Sunrise Project FRance

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Sunrise Project has a team of 9 members who join the activities on a regular basis and also project based as paid staff. It also has a group of 36 youngsters who are forming a close community and take part in the workshops organised as well join international projects on behalf of the team. Last year, the organisation has managed to attracted funding of over 100.000 euro from the European Commission (Erasmus+ programme). The organisation is implementing international projects, local workshops and events on a variety of topics mostly for youngsters and adults. Topics of previous implemented projects included: fight against racism and xenophobia trough cultural exchanges, social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, inclusion of migrants and refugees, developing creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. The organisation collaborates with a pool of over 30 organisations from Europe and North Africa as partners in the European projects it implements.

Mission and Objectives

Sunrise Project France mission is to inspire and empower young people and adults to find their inner self, discover and make use of their full potential to find inner joy and happiness in the long term.
The actions implemented by the organization aim to ensure long-term fulfilment of youngsters and adults, inspire lifelong learning and to promote tolerance and integration in a globalised world. We firmly believe that young people have a crucial role to play in shaping the future of the world. And an important role in the formation of these young people is represented by their education. This education can’t be all provided in schools. Therefore, our organisation implements different non-formal activities that involve young people. Our NGO is developing different methods to combat some of the biggest challenges our society is facing: stereotypes, unemployment, racism, social exclusion, lack of personal awareness. By the actions we develop we help our beneficiaries reach personal fulfilment and the joy to live. Another important challenge we address is the education. We believe that young people who only acquire knowledge in the formal education system cannot compete with the challenges that the future will bring. Young people should be taught something unique so that a machine can never catch up with them. Youngsters should acquire soft skills like: values, creativity, believing, independent thinking, teamwork, care for others and kindness.

Main Projects / Activities

At the moment we offer educational workshops for youth and young adults that aim at developing soft skills, entrepreneurial abilities, intrapreneurial skills, digital skills, critical thinking and life management tools. These workshops are offered regular to youngsters in our region – outskirts of Lille, mainly in Roubaix and Villeneuve d’Ascq, for free and organised in different locations provided by the city hall/ private entities. We are expanding the activities we offer for youth; the organisation is now focused developing a strong brand and its presence in the online medium at European level, creating new international projects and strengthen relations with other youth organisations. We have designed and implemented a method based on a Personal Development Plan for Youth that is delivered on a scheduled basis to a selected group of youngsters with fewer opportunities. Concomitantly, we are focused on the work with do at local level for the disadvantaged youngsters.

Sunrise Project designs learning experiences and programs for youth workers and trainers and educators that work with adults and youngsters in risk of social exclusion or having fewer opportunities. Sunrise designed tool kits, methodologies and games as instrument of development for disadvantaged groups of people.
Based on its experience with digital youth work, the organisation has created e-learning platforms using innovative digital medias.
Sunrise France is also involved in the development of digital instruments that foster youngsters critical thinking and media literacy. At the moment is running a pilot programme in the field and is testing new instruments.

In the field of the Erasmus+, our organisation has implemented in 2019 two projects – one training course and a youth exchange. In 2020 the organisation has been approved 4 more projects – a seminar, a training course, a youth exchange and a KA3 project – dialogue between young people and policy makers. We are now in the implementation phase of these projects.
At the current moment, Sunrise Project France has just finished organising a Training Course – From Humanity and Beyond. The project tackled the issues of youth refugees and migrants and involved over 40 youth workers in an online training course.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sunrise Project France can bring the contribution by implementing innovative and creative actions under the frame and values of the Network. It can promote the values of the Network at local and international level in its project. The team of Sunrise Project France is well developed and can bring fresh ideas and new perspectives on the matters approach. We believe that membership will be a win-win for both parts involved.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our first encounter with ALF Network was as participants in several workshops organised in during the Virtual Marathon of ALF. Is there we realised that our values and actions fit with this network and that is would be great for us to be part of this community. Since then, we have read about the actions of ALF Network and past projects and we definitely believe that joining ALF network would help our organisation improve the quality of activities we deliver to our beneficiaries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Dafina Milea
Job Title
International Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Elena Dafina Milea
Contact (2) Full Name
Simona Ursulescu
Job Title (2)
Researcher/ Facilitator

جمعية متميزون قالمة - Association Mutamaizoun Guelma‎‎

National Network

Cite cheghib rabah
24000 Guelma

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Crée en avril 2018 à Guelma, Mutamaizoun Guelma est une association agrée, apolitique, a but non lucratif régie par la loi des associations Algériennes, constituée en majorité de jeunes leaders dans leurs disciplines. Ils œuvrent tous autour d’un idéal de partage, d’aide et de diversité. Mutamaizoun Guelma est l’une des associations jeunesse phare de Guelma , Nous comptons 40 membres actifs dont la moyenne d’âge est de 20 ans ainsi qu’une base de donnée de 300 volontaires. Nos ressources sont principalement puisées en nature (denrée alimentaires, transport, matériel, ect) Nous n'avons aucune subvention de l'état Algérien ( pour le moment) Nos ressources financières prennent la forme de sponsoring/Mécénat de sociétés privées Nos partenaires principaux sont : Moulins AMOR BENAMOR

Mission and Objectives

Crée en avril 2018 à Guelma, Mutamaizoun Guelma est une association agrée, apolitique, a but non lucratif régie par la loi des associations Algériennes, constituée en majorité de jeunes leaders dans leurs disciplines. Ils œuvrent tous autour d’un idéal de partage, d’aide et de diversité. Mutamaizoun Guelma est l’une des associations jeunesse phare de Guelma , Nous comptons 40 membres actifs dont la moyenne d’âge est de 20 ans ainsi qu’une base de donnée de 300 volontaires.
Mission: La promotion de la citoyenneté active des jeunes à travers des projets citoyens solidaires et interculturels Valeurs: - Créativité - Passion - Solidarité - Diversité

Main Projects / Activities

Consacrer l'esprit patriotique à la jeunesse, en particulier à toute la société
Participation active à la renaissance et à la glorification des fêtes, fêtes et occasions nationales et religieuses.
Mener des initiatives caritatives et développer l'esprit de volontariat chez les jeunes, en particulier dans la communauté dans son ensemble.
Consolider une culture de l'activité associative volontariste dans les milieux de la jeunesse - Développer l'esprit social par l'organisation de stages scientifiques, culturels et sportifs.
Intérêt pour les activités récréatives et éducatives pour les enfants et les jeunes.
Contribuer au renouveau et à l'enrichissement de la scène culturelle du pays.
Contribuer à la protection de l'environnement et à la diffusion de la culture environnementale auprès des jeunes et des jeunes en particulier et de tous les segments de la société.
Sensibilisation et contribution à la lutte contre les maux sociaux.
Tourisme bénévole et échange de jeunes

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je peux contribuer en tant que personne en premier lieu étant jeune leader soucieux du développement des jeunes dans mon pays mais surtout en tant qu'association jeunesse avec mes 120 membres pour porter des projet communs dans la région.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En tant que président de Mutamaizoun Guelma ,J'ai participé dans le FORUM DAWRAK de ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION et je partage ainsi que mon organisation les valeurs de cette fondation . Souhaitant développer les compétences de mes membres dans le dialogue entre les jeunes et la citoyenneté interculturelle je suis convaincu qu'ALF peut apporter un plus significatif à travers ses formations et forums mais le plus important pour moi c'est créer des contacts et collaborations avec d'autres associations locales et régionales et profiter d'un échange de compétences et d’expérience très enrichissant pour notre organisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
DAFRI Med Salah
Job Title
Head of the organisation
DAFRI Mohamed Elsalah
Contact (2) Full Name
KACHI khalid
Job Title (2)


National Network

Havzan mah. menekşe sok. Meram Konya
42000 meram/

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

S.O.S Emergency Aid Association is an international humanitarian aid organization established in Turkey that facilitates access to health services for populations affected by armed conflict, violence, natural disasters, disease, hunger, poverty and social exclusion. Our organization collaborates with partners and key stakeholders in implementing projects that facilitate access to primary and secondary health care services to respond to the medical needs of displaced people. S.O.S is an international association dedicated to meeting the health needs of vulnerable groups.
S.O.S, which intervenes in humanitarian crises from the closest point, builds the necessary infrastructures for long-term and sustainable health services and publishes international academic publications on human rights.

Mission and Objectives

What are we doing?
Due to its geography and current conditions, Turkey is at the center of humanitarian crises that erupted in the region. S.O.S provides protection and health services, builds infrastructure and advocates for the world's most vulnerable people in communities living in conflict zones, refugee camps and rural settlements without health care. However, as S.O.S, we provide psychological support and medical care to Syrian refugees in Turkey and struggle every day to touch the lives of people living at the borders. Health Needs The needs of all immigrant and refugee population, especially Syrians, regarding access to health are very high.
War trauma, exacerbated by the displacement and inadequate living conditions, has increased the sensitivity of Syrian refugees to health risks. Most of the Syrian refugees suffer from mental health and psycho-social problems as well as chronic diseases, physical injuries and/or various disabilities. Inadequate living conditions during or after the conflict and accompanying displacement can adversely affect the psycho-social situation of refugees ─ especially women, the elderly and children ─. Immigrants and refugees often have limited access to health services due to financial constraints, the language barrier and lack of knowledge about available services. In addition to these impossibilities, refugees living in rural areas face even more difficult conditions and almost no access to health services due to distance or financial constraints. S.O.S provides services at RSPSD centers in Hatay, focusing on practices and activities that address the most urgent needs of refugees and migrants.

Main Projects / Activities

Another beer study area, which is as important as health services, is our human rights research center. It publishes analyzes, reports and articles by different researchers and academics from Turkey and abroad on human rights and regions around the world. Our organization is not committed to any idea or community, but aims for academic and widespread influence. Apart from publications, it organizes active and interactive training programs in many related fields such as regional specialty trainings and human rights training. MEDICAL NUTRITION AND HUNGER TREATMENT IN WAR ZONES, REFUGEE CAMPS.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We think that we will be useful in sharing information and experience, as we measure the follow-up on immigration and immigrants in the field. At the same time, we have a team of academicians experienced in EU projects, and we hope that we can get joint funds with you.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have a team of academicians experienced in EU projects, and we hope that we can get joint funds with you. Anna Lind vakfının deneyim ve tecrübelerinden faydalanarak farklı ülkelerde farklı göçmen guruplarına dahada faydalı olabiliriz diye düşünüyoruz.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Miyasenur Atçı
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Expert War Sociologist Zehra Betül Şişman

Lobin Karlsruhe e.V.

National Network

Wilhelmstraße 28
76137 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 963 11 487
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0177 8297056
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Lobin Karlsruhe e.V., an independent association, supports committed citizens through professional project management in the realization of their society-changing ideas. Today, 8 full-time employees, 20 casual employees, and 120 volunteers are active in the association. Our interdisciplinary teams work in a self-organized way based on Sociocracy 3.0. They react quickly and with great flexibility to current social issues. Volunteers provide direct and situational support to full-time employees. Professional integration measures ensure diversity in the team. Our budgetary resources are based on private donations (in 2020 in total 188.000) and most of our projects are financed through state and institutional funding of different foundations and organizations. We are mainly active in the Kulturküche, our own socio-cultural center. A place for intercultural dialogue and exchange. Here we offer workshops (ie. sustainability), events, expos, concerts, exchanges and internships, integration support.

Mission and Objectives

In times of increasing global and local challenges, small islands of innovative ideas are developing that counter these developments with other models of attitude and action. Such an island is created by the Kulturküche (our headquarter and the main project), a place that counteracts loneliness by connecting citizens in the neighborhood and enabling encounters on an equal footing. A place where crucial cogs of a desirable society, such as the development of democracy, civic participation, and sustainable use of resources, mesh together. Everyone is welcome to contribute within their own means - even if only as a hungry visitor to the lunch table.

Main Projects / Activities

It activates people, offers spaces for local participation and opinion-forming, and promotes networking and participation in the community. The aim of the community work in the Kulturküche is the sustainable improvement of the social and economic living conditions of the people in the neighborhood. The starting point is the existing resources and needs of the people, on the assumption that they themselves are experts in managing their everyday lives. Through climate-friendly shopping, cooking and eating, it meets the needs for healthy nutrition of more and more people in Karlsruhe and attracts the most diverse citizens with a particularly tasty and healthy lunch table; also people with low budgets. People with and without a refugee and migration background have been involved in shaping the Kulturküche as a citizen-oriented and cross-generational project in a multicultural team from the very beginning. Experienced team members with socio-educational training and several years of experience in participation work support this sensitive process. Numerous internships are made possible, and jobs and apprenticeships are created. A beautiful guest area with indoor and outdoor seating provides space for about 200 people. In addition, the food is also offered for take-away. The Kulturküche, as a multifunctional meeting space for the community, also offers a wide range of possibilities for use - e.g. for artistic events, for project planning, as a meeting place for volunteers and much more, mostly in the evenings and on weekends. In this space we offer a large variety of workshops on subjects like: sustainability, empowerment, values, arts, theater, cultural exchange. Moreover we offer cultural events, arts expos, concerts, theater plays, networking events, exchanges and internships. All our activities are free of charge. We want that everyone who wants to can participate, enjoy a concert etc. regardless of their income. We are cooperating with local artists, schools, the city, other associations, local companies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we already have a large network mainly in Germany but also abroad, we would like to contribute with contacts. Moreover, we would like to exchange visions and realize projects. We are a team of enthusiastic and engaged people who want to make a difference in society. Because of our diverse team, consisting of actors, social workers, engineers, sociologists, various artists, chefs, IT professionals, communications experts, we can contribute with innovative ideas. We would also like to offer the Kulturküche as a space for Anna Lindh network meetings or other projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our motto is “people discover people”. We want to contribute to a better future and society. We love to connect and learn about the visions of the people around us. We want to connect people so that they can exchange ideas and visions about society not only in our neighborhood and in Germany but also in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Moreover we want to share and exchange experiences and knowledge.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janna Zubke
Job Title
Project management
Head of the organisation
Sabine Uhle

Hila Tov

National Network

35 Washington Avenue
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

Social TV (ISTV) is an independent, non-profit media organization that engages the Israeli, Palestinian, and international public through thought-provoking, critical video articles on complex social issues across Israel and Palestine. We disrupt the status quo by producing and distributing video articles that offer the public an up-close, unseen view of social phenomena that the Israeli mainstream media refuses to cover.

Social TV has three salaried employees, several freelancers, and volunteers.

We are generously supported by several international Foundations and Organizations in the fields of human rights, peace building, and media. We work in tandem with other human-rights organizations in Israel, Palestine, and internationally.

Our annual budget is in the area of £234,000.

Mission and Objectives

Social TV exists as both a stage and microphone for those most affected by issues of democratic values and human rights, the Occupation, militarism, poverty, institutional discrimination, and more. Our hard-hitting video articles facilitate discourse on the intersection of various systems of oppression and the unjust social order that thrives within Israel. Social TV is proud to mobilize everyday people into activists and change makers.

Our team of activists believe that alternative media is a tool of progressive struggle--necessary for awakening public consciousness and radical social change. We mobilize everyday people into activists and change-makers. In 2020, our video articles reached 4,000,000 exposures and 25,000 direct interactions with viewers.

Main Projects / Activities

In the coming year of activity (2022) we intend to deal with four core issues:
1. Militarism in Israeli society;
2. Poverty, hunger, and food insecurity in Israel;
3. Hope Hub: Rewriting a Jewish/Palestinian Narrative in Shared Cities Through Media;
4. A sequence of video articles on the core issues noted above

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One of Social TV's primary organizational goals is to motivate language-based solutions to 'the conflict,' and create a space for authentic emotional and human reflection in the context of relationships between Jewish-Israelis and Palestinian citizens of Israel in Israel/Palestine.

In May and April of 2021, Israel’s shared/"mixed" cities saw widespread clashes between Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jewish-Israelis--the most violent outbreak in two decades. Understanding that we can no longer neglect addressing the long-standing tensions, Social TV, drawing on its expertise in telling complex stories and our close relationships with activists on the ground, has embarked on a new organizational strategy.

Behind our expertise are proven methods that produce multi-layered content based on limited staff alongside volunteers. Our resume attests to our ability and experience in training hundreds of social activists as independent video reporters, as demonstrated by our successful ‘Peace Journalism’ program in conjunction with the European Union and Adam Institute.

We seek to contribute to the Network in Israel/Palestine by sharing our vast experience with partner organizations in creating and distributing the authentic and complex pictures of Israel/Palestine and the human beings and institutions within. We also seek to collaborate with other human rights/social organizations that belong to the ALF Network because of our shared socio-political outlook.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of Social TV's 15+ years of experience leading the production of video articles which promote human rights, equality, and peace building in Israel/Palestine, we believe joining the ALF Network would allow us to continue our mission of creating and distributing the authentic and complex pictures of Israel/Palestine.

By partnering with other like-minded organizations and sharing lessons learned, we believe we can both contribute greatly and benefit from being a part of the ALF Network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Melissa Danz
Job Title
Resource Development
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Hila Tov
Job Title (2)

Hila Tov

National Network

35 Washington Avenue
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

Social TV (ISTV) is an independent, non-profit media organization that engages the Israeli, Palestinian, and international public through thought-provoking, critical video articles on complex social issues across Israel and Palestine. We disrupt the status quo by producing and distributing video articles that offer the public an up-close, unseen view of social phenomena that the Israeli mainstream media refuses to cover.

Social TV has three salaried employees, several freelancers, and volunteers.

We are generously supported by several international Foundations and Organizations in the fields of human rights, peace building, and media. We work in tandem with other human-rights organizations in Israel, Palestine, and internationally.

Our annual budget is in the area of £234,000.

Mission and Objectives

Social TV exists as both a stage and microphone for those most affected by issues of democratic values and human rights, the Occupation, militarism, poverty, institutional discrimination, and more. Our hard-hitting video articles facilitate discourse on the intersection of various systems of oppression and the unjust social order that thrives within Israel. Social TV is proud to mobilize everyday people into activists and change makers.

Our team of activists believe that alternative media is a tool of progressive struggle--necessary for awakening public consciousness and radical social change. We mobilize everyday people into activists and change-makers. In 2020, our video articles reached 4,000,000 exposures and 25,000 direct interactions with viewers.

Main Projects / Activities

In the coming year of activity (2022) we intend to deal with four core issues:
1. Militarism in Israeli society;
2. Poverty, hunger, and food insecurity in Israel;
3. Hope Hub: Rewriting a Jewish/Palestinian Narrative in Shared Cities Through Media;
4. A sequence of video articles on the core issues noted above

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One of Social TV's primary organizational goals is to motivate language-based solutions to 'the conflict,' and create a space for authentic emotional and human reflection in the context of relationships between Jewish-Israelis and Palestinian citizens of Israel in Israel/Palestine.

In May and April of 2021, Israel’s shared/"mixed" cities saw widespread clashes between Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jewish-Israelis--the most violent outbreak in two decades. Understanding that we can no longer neglect addressing the long-standing tensions, Social TV, drawing on its expertise in telling complex stories and our close relationships with activists on the ground, has embarked on a new organizational strategy.

Behind our expertise are proven methods that produce multi-layered content based on limited staff alongside volunteers. Our resume attests to our ability and experience in training hundreds of social activists as independent video reporters, as demonstrated by our successful ‘Peace Journalism’ program in conjunction with the European Union and Adam Institute.

We seek to contribute to the Network in Israel/Palestine by sharing our vast experience with partner organizations in creating and distributing the authentic and complex pictures of Israel/Palestine and the human beings and institutions within. We also seek to collaborate with other human rights/social organizations that belong to the ALF Network because of our shared socio-political outlook.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of Social TV's 15+ years of experience leading the production of video articles which promote human rights, equality, and peace building in Israel/Palestine, we believe joining the ALF Network would allow us to continue our mission of creating and distributing the authentic and complex pictures of Israel/Palestine.

By partnering with other like-minded organizations and sharing lessons learned, we believe we can both contribute greatly and benefit from being a part of the ALF Network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Melissa Danz
Job Title
Resource Development
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Hila Tov
Job Title (2)

Social TV

National Network

35 Washington Avenue
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Social TV (ISTV) is an independent, non-profit media organization that engages the Israeli and international public through thought-provoking, critical video articles on complex social issues across Israel and Palestine. We disrupt the status quo by producing and distributing video articles that offer the public an up-close, unseen view of social phenomena that the Israeli mainstream media refuses to cover. Social TV has three employees, several freelancers, and volunteers. We are generously supported by several international Foundations and Organizations in the fields of human rights and media, and work in tandem with other human-rights organizations in Israel/Palestine. Our annual budget is in the area of £234,000.

Mission and Objectives

Social TV exists as both a stage and microphone for those most affected by issues of poverty, the occupation, militarism, and more. Our hard-hitting video articles facilitate discourse on the intersection of various systems of oppression and the unjust social order that thrives within Israel. Social TV is proud to mobilize everyday people into activists and change makers. We reframe complex social phenomena of Israel and Palestine into accessible video articles--providing critical analyses as opposed to one-sided narratives perpetuated by Israeli mainstream media. Our team of activists believe that alternative media is a tool of progressive struggle--necessary for awakening public consciousness and radical social change. We mobilize everyday people into activists and change-makers. In 2020, our video articles reached 4,000,000 exposures and 25,000 direct interactions with viewers. Our main focus is on democratic values and human rights, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, poverty and food insecurity, and other social issues in Israel/Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

In the coming year of activity (2022) we intend to deal with four core issues: Militarism in Israeli society; Poverty, hunger, and food insecurity in Israel; Hope Hub: Rewriting a Jewish/Palestinian Narrative in Shared Cities Through Media; and a sequence of current articles on core issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Social TV is undergoing an organizational renewal. Going forward, one of our primary organizational goals is to motivate language-based solutions and emotional, human, authentic reflection in the context of relationships between Jewish-Israelis and Palestinian citizens of Israel in Israel/Palestine. In May and April of 2021, Israel’s shared/”mixed” cities saw widespread clashes between Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jewish-Israelis--the most violent outbreak in two decades. Understanding that we can no longer neglect addressing the long-standing tensions, Social TV, drawing on its expertise in telling complex stories and our close relationships with activists on the ground, created Hope Hub. Behind our expertise are proven methods that produce multi-layered content based on limited staff alongside and mostly volunteers. Our resume attests to our ability and experience in training hundreds of social activists as independent video reporters, as demonstrated by our successful ‘Peace Journalism’ program in conjunction with the European Union and Adam Institute. We believe we can contribute to the Network in Israel/Palestine by sharing our vast experience with partner organizations and collaborating with others to create

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of our 15 years of experience leading the production of video articles promoting human rights, equality, and peace in Israel, we believe joining the ALF Network would allow us to continue learning and tailoring our projects to extend our reach to our intended audience. Hope Hub is a process that is unique, innovative, and the first of its kind. No other organization has the same ability to carry out a project that brings together elements of videography, complex-storytelling, narrative building, and direct involvement of activists. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no other project which builds joint narrative through video production as a tool for creating a model of shared life. Social TV is uniquely qualified to carry out such a project given our 15 years of experience leading in the production of video articles promoting human rights, equality, and peace in Israel.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Melissa Danz
Job Title
Resource Development
Head of the organisation
Hila Tov
Contact (2) Full Name
Hila Tov
Job Title (2)


National Network

35 Washington Avenue
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Social TV (ISTV) is an independent, non-profit media organization that engages the Israeli and international public through thought-provoking, critical video articles on complex social issues across Israel and Palestine. We disrupt the status quo by producing and distributing video articles that offer the public an up-close, unseen view of social phenomena that the Israeli mainstream media refuses to cover.

Social TV has three employees, several freelancers, and volunteers.

We are generously supported by several international Foundations and Organizations in the fields of human rights and media, and work in tandem with other human-rights organizations in Israel/Palestine. Our annual budget is in the area of £234,000.

Mission and Objectives

Social TV exists as both a stage and microphone for those most affected by issues of poverty, the occupation, militarism, and more. Our hard-hitting video articles facilitate discourse on the intersection of various systems of oppression and the unjust social order that thrives within Israel. Social TV is proud to mobilize everyday people into activists and change makers.

We reframe complex social phenomena of Israel and Palestine into accessible video articles--providing critical analyses as opposed to one-sided narratives perpetuated by Israeli mainstream media.

Our team of activists believe that alternative media is a tool of progressive struggle--necessary for awakening public consciousness and radical social change. We mobilize everyday people into activists and change-makers. In 2020, our video articles reached 4,000,000 exposures and 25,000 direct interactions with viewers.

Our main focus is on democratic values and human rights, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, poverty and food insecurity, and other social issues in Israel/Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

In the coming year of activity (2022) we intend to deal with four core issues: Militarism in Israeli society; Poverty, hunger, and food insecurity in Israel; Hope Hub: Rewriting a Jewish/Palestinian Narrative in Shared Cities Through Media; and a sequence of current articles on core issues.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Melissa Danz
Job Title
Resource Development
Head of the organisation
Hila Tov
Contact (2) Full Name
Hila Tov
Job Title (2)

Woman Center for Development and Culture Albania

National Network

Quarter "Visarion Xhuvani", Building 583/3

+355 69 53 76 982
Telephone (other)
+355 68 439 3090
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Women's Center for Development and Culture Albania (W.C.D.C.A) was established in 2010 and has a staff of six full-time and three part-time members, as well as five external experts and advisors. Part of the working group is the board of volunteer students consisting of nine members. Our work is structured in different departments such as “The Department of Women and Family Affairs”, “The Department of Cultural Affairs”, “The Department of Humanitarian and Social Affairs”, “The Department of Students” and “The Department of Freedom of Religion”. Throughout the years, WCDCA has successfully contributed to the abovementioned issues and to establish a solid cooperation with several government institutions, such as the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Ministry of Health and social work, Elbasan Municipality and City Hall. WCDCA is member of the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN), of the Albanian National Network of civil society organisations PCVE established by CLCI as well as partner with different civil society organisations in the region. Our Donors are national organizations, the Embassy of Kuwait and projects supported by foreign donors such as EU found, IPF found, Hedayah found, King Baudouin Foundation etc. The annual budget for 2020 is 36,312,637 ALL. Over the years WCDCA has contributed to the growth and empowerment of young people, students from rural areas, students in need and students of the pre-university system through: professional courses, workshops, academic training, awareness campaigns (Volunteering is humanism) in cooperation with the University and the Local Education Office of Elbasan. One of the main objectives is the development of interfaith dialogue among women and youth. To achieve this goal, we have undertaken a series of initiatives such as: table discussion, conferences, meeting, focus groups etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of WCDCA is: To promote the common good and public interest, to promote and protect the human rights, focusing on women rights, to promote socio-economic, education and health development through the implementation of Projects financed by the WCDC and its partners. To support the religious community and academia for research, publications and activities related to capacity building and development.

Main Projects / Activities

WCDCA has implemented several projects to promote inter-cultural and inter-religion diversity (mainly in the territory of Elbasan), to boost partnership among different local stakeholders as well as activities focused on schools’ infrastructure facilities related to sport and culture within the schools settings in remote areas of Elbasan region. In addition, some of the projects implemented recently: “Examining gendered components of radicalization and violent extremism in Albania”, On November 2020, supported by Hedayah - International Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism. The project “Local perspectives on de-radicalisation, rehabilitation and reintegration of women and children returnees” on June 2021 in collaboration with Forum MNE. Currently we are implementing the project titled: “An Integrated Approach to Promote Women & Youth as Peacebuilders in Albania” in collaboration with ICAN founded by IPF.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

WCDCA will contribute to the implementation of national strategies for the promotion of culture and cultural dialogue with other similar initiatives around the world to respond to challenges and needs in the community and beyond. Collaborating with network members will enable us to share good practices and identify needs based on our local context. An important component is capacity building of young people and their promotion through cultural education in initiatives that promote their voice and build sustainable communities. Also one of the issues of interest is the contribution we can offer in promoting interfaith dialogue with various actors in society to develop and protect religious harmony and tolerance in the country and beyond through joint initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our interest in joining the ALF Network comes as a result of the background of the organization, which in its status has the main focus on developing cultural dialogue and increasing the capacity of young people in this field. WCDCA is the first organization to lobby for the development of interfaith dialogue with a focus on women and their role. WCDCA under the slogan "Educate, Engage, Empower", aims to promote cultural dialogue among young people by sharing experiences with members of the ALF network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Rudina Çollaku
Job Title
Founder and Executive director of WCDCA
Head of the organisation
Rudina Çollaku
Contact (2) Full Name
Migena Hasa
Job Title (2)
Financial Assistant

Hope - طاقة أمل

National Network

19Al Thawra street , Maṣr Al Gedīda

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Hope foundation, is a non-governmental non for profit Egyptian foundation. it was founded in 2014. we support the child's world through; Resilience School-based program, Anti-bullying interventions, school-based and Teachers' resilience and well-being program. till March 2021, Hope empowered approximately 4000 (direct beneficiaries) in 8 governorates. we are targeting 12 schools annually for each facilitator working with us, to empower 500 direct beneficiaries annually (360 parents, 120 teachers, and 20 social workers and psychologists).
our partners main are (1. Ashoka, 2. Nahdet El Mahrousa , 3. Episco care, 4. The Association of Upper Egypt for Education and Development, 5. The Secretariat of Catholic Schools in Egypt, 6. Saint Marc Alexandria, 7. Basmet Amal, 8. Al Shehab, 9. Asmae, 10. Jesuit Minya, 11. Institut des Frères).

Mission and Objectives

By instilling and promoting resilience in children from a young age, "Hope" is affording high-risk, underserved communities the essential tools to recover from or positively adapt to change manifested in adverse experiences. "Hope" is building protections into child development at multiple levels by focusing on all the adults in a child’s life: parents, teachers, social workers and psychologists. Hope’s solution transcends conventional approaches of solely focusing on the child to integrating all parties in a child’s life in one setting. Furthermore, "Hope" is not only spreading effective preventive and protective interventions, but also educating and enabling the community to identify and support disadvantaged children suffering from mental health issues

Main Projects / Activities

1- Resilience School-based program
2- Anti-bullying interventions, school-based
3- Teachers' resilience and well-being

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we will exchange our experiences and offer technical support for the young changemakers, brainstorm around the challenges we face in our community for creating, piloting, and implementing culturally sensitive solutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

our foundation applying for this membership, because Anna Lindh Foundation brings over 4000 diverse civil society organizations from across the region that works across many fields for the promotion of dialogue between cultures so it will add value for Hope's job.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Elnemais Fawzy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michael Elnemais Fawzy