The Good Psychology Social & Cultural Initiative

National Network

Rruga e Dibres, Tirana

Mobile Phone
+355 693020010
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Organization is in its very beginnings- The Founder (Meri Dishnica) is doing all the paper works regarding setting partnerships and projects collaborators. The Sources of funding are supposed to be banks, institutions, or other organizations.

Mission and Objectives

The world is going through great transformations. For one to follow its pace, he first needs to nourish his soul through culture and creativity. Psychologists and art therapists confirm that increased levels of cultural participation have positive effects on well-being and health. Creativity can produce a natural “high” or feeling of joy and contentment, but at the same time, it spurs innovation, life-long learning and creates prominent social capital.

Main Projects / Activities

The world is going through great transformations. For one to follow its pace, he first needs to nourish his soul through culture and creativity. The Good-Psychology is a social and cultural initiative that aims to exalt the role of culture and creativity as powerful assets for social & local development. Its activities include the creation, the development, the production and the preservation of goods and services which embody cultural, artistic, or any other social and creative expression.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since the keyword of our NGO is creativity- Our goal is to connect the dots between like-minded people and institutions (social or cultural) who worship the power of creativity, as the greatest asset of humanity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand "The Good Psychology " as an international social and cultural brand, that's why we will need the help and vision of your organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Meri Dishnica
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Meri Dishnica


National Network

29b rue des Glacis
1628 Luxembourg

00352 621276970
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

15 members, of which 3 elected in the Board. No employees.
Source of funding: memberships, public subsidies to be obtained through calls of proposais.
Modalities of actions: intercultural events focusing on intégrating newcomers to Luxembourg.
Main partner : intégration service of the City of Luxembourg.

Mission and Objectives is a platform to exchange ideas and experiences between multicultural citizens through cultural activities and entertainment. The project seeks to involve all Luxembourg residents at a local level: integration = inclusion = common good for all!

Main Projects / Activities

Organising intercultural events aimed at stimulating the dialogue between the différent communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camilla Cuppini
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Camilla Cuppini
Contact (2) Full Name
Elisabetta Belardi
Job Title (2)

Center for Development of Transferable Skills

National Network

"Zayed Business Center", Rruga "Andon Zako Çajupi", afer Sheshit Willson, Njesia Administrative Nr.5, Tirane

Telephone (other)
+355 69 701 8629
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 69 701 8629
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Centre for Development of Transferable Skills is a non-profit organization which is located in Albania and operates in Albania. Our main mission is to promote transferable skills as a good way to fulfil the gaps in job markets, protect the environment, support human rights on capacity building, raise awareness, etc. Also supporting start-ups, youth initiatives, VET education, and training, promoting soft skills as a good way to develop the businesses, supporting high school students with career consulting, sustainable development and rural development, tourism agrotourism, and agribusiness are our main focus.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to develop and promote transferable skills and to build youth capacities.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre for Development of Transferable Skills (CDTS) is established in April 2021. Since that we have implemented a couple of projects. CDTS has implemented for the first time in Albania, Kangaroo Linguistic Competition. Kangaroo Linguistic is an English exam separated into six levels which are accessible for pupils from first class up to twelve class. Participants gained certificate (participation certificate and winner certificate). As a first year we had more than 220 participants in the competition. Also, in cooperation with the Albanian Mathematics Association, we have Math Kangaroo. CDTS also will organize the Kangaroo Science competition for the first time in Albania on November thirteen. The Kangaroo science consist on three subjects, Biology, Physic and Chemistry

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a new organization established on April 2021, but in this short time we have organized Kangaroo Linguistic competition and we will organize Kangaroo Science on 13th November 2021. Also, the Center for Development of Transferable Skills is a supporter of Virtus Excellence Training Center to hold for the second time the Economy Olympiad. Even though in a short time I think that we have enough experience to share with our colleagues that operate in civil society. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the Executive Director, I am always looking for new opportunities to create a strong and sustainable network in order to develop the organization. I think that joining in such these networks will give to us the opportunity to share the experience and to learn from each other experiences. Anna Lindh Foundation is a huge network of organizations so we can apply together for future projects.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Musa Coha
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Musa Coha
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Association de Promotion de la Réussite au Lycée Elkhawarizmi Qualifiant

National Network

Direction Provinciale du Ministere de l Education Nationale
43000 Kelaa Sraghna

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Notre Association est motivée pour promouvoir les compétences linguistiques, interculturelles, et de communication en langues étrangères Français et Anglais. Nous ouvrons pour la culture de Paix et la tolérance., par des activités internes , des visites et des échanges par vidéoconférences. nous avons les infrastructures pour recevoir des groupes d élèves ( 16 - 20 ans ) dans des très bonnes conditions de sécurité et de sante.

Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir les compétences linguistiques, interculturelles et de communication en langues étrangères chez les élèves de Lycée Elkhawarizmi

Main Projects / Activities

*Aménagement et équipement d’une salle multimédia *équipement d’une bibliothèque spécifique *Animation des clubs éducatifs *Planification des sorties et des visites * Planification des visioconférences

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

Rua Palmia, 1. r/chão
1170-285 Lisboa

+351 915482086
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+351 915482086
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Demonstra is an online research platform that aims to map, stimulate and disseminate the artistic production of people with disabilities. The project was conceived with the objective of bringing the public closer to studies and artistic practices related to the discussion of the non-normative body in contemporaneity. This approach will be made through initiatives that enable the sharing of knowledge regarding the following artistic areas: painting, drawing, performance, video, photography, sculpture, new media and/or interdisciplinary intersections.
This project arose from the investigation that the artist Daniel Moraes has been developing in the Master's Degree in Painting, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Emphasizing the poetic experience of artists with disabilities, his research starts from the personal experience with their own physical deformity and extends to the symptoms and symbols of contemporary artistic "decorporeity".
In this same sense, Demonstra comes to claim the importance of an artistic event idealized, produced and inhabited, for the most part, by people with disabilities. This event will seek, above all, to dignify artistic practices around accessibility, in order to place these professionals as protagonists of their production.

Mission and Objectives

01. PROMOTE the cultural accessibility of artwork and other disability-related research;
02. MAPPING the production of artists with disabilities;
03. STIMULATE artistic projects that discuss issues about dissident corporeality;
04. CREATE inclusive communication networks that generate opportunities for artists with disabilities;
05. EXPAND knowledge about these artists in order to level opportunities in the artistic field.

Main Projects / Activities

In its first edition, Demonstra proposes an online artistic residency with the theme Poéticas Informes, which seeks artists from Portuguese-speaking countries who deal with the experience of the non-normative body in contemporary times. The project focuses on the development of each artist's research, offering resources so that everyone can develop their ideas. The residency program aims to stimulate conversations, promoting exchanges between artists, curators, mentors and the general public.
Demonstra artistic residency will take place between January 27th and April 9th, 2022. It will consist of ten virtual collective meetings, with weekly periodicity, on Thursdays, from 19:30 to 21:30 (Portugal time zone). These dates may change due to an unforeseen event, being rescheduled on a date to be agreed with the residents.

January 27, 2022 (Thursday): Start of activities at the residence.
April 7, 2022 (Thursday): Last collective meeting of the residence.
April 9, 2022 (Saturday): Online Seminar and Exhibition

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Demonstra comes to claim the importance of an artistic event idealized, produced and inhabited, for the most part, by people with disabilities. This event will seek, above all, to dignify artistic practices around accessibility, in order to place these professionals as protagonists of their production. This initiative is one of the selected projects of the Artes Sem Limites Support Program, promoted in 2020 by the Directorate General of Arts (DGArtes), which seeks to encourage physical, social and intellectual accessibility to culture in Portugal.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are looking for more partners and supporters of the Demonstra project in order to strengthen our network of contacts and activities in the field of visual arts aimed at artists with disabilities in Portugal, Brazil and Europe.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Moraes
Job Title
Director and Founder
Head of the organisation
Daniel Moraes Siqueira Souza

Coalition of Faith Based Organizations - Austria

National Network

Singerstr. 7/4/2 (c/o Christen in Not))
1010 Wien

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

The Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations Austria is organized as NGO iwth a board of 15 Persons from all major religions (including religious leaders like the President of the Buddhist community, the archbishop of the Armenian church in Middle Europe, the Bishop of the old-catholic church, the Rabbi of the Jewish community and the Dean of International Anti-Corruption Academy. We depend on donations. Our actions are Webinars, public discussions and copperations with the UN especially UNODC in Vienna. Invovlved are many religions, NGOs and UN-offices.

Mission and Objectives

The Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations is a broadly-based network of faith-based organizations that applies shared spiritual and moral values and principles such as acceptance, compassion and respect for interfaith diversity to promote crime prevention and criminal justice, The Coalition serves as a collaborative forum that brings together faith-based organizations, spiritual leaders, believers from the world’s religions, scholars, relevant experts in fields dedicated to crime prevention and criminal justice. The Coalition works in partnership with a variety of UN Agencies, Civil Society Organizations, and Interfaith Organizations. Advocating for education for peace, against corruption, for prevention. At the UN location in Vienna in close cooperation with UNODC (Office of Crime Prevention) and other UN agencies, we contribute our values and experience to the design and implementation of UN activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our own projects and expertise in the areas of Law, spirituality and human rights (including minority rights, slavery, etc.)
Migration, faith and hate speech (including in the context of social media).
Problematic neglect, problematic language and education, cultural clash on arrival
Ecology and sustainability as interfaith responsibilities.
Religious education to respect interfaith diversity, including gender discrimination and racism (as the main task for educating the next generation)
Limits of violence, education, tolerance;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cooperate in interreligious themes and activating religious societies and NGOs for a cooperation in the goals mentioned above.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because every step into better cooperation is essential.
We are sure that the religions are part of the solution, never part of the problems. Therefore we cooperate in the main fields of Society life.
As international network we are interested in better networking, the Austrian section of FBO ist responsable for all central europe.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Elmar Kuhn
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Elmar Kuhn

Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi Center for Culture & Development

National Network

Haboush st.
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A Palestinian non-governmental organization established in 2014 at the initiative of a group of civil activists. It got a registration by the Ministry of the Interior under the number 8429.

Mission and Objectives

- Strengthen the role of Palestinian society by all categories to support the national struggle to achieve our goals in freedom, independence , and return. - We look forward to a democratic civil society based on the principle of the rule of low, separation of powers, and the respect of public freedoms. - Strengthen a pluralistic Palestinian political system based on partnership. - Establish the democratic culture where based on the respect of political pluralism and accept other. - Discard violence to resolve internal problems in the society and to promote mechanisms of dialogue & consensus and election. - Promote the development ideas which support the elements of steadfastness. Our message:- Transfer the march of Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi and his culture and principles to the society specially to the future generations and concentration on youth. His march described as a title of national unity, incorruptibility, integrity, transparency and democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

- To Strengthen the role of the Palestinian society in the national struggle for his national, inalienable, and legitimate rights where it aims to the stop of the occupation and to ensure his right in return and self determination. - Documentation of the march of Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi “ create a website for documentation” - To reinforce the concepts of democracy, freedom of expression, culture of tolerance, and accept other. - To Revive the idea of voluntary work and human development. - To establish a platform for dialogue by attract international and local figures to achieve cultural communication and to gain supporting for our rights. - To reinforce the culture of citizenship based on the equality and non-discrimination in regardless to religion, sex, race, color, language, and gender

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohsen Abu Ramadan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohsen Abu Ramadan
Contact (2) Full Name
Israa Alanqar
Job Title (2)
Administrative assistant

KUD AAC Zrakogled

National Network

Dimnikarska 5
6000 Koper

+386 31 342 502
Mobile Phone
+386 31 342 502
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

We are a small NGO and we currently have only one employee (a project manager), all the other work is done volontarily. We are mainly funded on the basis of individual projects, our sources being Municipality of Koper, Slovenian Book Agency, European cultural funds, ACF (Active Citizens Fund), and different translation grants. Our main fields of activities are arts (mainly publishing, literary events, literary translation workshops ...) and educational projects in the field od democracy and community development. For individual projects, we set up partnerships with different organisations at home and abroad, mainly in the region of Istria (Slovenia, Croatia, Italy) with its national minorities. Recently we have established a stronger partnership with the Forum Tomizza festival with its widespread network in order to cover the entire Mediterranean to a greater extent.

Mission and Objectives

- to make Mediterranean culture with its specifics (multiculturalism, migration, specific environmental issues …) more visible and appreciated in other parts of Slovenia and the Capital of Ljubljana;
- to ensure continuous intercultural integration with Mediterranean space (not only Europe, but also Africa, the Middle East ...) through hosting / exchanges of authors, joint translation projects / workshops
- to continue publishing quality literature of contemporary and classical authors from all over the Mediterranean (a literary collection of Mediterranean prose Helia)

Main Projects / Activities

Our main current projects are
- publishing Mediterranean literature
- publishing the most significant cutting-edge young and/or marginalized Slovene authors that promote sensibilities to marginalized groups and themes
- The Heart of the City project - educational storytelling project in primary and secondary schools that opens a space for connecting and integrating immigrants through the method of personal identification through research and presentation of Slovenian migrations and related phenomena

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network
- through partnerships (co-production of projects) with organizations working in similar fields (literature / translation, social inclusion projects ...)
- through mediation and exchange of international contacts, sharing experiences

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We experienc Mediterranean as our specific natural environment in which we would like to play a more active role. We would like to join ALF Network:
- to broaden our scope of joint projects
- to establish new connections and partnerships
- to share ideas and experience with new organisations across the Mediterranean

Contact (1) Full Name
Gašper Malej
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gašper Malej
Contact (2) Full Name
Bojana Vajt
Job Title (2)
Project manager, translator

Bureau Régional de la Ligue Marocaine pour la Protection des enfants

National Network

Centre lalla Amina LMPE Hopital El Idrissi KENITRA

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Notre Association œuvre pour la Protection des enfants privés de famille ainsi que l'assistance aux femmes dans la précarité

Mission and Objectives

Protection des enfants privés de famille Assistance aux femmes dans la précarité Assistance aux femmes victime de violences

Main Projects / Activities

Partager le savoir faire accumulé dans notre expérience pour une vie meilleure aux enfants privés de famille et femmes dans la précarité

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Bénéficier du savoir faire des autres associations oeuvrant sur les mêmes valeurs dans le monde

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Général Secretar
Head of the organisation
Zamani El Hassane
Contact (2) Full Name
El Hassne ZAMANI
Job Title (2)

Future Islands

National Network

Maram Palace, Menzah 4, Avenue 10 December 1948
1004 Tunis

Telephone (other)
(+49) 163 1565725
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Future Islands is an Innovation and research Lab where we develop new and evolving approaches to create innovative solutions for complex problems to enable a sustainable society. We support companies, public institutions, and nonprofit organizations in designing, deploying, and evaluating innovation programs. We work on involving everyone in every part of the process development, we work to help empower individual voices to invent solutions for their own challenges and turn them into positive action for a better future.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Future Islands was born to turn the voices into actions. Our missions include shifting power and giving the opportunity to every voice to build spaces of learning and experimentation for a sustainable future. Objectives: We believe in exploring and applying our ancestral knowledge and empowering everyone's culture, Future Islands taps into the local knowledge and inspires from the local context for owned solutions. Codesigning the future is our core goal. We believe that the future should be built by everyone, children, youth, and old people, to design an inclusive world that guarantees equality and justice for all.

Main Projects / Activities

Social Innovators Network Is a 100% online pre-incubation program that supports community initiatives. Created in March 2020 during the quarantine period and isolation measures taken during the spread of the Coronavirus and since then it has supported community initiatives bringing solutions on the ground impacting communities and policies to make in the face of different crises. Prototyping for Green Solutions It is an incubation program for green innovation. We will support green innovation projects by providing a range of tailor-made and integrated support to have a feasible proof of concept in the green economy sector, green entrepreneurship, circular economy or any related field. Crowd & Trust, equity platform for green and tech venture Equity crowdfunding allows individuals to come together to invest via the internet in start-ups and become shareholders. Crowdfunding thus makes it possible to mobilize the savings of private investors to invest in the capital of young innovative companies. We will create the first equity crowdfunding platform in Tunisia with technical support from USAID. It is a platform that brings together policies, programs, and actors that drive a structural transition of economic sectors towards a greener, more resilient, and more inclusive economic model in Tunisia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a dynamic and passionate team that works to co-develop solutions for businesses, communities, and ecosystems to thrive together. We bring together diverse expertise and through intersectoral collaboration, we offer the opportunity to transform promising ideas into actions with impact in Tunisia and around the world. Sustainable cities Education and capacity building Sustainable development Digital transformation Circular economy and alternative financial models Civic engagement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Future Islands is happy to join the Anna foundation the foundation that brings together thousands of social organizations and playing the role of facilitator to bring together people. ALF ensures the dialogue between cultures, nurture universal values, ​​support the participation of citizens in an open construction inclusive societies and promote the human dimension of the partnership. Being a part of ALF will fulfill our potential to grow, contribute to the collaboration of all relevant stakeholders, and establish cooperation and partnership to promote and protect human rights and development. We look forward to being part of ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaoula Behi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ouissal Askri
Job Title (2)
Operations Manager