Espoon monikulttuuriset lapset ja nuoret ry

National Network

Maapallonkuja 2b
02210 Espoo

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

An organization established in 2009, working on the issues of related to multicultural families. A project funded by Stea Yhdessä vahvemmiksi focused especially on the inclusion and social networks parents with different backrounds.

Mission and Objectives

Give more knowledge about services Strengthen the social networks of the families Help the parenthood by increasing the knowledge

Main Projects / Activities

Yhdessä vahvemmiksi (Stea) Kohtaamiskahvilat Vanhempien ja lasten ryhmät Liikuntaryhmät Retket, webinaarit

Contact (1) Full Name
Johanna Syrén
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Katri Suhonen
Contact (2) Full Name
Katri Suhonen
Job Title (2)


National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Label audio/video production and more.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we has lot of contacts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to gave a big chance to Maghreb People.

Contact (1) Full Name
El Yabouri Amine
Job Title
Marketing Executive Maghreb Segment
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Soulaiman Sheffi
Job Title (2)

جمعية الريحان للتربية والتنمية والتضامن الاجتماعي

National Network

دار الثقافة حي كاوكي آسفي
46000 Safi

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

جمعية تهدف إلى التنمية الاجتماعية والتربية والتكوين وكذا التضامن الاجتماعي

Mission and Objectives

جمعية تهدف إلى التنمية الاجتماعية والتربية والتكوين وكذا التضامن الاجتماعي

Main Projects / Activities

أنشطة تنموية أنشطة اجتماعية انشطة تخص الاسرةوالطفل،محاربة الأمية التضامن الاجتماعي

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

بالعمل الجمعوي وتعزيز الحوار وإشراك المجتمع المدني في التنمية والتضامن

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لأنها تهدف إلى العمل من أجل تعزيز الحوار والتقارب بين الشعوب من خلال الشراكة الاجتماعية والثقافية والانسانية

Contact (1) Full Name
سلوى الحماد
Job Title
Head of the organisation
سلوى الحماد
Contact (2) Full Name
سهام الكعبوري
Job Title (2)
الكاتب العام


National Network

Elmina Carefiour Bouchama

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

L'association solidarité féminin pour le développement économique et social (ASFDES) oeuvre pour le bien être de l'enfant et de la femme
L'ASFDES intervient dans le domaine de la santé, de l'éducation, l développement personnel, le leadership et autres question de droits humains.

Mission and Objectives

Aller à la rencontre des personnes en difficultés et de en situation d vulnérabilité : personnes e situation de handicap, femmes et filles victime d'abus sexuels et de violences basées sur le genre.
L'objectif est de leur porter assistance te de leur redonner espoir dans leur désir de réintégrer la société/

Main Projects / Activities

Construction d'un jardin d'enfants au profit des enfants vulnérables dans la commune de Daw au village de Taaga.
Projet financé par l'Ambassade du Canada.
Organisation d'une soirée culturelle pour les enfants vulnérables.
Causeries sur les violences conjugales et sur les VBG sur financement de la Coopération Allemande

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Prsidente de l'ASFDES
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Ibrahima Guèye
Job Title (2)

Mr. Omar Akfou

National Network

Apart. 138, étage 2, No: 94, Immeuble Sabri, Ait Melloul, Maroc
80000 Ait Melloul

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

I am Assitant Professor at Ibn Zohr University; Agadir, Morocco. I am interested in cultural heritage preservation including folktales, music and arts in the Hassani Culture.

Mission and Objectives

I am Assistant Professor at Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco. I am interested in collecting the cultural heritage of the Hassani culture (Art, folktales... ).

Main Projects / Activities

Higher education in Morocco and Youth. Intercultural encounters in contact zones. Islamic groups. Youth and traditional music and arts in Hassani cuture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Akfou
Head of the organisation
Omar Akfou

Çorum Evcikuzkışla Kültür ve Dayanışma Derneği

National Network

Meşrutiyet Cad. No:31/8 Çankaya Ankara
06420 Kızılay/

90 3124190319
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Her türlü olumsuzluklara karşın, temel insan hak ve özgürlükleri bağlamında, Dünyanın, ülkemizin, özellikle kentimizin, ekonomik, ekolojik, sosyal, kültürel, toplumsal gelişimine katkı sunmak. Geliştirmek.Bu konularda duyarlılık oluştrumak.

Mission and Objectives

Uluslara arası insan haklarını temel kabul ederek, daha İnsani, yaşanabilir bir çevre. Daha demokratik ve özgür dünya anlayışı için üyelerini bilinçlendirmek.
Özel amacı: Bu ilke ışığında üyeleri arasında ekonomik, sosyal, kültürel, siyasi, hukuki, eğitim ve benzeri konularda maddi ve manevi yardımlaşmalarını, gelişimlerini sağlamak, . Yerel kültürlerin gelecek kuşaklara aktarımını üstlenerek kültürel çeşitliliğe katkı sunmak

Main Projects / Activities

Yerli ve yabancı, özel ve resmi kurum ve kuruluşlar, gerçek ve tüzel kişiler, sendikalar, Odalar, Sivil toplum örgütleri, Birlikler, mesleki kuruluşlar ile uluslararası kurum ve kuruluşlarla işbirliği yapar. Maddi yardım ve destek verebilir, alabilir. Yurt içinden ve yurt dışından yardım toplar, ayni ya da nakdi bağış kabul eder.
b- İhtiyaç duyduğu gelirleri temin etmek amacıyla Türk Ticaret Kanununun hükümleri doğrultusunda bağımsız olarak ya da gerçek ya da tüzel kişiler ile ortaklaşa iktisadi, ticari ve sanayi işletmeler, Kooperatifler, Yardım sandığı kurar, kurdurur, işletir ya da işlettirir, kiraya verir ya da tutar.
c- Eğitim ve öğretim çalışmaları kapsamında, her alanda ücretli/ücretsiz kurslar açabilir, açılı olanlardan yararlanır. Bu kapsamda amacına ulaşmak için başka gerçek ya da tüzel kişilerle çalışır. Yoksul öğrencilere yurt içi ve yurt dışından burslar sağlayabilir.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hürdoğan Aydoğdu
Job Title
Öğretmen, Forograf Sanatçısı
Head of the organisation
Hürdoğan Aydoğdu
Contact (2) Full Name
Sultan Toy
Job Title (2)
Ev kadını

Arab Center for Research and Media Studies

National Network

Salah Al-Din Al-Ayoubi Street, behind Abdeen Hall, ground floor
Salah Al-Din Al-Ayoubi Street, behind Abdeen Hall, ground floor
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
I would like to obtain the membership of the Center in the State of Palestine to hold training courses, workshops and scientific conferences
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The idea of ​​establishing the Arab Center for Research and Media Studies came within the framework of regrouping the Arab world’s media institutions in one trench to reunite the Arab nation behind its national and patriotic goals, as well as establishing media studies so that it would be the compass for all Arab journalists to keep pace with the media development in terms of using advanced technology and using theories, rules and mechanisms The media is to mobilize the Arab and Islamic nation behind its national constants and the principles of the true Islamic religion, and where the Arab nation is now exposed to the policy of divide and rule, as well as instilling journalistic professionalism among Arab journalists and telling the truth to the masses and nothing else to return to the Arab leaders and the nation its glory and to the principles of the great Arab revolution whose bases were founded by leaders Great people, and the nation keeps a gap of pride, glory and dignity far from falsehood and dependency within the framework of openness and positive communication with the world without melting our Arab Islamic civilization within the framework of the interaction of global civilizations to create a new world based on dialogue Integration and justice with the privacy of each party alike.

Mission and Objectives

Vision :- Opening new horizons to stimulate scientific research and deepen understanding in the media field in order to support national development in Palestine and the Arab world through a national center that contributes to finding in-depth research, disseminating relevant information and enhancing opportunities to obtain appropriate knowledge. the message :- Providing a variety of research and advisory services in order to develop the media system, refine the research carried out with appropriate theoretical concepts and approaches, and expand the options for researchers in the media field. Center goals: 1- Preparing studies and research that serve the Palestinian, Arab and international press 2- Supporting and encouraging research and studies with a view to the level of knowledge in the media fields 3- Support, promotion and dissemination of research and studies related to the media fields 4- Preparing media cadres capable of keeping pace with the present and orienting the future 5- Develop training programs in the media fields according to the needs of the Palestinian, Arab and international labor market 6- Holding courses, seminars, lectures and conferences related to media fields 7- Participation in conferences, seminars and meetings related to the media fields inside and outside Palestine 8- Connect your body

Main Projects / Activities

The center's activities: 1- Holding specialized courses in media fields 2- Holding seminars, study days and workshops for the theoretical rooting and discussion of Arab and international media developments 3- Issuing a research journal to publish the research of media professionals, graduates of media faculties and researchers in media fields 4- Issuing introductory and educational pamphlets on the conditions of scientific research in media issues 5- Forming a team to arbitrate research in the media fields 6- Publishing research, books, publications and presentations on media issues 7- Participation in scientific and refereed conferences in Palestine and abroad

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The center's activities: 1- Holding specialized courses in media fields 2- Holding seminars, study days and workshops for the theoretical rooting and discussion of Arab and international media developments 3- Issuing a research journal to publish the research of media professionals, graduates of media faculties and researchers in media fields 4- Issuing introductory and educational pamphlets on the conditions of scientific research in media issues 5- Forming a team to arbitrate research in the media fields 6- Publishing research, books, publications and presentations on media issues 7- Participation in scientific and refereed conferences in Palestine and abroad

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I would like to obtain the membership of the Center in the State of Palestine to hold training courses, workshops and scientific conferences

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr.jehad shalat
Job Title
center head
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Amr abo jaber
Job Title (2)
Center Manager

Association des Chantiers de Volontariat

National Network

HASSAN II Maison de jeunes

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Workcamps Association for volunteering has established in 2015, it located in Fnidaq north of Morocco, we are an active association in Fnidaq city, we are a member of networks of association in Fnidaq, and member of UMAC, Maroccan union of workcamps associations, and we hope to join Anna Lindh Foundation to spread our successful experiences with other association of MENA.

Mission and Objectives

- Launch and develop voluntary and cultural workcamp at national and international level under the slogan (Volunteering in self-service and in society) - Protect and preserve the environment, raise and preserve the forest and organize seminars and training for children and young people. - Creation of national and international institutions - Setting up camps for children, teenagers, and young people - Spread the spirit of friendship, peace, cooperation, and cultural exchange between different peoples without discrimination of religion, sex, color, or language. - Training of young people and social, cultural, economic, and sports integration. - Fight against illiteracy, non-formal education, and elementary classes. - Organization of languages training for students. - Taking Attention to the language and culture of Tamazight. - Organizing medical caravans in all local and national villages to promote health awareness. - Organizing cultural and artistic festivals, activities related to road safety, festivals, a campaign of awareness. - Carry out income projects for women, youth, and men. - Work with immigrants and refugees - Carry out projects with sustainable development goals concerning the environment and children in rural and urban areas - Restoration of achievements and restoration and preservation of architectural heritage – Work with the needy (disabled - poor - displaced - prisoners - sick).

Main Projects / Activities

ACJMorocco is an active association in many different areas: volunteering, environment, training, education, advocation, entrepreneurship, disability, social activities, civic and youth engagement. It has organized and contributed with national and international partners in a lot of events and activities locally and nationally, our activities seek the children, youths people, and women to educate them and equip them with the necessary tools for effective participatory in civic engagement through volunteering, training, workshop, camping and awareness campaign. Here are the recent project and program it's working on: • The workcamp of painting the primary school of Almouahiddine in the province of Ouezzane: The workcamp is a result of partnership with school and local associations; it aims to create a beautiful and attractive space for students. • The program of woman empowerment in the province of Ouezzane: in partnership with national association and Spanish association is mainly aiming to create economic benefits for the local women in the province of Ouezzane who lead productive cooperatives or an association and support them by strengthing their capacities building on managing projects. • The program of summer camp for exchange languages: the association has recently launched the application to host the foreigh volunteers who are ready to learn Arabic and teach French and English for the rural areas student, and also training them on soft skills. The camp will take place between July 20th, and August 10th , 2022 in province of Ouezzane. • Presenting courses on literacy for women: It’s the one of program that has been working for years by teaching illiterate girls ,women and youths. The experience of our organization are: ✓ Organizing the activities of hygiene, Gardening, drawing murals. ✓ Activities of Revitalizing for children and youth and people with disability ✓ 12-days camps for children. ✓ Activities of swimming and entertainment for youths ✓ Working with immigrants from Arab countries, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine, and Africans ✓ Activities of marine and swimming outlets. ✓ Cultural and scientific seminars about volunteering, environment, and citizenship ✓ Training for youths about first aid, advocacy, and the political engagement of women. ✓ Languages workshop on French and English. ✓ Awareness-raising campaign about the hygiene of the beach. ✓ Camping for the immigrant and Moroccan. ✓ Organizing workshops Drawing murals and activities of revitalizing

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are an active association in the Friday city, we've done many different activities for youths to train them about civic engagement as volunteers, this is the right environment is to hold the values of Anna Lindh and promote it, especially we're working in a critical region of MENA region, which requires that kind of values of tolerance, peace and intercultural dialogue to deep in the society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are highly interested to join ALF because we are working in a city that has an intercultural impact between Arab and euro cultures, we need that kind of partnership, we want to share our experiences with other associations in the MENA region, we want also to share Moroccan culture with others member of ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
In charge of communication
Head of the organisation
Brahim Hanine


National Network

06270 MAMAK/Ankara

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Education : Trainings about the education about languages and the other business educations. Also , implementing congresses and symposiums via govermental ministries.

Mission and Objectives

-Integration of the refugees into Turkey via linguistic and social support

Main Projects / Activities

- Teaching Turkish
- Teaching English
- Business Education
- Young Entrepreneurship Workshops

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can create inclusive and big framerate projects and we can implement them all for the benefit of the refugees in Turkey.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Need pushing and partnerships about the cooperation in human rights field.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Wahiba Chaker
Job Title
General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Elif Belkis Basturk
Job Title (2)
Assistant of the Coordinator


National Network

30 avenue Edouard Grinda
06200 Nice

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Led by Khaled Youssef and Humam Alsalim, SYRIA.ART – Association pour la Promotion de l’Art Contemporain Syrien brings together many collectors and lovers of contemporary art, who are dedicated to creative ventures. Inspired by its members or private collectors, backed by sponsor companies, and working in close partnership with public institutions, SYRIA.ART’s mission is to help boost the international influence of the Syrian art scene, and to encourage collecting.

Mission and Objectives

SYRIA.ART aims to promote Contemporary Syrian Art, as well as Syrian culture, literature and music, to Western audiences; and to promote and create a network for artistic, cultural, literary and musical exchange about Contemporary Syrian Art in France and on the international stage. Exhibitions on the Syrian art scene – In France and internationally In order to showcase the latest Syrian creations, SYRIA.ART organises exhibitions providing a diverse, open overview of the Syrian art scene and talented contemporary Syrian artists. Exhibitions are held in France (art galleries, regional museums, cultural centres, etc.) and various other countries: Europe (German, Luxembourg, Netherlands), Canada (British Columbia), and the USA (Vermont). These exhibitions shed valuable light on the current dynamism in Contemporary Syrian Art in Syria, Europe and the rest of the world, and on the role played by private collectors. Collectors’ platform SYRIA.ART also considers itself a place for lovers of contemporary art, and specifically Contemporary Syrian Art, to flourish, offering its members several opportunities to hone their « eye » for collecting: meetings with artists, visits to exhibitions, museums and fairs, introductory workshops and artistic discovering workshops on Contemporary Syrian Art, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The 21st century is one of globalisation and conflicts, but also exchanges between countries all over the world. The rhythm of these exchanges is distinguished by speed, increased action, a mix of cultures, and an intertwining of languages. Progress has its advantages, as well as its disadvantages, including the disappearance of varied art-promotion initiatives, to the detriment of artists and collectors. Some of the founding members or other members of SYRIA.ART have experienced exile, while others continue to live it after many years, far away from their home country of Syria. They have been able to develop their skills in art, culture, literature and music. They have fostered close friendships, work relationships, and life partnerships with colleagues from France and many other countries across Europe and the rest of the world. We find that France and Europe do not have many spaces appropriate and open to Syrian artists living outside their country. They were the inspiration for SYRIA.ART, which seeks to honour representative contemporary Syrian artists working in the plastic and visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, digital arts, installations, video), as well as in the cultural, literary and musical fields. SYRIA.ART strives to bring together the most innovative Syrian artists of their respective generations, and encourage all forms of new art which stimulate creativity. Its vocation is to create a meeting place to allow a new generation of Syrian artists to enjoy a setup which recognises them, enables greater visibility for their artwork, and helps them with their international careers. SYRIA.ART does, however, intend to go beyond this initial idea. While the Association has set itself the aim of promoting Contemporary Syrian Art to Western audiences, it also seeks to incorporate schools of thought, artistic productions and initiatives straight out of Syria, and bring them to live in conjunction, in comparison and in synergy with works by artists from the international Syrian Diaspora. The Diaspora does indeed have an abundance of talents, artists, creators of all kinds of contemporary art, writers, poets and musicians; they have just never had the time or opportunity to focus on their exhibitions and promote their artistic, literary or musical work. SYRIA.ART aims to uncover these talents, and relieve them of their promotional duties.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We work with Syrian Artists and communities in Syria and exile. this is to be seen in all of our projects which encourage engagement and cultural exchange.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to build a connection with other Associations and institutions where we can exchange and support the art and cultural scene in the Euro Mediterranean Scene.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Houmam Alsaleim
Job Title
Vice President
Head of the organisation
Khaled Youssef