Fundación Premio Convivencia

National Network

Paseo del Revellín, 30 -3ª
51001 Ceuta

956 517 910
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
La Fundación se denomina “Fundación Premio Convivencia Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta”. Su ámbito  de actuación preferente es de la ciudad de Ceuta, sin perjuicio de que sus actuaciones tengan repercusión también en el ámbito nacional e internacional, participando en proyectos de carácter transnacional y trabajando en red con otras organizaciones o instituciones de la Unión Europea y del ámbito de la cuenca Mediterránea. Ceuta se caracteriza por la convivencia -en paz y unidad- de cuatro culturas, cuatro religiones con costumbres y cultos diferentes. Todos los ceutíes (cristianos, musulmanes, judíos e hindúes) nos sentimos legítimamente orgullosos de este natural entendimiento que inspiró el Premio Convivencia Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta, materializado en una escultura de la artista ceutí Elena Álvarez Laverón y una dotación económica de 30.000 euros. Este galardón bienal se concede a “una persona o Institución de cualquier país, cuya labor haya contribuido de forma relevante y ejemplar a mejorar las relaciones humanas, fomentando los valores de justicia, fraternidad, paz, libertad, acceso a la cultura e igualdad entre los hombres”.  
Mission and Objectives

La Fundación tiene los siguientes fines:
- Fomentar la convivencia en paz, igualdad y libertad entre los hombres.
- Fomentar los valores de justicia, fraternidad y solidaridad.
- Favorecer la divulgación de la realidad cultural de las diferentes confesiones para mejorar su conocimiento por parte de la sociedad, favoreciendo su actividad en los ámbitos cultural, educativo y social.
- Contribuir a la promoción de los valores culturales y humanísticos recogidos en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y en la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea.
- Participar y colaborar con las instituciones en el diseño y desarrollo de programas y acciones de promoción, salvaguarda y dinamización de la cultura y el patrimonio cultural –material e inmaterial-, especialmente en lo tocante a la diversidad cultural.”

Main Projects / Activities

Las líneas de trabajo de la Fundación en los últimos ejercicios han estado centradas en optimizar las relaciones de colaboración e intercambio de actividades y experiencias con instituciones análogas, tanto a nivel local, como nacional e internacional, que compartan objetivos y fines con nosotros.
1.- Dentro de estas actividades de carácter mancomunado con otras instituciones, la Fundación Premio Convivencia despliega una actividad constante en el ámbito local:
• Apoyando las actividades y proyectos de carácter cultural y/o educativo de todas y cada una de las comunidades y asociaciones que lo soliciten. (Celebración de Mawlid, Diwali, Janucá pública, Día Internacional del Pueblo Gitano)
• Dando asistencia técnica en la planificación y en la ejecución de proyectos realizados por las comunidades religiosas. (Festival Multicultural, Semana Cultural de la Mujer Musulmana, Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Arabistas…)
• Impulsando el papel de interlocución entre las comunidades y las administraciones.
• Participando en eventos organizados por otras instituciones, organismos. Como por ejemplo los que surgen de las diferentes Consejerías de la Ciudad. (Día Internacional de las Lenguas Maternas, programación de la historia de Don Quijote en Legua árabe, talleres multidisciplinares en Semana Blanca, …)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ernesto Saenz de Navarrete
Job Title
Head of the organisation
María Isabel Deu del Olmo

(Shehab Hassan Ali........(Individual

National Network

Ebed Hassan Elbdeny street.alwardian... 92. Alexandria... Egypt

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Others
General Information
Iam artist painter...and calligrapher.. interesting a bout contemporary art.......Urban...teaching....i hade many events in my country...and some European countries... Last event the Latvia Academy of culture inviting me to make lecture a bout contemporary Calligraphy 7 April 2016
Mission and Objectives

Awareness....Dissemination oenlightened culture.......Overcoming the legacies of the reactionary
نشر ثقافة المحبة والسلم والسلام.....تطوير اساليب التفكير الاستمتاع ونقلش وجهات النظر المختلفة...مساعدة الطبقات المتدنية فكريا للتعرف على اهمية الحرية والتمتع بالحياة بدون ايذاء الاخرين. خلق جيل يؤمن بالتجربة والابتكار....

Main Projects / Activities

الشارع هو المشروع الاهم فى توصيل الفكرة....لجميع الوسائل والادوات المتاحة.....فن الشارع بشكل عام...مسرح...رسم...Urban. حلقات نقاشية وجدلية باستخدام طرق الفن المعاصر....

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تكوين شبكة من العلاقات المجتمعية او لا ...واختيارك العناصر المؤثرة التوصيل افكار المشروع...العمل من خلال شبكة اصدقاء متشعبة ..طرح.فكرة المشروع على مجموعة العمل...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

مؤسسة انا ليندا تعمل بجدية ...ووضوح...وتؤمن باهمية الدور التنوير ى للشعوب...ولها تاريخ ملموس وواضح على مستوى العالم.. من هنا جاءت فكرة العمل مع مؤسسة تحترم وتعرف ما تفعله. وتسخر كل الوسائل والامكانيات للوصول لاهدافها النبيلة المنشودة...فمؤسسة انا ليندا تعى تماما استراتيجيات العمل التنموى ..

Contact (1) Full Name
Shehab Hassan Ali Hassan Youssef
Job Title
Artist ....arabic Calligrapher...urban... contemporary art..visual art
Head of the organisation
Shehab Hassan Ali Hassan Youssef

Palestinian child center shu'fat refugee camp

National Network

shu'fat refugee camp Jerusalem
shu'fat refugee camp Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Vision We strive to contribute to an open and transparent society where people have access to safe places where the next generation cooperates and trusts each other in respect of human rights and needs. Mission We are the Palestinian Child Centre in Shuafat Refugee Camp. We aim to improve, develop and reduce the psychological pressure and social conditions for a better future free of violence and partition. We provide a safe, comfortable and healthy space and psychological support to the camp residents so that they can express themselves freely and creatively. Overarching Goals (Impact) 1. Gap between generations and dividers in the camp reduced 2. Violence is transformed into positive behavior 3. Psychosocial pressure within the camp community is decreased 4. PCC is more financially sustainable and flexible
Mission and Objectives

We strive to contribute to an open and transparent society where people have access to safe places where the next generation cooperates and trusts each other in respect of human rights and needs.
We are the Palestinian Child Centre in Shuafat Refugee Camp. We aim to improve, develop and reduce the psychological pressure and social conditions for a better future free of violence and partition. We provide a safe, comfortable and healthy space and psychological support to the camp residents so that they can express themselves freely and creatively.
Overarching Goals (Impact)
1. Gap between generations and dividers in the camp reduced
2. Violence is transformed into positive behavior
3. Psychosocial pressure within the camp community is decreased
4. PCC is more financially sustainable and flexible

Main Projects / Activities

Project title
Me and the Environment
Purpose of project
Exploration trips to healthy environments with 360 children in order to learn new aspects about the relationship between them and their environment. Children develop new attitudes and new tools for change that they will apply in accompanying workshops in the refugee camp.
Duration of the project
year 2015
Project title
Sync & Harmony
Purpose of project
Weekly, creative workshops revolving around singing, dancing and percussion with children of all ages and background. At first, children start building resilience through enjoying a more child-appropriate space with creativity and, secondly, trying and learning a variety of art tools for expanding their space of action (violent behaviour), representing themselves in a culturally new way and creating a new (camp) reality
Duration of the project
year 2015
Project title
The Film Method
Purpose of project
Short movie scripts will be written based on children’s experiences where the children will introduce the problems and solutions. In turn, the children enact the roles in order to learn and practice constructive approaches to solve conflicts. In the last stage, these movies will be screened and taken as the bases for reflection with school classes and families; as well as being available online for wider audiences. 
Duration of the project
year 2015
1) Sync & Harmony Phase 3: January–December 2016 (11 months)
2) Sports for Life Phase 1: January–December 2016 (11 months)
3) Brothers in Peace: Ramadan (4 weeks June 2016)
4) Camp Reporters: January–December 2016 (11months)
5) Ex Prisoners: January–December 2016 (11months)
6) Film Methods Phase 3: March–December 2016 (11months)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Strengthen confidence between communities and individuals to exchange cultural experiences and strengthen the bonds of cooperation 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Attract funding for sustainable development projects that are working on the center and gain experience and new ideas and benefit from the experiences of the member and to improve and transform the thought and look at the international community for the Palestinian camps and residents of the camps through the transfer of a bright picture of Hayat individuals inside the camp, through our work with the residents of the camp

Contact (1) Full Name
omar sarhan
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
omar sarhan
Contact (2) Full Name
mervat omar alqam
Job Title (2)
manager assistant

RETLIS - Rinascita Etica e Trasformazione dei Legami Individuali e Sociali

National Network

Viale di Valle Aurelia, 92

06 ..............
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Antonio Grassi
Head of the organisation
Antonio Grassi

Comune di Pescasseroli

National Network

Piazza S.Antonio

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Localita' della Marsica nell'alta valle del Sangro e in provincia de L'Aquila, Pescasseroli e' il centro piu' importante del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise. La stazione sciistica di Pescasseroli offre ampie e diverse possibilita' per lo sport e la vacanza invernale: piste da discesa, efficienti impianti di risalita, neve programmata, servizi, anelli per lo sci da fondo e un'infinita' di sentieri da percorrere in armonia con la natura, con la stessa filosofia del suo splendido Parco. I 5 impianti e i 3 punti ristoro servono circa 20 km di discesa per ogni difficolta' suddivisi in 14 piste da sci. Gli appassionati della neve trovano a Pescasseroli la possibilita' di soddisfare numerose esigenze e abilita' differenti, abbinando sport e natura. La seggiovia Orsa Maggiore nelle stagioni verdi favorisce molte escursioni. Grazie ai moderni impianti, alla varieta' dei tracciati e alla particolare bellezza di un contesto naturale unico e' sempre un'emozione sciare a Pescasseroli.
Mission and Objectives

The applicant organization is a Municipality: it is responsible for administration of the population and the territory, for cultural and social services and for economic growth.

Main Projects / Activities

The applicant organization is a Municipality: it is responsible for administration of the population and the territory, for cultural and social services and for economic growth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vito Carbonara
Head of the organisation
Anna Nanni

droit à la vie

National Network

tantu 38 bandal

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Nous sommes une structure à caractére nationale en RDC, nous avons également une représentation en France. Nous ommes interessé à devenir une antenne du résau de la fondation en RDC.
Mission and Objectives

Nos missions sont:
- la sauvegarde des droits humins et des enfants
-le soutien aux personnes vulnérables, principalement les enfants défavorisés, les filles mères chefs de ménages, les veuves vivant seules.
-la promotion de la lutte contre les endémies et les pendémies dont principalement le VIH/SIDA et le palludisme.
-la lutte contre l'imigration clandestine
-la promotion du développement des milieux rureaux
-la preservation de l'environnement.

Main Projects / Activities

Organistion du trophée de l'excellence de la femme travailleuse  depuis 15 ans en RDC.
la production de programmes radio télévisés sur differentes chaines en RDC destinés aux jeunes et aux adultes.
La promotion du projet de constyruction d'une usine de jus de fruits dans la province du Congo central en RDC

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

pr un resautage.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cela entre dans le cadre de ma vocation.

Contact (1) Full Name
mabanza charles hadassa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
mabanza charles hadassa


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Depuis plusieur années nottre association s'investit dans les rencontres de jeunes de Banlieues europénne et les échanges de jeunes Nord/Sud afin de lutter contre tt forme d'exclusion social et raciales. Notre assxcoiation est membre du réseau euro-méditerranéen de anna lintdh depuis plusieurs années, suite un probléme intervenu avec la boite mail de voila, nous avons plus recu de méssage de votre part. Notre asscoiation ECJ à organisé deds rencontre d’éducation citoyenne à l’environnement " destinée à un public scolaire du primaire et du secondaire des la Banlieues de Strasbourg et d'Europes. Celle-ci a été suivie, des  forums organisé par différentes associations de solidarité internationale et coordonné par l'association ECJ sur le thème de « l’éducation pour tous ». Ce forum, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de la semaine à l’école de la coopération et de la solidarité internationale, avait pour objectif de sensibiliser les enfants et adolescents aux enjeux de la coopération à travers une réflexion sur le développement. Le développement durable a par conséquent été au coeur de cette manifestation. Elle a réuni 870 élèves d’écoles primaires et de collèges. Chacune des associations organisatrices du forum a présenté en ateliers des animations pédagogiques sous formes de jeu, de contes, de vidéo,…
Mission and Objectives

Un programme axé sur l’éducation au développement et à l’environnement
Des formations dédiées à la participation du citoyen dans la vie locale
Des politiques locales allant dans le sens du développement durable

Main Projects / Activities

Rencontre dejeunes europeens dans le cadres action jeunesse (France-Gréce, Italie et Allemùagne)
Rencontre franco-Allemand pour la journée del'Europe à Strrasbourg
Rencontre Culturelle dans le, cadre Strasbourg-Méditerranée
Festival de Music caravane du Hip Hop Nord Sud au Maroc ....

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Suite a mes expéreinces, je souhaite faire partager mon savoir et rapporter mon témoignage a l'ensemble des asscouiations du réseaux.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Je souhaite rejoindre le réseau afin de continuer a developper mes idées de lutte contre le racisme, la pauvreté ,lexclusion socoial en général avec l'ensemble d'associations, l'union fait la force du savoir; permis aux  collectifs locales , national et Internationals d’échanger nos expériences et noss savoir-faire en matière de développement durable, d’environnement et de participation des citoyens à la vie locale et de lancer des réflexions et des études de faisabilité.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amid khelifa
Job Title
Responsable du secteur Echanges et Développement pour la jeunesse
Head of the organisation
réseau Francais
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Coordinatrice des projets Nor/Sud

Wisdom center for religious studies and intercultural dialogue

National Network

hay ourida n 70
14030 kenitra

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Wisdom center for religious studies and intercultural dialogue is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which targets all the people and organisations that share the same interests and objectives with it .in this center, we welcome and support all kinds of cooperation and exchange different ideas and experiences which can make our life on this planet full of peace , mercy , dignity and brotherhood .

Mission and Objectives

Our primary objectives are through people-to-people dialogues, cultural exchange programs, language learning experiences, inter-religious activities, conferences, academic seminars , specialized publications and training programs.

Main Projects / Activities

In our center, we aim to discover and study the various cultures around the world and try to seek ways of coexisting between them. we also work to overcome all types of misunderstanding ,prejudice , stereotypes , hatered , racism and violence which lead to wars , conflicts and clash of civilizations and humanity . Our objective in brief is to ‘know each other more’.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdallah Laassiri
Job Title
High school teacher
Head of the organisation
Dr Abdallah Laassiri


National Network

Isokatu 84
90120 Oulu

040 5541824
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
040 5541824
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Society of Oriental Dance in Oulu, Yasmine registered association (later Yasmine r.a.) is a society which focuses on oriental dance as a hobby. It promotes the dance and culture of the Middle East and Maghreb, being sensitive to traditions and new currents. The society has a six-member executive committee, which includes the chairman, the secretary, the course secretary, the treasurer, the publicist and the caretaker for the dance studio. The society has 186 members. All activities are carried out on voluntary basis apart from dance instruction. Our dance teachers are advanced amateurs who are paid for their work, but who either work or study full-time. There are 6-8 dance teachers every year. The dance workshops take place at our studio. Yasmine r.a. is a non-profit organization. It is funded with membership and course fees. The society has also been subsidized by the City of Oulu. In addition, the society has received some grants for its activities. The society organizes weekly dance workshops on different levels from beginners to more advanced dancers. There are workshops for children, teenagers and senior citizens. Workshops have been offered to groups with special needs (a particular illness or physical disability). The society has also given asylum seekers an opportunity to learn about this dance form. Yasmine r.a. promotes different styles of Middle Eastern and North African dance. These styles include both folkdances and more urbanized dance forms. The society organizes an annual Spring Show and participates in various dance events in the region. The society is well-connected with other cultural organizations and dance schools in the region. The society works in co-operation with other societies of oriental dance in Finland, and it is a member of the national association, Seitsemän hunnun tanssi r.a. Since 1994, Yasmine r.a. has invited all prominent Finnish dance teachers to give workshops at its studio. As the society wants its members to learn authentic style and culture, it has also invited world-class teachers to Oulu (Mr Mahmoud Reda, Mr Yousry Sharif, Hossam and Serena Ramzy).
Mission and Objectives

Yasmine r.a. promotes the dance and culture of the Middle East and Maghreb. The society cherishes and respects traditions. However, new currents of this dance are also  taken into consideration and adopted. The society aims at giving opportunities to practice oriental dance and to learn about its cultural background.

Main Projects / Activities

The society organizes weekly dance workshops on different levels from beginners to more advanced dancers. There are workshops for children, teenagers and senior citizens. Workshops have been offered to groups with special needs (a particular illness or physical disability). The society has also given asylum seekers an opportunity to learn about this dance form. Annual spring show and different dance events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yasmine r.a. aims at promoting oriental dance and the culture which is connected to this dance form. The society wants to contribute to inter-cultural co-operation. At the same time, the society will expand the activities of Anna Lindh Foundation to Oulu and its surroundings.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Yasmine r.a. wants to be a member of an organization which supports co-operation between different cultures. It also seeks support for its own grassroots activities, and wants to find partners with whom to develop its basic functions and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sari-Maaria Sarkkinen
Job Title
dance teacher
Head of the organisation
Anna Salminen
Contact (2) Full Name
Jaana Vähänikkilä
Job Title (2)

Za život (PRO LIFE)

National Network

Stari Aerodrom, Lamela 2

382 69140450
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
We are NGO form Podgorica, Montenegro. Our goals is to provide better life for young people, people with disability and vulnerable groups. For now we do not have any budget or sources of funding.
Mission and Objectives

1) Achieving higher level of awareness about philanthropy
2) Providing help for students, persons with disabilities and minorities
3) The culture of health
4) Legal, social and psychological help and support for the citizens

Main Projects / Activities

1) The education of kids and young people
2) Rehabilitation and reintegration of stigmatized persons
3)  Educating adults and perfecting andragoric standards
4) Organizing events about health and general prosperity
5) Social and humanitarian
6) Persevering the Environment
7) Media presentation
8) Publishing activity

Contact (1) Full Name
Miloš Dedić
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Miloš Dedić