Studio Cennamo Sas

National Network

Via Aniello Falcone, 262
80127 Napoli

Tel. (+39) 0815788009
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
General Information
La storia dello Studio inizia con quella culturale e professionale del fondatore, Michele Cennamo: Attività accademica in ambito nazionale ed internazionale: Specializzazione in Restauro dei Monumenti, professore di Tecnologia dell’Architettura e direttore scientifico dei laboratori Tecnologia Ambiente e Mobilità e Città Vesuviana del Centro Interdipartimentale L.U.P.T. della Federico II. Visiting professor alla 7° Unitè Pedagogique d’Architecture di Parigi, Departement of Architecture – College of Tecnology  di Dublino, Facchoschulen di Dusserldof, Royal Institute of British Architects di Londra. Attività di rappresentanza professionale in ambito nazionale ed internazionale: Vicepresidente del Consiglio Nazionale Architetti dal 1977 e nel 1979 Presidente del C.L.A.E.U. Comitè de Liaison des Architectes de l’Europe Uniè, unico italiano ad assumere la presidenze generale oltre alla rappresentanza della Delegazione Italiana. Lo Studio è attualmente una organizzazione professionale dinamica, capace di rispondere con un approccio qualitativo e prestazionale costante a qualsiasi esigenza del mercato professionale.
Mission and Objectives

La storia dello Studio inizia con quella culturale e professionale del fondatore, Michele Cennamo:
Attività accademica in ambito nazionale ed internazionale:
Specializzazione in Restauro dei Monumenti, professore di Tecnologia dell’Architettura e direttore scientifico dei laboratori Tecnologia Ambiente e Mobilità e Città Vesuviana del Centro Interdipartimentale L.U.P.T. della Federico II.
Visiting professor alla 7° Unitè Pedagogique d’Architecture di Parigi, Departement of Architecture – College of Tecnology  di Dublino, Facchoschulen di Dusserldof, Royal Institute of British Architects di Londra.
Attività di rappresentanza professionale in ambito nazionale ed internazionale:
Vicepresidente del Consiglio Nazionale Architetti dal 1977 e nel 1979 Presidente del C.L.A.E.U. Comitè de Liaison des Architectes de l’Europe Uniè, unico italiano ad assumere la presidenze generale oltre alla rappresentanza della Delegazione Italiana.
Lo Studio è attualmente una organizzazione professionale dinamica, capace di rispondere con un approccio qualitativo e prestazionale costante a qualsiasi esigenza del mercato professionale.

Main Projects / Activities

La storia dello Studio inizia con quella culturale e professionale del fondatore, Michele Cennamo:
Attività accademica in ambito nazionale ed internazionale:
Specializzazione in Restauro dei Monumenti, professore di Tecnologia dell’Architettura e direttore scientifico dei laboratori Tecnologia Ambiente e Mobilità e Città Vesuviana del Centro Interdipartimentale L.U.P.T. della Federico II.
Visiting professor alla 7° Unitè Pedagogique d’Architecture di Parigi, Departement of Architecture – College of Tecnology  di Dublino, Facchoschulen di Dusserldof, Royal Institute of British Architects di Londra.
Attività di rappresentanza professionale in ambito nazionale ed internazionale:
Vicepresidente del Consiglio Nazionale Architetti dal 1977 e nel 1979 Presidente del C.L.A.E.U. Comitè de Liaison des Architectes de l’Europe Uniè, unico italiano ad assumere la presidenze generale oltre alla rappresentanza della Delegazione Italiana.
Lo Studio è attualmente una organizzazione professionale dinamica, capace di rispondere con un approccio qualitativo e prestazionale costante a qualsiasi esigenza del mercato professionale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerardo M. Cennamo
Head of the organisation
Gerardo M. Cennamo

Give Palestine Association "GPA"

National Network

Headquarter / Ramallah 3rd floor/El-Ayyam Buld./ El-Ayyam Street, Betoniya- Palestine
Gaza Branch: Ground floor/ Hijji Building- Haboosh St./ Al.Rimal- Gaza
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Palestinian national NGO, established in 2010. It is a continuation  of Give Gaza, which was founded in 2003. The Association covers  all the Palestinian areas in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and  Jerusalem. And it works in a partnership with the private sector  and has implemented many innovative projects since its  establishment focusing on  relief, cultural empowerment,  vocational training and sustainable development, to enhance and  promote social, economic, environmental and cultural justice in  Palestine. 
Mission and Objectives

A Palestinian community based on sustainable development, in a 
possible and fair social, economic and cultural environment. 
A comprehensive developing system for all members of the 
community that enables the Palestinian citizen to obtain social, 
economic, environmental and cultural rights fairly.

Main Projects / Activities

* Sustainable 
development "economic, social 
* Children and youth cultural empowerment. 
Respect of human, social, economic and cultural rights 
* Comprehensive care for orphans and the poor. 
Community solidarity. 
Sub-objectives of the Association: 
• Developing the capacities of young volunteers and 
promoting giving values 
Effective networking with Palestinian institutions and 
achieving sustainable partnerships. 
Promoting reading as a comprehensive community value. 
Building capacities of marginalized groups and integrating 
them into the labor market.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Give Palestine association will try to be an active member in your network through working closely with ALF partners and participating in its activities in Palestine , in addition to raising awareness about important cultural topics in Palestine

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Based on its vision that concentrate on creating a cultural and social environment that leads to build the coming generations’ capacities on clear national bases , Give Palestine looks for expanding its programs and activities in collaboration with foreign partners to benefit from their experiences and try to participate in cultural exchange programs and study tours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raja Abu ghazaleh Shaath
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Ramallah & Gaza

Orkidea Albania

National Network

Rr. Artan Lenja No 31, Tirana, Albania
Rr. Artan Lenja, Nr. 31

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANIZATION is established since 2010 as a non-governmental organization in Albania. The organization has learned and has been grown up from the great experience that Rete Donne Lavoro Italy has in the area of woman empowerment. Joint program implementation and exchange between two organisations served to empower the Orkidea staff professional and personal.

Main pillars are: empowerment socio and economical of women, advocacy toward local government and community for practice change and dialogue improvement, know how transferring, positive practices and methods for active participation and education of young people and communities. Main beneficiaries are women, young girls/boys, professionals and governmental representatives in national and local level and local media.

ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANISATION works for: Promotion and protection of the rights of women and girls through direct services in Albania; 2) Awareness of women/men, girls/boy governmental and non-governmental institutions on women’s rights; 3) Implementation of positive practices and methods related to l education for children and young people; 4) Capacity building for professionals who work directly with children and young people; 5) Lobby and advocacy for women rights. The issues over them works are: violence with gender bases, gender education, empowerment of women and youth etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission is the socio- economic empowerment of women and youth in Albania.    

Main Projects / Activities

Project: Made in prison Activities:

1. Online selling "Made in prisons Albania" products, produced by women/girls in prison;

2. Promotion of social media and on line communication cost.

3. On the Job mentoring for "handcraft lab" and agriculture produced by women/girls in prison;

4. Preparation of handcraft & agriculture practical guide.

5. Delivery services of "Made in prisons Albania" products;

6. Open Event within prison with all stakeholders and small/medium business;

7. Advocacy initiatives to promote "Made in prisons Albania" at regional and national level;

Project “Evaluation of services/ policies/legislation on the rights of women and young girls and gender issues in Albania”

Activities: 1. Preparation of the evaluation study about the services/ policies/legislation; 2. Organizing the workshops and seminars in local level for evaluate the services and referring system;

Project “Gender Education in Albania” 1. Preparation of the Manual for gender education in pre-university school cycle and university cysle; 2. Preparation of the Manual for youth from youth for gender equality; 3. Organizing the awareness activities in schools Tirana, Vlora, Durresi, Fieri, Shkodra for gender education; 4. Organizing the Training Course with parents, teachers educators, social worker and psychologists for gender education;

Project: Establishment and functioning of the “Sportel of empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana”. ORKIDEA ALBANIA ORGANIZATION is offering services “Sportel empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana in cooperation with Tirana Municipality Unit No1. Since 2011 this sportel has offered services about 100 girls and women in Tirana. Sportello for women in Tirana aims to improve the quality of life for women and girls of the capital city through the provision of capacity and skills assessment services, psycho-social counseling, case reference orientation for personal empowerment, job opportunities, etc.;

The services the offer “Sportel of empowerment of women and young girls in Tirana”; 1. Case management for the target group of women / girls in Tirana; 2. Individual and group counseling; 3. Strengthening personal and professional skills; 4. Preparation for the labor market and job interview; 5. Orientation for employment opportunities; 6. Reference case; 7. Lobbying and advocacy for the rights of women and girls in Bangladesh; 8. Community awareness of women and girls their rights;

Our main donors are: • Rete Donne Lavoro Italy; • UNFPA • Province of Bolzano Italy; • Jona Soc.Cooperative Sociali, Bolzano Italy;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Orkidea contributes on sharing experience, good practice, visibility of the Network in Albania. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Orkidea would to join being member to increase collaborators, networking, new projects with new partners, organisation's visibility ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alma Kordoni
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Alma Kordoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Erinda Veseli
Job Title (2)
Executive Board Member


National Network

: Headquarter / Ramallah 3nd floor/El-Ayyam Buld./ El-Ayyam Street, Betoniya- Palestine
Gaza Branch: Ground floor/ Hajji Building- Haboosh St./ Alrimal- Gaza
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
597-080-068 00970
Mobile Phone (other)
599-426-555 00970
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Give Palestine is a non-profit, non-governmental, and un-partisan institution, that was established in 2013 by merging Gaza Efforts – 2003 (which was called Give Gaza) and Give Palestine – 2010 to become the only charitable and national institution that operates in the rural areas of Gaza strip, West Bank and Jerusalem district on the path of the Israeli settlements and the separation wall. Give Palestine consist of 11 staff members, Our budget for last year 2015 was $ 406,221 , the sources of funding for give Palestine are local , Arabic and international donors such as ( Bank of Palestine, Paltel group,UNDP,Caritas, Islamic cooperation fund, Opec fund,etc.).The main interventions of the association are development projects in many sectors such as ( Cultural , relief , scholarships ,etc.)

Mission and Objectives

Mission Creating and developing new strategy taking into account the needs and experiences of the targeted groups including women and children, to contribute to helping them building a bright future, through adopting purposeful and constructive programs. Thus, building the ability of the Palestinian society to improve its own living conditions. In addition to create networking policy to reach all sectors and groups of society. Goals To rehabilitate Palestinian children psychologically, socially and culturally. Helping and empowering poor Palestinian families. Empowering and building capacities of the Palestinian youth including volunteers. Achieving a fruitful and constructive networking with the Palestinian NGOs to activate institutional integration between civil society institutions. ‏Main Projects / Activities ‏* Cultural program: Establishing and maintaining ideal libraries for children Improving and following up existing children libraries Encouraging Reading Campaigns Theater bands, Gazelle Family and Mama Kareemeh Family Relief  program: Providing poor families and orphans with food baskets in the case of wars and disasters, especially during the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Palestinian camps and villages. Providing blankets and mattresses. Providing First-aid equipment. Providing meals for poor and affected families, and orphans who were displaced by force. Providing stoves for cooking. Providing lighting units. Providing baby milk. Organizing free medical days for poor people and orphans, affected by disasters and Israeli aggression. Main Projects: 1- Solar energy projects for needy families in bordren areas in Gaza strip , funded by Chinese representative in Palestine. 2- Establishing model libraries in Gaza strip , funded by Opec fund. 3- Establishing model libraries in Jerusalem , funded by Australian representative in Palestine

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural program: Establishing and maintaining ideal libraries for children Improving and following up existing children libraries Encouraging Reading Campaigns Theater bands, Gazelle Family and Mama Kareemeh Family Relief  program: Providing poor families and orphans with food baskets in the case of wars and disasters, especially during the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the Palestinian camps and villages. Providing blankets and mattresses. Providing First-aid equipment. Providing meals for poor and affected families, and orphans who were displaced by force. Providing stoves for cooking. Providing lighting units. Providing baby milk. Organizing free medical days for poor people and orphans, affected by disasters and Israeli aggression. Main Projects: 1- Solar energy projects for needy families in bordren areas in Gaza strip , funded by Chinese representative in Palestine. 2- Establishing model libraries in Gaza strip , funded by Opec fund. 3- Establishing model libraries in Jerusalem , funded by Australian representative in Palestine

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Give Palestine association will try to be an active member in your network through working closely with ALF partners and participating in its activities in Palestine , in addition to raise awareness about hot cultural topics in Palestine

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Based on its vision that concentrate on creating a cultural and social environment that leads to build the coming generations’ capacities on clear national bases , Give Palestine look for expanding its programs and activities in collaboration with foreign partners to benefit from their experiences and try to participate in cultural exchange programs and study tours.

Contact (1) Full Name
Raja Abu ghazaleh Shaath
Job Title
Head of the organisation
: Raja Abu ghazaleh Shaath
Contact (2) Full Name
Najwa Khouri‎
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

World Opera Lab

National Network

Hoofdweg 244-2

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
World Opera Lab is a small NGO based in Amsterdam-west, with a flexible staff. It has two staff members, and at the hight of production perdiod around 30 people are invloved in projects. The budget per year is around 100.000 coming from diverse funds, like the municiplaity, art foundations, and private funds. At the moment, we establish around 20 perfromances per year, one big open air intercultural opera in the centre of Amsterdam-west, one or two crirical theatre/debate pieces on issues in the Middle East, several pre-views and discussion in communitiy centres. Next to that we provide dutch classes to migrant women, and chorus classes. Research into forms of music-drama for outside Europe is an important part of our work, for example in Iran, in which we usually also exchange knowledge with local artsists on work-methods. The make our work sustainalbe in the future, we would like to work with partners in European cities with a similar dynamics as Amsterdam, and countries in the MENA region to do research into the heritage of migrant communities. Main current partmers are: municipality of Amsterdam-west, local social organizations, Amsterdam Andalusian Orchestra, art funds, University of Amsterdam, De Balie debate centre, Citizen Artist Incubator. For specific projects we worked with local partners; for example Darpana perfromance group in Gujurat, The Banyan mental health clinic in Chennai, and theatre groups in Teheran.   
Mission and Objectives

World Opera Lab creates opera-performances that reflect the diversity of European society today. It aims to create opera that transcends cultures and borders. An intercultural form of opera could function as a tool for dialogue between cultures, and celebrate diversity. As a foundation for this work, artistic director Miranda Lakerveld studies traditional music drama in Mexico, Guatemala, India, Iran, Japan, the Tibetan community in exile, and music and rituals from the MENA-region. She is developing a unique work method based on her findings, through which artists from different traditions can have a dialogue. In the present year we aim to adress religious conflicts thorugh our work, about perspectives on veiling and beauty in 'Dance of the seven veils', and a new interreligious ceremony about sacrifice around the story of Abraham & Isaac/Ibrahim & Ishmael.   
Our goals are: 
• To explore new ways of working, and create new artistic forms to address social issues with opera, specifically those that result from migration and living in diaspora.
• To explore and apply traditional methods to support communities from rituals like Zar and music-drama’s like Ta’ziye, to opera. 
• To create a dialogue between artists, community-members, social institutions and academics.
• Find collaborating partners to exchange visions on opera in an intercultural context.
• To examine and test social applications of opera.
• To develop the work-method of intercultural opera in which heritage and oral traditions are equally important as the opera-repertoire.


Main Projects / Activities


Majnun & Leyla:
The homecoming of Ulysses:
Future projects:
The sacrifice (Abraham and Isaac-Ibrahim & Ismael)/performances around Eid in September 2017
Dance of the seven veils/ Straus & Aftab Darvishi/ Municiplaity of Amsterdam-west/ December 2016
My heart drowns in blood/ Bach & Aftab Darvishi/ with the Middle East Report on Iran/ November 2016
Winterreise/Schubert-Massih Hutak/with the Middle East report on Afghanistan/ October 2016
Past projects:
Majnun & Leyla/ Arabic-Indian-Turkish-Persian traditional music/June 2016
Why Yemen matters/ Händel & traditional Yemeni music/ With The Middle East report/ Amsterdam/ april 2016
Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria/Monteverdi-Al Andalus/ Amsterdam/May 2015
Baarsjes Odyssey/Monteverdi-Al Andalus/Amsterdam/ December 2014
Dafne/ Chennai-India/ with the Banyan/ January 2014
Erda- The Earth/ Tsoupaki/ Dutch National Opera/ Amsterdam/ November 2013
Map of down below, an opera-installation/Monteverdi / with Kosmopolis The Hague 2011
Orfeo in India / Monteverdi /with Darpana performance group / India 2010
In angustiis..I & II / Lorca-Macmillan-Crumb / 2008
Krapp's Last Tape / Beckett-Bach-Stravinsky / with Nederlands Kamerorkest /2007
We provide Dutch classes to migrant women twice a week and organize activities, workshops and conversations in the community.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our knowhow on working with migrant communities in diffrent contexts and the importance of heritage. We specialize in working with interreligious symbols and stories.  
Over the last years we have built a knowhow and workmethods on how to fuse art-forms and heritage from different traditions. This approach seems fruitful in the places we have worked so far, providing a space for intercultural and interreligious dialogue.  
We are part of a growing a network of like-minded organizations, artists and funds, and take part in the dialogue around art, social impact and policymaking via this network. 
Research forms the basis of our work, and we love to be part of a larger movement that thinks about how to built communities through art in the future. 
Through our work with heritage we gain interesting insight in underlying dynamics in conflicts, which can be interesting to other stakeholders.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the Citizen Artist Incubator in Vienna several faculty-members suggested to connect to the Anna Lindh Foundation as a wonderful network. We want to be part of a larger network of organizations that create social and political impact. Now that our work has proved succesful locally, we would like to reach out to other organsiations and develop these ideas, and exchange methods in other contexts with simular social dynamics. 
We would like to connect to organsiations in the MENA region, for research purpuses, exchange of ideas, and possibly future collaborations.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Miranda Lakerveld
Job Title
artistic director
Head of the organisation
Miranda Lakerveld

Palestinian child center shu'fat refugee camp

National Network

shu'fat refugee camp Jerusalem
shu'fat refugee camp Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
من نحن: معلومات عنا: نسبة للتحديات اليومية التي تواجه لاجئين مخيم شعفاط وتأثيرها على الاطفال. مجموعة من النشاطات الاجتماعية والأكاديمية وجدت مركز الطفل الفلسطيني في 2000 ملئ بالاحتياجات الرئيسية للمساحة الضرورية المؤسسية للأطفال مع النشاطات المناسبة للأطفال. فُتح المركز للأطفال والعمل معهم من عمر 6- 17 سنة دون النظر لجنسهم وخلفيتهم.المركز هو مؤسسة غير حكومية محلية (NGO) سُجل في السلطة الفلسطينية. بتمويل من الجهات المانحة الوطنية والدولية اضافة الى التبرعات الخاصة. المركز غير تابع لأي حزب سياسي. الرؤية: بناء جيل واعي ولحقوقه واجباته واحتياجاته. لتجعله قادر على بدء طريق نحو مستقبل افضل. المهمة: مركز الطفل الفلسطيني يدعم التنمية الصحية للأطفال عن طريق: • اشراكهم في النشاطات الرياضية. • تمكينهم ثقافيا. • تحسين تفاعلهم الاجتماعي بين بعضهم البعض ومشاركتهم الاجتماعية في المجتمع بشكل عام. • تزويدهم بالتسلية. ماذا نفعل: المركز يوفر المرافق والأغراض في مقره الملعب الخارجي للأطفال مع وجود اقسام;  غرفتين العاب كبيرتين داخليتين للأطفال الصغار. أستوديو موسيقى راقي لإنتاج الموسيقى والوسائط الاعلامية. غرفة كاريوكي للغناء والتدريب على آلات الموسيقى. أستوديو رقص,ديكه شعبيه غرف صفيه مختبر حاسوب للتعليم الاضافي. المركز ايضا يعمل في تعاون وثيق مع المدارس والمراكز الاخرى واكثر من خمس روضات  والمجتمع بشكل عام. لهذا الهدف الموظفين على سبيل المثال نشيطين ومشاركين بالتوسط بين المعلمين والأهالي والطلاب في حالة حدوث مشاكل متصاعدة في المدرسة. حاجتنا الى غرفة وسائط متعددة والى ساحة العاب رياضية ثابتة داخل المركز
Mission and Objectives

We strive to contribute to an open and transparent society where people have access to safe places where the next generation cooperates and trusts each other in respect of human rights and needs.
We are the Palestinian Child Centre in Shuafat Refugee Camp. We aim to improve, develop and reduce the psychological pressure and social conditions for a better future free of violence and partition. We provide a safe, comfortable and healthy space and psychological support to the camp residents so that they can express themselves freely and creatively.
Overarching Goals (Impact)
1. Gap between generations and dividers in the camp reduced
2. Violence is transformed into positive behavior
3. Psychosocial pressure within the camp community is decreased
4. PCC is more financially sustainable and flexible

Main Projects / Activities

Me and the Environment
Purpose of project
Exploration trips to healthy environments with 360 children in order to learn new aspects about the relationship between them and their environment. Children develop new attitudes and new tools for change that they will apply in accompanying workshops in the refugee camp.
Duration of the project
year 2015
Project title
Sync & Harmony
Purpose of project
Weekly, creative workshops revolving around singing, dancing and percussion with children of all ages and background. At first, children start building resilience through enjoying a more child-appropriate space with creativity and, secondly, trying and learning a variety of art tools for expanding their space of action (violent behaviour), representing themselves in a culturally new way and creating a new (camp) reality
Duration of the project
year 2015
Project title
The Film Method
Purpose of project
Short movie scripts will be written based on children’s experiences where the children will introduce the problems and solutions. In turn, the children enact the roles in order to learn and practice constructive approaches to solve conflicts. In the last stage, these movies will be screened and taken as the bases for reflection with school classes and families; as well as being available online for wider audiences. 
Duration of the project
year 2015

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
omar sarhan
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
omar sarhan
Contact (2) Full Name
mervat omar alqam
Job Title (2)
manager assistant

A New Dawn in the Negev

National Network

PO Box 150
Neighborhood 17 Home 112
Rahat 85357

(+972) 052-865-5737
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
A New Dawn in the Negev has two co-directors, Jamal Alkirnawi and Shlomit Somech Lehmann, responsible for oversight and operations of the organization as a whole. Our board is composed of six members, both Bedouin and Jewish. Employees include: A Secretary; Director of International Programs; 3 Youth Program employees; 2 music teachers; Sarab Program Coordinator; Director of Educational/Social Tourism; a translator; and over 45 volunteers each year, both international and local, they are an indispensable component of our organization. Our modalities of action include concrete projects and activities, please see main projects/activities for more information. Major funding sources in 2016 included: The Arison Foundation; The Porticus Foundation; The New Israel Fund. Main partners in activities include: Al-Salam School; Be'er Sheva Music Conservatory; Al-Najak School; UK Trusthouse; Merchavim; KIbbutz Kramim.
Mission and Objectives

The founding principles of the organization are peace, multiculturalism, social responsibility, equality, mutual respect, and cooperation. The code of ethics helps those active in the organization to act according to the goals and values that they have established, especially regarding weakened populations such as the Bedouin population in the Negev. The organization's activists are motivated by feelings of responsibility towards this population.

A New Dawn in the Negev is an Arab-Jewish community development organization based in Rahat, Israel. A New Dawn believes that education, employment, and leadership are the key elements helping youth and young adults rise out of poverty to become active, engaged citizens in civil society. As a community-based organization, A New Dawn in the Negev is intrinsically attuned to the challenges and opportunities of Bedouin society from the grassroots level. The Bedouin community of Israel's Negev is a marginalized, indigenous population with low socioeconomic resources, both in relation to Israel's mainstream population and its Arab non-Bedouin counterparts. Rahat is the largest Bedouin community in Israel and its only Bedouin city. With a population of 80,000, 66% of whom are estimated to be under the age of 18 and 80% under age 30, meaningful tools for leadership development and social engagement are of paramount importance to community development.
Our mission is to bring about equal opportunity and high standards in education in Bedouin society in the Negev by planting seeds of creativity, self-development and empowerment. We wish to afford the youth of the community the prerogative of fulfilling themselves in order to assure Bedouin society a responsible and principled leadership.
Our goals are to: 
- Create an equality of standards in the area of formal and informal education
- Break the social isolation of Bedouin youth
- Provide tools and life skills to promote integration into Israeli and international society
- Develop ahealthy sense of identity
- Cultivate Bedouin culture as a resource for growth from a multicultural standpoint
- Imbue both the Bedouin and the Jewish communities with the values of peace, mutual respect and responsibility
Fundamental principles:
Tolerance and peace:  “Don't say the day will come, bring the day” (Yaakov Rotblit, Song for Peace) We believe that peace and tolerance among sectors of Israeli society will not arrive by themselves. Therefore we see its advancement between the Bedouin and Jewish societies in the Negev as a top priority and see ourselves as obligated to endow the values of peace and tolerance amongst us, in order to allow ourselves to see the other.
Mutual respect:  “There shall be no violation of the life, body or dignity of any person as such..All persons are entitled to protection of their life, body and dignity.“ (Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty , 1992) We believe in the actualization of the value of human dignity and are committed  to protecting basic human rights out of the recognition that human beings are born free and equal. At the same time, we act out of sensitivity and respect for the cultural and religious differences of man.
Multiculturalism:  Human beings are naturally varied. Even within one nation, there are a variety of people who come from different cultural backgrounds. When a person is aware of his cultural background and seeks to cultivate it, he has something to offer the society in which he lives. Through this offering, multiculturalism is achieved, thus allowing people to broaden their horizons.
Cooperation and coordination: We see cooperation, coordination and pooling of resources between organizations as a necessary condition for efficient action and a basis for maximizing abilities under conditions of lack of resources. We are committed to cooperation with other organizations operating within the sphere of our work.
Social responsibility: We operate out of social responsibility and a commitment to the needs of the Bedouin population while advancing values of mutual responsibility, giving, intervention and social solidarity. Therefore, we are committed to identifying the crucial, authentic societal needs required for the advancement of Bedouin society, and to develop services and provide a response that is suited both to its needs and to the abilities and the goals of the organization.
Integrity: We are committed to integrity, good governance , reliable reporting, transparency and avoidance of conflict of interest. We operate with truth and integrity and make the information on our administration, activities and use of donor funds accessible to the general public,with full transparency. We act clearly according to the regulations and goals of the organization, as defined by law, with no intent to profit.
Professionalism and efficiency: We are committed to administer our various activities with professionalism, with openness to inspection and critique and with the hope for constant efficiency. We do this in order to maximize our resources for the mission of the organization within the Bedouin population. Therefore, we act out of professional considerations only and are committed to use the resources of the organization in a professional and effective manner. We continually review our methods of conducting our activities in order to streamline them and operate in an optimal manner.
Equality: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. ..Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN, 1948)
We are committed to implement the spirit of these words for the population with which we work in an equal manner without regard to religion, race, gender, nationality, sexual or gender orientation and according to the standards that we have set, with an awareness and respect of cultural differences.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2009, A New Dawn in the Negev's programs have included:
• After School English Program: Volunteers from around the world join the Bedouin High School students of Alnajak High School once a week in the new English center to bring fun and educational enrichment programs to the at risk population. This program is of huge benefit to the participants: it is not only a means to achieving better test results in English, but also serves as a holistic approach to cultural exchange and reflection.
• Bedouin Digital Culture Center: A digital initiative funded by the UK Trusthouse Foundation. The goal of this project is to explore the transition of Bedouin society from a traditional semi-nomadic way of life into the 21st century. This project is also designed to be a practical project through which students can learn documentary skills and video editing with the hope of integrating this program as a component to the After-School English Enrichment Program.
• Sarab: Strings of Change: Sarab (“Oasis” in Arabic) strives to change the bleak social reality of the Bedouins of the Negev by providing quality music education, starting with children in elementary schools. Omer Meir Welber, a regular guest conductor at the Israeli Opera, the Semperoper Dresden, and at La Fenice Venice, and who serves as the Music Director of the Raanana Symphony Orchestra, is the heart of the program and provides it with its vision.
• Shared Society Project: In partnership with Merchavim, in 2015 A New Dawn and Kibbutz Kramim launched a joint forum to promote coexistence. This forum comprises of municipality officials and community leaders from the Kibbutz and Rahat. The forum members are committed and passionate about developing a better future for both Jews and Bedouins in the Negev region.  The forum’s goal in 2016 is to launch joint projects and programs. The forum currently has 40 participants, with an equal number of Jewish and Bedouin members.
• German Youth Exchange Program: Aims to understand discrimination in the context of the past and the present, and empowers students to serve as advocates against discrimination. Students from Germany come to Rahat, and students from Rahat travel to Germany: living together, traveling together, and getting to know one another on a deeper level while exploring the other's culture and historical context.
• Youth at Risk Employment Training Program: One of our most successful programs to date, this project directs youth 15-18 years of age towards empowering opportunities for growth, through long-term employment training. Training is provided in computer literacy, business computing, smartphone repair, as well as in entry level training for medical careers. Essential soft skills are also emphasized, such as professional level Hebrew, presentation skills, and public speaking to improve their confidence and sense of professionalism. 50-70% of program graduates are enrolled in further education, and are on a path to successfully integrating into Israeli society. Over 200 youths have participated in this program over the past three years.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization deeply committed to the same values, which include the promotion of inter-cultural dialogue, we hope to contribute to the network by finding new connections and new partners, for mutually beneficial dialogue and actions. We have a large network of friends and associates with whom we would also be glad to bring to the table.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our founding principles includes " We see cooperation, coordination and pooling of resources between organizations as a necessary condition for efficient action and a basis for maximizing abilities under conditions of lack of resources. We are committed to cooperation with other organizations operating within the sphere of our work."
We firmly believe in the power of networking. Without our network, we would be much more limited in the scope of our activities. We currently collaborate and maintain ongoing relationships with several partners (including the Municipality of Rahat, the Ministry of Education, Europeans for Peace, and many others). We believe that there is no such thing as a network that is too big, and only positive oucomes can come from exploring different collaborations. We would be honored to become a part of a network that shares such similar values and ideals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamal Alkirnawi
Job Title
Founder and Co-Director
Head of the organisation
Jamal Alkirnawi
Contact (2) Full Name
Shlomit Somech Lehmann
Job Title (2)

The Association Women Against Violence

National Network

14 Anis Kardosh St
P.O.B. 313
Nazareth 16000

+972 (0)4 646 2138
+972 (0)4 655 3781
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 (0)50 586 8628
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 (0)54 579 1219
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Women Against Violence is a leading member of the Palestinian women’s NGO movement in Israel. The Association was founded to break the silence surrounding violence against women in Palestinian society while ensuring that the State of Israel take responsibility for ensuring that its Palestinian women citizens are protected from violence. After founding the first shelter and crisis center in the country for these women, the Association has evolved into all-around feminist advocacy organization, dedicated to improving the status of Palestinian women in Israel. The Association today comprises 4 main departments with 32 permanent employees and 80 volunteers. Its financing is divided between state funding (specifically the Israeli Ministry of Social Affairs) for its violence protection services for women (51%), private U.S.- and European-based foundations and overseas agencies (from the U.S. State Department to public European foundations). The Association’s budget stands at some 800,000 EUR per year.
Mission and Objectives

The Association works in the spheres of violence prevention, the promotion of employment opportunities for women and the advancement of women in public life. The Association approaches these issues by working in parallel to (a) improve legal, institutional and political safeguards and opportunities for women in these areas, (b) provide needed services that will allow them to access protection from violence or find employment, and (c) change the social attitudes within the Palestinian community that perpetuate inequality and the current status of women. The Association thus divides its time between (1) advocacy, policy research and engagement of decision-makers, (2) service development and provision (e.g. its violence prevention services and job-placement service, as well as pilot programs and services which the Association regularly develops, such as its ‘witness accompaniment program’ through the court system for victims of violence, its Arabic information services within the Family Court system, and others) and  (3) media campaigning and community outreach (including public events, education workshops for women and young women as well as capacity-building, TOT  and journalist-training initiatives). In addition, the Association regularly engages in (4) research on cross-cutting issues that are necessary for its work – from attitude-surveys to assessments/evaluations of existing services.

Main Projects / Activities

Today, in addition to its work in the spheres of community mobilizing, raising awareness and service development programs to increase protections for women from gender-based violence, the Association now runs two flagship initiatives: a comprehensive program to promote Palestinian women’s participation in the workforce (with an emphasis on women with academic degrees) and a series of campaigns to promote and support women in the public sphere through concentrated work opposite local Arab councils and the political leadership of the country. Our current strategic plan for 2016-17 is attached below.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Association is a well-connected organization at the nexus of both the Palestinian women’s NGO movement (which represents some 10-15 national women’s rights organizations in Israel, alongside some 30-40 local and grassroots groups), the human and civil rights movement in general (with links to many leading organizations, currently partners including the Association for Civil Rights in Israel), numerous coalitions (including its working group on personal status law in Israel, its forum for equitable government budgeting as well as the NGO platform it convenes for CEDAW reporting), the decision-making community in Israel (parliamentarians, official agencies with whom it is in regular contact) and Arab women’s associations regionally– most notably the SALMA Network, a regional consortium of women’s rights NGOs across the MENA region (including Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen) in the area of violence prevention, for which the Association served as official ‘host organization’ between 2010 and 2014. The Association is thus well-placed to both advise and create connections and networks between strategically placed partners. Its expertise in violence-prevention service development, government-level advocacy, policy-change, grassroots organizing and field-research within the Palestinian minority make it well-placed to assist organizations seeking to engage these areas, train, consult and/or assist organizations build their capacities in these areas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

WAV is always looking to develop partnerships with organizations both locally and overseas. In addition to strategically boosting the reach and scope of its projects, these partnerships are also important ways for the organization to expand its activities without overextending its budget. Partnerships such as ALF are also very good links to additional funding agencies, international instruments and other partners with whom we would want to be in contact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Kaltom Hussein
Job Title
Development Director
Head of the organisation
Ms. Naila Awwad
Contact (2) Full Name
Yotam Keduri
Job Title (2)
Development Associate

Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>

National Network

tyhheyy waljsa
121 hjakgas d

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>     Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>       Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>  
Mission and Objectives

Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>

Main Projects / Activities

Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>

Contact (1) Full Name
Jino Online
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Watch The Big Bang Theory S10E02 >>>>

Fondazione Luigi Granese

National Network

Via Nazario Sauro, 1

06 39741489
06 39745071
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Luisa Simeone
Head of the organisation
Luisa Simeone