People to People International

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

People to People International is a non governmental organizations created on September 2009 to enhance international understanding through education, culture, humanitarian, environment, sustainable development and international exchange programs.

Mission and Objectives

People to People International-Togo is a non organisation created on September 2009 to enhance international understanding through education, culture, humanitarian, environment, sustainable development and international exchange programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Education Culture Humanitarian Environment Sustainable development International exchange programs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To promote the organisation' s activities and projects in my country and West Africa in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To connect and represent the organisation in Togo and West Africa

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

جمعية أغورا للشباب و الديمقراطية

National Network

7 avenu ibn rochd
92000 larache

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Agora Association for Youth and Democracy works with young people as they are a productive mobile class, and therefore on the one hand they are increasingly at risk of being affected and on the other hand, they constitute a group that can be bet on to spread the values ​​of tolerance, coexistence and freedom. Our association is a gathering of a number of young people coming from multiple and different organizational experiences, who met about an assessment that young people in the northern part of the Kingdom are more vulnerable to the risk of extremist polarization, and this was evident through a number of reports that monitored the joining of a number of young people in the north of the Kingdom to a number of extremist organizations in Hotbeds of international conflict, and on the other hand, these young people find themselves face to face with another danger, which is illegal immigration. On this basis, the association works with young people in universities, colleges, and public spaces that are most attractive to young people.

Mission and Objectives

The association’s message is represented in its slogan: “Protecting young people from extremism is an introduction to the Mediterranean Dialogue.”

Main Projects / Activities

Spaces Without Violence Project, a project downloaded in partnership with Abdelmalek Al-Saadi University. The Natural Disaster Risk Reduction Program was downloaded in partnership with the Moroccan Red Crescent Foundation and the Academy of Education and Training in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The contribution will take place through teamwork and cooperation to download the network’s goals and mission, as well as by motivating local, regional and national civil society bodies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the network is a dream of my team, which I have worked with for years, and it is a basic entry point for my team to work towards achieving the goals of our association, which is to protect young people and direct them towards more openness and acceptance of others, to reach a contracted model for sustainable and effective youth

Contact (1) Full Name
Tijani mossaab
Job Title
University Professor
Head of the organisation
Tijani Mossaab

EDYN (European Democracy Youth Network) - Chapter Albania

National Network

Rruga Ismail Qemali, Tirana

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are concerned citizens. We live in European countries with totalitarian histories - from Tallin to Tirana, from Prague to Baku. We are civic activists, political leaders, and journalists, and we share the commitment and willpower to defend the freedoms our parents fought for. We refrain from the policies of hate and division to unite our societies against authoritarian revisionism. Although we differ in political views, we share a deep commitment to democratic principles, and we come together to search for solutions to the societal problems that our countries face. We respect each other, we listen to each other, and we are here to help each other. We are hundreds of organized people in 23 countries. Our network’s partners and friends help us with skills-building, resources and connections to like-minded people. We do not take democracy for granted. We are founded by NDI, IRI, and USAID Sources of funding - EDYN HQ, NDI, IRI Albania Chapter has 19 members Partners - NDI, IRI, USAID, International Chamber of Commerce, Impacts Center, Political parties, Youth Networks.

Mission and Objectives

The vision of “Europe: whole, and free and at peace” is still relevant and not yet fulfilled. EDYN supports young pro-democracy activists, politicians, and journalists from across the political and ideological spectrum ages 18 to 32 in 23 countries with totalitarian heritage. EDYN supports those who refrain from the policies of hate and divisiveness in order to unite their societies against authoritarian revisionists.

Main Projects / Activities

For us, democracy isn’t just a word in the dictionary. It’s a commitment to action. Sometimes it takes courage and vision to break from business-as-usual and stand up for the common good. Because of this, some people consider us everyday heroes – we consider ourselves active citizens. *** European Democracy Youth Network – Berlin Declaration We, the members of the European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN) from: The Republic of Albania, Republic of Armenia, Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Estonia, Georgia, Republic of Kosovo, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Moldova, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Poland, Republic of Serbia, Ukraine in the EDYN Democracy Summit convened in Berlin, Germany on the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall: Expressing our common adherence to the values of liberty, justice, and equality; Reaffirming our commitment to promote greater civic and political youth leadership in Europe, and; Hereby commit to: Ensure ACCOUNTABILITY is reflected in our conduct as individuals and built into our organizational processes; Principles of ANTI-EXTREMISM, opposing ideologies that seeks to undermine democratic values in society at-large through our words and actions; Work towards affecting political and social change through CONSTRUCTIVE POLITICAL ENGAGEMENT, good-faith dialogue, and debate with a diverse range of viewpoints; Conduct ourselves and our organization’s operations with ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS and consideration for principles of sustainability; Display ETHICAL BEHAVIOR – honesty, fairness, and dignity; Safeguard INCLUSION and equal opportunity for every individual, regardless of gender, disability, national or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or political orientation; Cultivate a MERITOCRACY of ideas in our personal and professional communities; Treat every individual with RESPECT and consideration for their feelings, desires, rights, and traditions; Foster SOLIDARITY and mutual support among youth committed to democratic principles; and Advocate for TRANSPARENCY, openness, and information-sharing in decision-making processes and collaborative work. Acknowledging our network’s geographic, vocational, and political diversity, we share individual responsibility for the health of democracy in each of our countries. We commit to building, sustaining, and reforming democratic institutions through greater youth participation and leadership, by Providing members with practical professional development and skills-building; Encouraging the exchange of best practices and experience through people-to-people linkages across member countries and between generations; Amplifying narratives around democracy’s impact on citizens’ day-to-day lives; Leveraging local youth networks in member-driven initiatives; Collaborating with organizations that share EDYN’s values and commitment to youth leadership, and; Advocating for the inclusion of youth voices in policy development processes at the local, national, and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Enrik Keco
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michal Kovács
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Gjidija
Job Title (2)

European Multidisciplinary Organization for Training and international Consulting

National Network

Balderichgasse 3/25
1170 Vienna

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The European Multidisciplinary Organization for Training and international Consulting (EMOTiC) is a youth-led organisation with the aim of strengthening the abilities of youth (18-30years) on issues related to the development of their lives, careers and communities. Through capacity building, we empower youth with the necessary competences (skills, knowledge, attitudes) and with innovative, adaptive, and results-based tools to facilitate their engagement in shaping their community and tackling social issues constructively to achieve a positive impact on the grassroots level and build more inclusive, livable and healthy societies.​ Through our various activities, we aim to enhance youth as active members and multipliers of change and transformation through the promotion of inclusion, equality, and diversity values as well as sustainability. These values and goals are reinforced by transnational synergies and partnerships among youth to build more resilient societies based on mutual trust, respect, solidarity, and intercultural understanding.

Mission and Objectives

The goal is to build future generations of youth who have advanced professional and personal capacities and competences and are able to develop their local communities. We aim to achieve this goal through non-formal education by equipping youth with the core knowledge and helping them to develop skills and improve their civic attitudes. This is complemented by critical thinking and analyzing capacities; endorsing multidimensional perspectives; fostering the role of youth in democratic participation and dialogue, and promoting a nuanced understanding of international development and social engagement. As such, we support and contribute to achieving various global youth policy recommendations emphasized in the (I) UN Youth Resolutions 2250 (2015), 2419 (2018), 2535 (2020), (II) European Union Youth Strategy for 2019-2027, (III) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

Main Projects / Activities

We are active in the areas of Peace Education, Environmental Education, Digital Education, and Civic Education.

We organise training courses, workshops, and youth exchanges. We are also planning to organise conferences soon once the pandemic situation improved and allows.

Currently, we are running 5 projects as the main coordinator and we are a partner in several projects with many other youth NGOs.
Two of our ongoing projects focus on Social Peacebuilding as a tool to enhance youth civic participation and one project focuses on policymaking and structured dialogue to enhance youth democratic participation. In addition, we have a project on environment and climate change and another one on the utilisation of board games as an alternative tool for youth inclusion.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The team of EMOTiC has extensive previous working in the MENA region through the organisation of several activities for youth from the region. Thanks to the previous experiences and our network of youth and youth organisations in the region, we can facilitate cooperation and partnership opportunties and help reach out to groups that are not reached through conventional means.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We align our goals with the objectives from ALF Network and we strongly believe that being part of ALF Network will provide us with a great opportunity to not only connect with other partners that are active in the field but also to learn from each other and support the work of other partners and join forces.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Sakr
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Sakr

Rondine Cittadella della Pace

National Network

Loc. Rondine, 1
52100 Arezzo AR

+39 0575299666
+39 0575 1645701
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 393 973 9624
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Rondine Cittadella della Pace is a no-profit, registered Italian organization. The employed staff is 20, plus consultants for specific projects. The budget for the year 2020 was approximately € 2.000.000 (please, see attachment: Bilancio Sociale 2020). Rondine funds are obtained through the support of different Italian and international foundations, banking foundations, national and local institutions (Italian MFA and Ministry of Education), religious entities (such as the Italian Conference of Bishops), and entrepreneurs.
Rondine offers educational and training programs. Core residential programs, lasting more than one year, are covered with scholarships. The organization also promotes international campaigns, training, and conferences.
The main partners for Rondine projects are Rondine International Peace Lab (the alumni network), international and local NGOs, international organizations, universities (such as the University of Siena, the Catholic University in Milan, University of Western Ontario in Canada), and Italian schools. In 2021, Rondine was granted special consultative status with ECOSOC, United Nations.

Mission and Objectives

Rondine Cittadella della Pace is an organization committed to reducing armed conflicts around the world and spreading its own method for the creative transformation of conflicts in every context.
Its mission is to promote the creative transformation of conflict through the experiences of young people who discover the human being in their enemy.
Its objective is to contribute to a planet free from armed clashes, in which every person has the tools to manage conflicts in a creative and positive way. For more than 20 years, Rondine has hosted young people from conflict or post-conflict areas and helped them discover the human being in their enemy. Rondine counts over 220 alumni from 30 countries.

Main Projects / Activities

During the years, Rondine developed different projects for Italian schools and international youth, aimed at fostering dialogue, conflict transformation, and exchange through education. Here are some of the most relevant projects (ongoing and completed).
The project that gave rise and inspiration to Rondine is the Studentato Internazionale – World House. It hosts young people coming from countries that are the scene of armed conflicts or post-conflict and helps them to discover the human being in their enemy, through the difficult and surprising effort that comes from living together daily. The program is structured in 4 areas: academic education, conflict transformation training, civic engagement, daily life. At the end of the two years, the youth of the World House has the tools to promote action and develop projects in their own countries and to be leaders in contexts characterized by transformation, high complexity, and rooted conflicts.
The Quarto Anno Rondine is a formative and educational opportunity officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research as an experimental course in educational innovation. It is designed for students from all over Italy from high schools who want to attend their fourth year (Italian high school is divided into five years) in an international environment such as the Citadel of Peace. The Rondine Method is applied to the education of teenagers who are about to face one of the most important conflicts of their lives: searching for their identity, in the passage from childhood to adulthood. They undertake a path of development and self-awareness, to become leaders and agents of real change in their territories, as active citizens. Rondine is currently experimenting with the adaptation of the “Quarto Anno” project in Italian public schools, training teachers and tutors to locally apply the Rondine Method, and support students. The pilot project is being implemented in Arezzo, planning further development in other Italian areas in 2022.
“Mediterranean: Frontier of Peace, Education, and Reconciliation” is a 2-year higher education program offered to young professionals from different Mediterranean countries, characterized by tensions or situations of conflict, who will access a course of higher education. The study program includes three modules: design of social, cultural, and research projects; conflict transformation and the Rondine Method; leadership and strategy skills. After the first year in Rondine, professionals return to their countries of origin with adequate skills to manage socio-cultural changes, initiate cooperation interventions, plan peacebuilding and social enterprise initiatives. They implement their projects, in partnership with local civil society organizations. The project was selected to be showcased at the Paris Peace Forum (November 2021) as an innovative solution to face global challenges, especially in terms of fighting the socio-cultural consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Upon the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked Rondine Cittadella della Pace to represent Italy at the United Nations with its experience of “a tangible example offering a fresh start on the vast topic of human rights, which today represent an urgent challenge for the entire planet”. Rondine rose to this challenge by launching a three-year global campaign, Leaders for Peace. The core element of this campaign is an Appeal, a text written by Rondine’s students and alumni, in which the Member States of the United Nations are asked to take a practical step towards training young leaders for peace, equipped with the skills to positively transform conflict situations around the world. The global Leaders for Peace campaign is Rondine Cittadella della Pace’s unique commitment to contribute directly, within a few years, to affirm a new culture of human rights, by training leaders for peace and enabling citizens all over the world to transform conflicts positively, by integrating training in the Rondine Method with education on human rights.
The project “Una nuova classe dirigente per la Sponda Sud del Mediterraneo” (A new leadership for the Southern shore of the Mediterranean) is an international cooperation process undertaken by Rondine in 2012 after the events of the so-called Arab Spring. It aimed to help the new generations from the South Mediterranean to understand the current transformation processes and actively participate in the phase of historical changes their countries were going through. The project is structured in local educational programs, implemented in 2012, 2013, and 2014 at the Citadel of Peace and the Centro per la Formazione alla Solidarietà Internazionale di Trento (Centre for the Education to International Solidarity of Trento). Through the application of the Rondine Method, fifty young people from the Middle East and North Africa have been trained to become agents of change. The project finished in April 2016 in Trento with the International Symposium “Sponda Sud. Nuove prospettive per il Mediterraneo” (South Shore. New perspectives for the Mediterranean).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Rondine joined the Italian ALF network (RIDE) in July 2021. Even if the organization is Italy-based, the constant exposition to different cultures and experiences - thanks to the daily work we do with international students - helps us to include different perspectives. All the initiatives are realized in close collaboration with international youth. Rondine can contribute to the Italian network by partnering for events and projects. Also, Rondine can further extend the network thanks to the former students currently active in their countries of origin in the Mediterranean area. Through the Rondine Method for the creative transformation of conflicts, the organization can offer innovative tools to spread the culture of dialogue and establish new relations capable of transforming conflicts into opportunities for positive change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network works for inclusive societies, trust-building, youth-led dialogue, and cultural exchange. Rondine Cittadella della Pace fully supports the ALF purposes and, from its side, has always been committed to reaching them. Being part of such a group of dedicated organizations for dialogue and cultural exchange in the Mediterranean area would be enriching and would offer the opportunity to constantly improve. All organizations members of the network share common values and goals, so partnering to reach them is more fruitful and effective than working individually. Rondine aims at sharing information and lessons learned from its projects to explore their replicability with new partners, stakeholders, and networks involved in peace, culture, and, at this very moment in history, Covid19 socio-cultural recovery in the Mediterranean area and beyond.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Brocchi
Job Title
International Relations Officer
Head of the organisation
Franco Vaccari, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Sassolini
Job Title (2)
Community engagement and development

Association des Propriétaires des Chameaux d’Animation Touristique de la Plage d’Essaouira

National Network

29 N 326
Quartier Lalla Amina

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

- 4 years General Assembly
- Only Volunteers and no employed staff
- 7000 to 10000 Euros a year for the budget
- activities,exchanges, seminars,
- Local, national, and international partners, public and private.

Mission and Objectives

- To rise the awereness of the association members
- To defend the welfare of its members and work for them on the social level.
- to make partnership with associations with the same goals.

Main Projects / Activities

- Seminars for the members
- Environnement activities : beach cleaning,..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By making its objectives known to the different parners we work with.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe in its principles, and we would like to gain more partenerships through being part of the Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Rachid El filali
Job Title
Head of the organisation
M. Rachid El filali
Contact (2) Full Name
El Mustafa Elouali
Job Title (2)
Vice Président

The Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue

National Network

4 – Street 75, Damascus, Sarayat, Maadi District
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+2) 01100809710
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue (FDHRD) is an Egyptian NGO registered with No. 6337. It consists of 11 employees divided between administrative work and its five main programmes. FDHRD works with three main partners; Egyptian Trade Union Federation in Egypt, Chab Dai in Cambodia and The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women in Thailand. FDHRD receives its funding, managed by its board of trustees, from grants and the USAID. FDHRD strives to reach out to all forms of social and cultural backgrounds to educate and develop broader concepts of human rights, civil rights and social cohesion through workshops and legal aid. Furthermore, FDHRD reports on the massive violations of human rights that frequently occur during conflicts, and their implications for the development, safety and protection of local communities. It also seeks to give a voice to the Egyptian diaspora who have been subject to human rights violations.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to ensure that development is community-led and that it respects, protects and fulfills human rights. We do so by ensuring that communities and individuals have the information, power and resources to determine their own development paths and priorities and to hold institutions, governments, and other actors accountable for the actions on people. Thus, we aim to establish an open dialogue on development and human rights on a national and international level.

FDHRD seeks to raise awareness for non-governmental and civil society organisations in different governorates across Egypt, in order to play a pivotal role in containing humanitarian issues ad strengthen civic values.

Main Projects / Activities

The organisation works on a number of programmes through publishing research papers and holding workshops and seminars:

First: The Freedom of Speech and Expression Programme
The programme seeks to create opportunities for direct communication between policy makers and target groups (by creating a link between the two parties).

Second: Integrity and Transparency Programme
The programme seeks to promote the principles of integrity, transparency and responsibility to achieve the proposed objectives and policies to combat corruption.

Third: Counter-terrorism Watch Program
The Counter-Terrorism Watch seeks to monitor, follow up and confront extremist ideas and ideologies adopted by terrorist groups of all kinds. The programme seeks to use the social networking site to create awareness about terrorist issues.

Fourth: The Egyptians Abroad Programme
The programme works to document all violations and problems faced by Egyptians in Arab and European countries and the United States of America.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the members of the Network, we will expand the scope of our work to more organisations and individuals. We will additionally reach wider audience, exchange experience and share mutual benefits with the other organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We look forward to join ALF Network to improve our relations developmental organisations in Egypt and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saeed AbdelHafez Darwish
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Saeed AbdelHafez Darwish

The Center for Lifelong Learning

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Donje Puticevo Nova Bila
72276 Travnik
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mobile Phone
+38763 899 918
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

About us
The Center for Lifelong Learning is an NGO founded in 2015. It is a place of exchange of knowledge and experience of renowned experts and users who want to improve knowledge and build skills. The Center is a support on the path of development, both business and individual – by developing the personal and business competencies of the individual.
Our vision is to establish a Center of New Technologies and Entrepreneurship and be leaders of the digital age in Central Bosnia who will help companies and individuals to recover / digitize – by offering new technologies.
In recent years, SCU has continuously maintained and implemented education in the fields of IT, entrepreneurship, digital marketing and foreign languages. We have implemented several projects within these areas in cooperation with other organizations from BiH, surrounding countries, as well as the EU.
Structure of the organization
SCU has a president, accountant, project manager and coordinator (assistant) and over 30 external associates with whom it actively cooperates.
Center for Lifelong Learning has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Faculty of Information Technology of the University of Vitez, Travnik International University, Open University Zagreb, Canton of Central Bosnia, Municipality of Travnik, Organic Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Diaspora for the Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Starkmacher e.V. amoGermany, Association for The Economics of Communion from the Republic of Croatia. We would like to point out that we have a good cooperation with the Ministry of Education SBK/KSB, which is familiar with our goals for STEM classroom and it provides support in the form of communication with school principals/principals, in order to animate our future students together.
It is precisely the civil sector that plays an important role in promoting various STEM fields, i.e.
it represents an additional force that can design, initiate and carry out a number of significant activities, and therefore it is necessary to expand their existing capacities and respond to the demands of citizens.
Budgetary resources available in a year - income of own activities (education in the field of foreign languages, IT, entrepreneurship)
Sources of funding - income of own activities and by projects
Modalities of action - concrete projects
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Katriel d.o.o, Faculty of Information Technology of the University of Vitez, BASIC Zenica

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is quality education and participants who ultimately aim to be hired or work independently, develop small and medium-sized entrepreneurship.
• Affirmation and development of culture, education and sports.
• Increasing the value of human capital in the country, through improvement of the
educational and qualifying structure of the population of KSB/SBK.
• Support and empower young people, create conditions for young people to prove their
values through lifelong learning and achieve a better social understanding of the
• Reduce the isolation of young people and the unemployed from the rest of society
• Provide artists and cultural professionals with adequate access to public life in
general, educational institutions.
• Enable communication between users of lifelong learning centres.
• Connect artists and cultural workers with people from their background.
• Acquisition and exchange, of all types of goods, as well as the provision of certain
services, which serve to achieve the program goals and activities of the Association, in
accordance with legal regulations.
• Establishing contact with institutions, associations, legal and physical faces that take
care of the development of a society of knowledge, skills and competences, as well as
other civil society organizations in order to raise the competitiveness of society.
• Organizing and developing volunteer work and volunteering programs.
• Meeting the specific educational needs of special and especially marginalized social
• Cooperation with the EU on training programmes for young people and reducing
• Educating the public about the possibilities of affirming an individual through lifelong

Main Projects / Activities

Recent projects:
BY LEAP - "Development of the Youth Entrepreneurial Mentality" December 2021 - August 2022, funded by the European Union
STEM - phase I "STEM classroom - the path to knowledge, science and innovation" September 2021 - December 2022" - donation of Republic of Croatia
ENTREPRENEURSHIP - "Young entrepreneurs - agents of change in the digital age" - funded by US Embassy july 2020 -July 2021
ERASMUS+ "Living diversity 2019" and "Living diversity 2020"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Centre for Lifelong Learning can be the place of activities related to
-foreign languages
and be the partner of other associations, educational institutions and economic entities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like together with ALF Network improve the positive perception among the cultures and communities of the region through forums, educational programs, news and information, culture, civil initiatives etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anesa Spahic
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Anto Bilic
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Bungic
Job Title (2)

Birth Forward

National Network

Ifigeneias 48, office 303,
2007 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Management Board - President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer & 3 members Budgetary resources - memberships, donations, funding projects/ proposals Actions - education events, seminars, collaborations with local authorities & organisations Main partners - local universities, authorities, health departments/ services, local doctors / midwives, scientists among others

Mission and Objectives

Education, support & advocacy

Main Projects / Activities

Birth Forward stands as an ambassador for parents wishing to make autonomous choices about their own and their families welfare throughout the full cycle of creating a family. We aim to provide advocacy, support and education for families and professionals in regards to the various stages of planning, creating and growing a family in Cyprus. Baby Buddy

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioli Orphanides
Job Title
Head of Organisation
Head of the organisation
Ioli Orphanides


National Network

Port Fouad
Port Fouad

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Education, training, education and dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Coexistence, change, and confronting extremism and violence

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Abdel-Sabour Abdel-Ghani Al-Sayed
Job Title
Head of the organisation