Center for Education and Sport Skills

National Network

Lagjia Nr.1, Rruga Rinia

+355 69 932 3608
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information

“Skills” education and sports center is a grass root organization focused on youth’s skills development using sports and informal education as a tool to bring together youth. The center’s goal is to promote the skills of youth into sports activities , orienting them towards the benefits they have from social activation. Donation Modalities of Action: 1.Grass root organization(football training) 2.Youth empower 3.Informal Education Main Partners: Municipality, education institution in county, Football Federation and Leviz Albania

Mission and Objectives

To empower youth through sport activities and informal education

Main Projects / Activities

Organization of football teams for boys and girls in local championships “Sporti në qytetin tim,fëmijët të parët ,jemi edhe ne.” project to advocate with local authorities for a dedicated budget for youths.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The skills center is one of the few organizations in our country that offers empowerment of young people through programs and sports activities. We also know very well the reality of our community and we believe that this is a strong point to offer effective solutions to any problem.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Center for Education and Sports Skills is a relatively young organization that works in a rural community with major problems as Cerrik municipality is. As a grassroot organization we face every day with various problems which are very difficult to solve with the capacity of our staff. Participation in networks would be a very good opportunity to grow professionally but also to have the greatest possible support for change in our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andi Bibo
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Andi Bibo

Center for Education and Sport Skills

National Network

Lagjia Nr.1, Rruga Rinia

+355 69 932 3608
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information

“Skills” education and sports center is a grass root organization focused on youth’s skills development using sports and informal education as a tool to bring together youth.
The center’s goal is to promote the skills of youth into sports activities , orienting them towards the benefits they have from social activation.
Modalities of Action:
1.Grass root organization(football training)
2.Youth empower
3.Informal Education
Main Partners:
Municipality, education institution in county, Football Federation and Leviz Albania

Mission and Objectives

To empower youth through sport activities and informal education

Main Projects / Activities

Organization of football teams for boys and girls in local championships
“Sporti në qytetin tim,fëmijët të parët ,jemi edhe ne.” project to advocate with local authorities for a dedicated budget for youths.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The skills center is one of the few organizations in our country that offers empowerment of young people through programs and sports activities. We also know very well the reality of our community and we believe that this is a strong point to offer effective solutions to any problem.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Center for Education and Sports Skills is a relatively young organization that works in a rural community with major problems as Cerrik municipality is. As a grassroot organization we face every day with various problems which are very difficult to solve with the capacity of our staff. Participation in networks would be a very good opportunity to grow professionally but also to have the greatest possible support for change in our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andi Bibo
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Andi Bibo

Middle East development center

National Network

40 tout ankh amoun
Alexandria Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

MEDC was established in March 2007 by Alexandria Businessmen Association (ABA) with the aim of
supporting and develop the human resources and the organizational abilities through offering integrated
groups of training courses, diplomas, consultancies
The center is focusing on developing the Alexandria community as a business powerhouse to support the
overall Egyptian business and economic community’s in line with the association’s grand strategy and
aspiration. The center takes the initiative of delivering the best creative and up-to-date services for its
members as well as the community.

Mission and Objectives

Improve to the competitiveness of the business community and Microfinance institution
and increase the value for stakeholder by providing specialized and customized training,
technical assistance and capacity development program

Main Projects / Activities

CHF (women empowerment training)
CARITAS (startups program)
soft skills program
MBA/DBA program

Contact (1) Full Name
Amira Sabri
Job Title
Business Development Manager
Head of the organisation
Hadil Zewil

Hand to Hand Against Nation Apathy

National Network

Rr. Faik Konica, Ndërtesa 13, Kati II, Shk. I

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information

H.A.N.A is a youth center in Lezhë, Albania, managed from a consolidated team of 5 professionals and youth workers and formal partner of Lezhë Local Government structures and several non-Albanian agencies and institutions that act as supporters of the center's mission. Currently, H.A.N.A's program is supported financially by European Endowment for Democracy (EED) and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and it runs on a budget 30'000 - 40'000 Euro per year (this amount is not fixed but a current average, based on number of grants managed). The center enacts its influence in the communities of Lezhë through a strategic program comprised of projects, activities, initiatives and campaigns with youth and partner organizations/institutions in the field of democracy, politics, gender equality, environment and media. Some of the current national NGO partners of H.A.N.A are; Center for Qualitative Journalism,, Union of Albanian Journalists, Sebastia Youth Center, Act for Society Center, KRIIK Albania etc.

Mission and Objectives

H.A.N.A is an Albanian non-profit, non-governmental organization and legally organized as youth center, whose purpose is to educate the Albanian society, youth of Lezhë in particular, about the importance of pro-active participation in issues of common community importance, so that this participation brings change and social development. Our organization will pursue this goal by fostering partnerships with public structures, civil society, community members and national or international development agencies to ensure the cooperation and resources needed.

Main Projects / Activities

H.A.N.A as an established youth center in Lezhë is supported by EED and is a programmatic support rather than a specific project.
Youth, Recycling, Respect - The Eco-System of Environmental Love - supported by Leviz Albania
Winter School in Political Studies and Democracy - MFA of Luxembourg
Social Theater on Gender Inequality - supported by EED
Social Corner (Movie Club, Book Club and Indoor Sports Club) - supported by EED

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

H.A.N.A is the only youth center active in the town of Lezhë and plays an active role in engaging youth in meaningful and important topics on a local, national and regional level. The founders and current team is an established and reputable group of professionals in their respective fields (youth work, project management, social work and media) having been part of international NGO's and national media for +10 years. We can share expertise in relevant fields, contribute in design of common actions and form potential partnerships according to previously agreed approaches/interventions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

H.A.N.A is working hard to establish a culture of youth engagement in Lezhë, while fighting against a culture of indifferentism and lack of opportunities for youth to express their talents and enhance their knowledge. The importance of partnership and networking for successful and impactful influence is expressed in the organization's founding act as a core principle of our existence. We are on the look for opportunities to extend our reach in Lezhë communities and most importantly, improve the quality of our interventions and we deem that joining the ALF Network will contribute in our intentions for the best.

Contact (1) Full Name
Besmira Lekaj
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Besmira Lekaj
Contact (2) Full Name
Erlinda Mesuli
Job Title (2)
Board Member

Qendra 'Health, Art, Sport, Tourism, Education'

National Network

Shenasi Dragoti

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Center ‘Health, Art, Sports, Tourism, Education’ (HASTE) with VAT Number M0198451F, with address Rr. Shenasi Dragoti, Pall 28, Tirana ( It is an organization with a focus on giving a social contribution in its 5 topic areas of organization scope ( health, art, sport, tourism, education). HASTE was founded in 2020 and consists of a group (pool) of 37 experts in various fields such as: doctor, teacher, researcher, engineer, journalist, and psychologist. There are two main structure of the organization ( Executive Director) and ( Board of Founders with 5 participants). HASTE operates as a center that apply in different projects calls but also it operates as center to provide paid consultancy. During the first year HASTE is implementing first project funded by European Union ( I will never see the world again! project) that consist in translation in Albania from Turkey to one of the most famous Turkish writer.

Mission and Objectives

The main goals of HASTE are as below: • Aims to contribute to society for the preservation and development of universal human values. • The center aims to raise public awareness about natural resources by increasing the sense of responsibility for each other. • Establishment and development of cooperation with organizations, NGOs and other foundations that carry out activities in Albania or abroad and that have activities similar to that of the center. Objectives of the center: 1. The Center initiates awareness campaigns or capacity building activities in the field of health, sports, education and tourism 2. The Center promotes free thought, democracy and civic engagement for the improvement of living conditions. 3. The center increases the capacities of young people to develop activities to take initiatives in the areas of activity of the center. 4. The Center encourages interested persons, internal or external, to develop projects and academic studies for the benefit of the community. 5. Organizes and supports various socio-cultural, sports, olympiads and scientific competitions; concerts, tourist walks, picnics, seminars, exchanges, trainings, awareness campaigns, fairs, lobbying, media programs, various sports tours, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of HASTE are: 1. Awareness activities 2. Capacity building activities 3. Cultural Activities 4. Research

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Some of our contribution in network might be: 1.Sharing resources we have 2. Promote impact of other organization in community 3. Share our ideas of engagement in community 4. Collaboration with other stakeholders to improve life in our respective communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking will help us to develop and improve our main objectives, give a better impact in our community, meet prospective mentors, partners and gain access to the necessary resources that will foster our organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nensi Dragoti
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Nensi Dragoti

Eman hijazi

National Network

Sakeb street
Amman 11118

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
General Information

مجرد انسان ينتمي إلى هذه الارض والي بشريه موحدة احترم جمؤع البشرية بغض النظر عن العرق والدين اتمني نشر التوعية بين الناس من جميع الاطياف والفئات سواء لا فرق بين الإنسان العادي او المعاق الجميع بنتمون الي هذه الأرض بغض النظر عن آرائهم او فلسفاتهم أو اتجاهتهم الفكريه اتمني السلام للجميع

Mission and Objectives

تهدف جمعبه بدر الجديدة الي تمكين المراه وتمكينها من مواجه تحديات الحياه كطا تقوم بإعطاء الفرصة لليافعين من خدمات تساعدهم في الحياة مثل التعليم المجاني ودروس فر الخياطه للسيدات وتعلم الكروشيه

Main Projects / Activities

سأقوم بتاسيس جمعيه الاولي من نوعها في الاردن وسيستفبد منها جميع فئات المجتمع والدول الجاوره بغض النظر عن العرق والدين وهي جمعيه تعني بشؤون مرضي ضمور العشلات وسؤكون أعضاء هذه الجمعيه من جميت اعضاء المجتمع بغش النظر عن التوجه السياسي او الديني او العرقي أتمنى ان تنجح هذه الجمعيه في اهدافها

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Facebook twitter Instagram

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للمساهمه في نشر الوعي بين الأفراد دون التطرق الي المذاهب او العرق او الدين فالدين لله وحده والوطن للجميع

Contact (1) Full Name
نبراس الربضي
Job Title
مترجم فب التلفزيون الأردني
Head of the organisation
Jordan Television

Alice Arens (Individuell)

National Network

Hasselgatan 58
194 37 Upplands Väsby

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Alice Arens
Job Title
Red Cross
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Mr. Frédéric Delage

National Network

27 rue de soultz

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Encourager votre superbe idée.

Mission and Objectives

Échange, partage et défendre notre nation.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Frédéric Delage
Head of the organisation
Frédéric Delage

Lebanese Heritage Foundation

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information

The Association is composed of two bodies: the Administrative Committee and the General Assembly. The Administrative Committee represents and runs the Association as per its regulations and in keeping with the laws in force. The tasks and powers of each body are defined within the rules of procedure.
The financial resources of the Association are derived from:
1. The subscriptions paid by members.
2. Government aid.
3. Donations, grants, and bequests.
The funds of the Association are spent to further its purposes.

Mission and Objectives

The Lebanese Heritage Foundation was established in the Republic of Lebanon as a non-political and non-profit association. Main Objectives:
- The development of research activities.
- Cultural exchanges.
- The collection of ancient and historical books, publications, documents, and encyclopedias.
- The organization and administration of cultural exhibitions.
- The regular organization of sessions and lectures that shed light on Lebanon’s heritage and history.
- The preparation and distribution of local and international booklets and advertising campaigns to promote the aforementioned project.
- Organizing debates and seminars on public policies in Lebanon and the Region.

Main Projects / Activities

organizing local and international seminars, symposiums, and scientific conferences as well as educational sessions; publishing periodical and non-periodical bulletins and printed materials that promote the purposes and goals of the Association; documenting information, exchanging local and international expertise, and preparing applied and scientific studies; designing development projects in the aforementioned areas; using audiovisual media; bolstering various production sectors with local and international expertise and supervising the implementation of such activities in cooperation and coordination with various private sectors, the competent official authorities, syndicates, specialized associations, universities, media outlets, and international organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elie Elias
Job Title
University Professor
Head of the organisation
Fr. Joseph Moukazel

Futuré Center

National Network

Rr.Vaso Pasha, nr.7, Tirane

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

1. Futuré Center is a non-governmental organization founded in January 2010 in Tirana, Albania. Its management consists of 2 entities: The Board of Directors (3) and the Executive Staff (2), AADF and OSCE. 2. Budgetary resources available in a year is 30.000 €. 3. Donors are the main source of funding. 4. Modalities of action o Lead Albania – 7-year training programme which provides young Albanian professionals with first-hand experience in the process of governing Albania, such as: Prime Ministry, Office of the President, Ministries, and Municipality of Tirana. o Albanian Macroeconomic Indicators Report (2009-2015) o Strategy of Human Resources; Action Plan and Administrative Reform in the Albanian Assembly o Training in Youth empowerment in the promotion of gender equality 5. Our partners: AccaInternazionale della Dieta Mediterranea Italiana; The HeadHunter; Association Européenne des Référents; Union of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Albania; Regione Liguria; UNIONE CAMERE ESPERTI EUROPEI;

Mission and Objectives

Future Center aims to contribute to the development of the country through a multidisciplinary approach, which combines research, analysis and studies, with action-based projects, initiatives and other promotional activities in various fields, including but not limited to the economic, social and political realms of the Albanian society. We help to build trust between institutions, organizations and community – a task we feel is crucial for conditions of our commonwealth, also we add value to our society.

Main Projects / Activities

• Trainings: Design and delivery of training modules and revision of administrative guidelines for social administrators on the scoring formula for NE for pilot areas • Projects: Provisional of technical assistance to the government of Albania for the development of a methodology on the stock & flow analysis of the children resident in all public and non-public institutions in Albania • Studies: Futuré Center implemented various projects in collaboration with the Executive Staff, Scientific Committee and External Experts. • Research: It has conduced several researches in the field of

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Futuré contributes to the economic, social and political development of the country in cooperation with economic operators, governmental and non-governmental institutions, and international organizations, through comparative analysis, studies, surveys, trainings, publications and promotional activities in all areas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To facilitate linkages in the Mediterranean as well as to develop more effective and innovative projects in the specific fields that ALF and Futuré operate commonly. Additionally, to support region-wide initiatives and campaigns in the fields of youth, education, media, culture, gender and intercultural research. And since our strong weapon is advocacy through dialog, we strongly believe we could make a beneficial cooperation.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Iris Murati
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Arben Shkodra