Fundacja Świat na Wyciągnięcie Ręki

National Network

01-651 Warszawa

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
We are operating in the intercultural field. We are organising educational, training and cultural initiatives to develop intercultural dialogue and intercultural competence. We are working with kids, youth, adults. For the last 4 years we've been supporting schools which work with migrant kids. We support migrants’ integration in Poland. We work mostly with kids from China and Vietnam cooperating with Lesznowola community close to Warsaw. We are also delivering trainings for teachers who are working in multicultural classes. For the last 4 years we've been a partner organisation in the international education and artistic project Brave Kids. Our core team consists of 3 people and we have around 10 people cooperating with us in various projects. Every year we apply for grants to finance our activity. These are municipal funds, european funds, private funds. Our main activities include trainings and workshops for various age groups.  We work on project basis.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the Foundations are as follows:
1. Undertake educational and cultural initiatives for popularization of intercultural dialogue and formation of attitude of openness towards dissimilarities among children, youth, adults, seniors, Polish people and foreigners. 
2. Protection of cultural heritage.
3. Popularization and protection of liberty, human rights and civil freedoms as well as conducting activities supporting development of democracy.
4. Development and strengthening of attitudes oriented on active cooperation in the field of development of civil society and popularization of conscious human activity in the natural environment.
5. Bringing help to victims of calamities, natural disasters, armed conflicts and wars in the country and abroad as well as cooperation with other organizations and institutions in terms of provision of such assistance.
6. Actions for diversity and people at risk of marginalization.
7. Conducting research in the field of diversity, education and intercultural competences.
8. Carrying out actions aiming at discrimination counteractions.

Main Projects / Activities

Brave Kids Warsaw - for the last 4 years we've been a Warsaw local partner organisation in this international project. Brave Kids is a unique cultural-educational project founded in 2009 and dedicated to uniting children from different parts of the world in an atmosphere of friendship, peace, and respect for each other’s arts and culture. During 3.5 weeks each summer, artistic groups of children come together in order to share their arts and cultures and to teach and learn from one another. The invited artistic groups come from different backgrounds: some from countries affected by humanitarian issues like natural disaster, poverty, and political conflict and others from more stable backgrounds. Together, all children participate in artistic workshops based on the core philosophy "kids teach kids" and work collaboratively to create a final performance that is presented to the public.
Let’s get to know each other – Lesznowola as a Commune of many cultures (Poznajmy się – Lesznowola Gminą Wielu Kultur)
Purpose of the project:
1. Building cultural integration through raising Polish students and preschoolers as well as students and preschoolers coming from Third Countries to be together.
2. Creation of equality, openness and antidiscrimination attitude among the hosting society through learning how to solve and counteract cultural conflicts at school, in a multicultural class.
3. Building intercultural dialogue through supporting teachers in their work with multicultural class/group.
1. Workshops for preschoolers and Primary School students of classes 0-3 and classes 4-6 attending to all 5 schools in Lesznowola Commune (4 workshops for each class). The main purpose of the workshop is cultural sensitization of children and preparing them to live and learn in multicultural society.
2. Trainings for teachers from Lesznowola Commune schools (in total 10 trainings, which will be attended by 100 teachers). The main purpose of the trainings is to acquire and develop teachers’ competences in the area of their work with multicultural class.
3. School guide. Elaboration of the school guide for foreign students and their parents, presenting Polish education system and customs prevailing in Polish school. The guide was translated into Chinese and Vietnamese.
Pracownia językowo - kulturowa
The main goal of this project is to facilitate third-country nationals students education and the functioning of the Polish school. 
1. A series of language and aculturation workshops addressed to students from China and Vietnam
2. Purchase of dictionaries and books to the school library.
The project developed a publication, which can be the manual for teaching Polish as a foreign language for migrating pupils and students.
Little traveller's club - workshops for children
The idea of this projet is to travel with the youngest kids, from kindergartens, through the cultures of different countries. The kids become more open to the diversity and more willing to learn about diversity. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

First of all we can contribute by sharing our experience from organisaing intercultural projects in different fields. We can organise study visit in our organisation, exchange experience, organise and conduct workshops and trainings. We can share our knowledge and experience in intercultural educations, supporting migrating kids and adults, intercultural dialogue through cultural projects based on our experience with Brave Kids. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network to have an opportunity to meet other organisation operating in the same field in different countries. We are open and willing to share experience, ideas, meet, exchange and build partnerships to develop common projects to promorte the intercultural dialogue. We would like to broaden our horizons and cooperating more with organisations outside Poland. We would like to also pariticpate in meetings,exchanges to get inspirtation for future projects.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Ośko
Job Title
President of the Foundation
Head of the organisation
Aleksandra Ośko

ADEFIS Juventud Internacional

National Network

C/Petronio 20
28232 Las Rozas de Madrid

+34 911 704 618
Telephone (other)
+34 655 179 805
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Director-Program Coordinator (local and international voluntaries)-Administration-Informatician-Accountant. Number of partners: more than 50 (Europe, North Africa, Middle east, Asia, South America). Anual budget: around 100.000 €. European voluntary service fund, Erasmus+ fund, donations, European Youth Foundations, Departement for Youth of Municipality of Las Rozas de Madrid. Projects approved : Youth exchanges: “Jóvenes europeos unidos por la igualdad y la amistad”, “SPORT AND HEALTH IN YOUNG EUROPEANS”, “NEED HELP-STOP VIOLENCE”(gender and domestic violence). Trainig courses: “TRAVELLING TO NOWHERE!” (refugee crisis and human rights). “Joven, tienes derechos. ¡Participa con Europa! Promotion of the participative democracy. “Proyecto para favorecer la integración y tolerancia en niños y jóvenes de la Comunidad de Madrid”. Project developed in primary and high schools. “JUVENTUD POR EL DIALOGO INTERCULTURAL Y LA INCLUSION SOCIAL”.   Main partners: City hall of Las Rozas de Madrid, city hall of Brolo, city hall of Malaga, City hall of Guarda.  
Mission and Objectives

 Adefis Juventud Internacional  is a non-profit sharing, non-governmental organization striving to empower the public, promote, reinforce and safeguard human rights, supporting the needs of youngsters and disadvantaged groups in our society. Through non  formal education and information, with the financial and technical support of our funds we are trying to fulfill our objectives such as: 

promoting the universality, indivisibility and inter-dependence of all human rights,

personal and professional development through socio-educational methodologies based on non-formal education at European, national and regional levels,

strengthening the active citizenship among the youth, in general terms, and, particularly, their European citizenship,

stimulating the mutual understanding among the youngsters of different countries,

contributing to improvement the quality of the support systems for the activities for the young people and reinforce the capacity of the civil society organizations  towards the youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects that Adefis Juventud Internacional is making are with the colaboration with the European Voluntary system (EVS), Erasmus + programs (youth exchanges, training courses and seminars), courses in collaboration with the Youth Council of the City of Las Rozas aimed at youth employability.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For many years in our organization we are collaborating with a variety of experts from in the fields of human rights, education, opportunities for youth, employment, culture, religion etc. We have a lot of experience in these fields so we can say that we are an organization whose quality may be helpful for your foundation. A large number of successfully done projects (that have been approved and funded with the help of European funds, the Government of Spain and the Spanish National Agency and other sources) speaks of the quality of our hard work. We are an organization that deals with issues of human rights, reconciliation of differences, promoting tradition and culture, education and youth, peace and co-existence regardless of religious, sexual or any other orientation at the local, state and international level. One of our main goals are improving the mutual respect of different cultures,supporting civil society and equal opportunities for everyone. These are the ways  how we can contribute to you and also the reasons why we want to be one of the members of your respectful foundation. That with joint efforts we work on the above mentioned issues in our country, Spain, but also in other mediterranean countries and thus spread the tolerance and peace.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of a group that values people, helps them, doing useful things for mankind and a positive influence on young people - is an honor! Given the fact that we are an organization that is committed to equality among people and peace in the world, it would be of great value that we are a member of such a recognized and respected foundation like yours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camila Vazquez Conde
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Camila Vazquez Conde

Misr El Kheir

National Network

4 El Ahram St., El Nafoura Square, Mokattam

28452549 - 28452351 - 28452012/14/15/ 26 - 28452243 - 28452421
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Misr El Khir Foundation, is a non profit organization which was established on 2007  The Chairman of the Board of Trustees is his Eminence Dr. Aly Gomaa (Grand Mufti of Egypt from 2003 – 2013). MEK works with a wide spectrum of partners from the government, civil society, private sector and international organizations. To date, MEK has extended its services to 6,797,908 beneficiaries through the implementation of 158 projects under 21 programs, executed by 5 sectors (Scientific Research and Innovation, Education, Social Solidarity, Health, and Aspects of Life). Source of Funding; Zakat, Saddake, Corporate Social Responsibility and Grants  Main partners; UN Women, FAO, European Union,  Number of Staff; 650 employees Annual budget; 350.000.000 EGP  
Mission and Objectives

Misr El Kheir Foundation (MEK) is a non-profit organization that was established in 2007 with the aim of existing for over 500 years by founding its work on an institutional structure reliant not on individuals, but on the latest sustainable development methodologies which will enable MEK to realize true human development for Egyptians. MEK was established under law no. 84/2002 and is registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity with no. 555 on May 20th, 2007.
MEK’s vision is to become a pioneering sustainable development organization to be heeded internationally. Its mission is to achieve comprehensive human development through the implementation of projects in order to diminish the levels of illness, poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and unemployment. MEK strives to achieve truly comprehensive and sustainable development for its target beneficiaries by executing interventions which encompass all areas of marginalization and deprivation in order to ensure a proper transition towards self-sufficiency and an improved quality of life.

Main Projects / Activities

An example of the projects under Enhancing the Life Aspects Sector (which will be one of our main focuses)
there are 4 main projects:
1- Youth and Adolescent
- I & We Program
2- Cultual Arts & Support
- Supplying Community Libraries 
- Knowledge and Exchange 
3- Women & Family 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Implementing projects which enhnace the livelihood of the youth and children by helping to develop well rounded individuals whoa re able to live a dignified life. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Having exposure to more international networks and projects, having access to crowd funding for our own projects and find different local, regional and international partners. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Perihan Samy Mahmoud El Sayed
Job Title
Senior International Relations and Partnerships Manager
Head of the organisation
Aly Gomaa
Contact (2) Full Name
Dina Hathout
Job Title (2)
Head of Life Enhancing Aspects Sector


National Network

Isonnevantie 26 a 4
00320 Helsinki

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
We are a working group of around ten journalists who want to make a difference to the way different cultures and religions are portrayed in the media in Finland. We are looking to achieve this by starting a new online media platform that uses journalistic means in order to bring people together. Ultimately we want to make a positive contribution to Finnish journalism in general and bring relief to tensions in society. At the moment there is no official organisational structure. However, we have chosen an Editor in-Chief, an assistant editor and a communications officer from our group. We are developing our concept in meetings and a Facebook group. We are also meeting representatives from relevant organisations who can give us feedback on our plans. We are actively looking for partners as well as funding options. We have already spoken to several NGO:s and individuals with similar aims but there are no official contracts yet. We also do not have any sources of funding available at this point.
Mission and Objectives

In recent years we have seen a polarisation of talk about migration and asylum issues and cultures in Finland, similarly to elsewhere in Europe. Confrontation and stereotypes are being upheld by time pressure in news outlets, conflict-seeking headlines, bad background research and unsatisfactory follow-up of issues and events. This is very dangerous to society, as it gives fuel to radical groups to play into fears and concerns in society and mobilise them for their ends.
We want to provide a well-researched and interesting alternative to mainstream media reporting, with a specific focus on religious and cultural issues. We will go beyond just providing more and better information: our media outlet will be the place where people can ask questions about differences, even question the views of others, in a way that does not undermine the human rights of each one of us. The ultimate aim is to prevent conflicts in society before they even start.
Human rights are at the core of our mission. We will seek to make human rights more concrete to people by bringing people together and talking about difficult topics while respecting others. Our project is loosely based on the concept of ‘conciliatory journalism’, which is being researched at the University of Tampere in Finland. (Blog in Finnish: We will experiment with different ways to apply conciliatory methods to journalism. It is especially important to make people talk with each other as well as listen to each other.
We will target ordinary Finns who have concerns related to migration and different cultures and who are willing to look for answers. We will never give a platform to extremists or people who do not respect human rights. Some mainstream media outlets have done this in the past in the name of “objectivity” -however, this only makes disrespectful and even racist views seem legitimate. Instead we will be giving a voice to more moderate voices and facilitate real debates. We are calling for the silent majority to unite and save our democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

Online media outlet
The first step to achieve our goal is to found a new high-quality online media outlet that is based on the principles on conciliatory journalism. We will recruit both Finnish and immigrant journalists to produce text, photographs and video for our website. We already have around twenty journalists who would be interested to contribute. However, in order to do this in a professional manner, we need funds to pay the journalists.
In our vision we see ourselves as the best Finnish expert in writing about cultural and religious issues as well as integration. We will achieve this by creating an extensive network of NGO:s, scientists and individuals in the field as well as recruiting journalists with different backgrounds. We will publish content in both Finnish and English (maybe also Arabic) -this enables also immigrant journalists to write for us.
Training materials
“Conciliatory journalism” is a new concept that is not properly understood at this point. Our media outlet will be a great place to test different practices and see how they really work. We will document our experiences and then produce training materials that can be used by other journalists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are looking to build an extensive network with people who want to create better cross-culture and cross-religion dialogue. As a media outlet, we are a valuable asset to the members of the Anna Lindh network. Too much great research, important views and experiences never hit the headlines in Finland. As an independent media outlet with the specific focus on cultural and religious issues we will contribute by giving a platform to these voices.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aim is to bring people together. The ALF network is a very good place for us to get more contacts and find people who have similar targets as we do.
We are also interested in the grants of the network as we currently have no funding for the project.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marikki Nykänen
Job Title
Assistant Editor/ Sopiva
Head of the organisation
Noora Kettunen

Association Mauritanienne pour l'Unité et l'Egalité des Chances (AMUEC)

National Network

Dar naim Nouakchott/Mauritanie

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Association mauritanienne pour l’unité et légalité des chances (AMUEC) , est un groupe de jeune mauritanien, sans distinction de race,  d’ethnie, de confession,  de sexe, d’âge, d’appartenance syndicale ou politique, ont décidé de se regrouper en une association, pour unir leurs idées et leurs énergies en vue  de relever les défis de la pauvreté, de l’analphabétisme et du chômage endémique  qui interpellent les banlieues, par des initiatives constructives, en s’appuyant sur les ressources humaines locales et le partenariat intérieur et extérieur afin de contribuer à la révision des préjugés négatifs qui accablent et marginalisent les habitants. Nous avons le souci de bannir toute idée de d'individualisme et d’égoïsme, de préserver et affermir l'unité et la fraternité entre tous les Mauritaniens, en vue de jouer un rôle moteur dans le développement de la Mauritanie. L’Association comprend les instances et organes suivants -L'Assemblée générale -Le Bureau Exécutif -Les Sections -Le Conseil des Sages Dans toutes les instances, les décisions ordinaires sont prises à la majorité simple des voix. Pour l’instant nous n’avons pas de partenaires d’ailleurs nous y recherchons pour des financements de nos futurs projets.Ce pendant Association mauritanienne pour l’unité et légalité des chances (AMUEC) fonctionne avec les ressources de l'association qui se composent des cotisations et droits d'adhésion des membres de l'Association et des cotisations mensuelle. Association mauritanienne pour l’unité et légalité des chances (AMUEC) à organisée une journée d’assainissement à l’école primaire de Dar- Naim et à sensibilsée sur l'importance de l'éducation surtout celle des jeunes.
Mission and Objectives

Association mauritanienne pour l’unité et légalité des chances (AMUEC) à pour mission unir leurs idées et leurs énergies en vue  de relever les défis de la pauvreté, de l’analphabétisme et du chômage endémique des jeunes qui interpellent les banlieues.

Main Projects / Activities

Association mauritanienne pour l’unité et légalité des chances (AMUEC) à organisée une journée d’assainissement à l’école primaire de Dar- Naim et à sensibilsée sur l'importance de l'éducation et surtout celle des jeunes.
Actuellement association cherche des financements pour rehabilité l'école primaire de Dar- Naim qui est dans un mauvais etat voir les photos (dans la rubrique choisissez un fichier )pour permettre aux enfants de ce quartier défavorisé d'avoir le minimum :c'est l'education . 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En vous représentant en Mauritanie et en concordant avec les activités de l’association mauritanienne pour l’unité et légalité des chances (AMUEC) et votre réseau nous allons crées des activités ensembles en Mauritanie .  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour participer à l’agrandissement de votre réseau et plus c’est grand et plus ils y’a des adhérents, nous seront plus écouter dans les instances décisionnelles internationaux et même nationaux pour des plaidoiries et autres demandes .

Contact (1) Full Name
Sadou Touradou Diallo
Job Title
Sécretaire Général
Head of the organisation


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Dawaer Foundation is a non governmental organization established in 2015 by a team of motivated activists who are committed to preventing the spread of extremism in Lebanon and the Middle East through producing and disseminating alternative narratives and empowering youth and children to become responsible global citizens and mobilizing their critical thinking to counter radicalisation. Dawaer has one full time and two part-time staff, and 10 committed volunteers, dedicated to the development of the NGO. Dawaer is mainly involved in capacity building and networking activities that enhance human right values and practices among vulnerable communities to reduce violent extremism. Our main partners are the Ministry of Social Affairs development centers, Beit Atfal Assumoud, and youth groups and leaders in Palestinian and Syrian refugee camps in addition to MUBS university and Teach for Lebanon. Dawaer is a member of ANHRE (The Arab Network for Civic Education) an independent non-governmental Arab Network located in Jordan consisting of 53 member organizations in 10 countries working to unify and coordinate efforts among different civil societies concerned with Human Rights and Citizenship Education, to influence the policies, procedures, formal and non-formal regulations in order to ensure the adoption of legislations that respect Human Rights and dignity. It is worth noting that Dawaer has joined the Prevention Network of the "Strong Cities" Network of NGOs to prevent radicalism established by the Danish CVE Programme for the MENA region and will soon join the prevention network established by the Municipality of Beirut to counter radicalism.
Mission and Objectives

Dawaer's mission is to prevent the spread of extremism among youth and children in Lebanon and the Middle East through producing and disseminating alternative narratives and empowering youth and children to become responsible global citizens and mobilizing their critical thinking to counter radicalization. Our objectives are: - Youth are empowered to critically respond to extremist narratives - A network of teachers is formed whereby they are empowered to respond to behavioural and extremism challenges among their students and exchange experience at the national level - Raise the awareness and develop the skills of schools on detecting extremism among their students, adopting preventive measures and empowering young people to become more resilient to extremism. - Enhancing media literacy in schools to prevent extremism - Empowering parents to detect and respond to signs of radicalisation among their children - Enhance community social cohesion and resilience against extremism

Main Projects / Activities

Dawaer has started training the Ministry of Social Affairs staff in Lebanon, who are in direct contact with children and youth, on implementing interactive activities that enhance human right concepts and values and self-expression and achieve a change on the attitude level.
Furthermore, Dawaer has trained social workers and “Teach for Lebanon” staff on implementing interactive human right activities for children aged between 9-12 years to enhance their self-expression and resilience. The activities were further disseminated to over 200 Syrian refugee children in the area of Bar Elias.
Dawaer has further worked with Syrian Refugee children in Burj Al Barajneh camp to raise their awareness on human rights, respect for diversity and protection and build their resilience against human right violations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Dawaer can network with existing partners to conduct complementary projects that would enhance the impact of the work done. By partnering and cooperating with civil society organizations, we believe we can multiply the impact of our efforts into different aspects and several areas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dawaer believes that being part of the ALF network will facilitate sharing information among NGOs of silimar or complimentary missions, offer support and guidance, have access to more resources and provide a sense of belonging to us and achieve a greater impact on the national level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lama El Awad
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Lama El Awad
Contact (2) Full Name
Rania Zaatari
Job Title (2)

LIBURNETIK Organisation

National Network

Rr. e Barrikadave 260/1 1001 Tirana, Albania.
Tirana, Albania

Tel: +355 4 222 6497
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 829 7084
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 67 632 8025
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

  The organizational structure of LIBURNETIK: • General Assembly composed of membership is the highest decision making body of the organization; • The Board, with exclusively advisory powers is the chosen body by the assembly, reflecting the organization’s lines; • Executive Director legal representative and director of the organization selected by the general assembly; • The staff is composed of full time and part time paid workers of the organization and volunteers that cover different sectors such as finance, secretary, project writing and communication. • Regarding to the financial system LIBURNETIK organization, organized in the form of an NGO, is based on the annual membership fees, volunteer contributions and on different grants, for which, through foreseen statutory objectives and territory analysis, proposes to interfere in the form of projects and activities for the improvement of the citizen’s life, respect of human rights and youth empowerment. Modalities of action are: concrete actions in community youth exchanges and training courses.  EVS-European vomunteer servise career consulation Main partners: Tirana Municipality, Agency for Promotion of Civil Society, UN women, SAJV and SCI Switzerland etc.      

Mission and Objectives

  Vision LIBURNETIK organization aims to achieve full social integration and creation of an open society without barriers, based on solidarity and peaceful coexistence. Mission The organization contributes to the development and awareness of society in service of each target group, through an informal education strategy, the implementation of various projects and a network of activities carried out by volunteers and social operators. Main objectives  - Integration and social promotion - Youth orientation towards the academic, professional and labor  market - The protection and the tutelage  of Human Rights and  in particular to people in danger - Art and culture in the service of Civil Society                                                                                                           -Migration - Anti-discrimination                                                                                                                                                    -Civil society, the role of communication, synergy and decision-making for an inclusive society.   Among our most important values are: • Professionalism: Efforts to reach concrete results in every aspect of our work, making them known at the professionals of the field, citizens and other interested actors; • Accountability: Being accountable to the public by undertaking the implementation of possible solutions; • Innovation: Desire for innovation, applications and unique and contemporary solutions; • Cooperative approach: Close cooperation with organizations that share the same values and objectives. • Volunteerism: Continuous efforts to influence positively the progress of the integration process. • Respect for the other: Affirmation and respect for the dignity, potential and contribution of staff, institutions and all of those who are interested to contribute to our cause.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization was founded a little over two years here in Albania and we can say that in this period we have made some important steps. In two years we have built an organization that has more than 15 activists and many volunteers, the work is done mainly in Tirana, but we also have a small group of activists and volunteers in Elbasan. In this period we have implemented several projects, such as Diaspora 2.0 and Tirana Art Fest. In addition to these two projects where we are the applicant, we have been partners in other projects and initiatives in the field of gender and equal opportunities as well as the theme to combat violence against women. The results of this period are also clearly visible in the personal development of our staff and our activists, who according to our strategic plan, are inclined to grow, train and specialize in relation to the issues that cover.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LIBURNETIK organisation will give its contribution in the Network by undertaking several actions for the good of the society in the fields it operates. LIBURNETIK staff come from different profiles, professional experts in their work who can give their expertise in any case. There are also lots of volunteers who are part of the organisation and will be active in every activity undertaken by the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network activities are in the same line with LIBURNETIK activities. Some organisations working together make a bigger impact in improving society. Furthermore, sharing experiences with other organisations of the network which work on the same area would be an added value to our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brixhilda Deda
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Kreshnik Lako

UPM - Un Punto Macrobiotico - Associazione Nazionale e Internazionale

National Network

Tolentino (MC)

39 0733961432
39 0733961809
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
General Information
L'Associazione UPM ha sede a Tolentino (MC).
Mission and Objectives

L'Associazione UPM ha come fine lo svolgimento di attività di utilità sociale a favore di associati e di terzi. Le sue attività e le sue finalità sono ispirate a principi di pari opportunità e dignità di tutte le componenti della società, nel rispetto delle diversità biologiche e culturali, e rispettose dei diritti inviolabili della persona. L'Associazione UPM, al di sopra delle differenze religiose, politiche, sociali e culturali ha i seguenti scopi:

la diffusione di una alimentazione naturale ed equilibrata e di una filosofia del rispetto-amore a partire da Aria, Acqua, Terra, Vegetali, Animali e tutti gli esseri viventi.

promuovere e favorire, presso tutta la popolazione, le istituzioni civili e la comunità scientifica a livello nazionale ed internazionale, l'adesione a stili e a modelli di sostenibilità ambientale, agricola, alimentare, sanitaria ed economica.

Main Projects / Activities

L'Associazione UPM ha come fine lo svolgimento di attività di utilità sociale a favore di associati e di terzi. Le sue attività e le sue finalità sono ispirate a principi di pari opportunità e dignità di tutte le componenti della società, nel rispetto delle diversità biologiche e culturali, e rispettose dei diritti inviolabili della persona. L'Associazione UPM, al di sopra delle differenze religiose, politiche, sociali e culturali ha i seguenti scopi:
    la diffusione di una alimentazione naturale ed equilibrata e di una filosofia del rispetto-amore a partire da Aria, Acqua, Terra, Vegetali, Animali e tutti gli esseri viventi.
    promuovere e favorire, presso tutta la popolazione, le istituzioni civili e la comunità scientifica a livello nazionale ed internazionale, l'adesione a stili e a modelli di sostenibilità ambientale, agricola, alimentare, sanitaria ed economica.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Bargnesi
Job Title
Segretario Generale e Legale Rappresentante
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Bargnesi

Associazione Culturale “INCONTRANDO”

National Network

Via Delle Quattro Fontane 21c-d

+39 06 4827287
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
L’Associazione si propone come luogo di aggregazione dove si apprendono, rielaborano ed esprimono le proprie esperienze in modo che le persone di ogni età, genere ed origine si possano incontrare e reciprocamente scambiare interessi culturali ed  insieme fare progetti ed elaborare idee. Usi, costumi, lingue, etnie devono rientrare nel concetto di globalità e delle conoscenza comune. Una crescita culturale che si può sviluppare in modo leggero divertente in un ambiente confortevole ma non superficiale. In particolare, l’Associazione potrà svolgere le seguenti attività: a) interscambio culturale dalla lingua, alla musica, alle arti, alla gastronomia anche attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi a tema ; b) discipline di meditazione; c) di danza, di movimento e di relax; d) brevi seminari di scambio di opinioni, confronto e apprendimento
Mission and Objectives

In particolare, l’Associazione potrà svolgere le seguenti attività:
a) interscambio culturale dalla lingua, alla musica, alle arti, alla gastronomia anche attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi a tema ;
b) discipline di meditazione;
c) di danza, di movimento e di relax;
d) brevi seminari di scambio di opinioni, confronto e apprendimento

Main Projects / Activities

In particolare, l’Associazione potrà svolgere le seguenti attività:
a) interscambio culturale dalla lingua, alla musica, alle arti, alla gastronomia anche attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi a tema ;
b) discipline di meditazione;
c) di danza, di movimento e di relax;
d) brevi seminari di scambio di opinioni, confronto e apprendimento

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Teresa Marascia
Head of the organisation
Maria Teresa Marascia

Polanda Assosiation od Polish-Lebanese Friendship and Cooperation

National Network

Pocieszka 4/2
31-408 Krakow

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We are a small, young organization, consisting as far from social work of our working group (5). Board consists of 3 and the revision Committee also of 3 members.   We do not have income yet except membership fee (2,5€/month)   As we were established in April 2016 we are currently looking for sources of funding and bigger partnership. We apply for national and EU funds.    Our main objective is to provide exchange between our countries for individuals and students. That information campaigns and cultural events. As organization we believe in non formal education and learning by doing.  For now we established successful cooperation with our embassies.   
Mission and Objectives

Mutual promotion of our countries, mainly by enabling exchanges, and contacts. 
Strengthening friendship and cooperation by educational, cultural and economical activities. 
Fighting with stereotypes and clichés by education and promotion. 

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing slideshows and conferences about Lebanon and Poland. 
Exchange organization. 
Cultural events.
Supporting lebanese minority in Poland and polish in Lebanon. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that our association goals are mutual with main ALF goals and our actions may help on the path in obtaining them, by realization of our programme events, focused on promoting Lebanon and western culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that joining ALF network might be a mutual benefit for both sides, with ALF experience and knowledge and our manpower and passion we will be able to fulfill mutual goals better. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bartłomiej Bodziński-Guzik
Contact (2) Full Name
Rafał Stożek
Job Title (2)
General Secretary