Via Trento e Trieste 133
46048 Roverbella MN
- Environment/Sustainable development
- Human rights
- International/Cultural relations
- Youth and education
Structure: Board of Trustees, Presidency, Board of Administrators, General assembly of the members. The budget every 31st of March and the sources of founding are: donations, crowdfunding, membership fees, projects. Modalities of action: conferences, trainings, seminars, campaigns, publications, advocacy activities. Main partners involved: civil society organizations, intergovernmental organizations, policy makers, academics.
Mission We advocate for human rights at different levels: local, national and international. We put young people and women at the center of our activities by adopting the principle of sustainable development at the core of all our activities. Objectives We promote and support the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions for “Youth, Peace and Security” and “Women, Peace and Security“, and the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda to build more inclusive and peaceful societies.
Seminars, conferences, trainings, publications, advocacy activities and campaigns with local, national and international partners.
We are a young and vibrant organization that is focused in the Euromed region. Through our organization we are involving different stakeholders to foster and enhance intercultural dialogue between the two rivers of the mediterranean.
Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation is a natural step as many of our founding members have been involved with ALF in different ways through the Young Mediterranean Voices program, the E+VE and the ALF Euromed youth network.