National Network

Lagjja.nr.1, Rruga.Epikadeve, Pallati 1047 "ARVI", Durrës Shqipëri

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Durrës Center is a non-governmental organization that carries out non-profit activity by improving life A for all economic, political, environmental and social changes. The NGO has a Board of Directors with 3 members. The Executive Director The Coordinator The Accountant The Web Developer The Journalist/media producer Art Activist budget goes around 20.000 Euro 2 Projects ongoing. Partners: Municipality, Amfora.al, Bicycle Durrës,

Mission and Objectives

The main goal of the Center “DURRES ACTIVE" is to improve the lives of citizens through economic, political, environmental and social changes. Part of the organization goal is to take action to improve the standards of democracy, active citizenship, strong communities, equal opportunities, solidarity, volunteerism and the indisputable force of debate. Our mission: To inspire and empower citizens towards activism Our core values: 1. To promote democratic values and the rights of citizens; 2. To create social mobility as a necessary tool for social change; 3. Establish links and facilitate cooperation between institutions and stakeholders; 4. Strengthening democracy at local and national level, including citizens; 5. To develop and raise citizens’ awareness of issues affecting communities and to promote civic initiatives. 6. To mediate between different individuals, organizations and institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Advocacy and lobbing in Online petition, Community organizing, youth training against earthquakes and environmental disasters , recreative activities in the nature. Training and seminar for environmental protection and activism ect.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Activities, expertise, joint actions. networking etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Technical support, Networking, Knowledge, Connecting with other grantee organization, seminars, trainings etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Klaudio Hyseni
Contact (2) Full Name
Livia Kreko
Job Title (2)

Fondacioni Se Bashku

National Network

Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Blloku "Gintash" , Objekti nr.2, Zyra nr.14 - Tiranë

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

We are an organisation that promotes the rights of persons with disabilities in Albania. We are founded by group of young people with disabilities. We rely on funding from donors to carry out a democracy such as training and advocacy. Our main donors are UNDP, USAID and other international organisations

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote the rights of persons with disabilities at a local and national level, in compliance with the UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with a special focus on: Supporting and raising the capacities of local disability organisations in order to strengthen their influence and activism in the communities Working with local and central government for the enforcement of the rights of persons with disabilities Using the media for raising awareness on disability issues Contributing to an inclusive approach of the Albanian society towards persons with disabilities.

Main Projects / Activities

We focus mainly on the right to accessibility for persons with disabilities, the right to Independent living and other rights

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We aim to bring the perspective of persons with disabilities to the network in Albania and to contribute for a more inclusive and accessible society for persons with disabilities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to learn from the experiences and contributions of the other members of the network and we want to grow our experience in intercultural dialogue in Albania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Suela Lala
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Suela Lala

Karadeniz Kalkınma Derneği (Blacksea Development Association)

National Network

Gelik Town Ayiçi St. 30 Kilimli Zonguldak
67510 Kilimli/Zonguldak

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Our organization has important goals such as sustainable development and prevention of problems such as hunger and poverty. It mostly carries out studies on a voluntary basis. Since it is not easy to obtain financing in the local region, it turns to all economic resources it can find. Local plans are drawn up with people who reach sufficient consciousness among the people. A local needs map will be drawn up in the near future.

Mission and Objectives

It is our mission to meet the need for civil structures in the region where we are established. The vision, on the other hand, is shaped entirely on the local needs of the people.

Main Projects / Activities

These movements gain a sustainable quality together with local development plans and practices. Our organization is of vital importance for the region due to the need for development of the region where it was established. Developing joint projects with all people, especially local decision makers, implementing them in the region and adding positive value to the region have been determined as the main objective.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Studies on joint solutions can be carried out with representatives of other organizations focused on sustainable development. Thus, one of the aims of ALF will be served.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We thought that we could add value to our work under this roof, as the organizational structure of ALF was very operational and marked for success.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ogün Aygün
Job Title
PhD student
Head of the organisation
Ogün Aygün

Petalouda Consulting

National Network

8 rue du Pinson
57100 Thionville

+ 49 176 63 04 77 37
Telephone (other)
+ 33 6 73 17 44 03
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Petalouda Consulting is a small one-person company specialized in intercultural trainings and professional coaching. Petalouda Consulting works together with different training institutes in order to prepare expats to be for their mission abroad (mainly France, Germany or the Benelux countries). A partner of Petalouda would be the KulturGiesserei in Saarburg, a socio-cultural centre, where Petalouda animates sessions of intercultural awareness for all employees working with migrants.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Petalouda Consulting is to:
- help people coming from different cultural backgrounds to better understand each other and to collaborate in a harmonious way
- coach people living abroad to overcome intercultural obstacles and to integrate perfectly into their new culture
- train and coach international companies to succeed on global markets

Main Projects / Activities

- Intercultural trainings
- Management and marketing trainings
- Professional coaching & expat coaching

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By animating webinars, online courses and trainings on cultural awareness
By consulting missions on intercultural and/or management and marketing topics
By sharing my experience (I have lived and worked in different countries)
By writing articles on intercultural topics

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange with other people from all over the world
Learn new things, stay open minded
Inspire others
Conduct projects on a global level
Contribute to more understanding for cultural differences
Enlarge my network & working opportunities

Contact (1) Full Name
Maren Morawski
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maren Morawski


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Budgetary 100000 dh year with Unops/concrete projects,seminars/

Mission and Objectives

Formations et ateleirs en faveur des jeunes et femmes

Main Projects / Activities

ateleir et formations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

des formations et ateliers pour les jeunes et les femmes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

c' est un reseau tres active et plein d'energie positive, echange et partage de sovoir et savoir etre et bien faire pour les autres

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Fimigrant ry

National Network

Vasamakatu 3 A 3
04230 Kerava

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Fimigrant RY is a non-profit organization founded in 2017 and working in close cooperation with public and private entities, actively participating in the quality of life improvement activities.
Fimigrant is an NGO that offers services and support for people from disadvantaged areas and with difficult backgrounds, refugees, migrants, and people with special needs.
Fimigrant run workshops, training, seminars and information days, teaching people practical skills, and important aspects of socialization and integration in society, human rights and legal system in Finland, accounting matters and providing information to assist them in setting up their life’s (in case of refugees, migrants and minorities) and own business. Fimigrant organizes vocational education for kids and youth, like drama and music lessons, youth camps and debates.

Mission and Objectives

Fimigrant aim to achieve a more sustainable and fair society by assisting the people in need and advancing intercultural dialogue and education to all.

Main Projects / Activities

Fimigrant has experience on working with many different projects.
2022 - Together towards green, sustainable and digital society of Nordic-Baltic region
The main goal of the project is to promote green growth and sustainability in the Nordic-Baltic region by reaching the SDGs
and regional cooperation in building the green future of the region. This project aims is to increase knowledge of young
adults, teachers, NGO experts and representative of vulnerable groups about UN SDGs in the context of globalized world,
as well as enhance their capacity as well as enhance their capacity to be an agents of change and their engagement
towards achieving greener and sustainable lifestyle in their daily activities.
2022-2021 - Towards inclusive and sustainable Europe 2021-2022
Project aims to raise awareness about the importance of involving migrants and minorities fully in the civic society as well as
sensitising them to understand and appreciate the normality of different worldviews, customs and ways of life among human
beings. In addition the project aims to support migrant & minority communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities
in society and enhance their feeling of belonging to the community, both local and European.
2021 – Nordic-Baltic journey to the sustainable development goals through gender equality approach.
The project increases children’s/young people`s knowledge and awareness about Agenda 2030 and reinforce young
people`s role in achievement of SDGs by improving they social skills and active engagement at the local and international
level. Young people will create a network of agents of change.
2021 - International Youth Forum “European Youth for Peace”
2021-2020 - Global Conversation 2021 is a four-day event that will include an intensive programme of high-level
discussions, working groups, development of the Tallinn Declaration and action plans. We explore major obstacles to the
achievement of the UN SDGs in societies with growing youth unemployment, intensifying climate change and ever deeper
economic, social and racial divisions. We will discuss the role and importance of intercultural dialogue in healing divides and
reconciling societies

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilkka Juvankosk
Job Title
Head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Ilkka Juvankoski
Contact (2) Full Name
Laura Maria Rajala
Job Title (2)
Program and cooperation manager

MasterPeace foundation

National Network

Joseph Haydlaan 2a
3533AE Utrecht

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. Youth and education
General Information

MasterPeace is a global grassroots movement, active in over 40 countries worldwide, that inspires everyone to use their talent and energy for peace building and togetherness. Through music, sports, arts, dialogue and creating perspectives, MasterPeace will help lead the way to a more sustainable world with less conflict.

With our 10 years of experience, we have met many dedicated young leaders who have incredible passion and drive towards building peace among their communities. Together, we have realized more than 1000 projects worldwide with real, deep-rooted social impact. We invite you to have a brief look at our stories here.
In MasterPeace, we believe in ‘values’ and in ‘creating value’. That’s why MasterPeace is funded by value-driven partners such as companies and family funds. Together, we create campaigns, concepts and funding that enable all our Clubs to grow their local action and make their impact truly sustainable.

Mission and Objectives

We believe that the world has 7 billion talents rather than 7 billion issues.
Therefore, we use the SOFT POWER of music, art, sports and play to mobilize and inspire young people.
We believe that there is more that we have in common than what separates us.
Therefore, we organize DIALOGUE within and between communities and stakeholders.
We believe that the lack of perspective triggers polarization, extremism and conflict.
Therefore, we create PERSPECTIVE through capacity-building and leadership training for young people.

Mobilize, inspire and connect talents for a sustainable future with less conflict.

Positivity, impartiality, co-creation and “walk the talk”

Main Projects / Activities

The MasterPeace peace movement is run by local well-established NGOs/Social Enterprises in 40+ countries, who are licensed to operate as a ‘MasterPeace Club’ in their locality. They are facilitated by a highly motivated core team based in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

We offer a unique platform to a large community of changemakers, social entrepreneurs, volunteers, bloggers, journalists, musicians, entrepreneurs and active citizens to connect and support each other with taking action.

We monitor and evaluate the projects of our MasterPeace Clubs twice a year. In 2020, we carried out 350 projects in 43 countries. Our joint learning capacity is THE ‘driver’ for our yearly growth in quantity and quality, based on a unique model of a low-cost, bottom-up organization.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MasterPeace believes in creating networks with networks. Creating peace. Together! We can contribute with knowledge, tools, network, trainings, partners etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We cannot tackle the challenges on our own and together we can achieve more sustainable impact.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Karin Rozema
Job Title
Global coordinator
Head of the organisation
Aart Bos
Contact (2) Full Name
Aart Bos
Job Title (2)

Itinérance Méditerrannée

National Network

1 rue Pastoret
13006 Marseille

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

The goal of ITINÉRANCE is thus to reintegrate craftsmanship and the meaning of clothing into the collective consciousness. We promote the transmission of these crafts through several means such as in :
the schools that educate,
the museum that keep them,
as well as the ready-to-wear brands that generate economic opportunities.

We would like to become the first Mediterranean network dedicated to textile crafts:
to gather creativity, craftsmanship and social innovation.

ITINERANCE is a French association "loi du 1er juillet 1901". It has 2 founders, 2 volunteers, 5 board members and 6 support committe members.
Sources of funding: We are currently raising funds from the Southern Region and private donors.
Modalities of action : We organise every year an edition in a Mediterranean country. We collaborate with musueums to organise exhibitions and with schools to do seminars.
Main partners: MUCEM, Instituts Français, Atelier Bartevelle...

Mission and Objectives

Our Missions are:

- to reinforce the pedagogy of the transmission through teaching
We value the pedagogy of Fashion schools and their role in the transmission of ancestral and contemporary craft, as well as the importance of training new generations in current issues.

- to participate in the safeguard of intangible heritage and share it to a large audience
This heritage is a key factor in maintaining diversity. We collect testimonies, rituals, traditions, craft and domestic arts around the Mediterranean through different media (videos, photography and podcasts).

-to support the local communities and artisans
ITINÉRANCE promotes local crafts. Each edition of clothing features locally sourced suppliers and a mapping. We support particularly female artisans communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year, we design one edition in one country.
We co-create editions of clothes. and what is interesting is the whole creative and research process to do that actually raises issues. We produce photos, videos, podcasts, that is the content for the exhibitions in the museums.

The 1st Edition was in Greece 2018 with 20 women named the “Yayas” (Grandmother in Greek). The goal was to talk about the transmission of craft. We understood how knitting can become an opportunity for social bonding with time.

In 2019, in Tunisia, we recalled the issues related to the status of women in Tunisia through clothing. The upcycled pieces echoed the key role of Tunisia as a hub for second-hand clothing.

Last year In France, we co-created an Edition with the Students of the Arts Décoratifs school inspired by the Mucem archives. It was highlighting the key part played by schools to train new generations to upcoming issues, to link the past and present.

Next Edition will happen in Morocco
Dyeing is believed to be responsible for 20% of water pollution in the world. Since the 19th century, synthetic dyes have massively replaced natural dyes. In Morocco, there are ancient traditions around vegetable dyeing. ITINERANCE will co-create an edition with the women of a cooperative from the Anti Atlas, one of the only regions in the world where henna is also used to decorate textiles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adélie de Soumagnat
Head of the organisation
Laurencce Perillat

Albanian Consumer Center

National Network

Street "Kumini"

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The structure of the organization is simple, respectively two bodies: Board of Directors, 5 members; Executive Director; Financier; Lawyer. Project Manager; Communication Expert. The organization employs 5 people, over 15 external experts and over 20 volunteers, all over Albania. The budget of one year varies depending on the activities and projects that the center receives from donors. During its operation, the Center has carried out information and awareness activities, student training, receiving and following up customer complaints in institutions, media coverage of the situation of consumer issues such as, Consumer House, Consumer Academy 1,2 and 3, Improving the quality of suburban transport service in the Municipality of Durres, One day traffic police in my city, 4 our communities, Toys! Helping children grow up or harming their health, Improved protection against discrimination of consumers in need through the implementation of the legal and regulatory framework, the Local Consumer Index.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Center "Albanian Consumer" is to increase the quality of life of average consumers, especially those vulnerable in terms of goods and services, food and non-food products, transport, environment, education, groups in need, fundamental rights, health, etc.; through information, awareness, legal and administrative assistance, as well as studies, manuals, capacity building and development.
The purpose of the Center is to represent the legal, individual or collective rights and interests of Albanian consumers, as one of the few organizations operating in the field of consumer protection in Albania, managing to survive the market, despite the target the group and areas of action are very specific and well defined.
The main objectives of the Center are:
1. Achieving through the activity performed the quality of life of consumers / citizens, especially the vulnerable
2. Achieving having an active Albanian consumer / citizen
3. Conversion of the voice of the consumer / citizens in economic impossibility towards public institutions
4. Carrying out beneficial activities for Albanian citizens and groups in need, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects or activities of the center are: Consumer House, Consumer Academy 1,2 and 3, Improving the quality of suburban transport service in the Municipality of Durres, One day traffic police in my city, 4 our communities, Toys! We help children grow or harm their health, Improved Protection against discrimination of consumers in need through the implementation of legal and regulatory framework, Local Consumer Index, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

There are several ways our organization can contribute to the Network in our country , including:
-Participating in community events.
-Holding our own fundraiser.
-Network quality over quantity.
-Following up with any prospects that we meet in our country in general and community in specific.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is essential since it will help our organization develop and improve our skill set, stay on top of the latest trends in our industry, keep a pulse on the job market, meet prospective mentors, partners, and clients, and gain access to the necessary resources that will foster the development of the organization itself. In addition, we think that our organization will profit a lot of things besides of what mentioned above by joining this Network which gives a lot of opportunities to its members. We are really looking forward in participating and collaborating with ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ersida Teliti
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ersida Teliti
Contact (2) Full Name
Xhensika Bezati
Job Title (2)


National Network

6, Claverol
Boulevard Abdelmoumen
20250 Casablanca

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Outdooors is a media and news company that produces content to highlight sports and other related activities. It also produces documentary films, and offers programmes of professional re-insertions in the audiovisual sector.

Mission and Objectives

Outdooors puts all its audiovisual content production facilities and its media to the benefit of Moroccan sports practices, both amateur and professional, of the surpassing of oneself and the values they provide.

Main Projects / Activities

Outdooors produces audiovisual content to highlight the multiplicity of sports activities. It organizes events and develops an application for sport entrepreneurs in Morocco. She also produces feature-length documentaries on social issues related to sports.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mathilde Le Masson
Job Title
Responsable de projet
Head of the organisation
Mr Ayoub Koutar