Udruzenje za razvoje medija i civilnog drustva - URMCD

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Višnjik 1
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Our organization is structured of the General Assembly, Board of 3 members and 1 full time employee and 5 to 15 part time employees in accordance to projects we are working on. Our budgetary resources vary from 40.000€ to 120.000€ depending on a projects we do in a year. E.g. this year our budget is 110.000€, and last year it was 50.000€, with sources of funding being different foundations such as EU funding, UN organizations and private foundations. The activities we do, also vary from subject to subject. Our two main activities are in the field of culture and media. We are operating the most influential satire website in BiH satro.info and satire TV show "Stručni štab" that is being distributed on a national TV broadcast. Also we work in political accountability and political literacy, where we campaign online for accountability and do the educational workshops in the field for literacy. Strategic partners we work with are Mreža aktivističkih promjena, Obojena klapa, Zaboravljena djeca rata, Radio Kameleon and Balkan Art Scene - BAS.

Mission and Objectives

Mission – To establish and uphold media platforms which will strengthen media freedom in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to support citizens participation, and media and civic education of young people in the country.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities and objectives of the Association, in accord to the Statute, are: - Improvement of any and all aspects of media and civil society - Helping the development and accessibility of internships for young media workers - Advocating for media freedom and freedom of information - Helping and supporting the education of youth - Organizing seminars, workshops, conferences and debates to foster networking and develop new skills in beneficiaries of various professions. - Developing and implementing projects focused on media, civil society and human rights and political literacy - Exchanging experiences and information with similar Associations and other non-government organizations in the country and abroad; - Publishing books, brochures, bulletins and other publications, as well as launching web-sites and radio shows in order to achieve the objectives of the Association.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution can lay in the strengths of our experience and very good relationship with media in BiH, since we operate within the media sector for more than 10 years. On the other hand, we also have a great relations with art scene of Sarajevo and BiH. This is due to our projects with film workers, street artists, conceptual artists and many others. We have a pretty big experience in production and logistics, since we have done the first "Gender in Media" conference in BiH, produced a TV show and organized the production of workshops and production of documentaries and movies with young screenwriters, actors, directors and editors. We would definitely be able to help with organization of all kinds of events and visibility of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF network because we think that there are many quality CSO's within the ALF. And our stance is that networking with the other organizations that work in the field of art and culture is one of the main strengths in developing the democratic society in BiH and Western Balkan region. Existing in the ALF framework is an opportunity to exchange good practices with all the members of the network as well as bigger outreach and interconnecting with other people who might not be in the foundation, but a close associates, friends and partners with the similar goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haris Dedovic
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Haris Dedovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Mirza Salkovic
Job Title (2)
Board member

وسط رؤية - Amid Vision

National Network

نهج البريد سيدي بوزيد
9100 Sidi Bouzid

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

تم إحداث جمعية "وسط رؤية - Amid Vision " سنة 2020 و نحن نعتبر التأسيس القانوني تتويجا لمجهودات مجموعة من الأفراد المتطوعين.عات المنتمين.ات لمدينة سيدي بوزيد ( 16 فردا ) الذي التقو.ين خلال الخمس سنوات الأخيرة في العديد من البرامج التكوينية و الإجتماعية و التطوعية و الذين تشاركوا.ن في الرؤى و التصورات، و تمكنوا.ن من خلق ارضية مشتركة للعمل الجماعي البناء الذي قد يمكنهم.ن من تقديم تصوراتهم.ن في شكل مشاريع قابلة للتحقيق و إحداث التغيير الإيجابي و الدائم للمنطقة بشكل خاص، و لتونس عموما.
سنة 2017, شاركتا قي مراقبة الحملات الإنتخابية و كذالك مكاتب الإقتراع فترة الإنتخابات البلدية 2018 بتأطير جمعية "عتيد" التي ساعدتنا على فهم قواعد اللعبة الديمقراطية و اسسها. نجاح التجربة مكننا من نيل ثقة الجمعية و اعتمادنا كمراقبين في الإنتخابات التشريعية و الرئاسية سنة 2019 بل و مدربين للمراقبين الجدد.
نشطنا في دار الشباب سيدي بوزيد مكننا من المشاركة في العديد من التربصات التي نظمتها وزارة الشباب و الرياضة و التي ساهمت في تنمية قدراتنا الذاتية و اكسابنا حملة من مهارات القيادة ( برنامج "يثمر" سنة 2017 و الأكاديمية الوطنية لتكوين القادة الشبان ) و طورت وعينا بالمحيط الإجتماعي و البيئي (دورة تكوينية في أهداف التنمية المستدامة SDG CAMP 2018)
سنة 2019, شاركنا في المنتدى العالمي لحقوق الإنسان في العهد الرقمي في تونس Rights Cont Tunus 2019. هذه التجربة عززت إهتمامنا بالمسائل الحقوقية في تونس و ساعدتنا على خوض تجربة ثرية في الإعلام الرقمي( ProximityMag )
مع انتشار جائحة كورونا في تونس، شاركنا كمتطوغين في حملات التعقيم و التوعية الإجتماعية مع الهلال الأحمر التونسي الذي اشرف على تكويننا في الإسعافات الأولية و إدارة الكوارث. تعاملنا مع مختلف الفئات و الشرائح العمرية في مدينة سيدي بوزيد و تربطنا علاقات متينة مع مختلف النشطاء و الفاعلين مع ذوي التجربة و الخبرة.

Mission and Objectives

المهمة :
يكون ذلك بتشريك مجموعة من المنظمات الحكومية و الغير الحكومية و المواطنين.ات في اقتراح و صياغة و انجاز مشاريع ذات ابعاد إجتماعية تضامنية تساهم في :
- المساهمة في نشر ثقافة حقوق الإنسان و المواطنة و الديمقراطية.
- دعم و إثراء المشهد الثقافي.
- ترسيخ ثقافة الحوكمة المحلية و مكافحة الفساد.
- ترسيخ أهداف التنمية المستدامة.
الرؤية :
مجتمع واعي و مسؤول يشارك في بناء مشروع الديمقراطي الوطني بإستعمال ادوات حقوقية مستديمة.

Main Projects / Activities

المشاركة في ملتقيات و دورات تكوينية عديدة للجمعيات
- متطوعين في برنامجي الوطني "عزيمة" و "جسر" المنفذ من رئاسة الحكومة التونسية
- شريك في تنظيم ندوة وطنية حول: إستكمال مسار اللامركزية المنفذ من طرف معهد العربي للديمقراطية و بالشراكة مع المركز الدولي للتنمية المحلية و الحوكمة الرشيدة CILG و ISET SIDI BOUZID و THE GREEN UNISERSITY و جمعية سيدي بوزيد الثقافية و الممول من هانس سايدل
- شريك في المعهد التونسي للدراسات الإستراتيجية ITES في إطار برنامج الوطني للمدن الذكية Smart Cities Tunisian
- عضو و شريك بالمرصد الدفاع عن الحق في الإختلاف OD3T EN TUNISIE
- شريك في مشروع صحتك بالدنيا في إطار صحتي و الممول من الأطباء العالم ببلجكيا و الإتحاد الأوروبي

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Jihed Zinoubi
Job Title
Fondateur et Président d'une Organisation
Head of the organisation
Jihed Zinoubi


National Network

Rr. Medar Shtylla

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

ESN Tirana is the official Tirana based Section of ESN International, a volunteer based organization of students and alumnii focusing on enriching local experiences for foreign students.
International and exchange students arriving in Tirana have access to ESN’s support, events and services including the ESNcard, a membership card that supports international students and trainees and gives them access to affordable opportunities during their period abroad, and ESNbuddy, a mentor system that fosters internationalisation at home as well as the integration of international students into the local community.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Members of ESN in Albania are active volunteer who can alsways contribute to bring in the youth perspectives, experience in education programmes and immerse experience with internationalization of education.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

At ESN we believe at the power of networking, as in itself the NGO was born through a membership in a pan-european network of shared values. ALF offers those values in a region we feel part of and we want to contribute to the national network, especially in topics like youth and educaton, which are to our point of view urgent and immediate needs for policy responses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lutjona Lula
Job Title
National Representative
Head of the organisation
Emi Dautaj
Contact (2) Full Name
Emi Dautaj
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

سوليما للدعم النفسي و الاجتماعي

National Network

عمارة الجوهرة. الطابق الثاني. الرام
الرام - القدس
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

جمعية سوليما للدعم النفسي هي جمعية خيرية غير ربحية مرخصة حسب الأصول من الجهات الرسمية QR-1379-C. تأسست بتاريخ 2013/6/12 في محافظة القدس على أيدي مجموعة من الأخصائيين النفسيين الاجتماعيين المهنيين لتقديم الخدمة النفسية والاجتماعية لأفراد المجتمع المقدسي بكافة شرائحه وفئاته ومواقع تواجده، وخاصة الذين تعرضوا لاضطرابات صادمة نتيجة الكوارث الطبيعية والبشرية، وذلك لمساعدتهم على تحقيق التكيف النفسي والاجتماعي ليصبحوا مساهمين ايجابيا في بناء وتقدم مجتمعهم بهدف الوصول لمجتمع خال من الاضطرابات الصادمة. ‎تتكون الهيئة الادارية من تسعة اعضاء و الهيئة العامة من ثمانين عضواً، اضافة اليه اربعين متطوعاً من المتخصصين في مجال الخدمة الاجتماعية و علم النفس.

Mission and Objectives

تقديم الخدمة النفسية والاجتماعية للأفراد الذين يتعرضون لاضطرابات صادمة لمساعدتهم على الوصول لدرجة من التوازن النفسي والاجتماعي من خلال الرعاية النفسية والاجتماعية الشاملة. تشكيل فريق للدعم النفسي و الاجتماعي للتدخل الفوري وقت حدوث الأزمات بالتواجد بالمكان لتقديم الخدمة النفسية وفق مقتضيات الموقف. تقديم الخدمة الإرشادية لكافة شرائح المجتمع ومختلف المراحل العمرية دعم ومساندة المضطربين نفسياً و اجتماعياً

Main Projects / Activities

تأهيل طلاب الخدمة الاجتماعية لبناء قدراتهم وتدريبهم وتأهيلهم مهنياً. ورشات عمل للنساء و الاطفال و الشباب. تقديم الإرشاد النفسي والاجتماعي للأسر المقدسية المتضررة من خلال طاقم نفسي متخصص ومؤهّل ومتعدّد التخصصات مبادرات مجتمعية مساعدات عينية للاسر المحتاجة مساعدات نقدية لطلبة الجامعات كفالة ايتام مشروع الحقيبة المدرسية مشاريع الاعياد (كسوة العيد)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نقل خبراتنا كجمعية لجميع أعضاء الشبكة، وإمكانية عمل دورات مجانية تدريبية لأعضاء الشبكة وذلك حسب الحاجة والتخصص، إمكانية ارسال متطوعي الجمعية للمشاركة في النشاطات الخاصة في مؤسسات أعضاء الشبكة المشاركة في دورات و مؤتمرات محلية و دولية لتمثيل المؤسسات المعنية بتقديم الخدمة النفسية و الاجتماعية.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من أجل تعزيز قدرات المجتمع المحلي في إطار التنمية المستدامة ، وتعزيز قدرات الفئات الميتهدفة لدى الجمعية، والاندماج الدولي والوطني مع أعضاء من خلال هذه الشبكة تعمل في إطار أهداف الجمعية من أجل تبادل الخبرات ومتابعة كل ما هو جديد في مجال التدخل النفسي والاجتماعي وتبادل الثقافات

Contact (1) Full Name
غادة ابو ربيع
Job Title
رئيسة الجمعية
Head of the organisation
غادة ابو ربيع
Contact (2) Full Name
مروان البشيتي
Job Title (2)
مدير المشاريع

Spark for Innovation and Creativity

National Network

Gaza- Palestine
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Spark for Innovation & Creativity (SPARK) is an independent Palestinian, not-for-profit developmental organization working in the fields of entrepreneurship and digital transformation, culture, and education, founded on 2018 and registered in January 2019. Spark fosters creativity and innovation to generate value in our community, to be a thriving, successful community in which all people have the tools to launch new ideas and to create innovative work opportunities. Spark was established by a group of passionate individuals who believe in the importance of having institutions that work with and for young people in a supportive and innovative atmosphere. We, at Spark, take most of the responsibility of funding our projects and assets to maintain sustainability - believing that people are the agents of change. However, we were able to win three mini-grants until now from different institutions in Gaza and the West Bank. Our partners: Dalia Community Association, the General Union of Cultural Centers, Atfaluna Association for the Deaf. Fields of work: culture and arts, science and technology.

Mission and Objectives

Mission SPARK is an innovation hub that provides Palestinian Youth (from both sexes) with inspiring, innovative and motivational environments in order to enhance their creativity and distinguish. We at SPARK adopt a participatory learning approach (PLA) in order to ensure actual involvement for youth in the decision-making process. We believe that youth is an essential actor within the Palestinian community development. Strategic Goals: • To recruiting the power of creativity and cultural diversity for social welfare and civil society. • To supporting creativity based on investment in culture, education, innovation and technology, and enhancing work-based learning and development, in a way that serves increasing job opportunities, employment and income generation. • To develop and make available cultural output to a wider public and to encourage it to become more active and responsive.

Main Projects / Activities

List of Projects and Activities carried out by Spark: Project # 01: Be A Tech Youth! The project aimed to build the capacities of youth (women and men) from different areas in the Gaza Strip, from different promising fields in the field of outsourcing and freelancing and increase their accessibility to decent job opportunities and economic empowerment. The project targeted a number of 150 youth (women and men). Project # 02: The Fab Zone The Fab Zone is a fast-paced, hands-on learning experience where students learn rapid-prototyping by planning and executing a new project each week, resulting in a personal portfolio of technical accomplishments. Project # 03: Youth-Centered Design The program helps youth to create solutions for people using the Human Centered Design approach and supports designing services and programs that put children and youth first Project # 04: Reflection on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda: This project classified under the “Education for Sustainable Development” program. This project started in January 2019, aimed to develop youth awareness on the sustainable development goals and their importance as a road map towards a prosperous future based on a vital and ambitious community and a flourishing and thriving economy. To reach this vision, we worked on enhancing their participation in the Palestinian community through a number of training programs and workshops such as: 1- “The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 - The Way to the Future” workshop. 2- “Barra Al-Shabiak: Out of the Windows” workshop, which discussed the most important problems and issues facing Palestinian society from a youth perspective. 3- "Health Care for All: Make It Real" workshop, which discussed the right of society members to enjoy healthy and secure lifestyles. 4- “Young Women Make History” workshop celebrating the International Women's Day 2019 which took the theme “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change”. Project # 05: Youth Leads Future This project aimed to provide young people with the necessary skills and expertise that enable them to be active individuals in changing their communities. To achieve this, we worked on soft skills like: communication, creativity, entrepreneurship and business, as well as health and environment. Project # 06: Computer-Aided Design The program gives young youth -girls and boys - (15-18) the opportunity to explore different 2D and 3D software to understand possibilities and limitations. Participants work on hands-on projects and learn how to use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to create their designs. They are introduced to 3D printers and learn how to export their files to bring their designs to life. Project # 07: STEM IN MAKERSPACE In the STEM program we work on the STEM curriculum, which enhances the necessary skills in the twenty-first century, such as critical thinking, logical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving to name a few. We worked on many workshops and training programs including: - Alternative Energy Solutions - Electrical Circuits and Robot Technology Digital Transforming Project # 08: Climate, Human Health, & Environment In this program, we work on promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth through enhancing the participants’ abilities in creative industries field through workshops that focused on related themes like visual art, painting, design, and The total number of participants in the workshops were over 40 participants (boys and girls). Project # 09: Be careful, COVID-19 has another face! Production of short animation films which reflect the Palestinian cultural identity from youth perspective, this initiative focused on the application of animation and use it as an effective tool to increase the interest of youth in participating in public live and express their identity and their culture freely, and motivate them to share new ideas and innovative interventions. Project # 10: Picture Colored with People This initiative aimed to enhance to role of youth in the Palestinian community development and equip them with positive energy and optimistic and encourage them to looking forward enhance their art and hobbies accordingly and share it with community members in order to highlight key important issues associated to Palestinian identity. Project # 11: Women in Stem The program gives young girls (16-18) the opportunity to delve deeper into science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects, to develop their higher-order thinking skills and their ability to solve problems. This program aims to ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university Projec#12: Learn English for work Young people learn English through interactive, fun lessons that take them through everyday situations and topics related to work, study, travel, and more. Project # 13: Mechanisms for empowering women at the legal and economic levels A program aimed at introducing young women to their legal and economic rights, and preparing them to be leaders at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life Project # 14: Portal for Change Programs in partnership with Mercy Corps, where young people in Spark meet with their counterparts from Arab and international countries, to discuss global issues affecting young people Project # 15: Go to green A program that gives young people the opportunity to learn about environmental problems and think about creative and influential solutions that guarantee a friendly environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heyam Al Hayek
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Heyam ALHayk


National Network

03004 ALICANTE Alicante

+34 659066689
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+34 659066689
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work.

Mission and Objectives

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work. (available in 6 languages)

Main Projects / Activities

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work. (available in 6 languages)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work. (available in 6 languages)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work. (available in 6 languages)

Contact (1) Full Name
Paloma Jiménez Martín
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

03004 ALICANTE Alicante

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: We are a team o five people working from our main office in Alicante (Spain), composed of director, two education projects managers, one international cooperation project manager and communication; but also a head-project working from Senegal, and El Salvador.

We manage almost one million anual budget to face our projects in Spain, but also Guatemala, Senegal and El Salvador, and most of our funds (91%), aimed to this goal. Our main funding sources are public administrations at regional and local levels, but also private organizations (calls for proposals in any case), we also have a social bases that support us individually.

Our main projects are: International Development projects and Education projects, with local communities, authorities, other NGOs and education Network, by working around food sovereignty; gender equality, HH.RR, intercultural learning and social inclusion.

Mission and Objectives

We are a professional NGO with 30 years experience on offering spaces and tools to improve international policies, in order to promote an equal, sustainable and fair World. For that reason all our projects promote the IDGs.

Main Projects / Activities

International Development within local NGOs in Guatemala, El Salvador and Senegal

Regional projects of Education with young people, students and persons of inmigran origins.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization in the main leader to promote gender equality and intercultural learning at the local level (Alicante), and our intercultural and initiative leaded by a young and creative team could improve the proposed goals of the foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are impressed by the connections and common features of tALF and Solidaridad Internacional. While you are an enormous network with capacity to promote international changes and policies, we are quite integrated at the local level. In conclusion, we want to join the ALF in order to connect with other organizations, leaders and initiatives to promote the impact and sustainability of our common goals within and international network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Paloma Jiménez Martín
Job Title
Head of the organisation

The Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue

National Network

10 Yad Harutsim St
Jerusalem 9153102

Mobile Phone
+972 54-752-9222
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Through education, encounter, research and information services, The Rossing Center fosters improved relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land, reaching some 8,000 people every year. The Center operates seven major programs - the Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian Relations, Educating for Change, Dialogue and Identity, Healing Hatred, ADAShA, The Open House in Ramle and Meeting Place – each of which has its own director and/or coordinator. Activities are overseen by the Executive Director and the Center has 16 paid staff members, 12 of whom hold full-time positions, and an annual budget of 1,200,000 Euro. The organization has received support from the US Embassy, the Church of Sweden, DVHL, Misereor, various family foundations, private donors, and more, and partners with the Ministry of Education, local municipalities, the TALI Education Fund, the National Office of Catholic Schools and other civil society organizations in Israel and Palestine.

Mission and Objectives

The Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue is a Jerusalem-based, non-profit organization that promotes an inclusive society for all religious, ethnic and national groups in Israel. Through education, encounter, research and information services, the Center fosters improved relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims. We believe that understanding, respect, justice and equality are the cornerstones of a better future for us all.

The objectives of the Rossing Center’s include:
-Contributing to the understanding and appreciation of the other’s religious/cultural/national narratives, traditions, beliefs, and practices;
- Combating prejudices and negative stereotypes;
- Creating and deepening relationships across religious lines despite differences and disagreement.

Main Projects / Activities

Rossing Center's seven programs include Educating for Change, which provides teachers with tools for managing and facilitating conflictual racism-related discussions in the classroom; Dialogue and Identity - a Jewish and Arab primary school-twinning program that promotes understanding, respect, and intercultural tolerance; JCJCR (the Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian Relations) that offers teachers, tour guides, and key stakeholders (such as IDF personnel) courses, study tours, seminars on Christian communities and local Jewish-Christian relations; Healing Hatred, an innovative model for inter-religious dialogue that equips professionals with tools and hands-on skills of spiritual counseling for healing trauma and fear; ADAShA, which provides inter-religious groups from overseas with a multi-faceted educational experience in Israel; Meeting Place, a partnership project with The Hebrew University of Jerusalem to promote an inclusive campus through study and dialogue groups held by Jewish, Christian and Muslim students; and the recently opened Open House in Ramle, a grassroots hub for interfaith, intercultural and inter-generational activity created, implemented and sustained by Ramle residents

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

First and foremost, the Rossing Center brings its 17 years of experience and the over 60,000 people impacted by our work to the Anna Lindh Network promoting intercultural dialogue. By engaging directly with government and institutional stakeholders, applying a multiplier effect by working with teachers, tour guides, and religious leaders who disseminate our message, and by applying our unique Healing Hatred methodology that enables participants to understand core spiritual and moral dilemmas at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and abandon the discourse of victimhood and fear, the Rossing Center brings a unique approach to conflict mitigation, shared society and coexistence. Following the alarming outbreak of violence in mixed Jewish-Arab cities in May 2021, our work has become all the more crucial and pressing. Now, more than ever, providing teachers with tools for managing and facilitating conflictual racism-related discussions in the classroom, organizing twinning events between Jewish and Arab schoolchildren to facilitate understanding, respect, and intercultural tolerance, and building relations between Israeli and Palestinian students on campus – are essential if we wish to address the root causes that have led to the recent shattering of relations between many Jews and Arabs in Israel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a leading organization engaged in dialogue and improved relations between Jews, Muslims and Christians, we believe our goals to be very much aligned with those of the ALF. The Rossing Center would be honored to join the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, and sees it as an opportunity to expand partnerships with other civil society bodies both in Israel and in Europe, and as a means of raising funds for new and existing projects.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Sarah Bernstein
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Sarah Bernstein
Contact (2) Full Name
Michal Rapoport
Job Title (2)
Resource Development

Petra National Trust

National Network

28 Kullyet Al Sharea Street, Jabal Al Weibdeh, Amman, Jordan, postal code: 11180, building number: 2
Amman 00962

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

1. Structure of the organization, including the number of staff employed and/or partners: PNT has 10 staff members and has more than 150 national and international supporters and partners. 2. Budgetary resources available in a year 211,530.000 JOD 3. Sources of funding National and International Partnerships (Projects), Governmental Support, and Donations 4. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) PNT implements specialized programs on capacity building and education that are based on the needs of the cultural heritage experts and practitioners and target communities that live in and around heritage sites. PNT has been involved in projects related to archaeological conservation and preservation, tourism and eco-tourism development, socio-economic development projects that support the livelihoods of local communities in the country, and specialized cultural heritage education. 5. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Ministry of Culture/ Ministry of Toruism and Antiquities/ Petra Development & Tourism Region Authority/ British Council / Cultural Protection Fund / USAID / UNESCO / UNWTO / World Monuments Fund / National Museum of Antiquities-Leiden (Stichting Rijksmuseum Van Oudheden) / World Learning Organization / Gerda Henkel Foundation / Tourism Cares / Swiss Counterpart Fund / Australian Embassy / British Embassy / United States Embassy in Jordan / Ministry of Finance (Jordan) / Bank al Etihad / Hikma Pharmaceuticals / Manaseer Group / Cairo Amman Bank / Petra Drug Store / Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Jordan / GMS Holdings/ ALIPH Foundation.

Mission and Objectives

PETRA NATIONAL TRUST (PNT) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that is established in 1989 as the oldest national organization for cultural heritage preservation of the UNESCO World Heritage site of Petra, and for promoting best practices in cultural and natural preservation in the region and beyond. PNT’s President and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador HRH Princess Dana Firas oversee the implementation of PNT’s mission and the fulfillment of its vision. For over thirty years, PNT has been advocating and promoting a sustainable management approach for cultural heritage sites, pioneering and executing multifaceted projects that enhance heritage sites preservation and conservation, and implementing a pioneering children education program based on cultural heritage values. PNT aims to fulfill the urgent need to preserve and conserve the archaeological, historical, and cultural heritage of Jordan and the region, in addition to its role in national and international advocacy.

Main Projects / Activities

Throughout the years, PNT has cooperated with national and international organizations to apply its vision and goals through to implement specialized programs on capacity building and education that are based on the needs of the cultural heritage experts and practitioners and target communities that live in and around heritage sites. The multifaceted approach of PNT and its team has exposed it to being involved in projects related to archaeological conservation, tourism and eco-tourism development, socio-economic development projects that support the livelihoods of local communities in the country, and specialized cultural heritage education. PNT PILLARS • ADVOCACY • PRESERVATION • EDUCATION, OUTREACH & AWARENESS

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Petra National Trust (PNT) is Jordan’s oldest national nongovernmental organization in the field of heritage protection and preservation. PNT promotes awareness of world heritage values through implementing projects and programs that protect and preserve heritage sites. Through ALF network, PNT will advocate for heritage protection and preservation as a foundation for development, responsible tourism, cultural identity, and active participation. In addition, PNT will promote and coordinate Jordanian and international efforts to preserve the unique combination of antiquities, natural environment, and human traditions in the region. Moreover, PNT work to bring together people in Jordan and abroad who are committed to that same goal through implementing many projects and programs in Jordan and the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PNT is eager to join ALF's widest network of civil society organizations involved in the promotion of intercultural dialogue across the Euro-Mediterranean region. PNT believes in the importance of empowering youth, women, children, refugees, and PWDs. Moreover, PNT believes in the significant impact of intercultural that helps embed mutual understanding, and an evidence-based approach to programming and policy-making at the local, national, and regional levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdullah Abu Rumman
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
HRH Princess Dana Firas
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeina Mohammad Al Khashashneh
Job Title (2)
Projects and Partnerships Manager

Tiro Association for Arts (TAA)

National Network

Tyre, Lebanese National Theater
near the court
Tyre 1601

+961 81870124
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Tiro Association for Arts (TAA) is a non-governmental organization located in South Lebanon, registered under No.2633/ 2014. The Association was established to encourage the Southern local communities to further engage in arts and culture, outside of the existing political and religious settings. More specifically, TAA was founded upon the belief that these communities can express themselves through art, not only to reflect their identity but also to showcase through art the problems and the challenges of their respective communities and those of the Lebanese society at large. Presently, TAA has turned into avolunteer-based organization that brings together youth of different social, economic, cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds to create an alternative movement of social change through arts and culture. To increase its ability to spread culture and arts outside of the capital Beirut, TAA bought in 2017 a former school bus through donationsusing the Indigogo website. The old bus was converted into an itinerant cinema and theatre known now as the Peace Art Bus.The Bus travelled to marginalized villages and areas, especially in the South of Lebanon. Rich screening programs were shared with youth of diverse backgrounds who were invited to travel with TAA on a cultural journey. The Bus has facilitated discussions, and proposed films, concerts, storytelling and even food sharing. Theatre workshops and performances were held in, around, and inside the Bus to foster bonds between the communities. TAA implemented also a project, within the Peace Art Bus, entitled “Watch Lebanon in Mobile Cinema” respectively in 2018 and 2019, covering 24 villages and cities and targeting about 2,000 beneficiaries. In 2018, TAA succeeded to obtain a 3-year project entitled “Culture and Arts for Development and Social Change in the South of Lebanon” funded by Drosos Foundation implemented in Tyre and Nabatiyeh, for a total of 304,240 USD. Thanks to this project, TAA was able to implement festivals, training workshops for youth and children, and strengthen TAA organizational structure. TAA delivered 8 types of trainingcourses where 370 trainees were engaged. The training courses have had a significant impact on children aged between 7 and 12 years. They were introduced to diverse types of arts and became more open to communicate with children from other regions and religions. It also had an impact on youth (aged between 13 and 28). The trainees’ self-confidence and engagement in society increased, especially proven during their participation in TAA public performances.Above all, the project strengthened TAA organizational structure including better project management, communication,and festival organization, which was a real need to enable the Association build a stronger and more sustainable management capacities.

Mission and Objectives

TAA MISSION To mobilize youth and encourage them to explore creative self-expression through performing arts, develop critical life skills and freely express their opinions, hence becoming social change and decision makers, and contributing towards more cohesive communities. TAA OBJECTIVES • To increase the recognition of the value of arts and culture in Lebanese society. • To develop life skills of children and youth through performing arts. • To develop the artistic skills of young talents. • To encourage the committed and purposeful theatrical movement. • To broaden the cultural offer and stimulate the demand for more culture by organizing multi-disciplinary festivals, fostering collaborations and co-creations). TAA VALUES • Rejection of all kinds of discriminations based on race, colour, sex, religion, or language. • Promotion of tolerance and social justice through ensuring equality and solidarity among all TAA volunteers, trainees, Theatre audience, and all members of the Association. • Adopting an independent and neutral culture and arts mindset far from political affiliation or interference. • Respect of each other’s opinions and cultural openness. • Respect of each other’s social and economic differences. We employed qualified persons and the people who are able to develop themselves. We open our doors to give them opportunities. Hence, our organisation consists of many members. We applied for projects that we find on the internet website to help the world to become better place. We all like a family dedicating our life in supporting others.

Main Projects / Activities

women's empowerment program cultural program arts (exhibition), acting youth program

Contact (1) Full Name
Kassem Istanbouli
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Bahia Zayyat