
National Network

Via Garibaldi 13
10122 Turin TO

011 18953232
Mobile Phone
+39 3479593825
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Intercultural Mediator Multiethnic Association (A.M.M.I.) has 15 employees, approximately 45 collaborators and 61 associates. The executive board consists of six members: the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and two councilors. The team consists of the general manager, the head of the administration office, the project office manager, the international programme manager, an intercultural mediation project manager and two migrants welcoming project managers.
The association has annual assets of 280,000 € and its main sources of funding are public tenders (national and international), bank foundations, services rendered on behalf of third parties, membership fees and voluntary contributions from members.
The main areas of intervention are linguistic and cultural mediation, migrants welcoming, divided into emergency housing (CAS) and specific projects for vulnerable women and mother-child families, and training of intercultural mediators.
A.M.M.I. collaborates in various projects with the following main partners: CIFA, CIES, Slowfood, Amnesty International, UNHCR, Ufficio Pio, Comune di Torino, IRES Piemonte, ASGI, Ideadonna Onlus.

Mission and Objectives

A.M.M.I. key objective is the generation and strengthening of advocacy actions with the territorial and national network concerning the professional figure of the intercultural mediator and the opening of new employment spaces for intercultural mediation. The Association aims to encourage, facilitate and promote the interaction and integration of migrants in the territory through the intercultural mediation service and acknowledge the irreplaceable role of this figure (understood as accompaniment, interpretation, facilitation in the relationships that the migrant has with public and private subjects and native citizens), training and welcoming of migrants.
The objectives are pursued through two main lines of action, which coincide with the association's mission:
-the provision of the intercultural mediation service for the territory, which includes training and professional development for intercultural mediators and social workers, also extended to the international level;
-reception of applicants for international protection at the C.A.S. and migrants at emergency housing structures in Turin and the metropolitan city, reception projects and support for socio-economic inclusion for vulnerable women and mother-child families.

Main Projects / Activities

April - December 2018. "Intercultural Mediation in support of unaccompanied and asylum-seeking children" (UASC), activated by A.M.M.I. and funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to create a model of intervention aimed at strengthening and validating the need for a continuous presence of the figure of the intercultural mediator during the entire process of accompaniment of unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) received in Piedmont, with a view to empowering the figure in all aspects: from the host community, to the relationship with the guardian, up to the contact with the various territorial services.
From April 2018. "PINSEC - Youth, women and migrants: paths of social and economic inclusion in Tunisia", co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. In partnership with CIES of Rome, A.M.M.I. provides thematic expertise and training for trainers in intercultural mediation - 20 social workers of CSOs active in the field of reception, protection of rights and prevention of irregular migration in Tunisia.
As of July 2018. A.M.M.I. realizes, with the support of the Piedmont Regional Council, the photographic exhibition "MigrEye - an open eye on migration" on the migration phenomenon in Piedmont, in the last 50 years. "MigrEye" has become an itinerant project on various territories in Piedmont and outside (Università Degli Studi di Torino, Ufficio Pastorale Migranti, Museo dell'Emigrazione dei Piemontesi del Mondo etc.).
From November 2018. "PONTI Project: Social and economic inclusion, young people and women, innovation and diasporas". Co-financed by the Ministry of the Interior, A.M.M.I. provides in this project thematic expertise and training for a group of CSOs active in the accompaniment and reception of migrants returning to Ethiopia and Senegal.
From 2019. Project Municipalities-Care. A.M.M.I. provides the service of intercultural mediation with the social workers of UEPE (Interdistrict Office for External Criminal Execution) and coaching of operators for paths activated by external organisations with a need for linguistic and/or intercultural mediation.
From January 2019. FAMI project "InCome", in partnership with CIES Onlus - financial education paths for intercultural mediators.
Since March 2019. A.M.M.I. manages, in collaboration with the Foreigners Office of the City of Turin, people and families in serious housing hardship, from the buildings of the ex-MOI area, as part of the emergency housing project - "Migrazione Opportunità e Inclusione" (Migration, Opportunity and Inclusion) through the provision of reception facilities and accompaniment to social inclusion.
From November 2019. Awareness-raising day "Immigration and LGBT+" for operators of territorial services on LGBT+ issues, in collaboration with Turin City Council, LGBT+ Service and LGBT+ associations in the area.
January - November 2019. "Io Rispetto", in partnership with Amnesty International and CIFA - second phase of training and workshops on "hate language" addressed to intercultural mediators working in schools all over Italy.
January - December 2019. In collaboration with the Office of the Prisoners' Guarantor of the City of Turin and the UEPE Office, A.M.M.I. provides intercultural mediation services in prisons and jails in Turin, Novara and Biella.

From September 2019. Intercultural mediation at the counters of the Anti-Violence Centre and Relationships and Families Centre of the City of Turin, with the presence of two Arabic, Spanish and Bangla mother-tongue mediators, who conduct interviews with users, women victims of domestic violence.
From January 2020. "Design Your Impact" by Social Fare - Centre for Social Innovation. A.M.M.I. is selected by the Compagnia di San Paolo for a modular training course to develop and perfect design skills provided by the Centro per L'Innovazione Sociale - Social Fare.
From January 2020. In collaboration with the Associazione Banco Alimentare del Piemonte - Onlus (OBAP), A.M.M.I. activated the distribution of food aid to the needy from the European FEAD programme and the national programme (National Fund) of fruit and vegetables (fresh and processed) from EU-funded market withdrawals, surpluses or donations from the processing industry.
From April 2020. A.M.I. is a partner in "Avanti tutta, Avanti tutti", together with CIFA Ong, in a project funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo, for the digital inclusion of pupils during the Covid-19 health emergency.
April - June 2020. Together with CCM and World Friends, A.M.M.I. mediators were involved in "R-Esisto in strada: socio-healthcare outreach for the homeless in Turin" to combat Covid-19 through socio-healthcare activities, listening and distribution of over-the-counter medicines and hygiene kits to the homeless. There is also a telephone support line managed by medical personnel, aimed at the operators of day and night shelters, canteens, food and clothing distribution.
April - August 2020. In partnership with the Danish Refugee Council and Rainbow for Africa, A.M.M.I. mediators participated in the "Torino Street CARE" project, financed by the Compagnia di San Paolo, activating a mobile health unit with mediators and health workers who provide general medical advice, psychological support, medicines, alongside the network of fixed clinics and public facilities.
From September 2020. "Families in change and elements of interculturality" - training on child-rearing and corrective methods in different cultures, by A.M.M.I. mediators from the Maghreb area, Asia (Bangladesh), Eastern Europe, Latin America. Initiative part of the collaboration agreement with the Centre for Relationships and Families of the City of Turin;
From September 2020. "S.T.A.R.C.I.". A project to welcome and accompany vulnerable women and mother-child families to socio-economic inclusion, through the creation of innovative paths to personal and social autonomy and non-stereotypical daily empowerment activities. Project conceived by A.M.M.I. and financed by the Municipality of Turin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As stated in point 5 (Intercultural Cities and Learning) of the ALF corporate plan, " The Foundation enhances and embeds intercultural dialogue skills and capabilities of different actors at local, national and cross-national level"; A.M.M.I. pursues the same aims, as stated in Article 4 "Aims and objectives" of its Statute. As future cities are intercultural, joining your Network means expanding our city, regional and national network. A.M.M.I. is an association created and constituted by mediators from all nationalities and ethnicities present in our territory, on which it has been working for 15 years. The mediator plays a dual role: on the one hand, he acts as a reference figure for the foreign community in our territory, and on the other, he acts as a transnational "bridge" between the territory in which he lives and the region to which he belongs.
Becoming part of the ALF Network, would allow us to include our territory in the international dynamics and to promote internationalisation even more intensively, to involve other partners already present in our networks, to share and strengthen our experience and professionalism through the exchange of good practices and the comparison with all the Network partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF network means strengthening the impact of our initiatives, receiving the right impulses to enhance A.M.M.I.'s activities and skills. In order to operate in a functional way and adapt the intercultural language to new needs, it is essential to work in synergy: as an association of linguistic and cultural mediation, we believe that the ALF network represents the perfect dimension within which to operate, confront each other and exchange good practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Associazione Multietnica dei Mediatori Interculturali

Caritas Egypt

National Network

1 Mahmoud Sedki St, Shoubra Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+202 243 10 201
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Caritas Egypt was established in 1967 as an "emergency aid" sector during the Arab-Israel conflict, in which, Caritas had an effective contribution. This had had its positive impact on the Egyptian government, thus enabling Caritas to be officially registered as NGO. Caritas strategic objectives are; - Support and build the capacity of partner and non-partner NGOs. - Provide direct services to the target groups - Empowerment of the poor and marginalized - Building the community awareness regarding community participation and human rights Caritas principals; - Development from the perspective of human rights - Non-discrimination and gender equality - Empowering of the served communities - Partnership and networking - Respect of the constitution and policies of the Egyptian state - Working in the light of international guideline after it adaption to suet the community context. Caritas – Egypt supports vulnerable people and fragile communities. We empower them and create opportunities so that they may realize their full potential.

Mission and Objectives

كاريتاس جمعية غير هادفة للربح ذات نفع عام ومسجلة بوزارة الشئون الاجتماعية تحت رقم ١١٥٠ وهي تعمل في جمهورية مصر العربية ومنتسبة لهيئة كاريتاس المانيا ( الدولية ) رسالة كاريتاس تنمية الانسان كل إنسان وكل الإنسان دون التمييز بسبب اللون او الجنس او الدين وفي عام ١٩٨٦ انشأت جمعية كاريتاس مصر مركز سيتي لمواجهة مشكلة نقص الخدمات المتاحة للاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة ويهدف المركز الي تحسين نوعية حياة الاشخاص ذوي الاعاقة وخاصة الاكثر فقرا واحتياجا ودمجهم في المجتمع وتاهيلهم وتمكين اولياء امورهم من التعامل معهم والمناداة بحقوقهم وتدريب الكوادر التي تعمل في المجال وتوعية المجتمع وتعديل اتجاهاته نحوهم

Main Projects / Activities

Health for development" division: 1. Program for AIDS prevention and control 2. Program for leprosy prevention and control 3. Program for substance abuse B. "Community Development" Division: 4. Cadres’ development sector of volunteers “Youth ‘ 5. Program for development and empowerment of civil society and community in west Nubareya zone 6. Micro-credit program 7. Female genital mutilation “FGM” 8. Women empowerment 9. Pre school child welfare centres 10. Illiteracy elimination program 11. Program for children with special needs C. Programs for marginalized groups: 12. Program for street children 13. Program for refugees


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال نشر نماذج رائدة في خدمة ذوي الاعاقة من خلال تفعيل برنامج التاهيل من خلال الانشطة الترويحية الثقافية والفنية وهو ما يعرف بالتاهيل المرتكز علي الترويح (RBR) “Recreation Based Rehabilitation”

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لقد تعاونا بالفعل مع هيئة اناليندا في مشروع التبادل الثقافي والمعرفي لذوي الاعاقة وذلك عام ٢٠١٠ وحقق المشروع نجاح كبير علي مستوي محافظات مصر والدول المشاركة في المشروع حيث تم ختام المشروع بمهرجان فني ثقافي سياحي بمكتبة الاسكندرية شارك في فقراته ابنائنا من ذوي الاعاقة من ٤ محافظات مصرية و٧ دول عربية واوروبية وكان تحت رعاية محافظ الاسكندرية واذ نامل ان نكرر التجربة من خلال مشروع اخر ينشر فكر وثقافة هيئة اناليندا والذي هو نفس فكر مركز سيتي وذلك لتقديم نموذج يحتذي به في المجتمع علي الصعيد الوطني والدولي

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Ayman Sadek
Job Title
head of organization
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ayman Sadek


National Network

Treffauerstrasse 18
81373 Munich

0049 89 30779202
Telephone (other)
00447837 551090
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 (0) 179 5079562
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Baraza is a registered association which maintains and develops an active international network of renowned academics, leaders and specialists involved in transcultural or interfaith institutions. The founding members, advisors and associates of Baraza come from different countries and many walks of life. They work in various fields, are of diverse nationalities, ethnic groups and religious or belief traditions. The Baraza Executive is currently a team of 5 people. Baraza is a membership association where primary accountability is through our Annual General Meeting. We run events, programmes, webinars and conferences. Our flagship projects include UNITY – a life skills programme for young people, the Tolerance, Understanding & Coexistence exhibition, resources for children e.g. world religions colouring book and we contribute to consultations/ events.


Mission and Objectives

“Baraza“ is a Swahili word meaning “council“ or “meeting place.“ It is simply a place where people get together, share news, ideas and try together to solve common problems. Baraza believes in ideals of acceptance, understanding and coexistence. Supported by our network of knowledgeable experts, we invest in education, create real-world encounters and build thriving partnerships. We are a non-profit organisation established to promote an international mindset based on tolerance in areas of culture, religion and understanding among nations. The founding members come from various countries and walks of life, with many years of involvement in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

Tolerance Understanding & Coexistence - We have run a global exhibition for the Sultanate of Oman which has toured 40 countries across the planet Resources for children - We have produced 5 different versions of a Colouring Book for Kids to promote interfaith which has been translated into 14 languages Conferences - We have organised webinars/ conferences on topical subjects e.g. the importance of education for cohesion Events - We have presented our work and ideas at UNESCO and global regional fora Global Gallery of Generosity - Our newest project is to collect and showcase acts of human kindness by people of one background, culture or faith for people of another background, culture or faith UNITY - A leadership, confidence building, resiliency and critical thinking programme which invests in the talents and abilities of young people

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the sharing of information and opportunities, work with partners to develop bids for work, include the network in our existing activities and offer our expertise. We are based in Germany so have a footprint here including links to other NGOs, governmental bodies and schools. We have a strong presence in the UK where our Secretary General resides. Our global network of Advisors and supporters live in many other countries and this allows us to stretch our reach further e.g. Belgium, Brazil, France, Italy, Jordan, Oman and USA.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are an international organisation. We are ambitious and are guided by our mission to do good and to bring good to everything we do. Since 2017 we have established partnerships e.g. we are members of United Religions Initiative Europe and have made a positive and tangible impact through our work. The ALF Network will allow us to expand, develop and learn from partners. This will be of mutual benefit. Our Executive and Advisor teams are immersed in transnational and cultural cooperation. They bring vast experience and abilities to deliver. Many of them have received high recognition for their efforts. We wish to share that for the benefit of societies across the globe and for us in turn to gain from being part of a wider network of likeminded organisations.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Riaz Ravat
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Georg Popp
Contact (2) Full Name
Georg Popp
Job Title (2)

Counterpoint Systems. Co-head of the ALF Ireland network since 2022.

National Network

20 Ashdene South Douglas Road
Co. Cork

00353 214361524
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

I am applying as an Individual Person

Mission and Objectives

Working intentionally to achieve inclusion of marginalized groups by creating space and support to promote diversity consciously and consistently .

Main Projects / Activities

As a global youth worker, my work is rooted in actively working for inclusion and seek to provoke consciousness while assisting young people in their active engagement in relation to where they are at. My engagement is to work as a catalyst to amplify the marginalized young people’s voice so they can be heard. In my capacity as a Diversity and Inclusion Trainer I have developed and delivered workshops on Identity and inclusion under a human rights approach to increase cultural competency within diverse organisation. Training delivery has included anti-racism, intercultural dialogue for change, intersectionality & LGBTI+ awareness, for the formal and non-informal education sectors but also for organisation such as Doras, Traveller Visibility Group, Waterford Children & Young People’s Services committees (CYPSC) the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, Social and Health Education Project (SHEP), WorldWise Global Schools, Waterford Wexford Education and Training Board (ETB).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have been active with the Anna Lindh Foundation Irish Network since 2013. I co-coordinated the Cross-Network activity "Art as an Instrument and Expression of Social Change” in Taroudant, Morocco (2014). I attended the education programme for “Intercultural Citizenship in the Euro Mediterranean Region” in Alexandria, Egypt (2014). I represented the head of the Irish Network at the 13th Heads of Network Conference in Naples (2014). Presented on informal learning at the Cross-Network Action “Non-formal and Intercultural Education in the Mediterranean” in Tarragona, Spain (2015). I was assistant co-ordinator of "Intercultural Competences for Social Cohesion and Integration in Ireland" event in Limerick, Cork and Dublin (2016). Participant in Intercultural artistic expression in fragile areas, Sousse (2017). Anna Lindh Regional Training for Trainers - Malta (2017), attended the Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Intercultural Citizenship Education, in Piran, Slovenia, (2017). Participated in the 17th Heads of Network Meeting, Brussels (2018), Regional ToT on Intercultural Citizenship Education, Nicosia (2019). I am currently mentor for ALF Irish Network for the ALF Virtual Academy project and part of the Nicosia trainer’s symposium for the Pilot Virtual Training on Intercultural Citizenship Education in the EuroMed region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In ground of the above mentioned involvement with the Anna Lindh Foundation , I always felt being part of the Network. This has permitted a better understanding of the countries in the Euro Mediterranean region but also created synergies and friendship. It is always energizing to work in collaboration with the committed people that never lose the hope to create a better world for all.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Moussed
Job Title
Youth & Community worker, Social Inclusion & Intercultural Competences Trainer
Head of the organisation
Nadia Moussed

La Vénerie, Centre Culturel de Watermael-Boitsfort

National Network

Rue Gratès

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

La Vénerie, Centre Culturel de Watermael-Boitsfort (Bruxelles - Belgique).Elle propose de multiples projets participatifs et culturels : une programmation cinéma, arts de la scène, des ateliers créatifs et des expositions. Les organes de gestion sont l’Assemblée générale, le Conseil d’administration et la Gestion journalière dont le mandat est donné à la directrice. Outre ses organes légaux, La Vénerie fonctionne avec un Comité de Gestion et un Conseil d’Orientation suivant le décret de reconnaissances des Centres Culturels (Articles 88, 89 et 90).

Mission and Objectives

Son travail engagé cherche à susciter le partage, le désir d’apprendre et la participation des citoyens et des acteurs associatifs en vue d’un monde plus durable et équitable. Installée à l’Espace Delvaux et aux Écuries, La Vénerie explore aussi d’autres espaces pour valoriser le patrimoine culturel local et construire avec tous.

Main Projects / Activities

La Vénerie propose de multiples projets participatifs et culturels : une programmation cinéma, arts de la scène, des ateliers créatifs et des expositions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Virginie CORDIER
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Virginie CORDIER
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Assistant financier

Museo Internazionale della Stampa - Museum Graphia

National Network

Via della Miniera 10
61029 Urbino PU

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Museum Graphìa is an NGO accredited under Erasmus + Program - Education and Vocational Training (VET) in the field of professional education and training (2020-1-IT01-KA120-VET-008695), and sponsors Alternanza, the work/study project that offers new and innovative learning methods for acquiring knowledge and labor market skills to meet the school operation guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. Student-centric in situ learning to learn, Alternanza’s labs and working environments offer myriad opportunities to acquire real-world skills, consolidate those learned in school and acquire the culture of work through real-world experience. is based on "learning by doing" that increases product outcomes through practice, self-perfection and innovation. Our target groups are both young people for training and mobility as well as adults for professional development and to foster transnational collaboration in European projects.

Mission and Objectives

Museum Graphia is a non-formal educational and training organization that hosts hands-on learning primarily in the arts. Our focus is on skills development and making work/school connections where our training can enhance academic curricula in formal learning environments. We are located in Le Marche, an important agricultural area of Italy and therefore our outreach is mainly to young people in rural and peri-urban regions. We are foster cross-border collaboration activity with our neighbours in the Mediterranean to share expertise, support training opportunities for young people and the organizations they associate with, and engage in activity that promotes better understanding between people in our shared region.

Main Projects / Activities

Our youth work is dedicated toward skills development for practical applications in the workforce. To this end, our work is focused on acquiring skills - young people for enhancing their employability and entrepreneurship, and youth workers, educators, trainers and youth programming managers for professional development and to improve the craft of teaching. As an art-focused NGO, we specialize in training for art production – lithography, silk screening, etching, etc. – that can be used in employment. We collaborate with formal education (i.e. schools, high schools and universities) and non-formal learning environments (i.e. NGOs and public bodies) to teach groups at our facilities in the Urbino countryside, where we partner with a local agrotourism operation for room and board during a group’s mobility projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We make resources available to improve the region in which we live, work and study. Therefore, we help organizations build their capacity to provide services to targeted audiences, that include people experiencing difficulties because of the geographic areas that are isolated, primarily rural, obstacles to social integration or other barriers that prevent them from participating in programming that aims to improve conditions for young people to grow and prosper.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To participate in collaborative endeavors.
Museo Internazionale della Stampa
PIC : 905507417
OID: E10021935

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Baratti
Head of the organisation
Claudia Baratti


National Network

Kyrnira 1
1102 Nicosia

+357 22 678 670
Telephone (other)
+357 24 201 652
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
General Information

Based on its Statute, Oxygono is governed by a 5-member Board of Directors, which is elected by the General Assembly of its members and its services endures three years. Currently, Oxygono has one member of staff. The budgetary resources available in a year are EUR5,000 – EUR10,000 per annum. Oxygono is funded by ONEK, including sponsorships and member donations. Regarding the sector of modalities of its actions, Oxygono pursues to establish lasting bonds in the public debate of Cyprus, taking into account the unique initiatives, by the way of illustration, the “State of the Republic”, in which he is hosted each President of the Republic of Cyprus, the series of discussions “Can a human change the mentality of a people?”, the debate’s cycle “Ideas2Parliament”, in collaboration with House of Representative, the 2040 discussions’ series, where local discussions are taken place with the ultimate purpose of creating long-term plan individually for each city of Cyprus as well as the outstanding event “Cyprus Forum”, in which the Year’s events culminate. Through its action, Oxygono fosters views’ exchange in the presence of active citizens between experts and decision-makers, integrating all the key factors, including officials, technocrats, entrepreneurs, academics, scientists, activists, and enterprises’ executives. The principal forms of Oxygono events are debate-type events and informal conversations. Oxygono closely collaborates with the University of Cyprus, Youth Board of Cyprus, Cyprus Youth Council, and myriad other organizations, Media enterprises, without losing its identity.

Mission and Objectives

Focusing on its core goal, Oxygono pursues the improvement of public dialogue in Cyprus and consequently, reforms’ accomplishment along with our country's modernization for citizens’ quality of life betterment in all public life aspects, including health, economy, education, justice, foreign policy, research, and entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities

The domain of Oxygono main projects and activities includes the following core actions: 1. Cyprus Forum, 2. State of the Republic 3. Ideas2Parliament 4. 2040 Series 5. Oxygono Debate 6. “Can a human change the mentality of a people?” 7. Events Powered by Oxygono or/and the involvement of other Organizations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Oxyogono, through its activities, encourages the speakers’ mutual respect, and the quality of dialogue, pursuing to provide the citizens the proper equipment for facing local, European, regional, and global challenges.Oxygono has the ambition to be evolved as a great organization for the scientificization of politics and the transmission of a culture of political ethics and integrity and to bring into Cyprus collective progress along with inclusive growth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Oxygono as an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization aims at elaborating closely related bonds with other similar Organizations, taking into account their main actions/activities. Oxygono, respects dissimilar civilizations and religions and mainly attempts to build a culture based on dialogue and exchange and to develop inclusive societies to fight the lack of trust and intolerance. The core goal of Oxygono is to promote the public debates' transparency and it believes that collectivity is the main component for success.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Nicolas Kyriakides
Job Title (2)
Vice President


National Network

Rua Nova do Loureiro
1200-294 Lisboa

+351 927343179
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Association for Equality AEQUALITAS is an NGO that was born in October 2020 in Lisbon (Portugal) from the commitment of a group of people to a more just and sustainable world. Our main objective is to achieve social equity by promoting the rights and specific interests of minorities and the most disadvantaged groups through the creation and implementation of projects and initiatives that contribute to the empowerment of our target. AEQUALITAS aims to promote cultural diversity and fight for access to social and human rights that guarantee personal and social well-being, as well as promoting active citizenship by encouraging citizens to carry out their personal projects, always upholding the values ​​of respect, solidarity and service. We want to guide and connect people and entities that fight for human dignity through innovative methodologies and non-formal education in order to unify efforts and promote solidarity work. Our mission is to promote a more egalitarian, fair and sustainable society, empowering people who live in the least favoured sectors and participating in the development processes of the community, the country and internationally, promoting actions that address the different problems of each territory. In short, we are an active, agile and innovative social organization that responds proactively to the challenges that arise, developing projects and initiatives that help those most in need. We stand out above all for the dedication, capacity and altruism of our members, committed to the development of society and respect for the environment.

Mission and Objectives

Achieve social equality by promoting the specific rights and interests of minorities and the most disadvantaged groupsImmigrants, Refugees, Youth, LGBT Community, Women, Seniors, Roma, People with disabilities and physical and mental illnesses, People with low income and Residents in disadvantaged or rural areas.

Promote cultural diversity and strive for access to social and human rights that guarantee personal and social well-being.

Boost active citizenship by encouraging citizens to carry out their personal projects, always defending the values ​​of respect and tolerance.

Guide and connect people and entities that fight for human dignity through innovative methodologies and non-formal education in order to unify efforts and enhance solidarity work.


Main Projects / Activities

Training courses on different topics: intercultural education, human and social rights, gender, media literacy... Awareness-raising: Campaigns and awareness sessions on different topics. International projects: we implement activities funded by Erasmus, European Youth Foundation, Anna Lindh Foundation... Networking: we link people and entities with common objectives

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are very active in the field and we have already created strong partnerships with relevant actors of our communities, such as local authorities, specific departments of the government (High Commissariat for Migrations and Portuguese Institute for Youth and Sports...) and many other local organisations and educational centres around the country. We can strengthen connections and motivate the active participation of the members of the network. We can bring new ideas and methodologies to improve the strategies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we have been involved in their activities for the last years and we really identify with its mission. We know how it works and we are currently leading a consortium of the Pilot Virtual Training on Intercultural Citizenship Education in the EuroMed Region under the reference ALF/CFT-2021/ST/108. We believe our active involvement doesn´t have any sense without being part of the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Salas Corrigan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mónica Salas Corrigan
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomás Berger
Job Title (2)


National Network

21110 ALJARAQUE Huelva

(0034) 687680571
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Founded in 2010, Inercia Digital S.L. is an innovative Andalusian organisation specialising in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level.We are a VET centre (Vocational Training for Employment) officially accredited by our regional government and our main area of expertise is fostering digital and entrepreneurial skills, which we make accessible through our Virtual Campus, approved by the Regional Government of Andalusia as a Virtual Training Centre for Employment (# 66044). Inercia Digital has extensive experience participating in innovative European educational projects and was appointed a new member of the “Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition” of the European Commission in 2017. We’re also the proud recipients of the Certificate of Compliance AENOR EA0043 as a Young Innovative Enterprise in 2015.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to drive training and innovation in digital skills across Europe, for educational institutions as well as professionals, for the labour market and for all European citizens in general. Our vision is to be a Centre of Vocational Education and Training (VET) of Excellence at an international level through the continuous improvement of training and innovation in digital and entrepreneurial skills, boosting teaching and training methods of excellence, establishing ongoing cooperation and collaboration, in line with policies of regional development, employment, innovation and education.

Main Projects / Activities

Development of international educational projects to drive innovation and promote digital skills. inercia digital (id e10145080) continuously strives to be an active participant in the development of international innovative projects to promote digital skills. inercia digital has participated in more than 60 european projects promoting digital innovation (erasmus+, lifelong learning programme, tempus, interreg and cyted).


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We offer training and innovation in digital and entrepreneurial skills at international level, but we are also committed to fostering innovative advances in education through active participation in European projects and educational initiatives. From the Technological and Scientific Park of Huelva, and El Rompido School we offer you our training centers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Some of our values are the motivation to innovate, learn, share and collaborate in the digital age for the promotion of dialogue between cultures, what we think it connects with your promotion of an economy based on knowledge, research and innovation, high-level education and training, adaptability and creativity, inclusive labour markets and the active involvement of young people in society

As well as we are committed to human development, job creation and social progress by investing in people in line with the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) as your National Networks aims to reflect the diversity of their own civil society and work across fields including intercultural relations, heritage, religion, research, human rights, democracy and community development, arts, youth and education, gender, environment and sustainable development, and media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Centre méditerranéen des études et du dialogue nord - sud

National Network

Avenue khattabi N 06 1er étage
30000 Fès

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

CMED INTER est un centre fondé par des jeunes chercheurs marocains, qui a pour but d'encourager et valoriser le dialogue interculturel entre les pays méditerranéens, le bureau exécutif se compose de dix personne (dont 4 dames), parmi eux il y a cinq docteurs (PhD) et cinq doctorants.
la stratégie du centre se base sur l' échange culturel et favoriser les valeurs de la tolérance et la cohabitation entre races, cultures et religions via des séminaires, colloques, et recherches scientifiques, en se servant d' un auto- financement.

Mission and Objectives

- Favoriser et valoriser le dialogue interculturel.
- Généraliser l'Éducation à la tolérance et la coexistence.
- Encourager les recherches et les publications scientifiques en matières des centres d' intérêts du centre .

Main Projects / Activities

Vu les circonstances exceptionnelles que le monde a vécu à cause de la pandémie du COVID-19, le CMED INTER n' a pas pu réaliser des activités, cependant le centre a publié un ouvrage scientifique, et sur le point de publier un autre.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zhar Zemmouri Mohammed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Zhar Zemmouri
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
secrétaire général