International Academy for Education and Democracy

National Network

Margretheholmsvej 38, 6.t.v.
1432 København K

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

International Academy for Education and Democracy is a private independent foundation engaged in good governance, democracy and sustainable development.
IAED was founded in 2002 and is registered in Denmark with the danish organisation number 26 86 51 23.
Director: Jakob Erle: Phone: +45 23 43 95 93 / email:
Laust Søndergaard
Kirsten Bruun

Mission and Objectives

Building community through civic learning.
People united in diversity are the condition for action.
Rule-based institutions are critical for strong societies.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects using the SDG's as a framework for regenerative local development - in different parts of the world.
Development and use of dialogue tools relating to the connection between SDG's and democracy - democracy at local, national, continental and global levels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Development of interconnected local activities.
Networking related to civic education connecting Europe and the MENA countries - e.g. the NACE network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To support cooperation between Europe and MENA.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jakob Erle
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jakob Erle

Lex Femme

National Network

Lorensbergsgatan 18
41648 Göteborg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

We are a non-profit girls' and women's shelter as well as a legal shelter that has existed since 2004 where we went under another organization name.

Since 2019, the association goes by the name Lex Femme.

We support and help victims of violence through a nationwide telephone, chat and legal hotline as well as an extensive lecture activity. We are specifically focused on women of foreign heritage and offer help in their mother tongue.

At present, Lex Femme can offer support and advice in almost 40 languages. We are a non-partisan and non-religious non-partisan association.

Our main goal is to strengthen women's and girls' right not to be exposed to physical and psychological violence, violence in the name of honor, threats of violence, forced marriage, sexual abuse and harassment, etc. We offer help and support to girls and women from all over Sweden.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision The organization must work for an equal society and work for all girls and women to live a life free from violence. Our long-term strategy In order for the organization to achieve its vision, we work preventively through opinion formation and offer support for women who are or have been exposed.

Main Projects / Activities

Our daily tactics by running a girls' and women's non-profit organization, we provide support in times of crisis, legal advice, practical help over the phone and the opportunity for physical meetings.

To prevent violence, the organization conducts opinion-forming work through e.g. lectures, workshops and visits various activities to inform about men's violence against women and the work of the women's shelter.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with lectures and workshops in various subject areas concerning violence in close relationships. We possess a cultural understanding and linguistic competence, which means that we can educate others in different languages.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lejla Smajlovic
Job Title
Operative manager
Head of the organisation
Lejla Smajlovic
Contact (2) Full Name
Amal Ahlin
Job Title (2)
Communication Officer

CRMEF Laayoune

National Network

Centre Régional des Métiers de L’éducation et la Formation
70000 Laayoune

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
  2. Youth and education
General Information

The center trains teachers, administrators and school counsellors.

Mission and Objectives

Train teachers, school counsellors and school administrators to : - plan, manage and evaluate their practice - reflect on their practice

Main Projects / Activities

Training Research

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Train teachers and students on various educational and environmental issues

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop my skills and network with experts and educators.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Lehjef
Job Title
Teacher Trainer
Head of the organisation
Rahl Mahmoud

Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Netherlands

National Network

Vijf Werelddelen 69
3071 PS Rotterdam

+31 6 28 49 84 77
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Netherlands (HICD NL) is a scientific non-governmental organization which General Committee is formed by local development stakeholders and specialists from various sectors of the civil society and European Member States: academics, NGOs, development agents, association managers, civil servants and social economy companies, as well as European organizations for local development.
To fulfill our purposes, we develop various activities, for example
 The organization of conferences and meetings at national and European level in education, training, culture, research and social innovation
 Conduct dissemination campaigns on the results of the projects carried out by the Association
 Creation and development of content, applications and digital services devoted to the areas mentioned in different languages.
Sources of funding: Participation in National, International and European projects
KEY PERSONS: Ms. Karvouna Christina Eirini, Chairman of HICD NL has years of experience in the field of EU project management and implementation. She is the manager of the deliverables of the projects and an expert in projects financial management. She is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the projects department, developing research proposals and designing the resource planning of the organizations. She conducts searches for partners and business opportunities via international tenders, implements EU funded projects and organizes workshops and training seminars. She holds Degrees of Business Marketing and Management and Shipbuilder Engineering deepening her study in Management of Marine Operations with the use of Remote Sensing for the Protection and Supervision of the Marine Environment.
Mr. Peter van Dam, Senior Project Manager - many years of experience in the field of EU project management. He has wide competences in group management, organization, problem solving and optimization of processes. General coordination in the projects H2020, ESA, Interreg, Regional and National Training Courses and research projects. He is an expert with a solid academic and professional background in Business Administration, European framework policy and financial management.

Mission and Objectives

HICD NL mission is to consistently provide innovative high quality services that improve the economy of regions and the quality of life in urban and rural areas by supporting and promoting experience sharing between its members and partners for sustaining international cooperation, skillful networking and further progress and growth. Our organization’s goals and network come in support of fulfilling our mission.
Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Netherlands (HICD NL) is a scientific non-governmental organization which General Committee is formed by local development stakeholders and specialists from various sectors of the civil society and European Member States: academics, NGOs, development agents, association managers, civil servants and social economy companies, as well as European organizations for local development.
HICD NL mission is to consistently provide innovative high quality services that improve the economy of regions and the quality of life in urban and rural areas by supporting and promoting experience sharing between its members and partners for sustaining international cooperation, skillful networking and further progress and growth. Our organization’s goals and network come in support of fulfilling our mission.
The main aim of the Institute is to highlight the values of culture, to promote cooperation and to build mutual trust with the ultimate goal of creating proximity with foreign people - relations that outlive changes in government.

The HICD NL wants to play a significant role in the spiritual and academic life, supporting new and talented artists, and creating a cultural background and mentality capable of motivation.

Our staff members are experienced in implementing local development actions in remote, marginalized and difficult accessed areas. We participate and lead global actions and initiatives that contribute to regional development across the globe.
We contribute to the integration of the whole areas in a more balanced way through economic, social, and environmentally beneficial initiatives in order to extensively increase the population’s quality of life.

Main Projects / Activities

HICD NL operates as a social player in collaboration with local and regional organizations and institutions in the fields of Culture, Environment, Entrepreneurship, Equality (Gender Equality), Cultural Diplomacy, Education through New Technologies activities. Specifically, it provides Non-formal/ Vocational education, ICT education and innovative educational activities Integration of educational solutions into mainstream curricula specialized education for specific groups.

HICD NL fights against the marginalization and discrimination of some special groups of people such as, immigrants, disabled people or patients and addresses their social inclusion. HICD NL aims to support these vulnerable groups through implementing European projects.

By engaging in research and developing the different fields of Cultural Diplomacy, the HICD NL aims to build bridges of trust and cooperation and foster dialogue between different cultures. This contributes to strengthen regional and multilateral diplomatic bonds, improves relations between nations and communicates universal values and principles that only culture can convey.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Is it of our great interest to join the ALF Network for expending our Network and connections and have the opportunity to receive and provide knowledge and experience through cooperation development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Eirini Karvouna
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Christina Eirini Karvouna

Frauenliga VoG

National Network

Neustraße 59b
4700 Eupen

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Frauenliga is a public non-profit organization. The government of East Belgium subsidizes our projects and events. The size of the budget depends on the project or event, as we have to apply for a subsidy for each activity separately. We accept small donations from our members that consist of 30€ a year per person. Currently our team consists of six employees and about ten volunteers. The volunteer numbers may vary depending on the project(s) we are working on. We organize feminist-themed campaigns, events, courses and offer help and meeting points for families and women. We have two ongoing campaigns: a campaign against gender-based violence and Equal Porn campaign. The second campaign focuses on sexual orientation, education and destigmatization of sexual preferences. We cooperate with our local government, NGO's and NPO's such as Spectrum Vog, Miteinanderteilen, Landfrauenverband, Patchwork, Viertelhaus Cardijn, Info Integration and many more.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to strengthen women’s rights through educational work by and with women. We support women in their development towards a self-determined life and financial independence. For that, we rely on the strengths and opportunities that every woman has within her. The legal situation is very clear: Equal opportunities between women and men are mandatory. But women are still disadvantaged in real life. That is why we need feminism, a movement for the social, political and economic equality of women. Feminism questions the existing roles and reveals sexism in the media, everyday life and at work. As a literal “women’s league”, Frauenliga is part of this movement. We help shape our environment and get involved – towards an equal, solidary and just society. We put great value to the methods we work with: the educational feminist approach helps us to demand and implement changes concerning gender roles, empowerment strengthens autonomy and self-determination, the “aide mutuelle” method initiates empowering group processes and outreach educational work provides simple access to our offers. In this way, everyone can benefit, and we can make a difference together.

Main Projects / Activities

As mentioned above, we have two ongoing campaigns: a campaign against gender-based violence and Equal Porn campaign. The second campaign focuses on sexual orientation, education and destigmatization of sexual preferences. Two times a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we offer help with schoolwork to primary school students and offer childcare services. We have multiple groups for women. During group gatherings we offer various workshops, information exchange, excursions and other leisure activities free of charge. Our courses consist of musical education for children and parents (choir practice and piano), language courses (Arab for children and German for beginners), wellness during menstruation cycle, massage for babies and many more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to offer our expertise and experience to the ALF Network. We are open for new cooperations and challenges. Please do not hesitate to contact us about your projects and ideas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an Erasmus+ accredited institution we are very enthousiastic in buidling connections across the borders and exchange experiences with other organizations. Campaigning for equal rights, diversity and inclusiveness is our main goal and we would be delighted to collaborate with organizations that share our ideals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anastasiya Ilnytska
Job Title
Secretary / Social Media Manager
Head of the organisation
Anne-Marie Braun
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanan El Khouri
Job Title (2)

Université Senghor

National Network

1 Place Ahmed Orabi - El Mancheya

+2 03 4843504
+2 03 4843479
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

L'Université Senghor est une organisation internationale, opérateur direct de la Francophonie, créée en 1989 par décision des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement ayant le français en partage, lors du Sommet de Dakar. Son siège est à Alexandrie, en Égypte, et sa mission est de former, en français, des cadres créatifs capables de relever les défis du développement durable en Afrique et en Haïti.
Avec un réseau d'environ 350 professeurs et experts de toute la Francophonie, ainsi que des collaborations avec de grandes institutions nationales et internationales, l'Université délivre des programmes de formation d'excellence adaptés au contexte africain, à Alexandrie, ainsi que dans ses 12 autres campus en Afrique et en Europe.
L'Université Senghor propose ainsi une trentaine de programmes de master. La plupart d'entre eux sont des programmes de gestion de projets dans quatre grands domaines d'action qui structurent l'Université en autant de départements : Culture, Environnement, Management et Santé.

Mission and Objectives

Former, en français, des cadres créatifs, capables de relever les défis du développement durable de l’Afrique.
Devenir un acteur majeur de la formation et du renforcement de capacités des cadres en Afrique et pour l’Afrique.

Main Projects / Activities

Programmes de master à Alexandrie en : Gestion du patrimoine culturel, Management des entreprises culturelles, Gestion des aires protégées et de la biodiversité, Gestion de l'environnement, Gouvernance et management publique, Management de projets, Nutrition internationale , Santé publique internationale, Gestion globale des risques et des crises
Divers programmes de Masters et de formations continues dans nos Campus décentralisés et à distance
École doctorale de recherche interdisciplinaire en développement africain

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Meetings and events between Egyptians and subsaharan Africans

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because Senghor University provide a unique multicultural 2 years length experience to around 200 subsaharian Africans in Egypt which may enrich the dialogue between the Mediterranean youth

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Pr. Thierry VERDEL
Job Title
Recteur de l'Université Senghor
Head of the organisation
Pr. Thierry VERDEL
Contact (2) Full Name
Jeanne Azer Bestavros
Job Title (2)
Directrice de Cabinet du Recteur et du Président

جمعية انا مصري للتنمية والتدريب بقنا

National Network

قنا ميدان المحافظة شارع شركة الادوية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

تتكون الجمعية من موظفيين اساسيين وهم
مدير تنفيذي
مدير برامج
مدير مالي
مدير اداري
الموارد المالية المتاحة في السنة ( تبرعات اعضاء الجمعية العمومية و اعضاء مجلس الادارة - ميزانيات المشاريع المختلفة بالجمعية - المصروفات الادارية لبرامج الاقراض
الانشطة المختلفة للجمعية
ندوات - احتفالات - مسرح تفاعلي- دواير حكي - تدريبات -
الشركاء الرئيسيين
دروسوس - وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي - هيئة كوبتك اورفانز - جهاز تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة - اليونسيف - giz -

Mission and Objectives

الرؤية :
الجمعية بيت خبرة لنشر مفاهيم ومنهجيات التنمية الشاملة بغرض إحداث تغيير حقيقي بالمجتمعات في صعيد مصر وخاصة محافظة قنا

الرسالة :
إيماناً منا بقدرة الكيانات المجتمعية والشباب في إحداث التنمية الشاملة داخل المجتمع، نحن جمعيه أنا مصري للتنمية والتدريب بقنا بما لدينا من شراكات وكوادر شبابية وعلاقات قوية مع القيادات المجتمعية والمؤسسات الحكومية نسعى لإحداث تغيير إيجابي وتأصيل مفهوم التنمية الشاملة بالمجتمعات من خلال تبنى آليات ومنهجيات الشراكة والتشبيك وتقديم الدعم الفني.

Main Projects / Activities

الفن للجميع ( تدريبات - مسرح تفاعلي - بناء قدرات الجمعيات لاشريكة - تنمية مهارات الاطفال
فرصة ( تمكين اقتصادي للمراة المعيلة المستهدفة في مشروعات تكافل )
بدايتي ( تنمية اقتصادية )
ابنتي الغالية ( جلسات مهارات حياتية و قبول الاخر - جلسات تعليمية للفتيات في سن المرحلة الابتدائية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نهدف لتكوين شبكة من العلاقات لبناء الثقة فيما بين الجمعيات المحلية
انشاء حوار بين مختلف الجهات و الكيانات المحلية بمحافظة قنا وذلك من اجل مجتمع تحسين التفاهم المتبادل فيما بينهم

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تسعي الجمعية لنشر مفاهيم ومنهجيات التنمية الشاملة بغرض إحداث تغيير حقيقي بالمجتمعات في صعيد مصر وخاصة محافظة قنا
وايمانا منا بقدرة الكيانات المجتمعية والشباب في إحداث التنمية الشاملة داخل المجتمع، نسعي لعقد شراكات وبناء قدرات كوادر شبابية وتكوين علاقات قوية مع القيادات المجتمعية والمؤسسات الحكومية لإحداث تغيير إيجابي وتأصيل مفهوم التنمية الشاملة بالمجتمعات من خلال تبنى آليات ومنهجيات الشراكة والتشبيك وتقديم الدعم الفني.

Contact (1) Full Name
مصطفي عبده بتيتي
Job Title
مدير برامجم
Head of the organisation
نجلاء باخوم رياض
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد احمد عمر
Job Title (2)
مسئول برامج التمكين الاقتصادي


National Network

92170 VANVES

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Dear, I will be happy to join you. Is it possible to have your email adress to contact you? Thank you so much. My best regards Malika ZAIRI Président, Founder of International Children Care Film Festival

Mission and Objectives

See the file in attachment

Main Projects / Activities

See the file in attachment all over Meditteranée

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

See the file in attachment

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To promote children and youth protection

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Art director: Michael Nwandoh (Mendoh K)
Art cordinator: Davide Iori
Administrator of Writers Department: Dina Husseini
Administrator of Music Department: Michael Nwandoh.

Donations and membership

Modalities of Action: CYMAA official launch, workshops, CYMAA concert

Partners: outlaw recording studio, brainbox multimedia, African House Restaurant, Caritas Cyprus

Mission and Objectives

CYMAA is a musical association originated and based in Cyprus with a purpose to acquire, inspire, empower, transform and promote young migrant Artist unto a successful Artistic career.

- To organize concerts, workshops, festivals, talent shows and artistic presentations unto a consistence building and growth
- To acquire upcoming and professional migrant artist to inspire, empower, transform and promote their musical career unto growth and stability.
- Contacting and creating links with various organizations into forming a bigger and lively community
- Establishing a link between Artist, Producers, Recording Labels, and Fanbase
- Helping Artist to record and as well create videos through sponsorships or donations.
- Reaching out to sponsors and donors who wish to help migrant artist realize growth as well as others who step in to support the course of the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

- To create a music album with the best Cymaa singers
- To organize the official Cymaa launch event
- Organizing talent shows which will help to select/promote talented artist
- Creating workshops for musicians, writers, dancers and painters

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Partnering with similar associations under the ALF network to create and carry out projects
- Involving other ALF members in our workshops either as attendants or panelist
- Encouraging other well established organizations to partner with ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- To get more connected with other associations under the said network
- To have access to funding through grants and other financial streams
- To be updated about new governmental policies and linked to various international associations/NGOs under the ALF network
- To export our best practice and be connected with similar communities across Mediterranean
- To have a legal coverage so as to ease our activities

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Next Planning

National Network

97 Galerie de l'Arlequin
38000 Grenoble

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Next Planning is a small NGO with a team of 2 employed, 8 members in the governance board and many partners. Our year budget is about 50 000 euros, which comes from the municipality of Grenoble, research project and structural fund from foundation FPH. Our action is articulated around three axes ; : 1) field work to create concrete project and involvement of the inhabitants in urban projects, principaly in the popular districts 2) projects of research-action on city planning, housing, public space, food policiy... 3) networking at diffferent level (national, european and international) to exchanges and organize advocacy campaign on human rights.

Mission and Objectives

We have been developing participatory urban planning projects in working-class neighborhoods for the past ten years. We support the creation of residents' committees and the animation of Popular Urban Planning Workshops (APU) and Assembly of the Commons in order to promote processes of self-organization and transformation of public policies. We carry out actions, experiments, research-action & capitalization around the themes of public space, the right to housing, the right to the city, housing, food, digital... We participate in the commons, in the construction of an agenda for the right to the city and in the emergence of a new municipalism that reinforces the social and ecological transition of the territories.

Main Projects / Activities

Our action is articulated around three axes ; :
1) field work to create concrete project and involvement of the inhabitants in urban projects, principaly in the popular districts
2) projects of research-action on city planning, housing, public space, food policiy...
3) networking at diffferent level (national, european and international) to exchanges and organize advocacy campaign on human rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by sharing our approach based on a field work in the popular neighborhood to co-create urban projects with inhabitants. We are convinced that it is really important to involve the inhabitants in solving social problems with a human rights based approach. We can help disseminate Anna Lindh's programs to our network in popular organizations, French cities and our network in the Mediterranean. We can also defend projects in connection with the city of Grenoble, recognized for its social, urban, democratic and cultural issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Next Planning participated in the Team 4 Team project organized by Alda and Médar in order to reinforce the exchanges between the civil societies in France and in Turkey. Following this project, it was imagined to continue this action within the Anna Lindh network. This is an important step for our organization to share our knowledge and continue to learn from other experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Bodinier
Job Title
Head of the organisation
David Bodinier
Contact (2) Full Name
Jaouad Doudouh
Job Title (2)