Shédio Design solutions

National Network

Bab ezzouar Algeria
Bab ezzouar
16000 Alger

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Shédio is above all a project with a vision oriented towards virtual technologies and their uses and integrations in the digital safeguard of historical and cultural heritage.
We are a team of designers, designers and 3D animators graduated from the Higher School of Fine Arts of Algiers, being passionate about design and new technologies,

Mission and Objectives

we created the Startup Shédio design solutions in order to democratize the use of virtual technologies in key sectors and has significant added value such as: architecture, heritage and tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

3D Design, Architecture Design, Virtual reality and augmented reality

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to offer a virtual 3D media library, 3D virtual tours on site or via applications of Algerian cultural, historical and tourist heritage

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is an organization with values ​​that Shédio shares

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Co founder
Head of the organisation
Feriel Tounsi
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Amid Vision

National Network

Sidi Bouzid
نهج البريد قبالة شركة بلعج سيدي بوزيد 9100
9100 Sidi Bouzid

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

المنظمة هيا ذات صبغة عامة و هيا محدثة جديدة

Mission and Objectives

منظمة وسط رؤية Amid Vision هيا منظمة غير ربحية و غير حكومية مقرها في سيدي بوزيد أنشأت في جانفي 2020 من قبل مجموعة من الشباب يحلمون الى نشر ثقافة حقوق الإنسان و المواطنة و الديمقراطية و دعم و إثراء المشهد الثقافي و ترسيخ الحوكمة المحلية و مكافحة الفساد و أهداف التنمية المستدامة

Main Projects / Activities

قد شاركت في عديد الأنشطة و الملتقيات و الدورات التكوينية و قد نظمنا ندوة وطنية حول استكمال المسار اللامركزية تحديات و الأفاق في ديسمبر 2020 حضره ثلة من الخبراء في المجال و عديد الاعضاء المجالس البلدية و ممثلين من منظمات العاملة في مجال الحوكمة المحلية و ممثلين من وزارة التنمية المحلية

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Jihed Zinoubi
Job Title
Président de l'organisation
Head of the organisation
Zinoubi Jihed

Have A Dream

National Network

28 Mahmoud Hassan
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Have A Dream organizes voluntary and cultural travel programs in plenty of fields ( Non-formal education , farming, building, sports, gender equality, sustainable development and cultural exchange ) . it has organized more than 35 programs with more than 1000 volunteers in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Mission and Objectives

The Mission: Explore the world, involve with nations & Have A Dream. Volunteering for a worthwhile cause or helping people in need naturally benefits the local community but it can have even greater benefits for the volunteer him/herself. When volunteering in an activity that is right for you, you can new friends with like-minded people, indulge in the local culture and community, learn new skills and even advance your career.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Cultural and voluntary projects 2- Tourism projects 3- School camp 4- African Ambassadors 5- Erasmus programs

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are hosting various project along the year in different fields, we have a wide network with the underprivileged communities like the south, women and etc. We believe through our participation with ALF, we will have a great potential to create several projects on topics strengthening the women, breaking the stereotypes through cultural events, and give an opportunity to more people to participate in such events

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It will be a great opportunity to participate with other organizations in the network , to implement several projects with them, apply for grant to build our projects from scratch, we believe that ALF will give us a great opportunity to engage with organizations with the same focus of ours, and have similar objective, which will help us to matchmake with them and implement partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Abd el Megeed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Abd el Megeed
Contact (2) Full Name
Raghda Medhat
Job Title (2)
Program manager

Solidaridad Entre Personas Integrando Comunidades- SOEPIC

National Network

Espai Intercultural . C/De los Jardines, num 2.
46003 Valencia Valencia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Estructura de la organización: todo nuestro personal colabora de manera voluntaria. Se ha realizado alguna contratación puntual por obra y servicio.
Plantilla de SOEPIC:
Anthony Hall (Presidente)
Judith García ( Mediadora Intercultural, Coordinadora del Área de Sensibilización Social)
Maria José Alejo ( Técnico de Animación Sociocultural- TASOC)
Sofía (Tecnica de Integración social).
Narymen ( Administrativa)
Personal Voluntario con participacoión puntual: compuesto por un grupo multdisciplinario y multcultural. Agentes de Mediación
Intercultural (guineana y española), Técnica en Integración socio-cultural (española), Licenciada en Bellas
Artes (afroespañola) y Trabajadora Social (afroespañola).

Recursos disponibles en una año: RRHH indicados anterirormente, sede con oficina con PC y telf , 2 aulas´( con proyector y pantalla) para la realización de talleres y/o charlas, 1 sala de reuniones. Debido a que somos una organizaciópn pequeña y dependemos de subvenciones y cuotas de los/las socios/as, en estos momentos la ONG dispone de unos 250 Euros.

Fuente sde financiación: Subvenciones públicas y privadas, cuotas de socios/as.

Acciones :
Sensibilización Social: colaboración en el diseño e implementación de proyectos con el Equipo de Implementación del Decenio para Personas Afrodescendientes de Naciones Unidas, para la Facultad de Filisofía y Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad de Valencia) , Implementación de charlas para diferentes ONGs (Valencia Acoge, Jarit, Movivmientos por la Paz y el Desarme, Farmamundi, Orriols Convive y Barris Inclusius (Ayuntamiento de Valencia).
Promoción de la Salud Púlbica y Comunitaria: diseño e implemntación de proyecto de Salud Comunitaria. Implementación de talleres de promoción de la salud. Colaboración con el Proyecto MihsSalud ( Consellería de Sanidad y ONG Acoec). Miembro de la Red Sanitaria Solidaria (RSS) y colaboración el el diseño y un audiovisual sobre Derecho a la Salud.
Eduación para el desarrollo: cursos de formación sobre Mejora de la Empleabilidad, Producción MusicaL ,Economía Doméstica y Nutrición Saludable.
Difusión Artística y Musical: participación en festivales y eventos artísticos.

Mission and Objectives

Visión y Misión
Nuestra misión es trabajar para crear condiciones de equidad para las personas que se encuentren en riesgo de exclusión social y para los colectvos más vulnerables. De este modo, poder propiciar el desarrollo de todas sus potencialidades.

Nuestra visión es la consttución de una sociedad más armónica, justa y con igualdad de oportunidades.

Objetvo general
Nuestro trabajo tene como objetvo general contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas, y a la mejora de los procesos de cambio social, tanto económico, como tecnológico, cultural, polítco y educacional, mediante propuestas que promocionen el respeto a los derechos humanos y que favorezcan relaciones Sur-Norte equitatvas, y que promuevan la equidad entre la mujer y el hombre como parte
fundamental del desarrollo.

Main Projects / Activities

Están incluidos en l documento adjunto.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tenemos unas líneas de actuación muy definidas y está en total Confiamos en que nuestra colaboración sería de utilidad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Porque creemos que podríamos aportar

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Judith García Ejome
Job Title
Mediadora Intercultural
Head of the organisation
Anthony Magel Hall ( Presidente)
Contact (2) Full Name
Anthony Magel Hall
Job Title (2)
Presidente de SOEPIC

Love and Care For People Worldwide

National Network

Radharc Na Coille, Rathcoole, Co. Cork
Co. Cork

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Love and Care for People “LCP” is a non-profit registered charitable organisation based in Ireland. LCP is an integrated and holistic service that provides a safe and supportive environment where women and young people especially those living in hardship, socially excluded, victims of abuse and those with fewer opportunities can experience the joy, laughter, and safety that should be a part of everyday life. LCP has 3 staff members, depending on fun raising activities from Different sources including European Commissioner, Leargas, Department of Justice, Cork city Council, Cork County Council, Youth Council of Ireland, etc We involve in non-formal training courses, youth projects, etc. LCP has both national and International partners

Mission and Objectives

Love and Care for People was created to support victims of abuse and financial difficulties. Since then we have expanded our services and extended our mission and vision. This has helped us reach thousands more through our local, regional, national and international activities, programmes and public awareness campaigns, as well as through our social media platforms and website. LCP’s mission is to educate and raise awareness about family violence and hardship, support the healing of survivors and promote their health, wellbeing, and financial independence. LCP’s mission is put into action through five main programme areas: Healing, Support, Advocacy, Education and Recreational Activities. Our Goals: • To support the healing of survivors of family violence. • To educate children, girls, young people and women about their rights and support them in building their own capacities as decision-makers. • To educate communities, educational institutions and other service providers about family violence and its impact. • To offer children, girls, young people and women access to resources and opportunities that will enable them to overcome barriers, develop as leaders and contribute to their fullest potential in life. • To inspire and empower children, girls, young people and women to become future advocates, mentors, leaders and role models in their communities. • To engage boys and men as allies for women’s empowerment.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Exchange Training courses Self-defense courses Financial training Domestic violence support

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Events and partnerships

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build network and contribute to youth empowerment

Contact (1) Full Name
Ini Usanga
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ini Usanga
Contact (2) Full Name
Ado Mazombe
Job Title (2)
Programme Manager


National Network

Vasileos Irakleiou 14

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

InfinityGreece is a Social Enterprise that was established on 2014 as a non-formal students group. Our organisation is a leading entrepreneurship on Youth Empowerment in Digital Media with a variety of outdoor and indoor activities.
Our volunteer program is about developing soft and hard skills in Digital Media. This process is spitted in 3 parts: Content creation for a Media portal, (WebRadio, Blogging, Photography and WebTv), Management (Marketing, Human Resource, Project and Event management) and Technology (Web development and Web design). Since 2014 more than 450 young people volunteered on Infinity Greece. Each Content group and project operates with the supervision and assistance of an experienced volunteer youth worker, whose role is mentoring and supporting. Each mentor has optioned both theoretical and technical knowledge of the subject he is working on.
Our educational program includes series of workshops open to the public, trainings for our volunteers, workshops , the online educational platform Academy and granted on “openschoolsthess” project from the SNF (Stavros Niarchos Fundation) and Municipality of Thessaloniki, for after school activities in primary schools.
In addition we do outdoor activities such as treasure hunting, “My Bike Rocks” biking through the city and “pick a smile - action about international day of happiness" founded from the participatory youth budget of the Thessaloniki Youth Council.
Aim of our activities is to make young people active citizens, that's why we organize events and festivals in a way to leave our mark in the city. In total we account more than 54 actions, events, parties, workshops and festivals with total attendance over 16000 people.
Our vision is to make young people more creative, give them the opportunity to experiment and improve their soft and hard skills in a safe environment provided from the organisation.

We have experienced youth leaders, youth workers and mentors able to support young people and motivate them. Key persons involved in Erasmus+ projects are young leaders developed their experience abroad. This has not only given them strong educational basis but has also taught them how to communicate with people coming from different cultural and social backgrounds. Their knowledge spreads on various fields, based on non-formal education techniques and working with young people. Our staff expertise is on Digital & Social Media, Content Creation, Event & Project management, young people inclusion and intercultural exchange.
The key staff involved have been part of all the previous activities of the association.
• Ioannis Charchantis (Founder, Trainer) BSc on Informatics and Management, Trainer at Summer Camp and Sports & Culture facility, Content Creator and Video Producer, Music Theory Teacher.

Is the legal representative and founder of InfinityGreece. He is studying Informatics and Administration at the University of Macedonia and is a graduate of the New Conservatory of Thessaloniki, where he was also working as a music theory teacher.
In addition, he continues to undertake projects related to digital media and advertising, or education (inside or outside InfinityGreece).
He has been involved in children camps since 2005, where he first came into contact with European Program Participants (EVS and Youth Exchanges). In recent years, as an employee, he has worked with EVS participants on and off the campus many times. He has participated as a student in the Comenius program and as an adult in Erasmus + and AIESEC exchange and training programs.

• Dimitrios Papadopoulos (Marketing Director) Marketing and Human Resource Mentor, Project Manager at Business Mentality, Cooparator of Europe Direct Halkidiki.

Is a member of the InfinityGreece management team. Is is a student of Balkan, Slavic & Eastern Studies in the Department of Economics and International Business at the University of Macedonia and has proficiency in foreign languages ​​such as English, French and Russian at basic communication level.
Has participated in youth exchange (EU) programs as well as training seminars (TC) on the facilitation of the European ERASMUS+ Programs. He has been a direct partner at the EU Direct Europe Halkidiki, as well as a project manager at BUSINESS MENTALITY. At the same time, he has been in charge of youth exchange programs organized by BUSINESS MENTALITY. He has worked with EVS participants providing advice and support during their volunteer work. He is actively involved in digital media and communication with new people.

• Vasiliki Tsiakiridou (Creative Director) Digital Marketer, Content Creator, BSc on Balkan, Slavic Eastern Studies in the Department of Economics and International Business at the University of Macedonia.She is a co-partner of the InfinityGreece social enterprise and has proficiency in foreign languages such as English and Bulgarian. She has been a volunteer at InfinityGreece for the last 3 years and participated in training seminars (TC) on the facilitation of the European ERASMUS+ Programs. As part of her internship, she worked in TIF-HELEXPO and was a member of the organizing team of the 82nd Thessaloniki International Fair. Currently, she is involved in Digital Marketing and Content Creation, for business and mentoring purposes.

• Aleksandros Nanaj (Project Coordinator) Youth worker, Economist, experienced on international programs, Orator on intercultural project in primary school in Poland, cofacilitator on organisations trainings.

Born in Albania and at the age of 2 immigrated with his family in Greece. He is responsible for communicating with international partners, especially the Erasmus + programs and coordinating the projects.
Supports, informs and prepares the participants of the programs in which Infinity Greece participates as well as being the rapporteur and coordinator of the programs of the organization. He is a graduate economist with master on Energy Finance.
He has participated in several Erasmus + projects and is an active youth worker supporting organizations abroad and in Greece.

Mission and Objectives

Aim of our activities is to make young people active citizens, that's why we organize events and festivals in a way to leave our mark in the city. In total we account more than 56 actions, events, parties, workshops and festivals with total attendance over 21000 people.
Our vision is to make young people more creative, give them the opportunity to experiment and improve their soft and hard skills in a safe environment provided from the organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the establishment of InfinityGreece more than 500 young people have been part of the volunteering program. All of them taking part through open calls, bringing something new in the organization and getting the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and get out of their safe zone. In the same way the participants of the projects will be a mixture of experienced youth workers and young people with fewer opportunities from Thessalonikis region, though open call on our pages ( and ). Depending on the needs of each project we share our call with our national partners as well as the National (Erasmus+, Education) agencies. Selection is based on participants profile, motivation and willingness to get involved and contribute to activities, taking in to consideration their background and the opportunities that possible had. Furthermore in each project we run we keep a genre balance, selecting the same number of participants from both genres.
For each project we create a closed Facebook Group for direct communication among participants and to ensure that each one of them is informed for related to the project subjects.
For sending project in addition we host a preparatory face to face meeting with our participants, giving them the first idea for the project and a guideline. We select experienced leader, who is able to support other participants and take action if need be. In addition we assist the group in task related actions and material preparation. We suggest the best way to travel and assist with travel related and practical tips. For safety reasons all participants make European Health insurance card. Participants will be able to contact our team members via social media before, during and after the project for support and assistance. During the project we are in close communication with our partners and ready to assist and provide what is needed to easy the project and ensure the quality of it. After the project we ask the participants to give as a copy of any available digital material (photography, video) and write a short summary of the project. We post them on our website and on our social media (more than 8000 likes on facebook and more than 3000 followers on instagram). Lastly we invite the participants to an open to public day to present the project their participated, thereby inspire newcomers and spread the knowledge they gained. In addition we are always ready to assist the participants on the follow up activities they choose to do, from a street activity to festival, they name it.
When it comes to training courses and seminars, the tools and methods developed during the project are taken into consideration as part of the organisation for future use and uploaded on our educational platform Academy where our members and volunteers have easily access.

In general InfinityGreece is active on fields of Digital and Social Media, Youth Empowerment and inclusion, hosting actions for schooling, social awareness, racism, young participation in social life.
InfinityGreece training program includes "Training Weekend", a two-day event dedicated to the training of participants. The program aims to integrate new members into the InfinityGreece team, gain technical and theoretical knowledge in the wide range of Digital Media, manage and utilize human resources and improve internal communication, giving impetus to the development of new ideas. During the program sessions are held to cultivate team spirit and partnership with digital media workshops on both the content and the technical needs of each module.
As part of our ongoing training of volunteers we offer “TeamWork in Digital Media ”, a series of seminars / workshops exclusively for volunteers, an 8-week course where, through innovative and interactive seminars, they acquire soft and hard skills, making greater progress, either in Human Resources Management or in Content Creation and Marketing. Seminar lecturers are experts in their field with experience in either non-formal learning or seminar education.
In the summer of 2019, we held the 1st Summer Training of InfinityGreece in our offices, focusing on developing collaborative skills within the organization's teams and co-creating the action plan for the new year with volunteers. The program lasted 5 days and in addition to the members of the organization, Ioannis Charchandis and Alexandros Nanaj, co-facilitators were experienced trainers and youth workers from teams and organizations collaborate.
We participated as trainers in the “YouthWin! Youth workers improving youth work now ”of KEDITH (Municipality Enterprise of Thessaloniki) where for two days we trained Greeks and Swedes on video production.
During the same period we hosted 2 study visits of Erasmus+ youth trainings in our offices as part of the actions "ERASMUS + Capacity Building" and "Using Social Entrepreneurship in Erasmus + - USEE +", where we informed them about social entrepreneurship, our social impact among young people in Thessaloniki, the local community, and the empowerment we offer to digital media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioannis Charchantis
Job Title
Founder & President
Head of the organisation
Ioannis Charchantis


National Network

3 Ahuzat Bayit Street
Tel Aviv-Yafo

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Itach-Ma'aki is comprised of 15 staff members, all women, both Israeli and Palestinian, with legal backgrounds, who work alongside volunteers and interns in order to achieve a multitude of goals pertaining to gender equality. Additionally, we have a board of directors of 10 women who are active in influencing our strategies and decisions; they also bear the responsibility of managing conflict that might arise within the organization as well as to publicly represent the goals of the organization. Apart from the official staff and the board of directors, Itach-Ma'aki relies on a public council of women hailing from different demographics, that functions as a vehicle for the dissemination of information as well as to open dialogues in the wider circles of Israeli/Palestinian societies. These women are critical in the domain of event-planning and the facilitation of open discourse between women coming from different backgrounds.

Because Itach-Ma'aki is a non-profit NGO, it receives its funding exclusively from donations. Alongside donations made by generous individuals, we have a list of primary donors that can be found on our website. (

Mission and Objectives

Itach Ma'aki is a multi-faceted organization with multiple goals that each reflect our main mission; to achieve and utilize gender equality in a society afflicted by conflict, division, and violence. One of the most important objectives is to amplify the voices of women who are typically silenced, specifically the many minorities residing within Israel and the occupied territories. In order to achieve this, we are very education-focused and plan events to open dialogue between women coming from different demographics.

Our staff is comprised of both Israeli and Palestinian women who are committed to building bridges between our respective communities by advocating for peace, and by extension, advocating for the end of harmful practices by governments on both sides that marginalize and further isolate women, including but not limited to the building of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, violence and profiling against and of minorities, and the denial of full civil rights to minorities viewed as "dangerous" or "undeserving." We recognize how the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is inflamed by the lack of female representation in authoritative and diplomatic entities, and we look towards countries who have resolved conflicts, in (large) part by incorporating women in negotiations, as prototypes for our own efforts to utilize women's conflict resolution skills.

Notably, we see the grave injustices experienced by minority demographics in Israel, such as economic inequality, domestic violence, and educational disparities, and understand that women in these demographics bear the brunt of these injustices. We feel obligated to use any resources available to us to mitigate the harm experienced by these women, including our backgrounds in law and our voices as activists, to curb the harm and bring about a more equal society.

Main Projects / Activities

Itach-Ma'aki has a vast repertoire of projects and initiatives that reflect our mission and objectives. The following are some of our most successful and impactful projects:
- Haifa's "City for All" - taking models from other cities worldwide (Taiwan, for example,) and using them to implement gender equality in local Israeli government, in this specific case, we are working in Haifa.
- Center for Bedouin Women's Rights - established in 2006 through our Be'er Sheva branch with the intention to provide Bedouin people with support, specifically with issues relating to the economic strife experienced by Bedouin women. We work with the National Insurance Institute to provide income support, especially to single mothers.
- Domestic Violence Hotline - Itach Ma'aki runs a 24/7 hotline, operated by experts in the field of domestic abuse, to provide ongoing and consistent support and assistance to women experiencing domestic violence, however it may be manifested. Many times, we have helped remove women from threatening situations, thanks to our hotline.
- Legal assistance to women whose rights have been infringed on - Itach Ma'aki prides itself on providing pro-bono legal aid to victims of injustice across Israel. Some of our most prevalent legal victories have had to do with improving the incomes and rights of educational assistants who are unjustly terminated or whose incomes are reduced due to circumstances out of their control that are inextricably related to their gender (maternity leave, for example.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Part of Itach Ma'aki's main goals has been to build expansive networks with other organizations in Israel similarly devoted to the realization of gender equality and inclusion in the domain of peace negotiations. Along these lines, we have active partnerships with impressive NGOs that have catalyzed important developments in Israel and Palestine regarding our shared goals. Some of these organizations include WIPS – Center for the Advancement of Women In the Public Sphere
at Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Advah Center - Information on Equality and Social Justice in Israel, Anashim – Movement for Advancing Equality in Israel, and many more. We are well-connected and well-known in the peace-building community. Additionally, we work with international bodies such as the UN and EU and have, on numerous occasions, advised them on matters concerning women's integration in peace negotiations, as well as on broader, gender-equality-related topics. Our contributions to our country's network often are in the form of spreading information and educating the general population on subjects that have either been shrouded in stigma, or pushed under the rug. We recruit expert speakers to lead conferences and lectures with the intention of spreading awareness and creating a more informed society. Some of our most successful events and networking initiatives have been:
- our lecture series on Resolution 1325, where more than 30 experts spoke on topics surrounding gender equality. Some speakers included foreign ambassadors and other renounced diplomats, academics, and top activists.
- a joint-steering committee including Israeli and Palestinian women, who meet on a regular basis to address issues that are affecting their communities and in turn, educate each other on a wide variety of topics. This allows bridges to be built and empathy to be integrated into the realm of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which is typically defined by hostility and lack of understanding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network acts as an instrument for organizations to educate the masses while simultaneously establishing strong relationships with other organizations with whom common ground is shared. Itach-Ma'aki strives, if nothing else, to do exactly that; we wish to provide nuance and care to a conflict that has divided Israeli/Palestinian society, and to delineate the fact that no issue as complex as this one has a simple solution. The first step is to open a civilized discourse within different communities so that we can understand each other better. By joining the ALF network, we would be exposed to new organizations that might share our vision, and we could partner with them to further this vision. By doing so, we only stand to gain by advancing the notions of peace, contingent largely on women's integration in negotiations and conflict management.

Contact (1) Full Name
Netta Loevy
Head of the organisation
Ela Alon


National Network

3 Ahuzat Bayit Street
Tel Aviv-Yafo

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Itach-Ma'aki is comprised of 15 staff members, all women, both Israeli and Palestinian, with legal backgrounds, who work alongside volunteers and interns in order to achieve a multitude of goals pertaining to gender equality. Additionally, we have a board of directors of 10 women who are active in influencing our strategies and decisions; they also bear the responsibility of managing conflict that might arise within the organization as well as to publicly represent the goals of the organization. Apart from the official staff and the board of directors, Itach-Ma'aki relies on a public council of women hailing from different demographics, that functions as a vehicle for the dissemination of information as well as to open dialogues in the wider circles of Israeli/Palestinian societies. These women are critical in the domain of event-planning and the facilitation of open discourse between women coming from different backgrounds.

Because Itach-Ma'aki is a non-profit NGO, it receives its funding exclusively from donations. Alongside donations made by generous individuals, we have a list of primary donors that can be found on our website. (

Mission and Objectives

Itach Ma'aki is a multi-faceted organization with multiple goals that each reflect our main mission; to achieve and utilize gender equality in a society afflicted by conflict, division, and violence. One of the most important objectives is to amplify the voices of women who are typically silenced, specifically the many minorities residing within Israel and the occupied territories. In order to achieve this, we are very education-focused and plan events to open dialogue between women coming from different demographics.

Our staff is comprised of both Israeli and Palestinian women who are committed to building bridges between our respective communities by advocating for peace, and by extension, advocating for the end of harmful practices by governments on both sides that marginalize and further isolate women, including but not limited to the building of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, violence and profiling against and of minorities, and the denial of full civil rights to minorities viewed as "dangerous" or "undeserving." We recognize how the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is inflamed by the lack of female representation in authoritative and diplomatic entities, and we look towards countries who have resolved conflicts, in (large) part by incorporating women in negotiations, as prototypes for our own efforts to utilize women's conflict resolution skills.

Notably, we see the grave injustices experienced by minority demographics in Israel, such as economic inequality, domestic violence, and educational disparities, and understand that women in these demographics bear the brunt of these injustices. We feel obligated to use any resources available to us to mitigate the harm experienced by these women, including our backgrounds in law and our voices as activists, to curb the harm and bring about a more equal society.

Main Projects / Activities

Itach-Ma'aki has a vast repertoire of projects and initiatives that reflect our mission and objectives. The following are some of our most successful and impactful projects:
- Haifa's "City for All" - taking models from other cities worldwide (Taiwan, for example,) and using them to implement gender equality in local Israeli government, in this specific case, we are working in Haifa.
- Center for Bedouin Women's Rights - established in 2006 through our Be'er Sheva branch with the intention to provide Bedouin people with support, specifically with issues relating to the economic strife experienced by Bedouin women. We work with the National Insurance Institute to provide income support, especially to single mothers.
- Domestic Violence Hotline - Itach Ma'aki runs a 24/7 hotline, operated by experts in the field of domestic abuse, to provide ongoing and consistent support and assistance to women experiencing domestic violence, however it may be manifested. Many times, we have helped remove women from threatening situations, thanks to our hotline.
- Legal assistance to women whose rights have been infringed on - Itach Ma'aki prides itself on providing pro-bono legal aid to victims of injustice across Israel. Some of our most prevalent legal victories have had to do with improving the incomes and rights of educational assistants who are unjustly terminated or whose incomes are reduced due to circumstances out of their control that are inextricably related to their gender (maternity leave, for example.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Part of Itach Ma'aki's main goals has been to build expansive networks with other organizations in Israel similarly devoted to the realization of gender equality and inclusion in the domain of peace negotiations. Along these lines, we have active partnerships with impressive NGOs that have catalyzed important developments in Israel and Palestine regarding our shared goals. Some of these organizations include WIPS – Center for the Advancement of Women In the Public Sphere
at Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Advah Center - Information on Equality and Social Justice in Israel, Anashim – Movement for Advancing Equality in Israel, and many more. We are well-connected and well-known in the peace-building community. Additionally, we work with international bodies such as the UN and EU and have, on numerous occasions, advised them on matters concerning women's integration in peace negotiations, as well as on broader, gender-equality-related topics. Our contributions to our country's network often are in the form of spreading information and educating the general population on subjects that have either been shrouded in stigma, or pushed under the rug. We recruit expert speakers to lead conferences and lectures with the intention of spreading awareness and creating a more informed society. Some of our most successful events and networking initiatives have been:
- our lecture series on Resolution 1325, where more than 30 experts spoke on topics surrounding gender equality. Some speakers included foreign ambassadors and other renounced diplomats, academics, and top activists.
- a joint-steering committee including Israeli and Palestinian women, who meet on a regular basis to address issues that are affecting their communities and in turn, educate each other on a wide variety of topics. This allows bridges to be built and empathy to be integrated into the realm of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which is typically defined by hostility and lack of understanding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network acts as an instrument for organizations to educate the masses while simultaneously establishing strong relationships with other organizations with whom common ground is shared. Itach-Ma'aki strives, if nothing else, to do exactly that; we wish to provide nuance and care to a conflict that has divided Israeli/Palestinian society, and to delineate the fact that no issue as complex as this one has a simple solution. The first step is to open a civilized discourse within different communities so that we can understand each other better. By joining the ALF,

Contact (1) Full Name
Netta Loevy
Head of the organisation
Ela Alon


National Network

3 Ahuzat Bayit Street
Tel Aviv-Yafo

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Itach-Ma'aki is comprised of 15 staff members, all women, both Israeli and Palestinian, with legal backgrounds, who work alongside volunteers and interns in order to achieve a multitude of goals pertaining to gender equality. Additionally, we have a board of directors of 10 women who are active in influencing our strategies and decisions; they also bear the responsibility of managing conflict that might arise within the organization as well as to publicly represent the goals of the organization. Apart from the official staff and the board of directors, Itach-Ma'aki relies on a public council of women hailing from different demographics, that functions as a vehicle for the dissemination of information as well as to open dialogues in the wider circles of Israeli/Palestinian societies. These women are critical in the domain of event-planning and the facilitation of open discourse between women coming from different backgrounds.

Because Itach-Ma'aki is a non-profit NGO, it receives its funding exclusively from donations. Alongside donations made by generous individuals, we have a list of primary donors that can be found on our website. (

Mission and Objectives

Itach Ma'aki is a multi-faceted organization with multiple goals that each reflect our main mission; to achieve and utilize gender equality in a society afflicted by conflict, division, and violence. One of the most important objectives is to amplify the voices of women who are typically silenced, specifically the many minorities residing within Israel and the occupied territories. In order to achieve this, we are very education-focused and plan events to open dialogue between women coming from different demographics.

Our staff is comprised of both Israeli and Palestinian women who are committed to building bridges between our respective communities by advocating for peace, and by extension, advocating for the end of harmful practices by governments on both sides that marginalize and further isolate women, including but not limited to the building of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, violence and profiling against and of minorities, and the denial of full civil rights to minorities viewed as "dangerous" or "undeserving." We recognize how the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is inflamed by the lack of female representation in authoritative and diplomatic entities, and we look towards countries who have resolved conflicts, in (large) part by incorporating women in negotiations, as prototypes for our own efforts to utilize women's conflict resolution skills.

Notably, we see the grave injustices experienced by minority demographics in Israel, such as economic inequality, domestic violence, and educational disparities, and understand that women in these demographics bear the brunt of these injustices. We feel obligated to use any resources available to us to mitigate the harm experienced by these women, including our backgrounds in law and our voices as activists, to curb the harm and bring about a more equal society.

Main Projects / Activities

Itach-Ma'aki has a vast repertoire of projects and initiatives that reflect our mission and objectives. The following are some of our most successful and impactful projects:
- Haifa's "City for All" - taking models from other cities worldwide (Taiwan, for example,) and using them to implement gender equality in local Israeli government, in this specific case, we are working in Haifa.
- Center for Bedouin Women's Rights - established in 2006 through our Be'er Sheva branch with the intention to provide Bedouin people with support, specifically with issues relating to the economic strife experienced by Bedouin women. We work with the National Insurance Institute to provide income support, especially to single mothers.
- Domestic Violence Hotline - Itach Ma'aki runs a 24/7 hotline, operated by experts in the field of domestic abuse, to provide ongoing and consistent support and assistance to women experiencing domestic violence, however it may be manifested. Many times, we have helped remove women from threatening situations, thanks to our hotline.
- Legal assistance to women whose rights have been infringed on - Itach Ma'aki prides itself on providing pro-bono legal aid to victims of injustice across Israel. Some of our most prevalent legal victories have had to do with improving the incomes and rights of educational assistants who are unjustly terminated or whose incomes are reduced due to circumstances out of their control that are inextricably related to their gender (maternity leave, for example.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Part of Itach Ma'aki's main goals has been to build expansive networks with other organizations in Israel similarly devoted to the realization of gender equality and inclusion in the domain of peace negotiations. Along these lines, we have active partnerships with impressive NGOs that have catalyzed important developments in Israel and Palestine regarding our shared goals. Some of these organizations include WIPS – Center for the Advancement of Women In the Public Sphere
at Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Advah Center - Information on Equality and Social Justice in Israel, Anashim – Movement for Advancing Equality in Israel, and many more. We are well-connected and well-known in the peace-building community. Additionally, we work with international bodies such as the UN and EU and have, on numerous occasions, advised them on matters concerning women's integration in peace negotiations, as well as on broader, gender-equality-related topics. Our contributions to our country's network often are in the form of spreading information and educating the general population on subjects that have either been shrouded in stigma, or pushed under the rug. We recruit expert speakers to lead conferences and lectures with the intention of spreading awareness and creating a more informed society. Some of our most successful events and networking initiatives have been:
- our lecture series on Resolution 1325, where more than 30 experts spoke on topics surrounding gender equality. Some speakers included foreign ambassadors and other renounced diplomats, academics, and top activists.
- a joint-steering committee including Israeli and Palestinian women, who meet on a regular basis to address issues that are affecting their communities and in turn, educate each other on a wide variety of topics. This allows bridges to be built and empathy to be integrated into the realm of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which is typically defined by hostility and lack of understanding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Netta Loevy
Head of the organisation
Ela Alon

Halte à la N!

National Network

21 rue d'Annam
75020 Paris

06 25 29 02 14
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

-Structure of organization: Association
-Staff; 6 volunteers
-Parteners; 5 (federation, associations)
-Budgetary ressources2020: 15 000€
-Sources of funding: public institutions and fundations
-Actions; socio-educational projects/ organization of conferences
-main partners involved in the organization projects: fédération ALMA (to improve life in working-class neighborhoods, to defuse conflicts, to fight all forms of exclusion and to fight against ideological and religious extremisms that lock up people)/ Respect zone (the prevention of cyberviolence and the protection of young people).

Mission and Objectives

-Act upstream against the factors leading to any type of radicalization
-Promote republican values
-Value cultural identities
-Promote youth engagement
-Promote equality, access to the law in order to fight against marginalization and exclusion

Main Projects / Activities

-Project 1001 voix(e ): for yoth to promote civic values
-Project ''Et si j'avais tort'': in partnership with the Canadian CPRMV to promote resilience against hate speech
-Project ''Paroles de femmes'': debating spaces :projects aimed at women from working-class neighborhoods for an intercultural exchange
-Project ''Egalité mon oeil'': prevent racism and discrimination
-Project ''Le procès duCOVID'': Fight against all types of hate speech through the reconstruction of a trial
-And training of professionals: secularism, discrimination ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-contribute to promoting civic values ​​through joint actions
-Implementation of actions promoting cultural exchanges and openness to others
-Prevent racism and all types of discrimination; fertile ground for the emergence

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-This allows to meet other organizations, share experiences and also increase the opportunities to work on common projects.
-Create synergies between different projects carried by the associations of the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation