جمعية كفالة اليتيم والتنمية بعزبة البرج

National Network

دمياط، مدينة عزبة البرج ، شارع البنك الأهلي
عزبة البرج

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

هناك رئيس مجلس الإدارة، وأعضاء مجلس الإدارة ، والمدير التنفيذي، ومديري المشاريع التابعة (مركز طيبة لرعاية ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة (القسم المؤسسي، والمهني)، مركز زيتونة لحقوق الطفل ودعم المرأة ، مبادرة Yalla volunteer ، مشروع حماية المستهلك، وهناك ٣٠ موظفاً في هذه المشاريع، بالإضافة إلى المتطوعين في محافظات مختلفة، الذين يعملون تحت إدارة Yalla volunteer التابعة للجمعية.

موارد الميزانية، جزء منها معتمد على التبرعات، وخاصةً للجزء الخيري الخاص بكفالة الأيتام، وهناك مشاريع كانت ممولة بشرتكات مع بعض الهيئات، كتير دي زوم، وSave the children ، و CDS، وهناك مصادر دخل من بعض المشروعات التابعة للجمعية.

للجمعية العديد من الفاعليات، مع شراكات مختلفة تم ذكر بعضها، بالإضافة إلى Y-PEER ، كما سبق العمل مع خريطة التحرش، وقيم وحياة، وUN woman...
ونفذنا عبر هذه الشراكات، العديد من الفاعليات، والدورات التدريبية، والمسرح التفاعلي... في مجالات مختلفة خاصة بالشباب، والطفل، والمرأة.

Mission and Objectives

للجمعية أهداف خيرية، وآخرى تنموية، منها.

تقديم الإعانات المادية والعينية للأيتام واللاجئين.
نشر ثقافة التطوع والمشاركة المجتمعية.
نشر الوعي بين الشباب، وتعزيز ثقافة الحوار.
التمكين الاقتصادي للمرأة، والدعم النفسي والقانوني.
رصد الاطفال المعرضين للخطر، من خلال عضوية الجمعية في لجان حماية الطفل.
تأهيل وتدريب ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.

Main Projects / Activities

- مركز طيبة لرعاية وتأهيل ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.
- مركز زيتونة لحقوق الطفل ودعم المرأة.
- مركز دعم وحماية المستهلك.
- مبادرة Yalla volunteer
- المشاغل، والتأهيل المهني
- برنامج سفراء المُناخ والبيئة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

المشاركة الفعالة في فاعليات الشبكة، ونشر أهدافها، وتحفيز الشباب على المشاركة في فاعلياتها.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نهتم بفئة الشباب خاصةً، ونسعى لنشر الوعي بينهم، وتفعيل ثقافة الحوار والمناظرات، ونرى أن آنا ليندا متميزة في هذه المناحي، لذا نود الانضمام لها، للعمل المشترك سوياً.

Contact (1) Full Name
سارة محمد بيصر
Job Title
المدير التنفيذي لجمعية كفالة اليتيم والتنمية بعزبة البرج
Head of the organisation
محمد إبراهيم التابعي
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد إبراهيم التابعي
Job Title (2)
رئيس مجلس الإدارة

National Association of the Deaf of Algeria - N.A.D.A.

National Network

BP N° 70 -Village Agricole-Ouled Sidi Lakehal- Cheraga
16000 Algiers

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The national association of the deaf of Algeria is very active in Algeria, through its contacts and its demonstrations in favor of deaf people in Algeria. We plan to make a sign language dictionary on the web. Unfortunately, we don't have a budget to achieve our goals and we do a lot of advocacy with the authorities for help.

Mission and Objectives

Our missions lie in the defense of the rights of deaf people in Algeria as well as the promotion of sign language, as recommended by the World Federation of the Deaf.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities lie mainly in advocacy towards the Algerian public authorities so that they look into the problem of the marginalization of this segment of the population.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our association has extensive experience in the field of advocacy and it has already had activities, thanks to your foundation, in collaboration with the Italian federation of the deaf with which we have carried out training in sign language, with conferences in Algiers and Rome. It was a thrilling experience. We are able to propose several projects in favor of the deaf in Mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association wishes to join the network of the Anna LINDH foundation in order to have the opportunity to exchange experiences with networks in other affiliated countries and above all to develop an effective partnership that can generate convincing results in the everyone's interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahieddine BACHIR
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation

Earth's Climate for Sustainable Development - EC4SDF

National Network

22, 106 St., Maadi, P.O 11728
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

EC4SDF approach

Community based and participatory approach
EC4SDF primary target groups as well as main stakeholders are the communities that we have ‎chosen to work with. From the inception of ideas to the implementation and evaluation we ‎ensure that the communities are engaged in a meaningful way in order to safeguard ownership ‎and enhance sustainability of the project impact. We are committed to helping people build on ‎the resources readily available in order to bring about positive changes.‎

EC4SDF ‎ believes that everybody has a right to participate in the decision-making process, ‎especially when it comes to crucial issues such as climate change. We are aware that cultural ‎norms, values and practices in many communities in Egypt do place gender specific constraints ‎which particularly limit women’s participation in decision making and development processes. ‎In this regard EC4SDF ‎ places special attention to women’s participation as the key-holders to ‎sustainable development.‎

Holistic approach
EC4SDF ‎ emphasizes the links between climate change, economic situation, and poverty. ‎Climate Change problems cannot be solved successfully without analyzing and addressing these ‎links. This encompasses issues of adaptation, who pay the cost of increasing resilience of ‎natural assets, how people can participate in decision-making that influences their livelihoods ‎and their environment. As a result of this approach all implementations are designed to address ‎these links either as direct interventions by EC4SDF ‎ or through some of our networking ‎partners.‎

EC4SDF ‎’s strengths:‎

The foundation consists of a team of professionals, advisors, volunteers and support staff with ‎multi-discipline expertise in Climate Change, Environment, GIS, Remote Sensing, Economics, ‎Media and Communication, Agriculture, Law, Human Resource Management, Gender, ‎Sociology and Project Fund Management. The EC4SDF ‎ staff have acquired competence in ‎implementing core activities from a wide variety of trainings, professional exchange program ‎with UNFCCC, IPCC, GHGMI, GIR, UNDP,UNEP, GRI and through experience from project ‎management.‎
‎ ‎
EC4SDF ‎ has a competent Board of Trustees with professional qualifications to assist staff ‎members in any project and to advice the Organization management team accordingly.‎
‎ ‎
EC4SDF ‎ has offices in Maadi, Cairo. EC4SDF ‎ enjoys good working relations with a number of ‎development partners as well as with government bodies at national and local level. The ‎organization values collaboration with like-minded organizations and have joined a number of ‎local, national and international networks as a means to increase its achievements.‎
‎ ‎
EC4SDF ‎’s achievements:‎
‎ ‎
EC4SDF ‎ has a short positive track record of implementing raising awareness campaigns and ‎capacity building for startups, incubators, and financial services in climate change aspects. ‎EC4SDF signed an MOU with Climate-KIC to implement Climathon Egypt Series 2022 in ‎several Egyptian governorates in Cooperation with Signify (PHILIPS) which will be launched in ‎May 2022 in Damietta, followed by Alexandria and other governorates around Egypt.‎
‎ ‎
Furthermore, EC4SDF ‎ under GEMEZA program has played a significant role in educating ‎children and youth all concepts related to Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability ‎using active learning techniques.‎
‎ ‎
Finally, EC4SDF ‎ has been outspoken in advocating for the most vulnerable group rights ‎especially in agricultural sector to get the required support from donors and funding agencies to ‎adapt with climate change impacts and increase the resilience of their communities.‎
‎ ‎
Geographical focus
‎ ‎
In the Strategic Plan 2022-2027, EC4SDF ‎ has decided to focus on the following regions; ‎Greater Cairo Region, Alexandria, Damietta, Fayoum, Bani Suef, Assuit and Suhag. However, ‎where need arise EC4SDF ‎ shall be flexible to extend its geographical area beyond its main ‎focus. EC4SDF ‎ has also identified five key thematic areas, which are strengthening Agriculture ‎Sector, Raising Youth and Children Awareness, Technology Transfer for Startups and Micro ‎Insurance with a special focus on women and children, environmental conservation and ‎restoration in urban and rural areas and improvement of livelihood of targeted poor local ‎communities.‎
‎ ‎
EC4SDF ‎ Linkages
EC4SDF ‎ has a good number of partners with whom it is working with in national level as well ‎as it is a member of Climate Action Network for Arab World (CANNAW).‎

EC4SDF Founder
Saber Osman is an Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability Expert with around 20 ‎years of fieldwork examining the ‎relationships between climate change mitigation, risks, ‎adaptation, resilience, finance, and sustainable development. ‎

Saber is the Chairman of Earth's Climate for Sustainable Development Foundation and the ‎Managing Director of Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability Corps. 'ECCSCO'. He ‎has worked on climate change and sustainability at different ‎scales with NGOs, Private Sector ‎and Government, which has widened his vision to climate ‎change and sustainable development ‎and makes him able to use top-down and bottom-up approaches to develop the required ‎strategies ‎and plans. ‎

He has worked for the government in the Egyptian Environmental Affairs ‎Agency, as former ‎National Focal Points for UNFCCC and IPCC and former adaptation ‎Manager, for UNDP as ‎Project Officer in Egypt's SNC to UNFCCC and for GIZ as Climate ‎Change Advisor in its ‎Urbanization Program to study the impacts of climate change on ‎Urban Informal Areas in ‎Greater Cairo Region (Egypt).‎

Due to the increase of extreme weather events intensity and frequency in Egypt, he ‎developed ‎the project document of Egypt's Interactive Climate Change Vulnerability Map ‎funded by the ‎Egyptian Gov., and then he was appointed as the Project Manager. This project ‎ used GCMs and ‎RCMs downscaling tech. with IPCC Scenarios and GIS tools to ‎support the policymaking ‎process. ‎

He was one of the developers of the institutional reform ‎of the climate change council in Egypt ‎to ensure the mainstreaming of climate change in ‎the central government and local ‎municipalities. He also supported Green Climate Fund and Sustainable Finance actions done by ‎the Egyptian government to tap climate funding and support Egypt issuing its first Green Bonds ‎in the finance market. He also supported UNITAR and NAP-GSP ‎in conducting skills ‎assessments for the Planning, Finance and Environment ‎ministries staff in Egypt and developed ‎the required training plans. ‎

He developed Egypt's National ‎Adaptation Plan (NAP) proposal and submitted it for funding ‎from GCF, and supported the ‎Egyptian Gov. in climate negotiation; as a lead negotiator, Saber ‎covers the following ‎agenda items a) adaptation registry on-behalf of the African Group of ‎Negotiators, b) ‎Nairobi Work Program on-behalf of G77 and China, in addition to c) ‎represented Egypt in ‎the Adaptation and Resilience Coalition under UNSG Climate Action ‎‎2019 chaired by UK ‎and Egypt. G77&China recognized Saber's efforts in negotiation, and he ‎was honoured ‎during COP25 in Madrid 2019.‎

Last year, he taught an Environmental Planning course for MSc students at the Institute of ‎National Planning (INP). Saber is registered at UNFCCC as an expert and reviewer for National ‎Communications, and Biennial Update Reports from Developed and Developing countries. ‎Saber is a native of Arabic and fluent in English.‎

Saber Osman has a BSc. in Environment and Biological Agriculture from Al-Azhar University, ‎Egypt, and an MSc. in Climate ‎Change from the University of East Anglia, UK. He also has ‎several diplomas, such as a ‎Diploma in International Negotiation from the Faculty of ‎Economics and Political Science and a Diploma in Natural Resources in Africa from the ‎Faculty of African ‎Postgraduate Studies, both from Cairo University, Egypt. Moreover, he is a ‎PhD candidate in the Faculty of ‎Agri. (Egy) studying Extreme Weather Impacts on Crops.‎

Mission and Objectives

The vision of the organization is to become a Centre of Excellence of climate change on the ‎national and regional level which aspires for clean and safe environment that can benefit all ‎citizens equally and in a sustainable way.‎

The mission of EC4SDF is to be the best provider of knowledge and skills to the society in order ‎to change their attitudes, behavior and practices toward environmental and climate justice ‎through participatory and holistic approach.‎

EC4SDF objective is to promote environmental conservation & enhancement, climate change ‎mitigation, adaptation and resilience and sustainable use of natural resources and to improve ‎livelihoods and adaptive capacity of the poor and the most vulnerable groups in response to ‎climate change and other factors. ‎

Legal Status of Organization:‎
EC4SDF is a nonprofit making, non-partisan, Non-Governmental registered Organization ‎founded in 2022. EC4SDF has registered under MOSS (Non-Governmental Organization Law, ‎No. 149 for 2019) with registration no.11485. All its activities are focused on both community ‎as well as national level.‎

Main Projects / Activities

Climathon is a city-based global climate action programme that takes place in many cities ‎around the world under the auspices of the European Union (EU). In Egypt, this initiative ‎will be held as well under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment, as part of Egypt’s ‎implementation of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework ‎Convention on Climate Change COP 27.‎

This youth programme consists of a series of events and activities aiming to educate ‎urban residents about climate change in order to provide a path for action and ‎interaction. It is an opportunity for citizens to participate in creating ideas that address ‎local climate challenges.‎

The main objective is to involve young people in finding local solutions and how to deal ‎with the current and future situation in light of climate change, and to rethink about ‎urban cities, rural areas and their facilities in which we live and the future we want for ‎them as citizens.‎

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EC4SDF was established by a number of Egyptian experts ‎registered with the UNFCCC as international reviewers for ‎national communication and baiennial update reports from ‎developed and developing countries, served within the ‎Egyptian government as national focal points for the ‎United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ‎‎(UNFCCC), and represented Egypt in international, ‎regional and national climate change forums.‎

The Foundation aims to bridge the gap in the national ‎civil society organizations by addressing climate change ‎and dealing with its various dimensions based on the ‎expertise of its founders. In addition to support the ‎capacity building of regional and national NGOs working ‎the environment, climate change and sustainable ‎Development fields. As well as, raise awareness, develop ‎training courses and implement projects that serve the ‎Egyptian society and Arab region.‎

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a newly established NGO, we would like to widen our network and get involved in several activities that help us to exchange information and knowledge related to our areas of interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Saber Osman
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Saber Mahmoud Osman
Contact (2) Full Name
Najelaa Saadane
Job Title (2)

Section Casablanca Settat Centre des Droits des Gens

National Network

École De Deuxième Chance Lalla Asmaa
Angle Rue Nil Et Rue Benykhirane
20400 Casablanca

212 661087213
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
212 661087213
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Nous travaillons dans la deuxième chance au profit des jeunes qui décrochent l'école. Les former et les accompagner à insérer la vie professionnelle. Nos partenaires institutionnels sont le ministère de l'éducation nationale. Et des partenariats avec des entreprises et des associations

Mission and Objectives

Plaider par l'action terrain pour le droit à l'éducation et la formation pour les jeunes qui décrochent l'école et aussi les migrants installés au Maroc. Nous nous sommes surtout actif dans la deuxième chance

Main Projects / Activities

Ecole de deuxième chance Accompagnement des migrants pour l'integration socioculturelle et socioprofessionnelle

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Partager notre experience dans la prise en charge des jeunes qui décrochent l'école et aussi les enfants descolarisés ou non scolarisés. Partager notre expérience de travail avec les migrants Partager notre experience de travail avec les populations carcérale en alphabétisation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Être membre d'u réseau nous donnera plus d'opportunités de mutualiser nos experiences et s'enrichir mutuellement et peut être plaidoyer ensemble pour des fonds pour donner plus d'efficacité à nos projets

Contact (1) Full Name
Said Errakib
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Errakib Said
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatiha jamaleddine
Job Title (2)
Vice présidente

Aurora Vision

National Network

via Oltrefersina 24
38057 Madrano TN

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

AURORA is a centre of film production, documentaries, TV formats, reportages, coexistence laboratories, meetings, exchanges, idea workshops, online communication, to fill with light the darkest corners.
There are 25 persons involved in different stages.

Mission and Objectives

There are thousands of positive, important, strength-filled projects that cannot find a way to be known. AURORA can give a voice to these experiences, to the weakest and the voiceless. Voice, sound, and image…

AURORA is a centre of film production, documentaries, TV formats, reportages, coexistence laboratories, meetings, exchanges, idea workshops, online communication, to fill with light the darkest corners.

We want a perspective and a way of seeing the world of media, communication, culture, and art, starting from the dignity of each human being and their openness to the transcendent.

Main Projects / Activities

AURORA is a centre of film production, documentaries, TV formats, reportages, coexistence laboratories, meetings, exchanges, idea workshops, online communication

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help with the communication in social media

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To spread our productions and to establish links for new one

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lia Beltrami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lia Beltrami

Women of Faith for Peace

National Network

via Oltrefersina 24
38057 Madrano TN

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

The group was established in 2009 in Jerusalem, involving women leaders from different religions. The first were Lia Beltrami, Hedva Goldschmidt, Adina Bar Shalom, Faten Zenati, Nuha Farran, Besema Halabi and Suha Ibrahim. Then they inspired women's movements in various parts of the world.

Mission and Objectives

Women of Faith for Peace exists to break down the walls of prejudice and to find new ways of building real dialogue in everyday life, in areas of conflict as well as in countries experiencing tense situations. Now the group is open to the 5 continents to spread an extraordinary experience.

Main Projects / Activities

Concretely we meet once or twice a year and each one carries out dialogue projects at home. Like the social center in Lod created by Faten Zenati. We collaborate with Religions for Peace, Mediterranean regions, municipalities, universities, LUISS, foundations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As women of faith, we can pass on the values of the foundation in our different communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To share resources on dialogue, fraternity, and the meeting of cultures.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lia Beltrami Giovanazzi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lia Beltrami

Cloyne Diocesan Youth Services CDYS

National Network

Cloyne Diocesan Youth Services
Co. Cork

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

CDYS works to empower young people, families and communities through quality services in a safe and supporting community, regardless of social , economic or religious backgrounds. CDYS respects the ambition of youth and encourage and nurture young people to reach their full potential. We provide a forum for young people to express themselves and to be heard. We have a voluntary led Board of Directors and our professionally qualified staff are committed to offering quality supports and services to all.

Mission and Objectives

To create and maintain spaces where young people can be themselves and pursue their interests in a safe environment. To promote helpful and trustful engagement between young people, volunteers and youth workers To provide a learning environment in which young people are comfortable and can input into their own learning

Main Projects / Activities

This organisation works with young people and families to provide a range of services to meet their needs and the wider community. UBU Frame Work to further the participation of targeted young people in view of their economical, gender or ethnicity. We operate from 6 different centres located in rural towns in Cork County and also 1 site in the City.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will participate in networking and collaboration to bring about good practice. To learn from other NGO's know how. We are hoping to liaise and create North South practitioner's network and facilitate mobility within the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I believe this is a great opportunity as we are moving towards a global youth work and development education strategy. Today more than ever we need to create bridges to enhance dialogue between diverse cultures and communities.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Miriam Nyhan
Job Title
Operations Manager
Head of the organisation

Réseau algérien d'Economie circulaire

National Network

faculté des sciences -université boumerdes
35000 Boumerdes

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Renseignements sur le Réseau

• Nom de Réseau : Réseau Algérien d’Economie Circulaire
• Siège : Université de Boumer dès
• Date de création : Décembre 2019.
• Statut légal : affilié à la chaire ‘économie circulaire et Développement Durable' sous l’égide de l’université de Boumerdes.
• Site web : www.calac-dz.org
• Fondateur : LOUHAB Krim // Professeur des universités (université de boumerdes)


Krim LOUHAB Professeur- directeur de Recherche – Université de Boumerdes - Algérie
Karim BABA Directeur de la pollution urbaine au niveau MEER et Point Focal National de la Convention de Stockholm sur les Polluants Organiques Persistants - Algérie
Bouali Malika
Directrice Générale
Conservatoire National des formations environnementales (CNFE)

Présidente Directrice génerale
Groupe Industriel du Papier et de la Cellulose ‘’GIPEC’’

Djamel HALES Directeur Général de l’Institut Algérienne de Normalisation – Algérie www.ianor.dz

Professeur – Université de Boumerdes –Algérie (UMBB)- Algérie
Gaétana QUARANTA Maître de Conférence – UdS -Laboratoire d’hydrologie et de Géochimie de la Surface /CNRS, 1 Rue Blessig 67084 Strasbourg cedex – France
Myriam MERAD
Directeur de Recherche CNRS - InSHS Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales- CNRS- France
Délégué Régional Est Groupe AFNOR- France
Jean-françois MENARD
Directeur Général AFAQ AFNOR International, Algérie, Filiale du Groupe FNOR

Les projets effectués par le réseau
• 2019 Mise en place de plateforme sur l’économie circulaire (Réseau algérienne d’Economie circulaire) partenaires : université, ministère de l’environnement partenaires socioprofessionnelles www.calec-dz.org
• Edition d’une revue sur l’économie circulaire ‘Journal Algérien sur l’Economie Circulaire’
• 2021/2022 : Mise en place d’une plateforme E-learning pour la promotion de l’économie circulaire pour les enseignants (en partenariat avec ministère de l’environnement et l’union européen

• 2022 : mise en place de projet de tri sélective au niveau de l’université de boumerdes en collaboration ministère de l’environnement et GIPEC

• 2022 : Mise en place d’une plateforme E-learning pour la promotion de l’économie circulaire pour les étudiants master de l’université de boumerdes (en partenariat avec ministère de l’environnement et l’union européen

• 2021 : Formation des cadres des associations sur le thème « Objectifs de développement durable – les ODD » Partenaire UNESCO - SONELGAZ

• 2020 : mise en œuvre de label ‘’Eco Ecole’’ des établissements scolaire . Partenaire : UNESCO / Conservatoire national des formation en environnement (CNFE) et ministère de l’éducation nationale - en cours-

• 2020 : Elaboration d’un écolabel algérien et le label vert (méthodologie et audit) avec Centre natinal de technologie plus propre

• Projet 2020/2021 : Développement de bases de données environnementales pour les pays du Maghreb pour la mise en œuvre des évaluations environnementales crédibles au sein des pays du Maghreb ; avec la mise en place d’une démarche intégrée qui se base sur les trois volets suivants qui sont intimement liés :
- Homogénéisation du cadre méthodologique
- Outillage des industriels avec des solutions logicielles et des services d’appui technique adaptés aux contextes locaux
- Développement des bases de données pour améliorer la fiabilité et réduire les coûts de mise en œuvre des évaluations environnementales. En partenariat avec l’université de boumerdes et HMS France)

Les journées d’études effectuées par le réseau
• 2022 : Egalité de genres dans la préservation de l’environnement et l’économie verte avec l’Unesco

• 2021 : Economie circulaire et entreprenariat vert
2021 : introduction des ODD au milieu scolaire en partenariat avec ALECSO, UNESCO et CRE (Centre de Recherche en Environnement) voir compte rendu

2020 : la pandémie de la COVID 19v et le développement durable en partenariat avec l’UNESCO et SONATRACH (voir compte-rendu)

Les perspectives

• Elargir le réseau Algérien d’Economie Circulaire aux entreprises algériennes et les universités algériennes
• Finaliser le projet Ecolabel écologique
• Finaliser le projet de Mise en œuvre de l’éco-école au niveau de l’école scolaire algérienne

Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs et les actions qui seront entrepris par le réseau sont
• Création d’un forum d'échanges et de transfert de connaissance dans le domaine de l’économie circulaire entre les universitaires et le secteur socioprofessionnel
• Favoriser l’échange entre les différents acteurs s’impliquant dans la mise en place de l’économie circulaire de manière à construire collectivement les meilleures pratiques du domaine ;
• Assurer une large diffusion des avancées réalisées en matière de données, de méthodes et de retours d’expériences, ainsi que des meilleures pratiques du domaine ;
• Sensibiliser les étudiants de graduation (licence et master) et post graduation sur les concepts de l’économie circulaire en ligne
Les volets qui seront pris en charge par le centre
• Analyse environnementale du cycle de vie (ACV)
• Analyse économique du cycle de vie (life cycle costing, LCC) de produits et services
• Empreinte carbone (carbon footprint)
• Empreinte eau (water footprint)
• Ecoconception

Main Projects / Activities

Les projets effectués par le réseau
• 2019 Mise en place de plateforme sur l’économie circulaire (Réseau algérienne d’Economie circulaire) partenaires : université, ministère de l’environnement partenaires socioprofessionnelles www.calec-dz.org
• Edition d’une revue sur l’économie circulaire ‘Journal Algérien sur l’Economie Circulaire’
• 2021/2022 : Mise en place d’une plateforme E-learning pour la promotion de l’économie circulaire pour les enseignants (en partenariat avec ministère de l’environnement et l’union européen

• 2022 : mise en place de projet de tri sélective au niveau de l’université de boumerdes en collaboration ministère de l’environnement et GIPEC

• 2022 : Mise en place d’une plateforme E-learning pour la promotion de l’économie circulaire pour les étudiants master de l’université de boumerdes (en partenariat avec ministère de l’environnement et l’union européen

• 2021 : Formation des cadres des associations sur le thème « Objectifs de développement durable – les ODD » Partenaire UNESCO - SONELGAZ

• 2020 : mise en œuvre de label ‘’Eco Ecole’’ des établissements scolaire . Partenaire : UNESCO / Conservatoire national des formation en environnement (CNFE) et ministère de l’éducation nationale - en cours-

• 2020 : Elaboration d’un écolabel algérien et le label vert (méthodologie et audit) avec Centre natinal de technologie plus propre

• Projet 2020/2021 : Développement de bases de données environnementales pour les pays du Maghreb pour la mise en œuvre des évaluations environnementales crédibles au sein des pays du Maghreb ; avec la mise en place d’une démarche intégrée qui se base sur les trois volets suivants qui sont intimement liés :
- Homogénéisation du cadre méthodologique
- Outillage des industriels avec des solutions logicielles et des services d’appui technique adaptés aux contextes locaux
- Développement des bases de données pour améliorer la fiabilité et réduire les coûts de mise en œuvre des évaluations environnementales. En partenariat avec l’université de boumerdes et HMS France)

Les journées d’études effectuées par le réseau
• 2022 : Egalité de genres dans la préservation de l’environnement et l’économie verte avec l’Unesco

• 2021 : Economie circulaire et entreprenariat vert
2021 : introduction des ODD au milieu scolaire en partenariat avec ALECSO, UNESCO et CRE (Centre de Recherche en Environnement) voir compte rendu

2020 : la pandémie de la COVID 19v et le développement durable en partenariat avec l’UNESCO et SONATRACH (voir compte-rendu)

Contact (1) Full Name
Krim louhab
Job Title
professeur université
Head of the organisation
Krim louhab

مركز الرباط للدراسات والأبحاث الاستراتيجية

National Network

الطابق الثاني،رقم 149،شارع الاجتهاد،حي يعقوب المنصور،الرباط
10053 الرباط

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

جمعية ستعمل على عقد شراكات في مجال الديموقراطية والتنمية المجتمعية تتكون من مكتب تنفيذي يضم 7 أشخاص من بينهم محامون وأكادميون وفاعلون في المجال المدني

Mission and Objectives

 استثمار نتائج الأبحاث العلمية لتجويد القرارات السياسية
 المساهمة في تحليل السياسات العمومية والمشاركة في إعدادها وصياغتها على المستوى الوطني والجهوي والمحلّي.
 تشجيع المشاركة السياسية والمساهمة في النقاش العمومي ومحاربة العزوف السياسي والانتخابي.
 المساهمة في تقديم الحلول للقضايا الراهنة في الشأن العام .
 مواكبة ودعم البحث العلمي في مجال العلوم السياسية والقانون وعلوم الاجتماع.
 نشر الثقافة الديمقراطية في المجالات الثقافية والاجتماعية والسياسية.
 الاشتغال في اطار تشاركي مع الاحزاب السياسية المجتمع المدني والهيئات الدستورية والخواص.
 دراسة والترافع وتتبع تطبيق اجندة 2030 في المغرب والحرص على ادماجها في السياسات العمومية والتعريف باجندة 2063 .
 القيام بدراسات اكاديمية في المجالات: ، والاجتماعية ، والاقتصادية ، والبيئية.القانونية.
 تعزيز ودعم الدبلوماسية الموازية للمملكة .
 تأطير ومواكبة الشباب والنساء والفاعلين المدنيين في قضايا المواطنة وحقوق الانسان .
 القيام بدراسات في مجالات الحكامة الترابية والتنمية المجالية وغيرها لفائدة الإدارة العمومية والمؤسسات العامة والجماعات الترابية و الجمعيات والخواص.
 تقديم الاستشارات وإعداد الدراسات و الافتحاصات التقييمية.
 العمل على تدعيم التعاون وتبادل الخبرات والتجارب والخبراء والأطر مع المراكز والشبكات الوطنية والدولية والجامعات
 تقديم اقتراحات ومشاريع لدى المؤسسات المنتخبة و السلطات العمومية وتفعيلها وتقييم السياسات العمومية في إطار الديمقراطية التشاركية .
 المساهمة والانخراط في تدبير الشأن العام المحلي عبر الهيئات الاستشارية .
 رأسملة عمل المركز من خلال اصدار تقارير ودراسات وابحات ......
 خدمات المركز تشمل الدولة –اشخاص القانون العام-الاحزاب السياسية-المجتمع المدني –الاعلام-الهيئات الدستورية-الخواص

Main Projects / Activities

دورات تكوينية ولقاءات وبرامج ومشاريع بشراكة مع الهيئات الوطنية والدولية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكنني المساهمة في الشبكة في بلدي بالمساهمة في جهتي مع باقي الجمعيات

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

للتكتل والتشبيك لتحقيق الاهداف

Contact (1) Full Name
نبيل كروم
Job Title
Head of the organisation
نبيل كروم
Contact (2) Full Name
هشام أيوب
Job Title (2)
مسؤول بالتواصل

Raizes Teatro

National Network

Via Ildebrando Pizzetti 48
90145 Palermo PA

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Raizes Teatro is a theater for human rights company based between Palermo and Barcelona, which I founded in 2018, in order to promote international and multicultural integration and human rights by art. It has been cooperating with the EU Parliament, childhood section, hosted by the EU Fundamental Rights Forum in Wien in 2021, and by the Youth Forum organized in Torino in 2022 by the Italian government and the council of europe. It is now present at the action week in Strasbourg.

Working for Raizes I personally won the International Human Rights Art Festival in NY, several short film festival all over the world, the Orestiadi International Festival.

The company produces and stages performances on LGBT rights, Gender Equality, Climate Justice, Migration,Languages and Cultural Heritage.

Mission and Objectives

To strenghten the link between Art and Rights, in order to improve human rights education and to spread art based on fundamental rights all over the world with the cooperation with main institutions

Main Projects / Activities

Human Freedom, an international year long program promoting every year rights by art, divided in 6 campaigns of two months each which include short films, theater performances, conferences, photo campaign, with the participation of people involved by the right topic.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute as the founder and director of Raizes Teatro which is already involved in a big network working with many municipalities and cooperating with the Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join the ALF, because I have been learning during this years of work that cooperating is the only way to develop a good international work.

Furthermore I am setting a new project ROOTS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN which will include many countries of the area with several international theater workshop hosted by social centers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Ienzi
Job Title
Human Rights Lawyer, theater actor director and writer
Head of the organisation
Alessandro Ienzi