National Network

Ulica fra Filipa Grabovca 4
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 2310 309
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
++ 385 091 949 7591
Mobile Phone (other)
++385 091 466 3673
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

MODE1 is a civil society organization dedicated to improving diversity, equality, and governance record of public bodies, private sector, local and regional government, academic sector, and other relevant stakeholders. We have a particularly strong background in gender equality, in education and in the workplace. Our interventions are based on the development of management tools and knowledge products that are conducive to measurable and sustainable progress in the areas of interest, and on cross-sector partnerships that guarantee sustainable impact. We partner with private sector, local, regional and central government, independent bodies, public bodies, and civil society organizations, in Croatia and abroad. Our organization is currently in transition towards additional areas of activities, primarily sustainable development and human rights. We are funded mostly through grants, but also through consulting services we offer to improve gender equality outcomes in public and private sector organizations, and via corporate sponsorships.

Mission and Objectives

The goals of MODE1 are, as follows: • To promote the sustainable development principles throughout the society, and their practical application in all sectors and by all social groups. • To promote and advocate for equality between men and women of all ages and in all segments of society, particularly in education and at work. • To empower women and girls, and to develop their ability to actively improve their personal, social, and economic position. • To empower men and boys, and to develop their ability to take on various social roles on equal terms, and to choose personal development paths that lead to self-realization, regardless of social expectations. • To advocate for the adoption and implementation of public policies and other initiatives that promote gender equality, as well as equality and inclusion of all social groups exposed to discrimination. • To promote active citizenship, and empower the citizens for participation in democratic processes. • To develop the ability of the society as a whole, and of all the stakeholders, to resolve effectively the issues that lead to inequality, discrimination, injustice, poverty, democratic deficits, and human rights violations. • To promote and develop the partnerships between public bodies, public and state institutions, independent bodies, private sector, public companies, local and regional administration, academic community, civil society, and other stakeholders, for the purpose of advancing social equality, rule of law, and sustainable development. • To advocate for and promote the principles and practices of good government, particularly evidence-based public policy formulation, and decision-making. • To promote and protect human and citizens' rights, and the democratic principles as the foundation of social relations. • To promote scientific, technological, and economic development, balanced with humanistic principles. • To promote the adoption of digital technologies in business and public administration, advance the citizens' digital skills, and to foster the adoption of ethical principles and rules in this area. • To promote entrepreneurship, social dialogue, social entrepreneurship, and corporate responsibility. • To promote particularly the entrepreneurship of women, and their economic emancipation. • To collaborate with like-minded organizations in Croatia, the EU, and worldwide in view of promoting these goals. (from the constitution adopted in 2021.)

Main Projects / Activities

Our principal activities in the past mid-term period included: (a) programs, consultancies, and collaborations related to female leadership in business, work-life balance, gender equality, and inclusion in the workplace; (b) projects dedicated to elimination of gender stereotypes in education, including those based on active engagement of elementary and secondary school students, and those engaging teachers as actors of change (e.g. our current project Kindle Equality where we developed Train the Trainer program for elementary school teachers:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As detailed above, we have a strong background in gender equality, particularly in education and in the workplace, and are willing to share our expertise with other Network members through joint activities. We also, due to professional capacities of our members, do have an extensive expertise in sustainable development, international development, and in business sector engagement, which we are also ready to offer in view of extending collaboration within the national and international network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The members of MODE1 already have individual history of collaborating with various stakeholders in the geographic area covered by the initiative, mostly through UN system organizations. We are looking forward to the opportunity to expand this collaboration in terms of countries involved, the variety of organizations covered, and programmatic priorities addressed. We believe that the Mediterranean is the intuitive, although neglected, area for collaboration, and the one in which organizations from Croatia do have relevant input to offer, both due to our developmental experiences, and our current position on the crossroads between the EU and non-EU countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Heidi Eterović
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dijana Kobas Dešković
Contact (2) Full Name
Dijana Kobas Dešković
Job Title (2)

Seda Ozcelik Project Management

National Network

Mithatpasa Caddesi, Yalı Mahallesi
230 Sokak No:12 D:2
35430 Guzelbahce/İzmir

+90 (232) 2324193
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 532 3706646
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

All social project management for the rising humanity.

Mission and Objectives

Create a bridge from the starting points to all related areas.

Main Projects / Activities

Project management all required fields.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

To find a contact persons all governmental and private sectors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To take all action in Turkey in the frame of our organisation fundementals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Seda Ozcelik
Job Title
Owner and Ceo
Head of the organisation
Seda Ozcelik

Asociación Cultural de Jóvenes Circe

National Network

San José Artesano
Nº 3, Floor 6, Door B
03501 Benidorm Alicante

0034 697305697
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

1. Four members are part of the association (President, vice president, secretary and treasurer). All of us from Spain. Our ages are from 26 to 28 years old.
2. We are recently founded, that's why we don't have funds yet.
3. National, regional, and local resources of fundings, although we are mainly forces in Erasmus+ program.
4. Speak up campaigns in social media, workshops and webinars about specific topics, intercultural activities face to face and online, language speaking clubs, Erasmus+ program promotion activities.
5. Right now, just one partner organization from Edirne, Turkey, and another individual partner in Granada, Spain.

Mission and Objectives

1. Promote the idea of Europe, European values, democracy and human rights among the Spanish youth.
2. Organize and participate in projects belonging to the Erasmus+ program, as well as other European, national or local projects that work directly in the field of youth and culture.
3. Encourage cooperation and collaboration with other associations or entities that work in the same field, with the intention of promoting networking and the exchange of experiences and knowledge.
4. Promote healthy lifestyles among the young population through alternative leisure based on the teaching of languages, culture and sports.
5. Develop measures that promote and protect youth associationism, in addition to other forms of non-formal participation, facilitating the active involvement of young people in their environment and providing tools for a transformation of our society.
6. Promote employment among the youth population that facilitates their social and labour inclusion.
7. Promote equality between women and men in all spheres of social, economic, political and cultural life; as well as promoting the achievement of a non-sexist education.
8. Defend the rights and improve the quality of life of young people with functional diversity, always guided by the principles of integration and social inclusion and normalization.
9. Defend the rights of people belonging to the LGTBIQA+ collective and carry out actions aimed at their empowerment and normalization in Spanish society and in the rest of European societies.
10. Promote and enhance the full integration of young migrants into the Spanish society to improve their living conditions and their integral development.
11. Promote critical awareness of environmental problems, as well as develop environmental education programs and actions aimed at adolescents and young people.
12. Train and inform about sex education, assuming a sexual and gender identity free of prejudices and acquiring the necessary skills that allow young people to live their own sexual lives in a healthy and responsible way.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are about Erasmus + program but we are also working on international, national, regional and local cultural projects in order to grant equality of opportunities, such as:
- Awareness campaigns on specific dates, such as women's day, migrant's day, volunteer day, diabetes day and so on.
-Intercultural exchange with people from Spain and foreigners living in Spain.
-Workshops in different public spaces, such us, primary and secondary schools, universities, etc.
-Intercultural activities online and face to face. These two months we have started our English-Speaking Clubs. In these we have multicultural groups with people from different countries where we can talk about different topics.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are aware that there are a lot of things to do in Spain. We recently started with the organization, and we have a lot of energy and activities in our mind.
Firstly, we want to contribute with the experience of our members, because some of them have lived abroad, in this case in some countries which are part of the Anna Lindh Foundation.
Secondly, we can contribute with our experience and knowledge in different topics, for example, we have members who have studied feminism, international cooperation, or creative writing as a master’s degree, and, we have formation in Geography, Spanish Language and Literature, Drama, Translation or Law as a bachelor’s degree.
We also want to share our Spanish culture, since it is rich and very different from region to region. We have members from three different parts of Spain and some of us speak Catalan. We think that is very beneficial to show all the different cultures, languages, even food, that we have inside our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are a group of young people from Spain who want to take part in our society to try to improve it. We know that we can't do it alone and for that reason we are willing to find new people, organizations and create networks to work together. We found the foundation thanks to our friend Patricia, from Granada, who is already part of the Anna Lindh Foundation. We would like to work with the foundation in order to learn from each other and contribute to take action in different societies, and of course, in the Spanish one.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ara Tena Sanchez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ara Tena Sanchez
Contact (2) Full Name
Sara Arenas Martínez
Job Title (2)
Vice president

Association for Active Life and Education

National Network

Gumpendorfer Straße 142
1060 Vienna

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Association for Active Life and Education is Vienna based NGO, active since 2019 and in 2022 legal form was established. ACTIVE has 2 board members, 7 volunteers and more than 20 members. Primary goal is educating young people in Vienna through non-formal education, art and sport. Apart from young people, ACTIVE focuses its work on people with fewer opportunities, vulnerable and marginalized groups, migrants coming to Vienna or the surrounding area, NEETs and young people from rural areas. The main aim is to give opportunities to young people, enable them to develop and improve various skills essential for their employability and better life. Additionally, ACTIVE continuously supports the recognition of youth work and promotes active citizenship.
Budgetary resources of ACTIVE are 300 € per year.
Among regular local acivities are seminars, sport events, language courses, hikes, team-building activities etc.

Mission and Objectives

Primary goal is educating members of the organization and young people in Vienna through non-formal education, art and sport.
Promote healthy lifestyle and well-being and encourage young people to participate in sport and physical activity,
Promote active citizenship and young people’s sense of initiative
Increase employability of young people
Support development of green skills and environmental protection
Improve young people’s digital skills and digital readiness
Support the development of non-formal education,
Cooperate with other organizations within the European Union on educational projects,
Enable young people to get to know and respect the culture of other European countries through various mobility programs,
Promote cultural heritage and historical paths of Austria and Europe and rediscover cultural routes of Europe
The social integration and support of people with fewer opportunities,
Promote equal opportunities for all and tackle discrimination

Main Projects / Activities

ACTIVE offers a broad spectrum of cultural activities ranging from free time activities via games and sports through to intercultural events for 150 learners per year. Types of events and activities are also ranging from focused on young people through migrants to generation spanning events. Secondly, it covers a broad range of continuing education. ACTIVE offers occupational training seminars in the field of outdoor sports and language lessons, eco-friendly courses for senior citizens and migrants, and education and recreation courses for youngsters and seniors too. Participants acquire recognized training certificates and are qualified as multipliers. ACTIVE provides safe space and necessary equipment for a number of active citizens which like to be physically active and enjoy sports in nature. The activities are inclusive and participatory as well as tailored to the specific needs
and interests of young children, youth, adults or senior citizens.

ACTIVE designs its activities to be in line with promoting active citizenship and youth entrepreneurship. The organization gives young people a chance to attend various projects, youth exchanges and seminars where they can improve their skills, better understand common values and civic engagement and develop a sense of initiative. Improvement of digital skills of young people is also one of ACTIVE’s priorities since it contributes to their employability. During international and local activities, different technologies are used and provided to participants. Since ACTIVE organizes a lot of sport events, those are also enriched by implementing the newest technologies. The organization is also active on social media, using it to raise awareness about the main topics of interest (youth participation, active citizenship, Erasmus+ program, sustainability, sports, youth work etc.)

To ensure social inclusion of all groups, ACTIVE’s volunteers regularly provide online language classes, focusing mostly on German language. The classes are free to attend and encompass a range of language levels and topics of interest depending on the demand of the participants.

ACTIVE team members have participated in multiple trainings and initiatives under the Erasmus+ and ACTIVE has experienced Erasmus+ Sport projects through volunteer activities implementing eco-friendly workshops and activities in Vienna woods. ACTIVE was not included in Eco-friendly sport as an official partner. The members of the organization joined the challenge and organized a clean-up of natural areas used for practicing sports in 7 EU countries.

All ACTIVE’s activities are in line with eco-friendly approaches and we take advantage of any chance to promote environmental protection and conservation. Organizing nature clean-ups, eco-friendly sport activities, supporting digital transformation and sustainable way of managing the organization all make ACTIVE an environmentally conscious and friendly organization.

ACTIVE regularly organizes hiking events in Vienna woods led by our members and volunteers. Events are open, available for anyone to join, but especially targeting young people and migrants living in Vienna and surrounding areas. The aim is to promote physical activity of young people, give them an opportunity to escape from their sedentary lifestyle and help them to integrate into the society by participating in the events. Events are many times attended by people new to the city and country and it is a great chance to meet new like-minded people and join a slowly growing network of young hikers. The hikes are always designed in an inclusive way, choosing appropriate difficulty, length and usually the are also combined with other activities such as plogging, herbal hiking, planting trees etc. Hiking itself is promoting social inclusion by not giving barriers to participation in physical activity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being a new and growing organization we currently operate on local level and have started to engage also in international European projects. Our next steps would include creating a bridge between young people from the community participating in our projects and activities and local policy makers. As members of the ALF Network we could contribute to the Network's activities and initiatives in Vienna, Austria and help to extend the outreach of the Network. Since our organization currently mostly focuses on youth work, active citizenship, sustainability and physical activity, we could contribute to the content of ALF Network in those fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a recent and relatively small organization, we would like to elevate our activities on an international cooperation and support other organizations focusing on the development of young people and their civic engagement. Our goal is to reach local policymakers and help local people to participate in policy-making mostly in areas of interest of ACTIVE: youth participation, sustainability, active citizenship, sport etc. Joing the ALF Network will help us to achieve these goals , extend our range of activities, provide our services to other members and additionally also find interesting partners for futher cooperations with the aim of empowering young people in Europe and further.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lucia Svata
Job Title
Project manager, Youth Worker and Sport instructor
Head of the organisation
Lucia Svata
Contact (2) Full Name
Patricia Necadova
Job Title (2)
Erasmus+ events coordinator and Researcher

Association Couleur d'Orange

National Network

21 Rue Leon Paulet
13008 Marseille

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Couleur d'Orange is a french association governed by the law of July 1, 1901.

It is composed of :
Ana Maria Romeu, Head of the association.
Philippe Morge, Treasurer
Dominique Lafont, Secretary
Christina Rosmini, Artistic Director
David Gnaman, Production Manager.

The association takes funds from public subventions, donations and fees from the shows.

Mission and Objectives

The purpose of this association is the creation, adaptation, advice, teaching, management, of any art form.

It is carry out any cultural action related to live performance, visual arts, audiovisual and multimedia, as well as any form of artistic creation relating by any means existing or future, both in France and abroad.

It may carry out any activity aimed at the promotion and well-being of artists and any individual.

Main Projects / Activities

1st Creation “Escales”, in 2000. A trip around the Mediterranean region in songs. (original compositions by Christina Rosmini).
This show was the subject of several tours until 2005 (also organized by Nomad Kultur), in various theaters, in Marseille, Paris and on various festivals: La Fiesta des Suds (2002), des Suds in Arles (2001). ..

2nd creation: “Al-‐Andalus, Le Jardin des Lumières”, a historical musical theater piece on the Spain of three religions, was created in 2002: Théâtre du Balcon, Avignon festival and national tour.

3rd: "Sous l'Oranger", created in 2005, is a show of songs by Christina Rosmini focusing on Mediterranean Women. At first a simple singing trick, it took the form of a real show with decor and costumes on the occasion of its programming at the Toursky Theater in May 2007. It was performed in Marseille (Métissons, official selection of the Babelmed Music 2010, in the first part of the singer Noa and the Palestinian Mira Awad, at the Espace Julien in May 2010, etc...), in Paris (Grand Rex, Essaion, Zèbre de Belleville, Café de la Danse, at the Magic Miror de Dansoir by Karine Saporta, ...), in France (including two CCAS tours) and abroad as far as Brazil, 18 concerts in Sao Paulo (Mostra SESC de Artes Mediterraneo festival). In total more than 70 performances, plus two summer tours within the CCAS tours.

4th: Album “Sous l'Oranger”. The success achieved on stage by the show “Sous L’Oranger” and its performers, naturally led Couleur d’Orange to produce an album of this same repertoire. It led to a signing in license with the label Le Chant du Monde, Harmonia Mundi (national release April 09).

5th: "Au devant de la vie", a show on the first paid holidays, was created in 2006 with the financial support of local authorities and various associations and works councils. It will be played all around France, eg the Dôme (for Entraide Solidarité), the Palais des Congrés, the Gyptis Theater and the Salle des Lices in Marseille, the Théâtre de la Colonne in Miramas, the Confederation of the CGT in Montreuil, L'Inox in St Herblain, etc.

6th: “D’Autres Rivages”, In May 2011, Couleur d’Orange produced, thanks to a residency at the Toursky theater, a creation based on new original songs by Christina Rosmini.
Since then, the show has been performed in France and on tour abroad (Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Germany, Italy, India, etc.), including 2 concerts at the Olympia in January 2014 as opening act for Enrico Macias, .
Couleur d'Orange also produces the album of these songs under the title of "Lalitā" (see 9th production).

7th: "El Niño Lorca", In January 2016, "El Niño Lorca" was created at the Toursky Theater in Marseille, a musical tale by Christina Rosmini, on the life and work of the Spanish poet on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of his execution. El Niño Lorca will also be performed at the Fest'Hiver Avignon at the Théâtre du Balcon in February, then at the Avignon Off 2016 festival throughout July in Avignon and then again at the Toursky Theater in Marseille in November 2016 and on tour since.

8th: Revival of “Front Pop! Au Devant de la Vie", on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the 1st Paid Leave and the Front Populaire: Toured across France throughout 2016 in a professional network as well as in a militant network of organizations wishing celebrate this event.

9th: Album "Lalitā", national release on September 23, 2016 at the Other Distribution accompanied by a tour until 2019.

10th: TIO show, Itinerary of a child from Brassens, In June 2017, thanks to a residency at the Toursky Theater in Marseille, a musical theater show was created which traces the story of a family of immigrant workers and that of a of his children, Christina Rosmini, through the intellectual and cultural heritage they received from Georges Brassens. This show, designed on the same writing model as El Niño Lorca (namely from the entirety of a poetic work woven to tell a story), is played throughout the month of July at the Avignon Off 2017 festival. and at the Avignon Off 2018 festival (Grand Pavois theater), then at the Toursky Theater in Marseille in November 2017 and on tour since then in various festivals and theaters, including the Georges Brassens Festival in Vaison la Romaine and in Paris for three dates in December 2018 at the Alhambra.

11th: Show “TIO, Brassens” concert version. In June 2018, a concert formula called TIO BRASSENS was born, a concert of the songs of the show created in 2017. It allows places that do not have the means to program the complete show, to discover the songs of Brassens revisited by the Hispanic arrangements of Christina Rosmini. On Tour until 2022

12th: Album "TIO, Brassens", national release on August 20, 2018 by the Other Distribution. Album of songs from the show of the same name.

13th: Show “Louve” (provisional title). Couleur d’Orange produced thanks to a residency at the Toursky theater this new creation of original songs by Christina Rosmini which was released on May 25, 2019 as part of the Journées Fait de la Fraternité.

14th: Album “El Niño Lorca”, (from the show of the same name) national release December 2019 (L’Autre Distribution)

15th: Album "Inti" (formerly Louve) In 2020 and 2021, two residencies are organized for the recording of the album of songs by Louve created in 2019 at the Toursky Theater. The mixing takes place in the spring of 2022 for a release at the end of the year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have already participated in conferences and events and give concerts with the concert of the foundation in Italy in Naples, In Spain in Taragone, in Morocco in Casablanca, in Tunisia in Tunis and Sousse...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have been part of the network for 10 years, we would just like to stay there. We would already like to rejoin as soon as possible because we are about to give a concert again at the Peace Museum in Naples, at the end of April. It would be great if the foundation could communicate on this.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Rosmini
Job Title
Artist / Singer
Head of the organisation
Ana Maria Romeu
Contact (2) Full Name
David Gnaman
Job Title (2)
Production manager

Mr. Moshe Rothenberg

National Network

40 Jericho Road
Beer Sheva 8477643

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

We seek to bring people together-Arab and Jewish-who historically have been divided against each other

Mission and Objectives

Through music and education, we seek to heal the rupture of communities

Main Projects / Activities

Concert for Peace: Thursday, May 19th, 16:00 Turkish Railroad, Be'er Sheva

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By dialogue with like-minded people and bringing human values to the educational system

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to work with others who seek community and ultimately a peaceful solution to troublesome situations

Contact (1) Full Name
Moshe Rothenberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Moshe Rothenberg


National Network

226 boulevard Charcot
92400 Courbevoie

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information is a media and cultural agency launched in 2013 in Morocco who promotes cultures and artists through editorial contents, podcasts, events and exhibitions. Since its creation, Onorient has worked with hundreds of institutions, media, sponsors, places, artists and culturals players in France, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan.

In addition to its activities, ONORIENT is currently launching Babour, an annual print publication in french and darija (dialectal Arabic in North Africa) whose first edition will be highlighting the role played by dialectal Arabic in North Africa and France.

At the moment, we are working as a freelancers’ collective and we are currently waiting for the confirmation of the prefecture in France to become a legal organisation. We don’t have employees. Everyone collaborating with Onorient has their own activities and participates punctually to project development.

As we’re working on the print publication project, we’re applying for fundings by replying to calls from several organisations like OIF, AFAC, Institut Français etc.

Mission and Objectives

Promote, support and diffuse cultural and artistic creations from North Africa and Middle East. We organise events, communicate and write about emerging and alternative artists and cultures of the Middle East and North Africa.

Main Projects / Activities

Babour publication : feature annual magazine. First Edition about dialectal Arabic in North Africa to be launched in late 2022/early 2023.
Babour Workshops : writing workshops dedicated to highschoolers in France, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The main focus will be to make them write in their mother tongue languages and exchange - about who and where they are - with students from other countries.
Onorient website : More than 1000 articles, podcasts and videos about culture in North Africa and Middle East

Babour’s genesis : After more than 9 years as a web magazine and cultural agency with Onorient, we decided we needed more. An object to hold in our hands, something we could enshrine to try and forge ties between Morocco, Algerie, Tunisia and France. We rapidly thought about a print publication. As a journalist and a writer we are deeply connected to paper, words and stories. This desire gave birth to Babour : at the heart of this publication, four countries we wanted to connect together with languages, artists, trends, movements and challenges.

Babour workshop’s genesis : The workshop project fits in the wider context of the print publication. In North African dialectal Arabic, babour means boat. In popular songs, this word is linked to the willingness to leave, to flee, to migrate. For the publication we decided to twist its meaning to associate new realities to it, to place it under the sign of alterity and discovery.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

After almost 10 years we have a deep experience and understanding of the cultural network in North Africa and the Middle East. We also have developed a strong knowledge on how art can be used to shed light on new realities, trends, languages and causes. Finally, we have a young and connected audience in the Middle East, North Africa and France.
We can help our Anna Lindh partners, build and develop cultural projects, organise events, workshops and communicate around them with an efficient story-telling.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share the values of Anna Lindh. We are deeply committed to promoting cultural and interpersonal dialogue through diversity. We want to be part of a network where inclusivity and empathy are not just words. Where we can exchange views and help each other for a better impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hajar Chokairi
Head of the organisation
Hajar Chokairi
Contact (2) Full Name
Eva Tapiero

Green Transformation in Industry, Climate Change Adaptation and Bioeconomics Research Association

National Network

Gaziler District Mahir Unal Street 6:1 Z:06, Turkoglu, Kahramanmaras
46800 Turkoglu/Gaziler/Kahramanmaraş

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Our non-governmental organization was founded in the first half of 2021(23.06.2021) with 8 founders, almost all of whom are on academic duty. Our status is the association. We are a team of 40 members, 18 of whom are academic staff and volunteers.

Our main areas of study are: Climate change adaptation, food supply security and agriculture, climate education, rural productions, local government studies, local transformation in industry, air conditioning studies, green arts and culture, water rights and .

As the Association for Green Transformation in Industry, Climate Change Adaptation and Bioeconomics Research;
- ATAEC - Artists and Ecosocial Association
- MTU Teekond Imedemaale
- ESC Projects Participation in Siberia At the local level,

We are in project discussions with the municipalities of Kahramanmaraş province. At the national level, we have a very good dialogue institutionally with “Yuvam Dünya” association. At the local level, we have project-based collaborations and cooperate with Rammes recycling and turkey zero waste development association within the scope of our "Introduction to Material Science in Alpha Generation: Learning for the Future 1" Project.

Mission and Objectives

It is possible to describe the main purpose of our institution as follows: to carry out studies to ensure the "green" transformation in the production processes of companies operating in the production sectors and especially in the agricultural sector, to carry out voluntary and qualified studies necessary for the "adaptation of social patterns to climate change", and to "research all biologically based issues on the axis of economics and socio-technology".

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects :

● Thousand and One Spacious Nature Houses
● Development of Green Engineering Skills
● Water Defenders "Thousand and One Spacious Nature House" project, a garden where we will "get our own oil and we will consume our own eggs" for our members and donor supporters. In this garden located in The Turkoglu District of Kahramanmaraş, which has a unique nature, intellectual conversations and member comfort and prosperity are intertwined. There are 40 olives and 80 chickens for our 20 members and a rural relaxation area has been established where they can go at any time.

The "Development of Green Engineering Skills" project is another of the projects that we will implement by sharing the details in the coming months that we have developed using our own resources. With this project, it is aimed that engineers gain green skills as one of the qualified elements of human capital and one of the main elements that will enable transformation in the industry due to human resources.

The milestone point for our Association is to get first fund from February of 2022 approx. Using Toplum Gonulluleri Vakfı sub-grant from European Commission(YHB-TOG-12), before 1 year ended.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In our own country, we want to establish a close relationship with the country coordinatorship in order to develop the ALF Network. Within our non-governmental organization, we have the potential to make progress by sharing the expertise of individuals who develop themselves in different subjects academically and technically with young people and children. Developing the objectives of the ALF and being able to create an empathetic community are among our most important ideals. In order to develop an empathic society, we want to apply many different subprotections within the Network to different target groups together with them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the Network as we can give people more while leveraging the riches and resources of the network in order to achieve that we can take steps on green with dialogue and cooperation by opening up from our local to the Mediterranean Region.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Hamdi Ayyıldız
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Hamdi Ayyıldız
Contact (2) Full Name
Hilal Ayyıldız
Job Title (2)
Member of Board

Mr. Resul Resulaj

National Network

Resul Resulaj, 1O/2, Loni Ligori St.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Studying social trends in Albanian society.

Mission and Objectives

Promoting youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Trainings, activities etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Because I have a lot of potential doing so.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is a prestigious organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Resul Resulaj
Job Title
Coordinator of Projects
Head of the organisation
Institute of Social Studies and Humanities

Center for Education and Social Advancement (CESA)

National Network

Address: Ramadan Kadrini, Nd 45; H, 1; Shkallnur, Rashbull, Durrës

+355 68 582 8214
Mobile Phone
+355 68 582 8214
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Center for Education and Social Advancement (CESA) was funded on March 2022 by a group of young professionals whose lives were changed by education and whom believe that education can change other peoples lives. CESA is a national organization and it's main headquarters are located in Durrës, however the Center will exercise its activity in 12 regions of Albania. The vision of CESA is that "Educated, self-actualized and independent individuals are the cornerstone of a developed society."

Mission and Objectives

The mission of CESA is to contribute to the development of society through education and training of individuals, groups and communities in all fields, including but not limited to media, culture, arts, entrepreneurship, environment, health, etc. We serve all age-groups alike (including children, youths, adults, and elders) regardless of their gender, religion, ethnicity, race, socio-economic status or political beliefs. Our objectives are: 1) To offer accessible, quality and inclusive education to all our beneficiaries; 2) To support individuals, groups and communities through granting access to information and opportunities that would develop their life skills; 3) To increase socio-economic welfare of beneficiaries and the whole society in Albania; 4) To establish partnerships with CSOs, public institutions and donors within and outside Albania with the intention of fulfilling the purpose of the Center; 5) To exercise all duties with higher professional standards, values and principles upon which CESA was funded which are in accordance with the human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center is recently established and as such currently there is no information available for this section. However, the main activities that the Center foresees to involve are: 1) Research for Development 2) Trainings / Capacity Buildings 3) Campaigns 4) Advocacy & Lobbying

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to our Network by being active members; respecting the Network Internal Rules; participating in activities that the Head of Network will organize, and promoting the intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

CESA would like to be part of the ALF because the mission and vision of our organization it is fully in line with the values of the ALF. We believe that likeminded organizations can together induce positive change and promote intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Med region.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lubjana Malaj
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Lubjana Malaj
Contact (2) Full Name
Markelian Hysa
Job Title (2)
Board Member