United Equality / Förenad Jämlikhet

National Network

Lönebovägen 8
55631 Jönköping

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Swedish non-profit and non-governmental organisation with the aim of an equal world. We are based in Jönköping, Sweden which is in the middle of the nordic country.

Mainly focused on gender equality in different aspects within the society and spreading awareness with different projects.

Our organisation has been established by a group of youth that wants to make an impact in the world.

The vision that we share is an equal world where we have decided to mainly focus on the gender aspect as Sweden is one of the most successful countries in the topic. Therefore we have a vision to partner up with other organizations around the globe which share our mission so we together can make a change and learn from each other.

Mission and Objectives

United Equality / Förenad Jämlikhet have a mission to collect information as well as educating others with the help of youths in non-formal education and thereafter provide it for societies to make a change towards a brighter future with more equal rights which as well is a part of the United Nations SDGs. We believe that we can be united together for an improvement.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects is within non-formal education and Erasmus+ projects mainly focused on youths around the world. We are currently planning several projects to implement and share more information about gender equality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samuel Naumovski Vickius
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Samuel Naumovski Vickius
Contact (2) Full Name
Eman Khalif (Gothenburg-based)

Şahin Antakyalıoğlu

National Network

Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Caddesi Number 45/3
06532 Çankara/Ankara

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

End Child Sexual Exploitation of Children (ECPAT Türkiye) Association

Mission and Objectives

End Child Sexual Exploitation of Children

Main Projects / Activities

Lobby, Campaigne, Stratejik Litigiation, Training

Contact (1) Full Name
Şahin Antakyalıoğlu
Head of the organisation
President of ECPAT Türkiye

Suomen Palestiinalaisten Siirtokuntayhdistys ry

National Network

yllästunturintie 1 B 15
00970 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The palestinian immigrants comunity in Finland.
registration number 1585478-9

Mission and Objectives

wellbeing and integration of members into the Finnish society.
Cultural and heritage persevering as immigrant
Better connection with homeland and palestinians around the world especially in europe
support palestinians in refugee camps

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural education
Dabke dance project
cultural chior ( singing and dancing )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing cultural different events.
Organizing shows ( singing and dancing )
Organizing lecutrues to explain the palestinian problem and refugee issue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be a part of bigger organization ( umbrella organization ) and participate in your events and be a part of the team.

Contact (1) Full Name
wael cheblak
Job Title
Head of the organisation
wael cheblak
Contact (2) Full Name
yousef sheikh khalil

Tanweer movement

National Network

37085 Göttingen

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Tanweer Movement Tanweer movement is a non-governmental human organization (NGO), aims to create a humanist society believes in Tolerance and accepting others, and create connection and helpful partnership, between all the countries around the world, and reject the violence in all its forms, through spreading the principles of Human Rights, and Equality and non- discrimination,, through human rights projects and cultural and artistic activities. The movement started in Tripoli in 2013, it focuses its activities on Libya, and North Africa and the middle east generally. (MENA-Region). The organization seeking to spread its activities around the world, and extending its partnerships In every spot in the ground.

Mission and Objectives

Tolerance To promote and reinforce the principles of diversity, acceptance and tolerance among the society. Cultures communication To build global bridges of communication and constructive partnership between all cultures. Human Rights To Promote universal human rights values and total equality, To strengthen the role of civil society, to voice human rights defenders and activists’ concerns, in Libya and MENA region. and To create a safe space and platform for activists, human rights defenders and members of different minorities to have a voice and share experience and stories. Anti Violence Combating all types of violence and abuse, and pushing towards achieving global peace. Critical Mind Encouraging intellectual creativity and innovation by contributing into the building of the society’s critical mind beyond the bounds of any limits or restrictions. Equality To challenge and eliminate all forms of discrimination on grounds of race, colour, sexual orientation, gender, language, religion, views, nationality or social origins, economic background, birth or any other condition.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Elbukhari
Job Title
head of the organization
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Elbukhari
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
co founder

Positive YOUth

National Network

Doktor Dahlströms Gata 3
41326 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Staff of Positive YOUth are experienced coordinators and trainers who have been working with ERASMUS+ programme since it’s launch in 2014, and have been working with mindfulness since 2014 as trainers thus they are ready to combine ERASMUS+ and mindfulness and bring the benefits to Swedish community.

Our team members are united by passion for youth work and brings in their personal passions into the field, such as mindfulness, UX, photography medicine, wellbeing, research...

By working together we support each others passions and create the environment for dreams to come true. Mehdy Khayyami, UX designer, currently collaborating with SOS Villages and working with immigrant communities in Sweden to promote a healthy lifestyle through the app.

Ieva Ugne Ulianskaite, practitioner of mindfulness and meditation in youth work with lawyers education, working with mindfulness and ERASMUS+ projects since 2013. Herself, being an EVS volunteer, ERASMUS student, Erasmus young entrepreneur as well as participant and coordinator in numerous YiA and E+ projects.


Mission and Objectives

“If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.”– Yogi Bhajan

Positive YOUth is a non-profit organisation striving to bring more positivity through self-development opportunities for local communities. We are looking for diverse self-development tools to support the innovative non-formal education method of mindfulness and use it for transforming our often critical minds into positive, passionate and We do it by starting with one single individual in the mirror - YOU. Positive mind is a source of physical well-being, tranquility, happiness and success which describes the best of our philosophy - to become the best versions of ourselves in order to inspire the peers and build supportive communities for a better future, for ourselves and the ones around.

Our vision is to together grow a supportive community of people, committed to lifelong learning and self-development in order to live a little bit more meaningful, mindful, sustainable and positive lives. Therefore, besides empowering communities, our staff is constantly working on their own development in order to fulfill this vision.

Based on the passions of our team members, our activities focus on bringing self-development tools like mindfulness into youth work. We have a strong partnership with NGO World Peace Initiative providing self-development tools and certifications in meditation, mindfulness as well as coaching our team members to constantly increase the quality of mindfulness tools in youth work..

Our team members have been involved in ERASMUS+ since it's launching in 2014, as EVS volunteers, project coordinators and trainers. Besides, team members have a strong established network of NGOs in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, which is supporting NGO in project development and bringing the most benefits for the local community.

Main Projects / Activities

Positive YOUth is a member of international partner consortiums which have successfully implemented projects on the topics of mindfulness, wellbeing, sustainability, sports, leadership, digitalization, integration and others. We are committed to the belief that any human can reach their best self if they are given the space and enough attention to understand their power and importance in this world. This is how we work - by watering one person after another until they become role models to pay it forward and water their communities. We bring a lot to the table but our experience is focused on: Educational trainings for youths and youth educators; ERASMUS+ KA2 (partners) Community workshops on self-development Mentoring/Coaching for youth NGOs.

Locally, we are working with diverse migrant groups (economic, social, geographical) introducing tools of mindfulness through regular support meetings, mentorships, online consultations and support. We are working with Öppet Hus and Folkuniversitetet SFI course groups in order to involve NEET migrants into activities, prevent exclusion and build a new generation of group leaders, besides we provide one on one mentorship online and via meetings and introduce E+ and project management to fresh youth organisations in Sweden.

We are proud of examples like Somali organisations HOPE. SSUF, ASOV, Mustaqbal Foundation, as well as migrant organisation Self-development center, which were formed by migrant groups coached by our youth workers and are beautiful examples of the meaning of our work.

Our Projects: https://positiveyouthngo.weebly.com/projects.html

E+ YE 2018 “Be Positive! Be Healthy” (applicant Positive YOUth)

E+ KA2 2018 “Youth resource centre for employability, entrepreneurship education and community development”

E+ KA2 2019 “Migration to Integration”

E+ KA2 2018 “GO Alive”

E+ YE 2019 “Throwback to Traditions, United through Sports”

E+ YE 2019 “Boosting Self-Confidence”

E+ TC 2019 “Transformations: Potentials to Reality”

E+ YE 2019 “Active Youth for Europe”

E+ YE 2019 “Sustainability 4 Positive Change”

E+ YE 2020 “Heal”

E+ TC 2020 “Mindful Erasmus+ Leaders”

E+ YE 2020 “Volunteering: Changing Lives, Changing Communities”

E+ KA2 2020 “Out with Burnout”

E+ YE 2020 “Green Go”

E+ TC 2021 "Guided by Nature"

E+ YE 2021 "Mindfulness for the Planet"

E+ YE 2021 "Resilient and Green Communities"

E+ KA2 "You(th) in the Moment"

Contact (1) Full Name
Mehdy Khayyami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mehdy Khayyami
Contact (2) Full Name
Ieva Ugne Ulianskaite
Job Title (2)


National Network

Avenue Louise , 203
1050 Bruxelles

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Organisation d’économie sociale

Mission and Objectives

Favoriser le dialogue interculturel

Main Projects / Activities

Formation / insertion dans la Culture

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participation aux activités

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Very close objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacques Remacle
Job Title
Administrateur délégué
Head of the organisation
Jacques Remacle


National Network

Montignystraat 34
2018 Antwerpen

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Voem vzw is an inclusive, socio-cultural organisation that connects people and organisations across borders through art, culture and social engagement.

Mission and Objectives

Voem believes in the positive power of socio-cultural encounters in super-diversity. As a bridge builder, we want to strive for unity in diversity and diversity in unity. We do this by connecting, deepening and reinforcing the super-diversity of talents in the wider society. In this way, we show a nuanced picture of the human being in all his layers, which leads to a feeling of positive securityamong a wide audience. Together, we are moving forward in a sustainable, inclusive, pluralistic way.

Main Projects / Activities

Emancipatieprijs / Veggie = Halal / Internationale Iftars / Beyond The Lines Kalligraffiti / Slam Aleikum / Interfaith Dialoog / Workshops in prisons / Yalla / We Need To Talk About It

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organize events Give visibility Connect with others

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Been longtime members To connect with organizations worldwide

Contact (1) Full Name
Badra Djait
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Badra Djait
Contact (2) Full Name
Lennart Thienpont
Job Title (2)

اتحاد الجمعيات الخيرية لمحافظة اربد Union Irbid

National Network

اربد - شارع الملك طلال
اربد 21110

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. Youth and education
General Information

نبذة عن االتحاد : تأسس االتحاد في عام 1958 ويعتبر هيئة اهلية تطوعية له شخصية اعتبارية قانونية ويخضع لاحكام قانون الجمعيات والهيئات الاجتماعية رقم 33 لسنة 1986 ويضم 382 جمعية خيرية في محافظة اربد .

Mission and Objectives

الغايات واالهداف : 1 -الاشراف على المصالح المشتركة للجمعيات المنضمة الى االتحاد وارشادها وتوجيهها بما يحقق اهدافها المشتركة 2 -تنسيق جهود الجمعيات والعمل على تحسين مستوى خدماتها وتشجيع انشاء جمعيات جديدة في منطقة اعمال االتحاد لتقديم خدمات اجتماعية تحتاجها المنطقة 3 -وضع السياسة العامة للخدمات المشتركة للجمعيات المكونة له 4 -تمكين وتشبيك الجمعيات مع منظمات العمل االنساني المحلية والعالمية لرفد عمل الجمعيات والحصول على افضل الخدمات للمجتمع المحلي والالجئين 5 -تقديم المساعدات المالية والعينية للمحتاجين من المجتمع المحلي والالجئين والمتضررين من الكوارث الطبيعية والنكبات .

Main Projects / Activities

نحن كممثلين عن الجمعيات الخيرية نبحث عن شراكات فعالة مع منظمات العمل االنساني والمؤسسات التي تدعم العمل المجتمعي والتي من الممكن ان تساعد في تحسين وتطوير المهارات وتمكين القدرات للمجتمع المحلي والالجئين على حد سواء ومساعدتهم في التغلب على التحديات التي تواجههم , حيث تعمل المؤسسة على تقديم كافة الخدمات سواء الخدمات الصحية وخدمات الصحة النفسية وتمكين المرأة وحماية الطفل والمهارات الحياتية والحرف اليدوية ودعم المشاريع البيئية والزراعية والتنموية للجمعيات واالفراد , ونحن نؤمن في المؤسسة ان العمل الجماعي والتشاركي يمكن ان يرفع ويشكل نموذجا للعمل المجتمعي المتكامل والفعال وأليماننا العميق بهذه المبادئ فأننا نبحث عن الشراكات مع المنظمات صاحبة الخبرة والكفاءة على المستوى المحلي والعالمي لتقديم الخدمات بأفضل طريقة .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

سيساهم الاتحاد في الشبكة في الاردن من خلال الجمعيات التي تعمل تحت مضلته حيث سيتم اشراك هذه الجمعيات في الانشطة وتعميم التجربة عليها

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لان شبكة انا ليند تتولى مسؤولية الحوار بين الثقافات و تضم 300 منظمة فانن في اتحاد الجمعيات الخيرية لمحافظة اربد نؤكد على عمق الرسالة التي تتبناها شبكة انا ليند ونحرص على التواصل الدائم بين الثقافات مما يسهل عمليات التواصل ويوثق الترابط بين هذه الثقافات

Contact (1) Full Name
مظفر علي صالح الزعبي
Job Title
رئيس قسم المنح والمشاريع
Head of the organisation
صلاح محمد يوسف الزعبي

University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hrasnička cesta 3a
71210 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (the University SSST) was opened in October 2004 in Sarajevo as the first private University in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dedicated to providing internationally competitive education, SSST established collaboration with the University of Buckingham (United Kingdom), and is today the only private University in BiH offering its graduates a dual degree. Through this collaboration, SSST is the only University in the region of South-Eastern Europe monitored by the UK's Quality Assurance Agency. University SSST employs internationally educated academic staff currently numbering 112 members. SSST along with its founding MET Foundation are offering a number of scholarships, with the possibility of extending the scholarship decision, subject to the candidate meeting of all the requirements stipulated by the SSST Scholarship Rules and Regulations, with more then 10 international partners and organizations providing full and partial scholarships. With more then 50 universities, research institutes and facilities acting as partners in projects as well as curricular activities, SSST boast a significant collaborative network engaged within various granting schemes, mainly European Union (Erasmus+ programs) and other similar opportunities.

Mission and Objectives

The main mission of the University SSST is to offer an internationally acclaimed, high-quality education on par with highest rated word universities. To fulfil its mandate for excellence, the University SSST has put together an internationally educated and ambitious Faculty, many of whose members come to us from the world's leading universities (MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Georgetown, and Imperial College). The Faculty is actively engaged in research projects within their fields, remaining at the forefront of their profession’s advances both in terms of research and innovative teaching methodology. Our University employs one professor for every four students – the highest ratio in the region and wider – while our system of academic advising ensures that professors and teaching assistants are available for daily consultations and are charged with individual monitoring of each student's academic progress. The University SSST curriculum, taught entirely in English language, seeks not only to transfer technical skills and academic knowledge but also to build confident and globally-minded graduates, prepared for the challenging international environment. SSST is one of the top regional universities, ranked #571-580 in QS World University Rankings 2019.

Main Projects / Activities

List of projects:
SSST 599856
Jean Monnet Network “Migration and Asylum Policies Systems” – MAPS
Jean Monnet September 2019-May 2022 (extended due to COVID-19) BEN 300.000,00 EUR https://mapsnetwork.eu/

SSST 598307
Enhancing and Validating Service-Related Competencies in Versatile Learning Environments in Western Balkan Universities – E-VIVA
January 2019 – December 2021 BEN 57.995,00 EUR https://evivaproject.eu/

SSST 587516
Jean Monnet Network “Democratization and Reconciliation in the Western Balkans”
Jean Monnet
October 2017 – October 2020 BEN 34.600 EUR n/a

SSST 561485
Curriculum Development joint European Political Science MA (EuroPS)
October 2015 -October 2017 BEN 85.181 EUR https://euro-ps.org/

SSST 101050180
International Master in Virtual Reality Production - IMVRP February 2022 - COO 55.000 EUR TBD

SSST 101047782
European Public Health and Migrations - EUPHAM March 2022 - COO 14.000 EUR https://eupham.org/

SSST 101060145 –
HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-02 - 01 - Twinning Western Balkans Special
Equality Diversity and Inclusion for Research Enhancement in Bosnia Herzegovina - EDIRE
September 2022 - COO 333,250 EUR TBD

SSST 101055818 - CREA-CULT-2021-COOP - Life and environment of Women Leaders in Western Balkans History in Virtual Reality - SHELeadersVR 2022- BEN 19.821,31 EUR TBD

101060145 2022- COO 333,250.00 EUR -

SSST HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01 - Building Gender Equality through gender budgeting for Institutional Transformation – BUDGET IT
101094391 2022- BEN 125,060.00 EUR -

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With its policies of open dialogue and continuing academic exploration of existing public narratives, especially in the context of war-stricken Bosnia-Herzegovina that is still suffocating in post-war traumas and recurring nationalistic turmoil almost three decades post-war, the University SSST is deeply committed to empowering new voices, especially within its existing Political Science and International Relations Faculty, to engage and inspire change within its own micro communities and wider. This is why the University SSST is adamant in spearheading various research activates and projects concerning vulnerable groups (such as migrant and migration phenomena which has now reached a critical phase especially in the Western Balkans, but also now in Western Europe with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict) and reexamining national politics within the global context. We believe that activities already rooted in the University programs are mirroring the ALF's efforts on an international scale, as our students are not just active within the proposed project activities of our departments, but also develop social consciousness early on which enables them to be progressive and effective in creating positive change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that membership to the ALF Network, besides participating in a wide-range, strong and cohesive network for enabling positive change in policymaking processes, would provide us with the opportunity to engage with similar organizations with research background, enhancing possibilities for a more substantial impact through project activities on a lager scale. The University SSST is also the initiator of the Mediterranean Forum, previously known as Dubrovnik Talks, an event created to provide a unique geopolitical and scientific platform addressing global economic, political and scientific issues in the context of Mediterranean area. This international conference has been involving various researchers in social, medical, natural, computer and other sciences since 2017, and has particularly been focused on migrant crisis in the region, with the aim of establishing potential policy solutions in a growing humanitarian crisis. We trust that our University's mission and vision are compatible with the overall purpose of the ALF Network, and we are looking forward to establishing mutually beneficial collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasmina Bajramović
Job Title
International Cooperation and Research Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Professor Vjekoslav Domljan, Rector
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Savić Bojanić
Job Title (2)
Political Science and International Relations Faculty Dean

University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hrasnička cesta 3a
71210 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (the University SSST) was opened in October 2004 in Sarajevo as the first private University in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dedicated to providing internationally competitive education, SSST established collaboration with the University of Buckingham (United Kingdom), and is today the only private University in BiH offering its graduates a dual degree. Through this collaboration, SSST is the only University in the region of South-Eastern Europe monitored by the UK's Quality Assurance Agency. University SSST employs internationally educated academic staff currently numbering 112 members. SSST along with its founding MET Foundation are offering a number of scholarships, with the possibility of extending the scholarship decision, subject to the candidate meeting of all the requirements stipulated by the SSST Scholarship Rules and Regulations, with more then 10 international partners and organizations providing full and partial scholarships. With more then 50 universities, research institutes and facilities acting as partners in projects as well as curricular activities, SSST boast a significant collaborative network engaged within various granting schemes, mainly European Union (Erasmus+ programs) and other similar opportunities.

Mission and Objectives

The main mission of the University SSST is to offer an internationally acclaimed, high-quality education on par with highest rated word universities. To fulfil its mandate for excellence, the University SSST has put together an internationally educated and ambitious Faculty, many of whose members come to us from the world's leading universities (MIT, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Georgetown, and Imperial College). The Faculty is actively engaged in research projects within their fields, remaining at the forefront of their profession’s advances both in terms of research and innovative teaching methodology. Our University employs one professor for every four students – the highest ratio in the region and wider – while our system of academic advising ensures that professors and teaching assistants are available for daily consultations and are charged with individual monitoring of each student's academic progress. The University SSST curriculum, taught entirely in English language, seeks not only to transfer technical skills and academic knowledge but also to build confident and globally-minded graduates, prepared for the challenging international environment. SSST is one of the top regional universities, ranked #571-580 in QS World University Rankings 2019.

Main Projects / Activities

List of projects:
SSST 599856
Jean Monnet Network “Migration and Asylum Policies Systems” – MAPS
Jean Monnet September 2019-May 2022 (extended due to COVID-19) BEN 300.000,00 EUR https://mapsnetwork.eu/

SSST 598307
Enhancing and Validating Service-Related Competencies in Versatile Learning Environments in Western Balkan Universities – E-VIVA
January 2019 – December 2021 BEN 57.995,00 EUR https://evivaproject.eu/

SSST 587516
Jean Monnet Network “Democratization and Reconciliation in the Western Balkans”
Jean Monnet
October 2017 – October 2020 BEN 34.600 EUR n/a

SSST 561485
Curriculum Development joint European Political Science MA (EuroPS)
October 2015 -October 2017 BEN 85.181 EUR https://euro-ps.org/

SSST 101050180
International Master in Virtual Reality Production - IMVRP February 2022 - COO 55.000 EUR TBD

SSST 101047782
European Public Health and Migrations - EUPHAM March 2022 - COO 14.000 EUR https://eupham.org/

SSST 101060145 –
HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-02 - 01 - Twinning Western Balkans Special
Equality Diversity and Inclusion for Research Enhancement in Bosnia Herzegovina - EDIRE
September 2022 - COO 333,250 EUR TBD

SSST 101055818 - CREA-CULT-2021-COOP - Life and environment of Women Leaders in Western Balkans History in Virtual Reality - SHELeadersVR 2022- BEN 19.821,31 EUR TBD

101060145 2022- COO 333,250.00 EUR -

SSST HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01 - Building Gender Equality through gender budgeting for Institutional Transformation – BUDGET IT
101094391 2022- BEN 125,060.00 EUR -

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With its policies of open dialogue and continuing academic exploration of existing public narratives, especially in the context of war-stricken Bosnia-Herzegovina that is still suffocating in post-war traumas and recurring nationalistic turmoil almost three decades post-war, the University SSST is deeply committed to empowering new voices, especially within its existing Political Science and International Relations Faculty, to engage and inspire change within its own micro communities and wider. This is why the University SSST is adamant in spearheading various research activates and projects concerning vulnerable groups (such as migrant and migration phenomena which has now reached a critical phase especially in the Western Balkans, but also now in Western Europe with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict) and reexamining national politics within the global context. We believe that activities already rooted in the University programs are mirroring the ALF's efforts on an international scale, as our students are not just active within the proposed project activities of our departments, but also develop social consciousness early on which enables them to be progressive and effective in creating positive change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that membership to the ALF Network, besides participating in a wide-range, strong and cohesive network for enabling positive change in policymaking processes, would provide us with the opportunity to engage with similar organizations with research background, enhancing possibilities for a more substantial impact through project activities on a lager scale. The University SSST is also the initiator of the Mediterranean Forum, previously known as Dubrovnik Talks, an event created to provide a unique geopolitical and scientific platform addressing global economic, political and scientific issues in the context of Mediterranean area. This international conference has been involving various researchers in social, medical, natural, computer and other sciences since 2017, and has particularly been focused on migrant crisis in the region, with the aim of establishing potential policy solutions in a growing humanitarian crisis. We trust that our University's mission and vision are compatible with the overall purpose of the ALF Network, and we are looking forward to establishing mutually beneficial collaboration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasmina Bajramović
Job Title
International Cooperation and Research Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Professor Vjekoslav Domljan, Rector
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Savić Bojanić
Job Title (2)
Political Science and International Relations Faculty Dean