CESF Centro Edile per la Sicurezza e la Formazione

National Network

Via P. Tuzi 11
06128 Perugia PG

0039 075 5059488
0039 075 5002475
Mobile Phone
0039 348 6023869
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Cesf is a no profit bilateral organization which supports companies and workers in construction sector. It also opened training centers in Jordan and Palestine. Cesf employes 10 people and it's funded by building companies with a percentage of mass wages. It also receives financement by public institutions (AICS, Inail, Regione Umbria, ecc.). Cesf organizes about 300 training courses for about 3.500 workers each year. Main partners are Associations of building Entrepreneurs and trade unions.

Mission and Objectives

Constitutional aims of CESF are to promote, organise and realize, in its region, training courses for young people who come for the first time into building sector, refresher courses for occupied people in building enterprises, training courses to qualify, specialise and update workers, administrative and technical employees, and entrepreneurs too, also in the field of safety. CESF has significant experiences within LLP-LdV and other initiatives for sectoral application of EU principles and tools for transparency/recognition of learning outcomes/qualifications. Cesf is also operating as promoter of training courses to qualify, specialise and update workers in its new training centers in Palestine and Jordan.

Main Projects / Activities

- LdV project aimed to start and implement an ECVET process within European VET systems of Construction sector (CeSaTra - Certified Safety VET Trainers: An experimental intervention to put in transparency and to recognise the competences of the trainers on safety matter in the European VET systems of the Construction sector; http://www.cesatra.eu);
- IEE project Build Up Skills Italy project (http://www.buildupskills-italy.enea.it/index.asp), which is defining a national roadmap, aligned with EQF and ECVET, able to improve competences of workers needed to reach in Italy "nearly zero emission buildings" EU objective, gathering relevant public/private bodies;
- LdV project aimed to start and implement an ECVET process integrated with ECTS for the EU sectoral occupational core profile of building entrepreneur (CertEnt - Applying ECVET and ECTS to Certify Learning Outcomes and Qualification of the Entrepreneur in Construction sector; http://www.certent.eu).
- Project AID 11331 funded by AICS (2018-2022) to realize training centers in Palestine and Jordan

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristiana Bartolucci
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Cristiana Bartolucci

Mr. Israel Thompson

National Network

Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations European Commission 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

youth volunteer

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

youth development

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

youth development&international development

Contact (1) Full Name
israel izu thompson
Job Title
Head of the organisation
israel thompson

Grupo de Investigación Ágora

National Network

Calle Dr. Cantero Cuadrado, 6, s/n
21004 Huelva Huelva

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Para garantizar el funcionamiento y fortalecimiento de las acciones mancomunadas, el grupo cuenta con un Comité de Dirección Internacional y un equipos de Investigación formado por 36 investigadores/as. El presupuesto que se tiene disponible para cada año depende del número de proyectos activos y subvencionados. Las principales fuentes de financiación son: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España y Junta de Andalucía. Las acciones de investigación realizadas por el grupo consiste en la publicación de artículos científicos, monográficos en revistas de alto impacto, edición de la Revista Comunicar (JCR Q1), organización de congresos y seminarios tanto a nivel nacional como internacional y actividades de transferencia. Además se cuenta con un Doctorado Interuniversitario en Comunicación que tiene seis líneas diferentes de trabajo. Se trabaja con universidades de 16 países iberoamericano dentro del marco de la red Alfamed.

Mission and Objectives

La misión principal del grupo consiste en realizar intervención socioeducativa, tecnología de la comunicación y de la información en la educación y la orientación educativa. Las intervenciones socio-educativas en relación con la multiculturalidad son el principal objetivo de la investigación del grupo Ágora, que implica también valorar las posibles mejoras en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en los entornos digitales de la ciudadanía.

Main Projects / Activities

• Proyecto I+D español con parte del equipo iberoamericano: «Youtubers e Intagramers: La competencia mediática en los prosumidores emergentes», con clave RTI2018-093303-B-I00, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España). (https://yougrammersid.wixsite.com/yougrammers)

• Proyecto europeo: «Media in Action»: Project co-financed by European Commission Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology as part of the Pilot Project – Media Literacy for All Grant agreement no LC00632803. (http://mediainaction.eu/tag/project-info/)

• Proyecto I+D autonómico con parte del equipo iberoamericano: «Instagrammers y youtubers para el empoderamiento transmedia de la ciudadanía andaluza. La competencia mediática de los instatubers», con clave P18-RT-756, financiado por la Junta de Andalucía en la convocatoria 2018 (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, 2020).

• Proyecto europeo: «Chance for change»: Proyecto Erasmus + de la Unión Europea, en el que colabora nuestro grupo, que combina competencia mediática y justicia restaurativa. Este proyecto que aborda la violencia y discriminación de género se dirige fundamentalmente a profesionales de la educación formal e informal de los jóvenes (http://www.achance4change.eu/)

• Proyecto I+D español con equipo iberoamericano: “Competencias mediáticas de la ciudadanía en medios digitales emergentes (smartphones y tablets): Practicas innovadoras y estrategias educomunicativas en contextos múltiples” (https://bit.ly/3v57015) con clave EDU2015-64015-C3-1-R (MINECO), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (https://competenciamediatica.com/)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

El Grupo de Investigación Agora de la Universidad de Huelva está inscrito en el Plan Andaluz de Investigación de la administración educativa. Las áreas de investigación del grupo son: la intervención socio-educativa, la tecnología de la comunicación y de la información en la educación y la orientación educativa de grupos en riesgo de exclusión. Las intervenciones socio-educativas en relación con la multiculturalidad son el principal interés de la investigación, que implica también colaboradores externos que producen publicaciones e investigaciones según una modalidad consolidada. El grupo de Investigación Ágora es un grupo potente formado por un gran número de investigadores/as nacionales e internacionales. Ágora cuenta con la revista en español mas importante del mundo "Comunicar" (JCR Q1) y una gran red interuniversitaria euroamericana de investigación sobre competencias mediáticas que reúne a más de 200 investigadores de 16 países para propiciar espacios de fortalecimiento, actividades académicas, de investigación, de extensión, producción y difusión sobre educación en medios. También contamos con un centro de investigación equipado con radio propia y un plató de televisión desde el que se pueden hacer tanto streaming como grabaciones de cursos en líneas (MOOc). Por otro lado, las líneas de investigación son afines a la red Refal, el eje fundamental es la investigación en el ámbito de la Comunicación y la Educación, que confluyen en la educación o alfabetización mediática (media literacy) de la ciudadanía, nutriéndose, también, de disciplinas como la Psicología, la Sociología, la Antropología, entre otros campos del conocimiento.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

El interés de nuestro grupo por formar parte de está red está fundamentando principalmente en que nuestras líneas de investigación están dentro de los trabajos que se realizan en Refal. Podemos aportar nuevos enfoques multidisciplinarios a la red, además de la participación en actividades académicas y de investigación que se desarrollan en nuestro centro de investigación. También, para nuestro grupo, es importante recibir el aporte de otros y generar espacios de fortalecimiento.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ignacio Aguaded
Job Title
Catedrático de la Universidad de Huelva
Head of the organisation
Universidad de Huelva
Contact (2) Full Name
Sabina Civila
Job Title (2)
FPI Universidad de Huelva


National Network

Alhóndiga 6 2b
18001 Granada Granada

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

ASAD is an NGO founded in 2005 dedicated to carrying out cooperation and education projects where communication plays a fundamental role as a key factor for empowerment and participation of the civil society.
ASAD has developed more than 40 projects: of social awareness in Spain (to promote cultural diversity, gender equality, protection of environment...), and intended to build local strengthnesses in terms of social economy, access to education and community media, among others, in developing countries.
We employ 10 employees and 20 technical professionals annually. Our projects have been financed by 9 public and private institutions, with an average yearly budget of 400.000€-600.000€. We have directly reached more than 6000 rights holders, and indirectly more than 2.5000.0000 people through social networks, events and media.
Our main partners are local NGOs from the countries where we work, and local organizations from the South of Spain.

Mission and Objectives

ASAD was created with the objective of acting against the structural causes of poverty through the promotion of Human Rights. To that end, we lead development projects that favor community empowerment and the self-driven social development of the communities our projects are aimed at. Additionally, we work to strengthen civil society through development education.
-Take action against the structural causes of poverty and foster the social development of affected communities.
-Promote awareness and education for democracy, social justice, peace, and solidarity.
-Organize, train, and support our volunteers so that they can work to achieve these objectives in impoverished countries as well as in Spain.
-Organize and carry out efforts for development cooperation and solidarity with impoverished countries, according to their needs, and keeping in mind their cultural identity, the perspective of gender, and respect for the environment.

Main Projects / Activities

International Development Cooperation
Our work in the field is characterized by the use of community empowerment processes as the foundation of our activities so that the populations we work with can accomplish for themselves an authentic social development. To that end, we work alongside organizations within our partner countries to identify and promote projects focused on securing and defending Human Rights, always making sure to generate and strengthen the skills necessary for the proposals to be sustainable over time. Since our beginning, we have cooperated with organizations in Guatemala, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Cambodia, Brazil and the Dominican Republic.
Please, find more information on: https://asad.es/category/cooperacion-internacional/

Development Education
At ASAD we believe development education carried out in Spain is key to getting the population to be conscious of the reality and causes of local and global inequality. Development education is the seed that can generate a real change in mentality, because a society that’s informed and well-versed in issues of development and social change will be inclined to engage with social justice on a local as well as international level. Since 2012 we have worked on a wide variety of development education projects in the South of Spain, mainly through secondary schools and with activists (organized or not) that have allowed us to conduct awareness and mobilization activities aimed at the general population. In all of our local initiatives, communication understood as a bidirectional right and creativity expressed through diverse forms of socially engaged art have a fundamental role, because through these tools we are able to deeply understand reality and equip ourselves with the most powerful abilities available for intervening in short, medium, and long term: the abilities to create and spread ideas.
Please, find more information on: https://asad.es/proyectos/espana/

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ASAD is a NGO specialized in communication for social change. Therefore, we have strong capacities to promote the respect of diversity and the dialogue among citizens from different cultures, origins and beliefs.
Our projects use communication tools, making participatory short films, artivism in the streets, films, informative campaigns, exhibitions, comunitary multimedia centers… And especially academic training, so that people and organizations can create by themselves to exert social pressure to achieve the full respect of the Human Rights, and a peaceful and democratic society.
From our point of view, knowing about communication and being able to use it, serves for understanding our own reality and that of our environment, to meet and understand the causes of the inequality and their possible solutions, as well as to position and assume our individual and social responsibility towards the injustices between North and South.
Please, watch our video "Can communication change people’s life? Communication Rights according to ASAD" to know more about that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFww7p7sVds
Provided that background, we think that we can contribute to the Network by sharing our expertise and know-how, contributing to the main lines of the ALF in Spain: education, culture and arts, media and civil society, all of that, specially important if our location in the mediterranean border of Europe is considered.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aim joining the ALF Network is to work together with the member organizations so as to achieve our common objectives; to learn from each other in the development of our activity; and to reinforce the role of the intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean community.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Sofia García Peula
Job Title
General coordinator
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ignacio Tamayo
Job Title (2)

Asociación Sobre Los Márgenes

National Network

C/Getafe, nº14 Bajo
28021 Madrid Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Our organization was stablished in 2019 in order to continue with the activities already done by an informal in the area of youth engagement in social and political life. Our staff is composed by more than 15 volunteers. We work in teams focusing in different areas: communication, public relationships, research and trainings, with a special department that coordinates the different teams. Our main source of financial aid is the contribution of the members of our organization and of some other donors. Recently we have get european funding for a youth exchange focusing on racial justice. Due to pandemic, our main activities have been online, in the format of webinars and also of the use of some tools in social media to promote topics related to gender and inclusion.

Mission and Objectives

Mission : Contribute to the personal and professional growth of the most vulnerable young people in society, from an approach that puts them at the center and driven by other young people who have experienced similar situations
-Promote the socio-educational inclusion of young people belonging to groups in social exclusion
-Favor alternative meeting spaces that represent the diversity existing in society
-Contribute to the fight against racial, ethnic, religious, sexual and functional diversity discrimination, among others.
-Educate in values ​​of equality, sustainability and respect for human rights
-Promote an active and committed citizenship through the political and social participation of young people
-Foster alliances with different organizations and institutions

Main Projects / Activities

Before stablishing as a youth organization, our work as an informal group focused on creating safe spaces for youth to talk about sexist and racist experiences. As well, we provide programs of mentorship to help students with their insecurities about educational options and we offer workshops on how to improve competences such as active listening and public speaking. Due to Covid-19 situation, we could not implement physically any projects, but we manage to offer webinars about our workshops on interpersonal skills as well as design a digital mentorship program for the new academic course. Some of our main activities can be found in our webpage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to contribute with our inclusive and creative approach to social challenges. We are young and motivated people with great capacities to mobilize other youth around important topics that affects us all. We have different ways to contribute. First, the members of our organization have a huge experience on migration field. Some members of the group have experience in the field of working with refugees, collaborating with CEAR (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado) and in volunteering programs in refugee camps in Turkey and Lebanon. As well, some of them work as social educators with unaccompanied minors who migrated from Morocco to Spain. Other part of the staff, works with migrant children in the field of education and leisure, providing particular classes and activities focused on emotional literacy. As well, people with experience in the research field, especially on ethnic and racial discrimination, help us to provide solid arguments and evidences that helps us to improve our activities and projects, as well as sharing reliable knowledge about important social topics. We think that his amount of knowledge and skills can be valuable contribution of the Network. Second, other interesting thing about us is that most of the team who are organizing are also coming from historically unprivileged groups. This gives them a unique and critic perspective about how social challenges and how to approach to them. Finally, we have access to groups that are not generally represented in positions of power and decision making, and our participation in the network can be a way to include also those groups.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we think is an opportunity to engage in real conversations and dialogue concerning to topics that affects us as a society.Also, we believe that having the support of an important network such as the Anna Lindh foundation can help us improving our work, increasing the quality of it and grow little by little in order to achieve our objectives. We believe that the results of our efforts can be multiplied when sharing them in a large network, getting the feedback and support we need for our work contributing to social change. Moreover, we see the connection with different organizations around the world as an enriching experience, sharing best practices and collaborating in future projects together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima Bourhim Mesaoudi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fatima Bourhim Mesaoudi
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatima Ezzamouri El Arif
Job Title (2)


National Network

15, Viktoros Ougko Street
10437 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

HIGGS |Higher Incubator Giving Growth & Sustainability| is an initiative which aims to reinforce Nonprofit Organizations | NPOs | operating in Greece, through educational and supportive programs and activities that are carried out at its premises. We have a 9-person strong team and various external collaborators. Our yearly budget is around 400.000 euros mostly covered from Charitable Foundations and EU programs. We are running an Incubator and an Accelerator program directed to NPOs as well as various training workshops, seminars and events related to Civil Society.

Mission and Objectives

Our philosophy and the way we plan and implement all our initiatives and programs are driven by the principles of philanthropy, solidarity, cooperation and trust.
Our vision is that HIGGS evolves into a hub of creativity and open dialogue aimed at promoting collaboration and innovation in the NPO sector as well as a meeting place of all interested parties, both literally and symbolically.

Main Projects / Activities

Incubator for Greek NPOs
Accelerator for Greek NPOs
Trainings seminars to open to civili society organizations
Civil Society Updates (quarterly e-magazine)
Events on issues related to Civil Society
Yearly Conference on Civil Society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Support, connect with and disseminate activities to Greek NPO ecosystem. Link initiatives with developments in the organized civil society across Greece. Create value addition activities in support of Greek NPOs internationalization and work over common issues. Problematize on finding socially innovative solutions to common problems.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Inspired by values and mission. Well connected with our mission and activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sotiris Petropoulos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sotiris Petropoulos

Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen

National Network

12, rue du Puits
2355 Luxembourg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen is a grassroots NGO that was founded in 2015 when a large number of refugees suddenly arrived in Luxembourg. Initially a volunteer-led initiative, a program of intercultural activities quickly emerged to support refugees’ cultural integration and to create opportunities to meet locals. We create activities that foster inter-cultural dialogue between refugees and residents of Luxembourg through the arts. we have 3 employees who work closely to the board of directors, most of our funding comes from the Ministry of Culture but we also have private donors. We do monthly "soties culturels" to local arts performances as well as cooking or dancing ateliers. Some of our partners include many local artists, the Ville de Luxembourg, Ministry of Culture, Croix-Rouge, Caritas, MUDAM; CAPE, Esch Theatre and others.

Mission and Objectives

To promote inter-cultural dialogue, social cohesion and to facilitate the intergration process of the newly arrived by creating spaces of encounters with locals, engaging artists, creators and cultural institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Visits to the National Public Library, "2x2 dialogues" with MUDAM, Chess sessions, hikes, walking tours, artistic ateliers, sorties culturels...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen has the particularity of focusing on using the arts as an instrument for social transformation, dialogue and integration. The members of our team form a dynamic and diverse group who, working together with artists and creators produce activities that promote profound dialogue between participants. We believe we can enrich the Network's exchanges by contributing with ideas, perspectives and projects from our social/artistic work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe we will benefit from being a part of activities where other organizations with the same or similar objectives meet and exchange ideas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patricia Abdelnour
Job Title
Cultural programming & project manager
Head of the organisation
Serge Tonnar
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Ketema
Job Title (2)
Community development & project management

Asociación Kudwa

National Network

336 Calle d'Espronceda
Principal 1
08027 Barcelona Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We are migrants and refugees who faced the hardships of being in an unfamiliar culture and language.
We are a collective of Arabic Speakers who are diverse
in experience, skills, backgrounds, and cultures
President, secretary and Treasurer (All Syrian Women)
12 Volunteers

We are a newly formed association. We provide trainings to local and European organizations which we charge for.
We recently received preliminary confirmation of approval on an AMIF project we are participating in.

Modalities of action:
- Face-to-face and online courses and workshops.
- Mentoring and accompaniments
- Events and conferences
- Content and communication

Main Partners:
New Women Connectors
Integrim Lab
Fundacio Autonoma Solidaria
Dubarah Inc.

Mission and Objectives

Working towards an intercultural Collective Identity through building bridges between Arabic Speaking migrants and locals, promoting active citizenship, initiative, and community, and address barriers to effective integration and inclusion.

- Training in labor and social skills from an intercultural approach and with a gender perspective, especially for Arabic-speaking women.
- Awareness-raising of the local European community and those of migrant origin from an intercultural perspective, with special emphasis on the educational community and public officials and workers.
- Dissemination of artistic expressions of migrant people.
- Facilitate the integration and inclusion process by offering knowledge about the host society, legal, procedures and tools, etc., from a perspective of equal rights.
- Develop activities to strengthen the social fabric in third countries, especially Arab countries, with a differential focus on gender, which allow progress in local development, and the enforcement of human rights and gender equality
- Develop training activities, generation of knowledge and methodologies from an intersectional perspective (origin, gender, class)
- Promote gender equality and the rights of women and LGBTQA + people in migrant communities

Main Projects / Activities

RoleModel Factory
Dynamic workshops, courses and trainings, to promote an intercultural perspective shift from otherness towards mutual accommodation, cohesion and the creation of shared values and trust. Addressed at migrants and refugees, local population and organizations, conducted by migrants and refugees

Intercultural Adventures
Cultural experiences to strengthen the social fabric in our diverse communities with a differential focus on intercultural dialogue between
Migrants and Host Community.
An exchange of knowledge that aims to help migrants be in charge of their own narrative.

Shifting Perceptions
Facilitation of the integration and inclusion process by offering knowledge to all stakeholders.
Breaking stereotypes, influencing integration policies, and promoting real representation in the decision-making processes

Awareness and Advocacy Work
Informing and calling Attention to issues that directly impact migrants and refugees and raising awareness of their perspective and lived experience

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Not only are we based in the EuroMed region, but most of our team members and volunteers are from the region and we believe we can bring in a new perspective on intercultural dialogue because we work on Intra and intercultural dialogue from a migratory and gender equality perspective.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We, as Kudwa and as the president Razan, have participated in the most recent virtual marathon on Intercultural Dialogue and we realized that we, as an organization and as people, fit perfectly within the network and we can provide value as much as we can get.

Contact (1) Full Name
Razan Ismail
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Razan Ismail

Youth for Peace

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bulevar Mese Selimoivca 35
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Youth for Peace is a youth-founded and youth-led organization; the main, governing body of the organization is the Assembly composed of 21 people, while the executive level of the Organization is led by the President and assisted by the Board of Coordinators. The number of staff employed depends on the volume of activities, Youth for Peace currently employs three persons.
The Organization has been financed by various institutions from the region, Europe and worldwide; fundraising is project-oriented and the average budget for previous years is around 80.000€.
Youth for Peace is focused on the implementation of country and regional educational activities while its international reach realizes through active membership in United Religions Initiative (URI) and Religions for Peace (RfP) networks.
The target group of YfP work are mainly young people, aged 14 to 35, being reached through seminars, trainers and exchanges, within a non-formal sector of education.

Mission and Objectives

We, young people of diverse religions and spiritual expressions, coming from different cultures and tradition backgrounds from Bosnia and Herzegovina, have established Youth for Peace to promote dialogue, interfaith and inter-ethnic cooperation, to end all kinds of violence and to create a culture of peace and justice for youth.

We are striving to have empowered young people who will be initiators and promoters of positive changes and will create a better future through building a society of equal opportunities without prejudices.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth for Peace is actively facilitating peacebuilding work in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region designed to combat divisions strongly entrenched in nationalistic, extremist narratives. Creating an alternative narrative to the divisive and destructive situation, directly caused by the events from the past, is the greatest challenge of peacebuilding work. Reaching out to young people, listening to their voices, giving them a seat at the table, addressing their concerns, providing them with necessary knowledge and skills for active engagement in society and enhancement of peacebuilding through non-formal educational methods – that’s the heart of our existence and work.
Activities that we conduct are designed for combating prejudices and stereotypes, defending human rights, advocating for democratic values and embracing freedom, enforcing equity and equality on all grounds: gender, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation, disabilities. An important aspect of our work is leaving no one behind and ensuring equal opportunities and access for everyone. Bosnia and Herzegovina has a chance to progress only if the population of the country understands and reinforces accountability and responsibility for the necessary change that has to happen. Our task is to motivate and inspire young people to understand the importance of their role in society and its progress. Through our work we mobilize young people and encourage them to take active participation in creating the future of the country and the region, stressing the uncertainty of the future without them and their participation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Youth for Peace is an organization that is highly recognized among youth in BiH and by now has reached several thousand of young people inside the country, but also in the region and internationally. Our work is recognized within the youth population, but also by other stakeholders such as other civil society organizations, schools, foreign embassies etc. Together with other members of the network, we can contribute to strengthening the position and influence of the Foundation in the country and spread the word about its work. Besides that, many young people who are reached through our work can become familiarized with the programs ALF offers and can benefit from them. Youth for Peace also has a strong social media presence and using these channels the work of ALF could be promoted and become more visible among the general audience in the country.
As an organization, we are primarily focused on providing educations to youth through non-formal education, but advocacy and lobbying are also an important parts of the work being done. In cooperation with other members of the network, YfP will contribute to strengthening democratic processes and human rights protection, promoting intercultural cooperation, fostering community development as well as promoting, but also modelling sustainable development through supporting the implementation of sustainable development goals.
Besides that, we are part of other networks such as the United Religions Initiative and Religions for Peace, thus having reach to organizations worldwide. The work of ALF can be presented to our international partners and can result in new initiatives and collaborations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF offers a great opportunity for networking and establishing new partnerships across the EuroMed region. Youth for Peace operates on local, regional, and international level already, but new connections and cooperation is always a necessity in our globalized world, where actions in one place influence actions and events in other places. Being established in BiH and providing education to young people mostly on topics of peace education, culture of remembrance, dealing with the past, but also dialogue and inter-religious and inter-ethnic work the organization can find valuable partners among those belonging to the network, since many members within the network are coming either from conflict or post-conflict areas. On the other hand, the ALF gathers partners from all across the Europe and BiH is a country on its way towards becoming an EU member so having the opportunity to access and work with other civil society actors from European countries is always an advantage. ALF also offers different kinds of support to its members like participation in specific programs and financial support for the projects. Members of Youth for Peace and our participants would have an opportunity to join some of the programs and build their own skills, but also Youth for Peace will have an opportunity to raise additional funds for the projects and reach even more young people not just in BiH, but also in the region and globally.
We, in Youth for Peace, see this network as a valuable resource to help us grow, establish new connections, widen the scope and area of our work, but also to find valuable and trustworthy partners for long term cooperation, since members of the network cherish similar values and strive to improve societies where they work and operate. Finding reliable partners in today’s world is not always an easy task, but we believe this network could provide us with this opportunity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Eror
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniel Eror
Contact (2) Full Name
Emina Frljak
Job Title (2)
Program Coordinatior


National Network

Rr. Loni Ligori, Kompleksi ILAD, Kulla 3, Ap.10

Mobile Phone
+355 (0) 693181508
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

-Organization structure: ACFD is directed by a Board of Directors with 5 persons: 1 (one) chairman and 4 (four) members, which are professionals in different sectors health sector, NGO, etc. Executive director (1 person), Finance officer (1 person), project coordinator (1 person) and over 30 volunteers. ACFD is backed by very professional staff who have served for many years different social groups with integrity, commitment and strong work ethics. -Annual revenues 15.000 Euro -Source of Funding: National and International Agencies, Government Authorities -Modalities: conferences, trainings, studies, researches, workshops, exhibitions, roundtables, monitoring, social and legal services to vulnerable groups; - Main partners: municipalities, local NGOs, different faculties in public and private Universities, business sector, media sector, informal groups, networks;

Mission and Objectives

Vision: For a healthy and empowered family of equal members! Mission: To provide a better future for families through the development of programs in the field of health, wellbeing and safety of life, positive parenting, development of skills adapted to labour market, family entrepreneurship and provision of specific psycho-social and legal services in support and in the interest of the Albanian family. Our objectives are to contribute to Economic and Social Empowerment of the Families; Health and Wellbeing; Positive Parenting and Education of Children; Gender Equality, Diversity and Non-Discrimination; Youth and Volunteering;

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our main projects are: 1. The project ‘Awareness Raising and Promotion activities under Five International Days'', aimed to contribute to civil society, vulnerable groups, business, religious community etc through organizing different awareness raising activities under Five International Days implemented in Tirana during the period December 2017 – December 2018. This project is supported by Heath Pharma Solution Albania and Vitabiotics Albania. 2. The project ‘Be my Family!’ aimed to increase the knowledge and level of information of community areas in Tirana local units, social local staff, child protection units, through informing and awareness sessions and continuous assistance to make them soft skilled to work with community mobilization as foster families; To increase the sensitivity of the community by raising awareness on foster care’s importance to endangered children and by establishing a positive and practical model of community involvement in this service; This project is implemented during January – June 2019 and supported by Children SOS Villages Albania 3. National training and conference titled “Values of supplements and vitamins according physic ability, disfunctions or life styles’ supported by Heath Pharma Solution Albania and Vitabiotics Albania. 140 health sector professionals took part in this activity. 4. Project ‘The mystery of Albanian cultural heritage through Puzzle game experience’ is implemented during March – June 2021 and supported by the Ministry of Culture in Albania. This project aimed to promote cultural and historical heritage to children through digital exploration and puzzle games. Also, it is oriented with the aim to knowledge, maintain and transmit Albanian culture and its values innovatively and practically.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- To offer its expertise, experience, recommendations to ALF meetings; - To promote ALF’s mission and focus to other local NGOs non partner of ALF; - To organize different events on diversity and intercultural dialogue, capacity building training on other thematic areas - to contribute to increasing the capacity of family members (with priority marginalized families) in social and economic terms - to contribute to capacity building, awareness and information to family members about the care and importance of having an effective health and well-being.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build new bridges of cooperation with new local NGOs and partners in the EURO-MED. To share experiences and positive models; To join projects on intercultural dialogue. To have a deep understating of cultures in EUROMED zones

Contact (1) Full Name
Eranda Ndregjoni
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Eranda Ndregjoni