National Network

7, allée des Acacias
92310 Sèvres

00 33 146 265 133
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00 33 628 536 672
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Atoutsud est une organisation non gouvernementale qui cherche à favoriser  la refondation des modes de gouvernance et des pratiques en matière de développement humain et de coopération internationale. C’est un cercle de réflexion et un réseau d’experts qui agit pour une meilleure prise en compte des questions du développement de manière holistique, éthique et durable. Notre ONG s’attache à favoriser l’expression des atouts du Sud et entend promouvoir un mode de développement éthique axé sur les coopérations entre les pays du Sud. A fin 2016, Atoutsud compte une vingtaine d’adhérents et dispose d’un budget annuel de 12 000 €. Elle est principalement financée par les membres fondateurs.  S’y rajoute les cotisations des adhérents et certains co-financements d’activités ad ’hoc (Financements Migrations développement / OIM). Atoutsud a réalisé des ateliers et actions de formations (projets multilatéraux) vis-à-vis des ONG du Maghreb : ALCS, Bayti, Insaf. Atousud organise et/ ou contribue à des actions de valorisation de la coopération Sud-Sud et de la mise en place d'un vivier d'experts des pays du Sud (non adhérents). Les partenariats opérationnels ont étés réalisés avec les ONG bénéficiaires, d'autres sont en cours de discussion avec des institutions Françaises et internationales.
Mission and Objectives

Atoutsud accompagne les institutions publiques et les ONG des pays partenaires aux différents stades du cycle de projet de développement:
- Conception, formulation et pilotage de projets d’assistance technique.
- Gouvernance et développement organisationnel  des ONG.
- Coopérations stratégiques et partenariats publics privés (PPP).
- Liens migrations et développements.
Atoutsud cherche à associer et impliquer les structures partenaires des pays tiers et les acteurs de la société civile et intervient de façon privilégiée dans le cadre de coopérations Sud Sud et triangulaires.
Atoutsud s’inscrit dans une dynamique partenariale durable avec les organisations en ayant préalablement pris soin de spécifier l’’esprit et la rationalité du travail collaboratif, les engagements réciproques , les modalités de déploiements et les modes de cofinancements des activités arrêtées.
Nous procédons par une gradation de niveaux d’intervention en fonction des besoins avérés:
- Transferts de compétences
- Information, sensibilisation, formation, animation (ateliers, revue de pairs, séminaires…).
- Accompagnement
- Idéation, conception et formulation des projets, co-pilotage et backstopping.
- Contribution
- Mise en réseau, partenariats, développement d’activités communes, pourvoi d’expertises, cofinancements …

Main Projects / Activities

- Activité"think tank"
- Réseau d’experts
- Ateliers et sessions de formation
- Déploiement de projets de renforcements de capacités
- Backstopping

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous souhaitons conforter et contribuer aux objectifs de la Fondation Anna Lindh pour une plus grande solidarité Nord Sud et Sud Sud des ONG et institutions publiques des deux rives de la Méditerranée.
Nous souhaitons par ailleurs mettre à disposition des ONG du réseau FAL notre expertise dans l’élaboration et la formulation des offres techniques et budgétaires des projets faisant appel à des fonds multilatéraux.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nos deux années d’existence nous ont confortées dans la soutenabilité de notre modèle d’intervention et la pertinence de nos propositions. Nous faisons le constat d’un grand besoin en la matière notamment dans les pays du Maghreb. Notre dimensionnement ne nous permet pas cependant de répondre à toutes les demandes qui nous parviennent. Nous pensons qu’une démarche réseau, collaborative dans le cadre de la Fondation Anna Lindh pourrait nous aider à définir de nouvelles modalités d’interventions optimisées en lien avec d’autres ONG dédiées à ce type d’appuis.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Directeur Exécutif
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Armelle le Clec'h
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire Générale

studio of her own

National Network

40 Elmaliach St. San Mrtin
54 Hahalutz St. Beit Hakerem
Jerusalem 9626905

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
General Information
Studio Of Her Own - is a platform of personal and artistic growth for Jewish religious women artists at the outset of their careers. Based in Jerusalem, the Studio gives Jewish religious women artists a physical and mental space, mutual support and economic empowerment. These ultimately shift norms and behaviors in all that regards to the status of religious women at home and in the community.  Founded 6 years ago, the Studio's vision is to empower religious women artists' voices in the public sphere while serving as a bridge between Jerusalem's diverse populations. SOHO's artists come from the myriad of Jewish religious backgrounds in Israel, are all graduates of leading arts schools and programs and are determined to pursue a future within the arts field. Studio Of Her Own in a registered NGO. Founded and directed by Zippi Mizrahi, the association is mainly based on volunteers work. The association has one paid employee and 15 volunteers. Also, we have 5 board members leading the organization. Our annual turnover is: 200.000 NIS accorrding to audited report • Sources of funding: Natan Fund, Jerusalem Foundatiion, London Ya'ari Foundation, Municipal support: Municipality of Jerusalem. SOHO runs several projects for the benefit of its artists and the community: 1. Business development and mentoring program for emerging artists. 2. Embroidery project with Palestinian women from East Jerusalem. 3. Women's Art in Public Spaces. 4. Art workshops in Women's Shelters. Our projects are implemented with a number of local and national partners: 1. Municipality of Jerusalem. 2. MATI Jerusalem (small business development association). 3. Museums and Galleries - Ben Gurion academic gallery, Ein Harod museom Beeri gallery, Barbur gallery. Muslala group of artists and more. 4. Jeruslaem Women's Shelter, and family center for women un jerusalem.
Mission and Objectives

The Studio's mission is to empower religious women artists' voices in the public sphere while serving as a bridge between Jerusalem's diverse communities. SOHO's artists come from the myriad of Jewish religious backgrounds in Israel and are determined to persue a future within the arts. Our main objective is to advance religious women artists who recieve no support in their homes and communities and face significant obstacles when trying to enter the local art scene.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects target the artists group as well as our surrounding communities. Few examples include an embroidery project in cooperation with Palestinian women living in East Jerusalem, a public space art exhibition in the midst of an orthodox community, professional training and mentoring programs for women artists, art exhibitions in prominent venues in Israel, and more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SOHO can contribute to the national network by taking part in network events, and hosting events in our studio. In addition, we can take part in local projects by other network members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that by joining the ALF network we can develop our contacts both in Israel and abroad. Through these, we can develop projects that can benefit our artists and communities, while promoting cross-cultural exchange with relevant, like-minded, associations and institutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zipi Mizrahi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zipi Mizrachi
Contact (2) Full Name
Inbal Shtivi


National Network

Sitsi tn 22-22, Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa
10313 Tallinn, Harju maakond

+2 01226543275
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
WITHOUT BORDERS MTÜ is a very new organization with a very small staff, mainly they are 2 beside the volunteers.  The structure will be: founders, exectuive directors, head of programs and assistans. Main source of fudning will be, government, doners from EU and other partes of teh world. 
Mission and Objectives

Mission: conducting different activities including organizing and coordinating training sessions, conferences, and seminars to raise awareness towards refugee’s issues in Estonia in order to promote the acceptance culture and providing safe environment for refugees to interact, share and advocate for better life chances. Also familiarize the refugees and migrants community with European values and culture and raise societal awareness towards gender equality issues.
Vision: creating new paths for Estonian and European society especially youngsters towards better understanding for other cultures and provide the necessary guidance to refugees and migrants in need, taking in consideration all European values and laws regulating their status.
Raising societal awareness generally and refugees and migrants especially towards gender issues aiming to achieve gender equality.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Organize intercultural trainings sessions for youngsters to promote more openness for other cultures.  
2- Conducting different activities including organizing and coordinating training sessions, conferences, and seminars to raise awareness towards refugee’s issues.
3- Work as a liaise point between government, international organizations and refugees to support their situation and provide them with better quality of life.
4- Creating a friendly space for youth, migrants and refugees to meet regularly to discuss methods for better integration ways in the society.
5- Work in a close cooperation with other European institutions to introduce the European values and culture to refugees and migrants.
6- Work with close cooperation with national and international NGOs on raising awareness towards gender issues aiming at promoting gender sensitivity and equality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Work to promot the mandate of the network and help also in introduce it to more people and working NGO.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It's a huge network that could introduce my organization to others who are working on similar feilds. Also the network could play a huge role in oinformation sharing and increasing teh visibility of memebrs. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Heba Ali Youssif Moustafa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Heba Ali Youssif
Contact (2) Full Name
Nargiza Bostoeva
Job Title (2)
Board Member

association 20 août des générations montantes

National Network

IMBS/3/15 N°4 Alliance Darna Kénitra Maroc
IMBS/3/15 N°4 Alliance Darna Kénitra Maroc
Kénitra Maroc
United Kingdom

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0627950389 0689174551
Mobile Phone (other)
0689174551 0627950389
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Nous sommes une nouvelle association 20 Août des   générations montantes nos buts sont multiples et variés :à titre d’exemple,  la tolérance  , la paix ,le respect de la nature, répandre les valeurs humanitaire et surtout accepter l’autre malgré   sa différence. Pour réaliser nos buts nous avons choisi de commencer par le sport ,le théâtre  scolaire et des compagnes de sensibilisations aux maux de la société. Dans l’attente de trouver des  partenaires ,ne nous cesserons pas de frapper à  toutes les portes afin de trouver des cœurs généreux et sensibles à notre cause . Dans l’attente d’une réponse que j’espère favorable ,veuillez acceptez mes salutations les plus distinguées .. 
Mission and Objectives

Nous sommes une nouvelle association 20 Août des   générations montantes nos buts sont multiples et variés :à titre d’exemple,  la tolérance  , la paix ,le respect de la nature, répandre les valeurs humanitaire et surtout accepter l’autre malgré   sa différence.
Pour réaliser nos buts nous avons choisi de commencer par le sport ,le théâtre  scolaire et des compagnes de sensibilisations aux maux de la société.
Dans l’attente de trouver des  partenaires ,ne nous cesserons pas de frapper à  toutes les portes afin de trouver des cœurs généreux et sensibles à notre cause .
Dans l’attente d’une réponse que j’espère favorable ,veuillez acceptez mes salutations les plus distinguées .. 

Main Projects / Activities

Nous sommes une nouvelle association 20 Août des   générations montantes nos buts sont multiples et variés :à titre d’exemple,  la tolérance  , la paix ,le respect de la nature, répandre les valeurs humanitaire et surtout accepter l’autre malgré   sa différence.
Pour réaliser nos buts nous avons choisi de commencer par le sport ,le théâtre  scolaire et des compagnes de sensibilisations aux maux de la société.
Dans l’attente de trouver des  partenaires ,ne nous cesserons pas de frapper à  toutes les portes afin de trouver des cœurs généreux et sensibles à notre cause .
Dans l’attente d’une réponse que j’espère favorable ,veuillez acceptez mes salutations les plus distinguées .. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes une nouvelle association 20 Août des   générations montantes nos buts sont multiples et variés :à titre d’exemple,  la tolérance  , la paix ,le respect de la nature, répandre les valeurs humanitaire et surtout accepter l’autre malgré   sa différence.
Pour réaliser nos buts nous avons choisi de commencer par le sport ,le théâtre  scolaire et des compagnes de sensibilisations aux maux de la société.
Dans l’attente de trouver des  partenaires ,ne nous cesserons pas de frapper à  toutes les portes afin de trouver des cœurs généreux et sensibles à notre cause .
Dans l’attente d’une réponse que j’espère favorable ,veuillez acceptez mes salutations les plus distinguées .. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous sommes une nouvelle association 20 Août des   générations montantes nos buts sont multiples et variés :à titre d’exemple,  la tolérance  , la paix ,le respect de la nature, répandre les valeurs humanitaire et surtout accepter l’autre malgré   sa différence.
Pour réaliser nos buts nous avons choisi de commencer par le sport ,le théâtre  scolaire et des compagnes de sensibilisations aux maux de la société.
Dans l’attente de trouver des  partenaires ,ne nous cesserons pas de frapper à  toutes les portes afin de trouver des cœurs généreux et sensibles à notre cause .
Dans l’attente d’une réponse que j’espère favorable ,veuillez acceptez mes salutations les plus distinguées .. 

Contact (1) Full Name
elmessaoudi rachid
Job Title
artiste peintre et président d'association 20Août des générations montantes
Head of the organisation
association 20 Août des générations montantes
Contact (2) Full Name
Boujilal khadija professeur et résponsable financier d'association
Job Title (2)
directrice pédagogique et journaliste électronique

Arabic Culture Forum

National Network

Nugaletoju 1
10105 Vilnius

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Direktor: Maritana Larbi Manager of Relations with Arabic Countries: Feisal Ali Alshamakh Projekt Manager: Milda Petkauskaite and Veceslav Konovalov Main Partners: Vilnius University
Mission and Objectives

To foster intercultural cooperation among Lithuanian and Arab countries, to perform public occupancy, artistic self-expression, racist activity prevention, functions of providing possibilities for the development of creative and social capacities and their realization in carrying out the following activities:
To intermediate for cooperating organizations, institutions, enterprises and companies of Lithuanian and Arab countries according to agreements with other  natural or legal persons, public or non-public organizations and agencies.
To expand education of the Lithuanian society on the Arab culture and critical view to information disseminated in society on Arab culture.
To familiarize the Arab Cultural areal with Lithuania and its culture as well as the Lithuanian language in fostering the development of education and critical attitude on Lithuania in Arab countries.
To foster international involvement and cooperation of other counties in developing common projects associated with educational and cultural activity on the Arab world and Lithuania.

Main Projects / Activities

translation of arabic literatur to lithuanian language and lithuanian literatur to arabic language;
publisching article about arabic and lithuanien culture on our website;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To conclude agreements with other public institutions, governmental and non-governmental agencies, institutions, communities, agencies assisting in the fostering of closer international cooperation among the countries. To cooperate with specialists in other fields at the time of educational programmes and common projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maritana Larbi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maritana Larbi


National Network

via Luigi Tonini n. 5
47921 rimini

+39 054150555
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 3465006345
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure (30 people): Executive Council, (9 members), it is the organ of government organization;Volunteers equal to 6 members;contract workers including teachers: 15 members. Budgetary resources available in a year: 30.000 euro. Sources of funding: Registration of associated participation fees in training courses, regional contributions and by some outside consulting contract. Actions:Projects -  A) Scuola Superiore di Filosofia Orientale e Comparativa (include courses, seminars, scholarships), B) Observatory of Social Research (survey of migratory phenomena in Central Italy), C) "Interazioni" (Intercultural Festival), D)"Theut" (editorial activities of the institute). E) "Interazioni": a project involving the degree courses in Sociology, Social Sciences and Political Sciences of the University of Urbino; It should be a kind of "multiculturalism Festival". Main partners: Regione Emila Romagna - Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo - Museo degli Sguardi (ethno anthropological) - City Of Rimini.
Mission and Objectives

"The "Scuola superiore di Filosofia orientale e Comparativa" school aims to mediate the western and eastern thinking, in philosophy and psychology. In addition to establishing the need for a confrontation, it will promote practical knowledge and application of the most suitable principles for an intercultural exchange, tending to the development of transpersonal psychology, which make extensive use of alternative categories and ways of thinking to the understanding of man.
  The goal is not specialized or archaeological: you are convinced that only by the disclosure and an accessible presentation of the various areas of research, you can stimulate the possibility of dialogue. Great attention will also be paid to all the theorists who have distinguished themselves by their work of promoting a world philosophy, away from Eurocentrism and exoticism: components that, unfortunately, for some time hinder a serious close examination of the issues in question."

Main Projects / Activities

The Library.
With over 5000 volumes and more than 500 magazines including those completed and in progress, it is the result of a systematic collection of materials documenting the interests and the cultural commitment of this long experience. Schematically there are three sectors that comprise: religious sciences, humanities, international issues.The School of Oriental Philosophy and Comparative. It is an initiative "higher education" of national level which was signed by many scholars as teachers of the most important Italian and foreign universities. And 'it sponsored by the University of Urbino.
The Centre of Social Research, whose purpose is the production of qualitative knowledge of the marginal areas of our territory: knowledge of lifestyles, expectations, cultures with a particular attention to the action of volunteering. Reference point is the change of the Rimini company and the relationship with the condition of marginalization and social exclusion. Several researches have been carried out in recent years, in the field of immigration, the homeless, volunteering, etc.Interazioni. City demonstration that winds throughout the year but with a particular concentration of initiatives in the form of "festival" in May and June. In this context, intercultural dialogue becomes practical relationship with the immigrant community involves both the knowledge of other cultures but also to confront the complex issues from the integration processes, with particular attention to the international context of the processes of globalization, the conflicts in act and causes of the lack of development of many areas of the planet.Theut. Is the publishing activities of the Institute: essays, studies and research, periodicals, expression of his multifaceted activities.

The necklace Studi e Ricerche hosts theoretical work and social research with special reference to the condition of marginality.

The necklace Orientalia  is tied to the activities of the School.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Pour in the network our thirty years documentary material and immaterial heritage of experience and knowledges.
- Make available to our staff of teachers and scholars in the action of expansion of intercultural understanding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Allow our students to get in touch with the reality of training and knowledge in the Mediterranean, enabling to implement the content acquired through the study activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Ceccarelli
Job Title
vice president
Head of the organisation
Fabbri Gianluca
Contact (2) Full Name
Arcangelo Di Paolo
Job Title (2)
external relations curator


National Network

Via Piano San Michele, 47
61040 Mondavio

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Please see attached file.
Mission and Objectives

Please see attached file

Main Projects / Activities

Please see attached file

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing experience of our experts- 25 years of EU and Regional projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

WE belive in stronger relations in the M;editerrean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elmo De Angelis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elmo De Angelis
Contact (2) Full Name
Kylene De Angelis
Job Title (2)

The Council for International Conflict Resolution (RIKO)

National Network

Dronningensgade 14
1420 København K

+45 23863363
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
RIKO is a think-thank with the purpose of promoting non-military conflict resolution. In particular RIKO seeks to influence Danish foreign policy regarding international conflicts and contribute with solution-oriented analysis of current conflicts, critical discussion of Danish foreign policy and the spread of information, mediation and the use of international conflict resolution.
Mission and Objectives

RIKOs mission is to contribute to a real democratic dialogue and informed decision-making basis for Danish foreign policy.
Therefore RIKO is working to promote dialogue on innovative, alternative and long-term strategies in Danish foreign policy. As well as it is RIKOs vision to promote non-violent solutions on international conflicts.
RIKO wishes from a conflict resolutions perspective to visualize all essential parties views during conflicts of interest and armed conflicts.
RIKO works for maintaining the tradition in Danish foreign policy about solving international problems and conflicts in compliance with UN’s principals and international law.

Main Projects / Activities

Research, analysis and interviews on our webpage.
Events on current conflicts, international conflict resolution and Danish foreign policy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

RIKO can contribute with relevant analysis on conflict international resolution. As well as RIKO can be a platform for sharing of ideas and perspectives on dialogue, negotiations and and conflict resolution.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In RIKO we want to be part of the ALF Network to join the network of other organizations, institutions and private persons working on promoting dialogue. Also with the purpose of meeting other civil society actors in Denmark, EU and the Mediterranean region with the possibility for future collaboration.
Further we wish to take part of the networks arrangements and capacity building meetings both in Denmark and internationally

Contact (1) Full Name
Jørn Boye Nielsen
Job Title
Chairman of the board
Head of the organisation
Jørn Boye Nielsen

Teens Club

National Network

Office 321A, The Greek Campus, Downtown

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Teens Club is the first entity focuses on teenagers in Egypt and provide them with essential life and labor skills that are required to participate in the labor market.  Teens Club is selected as a social enterprise which's selected as one of the top 12 promising social enterprises in Africa by MasterCard Foundation and Anzisha Prize. We have the largest network of students who've great startups and ideas. with more than 7000 participants in our entrepreneurship programs, Our network expand to include 35000 students who want to make change and set startups helping others having a better life and also generate a profit. Currently, we've 50 volunteers and 22 partners including British Council, UN Women, African Leadership Academy, Harassmap...etc We're running 4 projects till now and about 7 workshops per month for our benefeciaries.
Mission and Objectives

 Enhancing the youth particpation in the ecosystem=  
 Preparing the next generation of young leaders and entrepreneurs=  
Providing international opportunities for teenagers and young people in Egypt and Middle East=  

Main Projects / Activities

= Workshops about (Entrepreneurship - ICT - Arts - Debating)
= Young Arab Voices program with British Council and Anna Lindh Foundation
= Youth Shutter Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Currently, Teens Club expands and scales up over the entrepreneurship and NGOs communities as we  made a lot of achivements and goals within short duration and limited resources. 
Teens Club has a network of 35000 students and young entrepreneursin Egypt, over 4 years of working with teenagers we now have 7000 direct customers and beneficaries, made a lot of 150 workshops, 9 events, and 22 partners. If Teens Club becomes one of Anna Lindh network member, we'll help other members by getting them accessed to our network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Firstly, we'd like to join a new network of entrepreneurs and young leaders from different regions of the world to learn more from their different types of experiences and knowledge, also to help them with our knowledge and share our experience.
Secondly, we'd like to share the knowledge we'll gain from the foundation and its network to our local community and network of entrepreneurs from Egypt and Africa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aly Abdelazem Abdelqawi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aly Abdelazem

Asociación Cultural Producciones Grandela Danza y Música

National Network

Conde de Vistahermosa, 9 2ºDcha
28019 Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of organization: Board of Directors with President, Vicepresident, Secretary, Treasure, Vocals. Partners 60. Budgetary resources available in a year: 8000€ Sources of funding: membership fees, grants, sponsorships, contracts. Modalities of action: Seminars, Festivals, International exchanges, Workshops, Conferences... Main partners involved in the organization's project/activities: Plonsky Productions S.L. (SPAIN/USA), Fundación HispanoBrasileña (BRASIL/SPAIN), ILÊ AIYÊ (BRASIL), UCM (SPAIN), Instituto Cervantes Marrakech (SPAIN/MOROCCO), AKHFE (MOROCCO), Caravan Association (MOROCCO), UCA/ESTE (MOROCCO)
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to be a bridge between different cultures.
Among the objectives is the research and approach to cultures through their traditions, artistic expressions and spirituality embedded in their identity, and transmission of them through different modes of action. Especially Islamic culture and Afro-diasporic cultures.
Respect for cultural diversity and dialogue between peoples based on social exchange with cultural and artistic activities

Main Projects / Activities

International Festivals (Bahía-Madrid 2011-2014, Gypsy Dance Fest 2010., Oriental Meeting 2010, Passage to East 2010 ..)
Children's educational projects: "The amazing universe of percussions and dances around the world" 2013-2016
Workshops, Seminars: Heritage arabic in spanish culture, History of Dance in Arabic Cultures, The travels of the rithms throw the History, Common roots in trance traditions with african origin, Folks and identities....
Conferences: Spiritual diversity in Islamic Culture, Heritage Andalousi, Trance rituals: parallels between east and west cultures, Artistic abstraction versus material system  ...
Artistic activities: Concerts, Cía of Dance, Parade...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promoting and organazing cultural activities artistic festivals, seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. 
Putting in contact  differrent associations, institutions and partners, from Spain, Italy, France, Brazil, black Africa, Magreb involve in cultural activities and projects organised by our Cultural Association Producciones Grandela Dance and Music.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I think I can contribute with created ideas for cultural and artistic projects and I can benefit from the Network  ALF can provide.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carolina Grandela Tortuero
Head of the organisation
Carolina Grandela Tortuero