The Markaz Review

National Network

7, rue de Verdun
34000 Montpellier

+33 4 67 02 87 39
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information

The multilingual online review conveying cultural and literary news of the Middle East, North Africa and our diasporas. Founded in 2020, The Markaz Review (TMR) has become the leading multilingual online publication for cultural news from the Middle East and North Africa. Its aim is to provide a better understanding of the region, as well as of its diaspora communities, in the United States, Europe, and throughout the world. In a world increasingly fragmented by all forms of racism and discrimination, TMR's mission is to promote, through the arts, a culture of human rights and freedom of expression.

Mission and Objectives

The multilingual online review conveying cultural and literary news of the Middle East, North Africa and our diasporas. Founded in 2020, The Markaz Review (TMR) has become the leading multilingual online publication for cultural news from the Middle East and North Africa. Its aim is to provide a better understanding of the region, as well as of its diaspora communities, in the United States, Europe, and throughout the world. In a world increasingly fragmented by all forms of racism and discrimination, TMR's mission is to promote, through the arts, a culture of human rights and freedom of expression.

Main Projects / Activities

We publish fiction, essays and reviews every Monday, and a special monthly edition of each month. We translate from Arabic, Persian and Turkish, and translate into English, French and Spanish. We launched our podcast Radio Tabbouli in 2023 in French and in English in 2024. We have two books coming out in 2024, Stories From the Center of the World: New Middle East Fiction (City Lights, May 2024) and Sumūd: a New Palestinian Reader (Seven Stories Press, Oct. 15, 2024).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Based in the south of France in Montpellier and connected to the SWANA region, we can contribute to developing communities and projects around the Mediterranean area, and wherever English, French, Arabic and Spanish are spoken.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To reach more people in France, and throughout Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jordan Elgrably
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jordan Elgrably
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Naili
Job Title (2)
PR & Production Manager

Szembenézés Alapítvány

National Network

Igmándi u. 33. 2/2

+36 30 9316210
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The aim of our organisation is very simple: we want to help people talk to each other. To this end, we organise "Discussion Circles", a dialogue based on the fourfold principle of cognition-understanding-acceptance-compassion, respecting each other and respecting the facts. In these dialogues, scholars, scientists and experts of great credibility and knowledge help us to gain a deeper understanding of our common historical and cultural heritage and to acquire a sensitivity to the facts we have learned. With a wide range of civil society and institutional partnerships behind them, our discussion circles are characterised by authenticity, expertise, collaboration, interactive and experiential knowledge transfer, play and humour.

Mission and Objectives

Non-formal education and awareness-raising to promote knowledge, understanding, acceptance and compassion for our common historical and cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Castle Project

Contact (1) Full Name
Ágnes Pap
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ágnes Pap

Re|shaping policies for creativity

Culture and creativity account for 3.1% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 6.2% of all employment. Besides being one of the world's youngest and fastest-growing economic sectors, new and ongoing challenges also make the creative economy one of the most vulnerable sectors that is often overlooked by the public and private investment.

Mr. Ahmed Al-Sabaiei

National Network
Czech Republic

51263 Hrubá Skála

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Mr. Ahmed Al-Sabaiei an Iraqi director who escaped from Iraq in 2015 and settled down in Prague. Mrs. Kateřina Karadsheh an interpreter and assistant director. We apply to different film open calls and communicate with govermental and non-govermental institutions to receive funding for our projects, not only in the Czech republic, but also in other european and Arab countries

Mission and Objectives

As filmmakers our main aim is to help building bridges among different cultures and religions, using different formats, espacialy documentary film. We also look for new means of cultural exchanges that would support respect between other nations and cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Documentary films : Voices coming from far away, Bahbouh and the others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Karadsheh
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Al-Sabaiei

Formación para el Desarrollo y la Inserción, DEFOIN

National Network

C/ Ricardo Ortiz, 31
28017 Madrid Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Training for Develop and Integration DEFOIN was born in 2009 with the idea of promoting the Training for Employment and Insertion of employed and unemployed workers. Through its team of highly qualified professionals who analyze, design, and develop each project with the best guarantees of success. DEFOIN bets on training as a basic tool for development and facilitate the integration of people. DEFOIN is a training center, with over 750 trainers with a large experience in the design, implementation, development, and evaluation of training programs at National, Regional and local level with a national network of more than 200 training centers all along with Spain and providing training opportunities to 35,000 students. DEFOIN is a training company specialized in offering training solutions and consulting services according to the needs of our clients. DEFOIN offers the following solutions to our customers: • Analysis of pedagogical needs. • Development of teaching methodologies for learning. • Development of personalized environments for learning • Design and elaboration of didactic materials • Content digitalization. Given the increasing importance of accreditation of skills acquired through training provisions linked to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, DEFOIN, through its NETWORK CENTRES PARTNERSHIP manages and provides training leading to the award of Certificates of Professionalism. DEFOIN has been authorized as Employment Agency to provide workers / as a labor intermediation and users in finding and achieving suitable employment to the properties and provide employers the most appropriate to their needs and requirements in terms of working people their professional skills and qualification levels.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Improve the productivity of workers and organisations, increasing the profitability and quality of their services. Objectives:

Main Projects / Activities

DEFOIN is accredited for training in the following professional families and their corresponding certificates of professionalism: -Sociocultural services - Administration and management - Health -Agriculture - Security and environment - Commerce and Marketing -ICT -Physical and sports activities -Tourism. With accredited centers in Andalucía, Castilla la Mancha, Murcia, Basque Country and Madrid for the provision of vocational training for employment. Defoin started with European Projects in 2014 and has successfully managed over 50 projects since then. We have a European Projects Department with 4 full-time staff members with strong profiles and experience in EU Projects that have managed over 22 projects in the last 2 years.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our European Projects Department is responsible for implementing the activities developed by the consortiums in the different Spanish communities which we work on. Being part of this network would help us to share the tools developed and to be able to reach more spaces that benefit from the implementation of the activities and the resources and opportunities we offer.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of the Anna Lindh network mainly because of the impact of our projects in the Spanish community. Our projects are focused on different target groups: young people (14-30 years old), formal education, adult education... Our different lines of work can have a positive impact on the target group and empower the group with useful and quality tools. On the other hand, the network of contacts that can be generated by being part of this network will strengthen our work and cooperation with other entities throughout the Mediterranean. That is why being part of this network will provide us with a larger network of contacts to work and cooperate with as well as a network that can be involved in the projects we implement.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
María Arroyo Ces
Job Title
European Projects Technician
Head of the organisation
Daniel Zarco Exojo
Contact (2) Full Name
Ohiane Uranga
Job Title (2)
European Projects Coordinator

جمعيه الأمانى النسائيه

National Network

أبو تيج

Telephone (other)
+20 109 579 9357
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Youth and education
General Information

جمعيه الأمانى تعمل فى صعيد مصر من أجل النهوض بالمرأة الريفيه وتقويه الحزور وتمكين المراه سياسيا وفكريا ورياديا وعمل مشروعات لهم كمان تعمل فى تغير المناخ من خلال وحدات البيوجاز

Mission and Objectives

نشر روح السلام
مشروعات ببيءه
رياده الأعمال

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع الطاقة المتجددة
توعيه بيءه
رياده الأعمال

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

من خلال المشاركة في التدريبات المختلفه مع انا ليند ونشر القيم والأهداف المشتركه بين الشبكه والجمعيه وتبادل الخبرات مع الأعضاء

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لتعلم كل ما هو جديد وتبادل الخبرات

Contact (1) Full Name
امانى محمود عبد العال
Job Title
رءيس مجلس الاداره
Head of the organisation
أمانى محمود عبد العال


National Network

4-6 Rue Berthelot
13014 Marseille

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Live Love est une ONG suivie par plus de 2 millions de personnes à travers le monde. Live Love oeuvre pour l’amélioration du territoire grâce à la création de communautés engagées en faveur de causes locales. Nos trois piliers sont : l’environnement, la culture et le social. Live Love France vient d’être nommée Goalkeepers 2022 par la Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation. Live Love France comprend 2 salariés et une centaine de bénévoles. Nous sommes partenaires avec des institutions, entreprises et fondations. Nos sources de financement proviennent de subventions accordées par les institutions et dons des fondations. Nous organisons divers événements : Live Love Agora, Live Love Education, Live Love Recycle, Live Love Festival entre la France et le Liban notamment.

Mission and Objectives

Live Love a pour objectif de promouvoir les Objectifs du Développement Durable et de sensibiliser aux enjeux environnementaux, sociaux et culturels. Cette mission doit permettre de toucher le plus grand nombre de personnes possibles, par une forte couverture digitale, pour toucher les plus jeunes notamment. Interargir avec la communauté permet d’affiner nos choix et de répondre aux besoins de la population.

Main Projects / Activities

Live Love Agora : choix de sujets avec un appel à candidature pour faire débattre les jeunes avec des experts français et européens Organisation de table-ronde avec un modérateur et un expert. Live Love Cinéma : projections et rencontres sur des films à impact positif (Bigger than Us, Demain, etc.) Rencontres avec des réalisateurs et workshop à destination des jeunes. Live Love Festival : rencontres, conférences et échanges pour les jeunes et par les jeunes sur les thématiques des ODD avec des experts de haut niveau : Siyabulela Mandela, Yuval Noah Harari, etc. Ces événements vont être réalisés dans toute la France, et plus particulièrement sur l’arc méditérannéen Live Love Water : cleanwalker et sensibilisation sur les festivals et événements grands publics sur les enjeux de l’eau

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Live Love souhaite contribuer au réseau, en organisant des événements entre le Liban et la France. Live Love est la première ONG au Liban, en termes d’impact positif (665K Livelovebeirut sur instagram). Nous pourrions ainsi créer des connexions et relations entre nos antennes locales.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Live Love souhaite rejoindre le réseau pour rencontrer de nouveaux partenaires et collaborateurs. Nos différents projets nous demandent l’appui de partenaires locaux et méditérannéens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Suomen Palestiinalaisten Siirtokuntayhdistys ry

National Network

yllästunturintie 1 B 15
00970 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

5 board members
300 paid members
1200 unpaid members
budget come from member's subscriptions and possible donations
activities : siminars, exhibitions, cultural activities

Mission and Objectives

well being of the palestinian community in finland, their integration and heretage in addition to connection with the occupied home land

Main Projects / Activities

different siminars, language eduction, cultural siminars, cultural choir and dance team.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

support proper integration keeping in mind the cultural and ethical heritage.

Contact (1) Full Name
wael cheblak
Head of the organisation
wael cheblak

مرصد الريف للتنمية

National Network

حديقة 3 مارس
وسط المدينة
32000 الحسيمة

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information

مرصد الريف للتنمية مشروع مجتمعي لمجموعة من أبناء الريف، يهدف إلى المساهمة في ترشيد السياسات العمومية بإقليم الحسيمة والنواحي، بما يخدم ثقافة حقوق الإنسان بمفهومها الشمولي وخدمة قضايا المواطنين الراهنة، خاصة أن الفكرة انبثقت من رحم معاناة هؤلاء الشباب وعائلاتهم بعد أحداث الحسيمة سنة 2017 ، ولحسن الحظ تم الترخيص بشكل قانوني لمرصد الريف للتنمية بالحسيمة من طرف السلطات لأجل الاشتغال بإطار منظم بقانون على القضايا الخاصة والعامة.

Mission and Objectives

" بعض بنود القانون الأساسي للمرصد الذي تم اقراره في الجمع العام بتاريخ 15 يناير 2022"
يهدف المرصد إلى:
- الانتصار لمبادئ حقوق الإنسان الكونية.
- الانخراط والمساهمة في تحقيق تنمية مستدامة بالمنطقة.
- تعزيز مفهوم الديمقراطية التشاركية وترسيخ القيم النبيلة.
- تفعيل أسس ووسائل الوساطة المسؤولة والمستقلة.
- الاضطلاع بأدوار طلائعية في تحقيق الاندماج الاقتصادي والاجتماعي خاصة للشباب.
- التعريف بالتعدد الثقافي وتنوعه بالمنطقة، ومأسسة الحوار واحترام الحريات.
- القيام بأدوار فعالة لحماية البيئة والأراضي الفلاحية والغابوية والتنوع الإيكولوجي بالمنتزهات الوطنية.
- الترافع من أجل إنشاء أماكن خاصة لإيواء المواطنين وحمايتهم من الكوارث التي تسببها الظواهر الطبيعية (الزلازل، الفيضانات...).
- تشجيع كافة أشكال المبادرات التطوعية الهادفة.
- رصد ومتابعة قضايا المواطنين خارج البلاد، وأوضاعهم وانشغالاتهم، والدفاع عن حقوقهم.
- المساهمة في تخليق الإدارة وتقريبها من المواطنين.
- التعاون الإيجابي مع مختلف الإطارات المدافعة عن حقوق الإنسان والفئات المتسمة بالهشاشة.
يعمل المرصد على تحقيق أهدافه بكافة الوسائل المشروعة، خاصة منها:
- الترافع والدفاع عن التنمية أمام الجهات المختصة.
- عقد شراكات مع المؤسسات الرسمية، والمنظمات الدولية والوطنية.
- تقديم تقارير واقتراح تدابير وإجراءات متعلقة بأهداف المرصد.
- تعزيز دور المرصد من خلال تمكينه من مركب متعدد الاختصاصات.
- تطوير أدوات الرقابة الفعالة لتقييم برامج ومشاريع التنمية والتنسيق مع مختلف المتدخلين المؤسساتيين والمدنيين.
- خلق آليات مشتركة بين الجهات الرسمية والمنتخبين والمجتمع المدني لأجل إقلاع تنموي بالمنطقة.
- اقتراح وإنجاز مشاريع تنموية تساهم في تحقيق أهداف المرصد.
- خلق قناة الكترونية هادفة ذات بعد اشعاعي تعمل على تعزيز ثقافة الحوار واحترام حرية التعبير.
- نشر إصدارات ومؤلفات ذات صلة بأهداف المرصد.
- إبرام اتفاقيات تعاون وشراكات مع الجامعات ومؤسسات البحث العلمي.
- تنظيم دورات تكوينية وتأهيلية مرتبطة بعمل المرصد.

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيم ندوات وموائد مستديرة لمناقشة قضايا التنمية.
تنظيم دورات تكوينية لفائدة جمعيات المجتمع المدني والصحفيين.
الاشتغال مع الأشخاص والفئات الهشة لإنجاز مشاريع تنموية
التعاون مع الجامعات ومؤسسات البحث العلمي والتكوين.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نحن نمتلك خبرات واسعة في خدمة المجتمع المدني ومن بين أعضاء مرصد الريف موظفون وطلبة جامعيون ومؤثرون على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، ويمكننا بالتعاون مع شبكتكم اكتساب مهارات ونقل تجاربنا لفئات أخرى داخل المغرب وخارجه، بما يساعد على خدمة التنمية وحقوق الإنسان في العالم.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تعد شبكة أنا ليند شبكة رائدة للجمعيات والمنظمات غير الحكومية وبسبب هذه السمعة الطيبة سعينا للانضمام إليكم حتى نستطيع تطوير أنفسنا وفق الآليات والامكانات التي تشاركونها مع أعضاء الشبكة، وسنكون فخورين بهذه التجربة التي ستفتح لنا آفاقا واسعة لخدمة التنمية المستدامة بالريف خصوصا والمغرب عموما.

Contact (1) Full Name
المرتضى إعمراشا
Job Title
نائب الكاتب العام
Head of the organisation
شاكر لمخروط