Öppet Hus Mentorprogram för mångfald - Öppet Hus Mentorship programme for diversity

National Network

Polhemsplatsen 5
40502 Göteborg

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Öppet Hus is a non-profit organization that is politically and religiously independent. We work to open doors to the labor market mainly for young adults with a foreign background.Two persons employed.

• Sources of fundings are members fees, public funding from municipalty of Göteborg and contributions.

• Actions are mentorprograms, coaching, job search activities for young adults with foreign background

• Partners are labor projects, immigrants projects, city and regional authorities and private employers. 

Mission and Objectives

The most important way to be integrated in a new country is to achieve a job and avoid exclusion.

Our mission and objectives are to open doors to the labor market for young adults, 17 – 30 years with foreign backgrounds.

The majority of our participants have been in the country less than four years. They need coaching, support and network to achieve a job in Sweden.

Our main method is a mentor program during one year.

Main Projects / Activities

Our core activity is our mentoring program. We have a large network of people from member companies and personal contacts in working life who volunteer as mentors to the young people to discuss and support them in their development.

We also organise and suggest social and professional activities for our participants. With the aim of broadening their network, exchanging experiences and interacting.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia Bruce
Job Title
Director (Verksamhetsledare)
Head of the organisation
Sofia Bruce

association alhadaf

National Network

hay essalam dakhla
dar chabab essalam dakhla

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Educational and cultural association concerned with children and young people and their social and environmental activities in 2014, was founded in Dakhla
Mission and Objectives

Educational and cultural association concerned with children and young people and their social and environmental activities 

Main Projects / Activities

The organization of cultural activities for children
PCA entertainment
Training sessions
Environmental workshops
Children's theater

Contact (1) Full Name
abderrahim daanoune
Job Title
Head of the organisation
abderrahim daanoune
Contact (2) Full Name
mohammed qailouli
Job Title (2)

MAMT - Museo della Pace (30 Institutions represented)

National Network

Via Depretis, 130

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
General Information
Il MUSEO DELLA PACE - MAMT ( Mediterraneo – Arte – Musica – Tradizioni ) nasce grazie all’adesione di 42 paesi euromediterranei ed alla collaborazione dei principali organismi internazionali: ma non sarebbe stato possibile realizzarlo senza il contributo volontario di uomini e donne di vari Paesi del Mediterraneo e del mondo che - attraverso il loro impegno e le loro donazioni - hanno condiviso questa iniziativa di cultura, dialogo e pace. La sua sede è quella della Fondazione Mediterraneo a piazza Municipio, in un’ala dello storico edificio dell’ex “Grand Hotel de Londres” ed è un progetto che viene da lontano; proposto nel dicembre 1997 dai 2248 partecipanti al Forum Civile Euromed di Napoli, è il risultato di un’azione corale, durata oltre 15 anni, messa in atto dalla Fondazione al fine di assicurare a Napoli, alla Campania ed all’Italia un luogo capace di far “vivere” la pace e la mediterraneità: uno spazio attivo per far dialogare Ambiente, Archeologia, Architettura, Arte, Artigianato, Conflitti, Migrazioni, Musica, Religioni, Storia e Tradizioni  del Mediterraneo all’interno della società contemporanea. “Pensare europeo” e “Respirare mediterraneo”: in questa espressione il motto del MUSEO DELLA PACE - MAMT che accompagna il visitatore in un viaggio unico attraverso la geografia, la storia, le culture, l’arte, la musica, le tradizioni, le religioni, la politica, il destino…
Mission and Objectives

Il MAMT è un Museo unico nel suo genere
grazie ad un sistema multimediale che, attraverso schermi ad alta definizione e di grandi dimensioni dislocati nei vari piani, trasmette video ed informazioni sulle varie tematiche.
La novità principale è costituita dal programma “Il Mediterraneo delle emozioni”: 500 video sui luoghi più belli del Mediterraneo - tra questi i siti UNESCO - ripresi con la tecnologia 4k e con l’uso di droni partendo proprio dalla Campania
A ciò si aggiungono oggetti rari, reperti e testimonianze che, nella varietà delle diverse sezioni, trasudano storia e vita vissuta: per questo il Museo è definito “patrimonio emozionale dell’umanità”.
Il MAMT è stato aperto, nel suo primo allestimento, il 20 dicembre 2013.
Dal 1 giugno  al 31 dicembre 2015 sono stati eseguiti i lavori di rifunzionalizzazione e riqualificazione.

Main Projects / Activities

Il MAMT è un Museo unico nel suo genere
grazie ad un sistema multimediale che, attraverso schermi ad alta definizione e di grandi dimensioni dislocati nei vari piani, trasmette video ed informazioni sulle varie tematiche.
La novità principale è costituita dal programma “Il Mediterraneo delle emozioni”: 500 video sui luoghi più belli del Mediterraneo - tra questi i siti UNESCO - ripresi con la tecnologia 4k e con l’uso di droni partendo proprio dalla Campania
A ciò si aggiungono oggetti rari, reperti e testimonianze che, nella varietà delle diverse sezioni, trasudano storia e vita vissuta: per questo il Museo è definito “patrimonio emozionale dell’umanità”.
Il MAMT è stato aperto, nel suo primo allestimento, il 20 dicembre 2013.
Dal 1 giugno  al 31 dicembre 2015 sono stati eseguiti i lavori di rifunzionalizzazione e riqualificazione.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pia Molinari
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michele Capasso

MdM - Maison de la Méditerranée (32 Institutions represented)

National Network

Via Depretis, 130

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Maison de la Méditerranée (MdM) is a physical space in which institutions and bodies from the Countries adhering to the Union for the Mediterranean conduct exchanges and partnerships for future peace and development. It constitutes a shared space where the different personalities and attitudes of the Euro-Mediterranean area meet and compare experiences and cultures, reach a greater reciprocal awareness in the examination of their various interests, discuss their differences, and initiate a dialogue directed, in the long term, to achieve agreement based on peace and justice, mutual security and common progress
Mission and Objectives

The major asset of the Maison de la Méditerranée is represented by a relational area embracing all the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) that has been shaped over the years through the formal adhesion of:
    Outstanding active politicians, including in office Heads of States;
    Representatives of the Euro-Mediterranean culture, in its multiple expressions and notably academicians (including the highest representatives of National Academies) historians, writers, opinion leaders who are renowned in their own countries as well as all over the world, Nobel Prizes;
    In office Governments of Regions, Provinces and Cities, including some of the most important metropolises facing the Mediterranean;
    More than 200 Cultural and Research Institutions working in many different sectors of social, civil and religious life;
    Manifold universities, among which the oldest and most prestigious ones;
Institutions and bodies belonging to the Countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) that can be invited - through telematic infrastructures and through the actions implemented by the Fondazione Mediterraneo - to join an active partnership regarding the concrete transformation processes of the Euro-Mediterranean scenario.
The proposal of such a partnership has turned out to be highly successful not only in the Mediterranean partners countries, but also in the communities of Southern Europe and mainly Southern Italy.
It is intended as a strategic network for the organization and the actual development of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Each of the convened institutions is in fact a circuit of relations ready to be active, to assemble in a single network men and women, politicians, officials and experts in order to identify , arrange and foresee the implementation of development plans for the common good. This allows all partners of the concerned countries to play an active role in the decision-making and leadership of the process.
The associative methodology of the Euro-partnership proposed by the MdM is strongly inspired by the idea of “ factual democracy” : recognizing (rather than opposing) the right of initiative for each member capable of putting forward new proposals, to the point of promoting the birth, within the network itself, of other leading institutions. These, in turn, can autonomously undertake cultural and institutional initiatives that, later on, will be part of the wider MdM circuit, in order to increase the operational and financial strength of its actions as well as the extent of the enhancement- utilization circuits.

Main Projects / Activities

Besides the principal mission of the "dialogue between societies and cultures" the following are thematic areas for the operations of MdM:
1. Environment and Common Resurces of the Mediterranean: dedicated to defending those environmental resources threatened by pollution: sea, soil, ionosphere, flora and biodiversity. Defines criteria of protection and sustainable exploitation and seeks to ensure their application throughout the Euromediterranean.
2. Ethics and safeguarding of mental and physical health: dedicated to harmonising standards of health care throughout the Euromediterranean region, while recognising and respecting local ethics and concepts of mental and physical well-being. Defines and implements programmes of distribution of health services corresponding to the best practices recognised by the respective communities.
3. Psycho-social well-being and relations among individuals, families and groups: dedicated to studying relations at the micro-social level to promote and support initiatives which favour the quality of life in local communities and migrant groups. Activates projects enhancing relations and solidarity between genders, within the family and in social groupings, to move beyond a view of the individual as autonomous and unrelated and to build democracy and social participation.
4. Methodologies and programmes for urban development: dedicated to reinforcing local authorities, both by studying and generalising appropriate methodologies of participatory democracy and by designing and implementing programmes of infrastructural reinforcement and better management of public and local utilities. Defines methodologies of cooperative and partnership exhanges of professionalism and facilities, both in investment and management phases, in order to minimise costs. Defines benchmark standards for private operators.
5. Qualifying the migratory flow and social policies combating emargination: dedicated to promoting professional qualification of the migratory population, fostering training, entrepreneurial promotion, and introduction of forms of international economic partnership. Studies models of urban and rural settlement of the migratory population which respect ethics and lead to inter-cultural integration. Studies the juridical and administrative measures required to foster integration and promote throughput of income generated by migration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ciro Olisterno
Head of the organisation
Ciro Olisterno

Miklagard Art Exchange ry

National Network

Sepankatu 3-5 B 51
00150 Helsinki

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Miklagard Art Exchange is an initiator, facilitator, and connector between Finland and overseas markets with the aim of strengthening the cultural interaction and intercultural collaborations. Miklagard Art Exchange was founded by an experienced Turkish cultural producer and an two established Finnish artists in April 2016 for creating tailor-made ideas and promoting interesting, chosen projects in a variety of art fields. It aims to be a new platform for promoting exchange between the Nordic countries and the dynamic art scenes in Turkey, China, Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. Miklagard Art Exchange takes as a goal to build alternative paths in reaching out for the diversity of the dynamic artistic scenes also elsewhere. The founders are also the ‘thinkers’ whose insights and connections will animate the work of the Miklagard Art Exchange. Miklagard Art Exchange’s “value proposition” is found in its unique strategies to produce cultural evolution with creating possibilities for innovative multi-genre collaborations around the world.
Mission and Objectives

Miklagard Art Exchange believes that cultural diversity is an asset for setting wiser cultural mindset to achieve what is valuable with enlightening perspective. For Scandinavians of early times, İstanbul was the place to go, as we go to New York. The city was the largest the Vikings knew of, and it is not so strange that they referred to place as The Great City; this is what the name Miklagard means. In response to the cultural dimension of the past, Miklagard Art Exchange seeks to use the new paths to change cultural mindset and influence the creative ideas.

Our Vision
To be a unique platform for promoting artistic exchange between the Nordic countries and dynamic art scenes in countries like Turkey, China, Korea, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.

Our Mission
To connect art scenes up to now unfamiliar to each other for initiating multi-cultural artistic collaborations.

Our Values
Creating possibilities - We are curious and open-minded. We want to trigger creative minds and souls for innovative multi-genre collaborations
New forms - Along with human being, the culture has developed and matured. We want to achieve an accurate understanding of the world; through new ways of collaboration
Inclusiveness - We want to serve for a better society by cultivating understanding and forgiveness through arts in our everyday lives

Main Projects / Activities

What we offer
We like to cater to the needs of the artists, collectives, and also want to create possibilities for innovative multi-genre collaborations between creative minds otherwise would not have access to encounter.

Tailor-made intercultural collaborations

Curating portfolio projects



How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our projects, we will seek a way to support cultural diversity in Finland by promoting the potentiality of different cultures to have a fertilizing effect on each other. Our target is to open the window to the inclusive cultural approaches in Finland. We aim to reach young Finnish audience and will also include people from migrant backgrounds and ethnic minorities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network will allow us to discover the relevant organizations meetings and networking.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ceyda Söderblom
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ceyda Söderblom
Contact (2) Full Name
Erik Söderblom
Job Title (2)

Orient XXI

National Network

4 rue Poinsot, 75014 Paris
4 allée Fallot, 92290 Châtenay-Malabry
75014 Paris

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Set up in 2013, Orient XXI is a French webzine focused on the Maghreb/Machreq region (http://orientxxi.info/). It has an editorial board of around 12 people, 2 of whom are paid; the others being volunteers. Its contributions appear in French, Arabic and some in English. It currently attracts 200.000 unique visitors per month. Readership abroad has almost doubled in six months. The vast majority of its funds come from its readers. Its budget amounts to about 80,000 Euros each year. Orient XXI organises conferences and workshops. During the first six months of this year three meetings were held, one on migration in Rabat (May 2016), the second in Tunis (May 2016) on how a political event is handled by journalists on both sides of the Mediterranean and the last one in Marseilles (June 2016) enabling interaction between young Mediterranean journalists. Orient XXI has started to establish partnerships with other media groups (Jadaliyya, Al Jadid al Arabi, Mediapart). Its ambition is to give the Mediterranean region and beyond a renewed image in France.
Mission and Objectives

Arab revolutions have open up new areas of expression and new horizons. They have enabled the Western world to discover other parts of reality, which had by and large remained “invisible”, in particular an invigorated, motivated youth. However, the European media coverage of this “area” remains incomplete and sometimes biased. Its sole approach is based on the “confrontation between secular people, islamists and terrorists”. Orient XXI is convinced that the large Arabic and Muslim area deserves a different media treatment and believes that the analytical framework used for the rest of the world should apply also to Arab and Muslim societies. Journalists, young people, researchers, historians, diplomats, writers, etc. on both sides of the Mediterranean have the possibility to make known their views in Orient XXI.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from publishing articles in French, Orient XXI is developing its Arabic section set up a few months ago. This latest addition is increasingly appreciated in France and abroad. Orient XXI is also in the process of proposing a section for young people where short articles on topical issues will be published on a regular basis (“what is colonisation ? What France is doing in Syria ?, etc.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As stated earlier we have useful partnerships with international media. We are more than willing to play our part in France. As far as this country is concerned, our ambition is to contribute to the development of a space for a media network that would be also a symbolic place for a different press.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Media is communication. The Anna Lindt foundation has a strong and well-functioning network of organisations. To get involved in this network will surely serve our interests and our ambition to build relationships with media across the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alain Gresh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alain Gresh
Contact (2) Full Name
Christian Jouret
Job Title (2)
Vice president

Sanja Mijic

National Network

Rue du Taciturne 41
1000 Bruxelles

+32 4 899 588 91
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Dear colleague,   I would like to joint your foundation as individual person. I m coming from Croatia, but working in European Parliament in Brussels since 2015. My field of work and of interesst are culture, intercultural dialogue, migration.   Please let me know if it is possible to join your network.   Kind regards, Sanja
Mission and Objectives

Main mission and objective is to promote a peace and intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

In EP I m working on Intercultural Dialogue with Mediterranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Mijic
Job Title
Parliament Assistant
Head of the organisation
Working in European Parliament


National Network

Bld Bischoffsheim 39
1000 Brussels

+32 2 831 83 83
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The European Institute for Strategic Analysis and Policy Initiative (EIPISA) is a non-profit think tank specialising in precise, transparent information to understand the political, economic and social reality between Europe and the Middle East and North Africa. We bring respected people, from all over the world, who have dedicated their professional life to analysis and understanding of these issues. We will contribute to creating a space of cooperation and common interests in all areas of activity that influence relations between European countries and the Middle East and North Africa.  
Mission and Objectives

EIPISA’s main mission is to provide analysis and discussion forums that are useful and relevant to the formulation of EU policy. As part of this mission we also act as an interface between European experts and decision-makers at all levels. EIPISA is a platform of experts, intellectuals and people who have a great knowledge of the reality in Europe and the Middle East, to provide clear, objective, transparent and easily accessible information to understand the political, economic, social and humanitarian situation in the Middle East and North Africa.
We present evidence-based precise and unbiased resource. We support the work and cooperation of all institutions who work with to and / or have a significant interest in issues relating to the Middle East to find permanent solutions. The activities of the EIPISA team are intended to improve the EU's analytical capacity and to facilitate the shaping of common approaches.

Main Projects / Activities

By offering seminars, conferences, exhibitions and publications, we strive to build the bridges of understanding and mutual knowledge that will enable a fruitful cooperation for both the European Union and for the Mediterranean countries and the Middle East. We believe in our mission and we are dedicated to making it possible.
In the months that follow, we will strive to find solutions to the greatest challenges facing Europe and the Middle East: terrorism and radicalisation, how to bring ends the conflicts and facilitate democracy with the Arab Spring. We want to assist the countries of the European Union and the Middle East to develop their relations and how to ensure human rights and democracy is respected everywhere.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EIPISA accounts a great infraestructure where experts, intellectuals, and political and economic personalities who have experience with the geostrategic challenge that define the political, economic and social structure in an increasingly globalised world. Our network has roots in different Middle Eastern countries such as Syria or Turkey, that could contribute to the goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation. As our office in Brussels pretends to develop most of its activities in Belgium we could cooperate in many activities helping each other to accomplish our common objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation is one of the most relevant European networks. Our field of activity is both in Europe and Middle East, and the more we can share and cooperate with other organisations sharing our perspective, and common interests, the better for everybody. We think we can benefit from the participation in this network and contribute to bring people together from both sides of the Mediterranean Sea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Jiménez
Job Title
Researcher & EU relations
Head of the organisation
Bassam al Abdulla
Contact (2) Full Name
José Miguel Llorens Izquierdo
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel

National Network

Negev 2
Tel-Aviv 6618602

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
SPNI was founded in 1953 by a small group of teachers, scientists and kibbutzniks who were attempting to save the Hula Wetlands. Although the draining of the Hula swamps could not be stopped at the time, the Government finally acknowledged the validity of the protesters' claims 40 years later when, in the mid-1990s, part of the Hula valley was re-flooded and returned to its original state. Sixty years later, SPNI is still blazing the trail for nature and the environment in Israel. As the oldest, largest and most beloved environmental organization in Israel today, SPNI is more determined than ever to guard Israel's scant open spaces, protect its coasts and beaches, and promote sustainable development in order to preserve the country's natural resources for future generations. Tens of thousands of households are members of the SPNI, and hundreds of thousands of individuals participate in the organization's myriad activities each year, including thousands of children and young people who regularly participate in the organization's nature and orienteering courses.
Mission and Objectives

The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) works to protect the open spaces and preserve the biodiversity of the land of Israel through environmental activism, education and eco-tourism.
SPNI's Environmental Protection Department: works with government authorities and various organizations through a variety of channels on the local and national levels. Urban planners work with municipalities to promote sustainable solutions. Our Mammal Department and the Israel Ornithological Center work to protect the variety of animal and bird species living in Israel, effecting global biodiversity. Together, these efforts create balance in future development and secure our environment.
SPNI's Education Department: engages Israeli youth in schools, summer camps, training programs and youth groups, teaching them about the variety of wildlife, the natural habitats and unique ecosystems in Israel, creating a lifelong bond with natural Israel. Our education programs affect the lives of thousands of Israeli children each year, fostering leaders for tomorrow who are connected and dedicated to their homeland and its precious natural legacy.
SPNI's Tourism Department: offers eco-tourism experiences throughout the country. SPNI brings together communities, blazed and maintains over 14,000 km (9,000 miles) of trails including the 1,009 km (627 mile) Israel National Trail and provides guided tours to hikers, birders and nature lovers throughout Israel for residents and eco-tourists alike. By creating a love for Israel's nature we unite to protect and preserve this Holy Land for generations to come.

Main Projects / Activities

Drilling in the Golan Hights - SPNI is campaigning to prevent experimental oil drilling from being carried out in the Golan Heights by Afek Oil and Gas. In an area prone to earthquakes SPNI, local residents and environmental experts, are deeply concerned about the risk of a leak which could contaminate the Sea of Galilee and Israel's other main water sources
Eilat Railway  - The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel is working to Save the Negev, by protecting six nature reserves from the destructive and disastrous plans proposed for a rail line to Eilat.
Fish Responsibly -  Partnering with fishermen and other conservation groups, the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel has created a puble campaign to reform fishing laws in the Mediterranean. Our Fish Responsibly campaign aims to improve the marine life and eco-systems along the coast.
Protecting Israel's Ecoystems - Israel’s rich and unique nature provides many important ecosystem services for its citizens; from existential needs such as oxygen for important, to important services such as pest control and intangible benefits such as relaxation– nature, and a healthy biodiversity is vital for society’s survival. Israel may be small but is blessed with more than 20 distinct types of ecosystem. Of these about half are found within IDF restricted areas and a further 20% are protected in nature reserves. Protecting Israel’s ecosystems and open spaces their size as well as contiguousness is one of SPNI’s key goals.
Promoting Sustainable Planning - Open spaces in Israel are dwindling due to the unyielding threat of development. By 2020 Israel is expected to be the most densely developed  country in the OECD. Israel is facing intense pressure to utilize its land reserves to house this increased population. If done unintelligently this would lead to the exploitation and destruction of Israel’s dwindling and precious open spaces, harming nature and erasing the landscape and heritage that links the Jewish people to their biblical homeland.
Water for Nature - In recent years, SPNI's EPD has targeted water issues by bringing the water campaign to a national focus through the combined energies of every SPNI employee and volunteer. Water issues in Israel are vast, spanning from residential, industrial and agricultural water conservation, implemented via public awareness and lobbying campaigns, to sustainable planning recommendations for how water is allotted in Israel by the National Water Authority - as everything trickles down from there, ultimately impacting not only the Kinneret and the Dead Sea, but the entire system of rivers and streams in Israel.
Energy - Until recently Israel’s energy production was largely based on coal-fueled power stations, which have a high environmental impact mainly through atmospheric emissions contributing to air pollution and global warming. With the recent discoveries of natural gas in Israel’s economic waters there is now an opportunity to revolutionize Israel’s energy industry by replacing coal with natural gas while fulfilling Israel’s international commitments to increase the amount of renewable energy used. New energy policy and infrastructure development has to be crafted and regulated properly to protect Israel’s nature and unique biodiversity.
Marine Environment - The Mediterranean coast is arguably the country's greatest recreation and tourist asset. However, the unfettered building of marinas, coustal housing, and private beaches greatly limit accessibility to the public. Additionally, development of the gas and oil industries coupled with decades of over-fishing has dramatically harmed the marine habitat. SPNI is working at ever level to keep Israel's beaches clean, ecologically healthy, and accessible to all.
Birdlife - the Israel Ornithological Center of SPNI - Israel lies at a bottleneck along one of the world's most important migration flyways. Twice a year, 500 million birds are funneled over Israel; most are on their way back and forth from their nesting grounds in Europe and Asia to their wintering grounds in Africa.
Mammal Conservation - SPNI is one of the central organizations monitoring mammal species in Israel. We strive to reduce conflict between humans and wild animals through research, education and conservation. Working together with our partners including the Ministry for Environmental Protection, Nature and Park Authority, Universities and zoos we carry out cutting edge research and develop new techniques and approaches to protect Israel’s wild, native mammals.
Environmental Education - SPNI nurtures young people's connection to their own communities, heritage and the Land, thus raising a sentinel generation that will appreciate, love and protect Israel's natural treasures. SPNI has always looked to the children as the stewards of the future, and the reason is clear. Children's life habits are formed at an early age. If we successfully reach out to them during this formative period, a very high percentage will embrace an environmentally-friendly lifestyle. By focusing on children, and sparking their appreciation and understanding of the environment, we are creating the proise of a sustainable Israel. SPNI educational programming reaches tens of thousands of students nationwide, in a wide range of communities, in both formal and informal education programs.
Urban Communities - SPNI's Urban Branches are also known as "Kehilot" (Communities in Hebrew) as they bring local communities together toward shared environmental goals. A revolutionary concept, each Kehila develops itself within the framwork of the needs of each individual community. Though every community has specific concerns and needs crucial to its sustainable future, SPNI’s urban branches share the same primary objectives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As mentioned in some of our main projects' goals Israel is an essential pathway for a large variety of wildlife and we at The Society for the Protection of Nature make sure that the animals that come from all the countries surrounding Israel (the Network) arrive to their destinations and return to their original starting point safe and sound thus helping the Network preserve it's natural heritage.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network in the hope to work together in achieving our mission to protect the nature and preserve the natural habitats of animals and plants around the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elana Kagan
Job Title
Coordinator of Partnerships and Development Department
Head of the organisation
Acting CEO -Gershon Peleg

Building Bridges Association (جمعية بناء الجسور)

National Network

Jabal Amman

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
The Building Bridges Association (BBA) was founded under the 2008 law of associations #51 and all amendments implemented on it in 2014. It was started as an independent non-governmental body headquartered in Amman, and its geographical scope of work extends all through the governorates of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. However, the team of BBA contributed to the formation of the Jordanian Network of the Anna Lindh since 2011.
Mission and Objectives

Towards a society based on equality, social justice, freedom, and human dignity in order to improve the quality of life through development and progress.
It is a non-profit voluntary initiative that aims at making a positive change towards a better social, cultural, political, and economic reality, through implementing programs and projects designed for women and men aiming at empowering and strengthening women’s capacity to confront gender-based violence, as well as increasing the participation of women in decision-making positions.
 To spread, enhance, and defend human rights
 To strengthen the awareness of the community about the culture of knowledge of gender
 To empower women legally and socially in order highlight their role in society
 To provide support – legal, social, psychological, and health services – to women and children victimized by the violation of human rights
 To organize studies and qualitative and quantitative researches in the field of development and women’s and human rights
 To contribute in developing the skills of women and youth specialized in making researches and creating public policies in order to enable to take an active role in decision-making positions.
Fields work:

1. The unit of family support and legal, social, and psychological guidance,
2. The unit of capacity-building,
3. The unit of researches and studies.

Family Aid unit specialized in working with women whom subjected to violence in all its forms, from the perspective of gender-based violence,  the work team provide legal advisory service, social, psychological and health assistance for abused women, and dealing with many abused women, specially foreign women whom married to Arab men, where they suffer from double violence upon the lack of Jordanian laws knowledge and unfamiliarity with Arabic language, also because of deferent religions, as most of them are Christians married mostly from Muslims, that when they come back to their countries  they return to retro customs and traditions that scold women and degrades her value and dignity, also  our work team specialized in providing awareness in the personal laws of Muslims and Christian communities for women, and advocacy and litigation service for women who had no money for free via assuring legal assistance for them, also support abused women to know where to go when they exposure to violence to get help.


Main Projects / Activities

The Building Bridge Association works in building capacity for women in general to access to decision-making positions through trainings concerning political participation in the municipalities and Parliament.
BBA is working now on the following projects:
1. Promote awareness of women leaders roles in political and civic life (I made my Decision) with Ministry political and parliament affairs, funded by Europe Union
2. Political Participation for Women in Parliament and Local Councils / Irbid project , under the Mobilization of Gender Equality Actors at Local Level Program funded by Euro- Mediterranean women’s foundation and IE-MID (the European Institute for Mediterranean.
Contributed to WOMEN IN THE MEDITERRANEAN FIRST MONITORING REPORT of the Euro Mediterranean Women's Foundation of the Ministerial Conferences. Research entitled "Political Participation of Jordanian Women."
Targeted audience:
The association’s services are available for all individuals of the community, specifically the marginalized groups that suffer any form of exclusion or deprivation of human rights, discrimination or inequality, in addition to distinguished women that demonstrate leadership in local communities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe Crossing Bridges can play roles as:
Local implementing partner for women projects in the governorates through our unit  of family support and legal, social, and psychological guidance
Research production through our unit of researches and studies and as a service for external stakeholders
Holding local and international trainings through our unit of capacity building
Share knowledge and network with national and international institutions to promote positive change
Transfer knowledge enhancement skills to individuals, communities, and institutions
Contribute to the production of journals, studies and researches published locally and internationally

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We  support the mission and the objectives of ALF and the reasons behind founding it.  We believe in networking and we can add to the work of  the network nationally and internationally. Also, the team of the association have rich expereince with the active Jordanian network and ALF network of networks, either as experts or trainers, or members participants, and in the Euromed region with Euro-mediterranean Women Foundation and IEMED and we want to build on that experience and mutual work through Building Bridges Association (BBA).

Contact (1) Full Name
Dima Kardsheh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dima Karadsheh
Contact (2) Full Name
Haifa Haidar
Job Title (2)
Head of Research and Projects