Banlastic Egypt

National Network

21, Victor Emanuel street , east wing , Semouha , Alexandria
Alexandria Governorate

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Banlastic Egypt is a social enterprise based in Alexandria that tackles the plastic pollution problem since 2018. We aim to ban single-use plastic in Egypt by offering alternative products to single-use plastic, creating a base of aware customers through delivering workshops, training, beach cleanups, and various environmental events. We are also trying to connect with policymakers to support those efforts by the plastic ban laws.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: Banning Single-Use Plastic In Egypt
Not like food, plastic does not biodegrade
It breaks down to small particles, entering our food chain.
It harms marine life by being ingested or tangled in.
By 2050, there will be more plastic in the sea than Fish. Sequentially, we aim to Ban the single use plastics in Egypt to contribute in the global action towards the plastic catastrophe and the sustainable development goals 2030.
We Contribute To Banning Single-Use Plastic By:
Developing alternative green products to Single-use plastic.
Spreading awareness about plastic pollution
Delivering Interactive Workshops
Organizing community beach cleanups
Increasing the Arabic content on the Plastic pollution online

Main Projects / Activities

Beach Cleanups
Green Events
Supporting Green Projects
Workshops and Trainings

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Banlastic is one of the leading organizations in Alexandria and Egypt in the field of environment and Climate change. Banlastic will be empowering the network with the necessary information/Consultation regarding climate change and environment, supporting the network with the new projects and activities that can help in raising the awareness combating the climate change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna linde Foundation network is one of the greatest and leading networks in supporting the exchange of ideas , complete the gaps in the community via dialogue and support to the creative ideas tackling certain community issues, this year also is very important for Egypt as it marks the COP27 hosting .Banlastic is planning to maplify the signal to include the pre -cop 27 activities in the network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Yassin
Job Title
Cofounder of Banlastic Egypt
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Yassin

Department of Classical Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno

National Network
Czech Republic

A. Nováka 1
60200 Brno

+420 549 497 773
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+420 604 510 916
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The history of the Department of Classical Studies dates back to the beginnings of Masaryk University in the 1920s. Apart from concentrating on the quality of the courses taught across a number of degree programmes, the Department focuses on research in a wide range of scholarly topics in the fields of Classical and Modern Philology, Medieval Studies, as well as Ancient History and Prehistoric Archaeology. Our department employs about twenty teachers and scholars, there are about 120 students here. We are part of the university, so we are financed from public funding. We take part in various research projects and organize scholarly conferences. Our key research areas are John Hus and his Latin works; Latin and Greek Defixiones, Ancient and Christian Amulets, and magic gems; direct speech in Latin, or peoples migrations. We cooperate with other Classics departments and institutes at universities or the Academy of Sciences. We take part in the ERASMUS+ programme. Apart from regular academic classes, we organize summer schools for children and teenagers, education for secondary school teachers and various other popularizing events.

Mission and Objectives

Our main concern is to find partners for student exchange and cooperation, both, scholarly (educational and research cooperation) and cultural in a broader sense. We also would like to find organizations ready to share experiences and co-organize various social events (or at least take part in them) etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Regular academic courses (B. A., M. A., PhD.), special courses in cooperation with foreign universities (coil, blended), research projects (both, long term and short term), popularizing camps and events for children, teenagers, teachers, and the public. Scholarly meetings, workshops, conferences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can take part in various events, we can invite the partners to take part in, or even co-organize our events. We can welcome students from other universities in exchange programmes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to establish contacts with the various organizations all over the Mediterranean to support possibilities for our students to get foreign experience, intensify our research, bring our knowledge and experience to the other organizations and vice versa learn the best from them. We would also like to get some support for our social activities so that we can raise the awareness of our Department, and especially the unique study programme encompassing literature and language studies of both Mediterranean traditions, western and eastern (Roman, Greek, and Arabic).

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarina Petrovićová
Job Title
Head of Department
Head of the organisation
Irena Radová, Faculty of Arts Dean
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Mikulova
Job Title (2)
Deputy Head of Department


National Network

ICT TECHNOPOLIS 9klm Thessaloniki-Thermi
55535 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

AeliaPath is a social cooperative organization of Holistic & Experiential Learning based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Οur vision is to create the conditions that will lead to a positive change in education. In this line, the design of AeliaPath’s programs supports the principles of the Incheon Declaration & Framework for Action towards inclusive and equitable quality education for All, according to Education 2030 by UNESCO.
Τhrough our programs we encourage young people to:
cultivate life-skills for the 21st century (critical thinking, flexibility, imagination, problem solving, creative disruptive innovative mind, resilience, meditation-mindfulness)
Acquisite study skills (cognitive skills, learning to learn and metacognitive skills, learning to correctly apply what I have learnt)
Develop Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and cultivation of the capacity for mature love (self-control, empathy, self-knowledge, management of emotions)
Cultivate environmental education and world consciousness (volunteering, recycling, environmental sustainability, global citizenship, cooperation amongst students worldwide)
Furthermore, the educational activities of AeliaPath are based on the equal and differentiated access to education for All, thus implementing inclusion in learning, aiming not only to attain learning skills and knowledge, but also the cultivation of students’ self-awareness and whole character. Aeliapath supports every human being to discover their uniqueness through their diversity, to assist them in developing it and then to show them how to share it for the benefit of the world.
Number of team: 5

Mission and Objectives

AeliaPath's vision is an education system based on the Pedagogy of Love in which all children will feel happy.
We are all in the same mission together.
Our mission is for children, parents and teachers through our games and experiential programs to develop life skills, accept themselves and others, help each other, work together, solve problems and effectively boost their creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

AeliaPath team design and implement educational experiential and interactive programs for children and adults on the subject of culture and environment through the arts. Our team specialised in the edu-Larp (educational live action role playing) method and considered experts in the region of Greece. Live Action Role Playing games aim to enhance learning in School and Adult Education and lead the participants to develop communication, collaboration, interaction, awareness, self-awareness skills, empathy,organizational skills. Also, our team uses educational live action role play (Edu-LARP) in order to diversify learning experiences, explain different topics, play through situations and scenarios, and to simulate the consequences of one’s decisions. All the senses are activated, physical and emotional engagement support deep learning. Our team has implemented innovative educational, interdisciplinary programs with ‘concrete’ objectives and initial design for students (primary and secondary level) with the holistic AeliaPath approach, with elements from the curricula of typical primary and secondary schooling in Greece.
Also, AeliaPath has organised many training in the edu-larp method, (Educate the Educators) based on the holistic method & the methodology of Educational Live Action Role Playing including both theoretical and practical training, distribution of materials and examples of implementation of programs in ordinary school classrooms, envisioning the growth of educational prototypes for the cultivation of virtuous education.
In addition, AeliaPath designs and implements team animation programs aimed at strengthening relationships between the members of a group/team. Our goals:
1.Developing a positive atmosphere within the team
2. Improving communication between team members
3. Strengthening cooperation
4. Promoting innovation and creativity
5. Enhancing team performance and productivity
6. Improving leadership skills, problem-solving ability, organizational and communication skills of members
7. Building trust between team members

Contact (1) Full Name
Theodosiou Maria
Job Title
EduLarp Game Designer
Head of the organisation

Réseau des organisations de solidarité internationale France-Essonne

National Network

9 allée des Trèfles
91940 Les Ulis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

ROSI est un réseau d'organisations de solidarité internationale. ROSI France est l'organisation principale située dans le nord de Paris, et dans une volonté d'avoir une implantation locale de nos projets, nous avons créé notre antenne ROSI France-Essonne aux Ulis dans le sud de Paris.
Nous avons des délégations internationales au Maroc, au Sénégal, au Togo, en Côte d'Ivoire, en Tunisie et au Burkina Faso, ainsi, notre implication, notre éthique de travail et nos valeurs sont partagées avec les volontaires locaux à l'étranger. Une nouvelle antenne a été ouverte récemment dans le sud-est de Paris.
ROSI vise à

Mission and Objectives

Développer la mobilité des jeunes
Favoriser l'émancipation des quartiers populaires renforcer la coopération interculturelle et à consolider le dialogue social en rapprochant les jeunes du monde entier. Nous voulons que les jeunes Européens et les jeunes
Nous voulons que les jeunes Européens et les jeunes Africains se connectent afin de leur donner l'opportunité d'apprendre sur les autres et de grandir en tant qu'équipe et en tant qu'individus, contribuant ainsi à construire des sociétés plus inclusives. Une part importante de notre travail consiste à initier les jeunes aux actions de solidarité internationale et à la participation sociale active.
Notre implication locale se concentre sur les jeunes ayant des opportunités réduites : les jeunes des banlieues, souvent confrontés à des difficultés d'intégration sociale en raison du contexte multiculturel, des stéréotypes, de la discrimination ou de problèmes financiers.
ROSI développe ses activités au niveau local et international, et a fait des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement présentés par les Nations Unies ses propres objectifs, en travaillant à l'éradication de l'extrême pauvreté et de la faim, à l'éducation primaire universelle, à la promotion de l'égalité des sexes et à l'autonomisation des femmes et des jeunes.

Main Projects / Activities

Aux Ulis, ROSI a développé une série de projets dans plusieurs domaines : le volontariat avec des volontaires issus de l'immigration et des volontaires du Corps européen de solidarité qui travaillent avec des personnes âgées, des enfants et des jeunes ayant moins d'opportunités ; des projets spécifiques dédiés à l'égalité des sexes et à la violence non sexiste.

Des projets de construction d'infrastructures dans les pays en voie de développement comme les puits et des écoles.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je peux m'impliquer en étant force de proposition et de partager avec vous et les partenaires tous les projets que nous mettons en place.
Nous avons des compétences à faire valoir dans la méthodologie de projets d'envergure internationale dans différents domaines comme la jeunesse, le sport, la solidarité..
Nous pouvons partager ça avec les collègues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

J'aimerai joindre le réseau nationale de mon pays ainsi que celui de l'euro-méditérrannée afin de pouvoir profiter et faire profiter l'ensemble des partenaires pour des projets et actions d'envergures et faire profiter les territoires français notamment ceux issus des quartiers prioritaires et les quartiers populaires.

Permettre de faire des connexions sociales entre tous les milieux afin d'atteindre nos objectifs

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

NOIVA, non profit company

National Network

30 King Hussein Street
Zahran, Jabal Amman
Amman 11180

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Founder and President: Andi Kunz Board Members: Elsbeth Kunz, Andreas Herzog 2 Program Coordinators (Christoph Roggli, and Peacemaker courses/Anna Winkler, L.I.F.T Training, Learn2Live and Arab-UP) 1 Project Manager (Rebekka Roggli, Parenting courses and Peacemaker courses) Protection and Policy lead: Jeannette Roldan Protection and Systems Coordinator: Mohammad Al Ebraheem 1 Program Field Coordinator (Alexa Messing, Learn2Live and Arab-UP) 1 Project Field Supervisor (Lena Halaseh, Arab-UP Program Jordan Valley) 2 Project Field Officer (Maream Hassan, Arab-Up, Learn2Live in Mafraq, Ahmad Abdelmoti Alsubbagh, Mobile Dental Clinic) 1 Dentist (Mais Nassar AlRabbadi) 24 Educational Facilitators (Syrian and Jordanian Volunteers in Mafraq and Jordan Valley) Budgetary resources available in a year: 450'000 JOD Partners: Ma'addi Association for Charity Work, Bahit AlQasem, Ma'addi, Jordan Valley Karam al Mehsen Association, Khaled Al Mehsen, Al Twal al Shamali, Jordan Valley Mahaba fe Allah Association, Kefah Al Alaqmeh, Dear Alla, Jordan Valley Damj for communities, Ehab Bashtawi, Waqqas, Jordan Valley Al Asayl Community Center, Ali Arsan Obeidat, Mafraq City Dr Ghait al Sarhan Dental Clinic, Ghait al Sarhan, Mafraq Sources of funding: Sources of funding: NOIVA Non-profit Company (Jordan) is founded by the headquarter (Stiftung NOIVA) in Switzerland. NOIVA depends mostly on private donors, donations from companies and other organisations. Modalities of action: 2 running educational projects in Mafraq area with 15 learning groups (15 facilitators and 150 children) 1 planned education project in Jordan Valley with 9 learning groups (9 facilitators and 90 children) 5 running peace groups in Mafraq, Jordan Valley and Amman (45 participants) Band project with 3 foreign and 5 local musicians, singers and sound engineers 1 running mobile dental clinic, located in the North of Jordan

Mission and Objectives

The NOIVA Foundation has set itself the task of working in the Middle East region in such a way that a common vision for peaceful coexistence and reconciliation can emerge. As a Swiss organization, we see our function in mediating and developing a reconciliation strategy. We are committed to people who are willing to have a new experience regardless of political, cultural and religious boundaries: It is possible to give and gain trust despite everything, to build friendships, to realize joint projects that lead to new jobs and a new common perspective. Mutual appreciation and respect, despite all differences, will change the Middle East for good. Contrary to the common perception that "lasting peace" is an impossibility in this region, we are passionately committed to making it an example of friendship and charity in action.

Main Projects / Activities

Educational Initiative L.I.F.T.: Training, learning groups learn2live, Arab-UP L.I.F.T. are the educational projects of NOIVA. L.I.F.T. Training: we provide capacity building trainings for caretakers, volunteers and parents to empower them to assist their children in their education and emotional and social development -> see the attached documentation "L.I.F.T". learning groups learn2live (Math, Arabic and Life Skills), Arab-UP (Arabic and Life Skills): we train learning facilitators from the community, equip them with materials and manuals for basic Math, Arabic and Life Skills topics in order for them to tutor 3-4 times a week groups of 10 children from their neighbourhood in their homes or in a center. The facilitators are regularly trained and supervised by NOIVA staff and get compensated for their work. Currently we do have 15 groups running in Mafraq City. Another 9 groups are planned for Jordan Valley. -> see the attached documentations "NOIVA education initiative". Peacemaker Courses/Groups: The „connect“ initiative is gathering groups all over Jordan in sessions to engage them in peacemaker topics and empower them to be the change makers and peace builders in their families, neighbourhoods and communities. It is driven by the belief, that change starts in the heart and mind of people. -> see attached document "connect" Lightup.ME Music Project: Musicians from different backgrounds and nationalities join together to write, record, publish and perform songs and music that touch people's hearts. Peace is the overall message that is encouraged melodies, instruments and words. The songs are made available to a wide audience, primarily through social media. On social media platforms, specially built for this project, an exchange between people and an opportunity to share art is created - art that speaks of the hope that the future will be better than the present - art that speaks the language of forgiveness and reconciliation and aims for peace. Events will be organized in a context where on the one hand the created songs are performed, but on the other hand also offer a platform for other artists. Listen to the first song, HOPE on A "concert for peace" is planned in cooperation with King Hussein Foundation and the National Music Conservatory in September 2022. Mobile Dental Clinic: Dental care is a major problem in Jordan for the poorer sections of the population, to which most refugees belong. This starts with the often unbalanced diet and the lack of oral hygiene in everyday life. When a visit to the dentist is urgently needed, money is often lacking. NOIVA Health has recognized the great need for dental treatment and built a mobile dental clinic based on a former field hospital. The fold-out container is transported by truck and brings the dentists directly to those regions where they are most urgently needed. The mobile dental clinic is running since 2019. Around 2000 dental treatments are performed annually - tooth extraction, caries treatment, root canal therapy and dental hygiene. To prevent this from happening in the future, preventive work is being carried out.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are interested to support and complement ongoing efforts in peace building initiatives and non-formal education in the region with our trainings and courses. Music and Art are great tools to connect people and have the power to overcome walls and prejudices

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe we do have similar mission and vision statements and are working towards the same goal - empowering individuals and thus communities to be active catalysts towards a more open, inclusive and peaceful future. We believe that we have to join forces to amplify the voices of peace in a time such as this. We need to make another, new, hopeful reality visible and accessible for people than the narrative politics and media are portraying.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christoph Roggli
Job Title
Program Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Andi Kunz
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Winkler
Job Title (2)
Program Coordinator


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

INNOVABILTIA is a independet research and development company for the research of new business models for the Italian metaverse for an ethical and sustainable use of abiltianti technologies

Mission and Objectives

Independet esearch and development company for the research of new business models for the Italian metaverse for an ethical and sustainable use of abiltianti technologies
CEO and data scientist e ecosystem manager for research new business model of metaverse

Creative Designer e community manger of CHANGEGAMER community

Social Media Manager for ethical marketing campaign

Main Projects / Activities

we develop civil and social economy projects for the co-creation of an Italian metaverse generated on natural data and corresponding to the physical world: abiltianti technologies must be used with a new ethics and social responsibility for real sustainable progress
The process starts with distance cooperative experiential learning paths to meet in the physical world and celebrate the developments of a vtuale business model based on efficient and secure smart contracts
The project in working progress:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we want to organize hybrid events of the business models on metaverse
partnership with the ITALIAN NETWORK ANNA LINDH FOUNDATION and other italian partners

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we believe in the deals on which the foundation is based and on the development of new value realities in the onlife world thanks to a network of value

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Ecosystem Manager
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Marcello Betti
Job Title (2)
Creative Designer

Achbal Albahja

National Network

Hay Almasjed N°131
Sebt Gzoula
46150 Sebt Gzoula

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Ishbal Al-Bahja Association is concerned with the cultural, sports, environmental and development aspects. Its members are seven partners, elected councils and associations with the same goals. As for the most important projects implemented, there is a huge afforestation process for more than 200 trees, as well as annual football leagues, in addition to cultural competitions and free support lessons for students, blood donation operations and correction looking.....etc

Mission and Objectives

Local development and contribution to the fight against poverty and marginalization

Main Projects / Activities

Green spaces and school support in addition to cultural and sports activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can carry out any activity and gather a significant number of volunteers to make any network task a success

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to benefit from experience and expertise

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yassine mhirig
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
veterinary doctor

ΘΥΜΗΣΗΣ Εταιρεία Πολιτιστικών Δραστηριοτήτων και Ιστορικών Ερευνών - Α.Μ.Κ.Ε.

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Ο σκοπός της εταιρείας σύμφωνα με το καταστατικό της, είναι μη κερδοσκοπικός, αλλά γενικότερα οικονομικός κατά την έννοια του άρθρου 784 ΑΚ και συνίσταται κυρίως στην βελτίωση των υποδομών παιδείας, του πολιτισμού, της ιστορικής μελέτης, την διάδοση και διάσωση του πολιτισμού, της ιστορίας και των τεχνών σε όλη την Ελλάδα.

Mission and Objectives

Συγκεκριμένα σκοποί της εταιρείας είναι:
Η συλλογή, οργάνωση και διάδοση δημοσιευμένου και μη ιστορικού υλικού, αρχειακών τεκμηρίων και δεδομένων με σκοπό την προβολή του ιστορικού αποθέματος.
Η συλλογή, οργάνωση και διάδοση δημοσιευμένου και μη πολιτιστικού υλικού, αρχειακών τεκμηρίων και δεδομένων με σκοπό την προβολή του πολιτισμικού αποθέματος.
Η διεξαγωγή αρχειονομικών Προγραμμάτων με σκοπό την διάσωση και οργάνωσης του αρχειακού υλικού ιδρυμάτων, συνδέσμων, φορέων, δήμων, ναών και εταιριών και την καταγραφή της ιστορίας τους.
Η διεξαγωγή αρχειονομικών Προγραμμάτων με σκοπό την διάσωση και οργάνωσης προσωπικού αρχειακού υλικού συγγραφέων, βουλευτών, δημάρχων, ποιητών, καθηγητών πανεπιστημίου, λαογράφων, συλλεκτών κτλ και την καταγραφή της ιστορίας τους.
Η διοργάνωση ιστορικών, πολιτιστικών και θρησκευτικών περιπατητικών ξεναγήσεων / περιηγήσεων.
Η οργάνωση ημερίδων, συνεδρίων, θεατρικών παραστάσεων, συναυλιών, εκθέσεων και εκθέσεων φωτογραφίας.
Η οργάνωση και λειτουργία ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων μελέτης και ανάδειξης του Πολιτισμού και της Ιστορίας.
Η οργάνωση και λειτουργία ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων για τη Διάσωση Ιστορικών Τεκμηρίων και Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς.
Η οργάνωση και λειτουργία βιβλιοθήκης και site σχετικά με την Νεότερη Ιστορία, την Ιστορία της Τέχνης, την προφορική ιστορία, την οικονομική ιστορία, την ιστορία των επιχειρήσεων, την ποσοτική ιστορία, και τη μεθοδολογία της ιστορικής έρευνας.
Η έκδοση σε βιβλία, λευκωμάτων, CD, DVD και site των ερευνητικών αποτελεσμάτων και δράσεων.
Η συνεργασία με Δήμους και κυβερνητικούς κρατικούς οργανισμούς, με τοπικούς εθνικούς και διεθνείς οργανισμούς, με επιστημονικές οργανώσεις και επιχειρήσεις με στόχο την οργάνωση δικτύων πληροφόρησης και διάχυσης της ενημέρωσης σε θέματα αρχείων, μουσείων, βιβλιοθηκών και ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων.

Main Projects / Activities

Thimissis Scientific magazine

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Cultural & Research Coordinator


National Network

Avenue John Kennedy
40000 Marrakech

0661 19 98 26
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Promotion of femenin entrepreneurship i

Mission and Objectives

Training Networking Plaidoyer

Main Projects / Activities

Training Networking activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For share experiences and learn about success stiries

Contact (1) Full Name
Makssoud ezzaytouniya
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Entrelles Marrakech_Safi


National Network

103 Rue Ernest Renan
83000 Toulon

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Lyseconcept France, développe une biotechnologique d'épuration d'eau usée qui élimine 98 % des excréments. un procédé financé en interne par l'entité territoriale qui engrange des bénéfices réinvestis vers les plus démunis. un projet mondial avec un retour sur investissement immédiat au contraire de l'assainissement à fonds perdus la performance épuratoire de la biotechnologie provient du fait qu'elle active en son sein , une fonction épuratrice d'élimination définitive des matières organiques en suspension dans le liquide tout en diluant à plus de 80 % la toxicité bio chimique de l'urine qui ne produit plus d'ammoniaque. La biotechnologie est le seul outil de gestion d’épuration d’eaux usées qui active une fonction épuratrice biologique lui permettant d'éliminer tous les excréments pour produire un liquide contenant tous les ingrédients nécessaires à la fertilisation des terres cultivées, supprimant définitivement l'utilisation d'engrais chimiques.

Mission and Objectives

Un changement de paradigme concernant la gestion de l'eau usée. Le traitement d'un liquide ne dépend pas d'un processus séparatif par filtration comme c’est l’unique usage actuellement mais d'une fonction épuratrice biologique qui a le pouvoir délimiter-détruire définitivement les pollutions présentes dans un liquide. Cette fonction jamais découverte jusqu’à maintenant résout la problématique de la qualité l’eau dans le monde entier. l'eau en général est utilisée pour nettoyer afin de nous débarrasser de la saleté, elle ne sera pas nettoyée pour redevenir propre. le nettoyage par filtration retient les matières en suspension en proportion de son calibrage d'usine en laissant passer toutes les pollutions. – la boue, une masse de matière compacte est retenue en surface d'un filtre calibré très ouvert, pour ne pas colmater immédiatement. – le liquide traverse le filtre entrainant avec lui toutes les matières non retenues en suspension ainsi que toutes les pollutions dissoutes telles que: l'urine, les détergents, les désinfectants, les antibiotiques, les solvants chimiques, les acides, etc. l'assainissement – la fosse retient la matière en suspension qui sera quand même dispersée dans l'environnement sous diverses manières de vidangeage en déversant le liquide dans le sol. – l'assainissement collectif transfert du lieu de sa production l'eau usée collectée et regroupée sur une station, pour la disperser dans une étendue d'eau de surface. on ne constate donc dans aucun de ces deux procédés, une quelconque fonction de nettoyage, la gestion du volume en circulation étant limitée par le temps. Dans la fosse, le volume entrant ressort à l'identique. Sur la station, le volume sortant est proportionnel à la production du volume en attente d'entrée. Dans les deux cas l'eau circule en permanence. force est donc de constater qu’il n'existe aucun traitement de destruction des pollutions. Caractérisation d'un traitement soit faire circuler, soit éliminer, soit détruire. A- circuler par dispositif hydraulique, tout va dans l'environnement B- éliminer par dispositif séparatif, une grosse partie va dans l'environnement C- détruire définitivement hors sol dans le procédé la problématique de l'eau n'est donc pas dans son utilisation mais dans son nettoyage. en nettoyant l'eau, l'Afrique pourrait récupérer plus de 150 milliards de litres d'eau par jour pour arroser la végétation tout en détruisant définitivement la totalité des 12 000 tonnes excréments. Le traitement d’un liquide ne dépend pas d’un processus séparatif par filtration comme c’est l’unique usage actuellement mais d’une “fonction épuratrice biologique” qui a le pouvoir délimiter-détruire définitivement les pollutions biologiques présentes dans un liquide. Cette fonction jamais découverte jusqu’à maintenant résout la problématique de la qualité l’eau dans le monde entier.

Main Projects / Activities

Elaborer la documentation sur une invention et sur ses performances épuratoires Faire connaitre l'invention aviser les gouvernances mondiales qu'une biotechnologie peut mettre fin à la famine de partout sur terre

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je contribue déjà au réseau humanitaire en France. mais j'ai l'espoir de m'investir vers des pays moins développés dont la gestion de l'eau usée est une vraie problématique de santé publique en plus de pénurie alimentaire. c'est vrai qu'aujourd'hui je m'investie plus sur l'Afrique

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

j'ai eu l'occasion de participer à un forum à Marseille au Prado où j'ai rencontré de nombreuses associations avec qui j'ai échangé sur la question de l'eau usée. j'en étais encore au tout début de ma découverte. En 2022 je suis en mesure de travailler dans le monde entier avec une documentation très élaborée et surtout une certification scientifique qui démontre la performance épuratoire hors du commun de mon invention. l'assainissement dans le monde entier disperse toute la pollution domestique dans l'environnement car elle ne possède pas ce que possède ma biotechnologie: une fonction épuratrice biologique qui élimine à plus de 98% les excréments et fabrique un liquide fertilisateur des sols cultivés en réduisant la consommation d'eau mondiale journalière puisque l'eau consommée est recyclée immédiatement I had the opportunity to participate in a forum in Marseille at the Prado where I met many associations with whom I discussed the issue of waste water. I was still at the very beginning of my discovery. In 2022 I am able to work all over the world with very elaborate documentation and above all a scientific certification which demonstrates the extraordinary purification performance of my invention. worldwide sanitation disperses all household pollution into the environment because it doesn't have what my biotech has: a biological purifying function that eliminates more than 98% of excrement and produces a fertilizing liquid for cultivated soils by reducing daily global water consumption since the water consumed is immediately recycled

Contact (1) Full Name
jean Marius D'Alexandris
Job Title
Domestic waste water epuration and purification Biotechnology with immediate recycling
Head of the organisation
jean Marius D'Alexandris