Giosef Unito

National Network

Via Lanino 3 A
10152 Torino

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Giosef is the acronym derived from “GIOvani SEnza Frontiere”, “Youth Without Frontiers”; UNITO stands for “UNIversità di TOrino”, “University of Turin”. Being without frontiers is the strength that help us reaching a better world, breaking the frame with no fear, looking beyond the appearances, stating our believes. Founded in 2004, Giosef Unito is actively working with Non Formal Education methodologies for young learners and since 2013 we have started to implement techniques coming from theatrical methodology in the frame of NFE. Our work is based in our conviction that new educational paradigms are needed in a fast changing society where Formal Education strategies cannot respond with the same pace to the recent challenges and developments, like the current migrants and refugees crisis in Europe. Giosef Unito continued to cooperate with a large range of partners and interlocutors: we believe it is essential to create synergies between Formal and Non Formal Education organizations, third sector, mass media and public administrations in order to maximize the impact of our activities in line with the Agenda 2020 of the European Union. Giosef Unito is striving for such joint effort among all the above mentioned stakeholders, keeping a permanent flow of communication, cooperation and debate around the main challenges related to the promotion of Human Rights. In order to mantain the widest perspective possible, we have developed a strong focus on intersectionality: we are fully convinced that we need to keep in mind all the identity components that contribute to each one’s self perception if we want to dismantle all the forms of discrimination. We are aware, for example, that it’s impossible to tackle islamophobia without considering the racist dynamics that lay under this specific discriminatory expression, as well as we cannot fight homophobia without analysing the traditionally constructed forms of sexism. We completely agree with the key concept in Audre Lorde’s work: “there is no such thing as single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives”.   Networks Since we fully believe in the core values of cooperation and networking, Giosef Unito is part of different networks at local, national and international level, each of them considered essential to guarantee a better quality work: CasaArcobaleno: born in 2012 and officially started in 2014, CasaArcobaleno is a co-working space aiming to share ideas and resources among 15 locally active associations, each of them with a specific target, although the majority is dealing with gender issues and LGBT+ rights. The structure is placed in one of the most intercultural neighbourhoods of Torino, Porta Palazzo, thus allowing all of the associations to be contaminated by many different multi-cultural influences. Torino Youth Centre - TYC: created in 2006, this is a youth associations network and an aggregation space, characterized by the sharing and multiplying of experiences and competences. Since its creation, it has been one of the most important promoter of a culture of anti-racism and anti-discrimination in the city of Torino. Giosef Italy: this is a network of youth associations spread all over Italy. The local committees act in a very independent and diversified manner, using the tools and methods most adapt to each one’s local dimension in order to reach each organization’s objectives, but they are all connected by the use of innovative Non Formal Education techniques. Human Rights European Youth Network - HREYN: HREYN main aim is to contribute to Human Rights Education implementation in youth work at a European level. Its objectives are to promote approaches of mutual understanding, peace, solidarity, respect for human dignity and Human Rights, non violent actions and contrast to discrimination, and to take actions in order to contrast Human Rights violations through campaigns, prevention, raising awareness and most of all Informal and Non Formal Education.  
Mission and Objectives

We see in our work the opportunity to affirm Human Rights in all their aspects and contradictions, in order to promote a culture of anti-sexism and anti-racism, to fight against homophobia, transphobia, lesbophobia and all forms of discrimination and prejudice.
The core objectives pursued by our association are:
1) INCLUSIVE CULTURE: to promote a culture of anti-sexism, anti-racism, against homo-lesbo-transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia and all forms of discrimination;
2) EDUCATION AND CHANGE: to produce social change through Non-Formal Education on Human Rights;
3) INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY: to promote international mobility and intercultural learning among young people;
4) INCLUSION AND PARTICIPATION: to promote and active youth participation and citizenship, combating social exclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

Local activities:
- “Pari o dispari - Peer Education contro l’omo-lesbo-transfobia”
- “Bando Unito”
- " Saluzzo Europa: Andata e ritorno"
- “Trajec(s)tories”
- “(DIS)CRIMINI INVISIBILI – Alla ricerca degli indizi nascosti”
- “Skills of Rights”.
Periodical activities
- "human library";
-“Desk for international mobility addressing young people”.
International activities - promoter
- “SAIL - SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth”;
- “Across the Lines”;
- “Gender upon a time”;
- “Fill in the gap”;
- “Livinclusion”;
- “Fe.Male”.
Local-National projects
- “21st March-Turin wakes up antiracist!”;
- “Focus On”.
International projects (partnership)
- Anna Lindh Foundation
- Euromed IV
- “Children First”
- “Sans violence...on avans”
Council of Europe
Study Session
- “Building Peace in Europe - The Role of Civil Society and Young People”
Erasmus Plus / YIA - YouthInAction
Training Courses
- “Pride Without prejudice”;
- “Training for Trainers in HRE”;
- “F.E.E.L. - Facilitators in Education and Empowerment of Learners”;
- NGO Resources - financial, human, personal;
- “Emotion 5: EVS Mentors”;
- “Emotion 4:
- Developing creative emotional and stress management skills in non formal education”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Giosef unito can contribute to the Network in Italy through the competencies of the youth workers of the ngo and because of the informal network created in Mediterranean area in youth field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Giosef Unito since 2012 works directly on cooperation among the Meditarranean area through European funds such as: Youth in Action, Erasmus Plus and Euromed, because the organisation aim through his action with international mobility and non formal education on human rights to promote active citizenship and participations  across the Mediterranean to build trust and improve mutual understanding and intercultural learning. Especially Giosef Unito make advocacy about the concept of intersationality especially according to etnical and/or religious identity and sexual identity, in order to counter discrimination related to this belonging.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annamaria Simeone
Job Title
Youth Worker
Head of the organisation
Annamaria Simeone
Contact (2) Full Name
Giorgio Gotra
Job Title (2)
Youth worker