National Network

Kferhata Zgharta, CHN road, Centre Iris Frangieh, GF

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

-Structure of the organization attached.
- Al Midan implements many humanitarian projects funded by international donors as UNICEF, DRC and GIZ adding to the partnerships with mercy corps, bio force, north leda and DOT.
- International donors Funds- project based

Mission and Objectives

Mission :
Al-Midan is a non-governmental and non-profit organization - NGO. It aims
to help Lebanese society and marginalized communities by engaging its
citizens to play an active and positive role in their local communities. Al-Midan deals with the humanitarian, rural development, social, cultural,
educational and environmental causes and works closely with national and
local government authorities, public sectors, local communities, NGOs,
international organizations, donors, charities and private sectors.
Al Midan is committed to the Child Right Declaration and Human Rights
and has Zero tolerance for any kind of discrimination in relevance with the
Language, Sex and Gender, Nationality, Ethnicity and Religion, etc..

Promote good governance through projects implemented in partnership with
municipalities, local NGOs and INGOs, and public and private sector to help
build strong institutions in order to provide quality service for the community.

Organize, plan and implement projects around green energy, environmental
issues, eco-tourism, and sustainable ecological solutions that help the
economic green growth.

Support women and youth and empower them through building their capacity
and creating job opportunities.

Ensure protection and create safe spaces for every person in need or at risk
including women, children, elderly, disabled, people with special needs and
marginalized communities.

Promote inclusive education as part of our belief that every human being has
the right to education.

Promote and advocate for the importance of the evolution of the Educational
and schooling system in Lebanon to be more relevant to the force industrial

Improve livelihood conditions and strengthening communities’ capacities
through implementing local development projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Main objective is to improve, maternal, adolescent, infant young child health in the north with continuity between community, primary and secondary healthcare services and integrated mental health services provision at the level of PHC.

Main Objective of this project is to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable children, adolescents, women and every person at risk.

Main Objective of this project is to put the Sports for Development concept in hand of the communities mainly the youth as a tool to be used for addressing some of the challenges that arise from humanitarian crises and in conflict and post-conflict settings. Sport as a means to promote education, health, protection, development and peace, social integration and social cohesion, encourages an active lifestyle and serves as an educational tool

- Digital Opportunities Through Integrated Training (DoIT): Funded by Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund
This partnership aims towards building a culture of social entrepreneurship by empowering youth and equipping them with the 21st century skills such as Digital & Media Literacy,
Microwork, Social Media Marketing, Mobile Application Development, Robotics, Cybersecurity & IT, and client servicing. They will also improve their linguistic aptitudes in the English language, which will enhance their career readiness to help them access income generating opportunities and transform their communities through innovative solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

54640 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The UNESCO Chair has been established in 2004 at the University of Macedonia following a decision by UNESCO. It is a member of the UNITWIN Interreligious Dialogue

Mission and Objectives

To promote the UNESCO objectives and bridge University with civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

It has published on Intercultural Dialogue. It also has organized conferences and summer schools on Refugee Rights and has coorganized a conference and seminar on "Intercultural Dialogue as a European Project".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We already have established networks with many international organizations, academics and civil society. We can promote the Network activities to academics, University students and civil society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We respect the Anna Lindt Foundation and its work and through the Network we will contribute in its aims

Contact (1) Full Name
Despoina Anagnostopoulou
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Center for Bridging Communities, Albania

National Network

Rruga: Mine Peza, Pall 242, ap 14

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Center for Bridging Communities, CBC is a civil society organization established in 2018, as an initiative of a group of researchers and experts in the areas of gender, youth and good governance. Center for Bridging Communities contribute toward community inclusion through joint programs in these main areas:

Youth empowerment

Our focus remains on young people with fewer opportunities, with the scope to offer them a chance for empowerment and to be active citizens of the community where they live.

Gender Equity

Protect the rights of marginalized groups as women in remote area to affect positive changes and reach their full potential.

Good Governance.

We believe that working closely with local authorities and other local stakeholders we can bring positive change in the community.

For the fulfillment of activities Center for Bridging Communities carries out awareness-raising campaigns, capacity building, consultancy services and research.

Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the organization is to contribute in the achievement of sustainable development by empowering the community; protecting the rights of the marginalized groups; promoting and supporting the initiatives that encourage inclusion, social integration, intercultural dialogue and advocating for the benefit of the community.

Main Projects / Activities

As regular activities of Center for Bridging Communities we can mention:

- In close collaboration with Austrian partner, SUPERWIEN we are initiating a long - term initiative which include series of training in some municipalities in Albania to build capacities of the staff on dialogue oriented urban planning using participative urban tools.

- The engagement of young people from 14-18 years old on debate groups on the issues of human rights and gender issues. For this we have been using the youth-led participatory approach and non-formal learning tools with High Schools students of Tirana, Has, Kukes, Librazhd and Prrenjas.

-Organizing social and educational games with young people, target groups of students from 16-24 years old. When using team-based tactical games, we asked players to role-play in order to facilitate discussion around the topics of diversity, environmental change, gender issues and extremism. In order to promote solidarity and democratic values as well as affirm them beyond our tradition, it is crucial to get acquainted with interculturality and diversity.

- We organize online campaign against hate speech in cyberspace, online awareness-raising campaigns on gender equity and human rights, you tube talks, summer camps etc.  These online campaigns are run by young volunteers at our organization.

Center for Bridging Communities holds accreditation for Quality Label ESC 52 from European Solidarity Corps Programme. We believe in youth activism as essential components in order to promote change and progress the development of the community.  By participating in European Solidarity Corps, we are aiming to encourage young people to develop their personal skills and competences which will be useful in the labor market, to widen their perspective about other cultures and develop their social sensitivity because

We have implemented a series of projects in the field of good governance, gender issues, youth empowerment which are supported by donors such as European Commission; BACID (Building administrative capacities in the Danube Region); Erasmus plus; European Solidarity Corps; Konrad Adenauer, Tirana; Mediterranean Women's Fund, France; Ministry of Culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through sharing good experiences and our ideas with other partner organizations of AFL network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to empower local communities through partnerships and exchanges. In this context, it is profitable to join ALF Network because we share common objectives. Also, we would like to collaborate, to find partners and networking with other organizations in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonida Naska
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Jonida Naska
Contact (2) Full Name
Erjola Cullufe
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

University of Ioannina/Greece

National Network

University of Ioannina/Dorouti/Ioannina
45110 Ioannina

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The University of Ioannina is one of the 21 Higher Education Institutions through the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs.

The University currently has formal exchange agreements with a large number of Universities in mainland Europe through the well established Europe Erasmus Programme.
It has the largest library and Information Centre in Greece .Also, there is a significant collection in braille that can be used by visually impaired people, The University of Ioannina has an International Centre of Greek language and Culture.

Mission and Objectives

The misssion of the International Centre of Greek Languge and Civilization is to teach the greek language , to prerare students for the attainment of the greek language,

Moreover, its purpose is the production of teaching material, which contributes to the promotion and dissemination of Greek language and culture.Also , theCentre supports in the field of language of returning emigrants and Greeks abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The research on language strategy and policy.

The research on Greek language.

The support in the field of language of returning emigrants.
The support of the Greek Culture and Civilization,
The partication in Europe Programs asErasmus in order to exchange good practices with our European collegues and to promote the intercultural relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I could contribute to the Network in Greece with a research on the fields of language, .

Also I could contribute with the support of emigrants to participate in an intercultural labatory in order to promote social cohesion , sustainable development and social cohesion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I could exchange good practices in the fields of education, arts,intercultural and cultural relations

Finally ,I could build together with the ALF N etwork a scheme for intercultural exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fotini Efthymiou
Head of the organisation
Professor Albanis, Rector of the University

Asbl Cultures et Publics

National Network

Rue Mercelis 81
1050 Bruxelles

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Je suis co-fondatrice et je dirige l' ASBL Cultures et Publics depuis juin 2019, un laboratoire d'artistes au service des publics. L'asbl offre des espaces de création et d'exposition à des artistes de tout âge, de toute origine, de toute discipline et souhaite prioritairement, par ses actions et par souci de démocratie culturelle, donner une visibilité aux artistes femmes issues de cultures minoritaires et notamment les femmes artistes de cultures musulmanes. Nous sommes 9 collaborateurs, 2 salariés, 3 indépendants et 4 bénévoles. Nous attendons des subsides de le Fédaration Wallonie-Bruxelles, de la Commune d'Ixelles et du programme européen Ersasmus +. Nous percevons actuellement une commission sur les ventes des oeuvres et nous louons nos locaux. Nous organisons des expositions, des festivals, des performances, des rencontres littéraires, des tables rondes, des conférences, des ateliers, des formations, des concerts, des visites commentées des expos aux écoles et aux associations de quartier mais également au tout public. Les bâtiments de 550 m2 m'appartiennent et et pour le moment je fonctionne comme mécène, sur fonds propres.

Mission and Objectives

Notre principale mission est de donner accès à la culture à tout le monde et de combattre, par le prisme de l'art et de la culture, les injustices sociales et les discriminations de toute sorte. Notre asbl se veut être une caisse de résonnance sociétale, veut susciter des questionnements par l'art pour un mieux vivre-ensemble. Notre principal combat est la lutte contre l'invisibilisation des femmes artistes issues de cultures minoritaires.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous avons 3 pôles d'activités: la Résidence d'artistes qui accueille 50 artistes/an à co-créer autour de 2 thématiques /an; l'espace d'exposition qui rend visible le travail de nos artistes et la recherche-action qui nous permet d'interroger nos artistes sur leurs parcours artistiques en vue d'améliorer leur statut et le rôle de l'artiste dans la Cité.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous avons créé beaucoup d'activités depuis juin 2019 et attiré énormément de visiteurs. Nous avons déjà beaucoup de partenaires qui partagent les mêmes valeurs et missions que nous, beaucoup d'experts du monde académique, beaucoup d'associations de terrain qui mettent en avant des cultures minoritaires. Au vu du nombre d'activités que nous organisons chaque année, nous diffuserons à large échelle nos valeurs communes et nous servirons de relais pour le rayonnement de nos actions. Nous inviterons tous nos partenaires à rejoindre la fondation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Parce que c'est en unissant les forces de structures académiques, associatives et culturelles au niveau local et international que l'on parviendra à faire bouger les lignes vers un monde plus inclusif.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rosanna Graceffa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Madame Rosanna Graceffa
Contact (2) Full Name
Olivier Guilmain
Job Title (2)

Hero To Be

National Network

Kammakargatan 19, lgh 1404
11160 Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Hero2B is a non-profit organization working for improving the mental health and social capacity of children and families with challenges. - Our board members are experts in the fields of: Intercultural communication, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, media production and social entrepreneurship. - Our source of funding is public sector, grants and foundations. - We created digital school programs for mental support for schools in Sweden and EU, Psychosocial support programs for children and families from refugee background, we produced animation movies and digital program for increasing tolerance and intercultural communication at schools in Sweden, as well as refugee family integration and development program (ongoing project). Our main partners are: Karolinska institutet, Free university of Berlin, Norrsken, Impact Hub, Magic bean innovation labs, Gålö Stiftelse and Reach for change.

Mission and Objectives

Improving the mental health and social capacity of children and families with challenges. We use innovation and digital assets to deliver the outcome of the best scientific research results and psychosocial support tools to put them in the hands of families and children in need.

Main Projects / Activities

- Social emotional education school platform in Sweden. We won the Royal prize of entrepreneurship by His Majesty King of Sweden. - Sarahs Resa, an animation movie about tolerance, diversity and inclusion together with a digital educational program for schools. - Family support during corona pandemic, We won the UNHCR NGO Global Innovation Award 2020. - at the moment, we are working on a new intercultural and psychosocial project to bridge the gap between kids from refugee background and their parents in Sweden.

Contact (1) Full Name
Imad Elabdala
Job Title
Founder and CEO
Head of the organisation
Imad Elabdala
Contact (2) Full Name
Hiba Alabdullah
Job Title (2)
Projects manager


National Network

Stadio Tegeas Arkadia
22012 Tripoli

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We aim to involve young people in youth mobility and volunteering on local, national, and international levels to provide youth with the necessary tools and skills for the digital future and promote sustainability and inclusion.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision
to raise awareness in both rural and urban areas about different possibilities of personal and career development.

Our mission
to become a leading social organization at an international level through continually improved training and innovation.

Our Goal
to grow young people qualified for the new digital and more environmentally friendly society-world-era.

Main Projects / Activities

Erasmus plus projects, solidarity corps projects, local events, seminars, and workshops on personal development, soft skills, and digital tools.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a community with inspirational and motivated young people, who share their knowledge and love to give back to the community. Mainly, our goal is to make young people the change they want to see globally by promoting solidarity, active citizenship, and understanding among cultures through non-formal education programs.
We focus on intercultural dialogue, the active participation of young people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF Network as we believe in the vision of the foundation, we find it very useful and critical in the development of youth, to create a community with solidarity. As we both empower young voices by partnering with young people to build together more open, inclusive and resilient communities, we believe that being part of this community will give us the opportunity to help more people, grow more, and develop.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioanna Rousou
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Dr. Mari Neuvonen

Dr. Mari Neuvonen is the new Chair of Board of Governors in the Anna Lindh Foundation since 22nd of June 2021. She is currently working as Senior Adviser with questions related to Mediterranean Union and Southern Neighborhood of the EU at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.  Her previous position for almost four years was the Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Finland in Cairo. She covered also Sudan from Cairo and worked as a co-chair for Gender and Development under the donor-community in Cairo.  

Fundacion Escuela de Solidaridad

National Network

Avenida Moises 1
18330 Atarfe Granada

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Community hosting to supports people in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion.

Mission and Objectives

The Mision it is contribute to the improvement of our society by welcoming, valuing and making visible people in situations of vulnerability, poverty and social exclusion.

In our self-managed community we receive mothers with children in emergency situations, young immigrants, people with special needs without family, teenagers in risk situations or other people in need of a home. Our aim is to create a sense of an extended family, life in solidarity and education in values and to give support for personal development and social (re)integration. The educational role falls to all members, since each one is a reference point for the others.

The Foundation acts in socio-cultural, sports, environmental, health, information and non-formal education sectors, directing its training activities to its members and the general public. The methodology applied is that of "learning by doing". We pay particular attention to initiatives with a European dimension and to the dissemination of good practices. The Foundation has created a large network of organizations and institutions - both at regional and European level - in order to be able to refer people to specialized facilities when needed, to exchange good practices and to work together on creating and promoting a common European strategy in working with vulnerable people. Furthermore, it has attracted the support of volunteers (Spanish and European) who have been committed for many years now to support initiatives in favour of the most disadvantaged people, thus formalising the work carried out by members of civil society and professionals from the most diverse sectors: education, medicine, agriculture, the environment, sport and art.

The Foundation is dedicated above all to the attention and social reinsertion of people without discrimination of gender, religion, origin or age, giving all the necessary instruments for real participation, especially to those who have less opportunities. To this end, we promotes initiatives to develop creativity and social cohesion through lifelong learning by stimulating the exchange and mobility of ideas and people, the participation of active (European) citizenship initiatives, cooperation between associations, citizens and institutions, in favour of the consolidation of European ideals.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation houses in its facilities disadvantaged people from Spain and immigrants from Africa, Eastern Europe and South America of all genders and ages, in an attempt to support them in their personal and professional development. We look back at many years of experience in working with this target group.
In addition, we carry out training activities on methods and tools for social intervention and the dynamics of community life with associations and public institutions.
The concept of the Fundación de Solidaridad is supported by specific programs through which we intervene with the people living here, enabling them for their future (re)integration. Those programs are:

The Foundation welcomes mothers with their children, providing a warm and familiar environment, where they are not only provided with food, accommodation and all the basic needs, but also find the love and support they need to (re)gain their independence.
Most of the cases we are confronted with are single mothers who have immigrated to Spain and have no or only little support from their family back home. Our aim is to foster the well-being of the women as well as of the children by providing them with a stable, safe and supportive environment, relieving the women by helping taking care of the children collectively. We have a self-managed day care center, where the children have a place of recreation and care while the women have time to engage in other activities. There is no time restriction for the people living in our community - they are welcome to stay as long as they need it.

This program is aimed at the reintegration into the labour market. Most of the people living with us have great difficulties in entering the world of work (immigrants, adults with little training, people with special needs, single mothers etc.)

We have several occupational workshops such as hairdressing, candle and soap making, working with copper, wood, glass or ceramics, forging, sewing and dressmaking. These workshops are fundamental for the people to feel useful and to recover their self-esteem lost due to their circumstances. We also aim at providing the opportunity to try out and train different kinds of work which the people could exercise in the future for their social reinsertion. As we are committed to working as environmental sustainable as possible, all our workshops focus of reusing and recycling materials.

With this program the Foundation aimes above all at young people at risk and with a high level of school failure by giving them support classes. Also, we offer language classes to immigrants with little or no skills in Spanish.
These classes are not only given to people from the Foundation, but for some time now young people from Sierra Elvira, Atarfe and Pinos Puente have also been attending and have become part of our FES family. This has also had repercussions on our bond and integration with the neighbours of our village.The great support of our network of organizations and volunteers helps us to carry out this program. This way we could already offer various courses in English, French, Computing, Maternal Training, Work Orientation, Gender Equality and so on.

The Foundation makes sure that, once the people leave our community, we continue to stay in touch with them until they succeed in their social (re)integration. Our aim is that FES stays a place where they feel at home, a second home, and that their children can continue to participate in all the leisure and weekend activities organized by the Foundation.

This program is aimed at promoting healthy leisure activities in nature among young people. We organize trips and activities like hiking in the surrounding mountains, kayaking, biking and so on.
We want to motivate the young people to exercise, to give them the opportunity to let off some steam, to get in touch with nature and to bond over the joint activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad (FES) is a project that develops different types of program open to its partners, volunteers, users and colleagues from other organizations at a regional and international level.

These programs are multiple and of different kinds:

- Local programs of occupational activities: in the community everyone can participate in our occupational activities to share experiences in different workshops that have free access with people who represent, today, 25 countries and a wide range of groups. The objective of the workshops is to generate learning, but also to offer services at low cost, pursuing a policy of environmental and social sustainability (wood, glass and metal carpentry workshops, ceramics, gathering, orchard, upholstery, sewing, crafts ...)

- Social entrepreneurship: in the FES we offer different services and learning to generate knowledge about social entrepreneurship: second-hand sales, hospitality and social accommodation, bicycle-world... in Sierra Elvira and Granada

- Courses: thanks to our participation in the Erasmus + program, our volunteers and collaborators can participate in international courses with scholarships offered by the FES in addition to being able to enter our international network of organizations that invite other professionals or students in other countries or ask to visit organizations in the Spanish territory.

- The FES, is an organization that leads international projects of various kinds, which does not simply have an administrative or research function, but pursues, through action research activity, a method of direct intervention with its users welcomed in the community that turn out to be 140 people.

The people we welcome represent all kinds of groups that can participate in other projects through research, participate in courses, collaborate according to the needs of the network partners.

Our experience is made available to the network unconditionally and constantly since it is by strengthening the network that we have been able to make our project grow by pursuing the methodology of self-management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that our participation in the ALF network can be extremely enriching, from different points. On the one hand, our work towards civil society has the objective of raising awareness and creating alternative narratives to the paradigms through which vulnerable people in general are read, in such a way as to promote a community and a society with a more inclusive perspective and Empathetic towards difference. In this sense, ALF objectives and network is a perfect environment where to develop our knowledges and better our way to intervene with people we house in our community and that we support at local level.
Also we think it is very important to be part of ALF to make stronger our voices at National and International level, about how humanity organized in community, from a perspectiva based on self-mañana en can chanhe the world.

Through the network we can empower the impacts of the projects we create that propose exchanges with different organizations in Spain and Europe, in such a way as to mutually enrich each other. We believe that this network is a powerful platform for research and social intervention on issues that we consider relevant for the organizations that are also part of the network, such as gender equality, the inclusion of migrants and refugees, art as a tool of social transformation, intercultural mediation, self-management, experience the community. We believe that participation in the network can be enriching for other organizations in the intercultural area of the Mediterranean, as well as for us, given the possibility of creating a dialogue that empowers us and allows us to acquire new construction and work tools. The creation of new work networks is a constant objective for our organization, understanding it as a fundamental element for social work through which we can complement each other and learn about new experiences that keep our work methodologies updated and innovative in order to carry out a profound and effective intervention.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dora Fanelli
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ignacio Pereda Perez
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayelen Daniela Bursztyn
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

CS 20585
13205 Marseille Cedex 01

04 13 24 53 09
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

SOS MEDITERRANEE is a European, maritime-humanitarian organisation for the rescue of life in the Mediterranean. It was founded by European citizens who charter and operate a rescue vessel, the Ocean Viking, in order to save people in distress in the Central Mediterranean. A day at sea costs 14,000 €. Our four headquarters are located in Berlin (Germany), Marseilles (France), Milan (Italy) and Geneva (Switzerland). It represents less than 50 members of staff employed and about 650 volunteers. SOS MEDITERRANEE is a non-profit association and is financed up to 90% by private funds. The IFRC (International Federation of the Red Cross) acts as a medical and financial partner : they equip the medical team on board.

Mission and Objectives

The teams are focused on three missions: - saving lives at sea by search and rescue operations of vessels in distress ; - protecting the rescued people with health emergency care provided on board, psychological assistance, escort to a safe place where their lives are no longer threatened, and their elementary needs can be met ; - testifying of realities and faces of migration in order to raise the awareness of public opinion, institutions and governments regarding the consequences of these tragedies happening at the doorstep of Europe, therefore urging European countries to provide appropriate solutions.

Main Projects / Activities

SOS MEDITERRANEE provides aid to people in distress at sea, based on the principles of respect for humans and their dignity, with no discrimination in concern with their nationality or origin, their social belonging, religious or political beliefs or ethnic identity. On board, the team's mission is to protect survivors and provide them with healthcar. We also act to testify about the reality of the situation in the Central Mediterranean by raising public awareness about this issue. First with the Aquarius, then wih the Ocean Viking, the search and rescue teams of SOS MEDITERRANEE have been able to rescue and treat more than 34,000 people since the start of operations in February 2016. A quarter of these survivors were under 18, more than 80% of whom were unaccompanied. All our operations are conducted in the strictest compliance with international maritime Law and in permanent liaison with the authorities competent in sea rescue coordination.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Solene ISOLA
Job Title
Fundraising Officer
Head of the organisation
Sophie BEAU
Contact (2) Full Name
Madeleine BURBAN
Job Title (2)
Fundraising Intern