voyageurs sans bagage

National Network

Av. Houba de Stropper 140 bte 3
1020 Bruxelles

(+32) 487 80 27 81
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Né d’une farouche envie de faire du théâtre, les Voyageurs sans bagage c’est l’aventure de trois amis, Mohamed Allouchi, Rachid Hirchi et Fionn Perry. Fionn, réalisateur et producteur, touche à tout insatiable, déjà passionné de la scène depuis le plus jeune âge, Rachid cinéphile, amoureux des mots, et Mohamed éducateur de jeunes utilisant le théâtre comme arme contre les inégalités. La force de ce trio ce sont ses différences et sa complémentarité. Chacun amène ses particularités pour créer une osmose parfaite. Leur objectif de départ est de faire du théâtre pour tous, populaire et de qualité en utilisant leur arme de rassemblement massif : « l’humour ».

Mission and Objectives

Faire des spectacles de théâtre. Offrir aux jeunes un accès à la culture en utilisant l'humour. Utiliser le théâtre pour combattre les inégalités.

Main Projects / Activities

Organiser des pièces de théâtre
Mettre en scène des pièces de théâtre
Offrir une réflexion aux spectateurs

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Allouchi
Job Title
Production & diffusion
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Allouchi

Globe Art Point ry

National Network

Malminkatu 5
00100 Helsinki

Telephone (other)
+358 44 2386941
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+358 44 2386941
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Globe Art Point ry has a board of 6 persons and a permanent staff of 2 persons - one full time and the other half time. The budget is based on grants and we have worked with ca 100 000 € per years. Our revenue is ca 7 000 €.
G.A.P's work:
1. Act as an advocate and representative of foreign-born artists residing in Finland
2. Support artists & cultural workers: Advisory work, workshops, support groups. Networking, discussions, events and seminars.
3. Collect, mediate and distribute information in English

Mission and Objectives

Established by foreign-born professionals, G.A.P’s aim is to advance advocacy work and the inclusion of
foreign-born artists and cultural workers in Finland through action-driven dialogues and (artistic) collaborations.
The aim is to enable their equal participation as an integral part in the professional activities of the field and in
the development and decision-making of the cultural sector. G.A.P advances the inclusion and equity by
mediating between three pillars: foreign-born artists and workers in the communities, art & cultural institutions,
and policy makers (lobbying with the decision-makers at all levels).

Main Projects / Activities


1. Act as an advocate and representative of foreign-born artists residing in Finland

Is part of cultural-political decision making and development processes.
Promotes public discourse on the role of equity and inclusiveness in the arts and culture sector in Finland.
Contributes to building strong, organisation-based coalitions among the arts and cultural sector in order to support more inclusive legislations (funds, re-distribution, cultural status, civil rights).
Active in Nordic-Baltic and other global civil organisation networks.
2. Support artists & cultural workers

Advisory work, workshops, support groups.
Networking, discussions, events and seminars.
Developing and sustaining bridges between artists/cultural workers and art & cultural institutes (G.A.P Lab – G.A.P. Info).
Normalising programmes with a high value of diversity and artistic quality.
Promoting good practices and dialogue to accelerate the changes within the field of arts and culture.
Offering a space for community building, networking and projects.
3. Collect, mediate and distribute information

Labour and field related information: Useful especially, but not exclusively, for foreign-born artists and cultural workers in Finland.
Information provided on issues such as art & culture organisations and institutes, current and future projects, funding, labour legislation, and the tax system in Finland.
Surveys and research on cultural diversity, immigration and current situations in the field of arts and culture in Finland.
Mediating between foreign-born artists, art & cultural institutions and policy makers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

G.A.P can contribute in several ways as the core of our work is in ling with ALF's work. There are multiple ways to co-work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Net work is in line with the work that G.A.P is doing. Joining ALF Network helps us to connect with ALF work and geographical area, so that we can serve also better artists coming from the area residing in Finland.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jaana Simula
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Managing Director Jaana Simula
Contact (2) Full Name
Alex Kollerová
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Voyageurs sans bagage

National Network

Av. Houba de Stropper 140 bte 3
1020 Bruxelles

(+32) 473 66 20 06
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Né d’une farouche envie de faire du théâtre, les Voyageurs sans bagage c’est l’aventure de trois amis, Mohamed Allouchi, Rachid Hirchi et Fionn Perry. Fionn, réalisateur et producteur, touche à tout insatiable, déjà passionné de la scène depuis le plus jeune âge, Rachid cinéphile, amoureux des mots, et Mohamed éducateur de jeunes utilisant le théâtre comme arme contre les inégalités. La force de ce trio ce sont ses différences et sa complémentarité. Chacun amène ses particularités pour créer une osmose parfaite. Leur objectif de départ est de faire du théâtre pour tous, populaire et de qualité en utilisant leur arme de rassemblement massif : « l’humour ».

Mission and Objectives

Faire des spectacles de théâtre. Offrir aux jeunes un accès à la culture en utilisant l'humour. Utiliser le théâtre pour combattre les inégalités.

Main Projects / Activities

Organiser des pièces de théâtre Mettre en scène des pièces de théâtre Offrir une réflexion aux spectateurs

Contact (1) Full Name
Fionn Perry
Job Title
Production & diffusion
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Allouchi

Nebras Al Ajyal

National Network

جباليا البلد خلف الدفاع المدني بجوار مدرسة فيصل للبنات
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+972 59-364-5667
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 59-364-5667
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Nebras Al Ajyal association for development The association projects and activities -Project field survey for disabled funded by UNDB Foundation -General staff training project by UNDB Foundation -Early intervention project founded by the UNDB Foundation -Health project, funded by CARE Foundation -Emergency project, funded by CARE Foundation -Project to install tanks funded by CARE Foundation -Health project funded by ANERA Foundation -Health and education project funded by the World Bank -supervision by gathered cooperation in partnership with medical relief -Infrastructure project founded by Save the Children Foundation -Feuniture project funded by Save the Children Foundation -Relief project, funded by CHF Foundation-Relief project funded by PECDAR Foundation -Training crew teaching funded by MAPP Foundation -Sacrificial project funded by SEEDA Foundation -Relief project funded by the Office of the President -summer camps funded by Canaan Institute -A permanent meal for children funded by the World Food Progt -Vegetable basket project funded by ACTD Foundation -Feuniture project funded by the Palestinian Telecommunication Group -School bag project funded by TIKA Foundation -Rehabilitation project funded by the British Park Foundation -Vocational training project funded by COOPI Foundation -Rehabilitation project funded by the British Park Foundation

Mission and Objectives

Nebras Al Ajyal association for development The association projects and activities -Project field survey for disabled funded by UNDB Foundation -General staff training project by UNDB Foundation -Early intervention project founded by the UNDB Foundation -Health project, funded by CARE Foundation -Emergency project, funded by CARE Foundation -Project to install tanks funded by CARE Foundation -Health project funded by ANERA Foundation -Health and education project funded by the World Bank -supervision by gathered cooperation in partnership with medical relief -Infrastructure project founded by Save the Children Foundation -Feuniture project funded by Save the Children Foundation -Relief project, funded by CHF Foundation-Relief project funded by PECDAR Foundation -Training crew teaching funded by MAPP Foundation -Sacrificial project funded by SEEDA Foundation -Relief project funded by the Office of the President -summer camps funded by Canaan Institute -A permanent meal for children funded by the World Food Progt -Vegetable basket project funded by ACTD Foundation -Feuniture project funded by the Palestinian Telecommunication Group -School bag project funded by TIKA Foundation -Rehabilitation project funded by the British Park Foundation -Vocational training project funded by COOPI Foundation -Rehabilitation project funded by the British Park Foundation

Main Projects / Activities

Nebras Al Ajyal association for development The association projects and activities -Project field survey for disabled funded by UNDB Foundation -General staff training project by UNDB Foundation -Early intervention project founded by the UNDB Foundation -Health project, funded by CARE Foundation -Emergency project, funded by CARE Foundation -Project to install tanks funded by CARE Foundation -Health project funded by ANERA Foundation -Health and education project funded by the World Bank -supervision by gathered cooperation in partnership with medical relief -Infrastructure project founded by Save the Children Foundation -Feuniture project funded by Save the Children Foundation -Relief project, funded by CHF Foundation-Relief project funded by PECDAR Foundation -Training crew teaching funded by MAPP Foundation -Sacrificial project funded by SEEDA Foundation -Relief project funded by the Office of the President -summer camps funded by Canaan Institute -A permanent meal for children funded by the World Food Progt -Vegetable basket project funded by ACTD Foundation -Feuniture project funded by the Palestinian Telecommunication Group -School bag project funded by TIKA Foundation -Rehabilitation project funded by the British Park Foundation -Vocational training project funded by COOPI Foundation -Rehabilitation project funded by the British Park Foundation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نحن على استعداد تام للمساعدة حسب الإمكانيات المتاحة لخدمة الجنس البشري بدون أي تمييز بسبب الون أو الجنس أو الدين

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للمساهمة من خلال الإمكانيات المتاحة تحقيق الأهداف المنشودة

Contact (1) Full Name
أحمد ديب الزين
Job Title
المدير التنفيذي
Head of the organisation
د. أديبة الزين
Contact (2) Full Name
د. أديبة الزين
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس الادارة


National Network

De Gryspeerstraat 94
2100 Antwerp

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

President, Country Director, Project Coordinator, Secretary / Finance, Director of Communication / I.T, Head of Women Affairs / Capacity Building . We have about 5 workers and 16 volunteers. Our main partners are Doing Good Organization (Israel ), Our source of funding comes from Doing Good organization . We organizes project of free vocational skill training to empower the youth and deportees/undocumented migrants, seminars, conference, etc etc. Our main partner of our organization is Doing Good Organization

Mission and Objectives

Protecting the right and welfare of undocumented migrants is OMANIAE core value. We aim to reduce the level of death fatalities through irregular migration that is by campaigning throughout Africa with sensitive information about the risk involve migrating through the desert and sea to Europe of which many migrants are naive of. OMANIAE is an organization of people working independently without any external influence with specific objectives and aims to fulfil tasks that are oriented to bring about desirable change in a given community, area or situation, and assisting in the empowerment of undocumented migrants and the less privilege members across Africa. We are committed to the root causes of irregular migration, trying to better the quality of life especially for the deprived migrants stacked at the transit camps in the desert.

Main Projects / Activities

OMANIAE is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established as a result of concern about the conditions of entry, stay and the life of undocumented migrants, the lack of a comprehensive migration policy and the ever-growing incidents of xenophobia. 1. To help generate training programs for undocumented migrants. 2. To reduce the fatalities through irregular migration over the desert and sea by educating African migrants about the real condition living as undocumented migrants in Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By building a network which can solve some of the many challenges we have in our communities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To learn, grow and to also feel belonging in the area of been under a big umbrella. Networking and source of funding is one of another way coming together under the umbrella of ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Richard Osei Bonsu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Richard Osei Bonsu
Contact (2) Full Name
Franc Rottiers
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Catharsis for theatre

National Network

15,street tagragra
85200 Sidi Ifni

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

l'association est composée de 3 membres actifs. Pour l'instant on n'a pas de ressources financier, on utilise notre propre moyen pour financer les activités qu'on fait. Jusqu'a present, l'association à fait plusieurs ateliers de theatre pour enfants et adultes, et deux spectacles de sensibilisation . Catharsis for theatre est a la recherche des partenaires.

Mission and Objectives

Production des spectacles artistiques ( theatre). Animer des ateliers de theatre/ chorégraphie/ voix pour les enfants et les jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

Ateliers de théâtre ( 5 ateliers ) Spectacle théâtrale 2 spectacle un projet de creation théâtral ( en cours de réalisation )

Contact (1) Full Name
zineb Elhssaini
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Zineb Elhssaini

The Beit Project France

National Network

20 rue Montplaisir
13020 Marseille

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Beit Project France is a branch of The Beit Project Association. The central team is composed by 6 people. The Beit Project association aims at transforming heritage sites into educational platforms for education toward diversity and inclusion, fighting all types of discrimination. The project is ephemerally present in Paris, Roma, Brussels, Ixelles, Berlin, London, Lodz, Marseille, Sofia, Bucharest, Tangier, Skopje, Nice and Athens. It creates an open school in the middle of the city, nomadic school which converts urban spaces into profound learning and empowerment places.

Mission and Objectives

The Beit Project and The Beit Project France carry out cultural and educational programs in France and in several countries in Europe to promote dialogue and tolerance. And create more inclusive societies.

Through our new project – The Boat Project – we aim to develop cooperation between mediterranean countries and populations to provide common responses to contemporary issues in the Mediterranean. It tries to make the sea a vector of connection and sharing between the different shores by developing in each port-city intercultural activities on different themes.

Main Projects / Activities

The Boat Project is a project proposing to make our common environment, the Mediterranean, an essential element of education for living together discovering the wealth of diversity from an innovative perspective. At the heart of the project : a boat, a sailboat, with on board a crew formed by young adults recruited all around the Mediterranean. Starting from Marseilles, the boat crosses the sea and create a link from North to South throughout a nomadic school : Marseilles, Tangier, Barcelona, Algiers, Genoa, Tunis, Athens and Palermo. The activities developed in each port aim to develop understanding and cooperation between young audiences from different Mediterranean port cities, through the "Compagnons de la Méditerranée".

The objectives of the project are to :
- bring together young people from different parts of each local societies in the Mediterranean and open the dialogue,
- create a link between mediterranean shores and create cooperation to provide a response to the contemporary challenges,
- forge connections between cities, associations and schools from all around the Mediterranean in order to raise awareness on the valuation of diversity and the cooperation necessity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Beit Project France is a structure mainly created to carry the Boat Project in the Mediterranean. We are currently developing partnerships in all the regions visited by the boat. Several foundations and institutional actors are already supporting the project : Matanel Foundation, EMID (the Euro-Mediterranean Institute for Dialogue between Civilizations), DIMED (Délégation interministérielle pour la Méditerranée), MuCem, institutional actors in Marseille and in the South of France...

We can bring to the Network a new project that pursues the Anna Lindh Foundation objectives and share a innovating pedagogical methodology.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to meet the Anna Lindh Foundation and join the ALF Network to create links with other organizations guided by the same objectives and strengthen the project in the Mediterranean by meeting others actors that know better than us the environment of this new project. We want to open the association to new perspectives et opportunities.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Stoleru
Job Title
Head of the organisation
David Stoleru
Contact (2) Full Name
Océane Laboudie
Job Title (2)
Fundraising Officer

Sustainable Cooperation for Peace & Security

National Network

Via Trento e Trieste 133
46048 Roverbella MN

0039 3348815722
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: Board of Trustees, Presidency, Board of Administrators, General assembly of the members. The budget every 31st of March and the sources of founding are: donations, crowdfunding, membership fees, projects. Modalities of action: conferences, trainings, seminars, campaigns, publications, advocacy activities. Main partners involved: civil society organizations, intergovernmental organizations, policy makers, academics. 

Mission and Objectives

Mission We advocate for human rights at different levels: local, national and international. We put young people and women at the center of our activities by adopting the principle of sustainable development at the core of all our activities. Objectives We promote and support the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions for “Youth, Peace and Security” and “Women, Peace and Security“, and the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda to build more inclusive and peaceful societies.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars, conferences, trainings, publications, advocacy activities and campaigns with local, national and international partners. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a young and vibrant organization that is focused in the Euromed region. Through our organization we are involving different stakeholders to foster and enhance intercultural dialogue between the two rivers of the mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation is a natural step as many of our founding members have been involved with ALF in different ways through the Young Mediterranean Voices program, the E+VE and the ALF Euromed youth network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjus Ceveli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marjus Ceveli
Contact (2) Full Name
Fabio Daniele
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

European information and consultancy center-BG regions

National Network

9, Pitu Guli str
2700 Blagoevgrad

00359 897 600 974
Telephone (other)
00359 897 852 003
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Association brings together individuals and legal entities for the purpose of implementation and support, encouragement and assistance, cooperation, promotion and sustainable development of the region. The association is represented by a Managing Board of 3 people- Chairman, vice-chairman and a secretary. All three are women.

Mission and Objectives

The Association works to preserve and mobilize the region's resource potential. Assists its members in increasing development opportunities, both domestically and internationally. The association assists the companies in increasing their competitiveness, consolidating their market positions and their sustainable development. Supports the formation of civil society and its active involvement in socio-economic life. It develops, implements and coordinates development projects in the region.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to achieve its goals, the association may develop any activities permitted by law, performing organizational and informational consulting, translation and legalization .Development, coordination and implementation of projects and programs for regional economic and social development financed by European and international programs. The association is currently a project partner in project : "Strenghtening the entrepreneurship culture and collaboration in the eligible area" funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Bulgaria Programm.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a self-driven, ambitious team of young women who wants to contribute to the economic and civic development of the region we inhabite (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria). We all have project implementation experience and we've seen how with a single project you can positively impact a large number of people. We want to contribute with our so far gained experience, we want to develop more experience and spread our ideas for a better society and better economic development, enhance women entrepreneurship and youth employment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is essential in building a business. We want to learn from your experience, bring in our experience and ideas, offer support to the network and widen it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adriana Krasteva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adriana Krasteva
Contact (2) Full Name
Liliya Boyadzhieva

In Statu Nascendi

National Network

33A Sava Mihaliov
Zapaden Park
1373 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information

In Statu Nascendi is a new peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Theory of International Relations, Foreign Policy, and the political Decision-making process. The journal investigates specific issues through a socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness about the complexity of the contemporary crisis, instability, and warfare situations, where the “stage-of-becoming” plays a vital role. As of 31 August 2018, In Statu Nascendi has been formally registered as a Non-Profit Organization in Bulgaria and respectively in the entire European Union. Our NGO number is 205254346.

Mission and Objectives

As per our by-laws the main objective of "In Statu Nascendi - Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations" is the realization of activities in the public benefit. The main aim of In Statu Nascendi - Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations – henceforth referred to as "the organization" –is to educate, facilitate science and academic research, culture, education, art, international understanding, environment protection, to strengthen the civil society in Bulgaria, the European Union, and around the world. We aim to contribute to strength of civic society by offering a voice to needy, underprivileged, stateless, disadvantaged, disabled, young and old, as well as others unspecified groups of individuals who are not duly represented in the current academic discourse. The means by which the association will achieve its objectives are: To seek and promote, on a national level, the participation of In Statu Nascendi. To raise funds using subscription of members or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of the organization in such amounts and such manner as may be authorized by the General Assembly. One of our main objectives is to form a strong partnership with any national/international organization/s whose aims are similar to that of the organization. The organization is determined to act as a Charity that fully complies with Bulgarian and EU law in respect to philanthropic organizations. Membership contributions from members of the association. Donations from individuals and legal entities. Volunteer work by members of the association to create an appropriate environment for publishing and attracting articles from young and promising scientists from the country and the world.

Main Projects / Activities

We are a Non-Profit Organization operating in Sofia, Bulgaria. We are a political-philosophical journal that published biannually. The main purpose of our activity is to research the Middle East from the perspective of history, politics, culture and tradition. Our network is around 120 members strong. We would like to join your growing network to contribute to the high quality your work, research and other projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a Non-Profit Organization operating in Sofia, Bulgaria. We are a political-philosophical journal that published biannually. The main purpose of our activity is to research the Middle East from the perspective of history, politics, culture and tradition. Our network is around 120 members strong. We would like to join your growing network to contribute to the high quality your work, research and other projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of its growing reputation and the opportunities that we could seize together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Piotr Pietrzak, Ph.D.
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Editor-in-Chief of In Statu Nascendi - Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations