Rafat Alkhateeb Cartoons

National Network

Amman - Gardenz
Amman 18118

+962755512327 - +962779629279
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
My name is Rafat,, from Jordan, lives and work as an IT engineer in Telecom industry, I am  a cartooist as well work as freelance one in different platform on the Internet, I have over than 10 years expeirnce in cartoons, and started my joueney offialcy in 2007, I worked in many Ele-newspapers here in Jordan, and currently, mainly cartooning for The Cartoon Movement and United Sketches.
Mission and Objectives

The main mission, so as many cartoonists around the world, is to put a spot light on the global issues that people do care about, Peace, Famines, Childhood, Wars,  ...etc, besides the current trending events around the world. This is from my perspective as an editorial cartoonist.

From my own personal perspective, is to put the spot light on the Human inside us, discussing the reasons, how we feel, and interact with the world?  How we can enhance ourselves and pushed into better, peaceful, effective situation? How can we change ourselves? Are we ready for such change? Simply, a cartoon that might understood different ways, that's why my cartoons are not editorial ones in mostly.

Main Projects / Activities

My main project is to raise the attention to cartoons as a Simple, humorous, and serious as well!  kind of art that really could make change, besides, change the standard theme known for cartoons as funny art, Cartoons sometimes is not about making you laugh, it's about making you smile, and think. To take action, then make a change.

Regard activities, I have participated in many exhibitions in the country and the foreign and all are group ones, I have participated in different local competitions and last two years were full of achievements.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I heard about ALF from a friend, which I trust his recommendation and upon his advice I believe that ALF will give me another unique, clear, and better bridge to deliver my message to world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rafat Alkhateeb
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jordan - Amman

PROMENA Foundation

National Network

Laan van Meerdervoort 70
2517 AN The Hague

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Foundation is headed by the President in cooperation with the Vice-President. PROMENA relies on a staff that conducts daily activities. The number of people changes every 4-6 months, as all of them are volunteers, but the organization aims to have at least 1 remunerate staff member in order to guarantee the continuity of the projects. The staff includes a project manager, project assistants, communications advisor and a staff writer. Since PROMENA is an NGO, its resources exclusively depend on funding opportunities, grants and donations. PROMENA works on a project by project basis and aims to organize numerous events throughout the year. Currently, the organization is organizing a Roundtable discussing the importance of preserving the intangible cultural heritage and Arab Fashion show. Finally, the organization aims to partner up with universities, student associations, cultural organizations and individuals who can contribute their expertise and resources to our projects.
Mission and Objectives

PROMENA’s mission is to promote the cultural richness and diversity of the Middle East and North African (MENA) region by expanding knowledge through artistic and academic events in the Netherlands.
In PROMENA Foundation we believe that cultural awareness and knowledge are the keys to challenge the negative stereotypes and misconceptions about the Arab-Muslim world, and more specifically about the MENA region. Because of this, the organization seeks to create innovative events in the Netherlands where opinion leaders, young professionals, artists, and experts from all different backgrounds participate in respectful discussions. PROMENA aims to create an environment where differences are put aside to make way for cultural richness and the diversity of the MENA region to take the main stage.

Main Projects / Activities

PROMENA Foundation works to encourage an informed, critical and respectful dialogue about the cultural diversity and richness of the MENA region by creating events such as: conferences, workshops, seminars and cultural programs. Currently, PROMENA Foundation is organizing two cultural programs for the first half of the next year.
The first event, ‘Memories from home: What we hold on to’, aims to explore the state of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of the Middle East and North African (MENA) region, in the context the current migration crisis. Taking oral tradition and performing arts as our focus, this event brings together experts/artists to highlight examples of heritage, aiming to create awareness about the importance of preserving them among refugee communities in The Netherlands and by showing the Dutch public the richness of their culture.

The second event is an ‘Arabic Fashion Show’. The objective is to bring together Dutch and Arab Designers, to create design pieces that represent a fusion of the two cultures. The goal of this fashion show is to create an intercultural dialogue through fashion design.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PROMENA Foundation’s events, in the Netherlands, are intended to bring together opinion leaders, young professionals, artist and experts from different backgrounds, since they are the group most poised to create change within Europe. Therefore, the organization wants to nudge this group of people towards a positive shift in the current European context. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Under the direction of Ms. Eveline J.A. America (2nd November 2011 – 31st October 2016), Foundation FONDEMA was part of the ALF Network in The Netherlands. As a member of the ALF, the foundation organized cultural events - ‘ReciPeace for Dialogue: Shaping Diverse Societies through Culture, Youth and Education’ in May 2013 and ‘Connecting through Art’ in June 2014 - with the support of the consortium.

However, on 31st October 2016, Foundation FONDEMA closed its doors in the country, and PROMENA Foundation took over the task of promoting the MENA region in The Netherlands with a new, clear and improved mission and vision. In order to do so, PROMENA Foundation considers an honor to be a member of the ALF network and hopes to keep creating inspiring and meaningful events in collaboration with such a prestigious organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Eveline J.A. AMERICA
Job Title
Founder and President / Treasurer
Head of the organisation
Ms. Eveline J.A. AMERICA
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Founder and Vice-President/ Secretary

Ong El ghaith

National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Cette organisition  se travaille dans :
Le bienfaisance-humanitaire-sociale-développement 

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Aminetou yeslim
Head of the organisation
Yesserha hababa zeini

Jasmin - Association of Friends for Intercultural Cooperation (Jasmin - Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół na rzecz Współpracy Międzykulturowej)

National Network

Centrum Wielokulturowe
ul. Jagiellońska 54
03-463 Warsaw

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Jasmin association is a group of people from different countries, having different backgrounds. In the association 7 persons are involved. The association is administered by the Board consisted of the President (Samir Saadi), Vice-President (Adriana Palińska-Saadi) and Hanna Bednarczyk (Member of the Board). Jasmin is financed by members. We are going to apply for grants given by municipal offices, government, EU and private sources. Jasmin is specialized in various intercultural activities. We organize meetings, workshops, seminars, training, festivals to promote culture of immigrants in Polish society.
Mission and Objectives

The general objectives of our association are:
- etablishing cooperation between Polish citizens and the immigrant community living in Poland,
- supporting the integration and assimilation of immigrants with Polish society,
- reducing the cultural distance between immigrants and Polish society,
- supporting the integration of the foreign community memebrs, residing in Poland,
- helping immigrants in the case of: searching for job and other professional activity, system of education and training, health services, searching for accommodation.
- popularizing among the foreign community the knowledge about Polish culture and customs,
- popularizing among Polish society the knowledge about the countries of immigrant origin,
- initiating and promoting cultural cooperation, social and educational activities between Poland and the countries of immigrant origin,
- popularizing among immigrants and in the countries of their origin the knowledge about the protection of freedom, human rights, civil liberties, development of democracy,
- collaborating with organizations that have similar objectives to ours in Poland and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The Jasmin association has worked since 22 August 2016, but it derives from an informal group, acting for several years. This group was very active realising various multicultural projects, among others: "Arabic Evenings" - the meeting presenting two Arabic countries (Tunisia and Morocco), "Polish etiquette for foreigners" - the training for immigrants living in Warsaw, "Tunisian Family Day" - the meeting for the Tunisian community living in Poland, "How is it done in the world?" - the cycle of multicultural workshops presenting various aspects of everyday life in various countries, "Fork on the map" - the cycle of multicultural culinary workshops. We are going to continue our intercultural activity and to organise other intercultural events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have many experiences in the intercultural events organization and we can share them with other AFL members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be a part of the AFL Network to find new partners for our intercultural projects. We believe that new organizations and new people equal new ideas and new possibilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samir Saadi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Samir Saadi (President), Adriana Palińska-Saadi (Vice-President), Hanna Bednarczyk (Member of the Board)
Contact (2) Full Name
Adriana Palińska-Saadi
Job Title (2)

Association les artistes des couleurs et de la diversité

National Network

93300 Aubervilliers

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association les artistes des couleurs et de la diversité identifaint SIREN: 508735685 identifaint SIRET du siége: 50873568500028 employé : 1 salarié Bénévoles : 20 Partenaire associatifs ; association Amsed strasbourg France,, Agat Azerbaidjan ,association Figuig Maroc , association tirza Algérie ,Association sans visa Tunisie ressources budgétaire en An; 42000 euro (quanrante deux milles euro ) source de fiancements : programme IRASMUS+ ville d'aubervilliers , le conseil régional ile de france modalités d'action: organisation de formation dans le cadre de irasmus+ Ateliers artistique pour enfants , accompagnement d'artistes, organisation festival , partenaires impliqués dans les projets : centre de loisirs , Médiathéques ,écoles ,service jeunesse , maison de retraite .
Mission and Objectives

Creer des liens et construire des passerelles entre les artistes entre les artistes de differentes cultures
Faire entendre L'unicité , la diversité et l'universalité des cultures .
les pratiques artistique , levier d'apprentissage des jeunes animateurs défavorisés.
L'art un outil interculturel pour la citoyenneté européenne favorisant l'esprit d'initiatives et la créativité des jeunes

Main Projects / Activities

l'association a déja organisé des échanges intergénérationnels
des formation dans le cade du programme jeunesse en action ensuite dans le cadre de IRASMUS+
Ateliers artistique pour enfants
festival de la scéne ensemble
Rencontres et échanges entre artistes
Scénes ouverte

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour développer  les activités de notre association ,
rencontrer d'autres partenaires
échanger avec d'autre structures

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Coordinateur de projet
Head of the organisation

جمعية جيل الشباب للتنمية و الأعمال الإجتماعية

National Network

Bloc C 570 Taddart Aloulya Taddart Anza Agadir
80002 Agadir

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
structure of  the organization: President, Vice President; Tresorier, Vice Tresorier, General writer, Vice General writer, Adviser. Budgetary resources available in a year :Municipal Council grant : 1000 EURO Sources of funding: Municipal Council          
Mission and Objectives

The association works to achieve the following objectives:
1) cognitive abilities of youth development.
2) - the fight against vulnerability and social exclusion.
3) To promote talent in the field of creativity.
4) - linked to cooperation with other associations relationships, whether local, national or international.
5) - to organize awareness awareness campaigns on human rights and health and social field.
6) - the development of the educational level in the region.
7) interest in the cultural and educational aspect to the neighborhood kids.
8) to organize field visits to social centers.
9) make a listening center for youth and children in difficult situations.
10) - the organization of training sessions.
11) Support classes for students latecomers curriculum.
12) fight school humor for the benefit of young men and women live.
13) activation in the areas of sports, cultural and social.
14) radiation human rights culture and education on values.

Main Projects / Activities

  Organizing awareness awareness campaigns on human rights and health and social field.
  The development of the educational level in the region.
  Interest in the cultural and educational aspect to the neighborhood kids.
 Organizing field visits to social centers.
 Organize training sessions.
Fight school drop for the benefit of young men and women live.
Activation in the areas of sports, cultural and social.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Lassri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Redouane Elbaz
Contact (2) Full Name
Redouane Elbaz
Job Title (2)

Tohum Autism Turkey Early Diagnosis and Educational Foundaton

National Network

Sıracevizler cad. No 27 Zülfikarlar İş Hanı K:1 Şişli İstanbul Turkiye
Cumhuriyet Mah. Abidei Hürriyet Cad. No 39 Şişli İstanbul Türkiye
34100 İstanbul/

0212 244 75 00
Telephone (other)
0212 2489430
0212 244 75 04
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
TOHUM Autism Foundation (TOF) is established on April 15, 2003 as a non-profit, non governmental civil organization with an aim to lead and disseminate early diagnosis and social integration of children with “Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pervasive Development Disorders (PDD)” via special education, throughout the country. The vision of Tohum Autism Foundation is to ensure early diagnosis of “Autism Spectrum Disorder ” in Turkey and to ensure fulfillment of health and educational needs of diagnosed children and their families in line with the world standards. Tohum Autism Foundation has many programs with National Ministry of Health and National Ministry of Education, has set up a model school with the know-how of PCDI (Princeton Child Development Institute) in USA. Currently 125 children with autism attend Tohum Special Needs Primary School. 81 staff working at the moment. More information about TOF can be reached at www.tohumotizm.org.tr
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission
● To meet knowledge and support needs of children with autism , and their families in order to enable them to sustain their lives according to available contemporary standards,
● To ensure an early and intensive special education for children with autism and their subsequent placement in the least restrictive, inclusive educational environment,
● To encourage the training of trainers to deliver the necessary education on autism to ensure the conduct of researches and realization of education,
● To support and improve health and education services delivered on autism throughout the country,
● To achieve world standards in screening, detailed evaluation and diagnosis processes on autism and their dissemination throughout the country,
● To raise awareness on autism
Our Principles and Values
● Scientific approach
● Leadership and pioneering
● Sharing knowledge
● Inter-institutional communication and cooperation
● Smart usage of resources
● Valuing-respecting human being and children, favor the best services

Main Projects / Activities

I. Educational activities for children and their families
II. Awareness, Campaigns
III. Advocacy
IV. Projects
• Autism Screening Project, 2005: made in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and with the grant of EU. With this project, Tohum Autism Foundation made screening in 5 pilot cities: Izmir, Bursa, Adana, Kocaeli and Gaziantep.
46 000 children (babies from 18 to 36 months old) were screened via M-CHAT and CHAT tests as a result of this project.
Project lasted 18 months
EU Funding
• Promoting Full Participation of Children with Autism in the Society, by Improvement of Physical Independence, Mobility, Through Education, 2007: The EU Grant, taken under “Strengthening Civil Society in the Pre-Accession Process: NGO Grant Facility” was used to train teachers of Counselling and Research Centres on children with autism in Bursa, Adana, Gaziantep, Kocaeli, Izmir and Istanbul. Ministry of National Education was collaborated to run the project. Two other NGOs, one from Bursa (Bursa Otistik Çocuklar Eğitim Derneği) and one from Adana (Adana Otizm Derneği) were Tohum’s Project partners.
Project lasted 12 months
EU funding:
• Implementation and Policy Recommendation to Increase the Effectiveness of Inclusive/Integrated Education Practices in Turkey, 2010: In collaboration with Education Reform Initiative (ERI), and with the support of Sabancı Foundation, the Project was implemented in 3 pilot schools in Istanbul.
Project lasted 18 months.
Sabancı Foundation Funding:
• Increasing The Number Of Children With Autism Attended To The Pre-School Education By Creating An E-Learning Portal For Parents, 2010: Project aims to increase pre-schooling rate of children with autism through setting up a user-friendly e-learning portal.
Project lasted 12 months.
EU Funding: Please visit www.tohumotizmportali.org
• Strengthening Special Education in Turkey, 2011: Tohum is a consortium partner in the Technical Assistance Team of this project, which will last for 30 months.
• Teacher Trainings in Education Centers for Children With Autism (OÇEM), 2011 With the support of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and in collaboration with Provincial Directorates of Ministry of National Education, Tohum wants to increase the capacities of OÇEM teachers in Istanbul. To reach this aim, the Foundation gives training and supervision to these teachers.
Project lasted 10 months.
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Funding
• Increasing the Productivity of the young people with disability and integrating them in Labor Market, 2013
With the grant taken from Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA), a vocational high school is constructed in one of the most crowded district in Istanbul, Beylikdüzü, training autistic individuals on business skills. Tohum Autism Foundation supervises this program and develops Turkey’s first business curriculum for autistic individuals.
Project lasted 9 months
Istanbul Development Agency Funding:
• Parent Seminars in Autism: To know is to Understand, 2012
Supported by The General Consulate of Netherlands MATRA Fund, the project aims to provide parents of children with autism with introductory knowledge on autism as well as basic skills to interact with children with autism.
Project lasted for 12 months.
MATRA Funding:
• My Tablet Speaks for Me I, 2013
Supported by the USA Consulate, the main aim of this project is to improve the education quality of children with autism in Turkey via technology use. The uses of new technology have been introduced as a method of teaching to the students with autism and their teachers and parents. (Tohum 1 via Apple store)
Project lasted for 11 months.
US Embassy Funding:
• My Tablet Speaks for Me II, 2014
Supported by the USA Consulate, the main aim of this project is to improve the education quality of children with autism in Turkey via technology use. The uses of new technology have been introduced as a method of teaching to the students with autism and their teachers and parents. This is the second part of “My Tablet Speaks for Me” and focuses on object matching, body parts and actions. (Tohum 2 via Apple store)
Project lasted for 9 months.
US Embassy Funding:
• Increasing Education Opportunities for Autistic Children by using Technology, 2014
With the support of Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA), and in collaboration with Provincial Directorates of Ministry of National Education, Tohum forms a special online game, which helps children learning basic concepts. This game will be available via web site, android and IOS tablets. (www.tohumegitim.com )
Project lasted for 9 months.
Istanbul Development Agency Funding:
• Give way to my Independence! 2014
Financed by E.U, To support the independent living of people with developmental disabilities (mental disabilities and autism) through supporting them to go out in the street; therefore contributing to the equal citizenship of disabled people in the society.
Project lasted for 12 months.
US Embassy Funding:
• Special Education Class in Saint Joseph High school, 2014
For the first time in Turkey, a private school establishes a “Special Education Class” for autistic individuals, ages between 14- 21 years old. Private Tohum Autism Foundation Special Needs School supervises and shares know-how about special education and curriculum.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a lot of experience in the education and legal rights of children with disabilities, especially children with autism.
Since 2003 we carry out many projects with public, private sector and non-governmental organizations
We are ready to share our knowledge and experience we can orgine seminars and activities about 'Special Education and Autism'
Between 2003/2016:
• In Tohum Autism Foundation Special Needs School, over 1500 with autism undergraduate and graduate students attend for observations and internship,
• More than 8.970 MoNE teachers are trained via various in-service training programs about inclusion and autism,
• Through EU funded screening project, 1.515 MoH’s doctors and medical staff members were trained for use of autism diagnosis tools
• 98.048 Autism Education Tool and Booklets freely distributed to parents, teachers and specialists
• Supporting and assisting 33 public schools for more qualified education, material and special curriculum
• Establishing web based free-of-charge autism support service and supporting its 21.173 members www.tohumotizmportali.org
• Establishing first educational IPAD and ANDROID applications for autistic children in Turkish Language
• Providing inclusion seminars in 20 schools for 13.601 students, 40.803 family member and 431 teacher
• Developing Turkey’s first “Basic Traffic Skills Curriculum” for the individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities
• The only foundation invited as an international consortium partner and foundation representative from Turkey, to improve special education services
• Creating Turkey’s first job and lifestyle curriculum for individuals with autism
• Establishing Turkey’s first special education class in a private high school for the individuals with autism-Saint- Joseph Lycee
• Analyzing governments' education policy and creating a “guideline” including best practises about special education and its implementation models into the society
• Conducting 24 grant projects for individuals with autism, parents, experts, trainers, doctors and students

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we would like to enlarge our network in various NGO's to establish new partnership.
Collabreta in our new partners and implement new projects
Share our knowledge and warous experience.
thank your for your cooperation pls do not hesiatate contact with us if you need further information

Contact (1) Full Name
Özgül Gürel
Job Title
Vice General Manager
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mine Narin
Contact (2) Full Name
Betül Olgun
Job Title (2)
Projects Coordinator


National Network

Rogožniška Cesta 44 Ptuj - Slovenia
2250 Ptuj

+386 64 189 182
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
SAMA GOODS company works through it's two depratments of Art based non formal education - Cultural mediation and innovative trading.  It started on 2015 as Barzakh Arts for inclusion, capacity building, cross-cultural understanding, intercultural learning and dialogue through Art based non formal educational methods. From 2016 it has been registered as SAMA GOODS private company that includes also SAMA GOODS department for trading olive oil and herbs from the Arabic region to Slovenia with an innovative promotional ways to promote different cultural aspects of the countries of origin of the products. Staff employed two. Partnership with different national and international NGOs, Youth workers, Educators and Youngsters. Ongoing budget from fees on our activities and production. Crowdfunding. We cooperate with different NGOs and we apply for Erasmus+, European aid, for programs from the Slovenian government and the EU comission.    
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to build an innovative bridge of understanding and solidarity across the Euro-Med region through our intercultural learning programs. To empower youth through experiential learning and non-formal education methods. To unleash the power of creativity that is inspired by interculturalism and the variety of our cultures in the Mediterranean and the Euro-Med region by experiential learning that is based and inspired by Art.
To assist the inclusion and the empowerment of social groups who are facing a vulnerable situation, like Asylum seekers who are having limited rights and facing stress while waiting for their legal status in Slovenia. As well as different social groups from migrants who are facing some difficulties while adapting to the new social structural changes in the hosting society. To build a bridge between the reality of vulnerability and policy makers in Slovenia.
Promoting and unleashing the positive power of migration is one of our main objectives going in line with our mission to empower the innovative bridge of solidarity and understanding across the Euro-Med region.

Main Projects / Activities

Re-Health project: Intercultural mediation in health care. To assist health workers through intercultural mediation for a better cross-cultural understanding. To assist new comers while integrating into the health system in Slovenia. Analyzing needs and defaults in the Slovenian health system when it comes to the health care access to people who are experiencing a temporal vulnerable situation like Asylum seekers with pending applications. Working on gender equity and women empowerment for self-dependence, self-empowerment and better inclusion. Interactive sessions with non-formal education for capacity building and self-empowerment to relief stress. And for cross-cultural understanding to ease culture shock.
Creativity workshops to promote cross-cultural understanding among students in primary schools in Slovenia.
Integrated poetry workshops. Interactive workshops to stimulate Creative writing and performing inspired by mixing and integrating different poems from Euro-Med Region translated to English.
Seminars and workshops for intercultural learning and dialogue through Art based techniques and non-formal education methods.
Interactive Arabic courses. Teaching Arabic language through non-formal education methods.
Trading olive oil and Zaatar from Jordan and Palestine and other products from neighborhood countries with an innovative promotion that promote cultural aspects of the countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By taking an active part, sharing and exchanging good practices across the Euro-Med region.
By sharing the newsletter and ALF activities in our personal network nationally and internationally.
Contributing with our ideas and suggestions for ALF work in the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For networking and visibility to our work and projects across the Euro-Med region.
To learn from the good practices of other peer organizations in the Euro-Med region that share the same vision as we do.
To build new partnerships with new innovative projects and practices across the region. Because our mission and objectives are in line with the vision if the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samar Zughool
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Samar Zughool
Contact (2) Full Name
Yasmin Wenterle
Job Title (2)
PR and Fundraising

Giosef Unito

National Network

Via Lanino 3 A
10152 Torino

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Giosef is the acronym derived from “GIOvani SEnza Frontiere”, “Youth Without Frontiers”; UNITO stands for “UNIversità di TOrino”, “University of Turin”. Being without frontiers is the strength that help us reaching a better world, breaking the frame with no fear, looking beyond the appearances, stating our believes. Founded in 2004, Giosef Unito is actively working with Non Formal Education methodologies for young learners and since 2013 we have started to implement techniques coming from theatrical methodology in the frame of NFE. Our work is based in our conviction that new educational paradigms are needed in a fast changing society where Formal Education strategies cannot respond with the same pace to the recent challenges and developments, like the current migrants and refugees crisis in Europe. Giosef Unito continued to cooperate with a large range of partners and interlocutors: we believe it is essential to create synergies between Formal and Non Formal Education organizations, third sector, mass media and public administrations in order to maximize the impact of our activities in line with the Agenda 2020 of the European Union. Giosef Unito is striving for such joint effort among all the above mentioned stakeholders, keeping a permanent flow of communication, cooperation and debate around the main challenges related to the promotion of Human Rights. In order to mantain the widest perspective possible, we have developed a strong focus on intersectionality: we are fully convinced that we need to keep in mind all the identity components that contribute to each one’s self perception if we want to dismantle all the forms of discrimination. We are aware, for example, that it’s impossible to tackle islamophobia without considering the racist dynamics that lay under this specific discriminatory expression, as well as we cannot fight homophobia without analysing the traditionally constructed forms of sexism. We completely agree with the key concept in Audre Lorde’s work: “there is no such thing as single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives”.   Networks Since we fully believe in the core values of cooperation and networking, Giosef Unito is part of different networks at local, national and international level, each of them considered essential to guarantee a better quality work: CasaArcobaleno: born in 2012 and officially started in 2014, CasaArcobaleno is a co-working space aiming to share ideas and resources among 15 locally active associations, each of them with a specific target, although the majority is dealing with gender issues and LGBT+ rights. The structure is placed in one of the most intercultural neighbourhoods of Torino, Porta Palazzo, thus allowing all of the associations to be contaminated by many different multi-cultural influences. Torino Youth Centre - TYC: created in 2006, this is a youth associations network and an aggregation space, characterized by the sharing and multiplying of experiences and competences. Since its creation, it has been one of the most important promoter of a culture of anti-racism and anti-discrimination in the city of Torino. Giosef Italy: this is a network of youth associations spread all over Italy. The local committees act in a very independent and diversified manner, using the tools and methods most adapt to each one’s local dimension in order to reach each organization’s objectives, but they are all connected by the use of innovative Non Formal Education techniques. Human Rights European Youth Network - HREYN: HREYN main aim is to contribute to Human Rights Education implementation in youth work at a European level. Its objectives are to promote approaches of mutual understanding, peace, solidarity, respect for human dignity and Human Rights, non violent actions and contrast to discrimination, and to take actions in order to contrast Human Rights violations through campaigns, prevention, raising awareness and most of all Informal and Non Formal Education.  
Mission and Objectives

We see in our work the opportunity to affirm Human Rights in all their aspects and contradictions, in order to promote a culture of anti-sexism and anti-racism, to fight against homophobia, transphobia, lesbophobia and all forms of discrimination and prejudice.
The core objectives pursued by our association are:
1) INCLUSIVE CULTURE: to promote a culture of anti-sexism, anti-racism, against homo-lesbo-transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia and all forms of discrimination;
2) EDUCATION AND CHANGE: to produce social change through Non-Formal Education on Human Rights;
3) INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY: to promote international mobility and intercultural learning among young people;
4) INCLUSION AND PARTICIPATION: to promote and active youth participation and citizenship, combating social exclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

Local activities:
- “Pari o dispari - Peer Education contro l’omo-lesbo-transfobia”
- “Bando Unito”
- " Saluzzo Europa: Andata e ritorno"
- “Trajec(s)tories”
- “(DIS)CRIMINI INVISIBILI – Alla ricerca degli indizi nascosti”
- “Skills of Rights”.
Periodical activities
- "human library";
-“Desk for international mobility addressing young people”.
International activities - promoter
- “SAIL - SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth”;
- “Across the Lines”;
- “Gender upon a time”;
- “Fill in the gap”;
- “Livinclusion”;
- “Fe.Male”.
Local-National projects
- “21st March-Turin wakes up antiracist!”;
- “Focus On”.
International projects (partnership)
- Anna Lindh Foundation
- Euromed IV
- “Children First”
- “Sans violence...on avans”
Council of Europe
Study Session
- “Building Peace in Europe - The Role of Civil Society and Young People”
Erasmus Plus / YIA - YouthInAction
Training Courses
- “Pride Without prejudice”;
- “Training for Trainers in HRE”;
- “F.E.E.L. - Facilitators in Education and Empowerment of Learners”;
- NGO Resources - financial, human, personal;
- “Emotion 5: EVS Mentors”;
- “Emotion 4:
- Developing creative emotional and stress management skills in non formal education”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Giosef unito can contribute to the Network in Italy through the competencies of the youth workers of the ngo and because of the informal network created in Mediterranean area in youth field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Giosef Unito since 2012 works directly on cooperation among the Meditarranean area through European funds such as: Youth in Action, Erasmus Plus and Euromed, because the organisation aim through his action with international mobility and non formal education on human rights to promote active citizenship and participations  across the Mediterranean to build trust and improve mutual understanding and intercultural learning. Especially Giosef Unito make advocacy about the concept of intersationality especially according to etnical and/or religious identity and sexual identity, in order to counter discrimination related to this belonging.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annamaria Simeone
Job Title
Youth Worker
Head of the organisation
Annamaria Simeone
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgio Gotra
Job Title (2)
Youth worker

DEKAD-Denizli Foster Family Association

National Network

Altıntop Mah. Meseret Sk. Akçagül Apt. No:15/11 Merkezefendi/DENİZLİ
20010 Denizli/

+90 258 241 33 88
Telephone (other)
+90 258 263 59 79
+90 258 241 33 88
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+90 532 3044838
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 505 395 66 25
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Denizli Foster Family Association focuses on the children in need of protection. DFFA was established in 2009 with the motive that all the children without parental care have a right to grow up in a safe, warm and nurturing family environment. Our association is working both nationally and globally to promote foster family system and improve quality of the system in use.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to ensure that every child in need of protection grow in a safe and nurturing family. The foster care system should be child-centered and shouldmeet the international standards.
Child-centered care,means the child grows in a socially, psychologically, morally, mentally and physically respected, healthy andopen environment.Our association practices child rights-based approach.

Main Projects / Activities

Our association performs activities regarding
• The promotion of Foster Family system in both local and national scale,
• Adaptation of Foster Family candidates to the process by exchanging information and good practice.
• The quality improvement of the current foster family system by supporting the families and children in the system.
Within the scope of EU Ministry Civil Society Dialogue, a project called “Every child has a right to grow in a loving family” has been created in cooperation with Netherlands. As a result of the project a draft bill has been prepared and presented to Ministry of Family and Social Policies. Negotiations continue within the legislative department.
Another EU project continue in cooperation with Czech Republic, Lithuania and Belgium regarding the foster care systems worldwide and comparative analysis of foster family model practices. The project will be completed in 2017 with 4 different films and a book comprising of foster family stories in 5 languages.
As a leading civil society organization in Turkey, our association mentors the setting up CSOs in different provinces, continues its collaboration with CEOs working in child field and works towards a formation of national foster family network.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The target of our association is a social life wherethe rights of the all the children stated in international conventions (CRC) are guaranteed. Our aim is that all the children across the globe and in our country lives without discrimination based on the race, skin color, nationality, social gender, language or religion.  
Our principles are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and United Nation guidelines for the alternative care of children.
Our belief that every child should grow in a safe and nurturing environment away from violence values cooperation with different networks, platforms and CSOs. Our association could contribute to this network with the consciousness that a healthy childhood leads to healthy adult; by creating projects with CEOs working in child field.
Our association is a civil society organization open to international cooperation. High in thematic competence, our association’s structural capacity is developing.
With our successful projects, our association was the first to address this field in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For a child-centered foster care system, a common language and perception should be created across the globe. It is only possible with a formation of a greater network.
We believe that the children are our common future. Therefore our work and experience in this field will be a great source of information for all the projects regarding the children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)