "Udhetim i Lire- Liberi di Viaggiare" is an organization established in Albania with the focus on tourism, youth, environment, rural development, good governance, culture, voluntarism, and human rights promotions. This association operates in Durres. The mission of the Association “Udhetimi i Lire - Liberi di Viaggiare” is carried out by: 1. The advocacy 2. The Research 3. The Information and Experience exchange 4. Partnership and Network 5. Lobbying THE OBJECTIVE 1. The Implementation of effective instruments of cooperation between members, to be a social and organized exponent in all the tourist sector of the cultural heritage. 2. Take initiatives that set in motion and make active the Italian tourism and other countries, in outgoing and in incoming. 3. To be the legal representative and trade union between the members and protect their interests in economic, professional and cultural terms, through all the institutional, legal and social forms (at local, national and international level) and to show ability to achieve this objective. 4. The promotion, formation and the further development of the subjects that are members of it.

Main Projects / Activities


05.04.2018 – 31.10.2019 - Network member of Synergies for Green Growth Initiative – Energizing the Impact of Innovation in the Mediterranean, SYNGGI project within INTERREG MED Program co financed by European Regional Development Fund.

January 2020 – March 2021 External expert for support Kavaja Municipality in the project “MeDryDive Project”, EU co-financed project under COSME Programme.

October 2022 Designing the Environmental Strategy of Kavaja Municipality under the ReLOaD2 program financed by UNDP ECRL, The Lindau Foundation for Dialogue, World Religions, the German Federal Government

06-06/20 "Youth for Peace Speech4Change" EU and Anna Lindh Foundation, ALF/CFP/2020/ICD/154, Udhetim i Lire, "The Invisible ForeWoman".

01.02.2021 – 31.07.2021 implemented the project “Durres Archeomap” financed by Ministry of Culture in Albania.

April 2021 – 31 December 2021 implemented the project “Together for a Better Future”, in Day Care Center for Children with Disabilities “Colors of Life”, which is financed by Social Fund program monitored by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

February 2022-implemented the project “Steps to youth resilience empowerment” financed by UNDP Albania. 21 February 2022 - ongoing we are implementing the project “With you 4 you” financed by Bulgarian Embassy through Bulgarian Development Aid.

21 February 2022 - ongoing we are implementing the project “Nature Based Solutions for the Conservation of Pollinators in Green House & Urban Ecosystems” financed by Bulgarian Embassy through Bulgarian Development Aid.

April 2022-October 2022 - implemented the project “Environment Strategy of Kavaja Municipality” financed by UNDP Albania through ReLOaD2 Program.

July 2022 - July 2023 we implemented the project “Creative culture-based Durrës heritage development” financed by UNOPS. March 2022 - January 2023 we implemented the project “Youth Empowerment for Local Democracy” financed by EYF.

October 2022 – October 2023 we implemented in partnership with Tropoja Municipality the project“ATY4M – Active Tropoja Youths 4 Municipality” financed by EU4Municipalities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can collaborate with other partners of ALF Network and we can share your information and activities to other partners interested in the same fields with ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network because our activities are the same with other members. Also we want to share the cultural, historical and archaeological heritage of our city with other countries interested in the same field.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miranda Mansaku
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Miranda Mansaku
Contact (2) Full Name
Perparim Turra
Job Title (2)
Board Member

Uganda Public Rescue Foundation

National Network

c/o 980

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
UPRF is a non-profit Human Right organization that offers Legal aid to indigent persons. Putting particular emphasis on those charged with criminal offences or those facing serious Human Rights challenges in the nation justice system. It was conceived in year 2008 in the context of justice law and order sector (JLOS) reforms as one of the new models for improved administration of justice in Uganda. The foundation envisions a society in which disadvantaged people have improved access to justice in fulfillments of constitutional requirements. It has the mission of establishing national mechanisms for public defense of poor people and human rights promotion
Mission and Objectives

A Ugandan society where all human rights are respected promoted and defended to ensure access to justice for all is a reality irrespective of gender, age, ethnicity, religion or socio-economic status.
• To become a leading provider of legal services of choice in order to ensure access to justice for the poor and vulnerable people so as to promote the socio-economic development of Uganda.
• To work with the poor and vulnerable communities especially women, children, disabled, to active justice, equality and equity though legal Aid provision, legal human rights education, research and advocacy net working and co-a lotion building.
To contribute to the rule of law, and good governance in order to achieve social development.
• Equality of all persons before the law
• Passions for justice
• Respect for human dignity
• Accountability
• Integrity
• Service excellence
• Efficiency and effectiveness

Main Projects / Activities

• To provide high legal aid services to indigent men, women and children.
• To promote the respect for rights and the rule of law in Uganda.
• To provide legal aid services to prisoners or persons who due to financial constraints
• To promote universal respect for human rights, implementation for the provisions of the universal declaration of human rights in Uganda.
• To carry out investigations through registered private detection agencies and therefore give reports to the concerned authorities on matter of human rights in Uganda.
• To act as arbitrators between the offenders and the victim
• To provide a forum for discussion through a close exchange between human rights organizations, community, individuals and government officials.
• To offer free legal representation to especially under privileged persons including appeals and other procedural process that may require legal representation at all levels.
• To encourage and promote observance of the rule of law and legal protection of human rights and sensitize masses on HIV/Aids.
• To participate in internal Human Rights law seminars, conferences, regulars conferences and even other related issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Information, Education and Communication
During the reporting period, the information, Education and communication (IEC) Objective was mainly delivered through seminars and workshops, handouts on simplified materials and posters on legal issues and human rights. There were also several radio programmes which were run by UPRF in Kampala. The seminars and workshops were intended to raise awareness among communities on their legal and human rights. All branch offices conducted awareness raising workshops at parish level. In some places, a needs assessment was conducted ahead of the actual sensitization. In other areas UPRF was responding to the need expressed by judicial personnel and local politicians while in others UPRF took the initiative.
A total of 10 sensitization workshops were conducted around the Districts facilitated by both the UPRF staff and external resource persons in legal and human rights awareness training.
The major focus of the workshops was on the following topics;
• Land tenure systems and property rights
• Children’s rights and their responsibilities
• Succession  and Administration of estates
• Constitutional rights of prisoners
• Marriage, separation and divorce
• Local councils and their judicial powers
• Criminal offences, responsibilities and criminal justice systems
• Law on fishing (special focus on fishing communities like Kalangala)
• Sexual offences and protection of vulnerable persons
• Enforcement and protection of Human rights.
The training sessions were supplemented by use of posters illustrating the various violation of human and legal rights. The posters were developed by UPRF staff and were distributed to the different participants for a multiplier effect.
Around 20,000 copies of posters this printed and distributed. We plan to continue this activity in the coming year for areas that were covered.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Radios programmes like were conducted in three clinics, Mbale and Masaka and also for specific programmes like the human trafficking campaign. In other branches the radio programmes aimed at informing the public of the establishment of the programes .and the actual services provided. Once they had been oriented to the public, the UPRF organized talk-show programmes on topic issues which were aired on the local radio stations. This has popularized the UPRF among the communities they serve, by providing information on contentious issues like land rights and domestic law, human rights and HIV/AIDs sensitization.

Contact (1) Full Name
yiga robert kiwana
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
yiga robert kiwana
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

IMPACT - Civil society research and development e.V.

National Network

Keithstr. 10 , VH
10787 Berlin

+49(0)30 92276802
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
IMPACT − Civil Society Research and Development e.V., founded in Berlin in 2013, is a non-profit civil society organization with additional offices in Iraq, Turkey and Syria. Civil society-support is the core of IMPACT’s mission. IMPACT is a catalyst for cooperation. It promotesthe exchange of experiences and ideas among local civil society actors and their international peers. It offers support to civil society actors and activists using a community-based and holistic approach that includes assessment, research, training, long-term coaching and financial support. To that end, IMPACT has developed and sustains a network of civil society actors who advocate jointly for democracy, human rights and diversity. IMPACT works in Germany and the Middle East with a special presence in Syria and neighboring countries. IMPACT’s main point of strength lies in its well-trained, professional and active team, comprised of members from diverse backgrounds. The team is spread across Europe, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraqand all team members actively participate in political and social movements at a local and national level. Although widely-dispersed and diverse, the team is united by belief in a common goal of strong civil society and a shared vision. 
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: 
At IMPACT, we envision an active and well-connected civil society that is capable of shaping policies that respect democracy and human rights values, both nationally and globally.
Our Mission: 
IMPACT aims to empower civil society to become a driver for change and a guarantor for human rights and good governance by conducting relevant research, and by offering spaces that enable capacity building and the exchange of knowledge and resources. 
Our Values: 
Solidarity: we express and urge solidarity with all freedom-seeking movements worldwide and see ourselves as a part of the international movement for democracy.
Professionalism:we conduct our activities and services to the highest standards based on ethical and professional values, regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender, sect or race.
Diversity: we see diversity as a key component of strength and a driver for development. We respect the diversity of individuals and communities, and seek to create safe spaces for expression and creativity. 
Transparency and Accountability: we believe in the freedom of information, so long as it is practiced in accordance with other fundamental civil rights and liberties. As such, we participate in creating a transparent environment by providing information to our stakeholders. As a main pillar of good governance, we encourage transparency among both civil society and local authorities.
Partnership: we believe that individual efforts are not enough to create change. Therefore, we seek to establish partnerships with likeminded organizations that share our common values and aims. 

Main Projects / Activities

In this continuous study, we provide concrete information about Syrian civil society actors to source individuals and agencies who work in the Syrian context. also mapping on the syrian organizations in germany 
Through our wide database, we directly connect international actors with relevant actors on the ground to achieve the best impact and prevent waste of time and resources.
We provide real time M&E services, field researches and capacity assessments, in order to enhance the transparency and help troubleshooting the work of Syrian & international actors.
We use our accumulative experience and reachable resources to empower the newly growing organizations and support them through the early stages of their work.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Impact is a networking and research center, we have good access to all syrian organizations in Germany and working on activating the syrian community here, this needs cooperation with the active organizations in germany

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Impact was originally  created in the IndignAction conference by ALF in Luxembourg and then was suppose to get funded and supported as a network of civil actors to support the syrian people in the ALF Forum in Marsielle 2013, this didn't happen because of skeptisism by some members
however we're still part of discussions and close to some members of the ALF family and would like to continue networking withing Germany and abroad Impact

Contact (1) Full Name
Obayda Abu Kweder
Job Title
communication officer
Head of the organisation
Hozan Ibrahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Ruham Hawash
Job Title (2)
Administrative Manager

APIS Institute

National Network

Na stolbi 3
1000 Ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Zavod APIS/Institute APIS was established in 2012 as socially engaged institute with a vision to promote social inclusion, human rights, intercultural dialogue and empowerment of those most vulnerable and marginalized. We are an NGO based in the capital of Slovenia. The organization was founded by 3 founding members and is a small scale organization with budget of 50.000 per year. Even if the budget we operate with is quite small, we never the less believe to have a strong impact on the community, the volunteers, the migrants and refugees we work with, the international youth we engage in our activities.  Only in 2016 we implemented 3 international mobilities under Erasmus+ programme that included over 20 international partner organizations and over 10 national organizations. APIS has multiple volunteers and collaborators. In the last years it has established strong partnerships with international organizations inside European and Mediteranean region. Sources of funding: European projects, especially Erasmus+; national ministries; municipality where we are based. We also were a partner in Anna Lindth funded project in collaboration with jordanian organization.   Modalities of action: trainings, exchanges, youth work, seminars, participatory and community engagements, media, video and audio production  
Mission and Objectives

Primarily we focus our work on migrants, refugees and marginalized youth. We implement workshops and educational activities on a international, national and local level.
As tools of empowerment of vulnerable groups we are mainly using video, photography, multi/trans media and new technologies. The goals we are pursuing are knowledge transference and giving voice to the socially excluded or marginalized. We use accessible and inclusive methodologies as participatory video, documentary video making, documentary photography, mobile video filmmaking…
Next to educational activities we have created and co-produced many documentaries with eduactional value and produced photo and transmedia exhibitions, always socially engaged with the aim to inform the public and promote social inclusion. We also work with internationally acclaimed artists to highlight the overlooked themes.
We are making further steps and plan to incorporate new, but accessible technologies into our creative and socially responsible work even deeper. We would also like to share the knowledge we have gained and develop it further in terms of citizens' jurnalism, participatory community development, social entrepreneurship and raising employability.

Main Projects / Activities

We connect social engagement, promote social inclusion and link it with culture and intercultural dialogue. These are few of our activities:
1) we implemented 1 Erasmus + training for trainers for 55 people from 15 countries: one in Slovenia, one in Belgrade; theme: socially engaged digital storytelling
2) we coordinated and organized 1 youth exchange in Slovenia, 6 countries, 30 participants
3) we exhibited our socially engaged exhibitions in 7 different locations; also in National Assembly and Slovene Academy of Science and Arts
4) we organized euromediteranean photo marathon in Ljubljana that also took place in Beirut, Algiers, Amman, Palermo, Marseille, Neaples (coordinator was FRAME from Beirut)
5) we got 5 awards for short films we produced in the frame of our workshops and our films were screened at 5 film festivals in 2016
6) we produced 13 short documentaries, 10 financed by Erasmus+ programme and 3 financed by Berlin based foundation EVZ - Stiftung "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft" / Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future". We also produced 2 videos for Salto Youth South Eastern Europe and 5 videos for MOVIT, Slovene National Youth Agency for Erasmus + programmes
Few earlier projects:
Anna Lindh Foundation supported project MIGRATION and SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT. We were partner organization, the coordinator was Slovenska filantropija, another partner organization was Jordan based WE Center
Last Witnesses - this is a photo exhibition and a multimedia project about victims of italian fascist camps. The exhibition was more than 10 times exhibited in Slovenia. It was also presented in Neuengamme, Germany (
Equality in Focus: migrant and Roma women created photo stories and short films:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since we are a young organization, we are still developing our skills but we already have good practice (non formal education for social inclusion, digital media as tools of promoting intercultural respect, youth work that focuses on vulnerable groups etc.) to share. We would like to further assist in bringing people together from across the Mediterranean in our activities and in our future projects. 
As we implement our activities in next years we believe we will be able to further contribute to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society, which is the aim of Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we already implement activities that link culture and social engagement, promote social inclusion and respect between cultures. This is also one of our primary programme priorities in our Institute. We recognize this values and actions that promote the above as essential for the present and the future of the Euromediteranean region.
We see the ALF network as a supportive space to create stronger partnerships and implement the common goals mentioned above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Romana Zajec
Job Title
Programme Director
Head of the organisation
Nataša Kotar

Genç Erzurum Bilgi Merkezi

National Network

Yeğenağa İş Merkezi Yakutiye / Erzurum
25000 Erzurum/

0542 896 3225
Telephone (other)
0505 150 7790
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0542 896 3225
Mobile Phone (other)
0505 150 7790
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Derneğimiz gençlerin topluma , sivil hayata katılmalarını sağlamak amacı ile sosyal sorumluluk bünyesinde projeleri yürütmektedir. Avrupa Çocuk Film Festivali etkinliğimiz de 30 Gönüllü arkadaşımız ile beraber projeyi yürüttük.
Mission and Objectives

⦁ Sanat ve kültürel alanlarda projeler oluşturmak.
⦁ Araştırma , eğitim ve proje yönetimi alanlarında deneyimli
eğitmenlerimiz , gönüllülerimiz vasıtasıyla eğitim vermek.
⦁ Gençlerin temas noktası bilgi merkezi haline gelmek.
⦁ Gençleri sivil topluma dahil etmek.
⦁ Unutulmaya yüz tutmuş kültürümüzü gün yüzüne çıkarmak.

Main Projects / Activities

Huzur Evleri Ziyareti (Ayda 1)
Mutluluğu Sen Çiz ( Araştırma Hastanesinde Bulunan Küçük Lösemi Hastalarını 2 Haftada Bir Farklı 6 Kişi ile Ziyaret Edip Eğlendirmek)
Palandökenden Niksar'a Bir yol Var ( Erzurumlu Emrah'ın Vefat Ettiği Yeri 30 Gençle Ziyaret Edip Erzurumlu Emrah'ı Anlama Adına Çalışmalar Yapılmıştır)
Kimsesiz Küçük Dostlarımızla İftar Yemeği ( Palandöken Gençlik merkezinde 70 Küçük dostumuzla İftarımızı Açtık Ardından Tiyatro Programı Oluşturduk Gönüllü Arkadaşlarımızla)
Down Sendromlu Küçük Çocuklarla Eğlence (Her hafta 6 Kişiyi çocukları Eğlendirme Adına Okula Yolluyoruz)
İşaret Dili Eğitimi ( Verdiğimiz İşaret Dili Eğitimiyle 2.kez düzenlediğimiz Programda Erzurum'da İlk kez verilen Bir Eğitime İmza Attık)
Erzurum’u Anlamak ( Erzurum'u Anlamak Sohbetiyle Murat Ertaş'ın Anlatımıyla  Gençlerimize Erzurum'un Tarihini Az da Olsa Tanıttık)
Kitabını Al Gel Yakutiye’ye ( 50 Kişi İle Yakutiye Meydanında Kitap Okuma Etkinliği Yaptık)
Bir Kitap Bin Umut  (Proje Kapsamında Şimdiye Kadar 3 Kütüphane Kurulup Okulun İçi Dışı Boyanmıştır)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sivip Toplum Kuruluşumuz , Kaybolmaya yüz tutmuş kültürümüzü gün yüzüne çıkarmaya yönelik bir çok çalışmada bulunmuştur. Kültürlerarası Strateji gelişimine katkıda bulunacağımızı belirtmek isterim. Yaşadığımız alanda refah alanı kurmak ve birlikte barış içinde yaşamayı hedefliyoruz. Sivil toplum kuruluşumuz ayrıca gençleri sivil topluma katmayı , daha uygun daha yaşınılabilir bir alanda gençleri buluşturmayı ve ortak bir bilgi merkezi kurmayı amaçlar.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF ağına katılmak istiyoruz çünkü Ağınıza katkıda bulunacağımıza inanıyoruz. ALF ağı gibi toplum yararına çalıştığımız için kendimizi bu ağın içinde görmek istiyoruz. Bir çok hedefimiz ağın hedefine uymaktadır.

Contact (1) Full Name
Muhammed Ataibiş
Job Title
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Head of the organisation
Muhammed Ataibiş
Contact (2) Full Name
Muhammed Uçar
Job Title (2)
Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi

Tokat Economic Develoupe and Vocational Training Association

National Network

Yeniyurt Mah. İsmail Altıngövde Cad. Sanayi Sitesi 20. Blok No:5 Tokat/Turkey
60100 Tokat/

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Tokat Economic Development and Vocational Training Association supporting vocational and technical training, vocational and technical education supporting, wish to improve young people and adults professional knowledge and skills, established in 2013 by usually volunteer teachers and trainers. TEKMED is a voluntary employee Association. All kinds of vocational training, and provide training in vocational subjects, diversification of economic activities, encourages innovative efforts to improve the competition in Tokat region. Include surveys and SWOT analysis for the region. Organize meeting  for the province's development and add local resources to provincial economy with research and development, universities, vocational and technical education schools, municipality, civil society organizations, city agencies and organizations, For the development of the province, the Industrialists and business men will support their investments. The province produces for the promotion of activities and projects. Association; national customs and the family which is the smallest unit of society and the development of moral values of the individual members and the scientific and cultural advancement of our people to contribute to social, cultural, educational, intellectual, artistic, democracy, child rights and women's rights, nature, conservation studies, economic advice and guidance, supports sporting activities and air sports. Residents of Tokat province within the culture and traditions of local and regional traditions gather together in order to live and let live. A scientific and educational nature of courses, seminars, symposia, conferences, congresses and similar national and international meetings and organizes activities, and contains several scientific publications that include national and international activities. Certificates of expertise are working on these issues and arranges training. Turkey supports the integration with the European Union. Foreign cultures and encourages intercultural dialogue and understanding and kindness. The country's public and social life creates the conditions for the active participation of young people. Youth organisations and works to improve relations between the business community. Thought and expression in the press, news and the rights and freedoms of import and export in accordance with the requirements of a democratic society it is striving to be used. The inviolability of the person and freedom knowing that this right is mandatory for the development of society economic and social measures and to develop in ways that do not contradict the principle of equality works.
Mission and Objectives

• Assisting local communities, governmental institutions and international organizations implement programs that directly support sustainable development initiative, especially in the field of education
• Strengthening capacity for sustainable economic and social development
• Providing economic opportunity and life long learning
• Make business more socially aware and responsive to the needs of society in the international arena
• Creating opportunities for exposure and interaction between people of different cultures and nations
• Scalability, through partner organizations and networks
• Influencing policy decisions at all levels
• Addressing discrimination in all its forms
• Encouraging a high level of cooperative reflection on the integration of ecological principles and traditional values in the economic planning and legal framework of developing economies.
• Activating Commitment
• Demonstrating Integrity
• Living Diversity
• Enjoying Participation
• Striving for Excellence

Main Projects / Activities

• Socio-economic development, coherence to EU and national policies of to achieve the objectives of the Lisbon agenda - a knowledge-based economy, sustainable development;
• Applying, implementation and management of programs and funds financed by the European Union or other sources, including Technical assistance;
• Consulting SMEs, Women's Entrepreneurship;
• Energy efficiency and energy renewable sources;
• Architecture;
• Activities related to development of the labor market;
• Activities related to development and preservation of human resources and policies in this area, demographic trends protecting human rights;
• Education and lifelong learning, development of education and training;
• Arts and Culture;
• Social inclusion, social economy, social and health services;
• Regional development, cross-border, transnational, interregional cooperation;
• Tourism, Rural Development;
• Fisheries and Aquaculture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are differant association. Economic develoupe and vocational training is our target. We can cooparete good net about it. We can help our association target this net. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can help the world. It has, in particular, been focused internationally on the fight against climate change and is committed to promoting a low-carbon, knowledge-based, resource-efficient economy. At the same time unsustainable trends persist in several areas, despite a whole host of positive policy developments. The demand on natural resources has been growing fast and exceeds what the Earth can sustain in the long term. Biodiversity is in decline globally and major ecosystems are placed under increasing pressure. Energy consumption in transport continues to rise. Global poverty persists; the Millennium Development Goals would need major efforts to be achieved. Our choices today will impact the way people live tomorrow. Sustainable development means living in a way without harming the environment or society. Living a sustainable lifestyle is essential to overcoming poverty and conserving and protecting the natural resource base for all forms of life. Sustainable development promotes responsible citizenship and fights against the social and resource impacts of unsustainable lifestyle habits.

Contact (1) Full Name
Muslim Kacmaz
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Muslim Kacmaz
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayhan Senol Akgul
Job Title (2)

جمعية أمانينا الخيرية

National Network

الزرقاء_ شارع 36
الاردن_ الزرقاء 13133

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية أمانينا الخيرية عدد الأعضاء 7، جميعهم حاصلين على درجات علمية منها البكالوريوس والماجستير في مجالات متعددة : ماجستير في دراسات المرأة ، بكالوريوس في القانون، بكالوريوس تربية فنية، بكالوريوس لغة انجليزية، بكالوريوس ادارة اعمال، بكالوريوس فلسفة... جمعية خيرية من اهم اهدافها تأمين حياة كريمة للمرأة واللاجئين وأفراد المجتمع ، التمكين الاقتصادي لغايات الاكتفاء ال\اتي وتقديم الدعم بمختلف مجالاته: (النفسي، الصحي، المالي)
Mission and Objectives

العمل على تنفيذ برامج توعوية للمرأة ، وتنفيذ دورات تدريبية بالاتفاق مع شركة تدريب والتشبيك مع الجهات لتشغيل العاطلين عن العمل
تنفيذ انشطة انسانية للدعم النفسي والمالي والصحي

Main Projects / Activities

عمل ورشات تدريبية للتوعوية بدور المرأة الاقتصادي وتوزيع اختبار الوعي بالذات (هولاند) لتحديد الميول والقدرات واكتشافها وتنفيذ دورات تدريبية تساعدها في سوق العمل بناء على الميول منها : دورات التجميل، دورة تركيب العطور والمنظفات، دورة الحرف اليدوية...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نساهم في مساعدة المرأة ذوي الاحتياجات ومساعدة اللاجئين ودمجهم في المشروع

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للمساعدة في التنمية المستدامة تساعد الجمعية بتقديم مشاريع تدعم حقوق الانسان والمرأة

Contact (1) Full Name
أماني علي العواملة
Head of the organisation
أماني العواملة

جمعية أمانينا الخيرية

National Network

الزرقاء_ شارع 36
الاردن_ الزرقاء 13133

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية أمانينا الخيرية عدد الأعضاء 7، جميعهم حاصلين على درجات علمية منها البكالوريوس والماجستير في مجالات متعددة : ماجستير في دراسات المرأة ، بكالوريوس في القانون، بكالوريوس تربية فنية، بكالوريوس لغة انجليزية، بكالوريوس ادارة اعمال، بكالوريوس فلسفة... جمعية خيرية من اهم اهدافها تأمين حياة كريمة للمرأة واللاجئين وأفراد المجتمع ، التمكين الاقتصادي لغايات الاكتفاء ال\اتي وتقديم الدعم بمختلف مجالاته: (النفسي، الصحي، المالي)
Mission and Objectives

العمل على تنفيذ برامج توعوية للمرأة ، وتنفيذ دورات تدريبية بالاتفاق مع شركة تدريب والتشبيك مع الجهات لتشغيل العاطلين عن العمل
تنفيذ انشطة انسانية للدعم النفسي والمالي والصحي

Main Projects / Activities

عمل ورشات تدريبية للتوعوية بدور المرأة الاقتصادي وتوزيع اختبار الوعي بالذات (هولاند) لتحديد الميول والقدرات واكتشافها وتنفيذ دورات تدريبية تساعدها في سوق العمل بناء على الميول منها : دورات التجميل، دورة تركيب العطور والمنظفات، دورة الحرف اليدوية...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نساهم في مساعدة المرأة ذوي الاحتياجات ومساعدة اللاجئين ودمجهم في المشروع

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للمساعدة في التنمية المستدامة تساعد الجمعية بتقديم مشاريع تدعم حقوق الانسان والمرأة

Contact (1) Full Name
أماني علي العواملة
Head of the organisation
أماني العواملة

Thuria Ibrahim \ Y-PEER International Network

National Network

amman Jordan
Amman 11183

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Y-PEER stands for Youth Peer Education Network. It is a comprehensive youth-to-youth education programme initiated by UNFPA. Y-PEER is a network of more than 200 organisations and institutions involving young people working in the broad areas of adolescent sexual and reproductive health. The members of Y-PEER are young people from Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and East Africa. The Y-PEER network is run by and for young people, involving person-to-person meetings, national and international training events, electronic networking, and computer -based distance learning courses, workshops and public campaigns. It aims at promoting youth participation in sexual and reproductive health issues and at building partnerships between youth and adults in advocating for the dissemination of information and knowledge on adolescent sexual and reproductive health; the creation of standards of practice and improved training resources for peer educators; the development of a stronger knowledge base for peer educators and trainers of trainers; and for the elaboration of national youth development strategies.
Mission and Objectives

Y-PEER aims to promote a healthy life style through peer to peer approach and to empower young people to make responsible decisions.

Main Projects / Activities

- Regional Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health 
- Leardsership training 
- Humanitarian settings trainings
- Peer to peer education 
- awernace sessions 
- 10 Days of activism 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

What is special about being an apart of Network  is that each of my previous jobs and voluntary experiences, I have performed my assignments with a high degree of skills and professionalism. My current objective is to obtain an opportunity that will fully utilize my skills and offer me an opportunity for continued professional growth.
I believe in excellence and have always dedicated myself, my talents and my creative abilities to assure the successful accomplishment of any company goals. My positive attitude and willingness to give 150% make me a valuable asset to any training that would practice in. I am confident that my skills will be an asset and have a favorable impact in Theater training.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i want to be a part of The Network becouse will add me a new experience in new topics new opprtunity and because it continuously teaches me something new about people, about cooperation, about compassion, and about myself. In helping others, I am reminded that we are all in this together and we need to remember to support each other. Life has so much to offer if we remember look beyond ourselves
please note that im apply as indivdual not as Organisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Hadeel Bqaeen
Job Title
HR Officer
Head of the organisation
Focal Point In charge
Contact (2) Full Name
Banan abuzainaldeen
Job Title (2)
Training Officer in the core team