Zero Food Waste Cyprus

National Network

Herakliou 3
1037 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Zero Food Waste Cyprus is an initiative based in Nicosia that first took place in February 2018. It all started with the vision to prevent food from being thrown away, which contributes to climate change as well as food inequality.
Through the involvement of young volunteers , food that would have otherwise been wasted gets collected from the "OXI" food market on Saturdays, and from the Kyrenia market on Wednesdays, and re-distributed to anyone in need.
The initiative is based on volunteering work from its 3 board members, Alexia Kalourkoti, Pantelis Kyriakides and Demetra Theodotou. The Wednesday market is run from Fatih Segmen.
Currently there is no funding, apart from periodical funding opportunities for initiatives and volunteering teams.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote a circular economy of food by reducing food waste and providing to people in need. We also aim to raise awarness about food waste and inform about the environmental aspects, as well as provide solutions on individual bases and on public bases (reduction of food waste, composting etc.)
Our objectives is to expand to more markets across the island so we can save more food from the landfills and reach more vunlerable people.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and activities are the "Saturday Aftermarket" in which we are collecting food that would be wasted at the "OXI" food market every Saturday and the "Wasteless Wednesdays" in which we are saving food from the Kyrenia food market every Wednesday.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ZFWC can contribute to the Network by providing its members' knowledge on sustainability and in ways of promoting circular economy in the island, especially regarding food waste. More specifically, as our iniative with its actions covers various SDGs (SDG 2, 3, 11, 12, 13), we can contribute in the awarness and promotion of Sustainable Development Goals. Last but not least, as ZFWC has a bicommunal character, we can contribute by informing and working towards sustainability and peace building through activism across the divide.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to have the opportunity to expand our network, to gain through the experiences of being part of this Network and its actions, to develop our initiative through it and be able to further promote sustainability and a circular economy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexia Kalourkoti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alexia Kalourkoti
Contact (2) Full Name
Pantelis Kyriakides
Job Title (2)
Content writer

Center for Social Sciences Research and Action

National Network

Metichiou, 59
Flat/ Office 202
1101 Nicosia

+357 99917683
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Social Science for change The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action is a multidisciplinary space creating synergies and bridging between the scientific, practitioner, and policy spheres. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action aims to foster social change through innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge. We achieve our mission through transformative research and engagement, around the pillars of fellowships, the peer-reviewed journal Civil Society Review, engagement in multi-level fora, the Civil Society Incubator, and Daleel Madani the civil society network.

Mission and Objectives

Social Science for change The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action is a multidisciplinary space creating synergies and bridging between the scientific, practitioner, and policy spheres. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action aims to foster social change through innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge. We achieve our mission through transformative research and engagement, around the pillars of multi-disciplinary and contextualised research; tools for civil society actors, namely Daleel Madani the civil society network; and education for all, namely the Civil Society Incubator.

Main Projects / Activities

The centre conducts and facilitates original, interdisciplinary, and scientific research that is published in various formats (including a peer-reviewed journal “the Civil Society Review”, articles, policy briefs, mappings, and visuals). Research is developed and conducted by the centre’s hub of scholars, fellows, and network. It aims to publish grounded, contextualised, and transformative research, combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies. As an action-oriented research hub, the centre is committed to an open access policy, making all of the centre’s publications available to a wider public. This stems from the centre’s mission to foster social change and action through free access to information, innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge. The centre adopts a participatory, grounded methodology that aims at informing multi-level action through evidence-based and contextualised knowledge. The interdisciplinary dimension of the centre’s research allows it to draw from, and build synergies across disciplines, as well as across the scientific, the practitioner, and the policy fields. This strives to contribute to critical thinking and action, and informing public debate and public policy. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action strives to engage in multilevel fields and fora. Complementing the research publication geared towards the centre’s diverse audience, the centre engages these audiences and stakeholders in various research and action avenues, including knowledge sharing events, scientific seminars, fellowships and study weeks, as well as workshops, and incubation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action was founded in 2006 in Lebanon, under the name of Lebanon Support, in order to document and facilitate information sharing and management, as well as fostering cooperation and partnerships between the different civic and civil actors in Lebanon, in the aftermath of the Israeli July war. Registering officially in Lebanon in 2009, and as the centre’s work grew, Daleel Madani was launched as a separate online platform in 2011, in order to cater to more than 1 thousand civil society actors at the time. The Civil Society Knowledge Centre, the multidisciplinary research platform was launched in 2013, consolidating the position of the centre as a research hub, followed by the Civil Society Review, a peer-reviewed journal, in 2015. In 2016, the Civil Society Incubator was established, building on the informal support and coaching the centre had been providing over the years, and in an effort to democratise access to knowledge and tools. Through these programmes, the peer-reviewed journal, and fellowships, the centre strived towards producing transformative knowledge contributing to social change. The launching of Daleel Madani at a regional and global level as of 2019, complemented the regional focus initiated with the Civil Society Knowledge Centre, the Civil Society Review, and the centre’s fellowships. The name change in 2021 to Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action concretised this expansion of the centre, and better reflects its scope of work on a regional and global scale, towards “social science for change”.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have met with several members of the network and have been impressed with the level of engagement and civic and collaborative spirit.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi and Léa Yammine
Job Title
co directors
Head of the organisation
co directors: Marie-Noëlle AbiYaghi and Léa Yammine


National Network

15 Rue des Fusillés
40100 DAX

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Association led and coordinated by 6 employees and 12 volunteers
Supported by the agglomeration, the NA region and the state
Third place - Cultural factory we work in cooperation with other cultural and artistic facilities to support projects and initiatives of young people, especially young people in greatest difficulty in their journey towards autonomy (150 young people per year)

We are developing a mobile installation project as close as possible to young people (in festivals) to identify young people without a project and refer them to available resources
We are preparing an immersion project in European structures to exchange views on support practices for young people

Mission and Objectives

Identify young people without a solution
Support the emergence of a project
Support cultural initiatives, amateur artistic practices
Open up the field of possibilities by creating connections, cooperation with other third places, factories
Support young people in their first achievement (concert, exhibition, debate, meeting, etc.)
Recognize the work accomplished
Support young people in their journey towards autonomy

Main Projects / Activities

Young café: an unconditional third place for young people
Young mobile: vehicle equipped with a recording studio and a team to run "project cafes" where young people are, especially in rural areas
Action research: approach and focus of the association in the education sector and cultural practices

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We wish to contribute to exchange on the practices of actors, professionals in the support of young people

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because the crisis increases the need for dialogue and exchanges to jointly imagine solutions to the problems encountered by young people in their access (path) to autonomy

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Cheffe de projets
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Chargée de projets

Asociacion Juvenil Talasa

National Network

Calle Clara Campoamor, nº15, Bajo, Puerta B
28025 Madrid Madrid

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Talasa Association is a young organisation founded with the purpose and the commitment to develop courses by and for young people and workers from the European Union and neighbourhood countries, focused on building bridges and understanding, based on non-formal education.
The association is made up of 6 permanent members, specialised in non-formal education and project management. At the moment the association comprises a total of 39 members. As a recently created association, we are looking for sources of funding for our projects. Our current main source of funding is the Erasmus+ Programme.
The Talasa Youth Association is carrying out a local project focused on the development of a digital newspaper in an educational centre in Madrid. It has also received approval to carry out an Erasmus+ project. Finally, it has participated in multiple projects as sending organisation. Currently, it is awaiting approval for new courses with different EU partners.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is based on:
- Giving young people and workers the tools to be able to develop and participate in a common project.
- Building networks of exchange, dialogue and knowledge, based on experience and good practices, at national, European and international levels.
- Encourage tools through non-formal education techniques, which allow the development of transversal competencies in society.
- Educate within the democratic values and the construction of various shared and common identities.

The objectives pursued by the organisation are mainly three:
1. Encourage learning, network building and the development of shared identities among young people and workers in the EU and neighbourhood countries.
2. Develop, through non-formal education, educational exchanges, training and voluntary work among young people and workers in the European Union and neighbourhood countries.
3. Bridging the gap between the opportunities offered by public youth policies and their implementation by young people and workers at regional, national, European and European Neighbourhood levels.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects developed by Talasa:

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Debate it!”
- Number of participants: 34
- Country partners: Ukraine, Hungary, Portugal, Turkey and Germany.
- Duration: 01/11/2021-01/02/2023
- Purpose: The main topic of “Debate it!” youth exchange is education on hate speech, free speech and debate skills for young people through non-formal education techniques.
- Budget (Approved): 30.031€

TGN News
- Number of participants: 15
- Duration: 01/01/2021-30/07/2021. New edition: 01/01/2022-30/07/2022.
- Purpose: This project is managed by both the Talasa Association and the EFIVOS Association. The main topic of the “TGN News” local project s the creation of a digital newspaper by the young people of an educational centre in Madrid. As well as learning digital tools and journalistic methods.
- Budget (Awaiting for approval): 3.500€

Con las manos en la masa
- Number of participants: 16
- Duration: 01/12/2020-31/12-2022
- Purpose: This project is managed by both the Talasa Association and the San Cebrian Association. The main topic of "Con las manos en la masa" is focused on people with mental disabilities, and whose future perspective is the social and labour inclusion in the culinary field.
- Budget (Awaiting for approval): 13.370€

Approved projects of Talasa as a partner:

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Eco not Ego”
- Organisers: WINetzwerk e.V. (Germany) & NGO Unit (Ukraine)
- Country partners: Germany, Ukraine, Georgia, Spain, Turkey and Portugal.
- Venue: Henichesk, Ukraine.
- Duration: 1-08/09/2021
- Purpose: The main topic of “Eco not ego” youth exchange is an ecological mindful lifestyle. Through working on ecological issues the aim is to increase understanding of democracy and active citizenship and the relation between them.
- Funded by Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Training Course “School without walls”
- Organisers: Egusad Projects & Utopia EduArt
- Country partners: Spain, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Portugal
- Venue: Antalya, Turkey.
- Duration: 31/07-06/08/2021
- Purpose: The main topic of “School without walls” is to see how nature can be useful to explore relationships between cultures and to highlight differences in a creative way. The project focus on education in nature.
- Funded by Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Training Course “Youth 2.0”
- Organisers: Egusad Projects & Utopia EduArt
- Country partners: Spain, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey and Croatia.
- Venue: Antalya, Turkey.
- Duration: 24/08-02/09/2021
- Purpose: The main topic of “Youth 2.0” is to discover how web 2.0 tools can be useful to explore relationships between cultures, improve the quality of youth work, and the quality of our daily life. As an outcome of the activities, an online platform to introduce WEB 2.0 tools for youth work was established.
- Funded by Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Culture caravan”
- Organisers: Yörükler Kültür Dayanisma ve tardimlasma dernegi.
- Country partners: Bulgaria, Spain, Jordan, Egypt, Lithuania, Azerbaijan and Turkey.
- Venue: Antalya, Turkey.
- Duration: 04-12/09/2021
- Purpose: The main topic of “Culture Caravan” is to promote intercultural dialogue between various cultures from 7 countries. The project’s main activities are traditional music, dances, children games and other cultural elements that will be used as tools to promote intercultural dialogue.
- Funded by Erasmus+

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that we can contribute to the ANF network in our country by bringing new ideas and perspectives to the Spanish network, as well as participating with new educational techniques and collaborating with new partners.
Talasa Association is a relatively recent NGO, but we have a great sense of responsibility and work, and this is a priority for us at all times in order to provide quality products. That is why, despite our short duration, we have already worked successfully on many projects and with different partners.
Relations between Mediterranean countries are often not given the importance that they really have and we believe that from our role as part of the Spanish civil society, we can advocate for improving the general knowledge in the population, as well as offering new educational opportunities. Whenever we carry out and manage projects we always try to introduce participants from different parts of Spain, as well as with different levels of opportunity, in order to achieve an ever-greater reach and an accomplishment of objectives that will bring about real change in society.
Therefore, we wish to contribute to the ANL network in our country in order to have a new and fundamental way of opportunities for the participants. As well as a task to motivate and disseminate Mediterranean relations in our country, introducing new actors, methodology and innovative approaches.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Talasa Youth Association arose from the interest of a group of classmates in the Master of the Complutense University of Madrid, "The European Union and the Mediterranean". Therefore, the focus on the Mediterranean region has been a priority at all times, even before the association was formalised as such.
The theme of the Mediterranean and the possibility of bringing these countries closer together seems to us to be fundamental. We live facing the Mediterranean, but we are often unaware of what exists on the other side of the sea. We want to participate in the ANF Network in order to provide learning opportunities and bring these shores closer together, which we believe are very similar and where it is possible to learn in all respects.
We want to be able to deepen our Mediterranean richness and give value to all the opportunities that are taking place around it, as is the case of the opportunities offered by the Anna Lindh Foundation. We want to be able to offer quality education and teachings from the Mediterranean to our local area, as well as to share our perspectives and culture in other places in order to enhance dialogue and bridge building. This bridge-building is, after all, one of the main objectives of the Talasa Youth Association, and we hope that these bridges can be built throughout the Mediterranean.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Paula Lobato Gonzalez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maria Arroyo Ces
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Arroyo Ces
Job Title (2)

Mount Zion Fountain

National Network

Batei Mahase St 1
Jerusalem 78418

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

I am an Interfaith Multi-Religious Peacebuilding Activist with a unifying voice for the Holy Land and our World.

Mission and Objectives

My Interfaith Multi-Religious Peacebuilding vision is to see the restoration of the Mount Zion Fountain and Nea Church giant vaulted subterranean water reservoir for the purpose of creating a functioning mass Mikveh and Baptismal bath system for Interfaith Multi-Religious Spiritual Cleansing for Jerusalem, Israel, and all pilgrims visiting the Holy Land.

For GOD is Holy and he wants his creation to be Holy too! Pilgrims will enter the mass spiritual bath through going straight down a staircase into the bath and exit a separate but now spiral staircase symbolizing your ascension in life and renewed Holiness with GOD.

Main Projects / Activities

Through my advocacy work I provide connections and resources to help understand the functionality, historical existence and importance of restoring the Mount Zion Fountain in connection to the Nea Church giant vaulted subterranean water reservoir in Gan HaTekumah, ‘Garden of Redemption’ park in Jerusalem.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The story of Holy Water and the fountain are the story of humanity, a shared ancestry from Adam and Eve to the seed of Abraham to today. Mount Zion Fountain is a revelation of the Holy Land and is as true as water flowing naturally downhill from the highest point which will, in turn, open the curtain to the house of God. Exploring the lost orthodoxy of the Well Spring of Life and the blessing of the renewal of life from the Mount Zion Fountain is healing and unifying—and perhaps a divine solution to peace in the Holy Land rooted in spiritual cleansing.

Followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are often divided, but the singular, most common characteristic shared amongst world religions is the ritual use of Holy Water and its association to the divine. In that sense, my contribution is to serve as a bridge across the often-raging river of disagreement between those who value both spirituality and unity through the Spiritual Cleansing of Holy Water.

In a divided World, water can unite us!

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To join in the Dialogue Between Cultures!

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Brandon WinsGaris
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Brandon WinsGaris

Puerta de África Think-and-Do Tank

National Network

Bon Viatge 15
2 1
08970 Sant Joan Despí Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Youth Association with four departments: General Secretary, Think-Tank, Do-Tank, International Projection and Connection with Africa. 60 volunteers and we partner with Casa África, a body of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Budgetary resources: around 6000€
Funding: grants and summer school
Action: projects, exchanges and seminars
Main partners: universities, foreign policy bodies, antiracist organizations

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to train, bridge and activate African, Afrodescent and European youth, so they relate as equals and collaborate for social change.

Main Projects / Activities

Summers school on new narratives about Africa; Social Innovation Lab Fellowship; Newspaper & virtual exchanges Africa-Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote the participation of Afrodescent and Spanish people, facilitate with opportunities to the youth of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we share your values. A member of our organisation (Bianca Carrera) is also part of your foundation and we would like to join forces to streghten intercultural dialogue and collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viviane Ogou
Job Title
President and Founder
Head of the organisation
Viviane Ogou


National Network

Dar naim secteur 21

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Promotion des droits culturels et echange culturels

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Projet pour la promotion des échanges culturelles

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Depuis 20016 nous contribuons aux activités de la fondation ANNALIND mais d une manière directe

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En 2021 en Tunisie

Contact (1) Full Name
Elkory diallo
Job Title
Secrétaire général
Head of the organisation
Association des femmes Educatrices pour la promotion des droits HUMAINS
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire général

Empowered Birth Movement e.V.

National Network

Dorotheenstr. 48
40235 Dusseldorf

+34 674 82 74 97
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Empowered Birth Movement is an independent nonprofit organization, made up of 8 founding members (including a 3 person Board of Directors), 3 interns, and 2 volunteers representing nationalities from Germany, USA, Hungary, Czech Republic, Iran, Italy, Turkey, Denmark, and Hong Kong -- 100% have lived experience as an immigrant. We are very recently-founded and work with limited financial resources from donations, as such we are entirely volunteer-run. Our modalities of action right now are collaborating with healthcare institutions to create and disseminate "fact sheets" in a variety of languages to make healthcare information more accessible. We are creating intersectoral partnerships with hospitals, NGOs, government agencies, and research institutions to overcome barriers that "illegitimize" community-based social support or peer-to-peer models of maternal health support.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is tackling medical racism, obstetric violence, and social determinants of poor maternal and neonatal health through a Systems Thinking and intersectional justice lens. We are advancing the availability, affordability, and accessibility of health information and community health workers that can uniquely empower and support birthing people to make informed decisions for themselves and their babies, as well as bridge the cultural and linguistic gap between healthcare systems and immigrants.

Main Projects / Activities

Creation and dissemination of multi-lingual "Fact Sheets" (i.e. Your Rights during Birth, Newborn Hospital Procedures, Childbirth Edu, C-Section Indications, Infant Sleep Safety, Post-Partum Depression, etc) in collaboration with medical professionals. Matching vulnerable women with doulas who can guide them through pregnancy, birth, and post-partum and help them navigate the healthcare system.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are the only intersectional maternal health equity organization in Germany. Empowered Birth Movement can therefore provide meaningful participation and valuable perspective of intercultural dialogue and culturally congruent care from a healthcare and human rights perspective. We believe we can be agents of change best by uplifting those around us and that can look like contributing our knowledge, skills, perspective, time, and energy to causes that align with our own values in whatever capacity possible.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the Network above all to advance respectful and empathetic dialogue in the healthcare sector about refugee/migrant experiences and that promotes culturally and linguistically congruent care. This is our utmost priority and we believe this aligns with the values and goals of the ALF Network. By engaging midwives in our projects, we break down the stigma behind "doulas" (i.e. non-medical, community-based social support for pregnant people and new parents) as well as open the door to anti-racism training and exchange about different cultural perceptions/experiences of birth and parenthood.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katherine Banchoff
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Katherine Banchoff

Career Center at The Hashemite University

National Network

damascus highway, P.O. Box (13155)

00962 5 3903333 ext. 3340
Telephone (other)
00962 5 3903333 ext. 3341
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Youth and education
General Information

أنشئ مركز الإعداد لسوق العمل بالتعاون مع مركز تطوير الأعمال وبدعم من السفارة الأمريكية في عمان ليقدم خدمات الارشاد الوظيفي ودعم المسار المهني ويوفر برامج التدريب والتأهيل الوظيفي وتوفير فرص العمل لطلبة الجامعة وإنشاء أعمال خاصة بهم وتعزيز مفاهيم ريادة الأعمال لديهم ضمن حالة من التعاون والشراكة بين المركز وكليات الجامعة ومراكزها ووحداتها المختلفة إضافة الى التعاون والشراكة مع القطاع العام وقطاعات الأعمال المختلفة. يشمل المركزالدوائر التالية: -دائرة العلاقات الوظيفية وقواعد البيانات وتتضمن شعبتي: المعلومات ، التشبيك مع سوق العمل دائرة التأهيل المهني لسوق العمل وتتضمن شعبتي : المنح، التدريب وبما أن المركز تم تأسيسه حديثاً فان فريق عمله لم يكتمل بناء على الهيكل التنظيمي، إلا أنه يعمل بجد رغم عدم اكتمال الكادر، والمتضمن مدير المركز واداريين اثنين .

Mission and Objectives

الرؤية: يسعى مركز الإعداد لسوق العمل في الجامعة الهاشمية إلى أن يكون نموذجا لمركز الإعداد الوظيفي والمهني المتميز لتصميم وتقديم خدمات ارشاد واعداد وتوظيف مهنية مبتكرة وشاملة بحيث يكون حلقة الوصل ما بين البيئة الجامعية وسوق العمل. الرسالة: تتمثل رسالة المركز في تقديم خدمات مهنية شاملة وتمكين الطلاب من خلال الانخراط في التطوير الوظيفي وصولا لحالة يكون فيه طلابنا مؤهلين بالمعارف مكتسبين للكفايات الشخصية والمهارات اللازمة للنجاح في سوق العمل وقادرين على الابتكار مما يزيد من فرص توظيفهم ويمهد لهم مساراً وظيفياً ناجحاً يجعلهم مواطنين فاعلين في مجتمعاتهم.

Main Projects / Activities

يهدف المركز إلى: 1. توفير التدريب النوعي والمتخصص للطلبة لإيجاد فرص عمل وإنشاء أعمال خاصة بهم وتعزيز مفاهيم ريادة الأعمال لديهم. 2. توفير الارشاد للطلبة لسوق العمل بحيث يخلق ثقافة ايجابية نحو بيئة العمل لدى الطلبة والتي من شأنها تحسين إعداد الخريجين لكيفية الانخراط في سوق العمل. 3. تشبيك الطلبة مع سوق العمل وبناء جسور التعاون مع القطاعين العام والخاص لتدريب الطلاب وتحسين الإمكانات المهنية لهم بما يعمل على زيادة قدرة الطلبة للوصول الى رسم مستقبلهم الوظيفي. 4. تطوير الشراكة المهمة بين الأوساط الأكاديمية وقطاع الأعمال، مما يؤدي إلى وجود استشارات مهنية دائمة في الجامعة.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ibrahim Mansour
Job Title
Director of the career center
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ibrahim Mansour
Contact (2) Full Name
lara amro
Job Title (2)

The Hashemite University

National Network

damascus highway
P.o Box (13133)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Hashemite University Career Center (HUCC) was established in cooperation with the Business Development Center and with the support of the American Embassy in Amman to provide career counseling services, support the career path, provide training and career rehabilitation programs, provide job opportunities for university students, create their own businesses, and enhance their concepts of entrepreneurship. Within a state of cooperation and partnership between the center and the university's colleges, centers and various units, in addition to cooperation and partnership with the public sector and various business sectors.

Mission and Objectives

The Vision:
The HU Career Center at the Hashemite University seeks to be a model for the distinguished career and professional preparation center for designing and providing innovative and comprehensive professional guidance, preparation and employment services so that it is the link between the university environment and the labor market.

The Mission:
The mission of the center is to provide comprehensive professional services and empower students by engaging them in career development to a situation in which our students are qualified with knowledge, acquire personal competencies and skills necessary to succeed in the labor market and are able to innovate, which increases their employment opportunities and paves the way for a successful career path that makes them active citizens in their communities.

The center aims to:
1.Providing specific and specialized training for students to find job opportunities, create their own businesses, and enhance their concepts of entrepreneurship.
2.Providing guidance for students to the labor market so as to create a positive culture towards the work environment for students, which would improve the preparation of graduates on how to engage in the labor market.
3.Networking students with the labor market and building bridges of cooperation with the public and private sectors to train students and improve their professional potential in a way that increases students ’ability to reach their future career path.
4.Developing the important partnership between academia and the business sector, which leads to the presence of permanent professional consultations at the university.

Main Projects / Activities

The Hashemite University Career Center is keen to work with a future vision and strategic directions that contribute to providing competitive outputs of qualified and trained students who are able to contribute effectively to building our country under its inspiring Hashemite leadership.

Contact (1) Full Name
مركز الاعداد لسوق العمل الجامعة الهاشمية
Job Title
Director of the career center/ Dr. Ibrahim Mansour
Head of the organisation
The Hashemite University Career Center
Contact (2) Full Name
Lara Amro
Job Title (2)